Boon Dispenser. Lv80 Guardian 15/25/0/20/10 Boom Dispenser – Lv80 Engineer 30/30/0/10/0
Chuck Thunderstruck – Lv 80 Ele 30/10/10/10/10
Guardian update. Thoughts?
Necromancers go home.
That’s the point. Eventually you’ll just hit in the 10’s.
Try taking a level 30 character to a level 40 zone and see what i mean
If you want spirits you should consider rolling ranger instead, Spirit ranger is a viable spec in tpvp.
Guardian is more of a bunker class with consecrations, shouts and virtues if you want to play defensive, or triple/double meditation and 1 shout for offensive builds
Maps like that wouldn’t really work unless you cap mobs at level 85. The reason for that is when a mob has a higher level than a player it will take less damage and the player will perform a lot of glancing hits on the mob.
If you up that to level 90 then you’d probably see no damage at all.
Decided to update my thief.
Should i go with or without the mask?
Most females are dudes IRL , skirts are better to look at.
By that logic, where are the super revealing tops for my male characters? What if I’d like the option to stare at my warrior’s finely sculpted physique?
Medium armor is the only one lacking in that department unless you play norn.
Look guys, it’s fashion!
Picture of my human elementalist. Min slider max buff is the best.
Head: Top Hat. (Gemstore)
Shoulders: Masquerade Mantle. (TP)
Chest: Tribal (Unobtainable/PvP)
Gloves: Primitive Handwraps (Karma/WvW)
Legs: Inquest (CoE)
Boots: Noble shoes (CM)
Dyes -should- be midnight fuchsia, illumination and black cherry.
Not for submissions, but considering this is the last day of the contest i’d figure i should throw in my elementalist too.
Firing squad. /15dedcharrs
We’ll have to remove charr first. After that we can introduce capes
Ahh, good to hear. Looking forward to capes being implemented!
Same here! I’d much rather see charr as an NPC only race anyways. There are waaay too many housecat type charr running around these days.
We’ll have to remove charr first. After that we can introduce capes
SO i got a elementalist and a warrior to lvl 30 but I dont know which on to stick with, i cant tell which will be better. can some one tell me the advantages of each. Like which has better DPS, PVP, and dungeons. I also constantly play with my friend who is a guardian so i don’t worry about solo playing.
Elementalist has a far higher DPS output than warrior when traited properly, and starts pulling away more once you stack buffs (Might/Fury and vulnerability on the enemy etc.) They can put out insane AoE pressure and kill most things extremely fast. (See attachment) Their downside however is that they are the glassiest class in the entire game and die extremely easy. The same applies for PvP where they can wipe out complete points in a matter of seconds if left untouched (
Warriors might have lower overall DPS, but they have banners which can give the party a huge buff to their damage. If you are the only warrior in your party you should always aim for having the discipline and strength banner up at all times. They are also great might stackers with the new phalanx strength trait which is great for PUGs (Pick Up Groups) In organized groups the trait is kind of lacking since you will be coordinating your buffs anyways.
In the end, it’s a personal preference of which one you should play, but in my opinion i like elementalist more.
Sick heals 420 blaze it #WATER
My submissions for light, medium and heavy!
Figured i’d give it a shot since i’m #Fashionable.
One of my older pictures i found.
@ xsquared.1926 and maddoctor.2738 you guys are showing how good self healing is and that’s not what I am talking about. I am talking about when it come to healing other ppl who don’t have healing gear on
And if you goin to post STOP with the dedicating heal I am not talking about that either, I am talking about a dps/healer like the one we have on the game now but more efficient.
Multiply the self heal by 5 then. There’s your group heal.
Also, you say you want to be a healer and when we give you examples it’s too much of being a healer and you want to be a DPS at the same time? Make up your mind. If you go flat out DPS you won’t be a healer to someone else, and if you go full out healing you wont hit at all.
Heal builds are NOT garbage. You are able to AFK certain bosses with them on your own.
Example : Spider Queen from AC.
Spider queen is pretty hard yeah
Clerics is OP pls nerf
Sick cleric no dodge healing squad. 2 manning and no dodging never gets old. (We swapped to exploit gear and Fiery Exploit Sword for burrows)
And now i have everything at level 80! (Dont hate on the bear, haven’t gotten my pets yet!)
(edited by xsquared.1926)
So I have slowly been creating Twilight over the past wee while and now looking at the 1k gold pile that I need to raise to afford Dusk at its current Trade Post price im starting to feel like Gw2 is a grind, I know that the developers said that they wanted to make the game feel like it wasnt a grind but I think some of the recent changes and perhaps lack of change has made it into one of the most grindy games I have ever played. does anybody else think that the whole Idea of needing a precurser or puting so much focus on gold has made Gw2 into a grind? because all I seem to be doing when I play is earning gold by grinding different dungeon paths or doing pvp which is kind of a grind aswell to level… :L perhaps ii play wrong.
I’ll just leave this here.
A good high level player makes around 3 to 5 million gold each hour
Not the PvE masquerade armour, but there used to be a pvp version that people were’t able to get. Where is it now? Did it ever really exist? Imo they should have used that as an ascended armour skin instead of the atrociousness that was released.
Thanks in advance for your responses.
You used to be able to get it by hitting rank 30 in pvp.
With the changes it’s no longer possible to get it though.
“Frees you up to run more Thieves instead of eles.”
Why would I want to replace Eles? Why would I want a second Thief?moar deeps in non-fgs situations
Explain how a thief in a non-fgs situation is more dps than a staff ele.
From 6:23 to 6:33 you deal 94,830 damage @ ~12 stacks of might
From 6:34 to 6:44 you deal 75,523 damage @ 24 stacks of might (no scholar bonus). Bump it up to 83,075 if you want to factor in scholar bonus.
A challenger has appeared!
0:30 – 0:41
Buying a legendary from the TP sure is legendary.
they never were, OP
I like the top hat.
Now i need a dredge cart to lure those kids in.
There’s a lack of top hats in this thread.
False. As someone that frequently went for solo times in Arah, I can assure you that in full ascended strength runes (switched from scholar for obvious reasons) I’m still not able to hit as well as I was before the patch unless I’m pretty much camping GS, which is obviously not a viable option most of the time.
I am quite sure that in an organized group in Arah / PUG in other dungeons it doesnt make a difference. The keywords are “camping GS”.
Well if we’re on the topic of organised groups again, then GS was rendered inefficient as of yesterday’s patch and scholar still remains the dominant rune choice along with camping axe AA with an empowered build and 30 in Arms.
Not every organized group as in non PUG not super organized speedrunners runs 2xeles or thieves have might spamming. I am not sure in that scenario you can keep 25 stacks up permanently (then again not much lasts that long in a maxed out party) and maintain >90% health.
I primarily PUG dungeons and open world ie do not have an organized group so I will stick with the more conservative approach with runes of strength.
In any case how is this RIP zerker build?
only 2 eles? hahaha what a noob how is everyone going to have a FGS with only 2 eles? If your group doesn’t have 3 eles at least you aren’t even playing the game as far as I’m concerned.
FGS ele DPS > a warrior axe axe burst? Dunno havent tried it – guess Zepidel doesnt play with 99% of GW2 population.
FGS ele DPS > combined DPS of 2 warriors (against a wall).
You could say 3 if you take into account the extra FGS for your ranger/mesmer.
Against a wall. And you are telling me that FGS ele has 10K DPS fully decked out? Can you post a link with the actual numbers, as well as a comparison when walls aren’t available?
Warrior has nothing against ele
Hopefully with this patch will end all the zerker only lfg.
While Zerker still do the most damage, it is no longer significantly better than other builds. In fact, for some classes that based its damage on conditions or power using non zerker gears is now much better.
Even with warrior I notice with zerker gears I have lost more than 10% damage. I find using Knight now offer better Survivability without losing much damage.
Quite the opposite.
Before the nerf i was able to carry people in level 80 dungeons with my own damage, but now i just enforce a gear check to see if everyone is wearing zerkers. That way i know pretty sure the run will go smoothly.
Warriors are fine, don’t worry.
While nice and all on ele, (I also run the strength runes on mine, love it) Think of the potential on other classes.
Wouldn’t a warrior with the strength sigil, forceful greatsword and phalanx strength pump out perma 25 might for anyone near him?
Full Berserker Warriors are dominating (and ruining) PVE at the moment. I’m sorry it feels bad to be nerfed (us Thieves were nerfed too), but it’s good for the health of the game.
Lol what.
In an optimized group setup you don’t want more than one warrior since their damage is kitten compared to elementalists or thieves.
There are two reasons why warriors are viable in PvE.
1. They have banners which support the group and makes sure the group has max DPS.
2. They’re easier to keep alive than other classes thanks to their huge HP pool and passive regen.
If warriors didn’t have banners and EA, i wouldn’t even think of bringing one in my group and replacing them with an elementalist instead. Because other than banners, they don’t bring that much to the party.
LB if you want to be useful.
Rifle for fun shenigians
I would but i dont have 80 war yet. i tend to stay away from them but honesly this would make me lvl my war. seems fun. what server?
I’m on Tarnished Coast myself.
LOL awesome. imagine a team of snipers like this.
I actually made a guild just for this. So far we have 3 members and we’re actively seeking riflemen to join the cause. So if you’re reading this, feel free to shoot me a whisper to join up!
And to add to this, i am the creator of this montage.
With the critical damage change/nerf in mind, i decided to dust off my trusty rifle and give it another go. The results were well, slighty humorous.
I had a lot of fun making this montage, i died plenty of times while doing so because i took too many risks. But in the end it was all worth it!
The build i used is here I kind of realized later on that slashing power probably would’ve been a better alternative instead of death from above, since it’s possible to switch to GS before the killshot actually connects. (Thanks fellow killshot warrior for suggesting this!)
The gear used, was as usual full berserkers, 6x scholar runes and a sigil of air on my rifle for a chance of added burst.
I hope everyone enjoys the montage, and feel free to comment on it!
Nice job. I wonder if sub 4 minutes is possible.
Have you tried using the deflect missiles trait with the sword block? Or does that not work/does splash damage slap your kitten. (I haven’t attempted warrior solos yet). You might be able to reflect some projectiles and speed up the kill.
Other than that, great job
I’m probably not going to lay this out in a coherent manner but oh well…….
I’ve been playing since release my first 80 was an ele and since then I’ve played most other classes to 80. Of those classes I’ve done a great amount of WvW roaming with warrior, mesmer, guardian and ele.
I’m trying to understand what’s the compensation for the ele for having the lowest defense in game passive and active. Let’s face it, every class in this game can do great damage, every class can heal, and most classes have great defense….most.
Of the light armor classes (and maybe of most the classes) we’re the one lacking a class defining defense mechanism that properly compensate for our lack of passive defense.
Of the classes that I roam with warrior has great armor, great hp, great active defense (too numerous to list), and great damage; guardian has heavy armor, moderate hp, has great defensive mechanic (boons), very good damage, good hp; Mesmer has great damage, low armor, moderate hp, awesome active defense (clones, stealth); elementalist has great damage, low hp, low armor, and at best a moderate defensive.So why does the elementalist has the worst defense in game again?
Maybe I’m missing something here and maybe some of you can shed some light on the matter for me.
Then again maybe I’m not making sense……
In PvE their sheer damage output gives them enough reason to be squishy (
In sPvP however, they could use some love. Right now eles aren’t capable of doing a whole lot, unless they go staff ele (And 99% of the time they’ll end up getting trained by thieves/engineers.) a slight nudge to their ACTIVE defenses would help out eles a lot.
In WvW it’s kind of a double edged blade. Elementalists are mediocore in small scale roaming, but they excel in backlining at large zergs, throwing down meteor showers, water fields and static fields everywhere. Buffing eles too much may make them too strong in these situations.
Where is my lance so that i can become a dragoon
Its over.
/15 charrs
The real issue with conditions is that most of them barely have any tells, and that some of them are instacast, ranged and not counted as a projectile (I’m looking at you, necro scepter.)
A good way to give conditions a bit more of a tell, (And thus promoting counterplay) is to add effects to said attacks. An example would be engineer grenades. All the grenades have a distinct effect which in turn allows you to know which condition will hit you and how to counter it. I think this also applies to Explosive Shot on the engi pistol.
Another thing which is a major culprit is the instant cast nature that i mentioned earlier, most condition based attacks have extremely low cast times and almost no tell and the fact that some skills have no travel time. (Necro scepter, Necro Marks) Giving these a slight amount of time to reach their target will allow for proper counterplay instead of mindlessly spamming 11111 and the marks.
My biggest mistake was not rolling a killshot warrior earlier.
Seriously, this is so much fun
Boon Duration, Power, Precision (Or Boon Duration any, tbh. Buff the percentage on givers to like 30% for a whole set of armor)
Crit Damage, Power, Prec
Power, Crit, Healing (Souped up guard meditations anyone?)
Glyph of storm in air attunement > Switch to frost bow > Frost bow 4 > Switch to fire and use meteor shower > Throw down FGS and FGS rush through the boss.
Spent my last bit of glory, and look what popped out!
RNG is in my favor today
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