Showing Posts For xiiliea.9356:

Formal complain on POF Deluxe, Ultimate ED

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


HoT Deluxe had a unique glider skin. Why doesn’t PoF Deluxe have a unique mount or mount skin?

Path of fire anouncment - Feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


I actually would have preferred if GW2 was like other MMOs without a waypoint/instant teleport system. Waypoints ruin immersion and the scale of the world. I really hope that none of the maps have a waypoint, and we have to travel from core tyria by mount instead, or at the very least, no waypoint except the spawn.

Participation system should be scrapped

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


Lack of a participation bar just encourages leechers. Look at SW.

You can leech with participation too, aka semi-afking. Coming back from afk every 5 minutes to kill a single mob doesn’t really help the map either.

Participation system should be scrapped

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


-Encourages semi-afking for rewards
-Gives stress to players to “always do something or participation will decay”

So participation encourages you to stop playing while simultaneously making you want to play more? Well, this participation system is mighty powerful stuff. I wouldn’t think that was even possible.

“Do something” doesn’t mean actually help the map out. It can mean doing “something” then afking, like just tag one mob then afk. I’m talking more about the stress here. For players who aren’t afk, it makes them feel like the game is forcing them to play, rather than letting them find events at their own pace.

(edited by xiiliea.9356)

Free Ain't Free

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


Even without the trading post, the core game is still “completely free”. You can do literally anything by treating it as a single player RPG and farming everything yourself. Compared to other MMOs where their “free” restricts levels and stuff, GW2 is truly free.

Participation system should be scrapped

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


I’ve always felt that participation was a step in the wrong direction ever since HoT was released.

-Encourages semi-afking for rewards
-Gives stress to players to “always do something or participation will decay”
-Encourages afking to “end the day” in WvW, which wastes spots in maps.
-Encouraged semi-afking in WvW, which wasted spots in map. Now that it has been “fixed”, it’s penalizing legit players like roamers instead.

What can be done if participation is removed:
-Make VB night a map-wide “major event” (with “mini-events” such as capturing and defending camps). Eg. Secure X number of camps to get bosses to spawn (gives rewards for doing so), then gives rewards depending on how many bosses were killed.
-AB doesn’t need participation at all. Just tie everything to event rewards.
-TD doesn’t need participation either. Just tie everything to event rewards.
-Same goes for DS. Just dish out the end-reward to everyone who kills MoM.
-For WvW, reward track can progress by X amount depending on events completed or what you do. Even trebbing can progress a little reward track too. Pips can be changed this way too. Maybe killing a dolyak rewards 1 pip, killing a player rewards 0.1 pip (values are just examples).

(edited by xiiliea.9356)

WvW patch notes July 11th

in WvW

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


Also, if you want to improve participation, make it so that building siege within a camp/keep/castle count for defense reward too.

yeah lets reward siege trolls and server saboteurs

Then maybe only make superior sieges count toward contribution/participation. At least they will be throwing useful things.

Decay timer?!?! Are you kidding!

in WvW

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


Looks like it’s even more pointless and a waste of time to build siege now.

WvW patch notes July 11th

in WvW

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


While the outnumbered pip change improves it a little, I still think that it should be changed to count the average over 5 minutes, rather than at the 5 minute tick.

Also, if you want to improve participation, make it so that building siege within a camp/keep/castle count for defense reward too. Right now, it’s a waste of time to build siege in preparation for the enemy, because you only get some measly exp and no contribution to the defense event. This will also reward those who carry supplies from the keep to SMC, and stop people from wasting supplies on repairing outer walls getting trebbed in SMC just to maintain their defense contribution. They could be spending their supplies on something more useful instead, like arrow carts.

Remove WvW Linking - Give Us Back Our Servers

in WvW

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


Or make linking actually work.

Last matchup, Blackgate won Yak’s Bend and Jade Quarry almost every skirmish. Yes, the 1st placed team winning both 2nd and 3rd team by over 100 points. Their population is about twice the population of my world Jade Quarry.

If Blackgate is too big, then link more worlds together. Maybe even the size of Jade Quarry + Fort Aspenwood if we are to stand any chance against Blackgate.

commanders kicking Rangers and Thief

in WvW

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


You don’t need to join a squad. Just follow if you want. They can’t stop you from doing that.

Outnumbered pip should take avg no of players

in WvW

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


The outnumbered pip bonus is rather poorly designed at the moment. 4 minutes 50 seconds of hard work in an outnumbered map can be completely negated by people joining at the last 10 seconds.

I suggest that it takes the average number of people over the 5 minute period instead of the number of people at the 5 minute mark (unlink it from the Outnumbered buff).

For example, for every second, take
(total no. player in a server in the map) / 300
//(there are 300 seconds in 5 minutes)
and add it to the “total average count”. Then at a certain threshold, it deactivates the Outnumbered pip.

(edited by xiiliea.9356)

Coliseum bug: teleported under ramp

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


I used Steal on a Necro on the ramp and ended up below here. There’s no way out other than relogging.


Thief raid mechanic suggestions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


Well, overshadowing is one thing and having content made exclusively tailored to your class is another and a lot worse if you ask me. Also i don’t think daredevils are that much shunned from raids.

Sloth is tailored to Tempests for their AOE fear break (and also to Chronos and DHs for their reflects).
Matthias is tailored to Chronomancers for the reflects.

Also, in my first example, it doesn’t mean you must have DDs only. Other classes can do it too, just like how they do heat room too, but slower. DDs will just be preferred since they can waste less time, but not 100% required.

(edited by xiiliea.9356)

Thief raid mechanic suggestions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


Thieves / Daredevils have been rather not-so-popular in raids, because they’re overshadowed by Tempests which have higher DPS and much more utilities. Therefore, I hope that the next wing, or future raids can have a mechanic designed for Daredevils to handle.

Here are my ideas-

Lava corridor button

This is simply like the Thaumanova fractal heat room. The floor of the long corridors ticks a lot of damage, and the DD has to use Infiltrator’s Arrow, Shadowtep, Unhindered Combatant (Dash) 6x (signet of Agility heals 2 bars of endurance, Channeled Vigor heals 1 bar) to cross it really fast, then press the button at the end. Upon pressing the button, the lava for that lane will disable for 30 seconds, allowing the player to cross back into the middle of the room.

Every 30 seconds, the room will be poisoned with a 4% hp per second tick. The DD has to quickly rush to the switch and turn the poison off. After pressing the button, the player will have a debuff on them which makes them take double the damage from the lava floor for 60 seconds. Therefore you need 4 DDs to turn the switches off in order. The more poisons active, the quicker everyone’s health ticks down (maximum 16% hp per second).

Evade tank
Have a boss that deals 50% hp single target damage on hit, and the attacks are unblockable. The attack animations will be very clear though, so we’ll need a DD evade tank to pull this off. This will be something like Molten Boss fractal effigy:

(edited by xiiliea.9356)

Hero’s Choice Chests

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


Maybe because you could get more than one if multiple bosses such as VB?

You don’t. That’s another chest.

[Feedback] New Legendary Bow [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


Just change the texture to something like Zenith Short Bow, but with a reddish hue. It just looks bad currently with its dull red with a barely visible aura. Even my Zenith Short Bow looks better than it.

Skyhammer Design Discussion

in PvP

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


There was one game where a Dragonhunter camped the cannon the ENTIRE game. Nobody could get to him because he would always win since you had to walk into his traps, and the room was too tight to do any ranged attacks without getting pulled in. There was also no point to send the whole team after him since we were already losing on points due to the constant cannon spams and he would be back after respawning anyways.

Just get rid of the cannon room and make the cannon randomly hit every player in the vicinity.

Do you think Raids in GW2 were a bad idea?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


Any form of elitist content should not have existed in Guild Wars 2. GW2 was a great example of a game without elitism, where everyone did everything with anyone in the open world or from LFG. No need to gear check etc.

But then came raids. Now we have 20 insights required, full ascended, eternal required for raids, no noobs allowed. End game is basically raids now, and end game is elitism now. To do raids effectively, you have to find an elite guild and do it only with elite players, otherwise you can enjoy your raids with consecutive fails, frustrations and blamings.

Raids cater to the tiny percentage of the playerbase, who say it’s the most awesome thing to be added to the game. But then, now you’re casting away the majority of the playerbase who enjoyed the original GW2 that had no elitism, dangling them with content that they don’t like to do, or will frustrate them to hell.

[Discussion] Why Doesn't Scorpion Wire Work?

in Thief

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


Because the game can’t even detect a smooth continuous surface even for Infiltrator’s Arrow.

Holding spirits with Sword in Gorse?

in Thief

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


Has anyone tried holding the spirits at Gorseval with Sword 1 and 2? Is it effective? I find that the initiative cost for Sword 2 is really high, so I’m not quite sure if Thief Sword is good enough to hold spirits further away. Up to what spirit can I hold (1st, 2nd or 3rd)?

TIL Not Joining a Squad gets you called out

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


Lazy commanders want people to join their squads so they can count them easily for the lane. However, some people just don’t like to be in squads.

When I use commander tag, I just invite everyone once, and if they don’t accept it I won’t invite them anymore. I can just count them and add it to the total of my squad numbers. It’s just commanders who can’t be bothered to do that which are the problem.

[NA] LF Very Exp Full Clear Raid Group

in Looking for...

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


UPDATE: Not looking for group anymore.

I’m looking for a static raid full clear group. Must be an extremely experienced group which ideally clears full raid within 2 hours.

Available Timings (PST): Sunday 11:30pm (reset timing) to Monday 10am, and Monday 6pm to Tuesday 2am.

Classes: PS War / DPS Daredevil / Herald / Condi Engi (all full ascended including trinkets, and experienced)

Experience: 16 Insights, Eternal. Seldom make mistakes. PS War is able to hold last spirit in Gorse, and Daredevil can do cannon pads in Sab.

GW2Efficiency Link: (can view insights on PS War inventory for proof) (my daredevil has a staff, in inventory you can check, just that I only use it for serious content)

Communication: I don’t have a mic but I can drop into TS/Discord etc to listen.

Contact: Pm on forums or pm/mail xiiliea.9356

(edited by xiiliea.9356)

SHATTERER _ no-fly zone / smash the dragon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


In time it’ll become like the Shadow Behemoth portal achievement, where literally no one does it.

Some questions on Engie in raids

in Engineer

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


1) no question is stupid, but kit swaps proc weapon swap effects and you can swap kits any time. you dont need 4 pistols.

2) it depends on your gear. the highest priority for you is to max out your condi duration. in the gear setup listed on metabattle, they have you maxing out condi duration without dedicating your runes to doing so. notice there is an alternative gear setup — pure sinister. since sinister doesnt have expertise like viper, youll need to use runes with condi duration (typically 4 nightmare / 2 trapper, but several other combos are ok). in a viper setup that doesnt need duration from runes, berserker runes simply do the most damage for a condi build.

Thanks, I didn’t know kit swaps counted as weapon swaps. And it does seem that berserker is the right rune choice then

Some questions on Engie in raids

in Engineer

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


I’m making an Engineer and looking at this guide but I have a few questions:

1) The guide recommends Sigil of Geomancy, but that only procs on weapon swap. Does that mean I need 4 pistols? (might be a stupid question but I just wanna confirm before getting 4 pistols)

2) Why Rune of the Berserker, if it gives Power half the time? Isn’t Condi the main source of DPS for Engie, and why dilute it with Power? Why not just have something like Rune of the Nightmare which adds Condi Duration instead?

5k AP requirement for level 32 fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


It’s indeed an accurate check of gears. I got my full ascended set when I had around 5k AP. But there is definitely no need for full ascended to do scale 32 fractal. If it was tier 3 dailies (56/67/77) then it would be more reasonable.

Approx size of arah on world map

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


Oh.. I didn’t know that it was actually on the world map. It really should get uncovered on the main map itself when you explore the dungeon.

Approx size of arah on world map

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


I did some measurements and there! Seems like there’s still a little space for expansion on Orr.


Suggestions: Glider Skins [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


I’m no artist to illustrate this, but I’ve been wanting such a glider skin.

My visualization of it:
- Something like the Exalted Glider, but made of no solid parts. Instead, it’ll be entirely made of golden glowing energy.
- Much more majestic and bigger than the Exalted Glider.
- Opening animation: It’ll materialize from the middle to the outer sides, and end with an animation something like Herald’s Dragon Stance elite skill release (the ethereal dragon appearing, except this will be the glider shape instead of a dragon).

Edit: sry for posting a new thread, can a mod merge it with the main thread?

(edited by xiiliea.9356)

Please no more zones like Tangled Depths

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


I still have no idea how to get back up without waypointing, after jumping into the troll hero point just at the start of the map.

Best Place for Siege Commander's Spoon?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


Yes, I already read through the wiki page. But there was disparity between the Koutalophile page (“NPCs in WvW”), the siege commander’s spoon page (a few select enemies), and Dulfy’s guide (“Drops from WvW/EoTM from NPCs (guards etc)”). I just wanted to make sure and ask other players who have gotten the spoon drop, and to get a concise answer of “yes, EotM” or “no, go here instead”. Hence this topic.

Oh, I actually forgot to say where I got it in my earlier post. I did get it from the castle lord in EotM.

It was really memorable to me because I pinged it in map chat. Our commander left, and everyone was spamming me “you pinged the spoon so you’re the commander now”. And I was around Lvl 6 in WvW and had no clue what I was doing.

Best Place for Siege Commander's Spoon?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


EotM and EB are similar, it all depends on which map your team is currently active on (has a commander tag with a zerg of your allies going around to capture forts). I got mine from sieging a fort, it dropped from the castle lord about a few hours in (can’t remember exactly how many hours, but it just dropped randomly when I was having fun taking the fort). Just remember to press F (or whatever your Interact key is) every time you kill something to loot.

(edited by xiiliea.9356)

Suggestion: auto consume foods

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


I think there is an item in the gemstore that makes your food last 24 hours.

And it’s 30g per pop (before converting to gems).

Suggestion: auto consume foods

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


We just need a quick-use slot, like most other MMOs have. Just press F3 or F4 and you use it.

Waiting for raids is making the game boring

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


Nowadays, at the start of each week, I just don’t feel like doing anything at all, in case I miss a raid from my guild or LFG. Eventually, it’s making the game boring.

I feel that this can be solved by just making raids fully puggable by a “decent” LFG group, instead of an “elite-only” group. Just make mechanics simpler. Now, I know that many elite players will be complaining, but everyone will eventually want to try raids.

Raids in their current state are just out of reach of the majority of the playerbase. Why not make them a content that everyone can enjoy, instead of only the hardcore players enjoying it, while the majority of the playerbase suffers?

PS: Just a note that I’m not complaining that raids are too hard for me. I have The Eternal title and 7 raid bosses kills on my name. Finding a group is the hard thing for me, and I don’t want to join statics where I have to commit to a certain timing every week without flexibility (also, statics look out for players with 20+ insights, which will take at least 7 weeks). This is just an opinion from me.

(edited by xiiliea.9356)

January 26th Update: Your feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


Now that Thief is more useful compared to other classes, its condition damage build still needs to be buffed (or was it forgotten?). Thief had one of the weakest condi in the game, and the patch didn’t change anything about it at all, so it’s now even more useless than ever.

Do you think we will ever have a PvEvP map?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


Please no. This is a core reason why I got sick of Aion. Every time I try to complete quests or explore the map, I have to keep looking 360 degrees for enemy players.

PvE players would never play this because they will hate PvP players ganking up on them. PvP players would only focus on PvPing and not even bother about the meta-event. PvEvP, where PvE is the dominant gameplay, does not work and is not fun at all. Only PvPvE, where PvP is the important point, is fun to play (WvW).

(edited by xiiliea.9356)

[Suggestion] Daily To-do Checklist

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


(Check attachment for an example picture)

Basically, this is a custom dailies list where you can add your own custom text to (to change it, click on it to open the window to edit it). When you complete something, you click the checkbox and it marks it with a tick, and resets itself at the daily reset timing automatically. Makes it much more easier to remember if you’ve completed something, especially if you have a really long list of things to do in a day.

(I know there are some websites or third-party overlay that can do a similar task, but it would be much better to have an official one integrated into the game, without downloading third-party programs too)


Starting a guild just for family bank slots

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


If you have 5 people (4 family members plus you), then it’s definitely possible. You can do easy and medium difficulty guild missions with ease. It will be slower than big guilds, but you can definitely get it done.

Inventory Compact button

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


Well, that’s what special bags are for (invisible bags etc.). Items in them do not get sorted.

As someone who likes to keep everything on top of my inventory, I really do Not want this. Right now I just simply deposit all materials, then compact inventory, within 2 buttons.

Bank Tab expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


I think having a reasonable maximum is part of a sales strategy. That way, when they have a sale, people will buy as many to max them all out. If the max was like 30, that would make people think that it’s too ridiculous to max it out, and they’ll set their own “max”, purchasing only what they need.

Maybe contact support to refund them? I really doubt you need that many space anyways.

Queensdale/Kessex Hills is a pain in the ears

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


Morons keep spamming Prayer to Lyssa.

(When you use Prayer to Lyssa and say “May Lyssa confound you.”, it also makes every Human on the map say it.)

Permanent Bank access at gem store soon?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


I copied the chat link to the game and it doesn’t show the sell price. Then I linked my own Permanent Bank Access Express in my inventory, and they seem to be the exact same thing. It’s probably just the same thing as the one you receive after opening Permanent Bank Access Contract.

3 year old Guild Wars 2 myth... busted

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


Why do they need to use a bot to record? They can just pull out their server logs.

Tyria mastery impossible.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


I completed the last 4 chapters after HoT. I know the one in the Labyrinths is bugged. After the scene in the middle of it, at the end of the chapter, you get a cutscene, then get teleported ino the vine walls. There is way to jump to the left to reach the door and click on it, and it will teleport you back into the middle of the room.

Here’s a bug report I filed a while back (there is also a screenshot in there to help you if you need it):

Finally can glide into the volcano!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


I tried jumping off during my first visit there. I thought that since lava was liquid, and it would probably be a damage-over-time tick when submerged in it, I would probably survive. I was disappointed to find that lava is actually solid.

Please fix bouncing mushrooms too!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


It probably wont work that well because they are interactable objects and not bound to your character like Gliders are.

I don’t see why it won’t work. They’re a static object in the map, and your client can easily recognize that you stepped on one.

(edited by xiiliea.9356)

Shared consumable bags?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


They’ll just probably increase the max number of shared slots in the future for this.

Please fix bouncing mushrooms too!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xiiliea.9356


Now that gliders have been fixed to client-side, can bouncing mushrooms get the same treatment please? It’d make Fallen Masks so much easier to do. Gold is nearly impossible for me because so many seconds are wasted waiting for the delayed jump.