Showing Posts For ApaWanka.2698:
I was going to expand on this and ask if weapon swap could be used to enter and exit photon forge
That could be ideal for me, but at least be able to go out of Photon forge easy is a great improvement (put the main mechanic on F5 is not really good because is too far when we are supposed to go in and out all time), as engineers we have a lot of buttons, so weapon swap will simplify the use of the mechanic.
(edited by ApaWanka.2698)
Like soulknight said, depend of you gamemode, your gameplay and needs are different.
Anyway, elementalist is not an easy profesion. With other profesions like DH or Berserker U can start and more or less survive due the high amount of pasive defenses (even if master them are not easy, they are newbys friendly)
Elementalist have a different learning curve, its hard when you start due the amount of skills and the small pasive defenses (if U dont play a healbot) but as soon as you learn what skill you need on each moment and you get the “muscular memory” to reach that skill quick enough, the elementalist is a really rewarding profesion that have tools for every situation.
I mainly play WvW and with different builds I can fit every situation. Solo or group roam, zerg stalking, melee train or long range aoe dps.
So, if U like the class check videos and keep playing it because is a really complete class and worth to learn.
The answer is depend what and when you want it.
Crafting is the only way to get max stats for you characte in a reasonable time lapse.
If you want to play wvw, high level fractals or raids (high requirements environment), you will need to craft things (if you dont want to wait long time to get the equipment by drop)
If you want to play OpenWorld, low level fractals ( low requirement environment) or pvp you dont need to craft anything.
Sad to hear that your account were hacked…. I was shocked when I saw all the vids deleted o.O
Hype! I hope you can bring us new content soon…. not many good dd ele vids with less than 3 years old xD
Keep going, we appreciate you effort!
(edited by ApaWanka.2698)
I didnt have time to test it propperly, but I will try it on Fresh Air build (air, water, arcane) because that crit synergize really well with FA and immob (earth) or chill (water) will help to place the burst.
I am a wvw player and I’m really happy with this change…. allow me to blast more my water fields with my blackline ele.
2 blast for 3water-? 2earth+2water+3water
4 blast for 5water-? 2water+5water+2earth+dodge on earth.
Offtopic: I saw that some people speak before about meteor shower. Another trick that maybe not all the people know to cast MS for long range is: use your 4fire (rollback) and inmediatly before the animation starts, use MS (5fire) at max range. The result of this is that you will cast MS at the end of the rollback (extra 450 more distance) but on the selected place…. the MS channel will be performed in a place out of range (1650) even if the damage occurs in the right place.
You have to do it really quick (4fire+5fire), but with some practice is easy to do.
You can, additionally use blink to cast it at 2500 range…. but that doesnt used to be necessary xD
(edited by ApaWanka.2698)
I think that you are looking for something like this: that use Dagger or Scepter
Other option, and the one that I use (only dagger) for solo or havoc
What you mean with that?
Sorry, I dont fully understand your point here O.o
Could you explain it little bit more? XD
Speaking as Wvw roamer. (No idea about PvE and didn’t play Pvp since the last patch)
Core ele is still a thing in Wvw.
As a roamer (FreshAir or DD) U have good movility and can defeat any other clan in 1v1 or run really fast if you are strongly outnumbered.
Its a really fun class to play on this mode and viable (maybe not optimal) but still playable. Maybe our combos are more complicated than other profesions but always was like that…. Eh! we are Elementalist! we have lots of tools for any situation.
Just have fun, keep practicing and learn about your mistakes
On zerg U still can hit really hard with staff as backline artillery with a decent survability.
So, in Wvw Core ele is still viable and even have few build diversity!
Could it be better? YES
You need to combo 3,4 or 5 skills to get the same damage than a F1 on the warrior or condiNecro. You have less sustain than then. you dont have invisibility or a good range damage over time(scepter can do dmg spikes but AA stinks xD) you dont have lots of things……. but ITS REALLY FUN an if you practice, you can defeat all of them.
So…. Is it playable? YES
(edited by ApaWanka.2698)
For solo roaming I would not recomend U Tempest. I’ve had more success with core elementalist.
Probably the most similar thing that I know who looks like what you explain is:
But I add another roaming builds that I use with very good performance.
Core&Tempest Roaming Builds.
Seven DD :
Core Ele Build.
Classic Fresh Air:
Tempest Builds.
Its not a bad idea, but U have to keep in mind that your superspeed have a cap of 5 tarjets, while a Mesmer Veil traited is unlimited number of tarjets Superspeed and resistance. And if they have a build dedicated to that, they can do up to 4 Veils each 72s.
So, I think that is complicated to make it work on zergs because other profesions can do it better than engi. If you speak about small scale fight its more viable.
If U find the way to make it work on large scale, pls, share it…. 8p
(edited by ApaWanka.2698)
I dont know if you were thinking to use Sage amulet to be hybrid…. but on the link the amulet is Mender, so U dont have any condi damage. Right now that build is a power build with flamethrower 8|
Maybe NA meta is slighly different than EU meta. Here is imposible to clear all the conditions applied, if a single necro skill put 2 stacks of bleeding on your party, U absorb it and get 10 stacks on yourself.
Several necro (lots atm) spamming different skills and few different conditions applied per skill, is completly imposible to clear all…. doesnt matter your setup.
Resistance is not an issue…. absorb condis could be an issue with epidemic.
As said before, main reason to use an engi is rez people. Sneak Gyro is better for that, so its good if your plan is go to the teamfight. But if you need to carry or play as holder, Elixir X is better.
1. As Dimes said before, Scrapper can keep a point on 2vs1 if you use your defensive skills properly. But there are some classes that you cant deal with.
2. Elixir X will help you with the most problematic profesions (power war), if you dont have Elixir X and you are starting to use Engi, its better to run and disengage
3. The only profesion who have stronger dps on point is Trapper DH (in addition to power war), against the rest, you should be able to keep fighting on point on 1v1 or 1v2. (Dont try 1vs2 if one of them is a reaper or DH you can deal with them on 1v1, but they apply too much preasure to try 1v2 if he/she knows how to play it). Against the rest, you can outsustain them fighting on point if you use your skills properly.
4. Rez is easy with Sneak Gyro… use it to rez if is not on CD. You can double rez using your utility gyro (dont foget that) and if they cleave and destroy it, you will have better sustain to keep rezing (still have pasive elixir S to save you. )
5. Any player can carry a really bad team, but engi is one of the best to carry an average team. You can be usefull on teamfight, good dueler/holder and medium-high movility. Look the map and read the enemies/friends movements to be on the right place…. if you want to carry, is the most important thing.
I hpe this can help you, dont hesitate to ask something if you didnt undestand or want to know something more !!
Good luck
(edited by ApaWanka.2698)
This is why Epidemic was nerfed. A single skill with 13s CD should not be able to do this.
U cant do nothing against that. Almost no visual effect and 13s CD. Old necrobomb had 32s/40s CD and visual effect…. Epidemic was insane.
And about resistance… is strong? YES, but can be corrupted or have a counterplay, but epidemic on the previous state had no counterplay.
I dont know jet if this change is the one that the skill needs to be balanced, but at the first moment looks fine to me, at least gives you a counter play wich is fair.
Again, all the bad players won, but here you go:
1) Epi has a huge tell. There’s giant swirling black stuff that appears over you, then the condis don’t even spread for 1 second after that. If you idiots can’t see that, then change your graphics. I see in your video that you have effect LoD checked, so you aren’t gonna see kitten. I guess all the other cry babies are doing the same thing. Duh, of course you can’t see the tell.
2, I watch that video, and your rev didn’t pop pain absorption before the condis got stacked, so he failed. If he did do that, then you guys would have suffered 0 damage.
3. Your guards (you only had 1 in your party) and other classes weren’t cleansing enough. All those condis that got eppied were on someone. That never should have happened.
So, they just outplayed you. Cry some more to Anet so you might actually win a fight.
Thats not me, or my guild…. that was only an example of how strong epi was before the nerf. Im not crying, just showing an example for the people who say that was not OP.
Im agree that these people didnt do it perfect. Only 1 thing on guard can save U, the meditation who clean all condis (10 condis cant be cleaned with another skill except Elixir C on engi and even if you clean condis but dont clean the burn stack you are so dead)…. save you the first time, but with Epi on 13s CD, cant save U a second or third time before U recover your CD. I think that the skill who do that should have longer CD, so it cant be spammable.
Resist was not an option with all the boon strip on necro and revenant. Maybe now with the pach could give you a chance.
NOTE Malix resitance Revs are a walking bombs on this meta (they acumulate the huge stacks of conditions) so, before the necros only have to epi them and strip their boons to kill the full party. Now they have to strip before Epi, so even if rev die, the party can go on, because there is not enough time to cast Epi between strip boons and down state.
(edited by ApaWanka.2698)
This is why Epidemic was nerfed. A single skill with 13s CD should not be able to do this.
U cant do nothing against that. Almost no visual effect and 13s CD. Old necrobomb had 32s/40s CD and visual effect…. Epidemic was insane.
And about resistance… is strong? YES, but can be corrupted or have a counterplay, but epidemic on the previous state had no counterplay.
I dont know jet if this change is the one that the skill needs to be balanced, but at the first moment looks fine to me, at least gives you a counter play wich is fair.
@Xtinct I’ve been trying full trailbrazer for few days, but I change back to Rabid trinkets even after Pinpoint Distribution rework because I feel that I need some critical chance to proc Incendiary Powder and the sigils. That gives me some constant pasive preasure and more coverture to the burning stack (pasive and low CD)
With TB U are more tanki and you condition duration is better , but that push me to inteligence sigil to proc IP. and sigils …. with rabid, I can work without Intelligence Sigil and my burn spike used to be enough to kill before the burn stack finish, and IP and sigils used to proc as soon as they go out of CD, so I dont feel that I need more expertise.
But if you test it and feel something diferent for U, I would like to know your pros and cons. 8p
@Set even with that Im open to test more ideas, so I will try your sigils and check how it works x)
This is what I am using for solo/duo roam. Is an scrapper build, because I think that sneak gyro an unvaluable skill for this game mode. U can swap scrapper line by tools (211) if U still dont have the spacialization. (Change rune to Balthazar y elite with Elixir X or mortar)
The build have good condi duration (50%+33% on burn and bleed), with 1700 of condi damage and 25% crit chance to trigger IP and sigils . So, well played U can see ticks of 5k of burning covered by a minimum 6 o 7 other condis to prevent the condi removal.
high toughness (3200+300 adaptative armor) and vitality (almost 20k), 2 break stuns, 2 invisibility, 2 invulnerabilities and good condi removal make U a hard enemy to kill by other roamers with easy dissengage due invisibility and AB movility while U can kill them on a single burst.
Sigils are really important because both of them place pasive conditions to cover your burn stack (real damage)… and cripple (66% time) helps you to keep the distance against melee enemies.
The build idea is “play like a thief”… place a condi burst (up to 17stacks of burn) and stealh to avoid their offensive momentum while conditions kill them and U /laugh
NOTE against some enemies with a lot of condiclear (DH, Plague Reapers, Berserker stance War…), used to be better dont use your hard condi spike at the start. Wait till they get scared by pasive and low CD conditions and as soon as they use their cleans/inmunes, make them burn with your spike.
For thiefs the best way is wait till you pmace enough conditions and stop shotting to avoid their evade condi removal.
Engi need more toughnes to be viable, so trailblazer and rabid are still better options for condi engi/scrapper.
Even if condi engi/scrappers is barely viable in pvp atm.
This is not my build, but I use something similar for solo roam or small group with really good results. The best build I’ve found atm.
Due huge boon duration U can get perma fury an almost perma QUICKNESS. So, the build have huge damage with a really solid defense.
Have a look on the channel because he have some other interesting videos.
Definetly keep em coming i watch them all and sub.
Me too xDDD
U inspire me (and more people) to come back to DD for roam…. And Im enjoying it a lot !
Keep doing your videos (with the commentary box if posible), I love that 8p
Well done mate !
In pvp U have to fight on an small point, so the Dh have that advantage and if he/she knows a little bit of the class, U will die or will take ages to cap/decap the point… so there is no point to perform that fight.
You are not forced to sit on point. If you can kill a dh when giving up a cap – do it. You can recap after. If you can’t kill a dh and can’t keep a point capped/neutral without dieing – go somewhere else where you can be more usefull (scrapper should be able to deal with a dh though). But you should never die, just to hold a cap for a few seconds longer (unless the game is almost over and you will win with those few extra points).
Iqm not saying that you have to figth or die… I just try to point that Pvp Conquest is a gamemode that give advantage to Dh infront of Scrappers. Have to fight in a small area to prevent the cap/decap is favorable to Dh traps.
So like U said, keep the point as much as U can and run if U cant win, dont waste time fighting if U cant keep the point capped or U cant decap.
Also, that Elixir X is out best weapon against Dh and reapers.
Gj mate ! after see your vid, I will give a try again to my old celestial elementalist…. I was missing it for long time ago, but looks like is time to get it back !
Thanks for the inspiration !!
Suscribed and waiting for more videos ! xD
Dh are a hard match for Scrapper on PvP (worse than Wvw due the capture points)
In wvw, open field, if U have some attention about where the traps are placed U can move reflecting piyectiles, applying weakness and burst… taking your time and reseting if needed.
In pvp U have to fight on an small point, so the Dh have that advantage and if he/she knows a little bit of the class, U will die or will take ages to cap/decap the point… so there is no point to perform that fight.
The only quick way to deal with Dh without spend at least 1min fight or die is use Elixir X. With that, U have perma stab, CC and big damage, so U can kill them in seconds.
Elixir X is really good against Reapers also, apply preassure them pushin their lives down and as soon as they go to shroud, use the moa, burst and kill them before they can go to Shroud sgain
Other strong DPS backline, with utility and suport could be Elementalist with staff…. lots of damage and CC + water fields to support your melee train.
Also, like revenants, Elementalist can be played in frontline with different weapon set and stats (auramancer builds).
U can check for a backline elementalist build and do your on modificationts tu suit your style.
Dragonhunters can do backline damage with the bow, but not as efficient as Rev or Ele.
Asura engi here !
I love their goofy dodges and fluid movements xDDD (even if their weapons looks like toys, hit the same)
Chars animations looks clunky to me.
I suppose that if I think about cooler aspect, I would decide Char…. but…. mainly while I play, I dont see the armor o anything,, so, fluent animations and gameplay is more important for me.
Looks like we where speaking about different things 8p
Im agree with U that Scrapper meta build have a sustain and DPS unreachable for any other Engi/scrapper build.
Condi Engi is fun (I felt in love years ago with condi engi) but is not competitive atm. For casual roam in wvw is fine, is playable (even if is not great) but doesnt have a place on Pvp right now.
With my post I was only trying to put some light about the funcion of Engi in Pvp and why Vanilla engi cant perform it.
Nowadays, only meta Hammer Scrapper build (with some variants if U want, but same core) is viable in competitive mode…. the rest is only for fun….
If its equal skill, my vanilla condi engi build has yet to lose to a scrapper (came close once in WvW…but not quite).
While I can agree with that in theory (I run wanderer p/p and doubt replacing scrapper would impact my 1v1 killing power vs another scrapper by much), the reason you run scrapper is to get the all-powerfull stomp gyro. That little beauty win fights. I just wish I could slap some lipstick on it, a wig and marry it.
LOL I too run wanderer p/p in PvP and vanilla at that. The build I’m using has won me some tight fights. I even went up vs another vanilla p/p engi (dont know who it was) and they played the build well, however I assume hey were either having a bad night or they were testing the build as they made a few mistakes playing the build.
Went vs a team with a condi scrapper and another condi vanilla and the vanilla put up a better fight (albeit they both lost, but the vanilla did better imo).
Granted the gyro stomp is a bonus, however the build I use, I would be giving up too much to just gain the gyro. (The toughness on condis trait is nice too, but not enough for me to give up one of my trait lines)
All on everyone’s personal taste I guess.
Sorry but people don’t play scrapper for function Gyro. The real difference between scrapper with hammer and other builds is the fact that you have :
– great sustain , you get a lot of regen , much more than without scrapper
- damage and defense on the same weapon so you can have much better condi cleans from utilities .
U have much more sustain with hammer scrapper and you can stay on point. You can not do the same easily with condi engi and it is a huge difference in a capture game
Function Gyro is the only reason about why Scrapper is meta (the only 100%)
With invis + double revive speed scrapper is the best rezzer in the game. Also U can stomp people while U keep fighting, applying poison and cleaving the body.
The sustain and damage is good, U can 1vs1, run between points or support sgainst condis in teamfight but not the best on any of them… so is not the reason why scrappers are meta, other proffesions can do it.
The only UNIQUE thing that scrapper bring to the table and anyone can do, is done by Function gyro…. thats the strongest point on scrapper on PVP and the reason about why is meta since HoT
During my test, I where using Sage+Soldier runes and 4 shouts like U.
Fire Overload is really strong like U said to cleave downeds and preassure on point. (really good on small points)
Revs and thiefs go down fast with the damage of Sage amulet…. Im enjoying it a lot!
after long time without been able to kill people (with cleric U could bunker a point but apply enough preasure to kill was really complicated…. impossible against a decent player)
Happy to hear thar someone else arrive to the same conclusions than me !
Thanks for the reply !
Hello colleagues Elementalist.
I’ve start this season this week (gold), I’ve start with the standard metabattle build but after a while and I’ve been trydifferent things.
During the previous seasons, I’ve player as healbot with cleric amulet because it was the best for the team and I was looking to reach Legend…. but after a while, start to be boring.
Cleric amulet is gone, so I move to Mender, as metabattle says… the damage is slightly bigger, but still not great (30% crit chance with no ferocity) and more dangerous than before due low toughness.
Yesterday I’ve tryed Sage and the results surprise me a lot. The heals are slightly smaller (830 per Aura with Sage, 1100 with Mender…. 25% less) but the damage output with burnings in increased by 66% (Sage 294/s , Mender 130/s) …
this calculations where done without might stacks, but with fire fields, 2 blast and 4xfire Auras (Focus, Overload, shout and fire field+leap) and Fire Overload is easy to keep more than 10 stacks while U are on fire.
… so, the preasure on the point is bigger and AoE, been able to perform a burn spike up to 10 stacks really easy and keep it for a while pushing enemies out of the point. Without lose the support function cleansing conditions, healing around U, boons and area projectile hate.
Im not saying to not use Mender, but I think that Sage is an option too depending on enemy composition.
What do U think? Someone else have it tryed aswell?
Apologize for my grammar/spelling mistakes, English is not my native language.
(edited by ApaWanka.2698)
Elementalist is just a class that can outperform any rol given at any point during combat just swapping attunement as other classes swap weapons.
That not fair or even balanced as the ele can became a full dps dealer and 10 seconds later a full bunker.
My idea could be for the Elementalist could be locked into one attunnement while in combat so they can’t face rol,the keyboard and still be carried by the class mechanics. In exchange it could get the weapon swap with one attunement associated to each weapon set.
Are U speaking seriously?? LOL
Did U (at least) try to play Ele before post this? o.O
In the past, the old celestial DD Elementalist was able to do everything with one amulet…. but that time is gone, and ele is not OP anymore…. if U take your time and learn about the class, U could see that is really predictable with a gameplay based on rotations, so, PLEASE! learn something about the class that U want to complain about before post anything.
(edited by ApaWanka.2698)
Hello! Im on my phone also, so I cant explan everything right now. Mainly in WvW Scrapper is almost a must (zerg) and strongly recomended at roam.
For zerg play U can start with something like this
For roam change GrandMaster of Alchemy to HGH and on the skills, toolkit for ElixirGun and Elixir S for Elixir B or C (if U still have problems with condis)
I cant send U my build now because Om on my phone, but U have something to start with.
GoodLuck 8p
In what game mode are U interested? PvP, WvW zerg, WvW roam, PvE, Raids?
because the revenant is really strong in almost each situation with the right thigs, but gameplay is really different on each mode.
I have no clue on Pve but in
- Marauder/leadeship rune + staff sword/shield Devaststion,Herald,Retrib or invocation (shiro/Dragon)
-Viper/leathership rune + Maze/axe Sword/shield Corruption,herald,retribution. (Demon/Shiro)
Wvw Roam
Armor Marauder Trinkets Zerker Durability rune Staff (dragon/shiro) Staff Sword/X Devastation,Invocation,Herald
Wvw Zerg
Marauder Armor Zerker Trinkets Durability Runes Staff Hammer Invocation,retribution,herald (demon/Herald or Dwaft)[/quote]
I use to play somethin gimilar to mettabatle build in pvp (Scrapper 2/3/1)
Thiefs are not a problem if they dont +1 you… They are not always easy to kill for all their evades and teleports…. so wait for them capping the point and hit them when they are close to you, if you do that, they have to run.
If I see necros or mesmers in the other team (hard AoE condi spam), I change Elixir B for Elixir C (full condi cleans, and F is 16s CD AoE clean)… with that an EG you can clean all your team in team fights and is more than enough for duel them. They dont used to have lots of stealth in PvP so, find the real one and run behind him with your hammer till the leave the point. U onli need to clean youself and take care when U have high Confusion/Torment stacks, with this change, you always have a condi clean available.
If you have problems with DH first thing is check if they play power or condi (burn guards are not really popular right now, but still dangerous to duel if you dont expect it). Condi DH is weaker thsn you, only check your burn stacks and use EG5 when start to be dangerous. When you see a DH on point, should expect traps, so evade one attack before go into the point to get stab and after clean the traps (with Hammer3 or hammer4 if you want) and dodge out just after to avoid the damage created when you go out from traps (if you go out with dodge, U dont get damage). After that just wait till traps are gone and kill him xD. I know that that doble dodge is dangerous, but be stuned iside the traps are really bad. you always can Break stun +hammer3 or hammer4 to solve problems before U get more dodges.
If you have a party of +3, Corruption traitline is not necessary. U get enough resistance been close to your mates, helping them aswel to deal with conditions.
For solo or duo, Malix is not viable (like Narcx explain before)
Clasic Zerker scholar/strengh backline is still viable in wvw zergs (for the build, is whst I thing U want to know) … the other option for Zergs right now is Auramancer Ele with tempest (HoT) like front/middle line.
For roam, Auramancer is useful in small squads but hard to solo… Fresh air tempest is better for that, but still not ideal for solo roam.
If you want to solo roam, Malix dont give U enough resistance to be something. On +3 more or less start to be useful.
On wvw raids is really useful (for some people is a must) due the resistance on your party + condition cleanses.
Its a really strong rune who works really good with zerker/marauder stats (thats the other part of the pattern xP )
For organized roaming groups, boonshare/boonduration is really important atm and allow small organized group to defeat bigger groups less organized.
I didnt say that is fair or new…. Ive said that it works. Even if the stats “looks similar” each part of the puzzle have an specific rol in the group.
With my roaming guild we used to go with somr kind of boonshare squad… something similar to:
Scrapper bruiser (hammer durability zerker)
Tempest auramancer (dagger focus trooper celestial)
Revenant (shiro dragon durability zerker)
Dragon Hunter (Bow GS durability zerker+marauder)
Warrior Berserker (GS Axe+Shield durability zerker)
This configuration (or something similar) allow us to win 10+ … Hits like a truck and is really strong against power damage. Only need to focus condi players first, delete them ASAP and try to stay close for better use of boon share, condition cleanses and heals.
(edited by ApaWanka.2698)
The only way to bring back condi engi/scrapper is reduce shield CDs to make them similar to other profesion blocks/reflects.
Warrior block 30s (24s if traited)
Mesmer block 30s (24 if traited)
Scrapper Hammer block 20s, reflect 6s
Engi Shield block 40s (32 if traited), reflect 30s (24 if traited)
That CD are too bigs in comparision with other similar skills. So, till that issue is solved, condi engi will not be reliable in Pvp or WvW (it could be playable against some profesion but not enough consistent)
Sorry, ponting with my mobile xDDD
I use this for wvw Roaming…. and with some small modifications for GvG
Nowadays Im running really good with this…
Due 55% Boon duration U can stack really easy around 15 might, (Power > 3000) reliable fury (50%+20%=70% crit chance) combined with 200% ferocity hits like a truck
On defense side, reliable protection boon ( fron gyro, runes and protection injection added to 10% from food and 2900 armor with adaptave armor trait) and good condi cleans make it a really tought fighter in 1v1 1v2 or smalls groups.
(edited by ApaWanka.2698)
Some of U speaks like there is no defense against siegue disablers….. but IT IS!
U can CC the hero, use catapult bubbles, reflects etc… U are a zerg, U should have plenty of that. I undestand that is more confortable to just wait doing nothing waiting the door is open and take Ur “well deserved” loot, but Siegue disables promote the active play, promote the zerg attackers to do something till the gate/wall is down, promote defenders to do something (hero mode), not just run from zergs.
Is the only way that roamers can fight zerg, slowing them…. if a group of roamers attack a tower and same sized group are defending, they dont need disablers…. they can fight, and they will do it, its more active and entertaining.
If a zerg is on your gate and U cannot fight (1vs50 is not entertainig) disablers give the chance to both group to do something… not just wait or run.
All cantrips are really good as backline staff ele in wvw. Mist form is the panic button and is really used and useful. Not in Pvp, wvw roaming and I dont know on Pve but mist form have a strong place in zerg vs zerg.
I would say that glyphs are the worst utilities in general.
I forgot to say that 4 air is really good agaist tanged preasure.
Use your CC to help your mates to do damage on enemy keeping them on your areas or to defend yourself and have more time to recover other CDs.
Like other people say before, necros are your worst enemies, so try to focus your team against them to dont allow them to play ofensive and kick them out from the teamfight ASAP
First of all, Ele is a really reactive class that takes time to learn to play it properly.
I’ll try to give U some gameplay tips that I hope will help U. First thing is undestand that U are a support-bunker build so U are more usefull in teamfights than duels, even if U can bunk 1 or 2 enemies for a while.
Try to kite as much damage as posible using the enviroment (colums….) lign of sight and blink to diferent levels to kite enemies without teleports.
Never use your heal if U or your mates are not under 50% hp, Our damage is not great so always look their hp because they are your “weapons”. If they put preassure on the enemy, U will be more safe.
If U are playing against a hard cc team use your overloads like break stun, never use blink if U can overload because is your only breakstun on demand. Harmonious Conduit could be usefull on these matchs.
If U are playing against hard condi team use invigorating torrents and cleansing water. If U receive a condi bomb 4 on earth could mitigate the preassure.
Always try to be over 75% hp just spamming auras to take advantage of diamond skin.
Never overload water if is not necesary (life or death issue) because be able to change often to water heals U and clean conditions.
Always try to blast your fire fields for might area and leap (3 earth) for an extra aura.
If everythig goes wrong use 5earth for the invul… maybe u lose the point if anyone of your team is on it, but U will survive. never waste dodges during invul time. (sometimes is good to use one dodge at the end if the enemy is good and try to burst U after invul)
If U receive ranged preassure 4 earth and overload earth. To reduce the mele preassure, 3 air and air overload.
Its not a complete explanation of defensive utilities of the class but I hope it can help U to survive x)
English is not my native language and I writting on my phone, so sorry for my mistakes 8p
(edited by ApaWanka.2698)
As a Scrapper main I can tell U that the easier way to kill Scrappers is with condition damage.
The Scrapper have a really good sustain but also have a lack on condition cleanses (more lack with medic gyro than turret version). The sustain can soak part of the condi damage but the lack of condition cleanses make it vulnerable against condibombs. Even more if the bomb is created with few stacks of different conditions than huge stacks of few conditions.
The “natural” counters of Scrappers are condi reapers and berserkers. Condi thiefs and chronos are problematic aswell but not as dangerous than the first two.
English is not my native language but I hope that everyone could understand what I am saying.
(edited by ApaWanka.2698)
Hello! Nowadays I am testing a Scrapper Bunker build that with really good results…. I posting from my mobile, so I cant put any link.
Weapon: Hammer
Amulet: Celestial
Rune: Hoelbrak
Sigils: Energy and Geomancy/Air/Battle/….
Skills:HealingTurret/ElixirGun/ToolKit/SlickShoes or PurgeGyro/ SneakGyro
Healing turret is our best heal as usual… really strong with Hammer3 combo
ElixirGun: Ranged option good Sustain(EG 5) +source of might(HGH)breakstun+Blast (EG4)
ToolKit:PryBar!!! +LowCD block +magnet pull…. really strong kit … offensive and defensive.
SlickShoes: really hard CC and rapid regeneration… good for teamfights
PurgeGyro make easy to deal with condition spammers and create a really strong poison field that allow you to stack a lot of poison (+Hammer2 combo) and 21s of weakness with hammer3 helping to deal with power builds. Good for solo bunker.
Inventions: AMR/MechaLegs/BunkerDown
Scrapper: RecoveryMatrix/RapidRegeneration/AdaptativeArmor
I hope that you enjoy it as I do !!
This is a PVP build who could work on WvW changing the secondary weapon.
With the update, symbols will be strongly buffed, so I create a new build based on that with a lot of sinergy with DH
LB + Mace/Focus
All symbols are really well scaled with power (2.5) and with Zeal line have 30%damageapply burn+10%burning foes+vulnerability. That means A LOT of damage.
If as well we increase their duration, size and heal allys…. its a strong mechanic.
Additionally, the LB give us the posibility of range fights and a new symbol who give us Vigor…. and Honor trait line minors synergize really well with that (lots of dodges+heal on dodge).
We have good sustain, and the posibility to play on melee and range. Mace was selected because it have the symbol with lowest CD (could be perma+regeneration+perma healing with the symbol) and if traited give us 500healing Power with blocks from itself and the focus. (focus as well aply vulnerability with 4 with the blind) and lost of might with EM and crits.
The conditions should be cleaned with the 3 utiliy skills (meditation, consecration…) and sigils (purity and generosity).
The point control with this build will be really strong supporting allies while do a lot of damage.