Showing Posts For Andrax.4576:

Why GW2 has the best trailers of any MMO...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrax.4576


I personally found the newest HoT trailer very lackluster.
For me, the animation was ok and i liked the background art was neat, but the actual models felt off and the overall action in the trailer wasn’t exciting at all.

I do like the painterly style, but it was done way better in the HoT announcement trailers. The newest trailer was just lazy in comparison.

I wouldn’t call them the best MMO trailers by a long shot, but the announcement trailers + FotM trailers were very nice.

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

Fiery Dragon Sword - 10 Hall of Monuments

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrax.4576


The Black Moa Quest is unlikely if he is playing on his own, apart from the hunt for the parts ( yes wiki can help ) he would still need to beat the forgeman in sorrows furnace in order to get the lava pot drop ( unless its been changed ) and unless he has full heros to do it solo, henchmen are highly unlikely to cut it ( again unless its been nerfed )

Thats the Black Moa chick minipet quest. He was talking about the ranger pet (since minipets dont have levels :P)

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

Quick! Post your old fake-first-person shots

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrax.4576


I don’t have many 1st person screenshots, because i didnt feel like going through the hassle most of the time. But i did find some screenshots and i slapped them to imgur

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

high AP but don't know game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrax.4576


As others have pointed out, not knowing the dungeon has absolutely nothing to do with knowing the game.

The thing is, there isn’t a single time in the game where you have to enter a dungeon. AND majority (if not all) of the AP comes from OUTSIDE the dungeons.

This is why i never use AP as a skill measurement, it is incredibly inaccurate.

Ive heard of people playing on alternate accounts getting kicked from dungeons for low AP, even though they are really experienced dungeon runners.
Then i hear about people complaining that high AP players are bad at dungeons.

expecting 5k+ players to know everything about the game is wishful thinking. I barely scraped the surface of the game at that point.

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

Final battle and trailer almost made me sick

in Living World

Posted by: Andrax.4576


The cinematic did make logical sense though. The reason we killed Zhaitan so “easily” is because we had many personal story episodes prior to the main fight where we weakened him to the point where we can actually fight against him.

Mordremoth on the other hand, was just awoken, with full strength. The pact ships also had sylvari crew, who turned against the pact as the minions of Mordremoth, since no one at the time knew that they were minions.

When you see NORMAL players unable to proceed, don’t dismiss them as noobs; take it to heart. Add some clues. Give some direction. Look at those camera angles. Show us an overhead view such that when an NPC tosses over some fire, we SEE it tossed over, AND we see it land.

Only problem i had for a while in that boss fight was when i didn’t realize that the critters can be destroyed with the light, but i figured it out fairly soon after.

There were clues during that fight and you DO see the fire being tossed and you DO see it land.
Not just that, but you assumed the white light was bad, even though you were actually carrying the same light source prior to the bossfight ??

All of the boss attacks were also telegraphed, giving you time to dodge them or use other defensive skills. The plant mines had visible tripwires and so on.

It was more challenging than other fights in the game for sure, but it wasn’t THAT hard, you were given so many visual and audio clues during it its not even funny.

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

To: ANET STAFF (Plz have think about it)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrax.4576


Hoping HoT is an actual expansion with a new continent (Cantha? Elona?) with new features. Would bring a ton more players back to the game, just like WoW did with WoD. Great for revenue.

Hoping that HoT isn’t a living story/LS season and all this hype was for nothing.

Lets just be realistic here. Even if HoT is an expansion, there is no way it would unlock Cantha or Elona. We are fighting against Mordremoth. So there wouldn’t be any reason to go to those continents. (at least not the whole continent).

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

think anet should charge a sub

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrax.4576


I already occasionally play two subscriptionMMO’s (WoW & FFXIV:ARR), I don’t always have money to pay for the sub fees, so i enjoy being able to come to GW2 without having to worry about paying anything.

If GW2 would become subscription based, i would probably never pay for it, as i might as well play a different game then.

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

where do Sylvari go after the first zone?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Andrax.4576


The way i leveled up my first character was that when i would finish one 1-15 area (in my case, Queensdale), before moving to the 15+ areas, i would go to Lion’s Arch and use the Asura gates to go to the other races 1-15 starting zones. As playing content below your level still rewards you good amount of experience.

That way, i never ran in to problems with enemies being too high level for me.

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

Nightmare laby

in Living World

Posted by: Andrax.4576


Ive personally never had huge problems in the labyrinth. You can quite easily plan your way around the labyrinth when you know where the plant buffs are.
If you ever do run out of the buff (and i know you do), you can rely on someone else with the buff stunning the wolves, because that’s what its there for

Also there are two ways to get to the center, one is on the back, which i always use if the front is too crowded.
I call BS (based on personal experience) on there being absolutely no way of getting there. If the front has so many wolves you can’t possibly go through it, then there is no way that the backdoor is filled with them.

The labyrinth IS mostly skill based, my death rate has gone down incredibly low after playing through it couple times and learning to use the minimap, which is incredibly helpful for planning your movement in the maze.

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

What did you want out of GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrax.4576


What did you want out of GW2?

There was never a specific thing i wanted out of the game, other than being able to enjoy it.
I bought it because i was a fan of Guild Wars 1 and i enjoyed the world and lore, bought and read the GW2 books and then pre-ordered the game.

I guess one thing i wanted was Lion’s Arch and Ebonhawke to look like what the books made me think they looked like

And why are you here at GW2, and not at some other game? There’s hardly a shortage of fantasy MMOs out there, but this is the one you’ve landed on. Why, what made it the choice?

Its free and enjoyable, i like a lot of things about the game, so i don’t really feel like listing reasons other than i enjoy dressing up characters and getting new skins for them (its something that i think this game does the best).

GW2 is not the only MMO i play though, i do own/play other MMO’s (WoW, EVE, FFXIV, Star Trek Online) but other than STO, they cost money, which i don’t usually have, so i end up spending my time in GW2.

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

[Suggestion:] Race Concept - The Nierr

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrax.4576


I like the effort put in to all of this, but none of this really fits Guild Wars.
To be honest, i don’t even think they would fit Cantha, and that’s Asian themed continent.

I also really don’t think the game needs a generic humanoid japanese cat people (that have a tribe called ‘Nyan’.. really?). There are so many other mmo’s out there that have them.

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

Rate my Sylvari and I'll rate yours

in Sylvari

Posted by: Andrax.4576


@DrDivine, 5/10. I kinda like how the colors blend together, but im not too huge fan of the colors themselves.

Anyways, here is my elementalist


Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

GW1 Armor Sets that You want to see in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrax.4576


Elite Luxon Ritualist

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

Did YOU ever find it hard?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrax.4576


I never really found these things too hard.

The only annoying problem i have with different sets of skills are that they are not shown anywhere in the game, until they become available.

You can’t see or read the underwater skills unless you are underwater AND you have them unlocked, same with downed (and i don’t think you can even read what normal weapon skills do until you unlock them).

Same with Necromancers Death Shroud and Lich Form, they give you specific sets of skills that are shown nowhere, and being timed skills, it really hurts to be spending majority of your Lich Form reading what your skills do.

And aside the Downed State starting from lv5, you still need to spend time downed reading your skills (unless ive missed something).

It really can’t be too hard for there to be a tab that shows every skill your character has available, so you know, you can be prepared for when you get to use them.

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

Scammed selling arah p2, buyer killed Brie

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Andrax.4576


Wah!!! WTG buyer! No sympathy what so ever!!1

Seriously though ANet needs to make it a bannable offence for for both sellers and buyers.

Care to give us a reason?
If someone can solo (or duo) a dungeon path, why can’t they sell it?

It benefits everyone, the seller gets money from it and the buyer gets the tokens that they wanted.

And don’t even count the sellers that kick others from the group to sell slots, those are a completely different thing than legit sellers.

Running services have been around the series since Guild Wars 1, this is no different.

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

What are 3 features that you wish the most?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrax.4576


1. First Person View for scenery screenshots (honestly, its been 2 years and i haven’t been able to take a single good screenshot without my character being on the screen its stupid)

2. More dungeons and dungeon gear

3. Vanilla traits being automatically unlocked while newly added traits needs to be acquired.

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

Elementalist doesn't actually use his staff

in Elementalist

Posted by: Andrax.4576


I kinda like the animations. It’s not really used as a weapon, but as a tool to channel magic.
(obviously not officially, but its fun to think of it this way)

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

No Mawdrey For Me I Guess... :-(

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrax.4576


Not cool. What happened to ‘play how you want’? The supposed motto of GW2 from day 1… I can’t play how I want because I’m forced to do something I don’t want to do!!!

This game has NEVER been 100% “play how you want”. Want any of the dungeon skins but don’t like dungeons? tough luck. Want the dungeon weapons but don’t like dungeons? Nope.
Wanted any of the Living Story items but don’t like doing achievements? Nope. (although you can get them for laurels and gold now, but it wasn’t like that during the LS)

There has always been certain requirements to get things in this game, since the very beginning. Which is why im always annoyed whenever i see people pull out the “play your way” card.

Of course you can play how you want, but who said that you will get everything by playing the way you want?

Now that im over that, im pretty sure Mawdrey is supposed to be an item you need to do many different things to get. It also has infusion slots down the line, which would be the reason it requires something from the mists(fractals).

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

[Suggestion] Reintroduce personality

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrax.4576


Considering Anet already encourages you to replay the LS2 content for the achievements, having different conversations based on the personality choice would certainly make it at least slightly more interesting to replay the missions.

(that is if you still get multiple choices during dialogue, based on personality)

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

Suggestion: First Person Camera

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrax.4576


I want first person as well. Every time they add some cool new environments, i don’t gaze at them like “woow so beautiful”, instead, i look at it for a while and think to myself “Why is there not a first person view so people can screenshot this beautiful landscape?”

I LOVE taking landscape screenshots in MMO’s and it absolutely infuriates me that you can’t in GW2. There is absolutely no good reason not to have it.

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

Where has the atlas gone?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrax.4576


It disappeared to the void with the fractal leaderboards. Atlas never really felt useful to be honest, it was pretty annoying to have to click on every possible pixel to find the info, instead of it being shown to you by default.

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

Screenshot your BANK!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrax.4576


I’m always poor-ish, ive never been much in to collecting everything i can (at least not with my limited bank space)


Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

Suggestion: HoM skins unlockable via gemstore

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrax.4576


I already dislike the idea of so many skins being in Gem Store. Having hard earned GW1 weapons be easily obtained with gems is a slap to the face for a lot of people who played GW1.

I don’t even have all the skins yet, but im not complaining that i don’t have the axe skin i want, i play GW1 in order to accumulate some extra points towards it.

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

Content Update for Guild Wars 2 [SUGGESTIONS]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrax.4576


You’ve been playing ArcheAge? Because everything you suggested is in AA.

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

[Suggestion] Character Select, 7 Slots

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrax.4576


aaaaaaaah i see, that makes sense.

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

[Suggestion] Character Select, 7 Slots

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrax.4576


There is nothing to fix here, the reason you don’t have 8 character slots is because thats a way for Anet to make money (You buy more character slots from the Gem store)

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

Half Off For New Players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrax.4576


Every single game that has ever existed has been on some kind of sale. It’s a good business practice, because people are more willing to buy a game if they see it go cheaper (thats how i got 3 of my friends to play GW2).

I don’t feel ripped off at all by GW2 going on sale, i pre-ordered it 2 years ago and have clocked over 2k hours on it already and also experienced all the events that new players can’t experience so easily.

And as any sensible person would, i expected the game go on many sales further down the line, because its completely normal.

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

Honest Opinions so far on season 2

in Living World

Posted by: Andrax.4576


I always expected there to not be that much content during the first episode.
The only problem i really have with S2 (and S1) are the characters, the people you hang around with (Marjory, Kasmeer, Braham, Rox & Taimi), i really don’t feel emotionally invested in any of these people and its painful to hang around with them, i never really feel like im there.

mostly Marjory & Kasmeer makes me feel uncomfortable with their dialoque (and i have nothing against gay relationships, so its not that, its just their dialoque that feels really unnatural and way too romantic for a normal relationship in my opinion.. Its kinda like being the 3rd random guy in a room where the 2 others gets too close to each others and start kissing and such and you are like “uuuuuuhhmmm.. im still here” (or that could be just me))

Other than those two, the rest are just not very interesting. I would be more excited to solve problems with the Destiny’s Edge, mostly because ive read the books and can get emotionally invested in them.

Character problems aside, i did like the new area, though i wish it was bigger. The vertical nature of the map was also nice (i always loved the Labyrinthine Cliffs) though i wish there was more verticality that wouldn’t require you to look for the aspects all the time.

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrax.4576


At first, i thought that the trait hunting would be something fun to do at lvl80 (and i always thought it was going to be for grandmaster traits only), but after getting my alt to lvl30, i was baffled by the fact that EVERY trait needs to be hunted separately? Why?

requirements including personal story (don’t like) to 100% map completions (won’t bother doing that with every single alt)

I just don’t feel like playing with alts anymore, gaining traits has become a painful chore, or an awful money sink.
There is nothing to look towards when gaining levels, when you don’t get any traits until you separately check how to get all of them.

I preferred having my traits automatically unlocked, with only grandmaster traits (and new traits) being part of the hunt.

Even in Guild Wars 1, they didn’t lock every single skill behind tedious tasks, only elite skills.

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

How Tall Is Our Gods?

in Lore

Posted by: Andrax.4576


I think it depends.
Kormir is probably around the same size, considering she was originally just a human in GW: Nightfall.

Abaddons head alone is way bigger than any human in Nightfall.

aaand i cant think of anything else.

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

Expansion or Living story ? why

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrax.4576


Guild Wars 2 can’t survive if it keeps giving us a ton of temporary content via LS.
It’s also really bad form of story telling (at least for the main story of the game) because once you miss it, you can’t experience it in the game anymore. (sure you can read about it, but why should you? It should be available in game.)

Expansion would give players a bunch of new permanent content and a replayable story, if they would go the same route as they did with GW1, without having to worry about missing some key parts of the story.

During the LS, i couldn’t get on GW2 for ~3 weeks due to irl stuff, which made me miss one whole chapter of the story, which i still find annoying, since i played through the rest.

I don’t want this same thing to be possible when the Mordremoth story begins.

Living Story can stay, but it should not be used for the main story.

Expansion for Main story
Living Story for minor/side story

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

Lack of leveling content in zones?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrax.4576


Have you done Blazeridge Steppes? Because thats another 40-50 area you can do.
Also have you done every map below lv40 100%? If you haven’t, thats another bunch of experience you can have.

The level range on maps are just guides on what level you should be in to do stuff there, its by no means a sign telling you to go there and nowhere else. (like if you are way below lv40, you shouldn’t go there, or if you are above lv50, you might not be as challenged as in higher level areas).

You get experience from EVERYTHING, even doing a lv5-10 starting zone 100% would still give you a level or two, so go ahead and 100% every map below your level (unless you have done that, then i have no idea what to tell you.. thats what i usually do and it works just fine and ive never ran out of experience sources)

This game was designed in a way that no matter what you do, you get experience.

So don’t feel like you are forced to be on areas meant for certain levels. you are most certainly not meant to stay there.

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

What do want in the FEATURE Only Update?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrax.4576


First person view is something ive wanted since headstart.
I just want to be able to take scenery screenshots in this beautiful world already >:(

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

Rate the Necromancer look above you

in Necromancer

Posted by: Andrax.4576



heres mine

Please excuse poor quality, dont have a good video card.

Based on a hellish design.


Never been a big fan of the design of CoF armor, but other than that, its not too shabby.

Here is my generic sylvari necromancer (couldn’t decide which pic was better)
Still need to do some tweaking with the dye’s, trying to go with the ‘dead leaves’ theme


Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

Your Best Screenshots?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrax.4576


My best moments in Guild Wars 2 have all been with my guild, thus one of my favorite screenshots is of my amazing guild members. Without them, my journey in GW2 wouldn’t have been as fun.

(still eagerly waiting for first person view so i can take scenery screenshots, like i do in every mmo i play ’ ^’)


Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

Other Towns Getting Attention ?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Andrax.4576


Pretty sure everyone will settle in the most convenient city which will then become another LA for us.

People go where others are, they are not going to spread around, if they would, they would have done it already.

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

Lack of inventory space annoying

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrax.4576


I have never had any problem with inventory space, nor has selling items / salvaging items felt like it was made difficult.

I got around 100 slots without spending any real money.
Salvaging inventory full of junk takes like less than 2 minutes, and a click of a single button to store them to collections.

I also don’t understand how the selling is made as difficult as possible. How? It’s really easy and fast.

Only problem with space i have is bank space, since my bank is constantly full, but inventory is always nice and tidy without the management feeling like a chore.

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

Post a pic of your character only if your armor is mix-n-match

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrax.4576


Here is my mesmer, got this set of armor about a week ago and im pretty happy with it.
Goes well with Kasmeer’s staff and dual rapiers.


Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

What brings you down about gw2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrax.4576


It’s no different that WoW or most MMORPGs of that nature. You’re not going to find worthwhile questing in an MMORPG…with one exception. The Secret World is the only MMORPG I’ve ever played that had engaging questing. Especially the investigation missions.

hoh, i completely forgot about TSW. I do have it and yeah, the investigation quests are amazing.

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

What brings you down about gw2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrax.4576


for me, its the renown hearts. I like it that they tried to get rid of the traditional quests with these, but honestly, i would take well made quests over renown hearts any day.

They are just…boring, they have no context, you just get to an area and “oh im supposed to do this”, but without any quest log or initial quest giver, you have no idea why you are doing what you are doing (unless you go to the renown heart person, but its pretty vague and shallow compared to lets just say quest givers in WoW).

I just like quests that have stories in them that i can read and participate in.
The Personal Story is also not nearly enough to satisfy my need for story-based quests.

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

MMORPG Jumping

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrax.4576


I think it just depends on the person. Ive had 2-3 months break from GW2 as i was playing WoW and FFXIV and had no problem coming back to GW2.

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

Your best looking character.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrax.4576


I can’t select just one character as my best looking, so here is two of my best looking characters


Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

Original FlameKissed Skin please

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Andrax.4576


Its unfair to compare the T3 lightkissed with feathered, because the other 2 gemstore armors were common armors found within the game, while flamekissed was expensive made-to-look-nice-as-nice-as-possible cultural armor for humans.

I prefer it this way, because now all 3 gemstore armors are made out of common armors. Having flamekissed being the only cultural in the mix felt really wrong and out of place.

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

New Lovestruck weapon skins

in The Edge of the Mists

Posted by: Andrax.4576


Yeah, the weapons look great. Im just sad that they are locked behind a pretty expensive RNG that i can never afford (in time), and if i could, i would not be lucky enough to get a ticket.

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

Free server transfer request

in The Origins of Madness

Posted by: Andrax.4576


I still think that the residents of the server should have some priority over guests, as in, allow actual players of that server take spots from guests, sure its not good for the guests, but its pretty ridiculous for the people who actually call that server their home as well.
Its like if you went outside to do stuff, then came back to home only to get yourself kicked out to the neighbors house just because your house was full of guests (this probably happens somewhere, but whatever, i still find it silly).

My mind can’t think of any better solution for this, but if there are other ways to do it, i’ll support them, as long as guests wont be the reason actual players of that server getting kicked to overflow

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

Patch D\L for new players is a joke.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Andrax.4576


10gb is pretty standard for any game. Most MMO’s out there are at least over 10gb, even most of the singleplayer games are over 10gb nowadays.

I don’t understand the logic behind having to include updates in the CD’s, how does that even work? You do realize that MMO’s are being updated all the time. It would be impossible to reprint and sell new versions of the game CD’s every other week (or well..not really, but it would be a financial disaster).

I don’t know of a single MMO out there that wouldn’t require you to download at least 10gb of updates/core game. Not any paid MMO’s at least.

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

BEWARE: +1 Agony overlays +5 infusions.

in Fractured

Posted by: Andrax.4576


Huh..i tried that myself and it clearly asked me if i really want to put the infusion on my ring. there was even red highlighted text telling me that it will remove the previous upgrade.

I dont see the problem here.

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU


in Fractured

Posted by: Andrax.4576


“– Mai Trin it’s the same fight as it was during that patch. it’s like you’re out of ideas and just recycle the old stuff.”

That was the entire point of adding Aetherblade Retreat and Molten Facility.
They were added in the way they were so that people could play them again.

Im glad that they were mostly untouched, since i never got the chance to do Aetherblade Retreat due to real life stuff.

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

Show the fractal level of people?

in Fractured

Posted by: Andrax.4576


I dont see the point, if the problem would be AR, you can easily get enough AR just by playing F10 – F20, in order to survive F30.
Accessories and amulet are from PvE, rings and infusions are from F10 – F20, you can survive F30 without actually having your own personal level at 30, so i dont see why they shouldnt be allowed to LFG for that difficulty.

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU

Dear Kiel voters: We tried to warn you

in Fractured

Posted by: Andrax.4576


No matter how bad this is, i dont regret voting for kiel. I still dont ever want Abaddon to be part of a fractal, at least when the writing of gw2 is what it is.

Who actually wants Abaddon to be part of a 10min – 20min fractal? seriously?
He deserves more.
So to every Evon voters, i saved your Abaddon from a terrible fate, no need to thank me.

Rose Osiana [Elementalist]
Gandara EU