Showing Posts For CalamityO.2890:

Do we really have to call it Minstrel gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


Er…well if you have issues with minstrel. Then I wonder how you feel about Valkyrie gear being worn by male chars?.

Funny comment(s), that became true

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


So I was super-bored the other night and went through my post history (yeah I was that bored). Till I came across this old comment – I vaguely remember it was during LW S2 – the priory epi i think.

This just made me laugh, considering where the new xpac is going XDD. And if you’re wondering. No I don’t have any affilations with Anet. Which makes this comment even more hilarious!! xDD.

Have you made a comment in jest, that ended up becoming true?.


Solo PVE Class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


Ranger’ pet and necro’ minions are good for tanking. Out of the two, the ranger has the easier learning curve. Warrior and guardian have good survivable sustainability, plus their learning curve isn’t high.

I’d strongly avoid the engi & ele class. They have a steep learning curve.

Living World Season 3 - What gear?

in Living World

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


As other posters have said. Exotic is perfectly fine. You can go for ascended if you want, if you have that completionist in you. Just bare in mind that for a full ascended, is pretty expensive. Work on trinkets (laurel vendor, ecto) then weapons. Armour will undoubtly take the longest.

I generally solo most of the open world content and for the most part I’ve found LW are soloable. Except the last fight in HoT. It mostly depends on your build. I play a hybrid (condi) engi, so it will be that much longer and slightly tougher. If you run a DPS build, then it shouldn’t take long – so long you avoid the tells / dodges. Use consumables (food / utilites) it really makes a difference in fights.

Cadecus Fight Suggestions

in Living World

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


I pretty much run a hybrid pistol + shield engi (leans on condi). I can understand why peeps will struggle on this boss fight. As the room is small and there are dozens of aoe and cc flying at you, with adds coming to give you more of a headache. Not to mention the camera, oh boy.
However I pretty much soloed this boss with a lot of perserverance with some annoyance. I’m not the best engi player, heck not even a pro; just your average to below average casual player.

If peeps are struggling, lfg is a major help. I helped a group right after I completed my story. The difference is there. The fight went quicker and smoother. When soloing it’s a slug fest.

Double Dragon Stand .... map text

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


Okay this isn’t sooo much of a major thing, it’s more of a cosmetic thing. And it gets a chuckle out of me – but alas to have it fixed will be nice. This little glitch / bug is pretty much across all my characters. Yes you aren’t seeing double, it really is “double” dragon …. stand on map text. Just dragon stand. Nowhere else.

Thank you xDD.


LF EU Guild casual, flexible, friendly guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


Hey up peeps, slightly long post here

My friend and I are looking for a guild on the EU server. Ideally the size of the guild we’re looking at is small – medium, new/start up guilds are something we’ll consider as well. We’re just looking for a place we can; call home, a place to belong to, be proud of and be part of.

What we are looking for: our play times various from time to time. Mostly around 23.30pm GMT for my friend (barring Friday and Saturday), as for me, I come on at various times. I’m more active than my friend is. So a guild that is flexible, friendly, casual is something we are looking at. Leveling is a must for my friend. As he is a low level player, as in level and skill wise. And is currently learning the game.

A little about us: We’re both anime fans. So naturally we’ll be looking at guilds that do have anime members. This isn’t a must for us though, it’s just something to break the ice with. If you don’t that’s fine, we’ll just try and convert you to the ways of the anime fandom :P – we’re both open minded and will talk about anything really.

Send an in-game mail to either of us:


Can't join squad

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


It seems I can’t join a squad, whether it is in PvE or WvW. Joining a party for dungs etc seems fine though.

I’m using the 64-bit client.

Rocket Hammer

in Engineer

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


Just leaving this here…..


What is going on? Why is GW2 so boring?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


I would never expect for someone who has only played an mmo for at max an hour, to have such a vocal opinion already. They are even questioning reviews, despite the fact that they haven’t played the game much themselves.

It’s called having a first impression.

What is going on? Why is GW2 so boring?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


Well if you wanted more challenging content. You could have tried out Triple threat. Generally that area of the game has the highest failure rate to date. Certain parts of living story 2 achievements do need to team up, as they can be tough to get. Fractals is another area of the game that can be seen as end game content. As they have some of the best skins in PvE. With agony resistance needed for higher level of fractals.

But if that’s how you feel. That’s fine. GW2 isn’t for you. Best of luck in your endeavours.

Racism in Tyria. Not hating yo. Just saying.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


i still dont get it why it got insta deleted ..
but on topic .. Exactly wha tiam thinking .. why me as a human dont have a choice ..

Suck it up human. Charrs stomped you good and proper. Humans lost everything. But hey they can always pray to the mighty god Logan. The god of chicken runners.

Iron legion 4life.


Today's update BROKE my traits!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


it only broke things for the first toon you loged on with, everyone else is fine. But yeah, it’s annoying.

I logged in on my levl 41 toon. Not affected. Logged in on my lvl 80 toon, and it is affected by the bug. It seems the bug affects toons at lvl 80. Thats my thoughts on it.

Thanks for fixing HoM and breaking everything

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


It only affects lvl 80’ from what I can gather. I logged in on my lvl 41 and it remained unaffected. But my lvl 80 is affected by the bug.

On a nicer note, you can now see the emblem of the guild your representing in the background. If you go to the guild member list.

Quaggan Hat, Plush Quaggan and Finisher

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


Send in the Kraits!!!.

These mobs are a special elite fighting force. They battle bubbles and even quggans for us.


Traeharne ?!?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


<<< Fanboying here; MARSHAL T, MARSHAL T, MARSHAL T, MARSHAL T!!!.

What you’re doing during the final battle is beyond Trahearnes capabilities and with the ultimate defeat of Zhaitan you become Tyria’s greatest hero.
Now also the final ceremony makes a lot more sense, Trahearne is no longer the big shot, you are, but you bring him with you because without him you’d have never reached this point. With showcasing that Trahearne did a fine job coordinating the effort of the three orders during the final battle to keep Zhaitan’s army away from Arah, he also grows as a character by becoming the true leader of the pact and growing as a character himself.

He pretty much does say that. He even says that the world owes a debt to the PC. And he wished he was there to see Zhaitan defeated. I really don’t know why a lot of people have selective memory on him. Someone even quoted as to what was actually stated by marshal T.

Swords Horizon recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


It would help if you stated as to which region you are in. EU or NA. Also take a peek on this old thread, to help your guild out

PS also love the log horizon & SAO homage.

Small Guild, any tips for recruiting?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


Gathering Guild members

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


Wrote this post some time ago. It gives tips on how to get your guild up and running.

Make it clear, what type of guild you are. Casual, semi-casual, semi-hard core. This will be a deciding factor for potential members. For other sites. Where ever there are sites for guild recruitment. Plaster your guild recruitment post there. Advertise in map chat, but do so sparingly. And if any show interest. Be prepared to answer questions about the guild, it’s focus (pve, pvx, wvw, pvp etc). And always refer to the guild recruitment post for all the details. Have a web site up and running at some point.

And always keep promoting your guild.

Good luck.

Update: Symbolic Avenger Trait

in Guardian

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


As a Engi who uses nades this sucks. Oh well back to the drawing board…….

Guess its time for this then…


What happened to "Play your way"?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


Cost full gear conversion:100 gold+70 ectos through mystic forge/replacement runes. loss of full infusions on armor as well(nice loss of laurels)

want to try and fix it?

You can change stats on ascended

You can change it to any stats
- 10 spirit chards
- Piece of ascended armour or weapon
- exotic insignia of your choice
- 5 ectos

What happened to "Play your way"?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


it is the meta we “rebel” against. the only definition of useable that i am saying is basically any build that doesn’t have a trait line that is just because we had to choose 3. that is to say that at least half the traits in that line are “useable”(affect the builds skills). i have never played meta i never will. if you used partial trait lines or stats not found in the combinations that gear allow, then you will feel the lack of fun in what you have been forced to do to characters you spent alot of time on. If lack of fun is better terminology for you then “play your way” then read it that way instead. key note most efficient isn’t always most fun. it is a game. your supposed to be having fun on it. not stressing over which min/maxer build you have to use now because your 10 builds for that class are no longer playable/duplicatable. When you reduce the mathematical variety of a system you increase how boring it is to use. this reduction isn’t in our minds. read other forum threads our mathimatician players out there did the math. there ARE less builds available to play, ALOT less.

Alot less sub-optimal, non-viable, useless builds were lost. People who call for change on this new system were either: low level or the former. And they tend to call for the nerf hammer. What has opened up are, viable or improved builds. Meta has changed. And people were following the meta or a variation of it.

If I have to relearn my entire play style...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


If I have to relearn my entire play style due to the sweeping changes the devs made. I might as well look at all MMO’s on the market since I’m relearning how to play anyway

Sounds like a sub-optimal, unviable build you were running (and no, not an elitist or such). If you have to re-learn your own playstyle, then thats on you. Improving your own playstyle / build is something you should always look to improve upon. Even if it is for fun.
But I’m guessing you would be more partial to the nerf hammer to be called upon, if things weren’t going your way.

where do you go now that LA is ruined?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


Black Citadel.

please fix grenadier on engi

in PvP

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


When you want something nerfed……..


Still No Build or Loadout Saves?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


I question the playerbase sometimes……..

I am so confused! How do I reset traits?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


I’ve got 2 lowbie characters under < 25 and one under <40. Granted I didn’t really spec them out, because I’m taking my time with them (dragging my feet on them if you will). Learning each class as I go along. I have no problem with this new system. Once I get to 80, I know the whole world is in my grasp. And I’ll have a far better idea what playstyle I want when I get there.

I don't get it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


Slight exaggeration on using the forum. Quoting the old faq does very little in furthering in one’s attempt in creating a point when it has been revoked. Feelings mutal, very hard to care when it comes to certain angsty vocal people on here and what they think.

I don't get it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


Somebody else posted the same thing a little bit ago on the forums but they got trolled and the post got locked. I think most of these people don’t know how to read or are rabid fan boys.

I think some people are looking to have their menial existence on the forums meaningful, since the s-storm has been pacified. And with their egos and existence now on the line, they’ll scrutinze over anything to keep the flame going.

I don't get it.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


No, I think what they mean is when they did refer to the pay model. From the old FAQ:

“Q: Do I have to own Guild Wars 2 to play the expansion? A: Yes. Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns is an expansion to Guild Wars 2 and not a stand-alone campaign, and therefore it requires the base game to play.”

Yeah, you might want to re-read the FAQ amd stop quoting the old FAQ.

Q: Is the expansion “buy to play”?

A: Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns is a paid expansion to Guild Wars 2, but once you buy it, there are no subscription fees. This means that you can continue playing and access future updates for Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns with no subscription fee.

is this a joke?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


Ascended stays at 5%. But you will be able to swap stats. As per post stated by Colin

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


ANGRY VET WINS !!!!!!!!!!!!!


Contradiction in Community Address

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


You get a free character slot, a free slot. Which the vets have all been screaming and wanting.

And you come up with this……

Dude…..delete your characters, items and just leave the game. There’s noway you’ll ever be happy. Spare your own sanity. And I’m not responding to any other posters on this comment. Seriously this is beyond a joke now.

(edited by CalamityO.2890)

Online Gaming pricing then and now! UPDATED!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CalamityO.2890





Players in general are against having mounts in this game. So why bother mentioning them here.

Online Gaming pricing then and now! UPDATED!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CalamityO.2890



Apparently not. You get a refund and lose your account / progress.

Nope, you should be reading this follow up thread:

Try not to mislead people in the future plz.

Pre-Purchase Community Address

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


Two Months Old Customer Felt Betrayed Already

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


Yes and now they’re making ascended stronger >>

Not according to this thread As stated by the big smiley man Colin Johanson. Ascended armour and weapons stats will be changeable from the next update patch.

Arenanet are people too.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


“I’m sorry, but you wouldn’t see anyone, in any other medium, randomly rearranging the chapters or scenes in their “art”.”

You haven’t watched anime have you?. Some anime(s) have scenes that are included – which aren’t found in the manga. For example Akame ga kill. Spoiler if you’ve watched the anime, you know that Tatsumi dies. In the manga he is still alive *to my knowledge. The studio randomly put that last fight in the anime – why because they ran out of material. Manga is still ongoing.

The whole reason is to put certain scenes in to context, the other….the direction the studio wants it to take.

Arenanet are people too.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


Only people DO have an idea of what this will be like. We’ve played only a small portion, sure, but from the portion we’ve seen, it’s not worth the $50 price. Couple that with the fact that this game has been making poor decision after poor decision (the soon to come ravaging of the trait system and the movement control skill changes that render the “exciting new” reaper class, completely useless) and it’s easy to see why people are already predicting this won’t be worth a whole lot. So far they’ve given us a price, but have yet to show us why it’s worth it.
And I’m a vet since GW1 launch. Because that apparently freaking means something. Totally.

Some people. Not all were lucky enough to have “exclusive” early beta access – which is funny, since the pre-purchase is now inclusive. The ones that did get “exclusive” beta testing, they will have more of an idea, as to what expect in general. As for the trait system, debateable. Some are for the new change. So don’t speak for all.

By all means argue the price point (though some predicted it would go for this price). But to say “we don’t know what content we’re getting” is pretty much an exaggeration. As Anet listed out what to expect. Example, guild halls. Players wanted it, well players get it in HoT. Players wanted cross-guild chat, well players get cross-guild chat in xpac.

Again some DO think it is worth it. Just because you and others don’t. Personally I’ll wait for more info – then decide. But does that mean I’m going to judge others whether they see value in it or not.

Newbie here, excited and needing advice!

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


As others have said; ranger or warrior. Once you’ve gotton the feel for this game venture out with other professions. Or you can play with 5 different proffessions to see which one suits you first. But generally speaking, war or ranger are more friendlier and more forgiving.

Could use some help picking a class please

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


Ranger or Warrior. Is your best bet on starting out. Once you’ve gotten a feel for the game, try out some other professions. Engi and ele have the highest learning curve. But have some of the best rewards in terms of playing.

Stupid question: are one man guilds possible?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


Yup. Most 1-man guilds are used primarily as storage. They are also useful for when you want to run solo.

How to bring a dead guild back to life?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


Bringing back the dead always comes with a price. A Life for a life. You shall lose yours if you continue on this path.

Careful what you wish for!

Bringing a guild back from the dead is just as hard as creating a new one.

But if you’re willing to go on this difficult journey here is what you have to do, including, but not limited to:

  • Be the Guild leader;
  • If possible recruit some trusted friends to be your Officers and help with the PR.
  • Purge your current guild of the inactive players (1 month + offline);
  • Have a nice website setup for people to apply ( works well);
  • Explain the goal of your guild and requirements;
  • Advertise on forum and in game;
  • Spam in main towns and help potentials;
  • Do activities to recruit people;
  • Lead Guild Missions to entice people to stay and other activities (lottery, dungeons, WvW raids, pvp tournaments, map exploration, boss fights, training sessions, etc…);
  • Lot of PR and dedication everyday.

Good luck.

^ This pretty much sums up the work that is needed. From all this, you might as well create your own guild from scratch. Since the work needed is almost negligible. You need to be dedicated to the thing. The amount of hardwork is underestimated. I wrote up a post awhile a go, to help people that were creating a new / start-up guild.

You can read it here:

Newbies welcome to our guild - [EU] [PTBF]

in Looking for...

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


Arrrgggg ya’ scurvy land lubbers, whose reading this post. You have come across the Pirates of The Black Flag recruitment post.

Pirates Of The Black Flag [PTBF], a small guild that first established itself 2 years ago on the Uunderworld server- but suffered what most small guild suffer from, inactive members. However the remaining crew mates decided that it was time to rebuild the guild now. Removing all inactive members. They now set their sights on the new horizon and wish to sail with new crew mates.

With a small number of 3-4 members. The crew are looking to grow and hope that new crew mates will want to be a part of our guild and our new adventures. We welcome all from any EU servers.

At the Core:

PTBF is predominately for; new or lowbie or casual players. You could be one or both or even all three. We don’t mind which one you are. We want to grow with the members. As they grow, so do we. This in turn will help us create a strong bond of friendship. For the more experienced / seasoned / veteran player(s). If you want a more slower paced, laid back, casual guild. And want to be a part of a guild, that aims to create as many friendships. Then you are welcome to join us. And share your experience(s).

Focus & Aims:

PTBF main focus at the moment is PvE. However we lightly dabble in WvW – this will expand as we get more members on the same server. Since we are small, we are currently working on building up influence. This will allow us to eventually go for guild missions. As we grow, we aim to create a small close knit community. A family even. One that helps out each other. From levelling up, to living story, to crafting to anything you need help on. We will do our best to assist you. And since we are laid back and casual, you won’t feel you have to be in any rush to get things done.
The guild is currently working on a site and hopefully set up VOIP in the future. As we look to aim for VOIP, guild chat will be our primarily method of communication with you.

What we require

What we require from our members is:

  • To be polite and respectful.
  • Having a good sense of humour. This includes some bad puns. We won’t tolerate any racial or prejudicial jokes.
  • Do represent us 100% at all time. We understand that it asks a bit, but we are rebuilding and want to grow. We will make some exceptions for your personal guild bank.
  • We don’t want any drama. As this will cause a lot of disharmony in the guild.
  • If you are taking some time off from the game, due to real life circumstances. Let us know as to how long you will be gone. The guild has suffered quite a few inactive members in the past, and wish to not continue this trend.

    For an invitation and a trial to see if you would like to join the PTBF crew. You can contact the two captains:
    lilninjas.2406 & Deathscythe.2598

I didn't want to say it but(post spec stream)

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


I’m not seeing the same thing as the OP. I saw ANet remove a lot of combinations that didn’t have any use (except by people being creative just for the sake of being creative), make it a lot easier to focus on certain types of skills with helpful trait support, and avoid having to split trait lines for stats and/or just the one trait.

I think too many of us are looking for how to maintain our current builds, instead of thinking towards what sort of new types of builds will we have access to. Keep in mind we’re going to see the equivalent of 10 new professions (revenant + 9 elite speicalizations). I think we’ll see folks starting to do interesting things with their gaming skills + various build combinations.

^ This I agree with.

To summerise the OP thread(s):
Yes, it is understandable. You’ve invested your time on the build that you have purposely crafted and built. Spent gold on armour, weapons, rune and sigils that complement your build and playstyle. But rather than out right saying that you’ve felt cheated out of your build. You push it under the “lack of diversity”. Will tell you straight, it doesn’t wash. You say countless??, but not actually back that statement up. Forum users, surprisingly took this news fairly well, knowing that “some” of their builds are no longer viable.
Yes some builds will close, but new ones will open up.

Need legendaries to be legendary

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


It’s kind of strange. Players wanted more prestige in gaining a legendary, but then down play them??. Anet gave what the players wanted in HoT. New legendaries that aren’t tradeable and are worth having, so I’m confused ~_~.

Mawdrey crafting

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


Alert: In-Game Mail Scams

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


You must be in this guild for 3 days...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


Who would have thought gold laundering would exist in games -_-.

How can you find guilds?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: CalamityO.2890


Try this:

Put in LFG and then a detailed description of what type of guild you’re looking for. Include ways to contact you via ingame mail or whisper.