Showing Posts For Churros.7196:

Used to run on high settings suddenly low FPS

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Churros.7196


Sorry to say this, but it’s a case of “welcome to the club”. The best result I’ve found is to use the -forwardrenderer switch but that’s not perfect and your mileage may vary. If you have a look around the forums, there’s a ton of posts around FPS drops.

Mine started back in July and I’ve tried everything thus far that’s been suggested.

This is an optimisation issue that needs to be addressed by Anet.

Well at least its good to know that I am not the only one so Anet will probably work on a fix.

Used to run on high settings suddenly low FPS

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Churros.7196


I just lowered the character limit to lowest and its still the same.

Did they upgrade some graphic stuff during the past 6 months?

Used to run on high settings suddenly low FPS

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Churros.7196


I haven’t played GW2 for a bit now, but a few months ago when I played, I played with high/medium settings. When I tried logging in yesterday, the screen was so choppy I had to change my settings to all low. Even then I only get 5~10 frames per second.

Nothing was changed since I last played few months back. Same hardware, checked for viruses/malware, updated the drivers.

Was there something new added to the game that would cause this?

This is how thieves perma-stealth (video)

in WvW

Posted by: Churros.7196


You can stay as a corpse as long as you want if you swap armor while you are dead.

Every time you swap armor it counts as an action so you don’t timeout.

So bring your mesmers and annoy enemies for hours on end.

Beggars in Guildwars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Churros.7196


‘Beggar was profession skill in Ultima online – you could talk to any NPC and they would give you a few copper.’

Beggar still is a profession in UO … UO still alive and doing well

Oh – if only they would update that game with modern graphics – I wonder how today’s young gamers would cope with a sandbox environment?

There is a sandbox game called Eve online.. it all in space though..

However, the stuff that goes on inside the game is hilarious. The only reason I played that game for 3 years +… the game play is not the most exciting, but all the back stabbing and scamming and griefing just made a great game.

Update: No WvW Rating Reset

in WvW

Posted by: Churros.7196


Not sure why so many are happy that they aren’t resetting the scores. Resetting the scores will achieve the same results, just in a much shorter time (ie, top servers that suck would fall down, and the better servers would rise to the top).

Ah well, I guess with all the things that Anet could ignore and not fix, this is another they can add to their list.

How would it be shorter if the end result would be what we will have next week?

In your opinion 4 weeks or more = 1 week?

You think the top 4 servers wouldn’t be JQ, SOS, SOR, BG if the rating were reset?

Grenth event is WAY! overpowered

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Churros.7196


actually i think they nerfed it.. the falling portal doesnt teleport you to all the way up to the ceiling anymore.

It’s more than doable currently

Feb 1st | JQ/SoR/SoS

in WvW

Posted by: Churros.7196


I see some mad people here rofl

Macro doubt

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Churros.7196


lol if they are using macros and you want to report them? You should just thank them for being free kills

Just bought GW2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Churros.7196


seriously, if you don’t plan on doing wvw, take your time leveling.

The maps in this game is ridiculously detailed and awesome. Take the time to explore

Daily Dodge Req is Mandating Poor Play

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Churros.7196


1. go to wvw
2. find a tower that is being sieged
3. spam dodge at the gate

dodge daily done within 10 sec.

any sense joining to WvWvW with lvl 33

in WvW

Posted by: Churros.7196


yeah it sucks since you are basically worth 0.3 lv 80.. but your CCs and combo fields can still make a difference.

WvW frontline fighter guardian build?

in Guardian

Posted by: Churros.7196


Unless you are running support(plan on healing others), don’t use clerics. Use knights and pvt mixed.

Clerics in WvW is not as good in Spvp or other situations because of omnomberries. If you have a decent amount of crit chance(from knights), you will pretty much heal the same amount as wearing clerics but do much more damage.

Staff: Why so unfair?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Churros.7196


When in doubt go ebonhawk…

Pretty much all ebonhawk weapons look kitten except for the hammer(which could be personally preference)

Loosing out on stats because of your class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Churros.7196


Warriors are paper in sPvP/WvW whereas Guardians are unkillable monstrosities. Not sure where you are getting your info from. . .

PvE is so easy that any class excels (except maybe engi who is just a broken class imo)

Actually the engi class itself is not broken if you build grenades…. just that your fingers will be broken after a dungeon run.

The Role of Guardians in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Churros.7196


To the guys that think guardians or warriors are bad in WvW….

Have you guys fought against or fought inside a zergball veil bomb group?(which, unfortunately, is the #1 choice of open field fighting currently) If you have and still think guardians and warriors are useless in WvW…. too bad i guess..

These zergballs with support guardians and warriors will chew through any group heavy on ranged characters any day its not even funny and when I say chew through, I can’t do my healer dailies because nobody on my side goes down.

Loosing out on stats because of your class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Churros.7196


Go to spvp and see which one lasts longer. A bunker guardian or a bunker warrior..

WvWvW Queues issue [Merged Threads]

in WvW

Posted by: Churros.7196


How do you bug a FIFO queue lol… it is so simple it is not possible to be bugged(or if it is it should be fixed in like 2 mins)

The Role of Guardians in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Churros.7196


I don’t mean to be offensive, but to anyone who’s been saying that Guardians are viable and feel “important” in WvW clearly never played another profession equally or are just uninformed.

I have played 8 characters in WvW and 5 of them are level 80’s with full exotics.

From my experience, a few staff guardians with wall of reflection and at least a couple guardians with sanctuary in a 20+ group is must. These skills with ward skills(staff and hammer 5) can have a major effect in zerg fights especially when both teams are trying to buffstack veil zerg ball or fight on a chokepoint.

Yes, wards and sanctuaries can be negated with stability, but even if some of them go through since the 5man limit on buffs, you can’t have the whole team with stability reliably. This results in the enemy zerg split up when they go through the wards and this results in the enemy zerg dead.

Also, wall of reflection is one of the best zerg fight skills in the game. This skill basically cuts off the ranged characters on the enemy team from the fight for 10 seconds if placed well and allows your melees to rush to the enemy ranged without much damage. This skill shines especially on fights on walls or choke points.

From my point of view, support guardians are one of the core classes in a successful zerg(15man+) group along with hammer warriors, mesmers(don’t need that many though) and staff elementalists(for the combo fields, not damage). They have skills that are essential to counter some of the metas in the game. Yes, if you play to guardians strengths in a zerg fight, you won’t do much damage, but you will play a vital role in winning the fight.

Would You Still Play if There was NO Loot?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Churros.7196


“The game is not about the loot” argument is a silly misconception by people who are trying too hard to enjoy the game in a different way.

Loot is a fundamental part of the MMO concept, for it to be lacking would be like having an incomplete game.

It always bothers me when I see players make that argument.

You should be playing for loot, but not obsess over it. Many players are already comfortable playing that way, if they run a streak of bad luck, they can still enjoy other parts of the game to compensate.

Just counting from what I have played : UO was not loot based(not like what it is today at least), DAOC was not loot based, EVE is not loot based.

While these games focus more on PVP or the sand box aspect of MMO compared to GW2, a lot of people do not play for loot. I personally spend at least 95% of my game time in WvW and sometimes don’t even bother to loot.

Just because WoW became a loot grind game and became popular doesn’t mean every MMO has to be a loot grind game.

In my opinion, making a MMO so loot grind is the main goal is taking the easy way out, you don’t have to have any real content, just add loot and people conditioned by WoW will blindly farm until the end of the world. Hopefully, GW2 won’t go that far because there aren’t that many mass PVP games worth playing right now that isn’t 10years old or EVE online(which you need to play as a second job)

Culling v AoE

in WvW

Posted by: Churros.7196


Aoe is not really a problem in wvw. In fact, most AOE skills(offensive skills) needs a buff, notably removing the 5 man limit.

Culling is a whole different level of problem.

So glad Neverwinter is coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Churros.7196


Neverwinter online looks like a terrible game, I can’t believe they think anyone is actually going to play it. If anything is going to take a chunk out of the GW2 player base, it will most likely be the Elder Scrolls online.

Then you sir are ignorant of the LARGE D&D fanbase thats been around since before most of us were born.

the same LARGE D&D Fanbase playing D&D Online? Oh wait….

I am part of that fanbase having played pen and paper D&D since the late 80’s
and No I couldn’t care less that Neverwinter online is coming out. It looks terrible.
I didn’t even like the last Neverwinter Nights single player.
As for DDO, that put me off completely- I hated that game.

Anyone can claim they’re something

You’re ignoring the larger picture behind their posts. The D&D fanbase is incredibly fractured. Take me, for example. I’ve played D&D since the mid-80’s; I started on Advanced D&D, went on to AD&D 2nd Ed, then switched to 3.0/3.5 Ed. I and my group still play 3.5, because we hated the way that 4E largely homogenized the different classes, and because it ripped the guts out of a lot of past D&D lore. We have not, and will not, touch any D&D game that uses 4th Ed. rules. (Maybe we might come back for D&D Next, but that’s another issue.)

There are also players out there who are still sticking to 2nd Ed, or even earlier versions. Then you have the D&D players who don’t like video games at all, or might dislike the way that Turbine and Cryptic have implemented their vision of D&D.

All that means that you can’t rely on the fact that D&D has a large following who love the brand name to instantly jump on board when Neverwinter is released. There are many more factors in play which could drive them away or lose their interest.

^ This.
I started with D&D Basic and played right through till 3.5e. Hated and still hate 4e.
The only computer game that even came close to replicating the game in it’s true form was Temple of Elemental Evil by Troika in 2003. Nothing else has come close and never will.

OMG…. TOEE fan!!!! I beat another game of TOEE a couple months ago rofl.. the best implementation of DnD on PC and the best turn based combat system every created.

Too bad Troika is gone now, and nobody makes turn-based games like that anymore.

I do not like the Feb monthlys

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Churros.7196


So… whats the monthly achievements for Feb? I can’t log on right now.

So what happens to Southsun?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Churros.7196



Boring graphically imo… So bland..

Having 1000’s of the same karkas don’t help either. At least orr zombies have a variety.

So glad Neverwinter is coming

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Churros.7196


OK… if you implement DnD rules on a MMO, how do you do it?

Do you have like thousands of level 20’s(or 40’s?) running around? (lol)

or do they cap the level at 10?

Either way it screws up the immersion side of the rules or makes it a bad rule set for a successful MMO. I don’t understand why people think it would be a good idea to make a DnD MMO.

WvW loot why so, well crap?

in WvW

Posted by: Churros.7196


Lol, so many ex-eve players. I used to be one myself(3 years) but got kinda tired of looking at space for so long and waiting an hour for 2 mins of PVP was getting boring for me. However, watching the recent Asakai system capital battle is making eve pretty tempting… man 3000 people fighting without culling??? impossible!!

Jan 25 - Feb 1 2013 | SoS & JQ & BG

in WvW

Posted by: Churros.7196


LOL i love some the jq poster comparing the very slight coverage advantage SOS had before paid transfers to the massive stacking jq has now that eclipses even what HOD had at its best. I was even hoping JQ got a few guilds but to see what they did just makes me sad.

LOL I love the SoS posters not seeing that they were stacked. And crying on the forums when they are losing.

I know, SOS was so stacked it would fall to under 100 ppt for 5 to 6 hours every day. SOS was so stacked that outside of primetime SOS only had on average around a 60 ppt lead over JQ. God they where just stacked to high heavens.

OK, this is getting pointless but I want to ask… Two to three weeks ago before the mass transfers started, NA prime time JQ on weekdays, had queues in 2 borderlands.. How was SOS queue times back then? SOS had higher ppt in aussie time, and NA time for weeks, so I think it is safe to assume you had more people relatively before all this. Would you not call this stacked? I agree that we(JQ) are stacked at the moment especially with some of SOS guys practically giving up(when I log on during non prime time and I notice a lot less SOS), but saying that SOS wasn’t stacked before is nonsense.

If you are going to pull out the “our commanders and guilds didn’t sleep/played for 16 hours a day” card, I can say the same for JQ pre-mass-transfer. This was when I played WvW for 16 hours a day for the whole month of December. I saw the same commanders and players throughout the day. Unless people were taking shifts on these characters, they probably put amount the same amount of effort as their SOS counterparts did.

New Thief Trend in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Churros.7196


Currently in our match up there’s been TONS of Ele’s, they take one person down then they run across the whole map then waypoint.

If you meant one d/d bunker ele running inside a group downing + stomping one person, that just means that group is a noob group. Lol… seriously go to spvp with a level 2 ele put soldiers gear on(that pretty much what 90% of d/d eles use in both spvp and wvw) and hit something. You will see that if you die to one d/d ele while in a group, you suck.

Kaineng Assessment - Not ready for T2/T3

in WvW

Posted by: Churros.7196


How many queues does Kain have outside the NA TZ? I am just curious.. from what people are saying it sounds like they have queues in 4 borders 24/7. However, I guess it won’t matter now.. at least for a bit until the big servers get to top tiers.

The Role of Guardians in WvW

in Guardian

Posted by: Churros.7196


Sanctuary (on enemy portals) and wall of reflection.

Even if we only had these two skills, it would make the guardian worthwhile in wvw.

Any Tarnished Coast citizens agree?

in WvW

Posted by: Churros.7196


If you have a queue on EB but don’t see your own team on the battlefield, check the JP.

9 times out of 10 in these situations, you will have like 30 people in the JP.

Advice on a new wvw class

in WvW

Posted by: Churros.7196


I have 5 level 80’s that I have used in WvW. The best AOE damage dealer = necro. All the necro skills have low casting time + can be stacked = bursty aoe damage. 2nd is glass cannon grenade engi or staff ele but don’t recommend either for aoe. First, grenade engi will give you medical problems from spamming 1111 for hours. Eles dont have high damage as people think(unless you go glass cannon and die to one backstab)

The new gear.

in WvW

Posted by: Churros.7196


Lol, all of the things on the list except maybe the gathering is done faster in WvW.

Go to a camp and tag everything there, you should be done with the veterans, 3/5 for events. Dodging should be done in like one fight and crafting takes like 10 seconds to craft ingots at your home borderlands(they have crafting stations)

Honor Badges

in WvW

Posted by: Churros.7196


Badges of honor are funny. When you need them, you don’t have anywhere near enough. When you don’t need them, you end up with way more than you could ever spend.

This totally… When i wanted invaders badges to build a bunker engi, I wouldn’t get any.

Now that I do not need it I am swimming in badges so I just buy random stuff like gift of battle(which I had no intention of using and probably will not use) or 50 arrow cart bpcs, golem prints and forge omegas for the heck of it.

Ratings being reset Feb 1st.

in WvW

Posted by: Churros.7196


Give it a chance. We’ll see what happens next week. If you are really hardcore with competition, this shouldn’t bother you at all. Why? Because you know you’ll still end up at tier 1 eventually.

And what’s good is you get to fight more even maches; so there will be no facerolling, but using of good strategy.

I’m looking forward to this.

It is not about ending up in tier 1 eventually. We do not want to PvDoor for one month or even more to find a decent match. We already have matchups relatively even(while the overall scores might not say so) that offer great fights on a daily basis.

Update: No WvW Rating Reset

in WvW

Posted by: Churros.7196


Lol… the high population servers are close to their destined tiers and you decide to reset now? i really do not want to PvDoor for weeks until the tiers are settled again.

Rejoice we can dump all our karma now

in WvW

Posted by: Churros.7196


Also, the orr temples now sell exotic jewelry.

Some of the options include Power, Toughness, Crit damage
Precision, toughness, condition damage.

And something else that I don’t remember because they were useless.

All WvWvW Titles Unreachable

in WvW

Posted by: Churros.7196


I don’t even PvP and I’m still ticked off about those achievement requirements. Maybe it’s part of ArenaNet’s failing propaganda efforts, to convince people that WvW has more in common with PvE than PvP. Those kill totals would be reasonable for PvE mobs. Too bad those wretched human players keep showing up with their reviving, their fighting back, their tactical withdrawals and all that awful stuff. Really irritating behaviour for PvE mobs to be exhibiting. One might think they were actually trying to not let you kill them.

Time they re-evaluated WvW from the ground up and decided what the hell they are trying to do with it. Right now it’s a boat without a rudder.

Oh, and pull the kitten player kills requirement from the monthlies for gawd’s sake. It belongs in the PvP achievement track anyway. Tired of getting railroaded out of the monthly rewards for the crime of preferring PvE.

Funny, WvWers hate having the fractal requirement on the monthlies as well.

No wp when players are in combat

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Churros.7196


You can wp without having to wipe as long as your party members are not in combat. Also, read the patch notes they nerfed a lot of encounters in the dungeons.

Allow us to dispose of dead bodies

in Suggestions

Posted by: Churros.7196


Actually, if you keep swapping armor, you stay “active” indefinitely.

Jan 25 - Feb 1 2013 | SoS & JQ & BG

in WvW

Posted by: Churros.7196


actually current stats show bg going down to T2 by 2 points.

Kaineng shouldn't skip T3...

in WvW

Posted by: Churros.7196


It would be interesting if they got stuck in T3 because supposedly, many of the servers that got a population boost are going to be in T3 next week. It would be funny if those three servers ended up being equal and got stuck there forever.

Jan 25 - Feb 1 2013 | SoS & JQ & BG

in WvW

Posted by: Churros.7196


Rofl, I am loving the SOS guys saying they weren’t stacked before. JQ is stacked at the moment as much as SOS was stacked against JQ 2 weeks ago.

Strongest Class in World vs World?

in WvW

Posted by: Churros.7196


Necromancer is probably the weakest profession in WvW at the moment.. Hopefully we get some buffs.

What is this I don’t even….
Necro condi bombs cover the world in badge farming insanity. Necros are AMAZING in group combat. Flat out terrain denying, hp dropping nuclear bombs in wvw.

Even power builds with wells are ridiculous especially during sieges or holding off choke points.

Strongest Class in World vs World?

in WvW

Posted by: Churros.7196


It depends on what kind of fighting you are looking for.

What most people call roaming(1~5 people), I would consider thieves, mesmers, and d/d eles stronger than most.

While anything above 15+ or trying to hold certain positions hammer warriors, support guardians, staff eles, and mesmers have more useful utility skills(wall of reflection, wards, veil, portal) and combo field+ blast finishers to use when needed.

Overall, I would say classes are fairly balanced, but could use more tweaking.

Jan 25 - Feb 1 2013 | SoS & JQ & BG

in WvW

Posted by: Churros.7196


LOL are JQ really still trying to pretend SoS have the numbers? It’s only going to get worse as the week goes on. SoS tried to tell you we didn’t have the numbers..what we had was folks who were willing to put in a lot of hours. So stacking a server with 13 new guilds while we added 1 while our recruitment threads were getting trolled combined with a couple main commanders getting burned out and voila. Only a matter of time were down to T2 which could be fast.

You think there weren’t people on JQ doing the same thing? In December, I basically had nothing to do for a month + so I played pretty much 16 hours a day for a while. During that time, I would see the same people in WvW online from start to finish.

[MOVIE] Some WvW Guardian Trolling

in WvW

Posted by: Churros.7196


The best troll skill on guardian is traited sanctuary… Just put it on the enemy siege and laugh at them.

Jan 25 - Feb 1 2013 | SoS & JQ & BG

in WvW

Posted by: Churros.7196


I was one of the two(i think?) players that got stuck under bay tonight. I do not know how that is abusing glitches lol. I got catapulted and fell down the ground and was stuck. Could not join in with the others into the lord room because I was stuck.

Jan 25 - Feb 1 2013 | SoS & JQ & BG

in WvW

Posted by: Churros.7196


Whats up JQ can’t handle the EB tactics? Did you really think we were gonna push BG, knowing that they were going to push you?

You just better hope BG never realizes that they could demolish you and keep the lead if they ever decided to focus you instead of JQ.

BG server rating- 2 070.667
SOR server rating -2 060.288

Considering they are just hair above SOR, they will probably take whatever points they can get. As I write this, EB looks like red-green Christmas colors.

One day I’m gonna make an excel sheet on google docs or something, so people who don’t understand glicko can just punch in numbers and see that red(or blue) should attack whoever is green IF they want higher rating, lol.

Basically, if your points are closer to green, red and blue gets a higher rating at the end of the week.

Jan 25 - Feb 1 2013 | SoS & JQ & BG

in WvW

Posted by: Churros.7196


Whats up JQ can’t handle the EB tactics? Did you really think we were gonna push BG, knowing that they were going to push you?

Lol, you are for some reason very proud of how sos is doing? JQ has been hit by BG and SOS in EB since reset, yet sos is still only 200 points apart from JQ. Even though JQ only has one keep in EB.

I think JQ is doing fine atm… and as long as we keep the score close to SOS we are doing a good job.