Showing Posts For Chellae.8401:

LS S2 Ep. 4 music not yet on Soundcloud?

in Audio

Posted by: Chellae.8401


I was just wondering when or if the music of Dragon’s Reach part 2 (The World Summit, Shadow of the Dragon) was going to be released on Soundcloud. It’s been nearly a week since the patch and it’s still not there. I know it’s been uploaded by some other user somewhere, but I’d actually prefer if it was on Arenanet’s soundcloud like all the other post-launch music, because that’s the one I keep checking and am following.

I’d really like it if it was added, as would many other people, no doubt!

Random song in Metrica

in Audio

Posted by: Chellae.8401


Nope, it was added later. Was even mentioned on a music livestream last year, and I was glad to hear when they finally added it.

Repeated occurrences of error 7:11:3:191:101

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chellae.8401


Same, it happens only with GW2, and usually in the evening. Rubberbanding followed by a DC and not being able to log in for 5-20 minutes.

Having it again right now, in the middle of the day.

This sure is pleasant, ruining my dungeon runs among other things. :/

Mega Server - mega instrument-lag

in Audio

Posted by: Chellae.8401


I’ve been noticing it too. At first I wondered if I was just playing worse than usual, or perhaps that it’s because of patch day. Nope, there is -definitely- more lag since the patch than there used to be, which is making it significantly more difficult to play well.

The annoying delays when trying to play a song on the harp with short pauses in its rhythm are gone, which is excellent, but the note lag that replaced it might arguably have made it harder to play the instruments properly.

Problem in chat window - can't talk?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Chellae.8401


Can’t do anything either. :/ Communication is completely impossible for me. I can still read everyone’s chat.

Error: 42:1000:7006:1322

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Chellae.8401


…There we go again. Just DCed and can’t log back in because of the login server, supposedly. Was working fine during the day.

What the heck’s been going on for the last few days? Belgians can’t play properly anymore?

Feedback/Questions: Town clothes, Costumes, & Combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chellae.8401


Saying NO to the impending town clothes changes as someone who uses them a ton!

This video (not made by me) says it beautifully:

Feedback/Questions: Town clothes, Costumes, & Combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chellae.8401


I don’t get why they would do it this way, I really don’t. I’ve been mixing and matching different kinds of town clothes forever, pieces I paid real money for (I rarely convert gold to gems), quite a few of them too. Including some pieces that were removed from the gem store a while ago.
You can’t just take people’s ability to mix and match, there’s no reason to. I’ve been running around in mix&match town clothes a -lot-. With my own dye job. Now you’d turn them into all-or-nothing tonics? Really?

While I want this changed and not a refund, I WILL still ask for refunds if they leave it as planned. I would have the right to get them, because I bought these town clothes to be able to mix and match them, and to dye them. Take this functionality away from me and they’re virtually useless and pointless.

Come on, ArenaNet. Not cool. Please, I’m genuinely wondering, please explain to me why you thought this was an acceptable idea. I mean, really; did this not occur to anyone? I’d say it’s pretty darn important. =/
I don’t want to come off as flamey, but I find this genuinely upsetting because I’ll no longer be able to have the looks I’ve grown to love, and also because I -paid- to do so. Over-the-top as it may sound, that almost makes it some kind of digital theft. Almost.

Feedback/Questions: Town clothes, Costumes, & Combat

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chellae.8401


Please think this through for a single second. I’ve been mixing and matching, as well as dying, various town clothing pieces for as long as I remember. Are you seriously taking that functionality away?
I’ve been running around in this for many, MANY hours alltogether: But I no longer can because of this unnecessary change? I spent a lot of real money on items, including items that are no longer available on the gem store, to keep using them, mixing and matching them. Which I still do to this day.

Sorry, but if this is going the way I think it is, it either has to change, or I -will- demand refunds for these items, and then proceed to no longer have the looks I’ve loved having for so long on my characters.

Music in Malchor's Leap

in Audio

Posted by: Chellae.8401


It was introduced with the Tower of Nightmares, but they seem to have put it into Malchor’s Leap (and maybe Cursed Shore) as well, which is good!

The Harp Sheet Music Collection

in Audio

Posted by: Chellae.8401


I wrote a harp version of “The Hero of Canton” from Firefly recently!

() = high octave
{} = low octave
/ / = chord (let it roll, don’t do the notes perfectly simultaneously. Go from low to high in a swift motion)

1/3/5 5321 1/3/5
1 1/3/55 555 1/4/6 332 {5}/1/3 1 1/3/55 555 1/4/6 332 {5}/1/3
2112 {4/6}/1 1223 {5/7}/2 1 1/3/556531 1 1/3/556 {5}/1/3

New music in Caledon Forest

in Audio

Posted by: Chellae.8401


Oh, neat! I remember asking about this track a good while ago to the devs on a livestream and they said this was the only track on the soundtrack that wasn’t in the game at all, anywhere, but that they would put it in at some point this year. Glad that they did! It’s one of my absolute favourites in the game <3

Looking for a way to disable combat music

in Audio

Posted by: Chellae.8401


While I think a blank playlist with a short, mute audio file in it would probably do the trick, the regular exploration music would still fade out to make room for combat music. So every time the combat music would kick in, it’d be silent until it would stop, and invasion events would be all without music too, presumably.

Lions Arch Destruction - Knock it off

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: Chellae.8401


The personal story wouldn’t be a problem. When I did a personal story bit in Kessex during the Tower of Nightmares, the personal story instance didn’t have the tower in it, just the old, original Kessex.

The Harp Sheet Music Collection

in Audio

Posted by: Chellae.8401


Decided to write Hilda’s theme from A Link Between Worlds.

(2)4 234 (2)5 2 (2)4 246 (2)5
(2)4 234 (2)5 2 5 (4)6 54 (3)5 23 (repeat)

PLEASE READ: The brackets mean that note has to be played simultaneously with the note it’s attached to without spaces.
For example, if it says (2)4, the important note for the melody is 4, but press ‘2’ immediately before 4 so it comes out as a chord.

Idealistic Custom Music Feature

in Audio

Posted by: Chellae.8401


I’d just like it, if Anet would implement the tiny feature, of muting the background music, without muting the rest of effect sounds.

That would be especially great for when you are playing with a music instrument, so that you will hear only your instrument play and not also all the time the background music of the map.

There is a music slider for that in audio options, you know.

The new music at the marionette is AWESOME.

in Audio

Posted by: Chellae.8401


Just wanted to say that the composer(s) did a great job. It really gets the blood pumping and makes the event a lot cooler than it already would be without the music.

I also love the well-done transition to a different and more epic track when you get onto the platforms. All in all a great job from the audio department!

Delayed Choir Bell?

in Audio

Posted by: Chellae.8401


It’s always been like this, sadly. They existed during the first Wintersday too, and it wasn’t any different then. I don’t understand why because the other instruments don’t have this problem, but… oh well, nothing to do about it, and I really doubt they’ll fix it when it’s been like this for a good year already.

Wintersday attire! Post them!

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: Chellae.8401


I found the quaggan hat to be a really nice fit with the winter town clothes!

Where are the Festive Town Clothes?

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: Chellae.8401


Yeah, made a similar thread. I really hope they put them in, sooner rather than later too. I didn’t get it last year and have been kicking myself over it for ages, and was (am) looking forward to getting them this year.

Will last year's winter outfits return?

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: Chellae.8401


Added a link to a screenie of the set in the OP.

Will last year's winter outfits return?

in A Very Merry Wintersday

Posted by: Chellae.8401


Because I’m -really- hoping for it. I’m still kicking myself for not buying one last year, and was looking forward for their return to the gem store this year. So far I’ve seen nothing. Will they appear at some point during Wintersday?
Please tell me they will… heck, I’ll buy more than one set! They were even seen on one of this year’s Wintersday promo screenshots. Pretty pretty please?

Battle Music Doesn't Stop.

in Audio

Posted by: Chellae.8401


Yeah, got the same problem here. Definitely a bug.

Arenanet im begging you! Wintersday....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chellae.8401


I couldn’t disagree more. I -LOVED- the choir bell minigame. If it’s not included this year, I’d be massively disappointed o.O

Warning Buoy!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chellae.8401


((I just read through this entire thing in one go. Every post. I’m gonna keep watching this thread as it continues, for sure! Kudos to you guys. <3
Kinda wish the RP on Piken Square (EU RP server) was more like this and less social life-based. Not that there isn’t anything other than that, but y’know, improv casual meta drop-in drop-out storylines like this, if that makes sense. It’s certainly inspiring me to try and get something like this going one day, sooner or later!))

Skill Recharge Message

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: Chellae.8401


It’d be really swell if they finally fixed this. It’s been about a month now and I keep getting spammed by “skill recharging” when all I want is notifications from friends logging in or out. sigh

So what is currenly diff about Kessex?

in Tower of Nightmares

Posted by: Chellae.8401


There’s also an already ruined town that got sacked even further than it already was, I think.

Music livestream with Leif Chappelle and Maclaine Diemer

in Audio

Posted by: Chellae.8401


Thank you guys for tuning in! We had a lot of fun.

Regarding that sylvari trailer track, that’s actually the one track Maclaine mentioned that isn’t in the game. We’ll get it in as soon as he starts updating the maps!

Aah, alright! Cheers <3

Music livestream with Leif Chappelle and Maclaine Diemer

in Audio

Posted by: Chellae.8401


Loved the livestream guys, thanks a bunch. Now, I think Rubi passed it on to them, but one of the questions they answered that I asked was about a certain piece from an old trailer that didn’t make it into the game, and it played in an old trailer from the Grove.

I’m absolutely positive it’s not in the game because I’ve been playing since launch and spent a -lot- of time in the grove and Maguuma areas (sylvari maps), and well, done just about all of the sylvari personal story stuff. I’ll just post it here so you can get to it easily.

Thanks again for the livestream! I’m big into soundtracks so I really appreciated it.

EDIT: This is the trailer where it played.

(edited by Chellae.8401)

Music livestream with Leif Chappelle and Maclaine Diemer

in Audio

Posted by: Chellae.8401


What has it been like to have to “take over” from someone like Jeremy Soule, and are you happy with the results so far? PS: I love all the music you’ve done since launch, especially the Bazaar of the Four Winds music. Keep it up!

Custom soundtrack disabled?

in Audio

Posted by: Chellae.8401


I gave it a try myself, just for the main menu (want to keep the rest of the game’s music the way it is for now). I created an M3U playlist of three tracks called MainMenu and placed it in a “Music” folder in the Guild Wars 2 map located in AppData. Tested it, it didn’t work.
Then I put it in the map where you originally had to put custom music, in Documents/Guild Wars 2/Music.

Tested it again, and it worked!

So, the functionality isn’t completely broken, and the way I have it now, there’s no issues. Hope this helps locate the issue.

Rata Sum and the Grove lacking unique music

in Audio

Posted by: Chellae.8401


I’ve always wondered that too. There’s some great tracks in the soundtrack that simply aren’t used, and Rata Sum and the Grove are a great example. Especially the Grove one is stunningly beautiful and fits the place very well; it was even used in a Grove preview video a year before launch.
I’d definitely like it very much if they “fixed” this, or should I say, applied these tracks to their respective cities
They did something like this with Lion’s Arch once, so I’m sure they can do it again!

What exactly is permanent in this patch?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: Chellae.8401


No Special Musik in Lions Arch!?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Chellae.8401


I’m puzzled about the same thing, actually. Even if it does still show up in some event before Dragon Bash ends, it still would’ve been nice to have some special music in LA, because right now the mood really isn’t right with the default music. They clearly composed several new thingies for this event, yet none of it is actually in the game aside from a little instrumental piece in a very specfic place in LA barely anyone ever visits.

Gem Store missing 2 Dragon Bash-themed items

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Chellae.8401


Sooo… since the Marriner’s Horn is gone (nooooo!) from the patch notes, is it scrapped, or is it coming later, or…?

Gem Store missing 2 Dragon Bash-themed items

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Chellae.8401


The minis are there now. Still no instrument though Looking forward to that one the most!

Gem Store missing 2 Dragon Bash-themed items

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Chellae.8401


Both the Dragon Bash Mini Pack and the Marriner’s Horn are nowhere to be found on the gem store, though they were mentioned in the patch notes. I’m -really- looking forward to getting this instrument, so I was wondering, is their absence intended and are they supposed to come later, or is it something unintentional?
In the case of the former, could the patch notes be changed to reflect that?

- The Dragon Bash Mini Pack is now available in the Minis category of the Gem Store for 500 gems. The Dragon Bash Mini Pack contains three exclusive holographic minis to commemorate the Dragon Bash festival. If you place all three minis from the Dragon Bash Mini Pack in the Mystic Forge along with the Mini Holographic Risen Knight (which can be obtained from either Rich Dragon Coffers or Dragon Coffers), you will receive a Mini Holographic Colossus.

- Named after Lion’s Arch’s founder, Cobiah Marriner, the Marriner’s Horn is a permanent instrument themed for spreading festive tunes.

Lion's Arch music?

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: Chellae.8401


Yeah, same here. Was a bit surprised considering what Wintersday did. :P The login screen music is neat though.

About the current music

in Audio

Posted by: Chellae.8401


Fully agreed, very good post. The soundtrack placement (and inclusion, clearly) could be much improved. They’ve done it once with LA, so I hope that one day they’ll take the time to add / improve all the rest as well.

Uninstanced Salma District

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chellae.8401


Adding my voice here. Closing off uninstanced Salma was a bad move and very disrespectful towards the considerable, loyal RP community. Please revert this change.

Uninstanced Salma, new walls.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chellae.8401


I support this thread wholeheartedly. This is a kick in the groin for many roleplayers, as well as explorers. I didn’t use it that often myself, but c’mon now – what’s the harm in it? Why wall this off? There’s nothing wrong with people using the district, is there? It doesn’t harm anyone.
I fail to see the logic behind this decision.

Backpiece clipping

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: Chellae.8401


When we pull it far enough off the back for it not to clip on heavy armors, people in light/medium armor have a large gap between their back and the item.

Kind of like how my Elementalists daggers are no where near the body or armor.

I’m a sylvari elementalist who often has daggers equipped, and I can rarely see them because they’re at least halfway clipped on the other side of my armour. I use cultural T3.

The molten facility is now in Diessa Plateau

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: Chellae.8401


I wonder how few people there are who just run the dungeon and play the game for fun, and nothing more than that. I have such trouble wrapping my head around comments saying it sucks because the loot is nothing to write home about.
I ran the dungeon once, I’ll run it once or twice more before it’s gone, and that’ll be it. I’ll have had fun and I move on. Is loot really everything? To me it ain’t.

I know, different people different tastes, but still…

SAB in 2D

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Chellae.8401


Hell yeah, skipped easy mode, beat it on Rytlock 100%

Extra proof:

[Poll] Should the SAB stay permanently?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Chellae.8401


1UP definitely. No need for it to be removed, just like WvW doesn’t have to be removed and then re-added with new content every x time, or any other feature.

Please make SAB permanent [Merged]

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: Chellae.8401


Yes, PLEASE keep this around! It shouldn’t be a temporary thing but a proper permanent addition to the game, heck, even without the rewards outside of it. Please? ^^

Guild Wars 1 Soundtrack Option

in Audio

Posted by: Chellae.8401


Not much soundtrack left if you’d do that :P A lot (if not all) of the regular combat music is from GW1 too, among other things, like the dragon victory tune, and more. It’s a long shot but with Jeremy Soule gone and the new composers having taken over (Mad King, Wintersday), I hope they’ll compose some more music to add to the pool of what’s already in place. There’s simply too much GW1 music.

Can't send PM: "Recipient can't be blank"

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: Chellae.8401


I’ve been trying to send someone a PM, and I just can’t contact the guy otherwise so I have to do it through here. However, no matter what I try, I keep getting the error message:

“An Error Prevented Saving:

Recipient can’t be blank"

I am 100% sure I filled in the account name correctly. Is this a common error or am I just out of luck, and how can I still send the PM?

Thank you.

Thanks for fixing Lion Statue in LA!

in Audio

Posted by: Chellae.8401


Thank you, indeed! Was nice to stand around it and hear the good ol’ plopping sound again ^^

Separate night and day gamma settings

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chellae.8401


Definitely supported. As it is, I run around with 0.68 gamma a lot of the time, and I love how dark the nights get. Everything is so much more atmospheric!