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Does anyone like the mastery system?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thuras.4537


I’m not a big fan of masteries and I don’t feel it brings real progression to my character(s)
For one..masteries are account wide. Why does my alt suddenly know Itzel lore when he’s never been to HoT before ?
Second, some masteries are too specific for only one map. I hated spending my well earned mastery point on a (Imo) useless skill only to get map completion.
Third : It’s mostly achievement driven and not XP driven. I’m not much of an achievement gatherer, but the system is forcing me into being one.
Last : I dislike they way some people use the mastery rank as a measure tool. The mastery rank doesn’t tell anything about one’s playing style and skills.

When I first heard about the mastery system and how it would allow your characters to grow I was thinking about things like ; maybe you can unlock a 2% buff increase on healing or a 1% crit bonus when using sword and shield.
You know, things that could make characters more diverse ( a bit like planar attunement in Rift).

I know it is a way to keep people playing the game and unlocking more stuff, but I feel it could have been so much more.

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The new JP [Merged]

in Living World

Posted by: thuras.4537


Same here, I usually keep away from JP’s until my wife told me this one was different and a lot better.. and she was right

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Thankyou ArenaNet. . . Again!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thuras.4537


Thanks for your post, I love reading stuff like this

Congrats with the baby!
guess you’ll have to buy another copy of the game though

I can still remember me and my (now) wife were busy with the Cathederal of Eternal Radiance meta in Malchor’s Leap when her water broke.
We had to wait for help to arrive so we thought we might as well finish the meta event before delivering our son to this world :p

Number two is due in a couple of weeks

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[Suggestion] Char Feats.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thuras.4537


feats is actually a pretty common abbreviation
Just try and type “new feats” into a google search bar for example.

but On topic :
Although I think creating a fat Asura could be fun to watch, I do think you’d be putting your character on a diet after trying the first jumping puzzle with him/her and notice 60% of the screen is covered by his/her body

Seeing a Charr burn gives a whole new perspective to the word charcoal

transmutation stones

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thuras.4537


jup, clunky system, which keeps me away from changing skins.

Seeing a Charr burn gives a whole new perspective to the word charcoal

About these journals:

in Living World

Posted by: thuras.4537


yes please, it would save a lot of space in my bank

Seeing a Charr burn gives a whole new perspective to the word charcoal

April 1, 2017

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thuras.4537


Ooh I really ,really loved the 2011 april fools joke; introducing the new commando class.
So what about giving us those armor and weapon skins for a day

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Quaggans out-diversifying humans -.-

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thuras.4537


Next expansion we’ll have a new playable race : Quaggan :p

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Bug on mordremoth?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: thuras.4537


Yup had the same problem here when helping out a friend with this fight.
Nothing happenend after we opened the rift in the last phase..pretty kitten annoying

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Purpose of 3 Legendary allies in Personal ...

in Living World

Posted by: thuras.4537


Ahhh yes, the companions..
I think they are known as being legendary because they are awesome when it comes to;

-getting stuck behind a tree
-dying after getting hit by a normal chicken
-not helping you in fights
-delivering cool one-liners against dead enemies after not having lift a finger during the combat.

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Raids and build snobbery

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thuras.4537


It’s the reason I stopped doing dungeons and raids in mmo’s.

Back in the days of old Dungeons and raids used to be played because of the thrill and adventure. Somewhere along the road someone picked up a stopwatch and others started to fill the internet with “the best way to beat X boss” and all hell broke loose

I have a build which I find fun to play and I’m not changing that because other people demand you to play your class a specific way. Yes sadly this means I’m not gonna enter a raid or dungeon soon, but so be it.
To each his own I say. I personally like to see a lot of different builds in an mmo, it makes the mmo feel more lively.
I remember loving the different combo’s you could get when getting a few different builds together.

It’s also a never ending battle, on one side people want endless build varities with every class, on the other side people want a meta build for each class, thus killing the build variety.

Shame though that Anet pushes people into raids when they want full masteries and a working XP bar (somehow it works on your psyche) .

Seeing a Charr burn gives a whole new perspective to the word charcoal

Beyond Brisban: Will We Ever Get There?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thuras.4537


They say they are working on it forever, but I don’t really see any progress. So I’m guessing they’re slacking.
It serves them right that the portal isn’t working :p

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Can you please fix spawned items?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thuras.4537


spawning items on top of some other interacable object is almost as annoying as typing with CAPS.

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Before you hammer Druids into oblivion...

in PvP

Posted by: thuras.4537


I think all around they need to look at each class and vanilla builds.

It would be nice to go back to the old trait system where you had 5 trait lines. Might increase diversity? Having 3 is kinda boring and means the same ole builds IMO.

Yes, I love the old system.
I really had to get used to the new "Dumbed down "version

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Token Asian Guy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thuras.4537


Is Asia a type of plant/ Sylvari ?
And if Marjory a Sylvari in disguise ?

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Event in Wizard's Fief?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thuras.4537


That tower would be a cool place for a dungeon

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Bring Back the GW1 Skillsets

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thuras.4537


You can’t bring something back which was never in the game to start with.

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Crown Pavillon

in Living World

Posted by: thuras.4537


Yeah shame it’s only there, collecting dust.

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Anet can we please have a test server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thuras.4537


I think adding a public test server wouldn’t change much. It’s still not the same as a live enviroment. People will never play 1000+ hours on a test server, craft a legendary item, buy gems, invest in crafting or gear.
Nor would you get the same amount of players on the test servers to have it reflect the live situation when it comes to load balancing and performance.

Being in the client + database management for about 12 years now I can tell you that about 87 to 93% of the bugs are found during testing in our facility the rest is found in production because of situation you could never have imagined during testing.

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I forgot to say thank you...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thuras.4537


I believe the green commander tags caused the soulbound bug which led to the roll back

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Caudecus not in throne room anymore.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thuras.4537


Omg.. maybe the Logan in the Seraph Headquarters isn’t the real Logan……an Imposter, or his evil twin brother.

or just a little “Oops” from Anet

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Caithe. (LVS3 Possible Spoilers)

in Living World

Posted by: thuras.4537


I stopped trusting her. Left up to me, I wouldn’t let her within two zones of the egg or three zones of the pale tree.

  • She conspired with another sylvari to hide a secret, denying her race and even its leaders/elders a chance to choose their own destiny.
  • When confronted with the threat, she kept that secret, despite the fact that it obviously had huge potential to impact decisions made by her friends, the Commander, the Marshall, the Pact, and Tyria generally.
  • She unilaterally decided that she knew better than anyone else how to protect the egg.
  • She fails to show up to Eir’s funeral.
  • She waits until the commander (aka Poohbah) is in danger before even attempting an apology. And let’s be clear: it wasn’t an apology. In effect, she said she’s sorry she got caught and that she’d make the same choices again.

well said!

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Vendor All Minor Runes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thuras.4537


would be a nice option, they always clog up my inventory after salvaging

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Advanced design technics

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thuras.4537


Agreed. in large squad that frame is hardly visible. I would give a few other suggestions though:

  • Instead of a highlight frame: Make your own square copper instead of green.
  • Highlight commanders with the tag colour.
  • Give the commander a golden frame that glow when hovering the mouse over the squad window.
  • Highlight Lieutenants with a Silver frame that glow when hovering the mouse over the squad window.
  • Give Lieutenants a Lieutenant tag.
  • Give the commander an option to mark subgroups with number tags that only those who are in the subgroup can see.

This would mean that

  • If you’re the commander, you’ll have a copper square with a golden highlight glow.
  • If you’re lieutenant you’ll have a copper square with a silver highlight glow.
  • If you’re just a squad member, you’ll have a copper square with no high light glow.
  • If you’re just a squad member, the lieutenants and commander is easy to locate.


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An alternative to new races.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thuras.4537


The Friend of Steve subrace sounds pretty darn cool

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How many Precursors have you found?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thuras.4537


playing 4 years.
mystic toilet = 0
playing = 0

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Dragon Stand really could use some change

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: thuras.4537


It’s a bit long indeed, but I really like the DS Meta.
The only thing I would like to see changed is the lanes. They are way to similar.

Maybe they did this because this way you don’t have any problems with filling a lane, like on some other meta’s. Because now there are no other tactics or skills required.

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[Suggestion] Ability to disable gliding.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thuras.4537


And here I was thinking I was the only one having this problem. My GF is always laughing at me when I sabotage myself in a jumping puzzle, because somehow she never has this problem

So yes please, a toggle button (on/off) for this would be awesome.

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Confused (returning player)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: thuras.4537


Yes I do agree that the HoT maps have a few design flaws, which you need to get used to. I still get lost once in a while on a couple of maps :p
But I believe Anet has learned a lot since, I find the new map (although it’s a bit small) A lot better.

I’ve played several other MMO’s and I have never seen GW2 as a grind game. I never needed to stay in one area killing the same mobs over and over again for hour after hour. I just enter a map walk around exploring, enjoy the graphics and scenery. Doing some events along the way or stick around to help with the Meta and before I know it I had the entire map done and had enough xp to unlock several masteries and had also recieved several mastery points. Using food and toll buff also helps.

Gearwise : I’m still in Exotics for about 80% (found a few Ascended pieces thanks to meta events)
I look at Ascended gear like I look at cars; with a bit of work everybody can drive a nice Volvo or Opel (exotic)
It takes a lot of work before you can afford the new Audi model (Ascended) and even ( a shii**load) more time and work to get enough to buy a Ferrari 250 GT (legendary).

You can still play all of the game without ascended or Legendary gear. But yes it’s very cool to have it. But would it still be cool to have if you could get it with no effort at all ?

And yes the HoT maps are a bit harder, but it never kept me from getting somewhere.
There is always lfg of map chat to give a shout out for help.

But yes, it can be a bit of a culture shock when you’ve been away for quite a while. I had the same thing about 2 months ago, just give it a bit of time.

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Bring back old dailies

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thuras.4537


Yes Anet, go away with your dailies and just give us the 2 gold!
Having to log in is already hard enough, do you actually want us to walk around and do something in the game ?


I’m not a PVP fan and I have never even had to enter PvP to get my “new” Daily

I did however like the old dailies a bit more since you could get more AP’s when doing more dailies and it had more options
But hey I also liked the monthly.

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State of guardians in PVE

in Guardian

Posted by: thuras.4537


Well my build is kinda slow on dps and as always people tend to make fun of it, or even state I’m useless and I don’t know how to play the game.
But to be honest, I don’t care that much and I simply enjoy the game buffing and healing the kitten out of everything ^^

but yeah it doen’s really get you in a lot of raids

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Sugg: New game mode to kill waves of mobs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thuras.4537


Yea I was thinking of Last stand mode in dawn of war 2


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Sugg: New game mode to kill waves of mobs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thuras.4537


Yes something like this but it felt a bit to short

would be cool to see something like this in different forms
-endless mode : lets see how far you and your group get and how many waves you can defeat
-last man standing : defeating wave after wave as a team is cool, but winning when you are the sole survivor is even cooler

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The lag since the last patch is terrible.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: thuras.4537


Hmm I haven’t noticed anything changed tbh.
Tried checking for new VGA drivers and/or Networkcard drivers and rebooting your modem/router ?

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GW2 screenshot album. Beta, headstart, 2012

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thuras.4537


ahhhh the good old times..
I remember the Southsun cove events..kitten that lag..
But it was a really cool event, seeing so many players together to get the dirty job done

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Need more explorable areas in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thuras.4537


Ahhh yes that feeling of exploring and finding something new and maybe something no other player has seen yet because it’s not a POI.
I do miss that quite a bit.

The current maps have several spots with “unfinished business” which would be great leads into new ares.

Where does the gate in Garenhoof in Kessex hills lead to?
Or even how does the Dominion of the winds, behind the great wall to the south of Kessex hills look like now ?.
When do we get to meet Isgarren?

But one or 2 maps that have nothing to do with the new living story but are just out there for us to explore would be awesome.

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Save and Load builds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thuras.4537


I would love this feature!
It would make things so much easier.
I now have screenshots of all my different builds for all my characters in a folder

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Laura D*lviano, The Angel of Maguuma

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: thuras.4537


This is awesome!

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Jumping Feedback Thread

in Living World

Posted by: thuras.4537


I’m not playing an MMO to do jumping puzzles. I have platform games for those.
I get no fun out of them and I normally avoid them.
Having jumping stuff in the game as an option for those who like it is fine by me, ther is loads of stuff to do besides the jumping and puzzling.
Forcing the jumping/ aspects upon people as the only way to explore the map is another thing which I really dislike.

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Where does Scarlet get her resources?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: thuras.4537


simple : Black Lion Trading company :-p

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Suggestion : unlocking new content

in Living World

Posted by: thuras.4537


Hey there,
I have no idea if this has been placed before (did a bit of searching but didn’t find anything) so here goes.

First of all I love the idea of people working together, not only in a guild but server-wide, they don’t call it an mmo for nothing, right. But there can also be a down-side to this which we have seen in encounters like tequatl, marionette and the 3-headed wurm. Only a few players can screw up the entire event so all will fail. Although I must add that Marionette is a bit more forgiving than the other 2.

so here is an idea I had about letting people work together in a different way. Not simply to get loot, but the chance to explore new stuff.

Maybe it’s best if I explain the idea by example.
in the current city of Lions Arch (no idea how this will be after the 18th :-) ) there is a location called Coriolis plaze (
Now what if a new big scale event (call it living story if you want) would be triggered at a certain point in which players would have to gather certain materials (smaller events around the world), craft specific items and do some research (smaller events around the world) or some pre-exploring with mobile portals (mini instanced events)to get these new portals activated.
a bar in the gui would give the current progress of the event.
In this way people can participate in the event but can do it in a way they like best (crafting, farming, exploring, puzzling)
The Living story would start game-wide but progress would be server based, so one server could unlock the new content sooner than another server.

This event would take at least a week or two before the research and materials have reached 100%. and the next phase would start.
When the event is a succes the new portal or portals would be activated and people can explore the new content. and ofcourse all who participated get rewarded some achievements and loot like with every living story we have had so far.

ps. Yes, english is not my mother language, so this text might contain several spelling errors. No need to comment about it. I’m not asking for a lesson in english spelling, I’m simply putting up my idea on this forum.

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RE: Changing the face of Tyria "forever"

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: thuras.4537


Hell yes I want this!
I want to play an mmo that feels more alive.
I don’t want the same tree, the same npc and the same quest to be in the same exact place everytime I pass with any of my characters. I still feel that not everyone has to have the exact same experience in an mmo.
Wouldn’t it be cool if a new player came along stating what a nice place this or that village or castle is and another player will aknowledge this but will also state that it was a long and hard fight before <random bad guys> got defeated and they could finally start rebuilding the place

This is a step-by-step evolution in which the players play a big part and I for one can’t wait!
not like a certain other mmo where the world changed over night when a certain expansion came out.

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Great Fight - DO NOT NERF IT

in Tequatl Rising

Posted by: thuras.4537


Loved the first encounter I had with Teq 2.0
got kicked around so hard it still hurts. Can’t wait to get it on with that dragon again.
Tequatl feels like a real fierce dragon now. No more zombie gaming on this world boss!

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Guilds Managements @ Guild Wars 2

in Suggestions

Posted by: thuras.4537


I’m really hoping for a bette guild management tool. Because now it’s working with almost nothing.

But knowing that an all new management tool is probably to much to ask:
I would be so happy if we would get a better working Message of the day.
There’s almost no space, and the number of characters we can type does not correspond with the actual number of characters that will be displayed.
I would alos love it if this message would pop up in the chat window when a guildmember logs into the game

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Good Job

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: thuras.4537


yes indeed, the only time to do the gauntlet without having to wait 20 minutes is at 05:00 in the morning. Why is it not instanced, only because you like to drop the dead players into the pavilion ?

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Champion loot bugged

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: thuras.4537


The guaranteed champion loot drop seems to be bugged. No drops at all

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List of ISPs with LAG since last patch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: thuras.4537


UPC, KPN (glass fibre)

only online game with lag problems so far,
tried updating my drivers, restarting my router, reconfiguring my router (tried a few other dns servers).
I tried 3 different pc’s (one at work even) and 2 different accounts
all with the same problems (lag spikes from 1 to 8 sec)

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Daily mega boss chests

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thuras.4537


the actual chest can hold rares or exotics but the droprate has been reduced.
And after a bit of farming in Orr I get the feeling that the overal drop rate of rares has been reduced (except ofcourse for the usefull and wonderfull Pile of Putrid Essence)

Seeing a Charr burn gives a whole new perspective to the word charcoal

Mobs not rendering with today's patch.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: thuras.4537


The rendering issue seems to have gotten worse after the latest patch. I would have issues with mobs not rendering before on events near Pentinant camp and such. But now it feels like we’re back on the major event “Lost Shore” where the Karka would suddenly appear right on top of everybody.

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About Those Soulbound Items...

in Suggestions

Posted by: thuras.4537


Yeah. at least let us sell those items we no longer need. if salvaging would cause any problems. I’m not that fond of destroying items, I’d rather go to a vendor and shout “Show me the money.”

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