Showing Posts For Blink.9361:
My client is crashing down almost every time I play now as well. It is spontaneous when it does though. Now I play in windowed mode so that I don’t have to force shut down my mac.
Not working for me. Everything is broken again.
I’d really like if they reverted the traits to a drop down when you click the tier. I find this list a nuisance. There’s just been so much more clicking in this new patch.
I think it applies to any UI chest. Anyways, I expect a steady stream of boxes to fill my screen when the bug is fixed. Everything is logged and we deserve it, but still taking a break until there is word.
My experience today. Logged on at 8:46 EST, headed to Fire Elemental and the pres were just beginning. My instance was late in killing the fire elemental and finished around 9:06 EST. As I arrived at southsun every instance of the megaserver I entered had already killed the Karka Queen. There NEEDS to be more flexibility to this atrocious schedule
Hotjoins are technically Custom Arenas, just hosted by us. The Reward Track progression limits apply to hotjoin and player-owned custom arenas. You can still jump into Solo Queue or Team Queue to progress without limit.
Sorry for the confusion.
Hi, is there any possibility that this limit could be removed in hot join but remain in player-hosted custom arenas? As a casual PvPer I have no interest in joining Solo or Team Queue, and it’s unfortunate that I won’t be able to progress even in Anet hosted servers beyond the limit.
Can you make the schedule available in-game? It is absurd that I have to search through the forums or the previous blog posts to find the schedule.
I think because of this bug I’ve become in RPer. I’ve been /e to communicate my thoughts. Not sure if anyone can see them though.
I’m very unsure why starter town clothes became Endless Commoner Clothes Tonics. I was looking forward to using the town clothes pants to match my cultural armour on my Sylvari Elementalist since I don’t really like the scholarly-dress looks but I wanted to stick with the plant-clothes look.
And I don’t believe the defence that the town clothes style does not match armour style, because especially with the cultural town clothes they would match cultural armour very well.
Loved this. #GOMination
The fix worked, thanks! Oh, and I still had to force quit cooked and CVMcompiler before anything appeared.
17minutes per key on average. I know its not the best income per hour, but at least i wont feel dissapointed if i dont get anything worth while. All i lost was some playtime.
I average around 27 minutes with the Human Warrior Commoner routine, what’s your secret?
And I completely agree with you, it’s particularly useful while watching TV/during commercials.
I just think of “Legendary” as an item tier now, because are “Exotics” really exotic and are “Rares” really rare? It helps to get over the expectations you have for a weapon that you hoped would actually be legendary.
I think it would’ve been better just to remove the Daily/Monthly AP from the Achievement Leaderboard…If that is what the OCD people are complaining about.
1 through 5 – Trading Post, I hate having to restart the client several times clearing cooked, wine server, CVMcompiler in Activity Monitor and then deleting Guild Wars 2 in Application Support only to hope that I can load the trading post. What makes it even worse is the abysmal loading times that sometimes takes me 10-15 minutes of restarting and loading to get the TP to work.
When is “Guard” even useful? I don’t main ranger but I was looking through the skills today and I don’t think I’d ever carry it. Maybe if they add some sort of “revealed” when someone stealths nearby.
Anyone else feel like this idea contradicts the concept of “Living World” since now it’s on a schedule. The world will feel very restricted, especially with the time limit which further emphasizes the zerker meta.
I love the idea of a megaserver especially when levelling and in orr, but I completely disagree with how world bosses are being dealt with. The world boss train is going to be dryer than it ever was since we have the same order everyday.
And, what’s up with contested waypoint business? They remove repair costs because it was unnecessary punishment for dying, and now they actually increase our costs a lot by adding this in. I don’t like it, a solution would be to reduce the amount of waypoints that can be contested – it never made sense to me anyways.
Definitely would not want a new race, unless they were similar to human/norn/sylvari styles. Wish they didn’t even include asura or charr. Then we might’ve gotten more focus on clipping issues and other skins that don’t look obscene bur rather tailored to your character.
It gonna tank, once everybody gets unidentified dyes refunded for duplicate dyes on different chars.
I’m very unsupportive of this ‘Preview’ for this sole reason. I actually love the changes that they came up with except the changes with unidentified dyes. They already jumped from 37s to 60s and I only needed the gift of colour to make The Bifrost. I mean this isn’t going to make getting it that much harder but it just means I have to do twice the work.
But I fear for people who want to make The Bifrost in the future, the price is only going to go up.
I’m glad it’s not me. When I’m doing any activity the game becomes a slideshow-fest and freezes causing me to force quit and restart.
I like it small, I actually hate all the other back pieces that are huge and bulky (looking at you spinal blades and karkashell)
He rezzes people, and he’s pretty great at it.