Showing Posts For Alent.4780:

DH is FAR too strong in pvp

in PvP

Posted by: Alent.4780


I see the quality of the “nerf DH” threads has gone down considerably in the last day or so…

Trap Guardian Overpowered

in PvP

Posted by: Alent.4780


kitten 10% damage lost, compared with a free stun break that gives 6 stacks of aegis and 3 stacks of stability every 45-36 seconds even if you aren’t a trap build. Also it only lasts 4 seconds out of every 10 seconds so it’s only a 4% boost in a 1 vs 1.

For you kids following along at home this is called “moving the goal posts”.

Trap Guardian Overpowered

in PvP

Posted by: Alent.4780


Pro tip; stop being dumb running in on a dragonhunter, fight them at range or bring stability.

They’re ranged for a reason, hence why they are equipping longbow. Don’t tell me they’re weak in long range, cause they are not, rofl.

If a DH is running trap spec then their longbow does less, not to mention they’ve filled their utility bar with traps which are useless unless you run over them. If you can’t beat a unspecced long bow toting DH you deserve to lose the match.

How does their longbow do less damage in a trap spec.

I never said damage, but lets start with that – Zealot’s Aggression does more damage to a crippled target, which you will be doing a lot more with Dulled Senses (which also applies vulnerability, thus increasing damage) and Heavy Light, which you would be carrying if you specced into long bow.

Trap spec uses Piercing Light, which is trap specific, and chances are also good that your enemy is carrying Hunter’s Determination, which also does not affect long bow. Immediately you’ve lost bonus damage to crippled targets, the ability to cripple on knock back and vulnerability. Not only is the utility less but the damage is less as well.

All of this is easy to see for yourself on the google machine.

Trap Guardian Overpowered

in PvP

Posted by: Alent.4780


Pro tip; stop being dumb running in on a dragonhunter, fight them at range or bring stability.

They’re ranged for a reason, hence why they are equipping longbow. Don’t tell me they’re weak in long range, cause they are not, rofl.

If a DH is running trap spec then their longbow does less, not to mention they’ve filled their utility bar with traps which are useless unless you run over them. If you can’t beat a unspecced long bow toting DH you deserve to lose the match.

Guardian core changes at HOT release?

in Guardian

Posted by: Alent.4780


You’re other post, including this one is very sensational, as well as demonstrating you’re lack of understanding for the mechanics of changes in MMO’s in general. I’m going to leave you and your friends to scream at walls on the forums while the rest of us use the keys we have been given by Anet to open the doors. GL.

Fantastic rebuttal sir, I am glad you are willing to address my points….

Or, you know, insult me. That works too.

Guardian core changes at HOT release?

in Guardian

Posted by: Alent.4780


Maybe if players toned down sensationalism, devs would be more likely to engage us. The playerbase has been cast aside and forgotten because … Revs? Are people to take this seriously? Devs HAVE replied and implemented LOTS of suggestions that they have asked us for. Just because they aren’t the specific things on certain players priority lists doesn’t mean people should be dishonest.

Specifically for this, I do fault Karl on his ambitious goal to consider core changes … this I think is simply not realistic and in all honesty, what core changes have they NOT heard us already talk about dozens of times?

Its sensational to point out the fact that the rev forum is active while other forums, Guardian included, have been left to languish? When was the last time devs actually implemented a change we asked for? And don’t say shields because literally know one asked for cool down reduction. All I’m asking for is a little communication, if features have to wait I understand! There is no reason to break out the soap boxes, I think we can all agree an active conversation would be nice, but thus far we’ve gotten a post or two at the start of a thread and then zero comments on our feedback.

Guardian core changes at HOT release?

in Guardian

Posted by: Alent.4780


It’s not Roy, it’s the Rev. Rev has priority atm for obvious reasons.

Well, yes, we can clearly see that, but just because they are new doesn’t mean the rest of the player base should be cast aside and forgotten. Are you really implying that it is impossible to reply to some of the suggestions that they have asked us for? Why even ask in the first place if they don’t have time for anyone but Rev?

Why don't Guardians have access to taunt?

in Guardian

Posted by: Alent.4780


Frankly we have every right to be salty. Maybe if the dev team were actually responding to us after their own requests for feedback I’d say you were right. But as of right now, this place is a ghost town while Roy is chatting it up in the Rev forum… so yeah, every right to be salty.

Guardian core changes at HOT release?

in Guardian

Posted by: Alent.4780


That is for Dragon Hunter, OP specifically asked for core changes.

Guardian core changes at HOT release?

in Guardian

Posted by: Alent.4780


Easy to get discouraged considering we haven’t heard from Karl for weeks…. Meanwhile, Roy is actively engaged in the Rev forums, last post was at most 2 days ago.

It is sad that only Roy seems to have time to chat, but I have to believe its because Karl is so busy making the changes we’ve request that he just doesn’t have time to tell us about it.

And What About Spirit Weapons?

in Guardian

Posted by: Alent.4780


Did you not read the very next sentence? Or maybe not understand changes to the profession as a whole is separate from changes to individual pieces of the profession? Or how about virtually the only feedback we’ve had outside of the game itself has been the observation the “the class is in a good place” and their observable behavior continues to reflect that? They’ve been fixing WHAT ISSUES exactly? Because the wonderful improvements to shield would fit exactly in the paradigm I’m describing – improvements that bring up less competitive builds without touching the meditation Guardian and burst-burns.

I did, and I agree – I just don’t think it is fair to say that we are “in a good spot”. Not saying you are the only one guilty of it – trust me I agree with all of your points about additional choices and the halfhearted shield changes. I’m just saying that most other classes have more than viable build, which means to me that Guardians are most definitely not in a good spot.

And What About Spirit Weapons?

in Guardian

Posted by: Alent.4780


The profession as a whole IS in a good spot – and that ’s a mark against buffing the profession as a whole.

Alright, can we stop with this? Clearly the devs do not think Guardians are in a good spot or they wouldn’t be fixing the issues we have been bringing up (or at least other devs for other professions). Tweaking spirit weapons to fall in line with Scrapper (or the AA chain to fall in line with the Rev) isn’t a buff, its a quality of life update to ensure we aren’t relegated to the halls of the Durmond Priory’s “forgotten classes” section.

"Interesting" Scrapper Gyro change

in Guardian

Posted by: Alent.4780


WTB an active dev poster…

And What About Spirit Weapons?

in Guardian

Posted by: Alent.4780


But we are in a good spot remember

Guardians ARE in a good spot. Whiners.

Right. Pointing out that we could use changes (and being validated while at the same time snubbed by other classes receiving those changes) is whining.

Very helpful – thank you for your constructive contribution to the thread.

And What About Spirit Weapons?

in Guardian

Posted by: Alent.4780


I suggest you hop aboard the Rev train while you still can. We have cried our lungs out on spirit weapons virtues and shield for years now. I honestly don’t expect anything else major to change now until a balance patch

Hrm, lets see… Guardian forums front page has exactly one red post wherein Karl solicits feedback and then disappears… Rev forums front page has 5 active red posts wherein Roy excitedly discusses ideas and discusses changes to the class. Yep, I guess you are right.

And What About Spirit Weapons?

in Guardian

Posted by: Alent.4780


I certainly hope the Devs can see that with the not infrequent Spirit Weapon threads popping up on this forum, there is most certainly a serious desire to see this utility rectified.

But Revs are so shiny and new…

Roy Cronacher on Rev Sword auto chain

in Guardian

Posted by: Alent.4780


Is it to late to ask for a refund on HoT? XD

A client for Linux

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alent.4780


Honestly Linux support is a prerequisite for me to even consider backing game ideas on Kickstarter now. I’d very much like to leave Windows behind – I wish there was a way to show them how much interest there is in this monitarily…

Is sword weak?

in Guardian

Posted by: Alent.4780


Mentioned it before, but no one ever seems to acknowledge it. Here is a little video about the sword and something odd it can do.

Yes I submitted a bug report, and yes it works on moving targets such as other players.

Interesting. I wonder if that’s completely exclusive to the sword, or even the guardian in general? I swear I’ve done that with the GS before.

That is not a bug, all attacks that have a chain like that will continue firing the attack until a cool down is reached or an enemy is hit. You can’t force the final attack in the chain to proc on an enemy more than once without going through the chain again – the only reason they are able to pull it off in the video is because they haven’t hit anyone with the last attack, and thus it triggers a couple of times before the cooldown.

Post-patch--Celestial vs Zerkers

in Guardian

Posted by: Alent.4780


What happens when we start fighting Primordus? It seems to me that while burning is the most accessible to us, it’s also the most likely condition to have enemies be completely immune to.

Found a Balcony in Home Instance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alent.4780


This section of the map seems to be riddled with awkward glitches.
Targetable door with display name. NPC sitting on the floor under the couch. A window inside a wall, and a texture gap.

Hey, Faren is just trying to keep a low profile, alright?

Level 80 Help Me Do Big Damage

in Guardian

Posted by: Alent.4780


@Hicci, Amins, and Alent:
I think the point eldain stenlund was trying to make was that a Warrior will outdo a Guardian when it comes to dps, not necessarily that a Guardian can’t do dps at all.

I don’t disagree that a guardian speccing for pure damage and expecting to do better than, say, a warrior specced for damage is crazy; I was just poking a little fun at Amins one sentence reply to eldain.

It was only worth a line. =] lol

I don’t disagree with this either. = p

Best weapons for random dungeon PUGs?

in Guardian

Posted by: Alent.4780


Every team could be different, I don’t think there is any one right answer here. I would say pick your favorite weapons that you like to play with and have them on hand so you can pick up any slack a pug might have. Guardians can be pretty flexible so I generally keep a greatsword, a staff, a sword, a shield, a focus, and a hammer on me at all times. In my groups I usually roll with at least a Ranger and a Thief, so I tend towards a sword and shield / staff combo to support, control, and spread might while they dish out tons of damage, but depending on any pickups / guildies that come along I can tweak more in some areas with the equipment.

Level 80 Help Me Do Big Damage

in Guardian

Posted by: Alent.4780


@Hicci, Amins, and Alent:
I think the point eldain stenlund was trying to make was that a Warrior will outdo a Guardian when it comes to dps, not necessarily that a Guardian can’t do dps at all.

I don’t disagree that a guardian speccing for pure damage and expecting to do better than, say, a warrior specced for damage is crazy; I was just poking a little fun at Amins one sentence reply to eldain.

Level 80 Help Me Do Big Damage

in Guardian

Posted by: Alent.4780


You play guardian.. you will never do “Big Damage”.
If you want dmg and heavy armor.. go warrior.

Only thing you can do, if you still want to play guardian and dmg.
Go full berzerk gear and GS.

you will not hit “BIG”, even with the gear tho.

I beg to differ.

Nailed it.

Why am I in demand for fractals?

in Guardian

Posted by: Alent.4780


Things you can reflect in fractals: harpy attacks in the Uncategorized Fractal, the boss’s flame attack in Volcanic Fractal (yes it will put the DOT on him), the mossman’s axes (I’m fairly sure about this), and just about any general projectile that may be thrown at you in any other fractal.

Things you can block with SotA (aside from anything you can also reflect): Old Tom’s projectiles in the Uncategorized Fractal (try standing right on top of him and using the skill), attacks from the ice elementals in the Snowblind Fractal, I think you can block dredge attacks (but not all of them) and the gun attacks if that path is the one taken in the Underground Facility Fractal.

I’m not sure this is a comprehensive list and some things may be incorrect (feel free to correct me).

Those things by themselves are incredibly useful, but taken with the fact that many of the things you can block or reflect also inflict Agony and that if you are doing it right you are buffing the team during all the fights anyway and you have your reason for Guardian popularity in nearly every party. My group has a general understanding that the overall success in any dungeon we are unfamiliar with is directly proportional to the number of Guardians in the party.

Guardian’s aren’t OP, but they take a lot of pressure off the rest of the group, which might be their greatest boon they can grant.

Ascended Items are against variate builds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alent.4780


Still have no idea when we will get new back items. When will we get more options for Fractal Capacitors?

A client for Linux

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alent.4780


Anet needs to read this article.

Windows 8 is going to be a tablet emulator on PC.


Will you, Anet, make a tablet friendly version of GW2? A console version?

Why not make a something more on the side of the Opensource idea (not implying you have to open your code) and use something more multiplataform oriented?

Opengl and Openal WAS in the past a reall mess, now they are as powerful as any directx library (if not better). Linux is going to a more unified place with Ubuntu and Mac is using a *Nix plataform with good compatibility with everything you made for linux.

Forget about Valve, think about Microsoft turning our pcs into a tablet.

This is essentially what I’m seeing as well – Microsoft is all but ceding the PC game to Linux at this point by putting so much emphasis on tablets to the point that Windows 8 is unusable on a PC. Honestly, the only reason I still run Windows on my home PC is because of Guild Wars 2. If they released a client that ran well on Linux (I don’t have the money to build a machine that would make up for the performance gap on wine), I would switch tomorrow and never look back.

Ascended amulets and ascended items overall.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alent.4780


What annoys me is how Anet take months to release new stat combo’s. I got both rings and amulet to then have to get them all again because they finally 4 months down the line decided to add Knights combo to ascended items. Atleast tell us that you’re working on or adding them in the near future. I would have happily saved my 30 laurels until Feb patch as now I have to farm 60 to get the stat combo I want

Months to release new combos for everything except back items. Play the way you want means “using these 5 attribute combos”. Hope your play style fits into one of those!

A client for Linux

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alent.4780


Here’s more data – 16% Linux vs. 6% Mac sales.

Come on ANet, you censored the link into non-functionality. How is s . ht an expletive… well ok I can kind of see it but that is really a reach. This kitten business is out of control.

Here is the operational link

A client for Linux

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alent.4780


People with Linux are mostly people who either don’t want to, or can’t spend money. Exactly the wrong kind of people to try to market a product to.

OK, real talk now. Take that generalization and shove it up your kitten. As a Linux user I’m offended by this and I’m not going to tolerate this any more. I pay for all my games, and most people I know do the same, no matter what platform they are on.

Not only is it a generalization, it is also demonstrably false. Statistics gathered by the Humble Indie Bundle clearly show that not only is there a hunger for good games on Linux but that Linux users on average are willing to and pay more for the content. Feel free to examine the evidence yourself.

Zahld, that would be great, except developing a working version of an MMO on an OS that changes on the whims of the completely random people that make it is… well, it’s hard.

I’m not really sure who you mean, but here is what Linus Torvalds (yes, that guy who wrote Linux) thinks about binary compatibility. Also, I guess Fujitsu, IBM, Intel, HP, NEC, Oracle, Samsung, AMD, Cisco, Citrix, Google, Hitachi, Huawei, Motorola, Panasonic, Toyota, Adobe, ARM, Barnes and Noble, Broadcom, Canonical, D-Link, Dell, DreamWorks, Epson, LG, Marvell, MIPS, Nokia, NVIDIA, Qualcomm, Siemens, Sony, Twitter, VMWare, Yahoo and many others really are random people. Seriously, does anyone know any of those companies?

Meh is quite correct – the Linux Foundation exists not only to move Linux forward as an operating system but to also standardize it and keep it competitive. This means things won’t change on a whim, no more so than, say, Microsoft deciding to make Windows 8 have a closed app store that drove the developers at Valve to get serious about Linux support. Many large businesses feel secure enough about the stability and future of Linux to use it on the backbones of their information systems.

Sorry Nels, but you should really educate yourself on the topic before shooting your mouth off. You will find that Linux has been steadily gaining market share and mainstream acceptance by even the non tech-savvy among us. With the added attention of Valve and their ability to pressure graphics card manufacturers into developing better drivers for Linux (pretty much the main thing holding Linux based gaming back), I predict this trend will only increase.

Ascended back item parity

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alent.4780


With the latest patch even more attribute groupings were released for almost every ascended item slot with the mysterious exception of the back armor slot. I am enjoying the new content but I am puzzled as to why additional attribute groupings were not released for back items. In previous comments, certain ANet devs have mentioned that such items would be released, but with the latest update I’m beginning to wonder when.

I have been, as I am sure many other players have, saving my fractal relics for the hope to purchase one of the newly released attribute groupings. I would very much like to buy a Fractal Capacitor, I think they look very cool – but I don’t want to give up my current attribute spread if I can help it (I currently have a rare Magi’s spineguard). I see no reason why these attribute groupings can or should not be made available on back items, but I do not have access to the same data that ANet devs do.

My suggestion, then, is twofold. Either:
1) Release more back items attribute groupings and communicate with your players when you will have the additional attribute groupings available for purchase so that we know how long we should keep the 1350 fractal relics we have been saving.

2) If you feel that the current spread of back item attribute groupings is sufficient and have no plans to change them at this time, please communicate this to your players so that we can understand your reasoning and try to fit the current attribute spreads into our builds.

Thank you very much for your time and for creating this game that we all enjoy playing!

Ascended amulets and ascended items overall.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alent.4780


Any word yet on what we’re supposed to do with account bound, unsalvagable, unforgeable ascended rings?

Is it still just vendor trash?

Yeah man, you saw they put extra bank tabs on sale, that covers it right? = p

Ascended amulets and ascended items overall.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alent.4780


I’m relatively happy with their response, but a time-frame would be nice… yah know… so I know how long I’m going to be holding onto my Tokens and Luarals.

My sentiments exactly!

Ascended amulets and ascended items overall.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alent.4780


I highly doubt we’ll get missing sets in the February update. It is going to be another disappointment.

The least they could do is tell us why, then.

Ascended amulets and ascended items overall.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alent.4780


I think they are not going to be adding the new stat lines with this month’s patch. I think we would have probably heard about that by now. They have to name the new rings, come up with the individual graphics for the icons, and so on. I want to buy one right away too, but I think it just won’t be happening.

What about fractal capacitors and other back items, though, they all look the same, and how hard is it to come up with some names?

Ascended amulets and ascended items overall.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alent.4780


I can’t believe they haven’t given more detail on this. ANet, do you have enough forum mods?

[Météorlogicus] it's a shame ....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alent.4780




Why GW2 promotes selfish gameplay

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alent.4780


While I think it is incorrect to draw such broad conclusions from one bad interaction, I do think there is a fine line between “playing how you want” and “being an idiot”. There are plenty of sub-optimal builds out there that will get you through a dungeon, just maybe not as fast as the obsessive min-maxers. I think it is really hard right now to judge what is optimal and what is not since there really are so many different legit ways to play your class…

This is a completely different situation though – people that are unwilling to take simple advice or do some simple research (in Salty’s instance, bringing a stun breaker or two in a dungeon that pretty much demands them). I have met many people “playing how they want” who can take some advice when they are getting constantly downed, especially when it is such a no-brainer. I submit this is not about elites vs. noobs, but more about the attempting to teach the unteachable (waits for the secret handshake…). When you are rebuffed for offering fairly simple advice to someone that is clearly unwilling to do what is necessary to move the party forward (and I’ll give salty the benefit of the doubt that he was being at least nominally polite), that is what the party kick feature is for.

At this point you aren’t being elitist because you have tried to correct the behavior. Again, I don’t think this is indicative of a broader swath of GW2 players, I have pugged with too many people that are happy and willing to try new things if a suggestion is made to improve their experience in a dungeon. Lets back away from the knee jerk reactions we have to the OP and see the broader point here – that we should all be willing to take some friendly advice, and if we don’t understand why it was given ask questions. On the flip side, the advice givers should be ready to explain their advice. If we can keep this up, I think people will be happier and dungeons more productive in general.

Ascended Items are against variate builds

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alent.4780


I agree completely with the OP. There was a thread a while back speaking about this and a dev came in and said “we’ll do something about it” but never gave a time frame and never followed up with why it was released like this in the first place. Right now attribute spreads on a graph look like a triangle, with choices decreasing as your level increases. I really fail to see why this is the case, and since ANet has been mostly silent on the issue, it seems we will just have to wait and see if any of this is getting through to them…

Discussing Keybinds: it's all about control.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alent.4780


I have set dodge to my left shift button, but I hate that I can’t rebind shift-click. Other than that, not much.

Ascended amulets and ascended items overall.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alent.4780


I sort of expected this to happen so I held off on buying a fractal capacitor – the current stat “pyramid” that occurs with gear, the top tier being also the most limited stat wise, seemed pretty ill conceived. Questions about why additional stat groupings weren’t released to begin with aside, I’d too would like to know when we should expect an update with these new items so I can finally use all these fractal relics I’ve been saving up…

Prototype Fractal Capacitor - no healing?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alent.4780


Still stuck with limited fractal capacitor stat options after the update – why?

Comparison of soldier's melee effectiveness

in Guardian

Posted by: Alent.4780


I played ele and ele is quite s.h,i.t-t’y support comparing to guardian.

You are kidding right? tanshiniza provides a pretty good debunking of your claims but have you ever played with an auramancer? They are amazing examples of what a support ele can pull off.

I think what a lot of “you get healing so be happy” people here don’t realize is that there is more than one way to support a group. Direct healing isn’t the pinnacle of support nor should it be, and it definitely should require a class to be bad in every other area. No one wants homogeneity but some sort of parity would be nice considering nearly every other class’s ability spread.

Power or Precision?

in Guardian

Posted by: Alent.4780


In general I favor precision. You will never out damage professions that are built for DPS, so building pure damage is kind of a waste. More importantly, crits proc Empowering Might, Vigorous Precision, and Glacial Heart (depending on your build).

Right now I run a build with Altruistic Healing and Empowering Might, so when I crit I spread might and get healed for it. Its a nice steady stream of health, but your traits are going to decide what you build here. If you decide Altruistic Healing and Empowering Might isn’t your cup of tea then obviously crit chance might be less useful to you.

Oh, one note: this is for PvE, for sPvP I run a different build entirely.

Why are Guardian Tomes written in English?

in Guardian

Posted by: Alent.4780


Tome of Wrath translation:

“When life gives you lemons, don’t make lemonade. Make life take those lemons back. GET MAD! I don’t want your kitten lemons, what am I supposed to do with these?! Demand to see life’s manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Guardians lemons! DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM?”


Spirit Weapons -- RIP

in Guardian

Posted by: Alent.4780


Used Shield of the Avenger in urban combat fractal and it got one shotted by trash mobs after bubbling once. Spirit weapons have barely any HP and are as useless as ranger Spirits now. = (

Prototype Fractal Capacitor - no healing?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alent.4780


Still don’t get why they put in rings and backpeices with magic find instead of other options. They should be working to phase magic find out, if anything.

Exactly – how did magic find beat out healing power?

Prototype Fractal Capacitor - no healing?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Alent.4780


Still no word on why there is such a limited selection of prototype fractal capacitor stat groups? It seems odd to me when you can find so many other groupings up until you get to ascended equipment. Maybe they will never add it but I’m just wondering why there is such a small set stat groups? I’m sure there is some reasoning behind it.

Party mechanics and player reporting

in Suggestions

Posted by: Alent.4780


Last night I did a Fractal run with a fellow guildie and 3 pick ups. I believe 2 of the extras were from the same guild but it’s mostly irrelevant. What is important is that about halfway through the run an argument started between two of the party members. My guildmate and I stayed out of the argument and tried to calm things down a little – we weren’t there for drama we just wanted to complete the daily. After a small spat the argument seemed done, that is until we got to the jade sea fractal…

Right at the end of the boss fight (literally one hit left) one of the people that was arguing nabbed a stone out from under the other guy that was arguing when he had been targeted by the laser. This (of course) caused a kick vote, one which my guildmate and I didn’t really notice and did not participate in because we were scrambling to get a stone before we were obliterated by the boss’s parting shot. Seconds after the boss goes down we are immediately transferred to Lion’s Arch – no chest, no daily, just straight to LA with one less player in the party.

Now, I’m sure the two guys that kicked the third were trying to screw him out of the boss loot and daily (they had complained the third guy was wasting their time). What they succeeded doing was screwing us all out of it, including my guildmate and I who had no part in the argument and just wanted to get the daily done. We were both pretty angry afterwards and logged off. I thought about making this post last night but decided to cool down first. In lieu of calling people out, I’ve decided to make a few suggestions to help prevent this in the future, and hopefully people will relate to the story enough that ANet will take notice and make these enhancements a priority.

First, I’d like to suggest that they fix whatever it is that caused us to be immediately booted out of the Fractals when one member of the party is kicked – that seems like a pretty glaring bug. Second, I’d like to suggest that the votes to kick someone from a party be increased to three for a group of five. This would have easily prevented this situation by ensuring that two people from the same guild couldn’t abuse a kick vote – regardless of the argument and the abrasiveness of the other players we all deserved the loot because we all put in the time and effort for it.

Finally what I would like to suggest, and I know it has been mentioned before, a better player reporting system. The player that ultimately was kicked honestly deserved to be reported for his behavior. I’m sure there are plenty of instrumentation that probably needs to be filled out in order to make a proper reporting system, but I can tell you that the player base would greatly appreciate it. Chat logs would have clearly shown the abusive behavior of the player that was kicked so that they could be punished properly without the players feeling like they had to punish him by kicking him at the last second before he got the boss reward and daily and ultimately screwing everyone over in the party.