Showing Highly Rated Posts By Belial.9350:

Simple question : HOW?

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


I think you guys are forgetting just how awful the average player is in pvp.

this should not happen.....ever

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


I agree, 4 thieves should never be on a team together because that team can’t hold any points and is almost a sure loss. Fortunately the screenshotted team went against a team that didn’t know how to play.

Matchmaking should allow only 1 thief

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


Only one thief should be allowed per team in rankedq (unless a party has more than one thief). Any more than one thief when enemy team doesn’t is 98% chance loss.

You know thief is meta when...

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


Shouldn’t thieves be hardcountered by DH?

DH is hardcountered by being good at the game

so was this suppose to be the D/D balance?

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


This basically reverts it back to what it was before June 23 and d/d ele wasn’t even used in most top teams back then lol.

Condi meta/Spell meta=Bad game design

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


Darn those spell metas.

When will something be done? I dont want to play ranged, I dont want to cast “spells” but abilities.

So play scrapper then.

Rytlock's advice to all warriors out there.

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


When Rytlock was in the rift, he had a vision of how bad warrior would be an decided to respec to revenant.

Mesmer is quickly becoming the most OP class

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


Mesmer is game warping and OP as anything else.

If it’s OP as anything else, then it’s balanced with everything else >.>

Suggestion: Multiplikative damage reduction

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


Tempest with protectin (-40%), frost aura (-10%), geomancer’s defense (-10%) and scrapper runes (-7%).
What do you think?

1. Tempests don’t use scrapper runes
2. Meta tempests have frost aura about 25% of the time
3. If your team has a necro, then the protection is constantly stripped
4. Ele has 11k base health
5. Ele uses light armor and therefore takes about 10% more damage than a war/rev/guard
6. Ele has no passive invuln proc
7. Bulwark gyro and Rise are stronger than anything that you mentioned

Why do people NOT run meta?

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


Exactly, I play D/D ele without stability or a stun breaker (Lava Axe OP). How do I survive? I dodge. I know what attacks to avoid, so, I dodge them.

Yet nearly every ele I come across I see 3 Cantips or 2 Cantips and Arcane Shield. It’s the level of skill you have to keep in mind.

So when you get stuck inside slick shoes you just dodge?
And you dodge mid-stomp/res within a team fight (where it’s not just the downed person that can cc you)?

Insta Finisher in mist form?

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


The thing is you can cancel/steal stability and interrupt stomp, but u cant steal/cancel mist form.

Can’t cancel/steal elixir s or distortion either.

Give foefire lord downed state

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


Please give the foefire lord a downed state.

This would only add 3 seconds to a kill if the people attacking are smart, but would make defending the lord far more effective since you can res the lord and interrupt stomps, meanwhile rewarding the attackers for preparing a way to finish the lord.

Suggestion: Multiplikative damage reduction

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


Tempest with protectin (-40%), frost aura (-10%), geomancer’s defense (-10%) and scrapper runes (-7%).
What do you think?

1. Tempests don’t use scrapper runes
2. Meta tempests have frost aura about 25% of the time
3. If your team has a necro, then the protection is constantly stripped
4. Ele has 11k base health
5. Ele uses light armor and therefore takes about 10% more damage than a war/rev/guard
6. Ele has no passive invuln proc
7. Bulwark gyro and Rise are stronger than anything that you mentioned

I summarize your post:

Oh no someone wants to nerf my class!!!

I summarise your post:

I don’t like eles so therefore I’m going to moan that they are too survivable even though scrapper can survive for 500x longer and even does more damage.

Foefire lord needs buff

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


Everything is doing higher damage than 1 year ago, but the foefire lord doesn’t get buffed so it’s over whenever a team lord rushes at 350.

Also please compare foefire lord to stronghold lord – stronghold lord has downed state and actually does a noticable amount of pressure (as well as the NPCs). Meanwhile the foefire lord doesn’t have a downed state, has a weak auto attack and sometimes does a single-target stun, the NPCs are laughable. Both of these lords are game-ending mechanics so why not make them the same?

Stealth is not a viable argument

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


Another day, another appeal to reason by a Thief main, another series of responses so predictable you could view them from orbit. Let’s play Thief marginalization bingo!

1> “Thief is in a lot of tournament teams. You can’t be pigeonholed AND weak!”
2> “Sounds like a L2P problem. Who cares if every other class is easier to play and more rewarding by far?”
3> “OMG Thief OP! I got killed by one back in 2013, and I’m still mad about it.”

Lol l2p, you don’t even have to be mechanically good at thief to sb5 around the map, hitting targets 5 times and decapping points.

Feedback from returning player

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


have a timer in RL and press it every time it procs?

You mean you DON’T do this?

9k Mage Strike

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


Mesmer balanced


ESL caliber teams in Academy Gaming

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


Olun, to me any team who can beat a team 500-150, or 500-300 and making frequent trips to the finals even if they are not winning is, most likely too good for AG but I digress this forum posting is starting to bore me. -Yawn-

So if I make a team of completely new players and enter AG, any team that beats us 500-150 is too good for AG?

Elite specs allowed in ESL?

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350



Don’t see why not, d/d ele is allowed and it’s more OP than every elite spec.

Skyhammer hate?

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


You don’t bring a giant death laser into PLAYER versus PLAYER.

Why not? It does basically the same thing as a trebuchet except it’s easier to dodge, yet nobody complains about Kyhlo.

Give Tornado and Plague perma swiftness

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


Whenever you gain a condition, all foes in the area gain that same condition. You sacrifice 5% maximum Health each time this happens.

So basically, you insta-die in a team fight since there’s is constant aoe condi application and cleansing spam.

Legendary players throwing games..pls anet

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


Mine is an assumption as much as yours this I know already but
If they did truly reached legendary with a non-HoT account then it’s impossible that they did so without ever facing HoT meta builds and with that in mind I don’t see or can justify their actions in that game.
To lose it’s totally possible, to lose that much at that level? 0-120 score within 1-2m? ….Strongly doubt it

Yeah anyone who is losing the opener by 0-120 is clearly just trying to throw games


why people don't read team chat?

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


A lot of people have team/map chat switched off because they’re fed up of all the flaming that happens in them.

Rev staff 5 needs counterplay

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


i dont like defending revs, coz i think its really powerful skill but u can tell when a rev switch weapons, its also one of the first skill the use upon switching.

Only bad revs will be this predictable.

Best exploit league tip!

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


Step 1: Go to Metabattle
Step 2: Pick a build from Conquest or Stronghold, depending on what gamemode you play
Step 3: Join a party of amber players
Step 4: Make sure they have teamspeak and a faceroll build
Step 5: Roll over soloq players without a problem until your players are in Sapphire, then leave the party.
Repeat 3-5 until legendary.

Fixed it for you.

Trapper ranger

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


I would say condi mesmer is far more stupid and annoying lol

Unyielding Anguish has no counterplay

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


Nobody complains that teleport skills work while cc’d, it’s the exact same thing.

Unyielding Anguish has no counterplay

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


teleport skills remove them not you from the point and they did it by their own choice

their attacks don’t hit either so you may as well have interrupted them

kittened braindead revenants?

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


Revenant is a high skill low reward class. At no point have I played the class and felt like it was OP.

You’re probably just bad or just using the wrong build.

I probably have 5 hours on my Revenant and can easily wreck face. Hell, all the top teams on the leaderboards are using 2-3 Revenants because they have stupid high DPS. Use Unrelenting Assault to bait 2 dodges, spam condi and when they use their condition removal then spam banish enchantment for GG.

Viper Heralds are incredibly overpowered.

No I don’t think so. Obviously you have no idea what you’re talking about.

And you are playing reve ye?

I play rev everyday. I think they’re even weaker than thieves. Thieves that’s an actual problem, stealth is so OP they need a nerf.

gr8 troll m8 i r8 8/8

Significance of Helseth's Video & You

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


Beginning to think his whole aristocrat-against-plebeian persona is an act.


Anti-Class Stacking + Negate OP Builds

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


Or just don’t have OP builds?

Warriors Need Baseline Fast Hands!

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


Honestly in the past, only pve warrior went for 3 pts for FH and maximize power and critical line

Hambow and Shoutbow (the true warrior tanky pvp build) always went for the entire discipline line, to take Burst Mastery

Discipline line is not bad, it has really good traits.

It’s not that Discipline is bad, it’s that we’re FORCED into taking it just to get one minor trait. I have several build ideas using Strength – Defense – Tactics or Arms – Defense – Tactics but none of them work right now because they don’t work without the fast weapon swaps. So many combos rely on fast swaps.

Sounds like eles with the arcane line, which they are FORCED into for Elemental Attunement. Or thieves being FORCED into the Steal line to make Steal actually do something in PVP. Probably a lot of other classes also have this problem.

Or mesmers with the illusions line, which they are FORCED into for illusionary persona. Oh wait…

Issues with the elementalist Fire line

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


I don’t see any offensive trait line in game without a hefty amount of defensive options in it, name me a single profession with an offensive trait line that lacks any sort of defensive options…

You must be blind then. (nobody takes IP because of how bad it is before you bring that up)

So the real problem is clear, the weapon set itself

Yes of course, and that’s why d/d ele was falling out of the meta prior to the patch that allowed eles to spec full into fire?

Who can hardcounter bunker guard on point?

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


Just name one class that can SAFELY kill a bunker guard on point without losing it. Talking about same skill level. Because, you know, pretty much evey spec in the game has an hardcounter that is supposed to win a 1v1 on point while on the same skill level.

Most fun profession

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


mesmer can’t portal his team across the map once per minute. learn to get your facts right !!!

Portal skill has 72 second cd. Cd starts when portal is opened, so it only has 62 second downtime or 60 second when traited. Learn to get your facts right.

Pip system is flawed...

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


Win streak = double pips.
Winning after lose stream = 2 pips.
No way to lose more than 1 pip.

This means that you can win 45% of games and still hit legendary before others if you play pvp 8 hours every day because you will on average go up in pips – there’s always going to be win streaks and lose streaks just because of rng.

MM is STILL a joke

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


You get stomped by minion masters?

Why to not nerf DH traps

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


Hahahahahaha funny one. The meta trapper has the same survivability as the old medi guard since it runs the same defensive traits and most of the same defensive skills.

Remove amulets let US chose the stats.

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


Why let US chose the stats? To give them advantage over EU?

how do I become a better player?

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


Find a friend to duel. 1v1 him until you get used to what his class does. Repeat with every other class.

Most fun profession

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


Mesmer – it’s OP and you can one-shot everything from stealth while portalling your team across the map once per minute.

Pip system is flawed...

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


after ruby losing tiers? with 15 losing streaks?

If you have 45% win ratio and have 15 lose streak followed by even just 9 win streak, you will have 2 more pips than you started with…

Most likely to get upset victory in finals?

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


I expect PZ to beat TCG, probably 3-1.

I do predict a double NA final


Dawn of the Mesmers

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


Condi mesmer couldn’t and still cannot win a 1v1 against tempests, druids and necros.

Is this a joke? What kind of crappy mesmers have you been getting that can’t beat druid and tempest in 1v1s?

Give Tornado and Plague perma swiftness

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


Since Rampage gets it.

How can we get out of this bunker meta?

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


People complained about burst meta, cele meta, condi meta and now bunker meta – make up your mind people…

Ele Vs Mesemer

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


Mesmer….I’ve had my character stunned and been downed in one go without a thing I can do about it on some classes. While they have better survivability than a thief… I like playing my mesmer but…they need some toning down somewhere.

Not only do they have better damage and survivability than a thief, their portal on top of this makes the class even more ridiculous.

Legendary Thief

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


What’s your point? Loads of thieves have made it to legendary weeks ago.

Rampage buff was not needed

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


First off to anyone who says this update made Rampage viable – that’s not true at all. Rampage was always the go-to elite for greatsword builds even before the patch (watch any of Rom’s streams pre-patch), the thing that was made viable was the greatsword build itself. This change in warrior meta was a combination of shoutbow being shut out as well as GS warriors being able to spec fully into Strength for a total of 50% damage increase and additional might while retaining the compulsory traits within the Defence and Discipline line.

Rampage was fine before the patch, strong enough to be taken over battle standard in a greatsword spec. Now it’s got this stupid 30% damage increase, 120s CD and CD on all skills within it.

What makes The Abjured so unstoppable?

in PvP

Posted by: Belial.9350


Because NA only has 1 good team whereas EU has several.