Showing Posts For torukmakto.3412:
in a Achievement points, ya I agree the collection its too low considering the time that goes into it, but…. as a whole the Dungeon Achievement( the Dungeon Master and the Hobby Dungeon Explorer) grants 335 AP, so it works out in the end. Also you get Gold per path, plus whatever loot that drops within the Dungeon itself.
here’s a few
Ascended Armor from Dungeons with New Skins to match.
a complete re-work on the Ranger Pets, plus more pets,
Titles that have PvE effects much like GW1 had.
tried to keep the above 3 as original as possible.
less original but still want:
Character Progression: much like you can increase your luck, I would like to see a way to increase different Trait lines to unlock upgraded Profession Mechanic, Skills and Traits. so for example, you have a number under Beast Master in the Ranger Trait line, you increase this number by Skill Points or Whatever, the Higher it is the more Skills and Traits gets unlocked for Beast Master. Meaning more Ranger Shouts, Stronger Pet bonus and so forth.
You know its funny — I was actually considering something like this. Sylvari have always been my least favorite race but I now find myself with a sudden desire to create one. Something like what you suggested and the new BL weapon skins too? I’m about to sign up for some of that. EMBRACE IT.
As for the “Race Wars 2” — All the races have a dark side. The sylvari just have theirs in the current spot light. * shrugs * [/quote]
I mention this cause that’s what I’m doing lol. dye pattern matches the new BL weapons. don’t have the Red Glowing eyes, used the Blue Glowing eyes. matches better with the weapons Glow anyways.
as for Race Wars .. other than Living Story drama, I don’t expect much hate as a Sylvari, I mean, Charrs were the “evil race” in the first GW.
my main and first lvl 80 is an Sylvari.. so I can say this honestly…
Like I didn’t have enough problems being a Ranger, you gotta make my race the Dragon Minion.. really Anet… just really…
lol joking side, I doubt this would effect anyone over the age of 10. Trolls will be trolls, and I don’t think they need reason like this just to hate.
other than Block and Report, My advice, transmute your Armor into the Racial armor Skin, dye it Mordrem colors, buy the red glowing Eyes and Roll with it.
(edited by torukmakto.3412)
I would like to see the following:
Ascended Profession: Would allow you do Modify your Profession Mechanic, unlocks more Skills and Traits (still must use Skill points or do specific task to actually use. ), adds the use of more Weapons to your profession. Can Ascended thru a Story mission like GW1.
More Weapon types, a New Heavy Profession and New Maps: don’t need to explain this one as many already have, I just also wanted too
GuildHalls and Raids: nuff said
for Gem Store updates:
a Race transformation Tonic: would be 5 of them, 1 of each race, first time buy, you can choose the appearance of the transformation. able to battle with this on. since I figure we wont get a race changer, this would be a close 2nd. if you want to update the look, you can buy some sort of Tonic Modifier, same function as a makeover kit.
More Movement Modifiers: like the Broom and Drill, it will change the way you travel, cant use in combat, just for looks. it can have or not have, a speed buff attached to it.
I for one never like going full Zerker, no problem if others do, its just not my play style. I would like to see a separation of the Traits like other have mention on the Forums in this manner..
Skill Traits get a UI in the Skill Panel, Weapons Traits get a new UI in the Weapon Panel, and Traits the relate to the Profession or its Mechanic stay in the Trait Panel.
this will allow you do build your profession without picking traits you didn’t want in the first place. This separation will allow Devs to add more traits in each Panel (hopefully) increase the amount of viable builds to each profession.
there’s 3 things I’ve read a lot about the Ranger on Forums:
1) when played right, Rangers is very good and dangerous
2) Ranger has little room for error unlike other profession
3) Ranger are not bad, just a lot of Bad player play Rangers
I like the Ranger Profession as much as any other Ranger players, but there’s lot that I would like to see changed.
1)give back 30% (or whatever it is) of damage from the pet to the Ranger, we are inherently weaker than other profession because of this. if you want the 30% damage boost or more from the pet, put it was a trait in the GrandMaster of Beastmaster line.
2) make the Pet more survivable, increase their effects a bit also. Again, add this to the Traits in the Beastmaster line, 50%( or w/e %) increase to there F2 ability, Pets no longer die in battle, add these in the Grandmaster line so not to be overly OP being able to pick all 3 that I mentioned.
3)add better traits, so Spotter/Frost Spirit isn’t the only reason to bring a Ranger to the Party,
4) Spirits die to quickly for something that acts like an Banner, if they attacked fine, otherwise I don’t see why they should die.
5) Lower the CD on the Elites, they have too long of a cooldown imo.
these are just 5 suggestions that come to my mind, and are imo of how they should improve. Again, I like the Ranger just like the OP, and get tired of getting hated on for being one, not that it really effects me,
when people ask “your guild/server allows Rangers in WvW lol” I say " I don’t ask permission from anyone to play this game" and then they normally back off.
like Jim said don’t seek approval, but I do agree, Rangers need a lot of Love from the Devs.
I believe DnT mentality was referring to the guild Death N Taxes [DnT], they do speedruns of dungeons, so they run the highest DPS Build with Armor and Weapons to match.
As Thaddeus.4891 mention, the GreatSword has always been apart of the Guardian Meta,
@ Pregnantman.8259, the OP was kick from an Pug Group for having an GreatSword Guardian.
not really a cheat or a guide., but the way people have been leveling fast are the following..
*Crafting-requires lots of gold, you used to get around10 level per craft, its now down to 7, I’ve heard you can get the full 10 levels if you use Crafting boosters in your WvW BL, tho I cant verify that part.
*WvW- you can get lots of Exp in Karma Trains in WvW, especially in Edge of the Mist.
Dungeons- Repeat easy Dungeon path until you can say all the dialogue in that path, you can gain Exp and gold.
Slower method are
Map completion and Personal Story
I’ve heard this before, Rangers being kick just for being Rangers, But I have yet to experienced as a Ranger. I’ve also done different dungeons on my Rangers, and no one ever had a problem with me being a Ranger. and I play Melee ranger, GS & Sword/Warhorn often.
I which builds often too, which means, I don’t always use Spotter/FS. A few actually notice, and fewer actually care. I still contribute to the Group, Healing Spring, blast finisher for Drakes, Minor AoE healing from Sylvari hound, Fury from Moa and Might form the Cat.
Actually now that you mentioned that, crafting used to give a lot more experience and people complained that you could buy your way to max level with it. ArenaNet responded by nerfing crafting. Now you can’t get to level 80 with just crafting, you have to start from like level 56.
In addition, ascended armor being added to the game drove the price of lower level materials and now its not so effective to level by crafting as getting tomes is easier to do so.
true, you used to get a full 10 levels, now its only 7 per craft. and I never heard about complaining (which tbh here people will generally cry over spilled milk) since every time someone ask what’s the fastest way to level the first 2 response is Crafting and WvW, both ingame and on the Fourms.
and true, Ascended Weps/Armor drove up the price so its not really as cheap as it onces was. tho if bought by gems, its still the same as it was back then, even if you don’t get the full 80 levels. Before Ascended stuff, $50 would get you around like 100 gold, now $50 bucks gets you what? like 300g, same difference really If by gems.
Tomes would be easier to lvl I continue to agree, if sold by TP or Gems.
if they did sell Tomes on the Gems I would see them selling them 4 or 5 per 200 gems, which would be at or under $50. and even if they do start selling tomes, its not like you cant level without them, it doesn’t give you an advantage, its still in line about what they stated about Gem store items. I think the phrase was:
Time spent=Money spent (or something like that, don’t remember)
and again, its no different than Crafting to 80, which I don’t hear anyone complaining about that, on the forums or in the Game.
I would like this when leveling an Alt, and I don’t see too much of a difference from Crafting, since the same logic would apply.
Gems > Gold > Crafting Material
before they increased cap to 500 on the Crafting Professions, I could go from level 1 to 80 in a days times.
Ranger Elite Shout
Hunters Call: Call the remaining pets of the same family as your Active pet out. 120 duration, 160 CD.
Ranger Beast Master trait
Adapt Trait:
Lick Wounds: Conditions on pets expire 50% faster
Major Trait:
Survival Instinct: Pets no Longer take damage from Direct Dmg, reduce attack output to 1, Increase duration of boons/Condition to 75%
Grand Master Trait:
Fight as One: Pets Stats points is shared with the Ranger.
(edited by torukmakto.3412)
that will be cool, having Pets be more of a utility source. Like they put in a Moa’s that all it does is cast Defensive boons, or a Canine that only does Controling effect, and so forth. and we also know that once our pets are dead, it drops our total damage output.
so the best way I can think of, that the Dev’s “might” change the pets, without changing the Whole Mechanic is having a GrandMaster Trait in the Bestmaster line. this trait will add an effect to the F2 skill that will grant your pet Invulnerability but losses all its attack power. It will also transfer over “X” percent of its status to the Ranger.
the Pet system really needs to be fix more than just instant-casted on the F2 skill. Another option besides Perm-stow, is to increase the Pet strength by ALOT. if you are gonna be a Pet-type profession with your pet being where most of your Damage is coming from, then it cant be dead it 2 shoots. You are severely weaken as a Profession, fighting at half strength.
Yes, I know there are work around for the Pet, and I have seen good rangers without pets. but you have them for a reason, even if you don’t like them, so either stow them and give a stats boost back to the Ranger. or toughen them up.
just my 2 cents
Obby Shards, Lvl up Scrolls, Skill points or even achievement items you may have missed. all of which I would consider something very valuable. If its just greens with a small chance of rare and exotics. I might just delete the Blade Shard out of principle.
when I read the Article, that same question came to mind, what about our Old skin, a lot of us played since early release. we must have salvaged, equipped, Transmuted over 1000 skins since then. Will we get those skins unlock, or do we need to get them again from scratch. cool if it does, sucks it doesn’t, Like the Wardrobe regardless.
Hello All,
as the title says, what do you want to see for the Ranger in the Feature patch. I for one, always like the Pets, even tho they cause a lot of headaches. So I would like to see a major improvement of them.
more controlling effects of non-F2 skills: Pets to me, are suppose to help the hunter(or Ranger in this case) Capture its Prey.
Increase Active pets out: I would like to see you being able to have 2 pets out while traited in BM. (ya, ya I know we have enough problems commanding 1 pet, and Im asking for another one out. what can I say)
more pets: last one we got was from Southsun Cove, I want more Pets, Still holding out for my Rainbow phoenix from GW1.
so how about you. what do you want from the Ranger in this upcoming Patch.
They’re fixing some typos. The blog post is actually “The art of Wombat”, where they’ll introduced the aforemented pet, a marsupial friend highly requested by the ranger class.
As someone who has a Ranger, and wants new ones since the last released one in Southsun Cove, that post made me laugh. good one
A Solid Foundation: so simple of a guess I missed it 2 hours ago(not saying its right, total guess)….
Profession Updates: New Skills, improved Profession specific Mechanics & a lot of fixes. Allow each profession to Control, Support and do Damage to a greater degree than before.
here are my guesses:
The Art of Combat: more weapons per profession
Critical!: ferocity
A New Way to Explore the Looks of Guild Wars: PvE locker is a good one.
A Colorful Outlook: changes in Commander Tags, possible color function
Looking For Group?: option to do Personal Story with others while in them across servers
Removing Restrictions: any armor can be transmuted to any other, regardless of weight class.
Account-Bound: Wxp, Dyes, weapons/Armor will be Account Bound instead of Soul Bound
these two…idk, I will just throw out the first thought out of my head
A Solid Foundation: better way to direct players to events so they don’t go around aimlessly
Facilitating Friendly Play:1 dealing with AFK’er and grievers in events
Facilitating Friendly Play 2 dealing with the conflict of Event completer and those who want to Farm them
Facilitating Friendly Play 3 Higher lvl players getting rewarded from Help lower players in Personal Story, like in fractals (idk, used up my 2 best guesses on the first 2 parts of this)
these tired me out, still excited tho about the new changes
As for Teq/Worm….hehe no, Im not that bored yet.
Why all the hate for Teq/Wurm?
These events are awesome, but you do need an awful lot of organized people to do them. Then again, you can always apply to TTS…
its not really love or hate for them, Its just the amount of time and effort require to do them, I could go to 2 maybe 3 other World Bosses and get the same reward. If the reward match the difficulty, then I wouldn’t mind tackling these guys. Cant speak for the Worm since I haven’t tried him yet, but for Teq. after getting the complete Meta done, not to eager to go back.
thanks for the response everyone, maybe I’ll do WvW and Farm up so gold a bit, maybe working on increasing my MF. As for Teq/Worm….hehe no, Im not that bored yet.
Already have 500 Craft of each that I can get that high. Still waiting to until they increase Food to 500 so I can make super brownies for my guild. thanks for the suggestion everyone.
Hi all,
I was wondering if anyone here can give me some advice as to what to do next In-game. My character is max out to the stats gear of my liking , have some additional characters at lvl 80 as well. I’m wondering what should I do next on this week and a half break of LS. What are others doing to pass the time until WvW season 2.
much thanks
While reading the post on Reddit (good find by the OP btw, cheers) it mention the Feature patch will release after CBT3 and before China launch. Whens CBT3? only date I saw the when China could Pre-Order Gw2. which was the 2nd of April, not when it would launch . just wonder where the OP got the date 4/15/2014.
edit note: Nvm, saw a response from someone in that reddit page….
“CBT3 is going on for 2 weeks it started on the 11th so on the 25th.”
weather that’s true or not I cant confirm.
(edited by torukmakto.3412)
While I agree PvP shouldn’t to included for the Legendary requirement, I see WvW as a Gray area, since you can rank up by taking Camps and Towers and such, not really killin other players. Maybe that’s just me. As for the OP’s concern, I don’t see it, no Offense.
I, like others, got my Gifts of Battles Before badges came in Achievement chest, before Laurals were introduced, before you could get Rank up Chest in WvW. So I see it as they making it easier for new players not Harder. Pity us that got it before the updates.
if you have the ascended version (and my guess any other Version) Soulbound to a character, and want to put it to another character, you can upgrade it to the Color version and it will become Account Bound again. you can also change the Stats you pick when you first made it. I did this with Mines, I put it on my Ranger, but wanted to put it on my Guardian afterwards, so I upgraded it to the Blue one, and it became Account Bound again.
While I agree there is a problem with Leechers for events, for example afker’s during Escape from LA, in which they did nothing and yet got the 1200 citizen saved chest.
That’s why I mention:
" if your server completes the LS Achievements, and if you had a help in that, you’ll get another reward."
helping out could be anything from defeating Waves to monsters, Helping out NPC in a specfic way, (find Account bound Items, use the Mystic Forge, and give NPC the final Item) doing a Raid type content, or any number of multiple ways that you could be helping out actively.
Leechers suck, but denying better content ( this or any other suggested improvement) just cause there are Lecchers or exploiters hurts the game more. Solution? Make it in a way that they cant Leech, Exploit.
hard to top what’s already been said but here’s mine
1) Server Progress rewards for LS: Your Server needs to do a broad range of things to complete the LS as a whole, you’ll have your personal reward for doing achievements, then you’ll have a Server reward, in which, if your server completes the LS Achievements, and if you had a help in that, you’ll get another reward.
so its not how its now, where you are “Ok, did the Meta achievements, back to Champ farming or WvW..”
2) Profession Improvements: Profession should be expanded upon, more Weapon choices, direct control on how to improve their Profession specific Mechanic, separating the Stats gain, Trait bonus and Weapon bonus from Trait lines, and create Trait lines for each of the 3.
3)functional equipment: special Tier of equipment(NOT FOR STATS GAIN, no different than other tiers can range from common to ascended)Equipment that will allow you to use various ability to overcome different types of Obstacles. making fun ways to travel to certain areas.
an example of functional equipment:
Common: Rock climbing gloves and Hook Rope: gloves- allows you to climb up mountain sides. Hook Rope- laches on certain surfaces to swing your way across
Rare: Wings(Holo Shatter or Teq’s for example) allows you to Glide down slower resulting in less fall dmg.
When GW2 was introduced Anet said they Didn’t want to make the same game everyone else was making, they wanted to be new, dynamic and different. While GW2 is still one of the better games out there, I feel it has become a Dull Knife, and needs Sharpening to keep players on. Still like it, but some improvements would be nice.
It would depend on the Perks received such as:
>like you don’t need Black Lion Key to open those Chest, and the Chest Offers real good items, Unique Armor piece(back pieces too) which could be store on your Achievement panel, 1-5 Laurels, Gems 50-200, etc. good items
>increase XP, WXP, MF, Money gain
> Crafting boost and %25 Speed boost on 24/7
> plus more things I cant think of, but I believe everyone understands my point, it depends on the Perks.
BUT.. is GW2 as it is now worth paying $15 a month even with the perks I mention? ehhh, sorry I don’t believe so, I like the game, but I play less and less, taking bigger breaks in between play time. If it comes out with a expansion, or expansion size patch (fingers cross for the March patch) I wouldn’t mind an optional Sub fee.
I get what tomlin.8204 is saying, the LS have been dragging on as if it was forever, its here on day, gone the next, with only really leaving Backpiece /Armor/ Weapon Skins behind. If each patch (or every other patch or so) would had release a new Zone, a new content to explore, half of us would be more excited and less judgmental (just a little, not by a whole lot)
All I can say is, I’ll wait until the patch comes out before casting my vote on it, and awaiting Mid-March of this “Expansion” type patch to come.
I like you idea about each map having its own Bad Guy, if done correctly, it can really make things more lively. if done, for the lack of a better term, Wrong, it will be something Similar to the Karma Train in Orr, that people used to hit 3-5 events back to back for Karma.
for SiegHawks suggestion, I like that idea too in theory, but it would gave WvWers an advantage over PvEers, in the fact that they (WvWers) can guest to any World to do PvE stuff, but PvEers cant guest to another World to do WvW stuff.
unless Anet broke down Worlds like this, there are Starter Worlds which anyone can enter, WvW only Worlds, after gaining a certain WvW rank, you can transfer here, and a PvE Worlds, after gaining some sort of ranking (maybe achievement points) you can transfer here. and each World will have its benefits, like Shorter Queues and more Maps in WvW, Or Faster Event timers and or unique PvE only Skills in PvE.
but still I like SiegHawk idea, this way everyone can enjoy want they like
I don’t really understand the Issue with the Cultural Armor, I get that those sets can only be wore by specific race. So transmute it to something else, gem store armor, another Cultural armor or whatever. its really not that big of a deal, ya I get it, the whole T3 set cost you 120g and that’s a lot, I get it, really, but if you hate your current race so much, you’re prolly willing to deal with that lost.
As for the Order Armor, Ive seen people wear a mix of all 3, entering one does not prevent you from wearing other.
currently, I think the Monthly are extremely easy. Yes, I get it, its made for people who don’t have a lot of time on there hands. But I would love to see them actually take more than a 4 days to do. After you completed the four Monthly task need ( this should hold true for Dailies as well) you should be given 2 or 3 more task. theses task should take longer to do and complete., with an increase of the Rewards as well.
One Monthly can be something like, kill 5000 Players in WvW. this may take a Month to do. Something that says " this may take me longer the a few days to complete."
Im totally for this idea, would be similar to Fable was, you can be good or evil, the way you act could determine how NPC would view you and if they sell anything to you. Take over a Village on a Map, and other "Heros’ can fight to free that village, creating your own type of DE. being able to target NPC (or may even other players) in Map Areas for a type of prize. but doing this will make you wanted for a bounty as well, with a type of red tag, make you a Target for a Prize. (May never happen, but fun to think about)
Im sure there are would be flaws in doing this idea, and ways are needed to prevent grieving, and ways to prevent “Evil players”from harassing other players. but I sure it would be worth the trouble.
Rangers haven’t gotten a new pet since SouthSun Cove, one of the key aspects of a ranger. Would like to see them be intro introduced more often, maybe in dungeons or something. not just reskin of current Pets, but New pets with new ability.
and as for Resign of Pets, do what they do with other Skins, Offer them up in the Gem Store. they do it with Armor Skins, why not Pet Skin
I like Zoid Idea, I always thought of something similar to that. Each Profession having its own way of traveling faster thru the Maps. Like if a Thief can preform Parkour or something to get around the Map.
As far as Mounts Goes, I don’t know if this was mention on this thread (prolly has considering the topic is Mounts) but why not Temporary Mounts summoned thru a use of a Elite Skill or Flute, 3min duration 10min cooldown before recasting.
as much as I would like a Race Change in the Gem Store, I don’t believe this would ever happen. but as much as people want this, why not introduce 2 other Items people have ask for in the past.
An item that’s turns a Soul bound Item into a account bound Item.
And a Items that’s increase your level to max or in 20 lvl Increments (instead of just up to 20). getting to 80 isn’t exactly hard or challenging, fun the first time, not so much the second time or more around.
I would like to see more dungeons Skins, the way I see them introduced is having them be in Ascended quality(I know the OP said no higher stats, but in my mind, there has to be a reason to introduce them). Since the only way, currently, to get them is by crafting, I would like to see more ways of getting them. the cost would be High, instead of having costing tokens, it would cost Dungeons Gifts per part. Not a Fan of grinding paths, but it needs some way to be on as time consuming as crafting is. Style wise, idk how to picture them, but maybe some particle effects, or Glowing effects, or even Smoke like the OP mention, Flame and smoke from CoF, Dry Ice type of Mist from HoTW, Black-ish mist from Arah.
I would like to propose another idea to the Armor Rating. Instead of Armor Classes, why not weight class. All profession can wield any armor, but the armor will have weight to them, the heavier the weight the slower you run and/or move. Armor with more weight will typical have more Defense, and Visa-versa. This would be the same for other equipment too. The Heavier the weight (density wise) the offense or defense strength of the equipment.
To Balance this, I would like to see a Benefit of wearing/ wielding lighter armor/equipment. Such as increase in Speed, faster attackes or something, idk what yet. All I know It as to be something that makes players think “Do I wonna make my Character a race car or a Bulldozer?”
well that’s my 2 cents on it.
1.) Expanding Profession mechanic that swaps your 2ndary Weapon set into new skills, F5-F8, able to toggle it on and off and regain your 2ndary Weapon set.
2.) Chooses and Consequences: you can choose either to Help someone, or harm them,for example, you can choose to start hunting NPC’s for fun, but you might start getting hunted yourself.
3.)Make all Zones Level 80, (with the Option to go to the regular zone or the lvl 80 version) sort of a Hard mode, unlock after you complete your personal story. Dungeons in Hard mode, allows up to 8 players, making them into Raids.
4.)Guild Halls, Guild Alliances & Daily Quest: similar to Zaishen Quest from GW1, Guild Halls will have want ads for various task, from solo (Instances) to those needing a large group. Earn Guild Influence, ally guild gets 1/3rd the influence if not apart of quest.
5.)you as a character Killing Scarlet with a Base ball bat, tired of her, J/k (sort of…) Move the Story On already these Living story are becoming a real lack luster.
5b.) sorry after number 4, I was running out of Ideas. and I really hate Scarlet, the dang Present Bomb she sent me was not funny
I like the Idea of giving current profession Subclass, but instead of having Subclass that every profession can use, have them branch out of the Main Profession.Lets take that Ranger for example, Its Subclass would:
Huntsman: more Survival & Trap Skills, , gains access to Guns and Rifles
Warden: more Natural Spirit & Signets Skills, access to Staffs
Beast Tamer: more Shout Skills, idk what weapon gain
Edit Note: Weapon that are gain are only gain While in that Subclass
in each Subclass you can alter your Professions Mechanic. Picking Huntsman allows you to swap your Pet (yes a Pet-less Ranger Option) for a Trap Mechanic. Warden would have Natural Spirits( not like the actual ones, but something that functions similar to a Guardians Virtues). and Beast Tamer, would be the ones with the Pets.
I can go more into Detail, but I believe everyone gets where I’m going with this. Improving the Profession in this matter or similar to this to be overall better (imho at least) than patches that just play with the cooldowns and Dmg% of Skills and Traits (although needed, just not all the freakin time)
(edited by torukmakto.3412)
I believe there should be profession that are faster than others, why should a heavy Guardian or Warrior be as fast as a Ranger or Thief, imo this is how the Speed buff movement should be applied to all Professions:
Ele= fastest profession when attuned to Air, since you embody the Wind
Ranger/Thief= 2nd fastest Profession after Ele, since you rely on Mobility to fight,
Engi/Mesmer/Necro= should fall behind the Ranger and Thief, since their lighter armor doesn’t slow them down.
Guardian/Warrior=Slowest Profession, someone with that much armor should not be able to move faster than an Ele.
Now how much of a speed boost to give each one, idk, but just a quick layout would be like this
Ele= 60%
I believe the reason no one goes to Orr anymore is cuase they are not enough events popping up as fast as Queensdale for example. I do believe a Revamp is in order for Orr since it’s “End game content” in a way since you need to be around 80 to get there, solo at least. So instead of adding the living story events just in low level areas, Add them in Orr/Frostgorde too. it will breathe new Life to these dead zones ( other than Champ Farming)
Hey all, I’ve gotten this idea burning in the back of my head, and if I don’t type it out, it might do more permanent damage up there, and I can’t afford any more damage up there. I don’t know how much of this was mention before, but considering the topic is Guilds and Guilds Halls, I’m sure someone somewhere touch on it, anyways here’s my Idea. For a game that has “Guild” in the title I really don’t see Guild content around, aside from Guild mission which is really just once a week. And yes, I know some of the back story of how Guilds used to War against each before the first Guild Wars game or whatever, Yah I don’t care, want to see more Guild Content.
My Idea is to bring back those Daily Zaishen Quest back from GW1 in the form of Guild Request. It will be place in the Guild Halls where all can view them. It will be different from current guild mission in that they can be done solo, in a Pair or in a 5 man group depending of the difficultly. Since it will be an Instances like a Personal Story or Dungeon, any guild big or small can do them without much of a problem, some current mission require a lot more than that to do.These Request also offer Rewards base on the Difficulty on them: gold ,Mats, Armor and Weapon skins, . And to keep things interesting, your Guild Hall can be attack at any time by Living World Bosses, (Scarlet, Mad King), Previous Guild Request Villain that you stop, Evil Guilds (NPC) and so Forth.
In addition to this, Duals and GvG Matches can to fought inside Guild Halls where you can be an Invader or Defender ( Similar to how WvW is now) number of players are pre-select and Guild Matches are denied or accepted, this is so a Larger Guilds doesn’t Steam Roll a smaller one and it will keep things fair.
Guilds can also complete with one another in Divinity’s Reach. The challenge will vary from Time races, combat vs NPC or players, and other areas. Each event will Award points. The Reward for the top Winning guild can be Special Cosmetic Feature, such as Armor, Weapon, Back piece, Titles and Minis-pets. Nothing of real gain but looks cool anyways. The contest itself will be a week in length at a time. Also a Guild cant enter the same contest twice in a week to gain more points. The Guild Leader or Officers decide who goes into each event. the Contest will be World Based, to limited the size of the guilds that enter.
Well that’s my Ideas on Guilds and Guild Halls. Are their Flaws in this? Prolly, I’d like to hear if any of the above makes sense, is good, bad, or whatever. Please keep it Civil,
I would also really like to see this happen in the GW2. the way I image it is this way, a new Crafting Tab, where you can combine different Weapon/Armor Skeletons together and modify by adding or removing sections of them. for Example, lets say you wonna add another Sword Blade( or 5) to your Greatsword, it will cost another GS blade (or 5) in the Crafting process to make. Different Skeleton can be bought from each of the Racial Cities, Dungeon Tokens, and Gem Store. I believe this will give a huge selection of skins that players will be satisfy with ( well… at least for a while at least)
I have a few suggestions to add on how to Improve the Battle systems a bit
1) more involved battles
I would like to see more ways to fight a target than just using auto-attack 80% of the time in PvE. I would like to see you being able to punch and kick your target, grab them, throw them, and if they are big enough climb on them to deliver a strong attack.
2) Blocking, Countering and Evading
instead of just being able to evade attackes, I would like to see you being able to Block them and counter them( this goes more towards melee attack) for example, your target charges at you ( big shocker there lol) you have a choose to either evade out of the way or take it straight on and block it like the Boss you are., you enter a “Clash Mode” where both you and your target have lock horns, depending on your Profession and weapon set, your 1st 5 skills change. And as far as Evading goes, why does every profession evade the same, just doing a dodge roll. instead of everyone doing that I would like to see diffierent ways to evade instead of a dodge roll,
3) your Surronding matters even greater
would like it if your surrounding played a greater role in a fight, like you being able to cuase a rocksilde by attacking a side of a mountain crushing targets underneath. or cutting a big tree making it fall on your targets and so forth