Showing Posts For Coulter.2315:

Transgender people & GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Daredevil cheered up a lot of disabled Marvel fans. If it brightens even one person’s day over whatever unjust struggles they have to go through, I think that’s “cool” and “hip” regardless of whatever cringe people in this thread seem to perceive.

Daredevil has better senses than people with working eyes xD He’s hardly a poster boy for the blind – he can “see” better than me. Remember the thing you think is “seeing” is just a picture your brain draws you from electrical sense input and guesses, Daredevil has a better input and thus a better picture and is not in any way disabled (sorry if you’re blind and loved DD and I ruined it for you).

He’s essentially Usain Bolt going around in a wheelchair cause he likes the easier parking.

(edited by Coulter.2315)

How to make raid fights more accessible

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


‘we run an Auramancer for Matthias’

I mentioned it because you were asking about playing it in Raid. Just showing how there is variety and plenty room to experiment.

How to make raid fights more accessible

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Slothazor is a perfect example of a fight where you take many reflects, pulls and condi removal support skills while building for high DPS (everyone even takes turn being the focus of the boss).

As I said earlier we run an Auramancer for Matthias.

How to make raid fights more accessible

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


The DPS race thing is slightly untrue, most of the encounters don’t have much of a race in them (we infact use an Auramancer for Matthias). Every meta will always be “take as much DPS as you can get away with,” this will be true no matter what you do. Forcing high DPS also has the benefit of forcing people to be squishier and thus require playing around mechanics more (the classic 10 nomad’s gear ignoring all the mechanics argument).

There will always be a meta and it will always be “take as much DPS as you can get away with,” the builds may change and the meta may change but there will always be a meta.

Transgender people & GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Guys, being transgender is a pretty complex set of things that science, psychology and law have not come to a settled opinion on yet. Transgender people should be treated with respect and protected from intolerent attacks (as with any minority) but GW2 is not the right forum to be plantiing flags for people you almost certainly don’t even know.

Sya in game is treated with respect and is happy doing what she is doing, the motivations the OP used boiled down to “lets be the first!” which is not the way to be tasteful or appreciative of a complex issue (which the OP almost certainly has no personal experience of).

Transgender people believe strongly they have not been born correctly, this comes with a whole lot of pyschological issues which we must be sensitive to and they have also had to convince loved ones of this too. This push to discuss this in the same
terms as gay people who were told they were wrong by society (but could feel perfectly alright in themselves) is a mistaken conflation.

I have tried to be as sensitive as possible and I hope you’ve understood why pushing such a complex set of issues into the foreground in GW2 and trying to explain Sya’s thoughts (which will not even be representative of most transgendered people) is not the correct place to have this debate. I think its great the game has her but we as a society need to learn more about this issue before we start trying to race to be the first game to include someone explaining their experience in depth being transgender.

I realise people pushing this are doing it from a place of acceptance but it is also from a place of ignorance, this is not meant as insulting, we are all extremely ignorant on this topic and that is why GW2 is not the right place.

Transgender people & GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Sya doesn’t have anything which would make her useful to DE2.0 or the plot of GW2, she is just a citizen of LA doing her part. She’s fine were she is, transgender people on the whole don’t want to be shoved into a spotlight they just want to be left to their own lives like everyone else.

Since Sya being put into DE2.0 serves no real use for the group it would be very obvious this was done purely for a quota and no one likes quotas, let her be and stop trying to use her as a political tool (she’s happy where she is and not for you to use).

Just smh with this raiding community

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


I think players really need to get real and lower down the elitist meta bs.

This just happened to me. I’m assigned tank in spirit vale, someone else joins, switches character to apparently a better tank even though I know I was good enough and then I’m forced and expected to switch gears or characters.. really?

It sounds like the new tank was a friend or someone the leader knew, who they trust to tank more then you since they’re a known quantity. Asking you to switch characters isn’t super unreasonable in this case…

We don’t all nolife this game, we don’t all have time or even want to gear up extra roles just to please other people, or just for that 1 minute less time needed for completing something.

You don’t have to “nolife” to have a second character geared for DPS. A set of Berserker exotics+weapons+jewels is like 50-60g and will work just fine. Less if you get gear or weapons from dungeon/WvW tokens.

On top of that, I think there are only more raids failing because of this, since people just say that their condi or tank or whatever role, while they’re not fully. And nobody can even check it unless they ask to link gears but I rarely see that happen.

Conclusion is it definitely doesn’t make the game more fun, or easier.

The “elitist meta bs” of what, people asking the people joining their raid to bring classes that will contribute what is needed for the group’s success? That definitely makes the raids easier and more fun because you won’t spend hours failing because people are running bad specs.

But that’s the problem, raids do take hours and still failing because not everyone can live up to the expectations of this meta, but they still join because they want to and just lie about their build, and I don’t blame them. Cause the whole thing is toxic as hell.

Have you considered its “toxic as hell” because of all these liars you are endorsing?

No liars means no failed expectations means no toxicity.

Yeah of course that has to do with it, but that’s what you’re gonna get with the way people are excluded now because of the meta. It basically feeds itself.

I think if people are open about their experience and are willing to put time and effort into learning the encounter and being prepared you’ll find everyone is much more accepting and willing to help.

If you do a PUG run and like a few people whisper them afterwards and add them to friends and try to get a core together so you can all work and learn the encounter. You can even start a PUG raid guild and invite good PUG members to it so you can always have a group of people to work with.

Don’t lie, be friendly and be prepared to work with people

Just smh with this raiding community

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


I think players really need to get real and lower down the elitist meta bs.

This just happened to me. I’m assigned tank in spirit vale, someone else joins, switches character to apparently a better tank even though I know I was good enough and then I’m forced and expected to switch gears or characters.. really?

It sounds like the new tank was a friend or someone the leader knew, who they trust to tank more then you since they’re a known quantity. Asking you to switch characters isn’t super unreasonable in this case…

We don’t all nolife this game, we don’t all have time or even want to gear up extra roles just to please other people, or just for that 1 minute less time needed for completing something.

You don’t have to “nolife” to have a second character geared for DPS. A set of Berserker exotics+weapons+jewels is like 50-60g and will work just fine. Less if you get gear or weapons from dungeon/WvW tokens.

On top of that, I think there are only more raids failing because of this, since people just say that their condi or tank or whatever role, while they’re not fully. And nobody can even check it unless they ask to link gears but I rarely see that happen.

Conclusion is it definitely doesn’t make the game more fun, or easier.

The “elitist meta bs” of what, people asking the people joining their raid to bring classes that will contribute what is needed for the group’s success? That definitely makes the raids easier and more fun because you won’t spend hours failing because people are running bad specs.

But that’s the problem, raids do take hours and still failing because not everyone can live up to the expectations of this meta, but they still join because they want to and just lie about their build, and I don’t blame them. Cause the whole thing is toxic as hell.

Have you considered its “toxic as hell” because of all these liars you are endorsing?

No liars means no failed expectations means no toxicity.

Suggestion- Raid Difficulty Settings [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


The problem is Easy Mode proponents want “encounters that are beatable within 1 or 2 tries for everyone,” these types of encounters already exist in GW2, raids do not need to be adapted to fill that role (and I beleive it would hurt future raid development if we did).

They want the story, here it is, [SPOILERS, do not click the links if you don’t want spoilers] :

And finally they want the rewards, which you can already get by doing the raid as is.

All of their complaints have been answered but they still would rather spend hours quoting and complaining rather than spend that time constructively getting the raid done for themselves, the absurd combination of laziness and focus these people have brought to bear is a marvel in its own right but its time to stop.

Suggestion- Raid Difficulty Settings [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


I can’t but think you must be insincere to keep pushing this nonsense, “entitled” means inherently deserving – raiders work for their rewards (maybe you could try the same).

But people use the term to describe non-raiders as well, to say that people who don’t want to raid are “entitled” to ask for alternate methods. If it is “entitled” to ask for alternate methods then why would it not be entitled for those who enjoy the current methods?

“I am entitled to Legendary Armour, so I must get it, if I cannot get it now then they must introduce a method for me to achieve it.”
This is what you have been arguing this whole time.

“I am not entitled to Legendary Armour, if I want it I will complete the content required to achieve it.”
This is what I am doing with respect to Legendary Armour.

See how I am not entitled but you are? Do we really need to keep going through this line by line?

Just give me a thumbs up that you understand.

Suggestion- Raid Difficulty Settings [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Why do you keep perpetuating this lie… No one is entitled to Legendary Armour, everyone had to work through the raid to qualify for it.

Exactly, nobody is entitled to Legendary Armor, including raiders. ANet currently see fit to offer the armor only to raiders, in future they could change that. All I’m asking is that they do.

Oh for goodness sake, I am not entitled to Legendary Armour but I have done the work for it…

Wing 3 could be impossible for me to complete for example and I would still want Legendary Armour require Wing 3 because I am not entitled to it…

Everyone who has done the raid are not “entitled” as we had to complete the raid to achieve access to the Armour, you cannot think in such a back to front way…

I can’t but think you must be insincere to keep pushing this nonsense, “entitled” means inherently deserving – raiders work for their rewards (maybe you could try the same).

Stop talking nonsense..

Suggestion- Raid Difficulty Settings [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Welcome to the era of entitlement where people want to give minimal effort to gain rewards they do not otherwise deserve.

You realize that the same argument applies to raiders though, who not only want to receive legendary armor for playing a game type they claim to enjoy, but also insists that they must have exclusive access to that legendary armor. If that’s not entitlement then nothing is.

Why do you keep perpetuating this lie… No one is entitled to Legendary Armour, everyone had to work through the raid to qualify for it.

You are asking the game to be changed for you, that is entitlement (you literally feel entitled to Legendary Armour regardless of the current requirement).

How can you not see this???

Suggestion- Raid Difficulty Settings [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


How is Legendary Armor a casual oriented item? "Casuals"couldnt care less about Meta changes, making stat swapping less beneficial towards them

It’s the opposite – casuals care less about finetuning the runes to their build, and so they can make greater use of stat swapping than hardcores.

, the cost of Legendaries is a roadblock for most “casuals”.

Nope, just a long term goal. Yu can’t get them in day, a week, even a month, but if you really want it, you will eventually get it. Or at least it was like that for the past legendaries.

Pvp and FotM have special Legendary back pieces not obtainable anywhere else

yet, as you noticed, a legendary backpack has two different ways of acquisition. It’s only a skin that is exclusive.

Easy open world PvE has Legendary Weapons which aren’t obtainable if you don’t do open world PvE

Untrue. There was at least a handful of those given out as rewards for sPvP tournaments. Besides, map completion is a really low threshold to pass.

Raids will have Legendary Armor not obtainable anywhere else. From the very beginning of the game There has been items exclusive to specific game modes.

Raid is the first of such gamemodes that is in itself extremely exclusive. That is the problem.

Okay. Who’s saying that there will never be some sort of legendary armor outside of raids? Did anet state it anywhere?

Also, how are raids excluding people? Please tell me because they sure as hell are not.

The "Exclusion"is them not wanting to put the effort in.

Exactly, I expect Anet to consider what their players ask for but I also expect them to disregard anything as self serving and wasteful as what these players are suggesting.

Roll on Wing 3, can’t wait to see them again ^^

Suggestion- Raid Difficulty Settings [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Ohoni and Astralporing are the type of people who are destroying MMORPGs for years now.

Either you are for or against exclusive rewards.
If you are against them you have to include everything in every game mode with minimal effort. Everything is exclusive to a certain extend unless you get it everywhere for free.
If you are pro exclusive rewards, you have to accept that there will be rewards that you may not get.

I completely agree, I have no idea where this “everything for everyone!” mentality comes from.. Whats wrong with seeing someone in the world and knowing “Oh they like PvP, look at their backpack.” or “Oh they like fractals and SAB, look at their weapons.”

There is nothing wrong with exclusivity in rewards they add to your character and are tokens of the content you enjoy, they also give people motivation to try a variety of content – if everythig in game could be gained from [insert something mindless and easy] you’d find it the focus of most people’s play time (which isn’t good for a game which wants to support multiple communities like GW2).

Effort and reward are good things to encourage and we should not dilute this game in either category.

Suggestion- Raid Difficulty Settings [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


1) Glorious armor in PvP was just a skin with exact same stats as other exotic gear found in dungeons, crafted, in WvW or as drops anywhere in game and it also functioned exactly the same too without stat swappability.

Also, Glorious armor was super easy to earn with minimal PvP effort, and Glorious Hero armor was just the same thing with a little sparkle to it, and so rare that it may as well be a unicorn so who cares? Legendary armor will not be quite so rare, putting it in the “hot, but approachable” category.

So approach it then and stop asking for it knocked unconcious and handed to you, try working for something…

Glorious Hero Armor

in PvP

Posted by: Coulter.2315


It was a pretty selective reward, I would be in favour of bringing it back and binding it to the leagues but not sure how best to do it (it should probably maintain its selective and special status).

Suggestion- Raid Difficulty Settings [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Why should any company restrict a good to a certain set of people? That makes no sense. Anyone who has the money can buy a Mercedes, nobody cares if it is an heir or a selfmade millionaire.

Just read this again, read what you wrote.

[SPOILER] The price of the Mercades is a restriction on who can buy it…

As for your hunter/gatherer example, venison doesn’t grow on bushes – they result in different produce.

Suggestion- Raid Difficulty Settings [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Nobody’s talking about the Iron Curtain.

You want to void achievement and remove profitting and competition, you might not know it but you certainly are talking about behind the Iron Curtain.

(edited by Coulter.2315)

Suggestion- Raid Difficulty Settings [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


You want the death of the TP and death of prestige, your philosophy is just backwards and has been tested throughout the 20th century and failed every time.

No more than any other.

Do you genuinely believe that? The very system that constructed GW2 and you think it failed on par with the nightmare behind the Iron Curtain? You need to go read or listen to people who actually went there.

Utopia means no-place and thats where you want to throw raids – into the void of failed philosophies.

Suggestion- Raid Difficulty Settings [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Humanity is competitive (even you Ohoni, look how you compete in this thread alone). Why do you want to remove all competition and striving from GW2 when we’ve seen every attempt to get a large number of people do this irl fail?

You want the death of the TP and death of prestige, your philosophy is just backwards and has been tested throughout the 20th century and failed every time.

(edited by Coulter.2315)

Suggestion- Raid Difficulty Settings [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Point two; you’ve already pointed out there are ways to buy a raid path, meaning if you do that basically everything you want from easy raids comes true:

No, because that’s being carried, not participating in the game. It’s a rigged system that only benefits those who like to raid. Players should not be profiting off of other players.

You want to be carried, just carried by Anet.

As for “players should not be profitting off of other players,” when should we expect your “Close The TP!” thread?

Suggestion- Raid Difficulty Settings [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Anet is the abiter of who deserves what in GW2, you do X, Y or Z and deserve the rewards for those things – you can literally open a ticket in you do not get the correct reward and they will send it to you.

Ok, cool, then when ANet decides that you can earn Legendary armor through some other means, then we can both be happy with their decision.

Aaaw look at you using the word when, so cute. Tell you what, when the red dawn happens and people are queuing for bread you can hand out Legendary Armour codes :P

Suggestion- Raid Difficulty Settings [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


It insults me that you believe that you are deserving of superior rewards just because you’re playing a mode that you claim to enjoy.

Anet is the abiter of who deserves what in GW2, you do X, Y or Z and deserve the rewards for those things – you can literally open a ticket in you do not get the correct reward and they will send it to you.

You, Ohoni, can feel insulted all you like but the fact remains the criteria for deserving have been set and you aparently do not meet them.

You keep trying to make out that there is no true deserving judge, there is and it is Anet. You have failed to meet their standards, you are undeserving.

Suggestion- Raid Difficulty Settings [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


As for your final point Legendary Armour has not been mentioned by a dev once before Raids were announced, they have clearly constructed them as a pair because they wanted to sufficiently reward those who Raid – join us or die (without Legendary Armour).

Don’t be silly. Players were discussing Legendary Armor since the weapons were known to exist, before even Ascended armor. They were ALWAYS on the radar of future additions to the game. There is nothing at all about raids that make Legendary armor more likely than before them.

So you changed “devs” when I wrote it to “players,” players have also been talking about Cantha, The Scepter of Orr and Lyvia since launch but until a dev says they are coming its irrelevant. Don’t do this again, makes you look manipulative. Legendary Armour came into the game specifically as a Raid reward, get over it.

The rest of your points are your ideological bias or pretending you know anything about programming or software team management, which you don’t.

Suggestion- Raid Difficulty Settings [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Raids will always have unique rewards and anyone who doubts the benefits of unique rewards should check the difference in PvP population during and outside leagues.

But is that a good thing? I’m one of those people playing during the PvP season, and I HATE IT. It’s just awful, and it makes me like the game less and less the more I have to play it, but I do have to play it, otherwise I’ll never get those Ascension wings, and all my previous time sunk into the project will have been a complete waste. Does ANet benefit from causing player to HATE the time they spend playing their game? You seem to think so, and for the time being ANet seems to think so, but I don’t see the logic in it.

Raids are high end PvE and you wanting there to be equal reward for a low end PvE option just shows your unwillingness or inadequecy to do the prescribed content for the given rewards.

Yes, that’s the entire point.

Constructing low end PvE raid is a waste of resources and dangerous to the stability of raids

You have yet to make a case for this premise, beyond insisting repeatedly that it is so. If you’re right, then it’ll never happen, but that they are at least considering the idea of easy mode raiding indicates that there is at least some basis to the idea.

Anet have never stated raids are for everyone (they have infact stated the opposite) and they have constructed Legendary Armour as a specific reward for raids.

This point is a bit silly. Ever since the game launched, Legendary armor has been on the table, something discussed and theorized. Legendary armor is not being added to the game because of raids, it was not created because of raids, it is something that would be inevitable eventually. If raids never existed, then the path to earn Legendary armor would still be there, it would just be some other path. Stop acting as if the two concepts are inevitably linked for all time, when changing that would only take them saying “we’re going to change that.”

Firstly I’ve given reasons;

1.Easy mode raids are going to be a drain on resources (we want more normal raids not rehashes of old content). You are lying if you say it will be for free and that we wouldn’t have to sacrifice something else, I do not want X devs working on Easy Mode when they could be working on a new raid

2.Easy mode raids are going to cause instability in the design team (introducing this new goal will mess with future production – they now need to think “how will we deal with this mechanic for the easy mode?”). You are being ridiculous if you think adding the policy of Easy Mode will not cause restrictions on future raids – imagine there is no way to turn Sabetha’s insta kill mechanic to a harmless hit without massive reworking, this will mean every new raid will probably not include insta kill mechanics because of how difficult they are to implement

3.Easy mode raids could overstretch the team and cause it to lag behind like the Legendary Weapon team and have it disbanded (this is a bad thing). This seems self evident from recent times and plays into the extra workload in both above points

4.Easy mode raiding will devalue the prestige of items found in the real raid (You and your very few friends in this thread do not care about this but its still a fact people care about their items and how they aquire them). People enjoy unique or special rewards – go ask a jeweler if there is a reason certain gems are more expensive than others (its because of their rarity and uniqueness), humanity has liked prestige items since someone found the first funny coloured rock or skinned the first animal with a pretty coat.

Since you needed further explanation I have expanded the points in bold.

So you HATE PvP and yet still hang around to get the item, that shows the item can overpower one of the strongest emotions a human can feel – yes I think Anet know exactly how good these items are for player retention and participation, HATE means nothing compared to the drive for shinies (by your own description).

As for your final point Legendary Armour has not been mentioned by a dev once before Raids were announced, they have clearly constructed them as a pair because they wanted to sufficiently reward those who Raid – join us or die (without Legendary Armour).

Suggestion- Raid Difficulty Settings [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Well, it’s instanced so calling it an open world content might be rather misleading.

Point being that there are better formats for the kind of content that you want; dungeons and open world content. They’re better for reasons that’ve been covered in over 40 pages.

You’re right, easy mode raid is not the only way. Unfortunately, at the moment there’s no way available at all, and easy mode raid is something that at the moment is the most likely to happen (seeing as it would require leat amount of resources).
I’m willing to make do with easy mode raids, because waiting for something that would fit me better might be way, way too long for my liking.

Perfect is the enemy of good.

But dungeons already exist?

So? They offer neither the story nor the rewards of the current raid, do they?

For story I could suggest Wooden Potatoes on youtube or asking in LFG to access a completed instance.

For rewards you must complete the content.

Raids will always have unique rewards and anyone who doubts the benefits of unique rewards should check the difference in PvP population during and outside leagues. Raids are high end PvE and you wanting there to be equal reward for a low end PvE option just shows your unwillingness or inadequecy to do the prescribed content for the given rewards.

Constructing low end PvE raid is a waste of resources and dangerous to the stability of raids (as I’ve stated) and your claim that it is in any way likely is misguided – Anet have never stated raids are for everyone (they have infact stated the opposite) and they have constructed Legendary Armour as a specific reward for raids.

No one owes you a specially constructed instance to protect your unwillingness or inadequecy.

Suggestion- Raid Difficulty Settings [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


So because I did not want something to happen from the start, I should have no voice in it even if it concerns me, even if you stubbornly try to tell people that if they don´t raid, they are not affected by it? This is not an election where you should have to stay quiet if you choose not to vote.
I also never said that I want the raid that already is there to go offline. If Anet was able to work on two things at once and stop their gating fetish, they could produce a raid every month if you ask me. But they have clearly shown that they can´t do two things at once, so of course I am concerned if the focus stays on raiding. I have no idea how you can construct spite out of this.

But you’re asking them to take on extra workload to construct easy mode for you, Astral, Stihl and Ohoni while you all don’t even want raids to exist in the first place..

This is exactly where you keep ending up; “I don’t like raids, maybe the raid team could do more work that fundamentally changes its structure – I hope nothing bad happens.”

Just let it go… Leave raids to the raiders. Also this isn’t an election (might want to remember that, people will begin to think you’re a mad political activist seeing a political system that needs smashing everywhere you look – nothing to lose but your chains right?).


Easy mode raids are going to be a drain on resources (we want more normal raids not rehashes of old content).

Easy mode raids are going to cause instability in the design team (introducing this new goal will mess with future production – they now need to think “how will we deal with this mechanic for the easy mode?”).

Easy mode raids could overstretch the team and cause it to lag behind like the Legendary Weapon team and have it disbanded (this is a bad thing).

Easy mode raiding will devalue the prestige of items found in the real raid (Ohoni and his friends do not care about this but its still a fact people care about their items and how they aquire them).

Easy mode is unnecessary and being used purely as a protest point because some people who – if they spent as much time raiding as posting on forums – could get the rewards currently choose not to.

Suggestion- Raid Difficulty Settings [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Nobody wants to destroy raids, at least not as a primary goal.

But will cause the destruction through secondary effects with a beaming smile on your face… (I will have to ask people to scroll up to see my list of reasons Easy Mode is a bad idea – while scrolling please take note of people saying “i never even wanted these raids and do not want more,” these people asking for raid changes want them dead and it occassionally slips out their fingers, do not believe them to be benign)

Seriously just go play other content, you don’t want to raid and we don’t want your hamfisted attempts to drag it down to your level happily letting it burn on the way down.

If you want the rewards, do the content.

(edited by Coulter.2315)

Suggestion- Raid Difficulty Settings [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Easy mode raids are going to be a drain on resources (we want more normal raids not rehashes of old content).

Easy mode raids are going to cause instability in the design team (introducing this new goal will mess with future production – they now need to think “how will we deal with this mechanic for the easy mode?”).

Easy mode raids could overstretch the team and cause it to lag behind like the Legendary Weapon team and have it disbanded (this is a bad thing).

Easy mode raiding will devalue the prestige of items found in the real raid (Ohoni and his friends do not care about this but its still a fact people care about their items and how they aquire them).

Easy mode is unnecessary and being used purely as a protest point because some people who – if they spent as much time raiding as posting on forums – could get the rewards currently choose not to.

PS. Communism doesn’t work (no reason at all I’m mentioning this, none at all)

Who is we? Raiders? I certainly don´t want new raids. I did not even want the one we already have now

This is exactly why you should not be consulted on the future of raiding.

I have no idea why people wish to destroy something others love and they have no interest in participating in, other than spite. You are spiteful and have motives that should be considered dangerous and unhelpful to the development of raids.

You have failed to answer any of my points.

Suggestion- Raid Difficulty Settings [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Oligarchy(the rule of a rich elite over everyone else) also does not work

You live in an elective oligarchy… (it means rule of the few)

(edited by Coulter.2315)

Suggestion- Raid Difficulty Settings [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Easy mode raids are going to be a drain on resources (we want more normal raids not rehashes of old content).

We have no idea how much of a drain on resources they would cause, or from which projects they would take them. ANY project is a drain on resources, including the current raids, so “it’s a drain on resources” is no reason to not do something, if the payoff is good enough. I understand that you don’t believe the payoff would be good enough to you, just as the payoff of the existing raids is not good enough to justify them to me, but I fully believe that the payoff would be good enough to enough gamers to justify the effort.

Easy mode raids are going to cause instability in the design team (introducing this new goal will mess with future production – they now need to think “how will we deal with this mechanic for the easy mode?”).

It doesn’t have to. They can continue to design hard mode entirely in their own bubble, and allow a secondary team to worry about adapting it to an easier version.

Easy mode raids could overstretch the team and cause it to lag behind like the Legendary Weapon team and have it disbanded (this is a bad thing).

Again, I don’t believe that Easy mode, IF it takes any significant amount of effort to implement, should be a burden on the existing team. It should either be outsourced to another team, or involve the core raid team increasing slightly in size to accommodate the workload. The goal should be to not stretch out the timetable on the existing raid schedule.

So just so everyone is clear on your solution; you want to hire new people or shift devs off current active projects to create a sub raid team which needs to be caught up on all the tech the current raid team uses and can edit all mechanic and reward coding to generate easy mode raid content while having absolutely zero impact or communication with the current raid team to preserve the integrity of that group (just so you can get Legendary Armour you might not even like the look of in a few months/years time).

Why don’t you just form a guild with Astral and Stihl, would be a lot less dangerous for raids and you might even enjoy yourself.

Suggestion- Raid Difficulty Settings [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Easy mode raids are going to be a drain on resources (we want more normal raids not rehashes of old content).

Easy mode raids are going to cause instability in the design team (introducing this new goal will mess with future production – they now need to think “how will we deal with this mechanic for the easy mode?”).

Easy mode raids could overstretch the team and cause it to lag behind like the Legendary Weapon team and have it disbanded (this is a bad thing).

Easy mode raiding will devalue the prestige of items found in the real raid (Ohoni and his friends do not care about this but its still a fact people care about their items and how they aquire them).

Easy mode is unnecessary and being used purely as a protest point because some people who – if they spent as much time raiding as posting on forums – could get the rewards currently choose not to.

PS. Communism doesn’t work (no reason at all I’m mentioning this, none at all)

so i want to offer a reasonable moa nerf

in PvP

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Let’s not delude ourselves:

With or Without Double Moa, people still had problems with it

True, but i have never seen so many moa complaints as now. And it is of course justified.

You’ve seen more Moa complaints over the last season because more people have been abusing Necro to farm the leagues and have noticed the only thing that stops them DSing and pushing 4 to wipe teams is being Moa’d – hence the QQ.

Why are people so afraid of raiding?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


People who enjoy raids really need this driven into their skull like an iron spike: Just because you enjoy raids, does not mean that everyone else is exactly like you, only not as “enlightened” as you are yet. Many people genuinely enjoy different gameplay experiences, and no amount of attempts at raiding will lead to them enjoying it the way you do, and that’s ok.

So go do those things you enjoy and stop trying to damage raids.

Won't be getting Legendary armor!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Legendaries are for people that want to pursue their goals while playing relatively normally.

Actually Legendary Armour is for people who raid, they can play normally or abnormally and relative to anything you want but they must raid.

Hope that clears up your misconception.

Legendary Armour is a reward for raiding, you stating anything else is just incorrect, you stating anet had intentions other than it being reward for raiding is also incorrect.

You want it, raid.

Can you not see that the problem is that L. Armor was talked about long before there were raids, that this meant players developed expectations and that ANet changed course?

Look at you trying to be sneaky, “L.Armour was talked about long before there were raids,” yes talked about by players, not Anet.

The first time they mentioned L Armour coming into game was when they revealed Raids with Legendary Armour as the reward.

Anet have never changed course on this because they never set a course (at least no public course that you or I could comment on) before they announced Raids + L Armour Reward.

Want the Armour go do the Raid (seriously guys they’ve nerf’d it loads…)

Won't be getting Legendary armor!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Legendaries are for people that want to pursue their goals while playing relatively normally.

Actually Legendary Armour is for people who raid, they can play normally or abnormally and relative to anything you want but they must raid.

Hope that clears up your misconception.

Legendary Armour is a reward for raiding, you stating anything else is just incorrect, you stating anet had intentions other than it being reward for raiding is also incorrect.

You want it, raid.

Suggestion- Raid Difficulty Settings [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


The player HAS to make effort in order to get cool stuff, kill the baddest bad guys in this bad*ss instance and show it all off.


Why should you be rewarded for not putting in any effort?

Because it’s not work? I have enough of this in RL already, don’t need to repeat it in a kitten game.

So you shoud be able to just log in and buy anything from an NPC for 1C because it’s a game, not work, and you shouldn’t have to work for anything?

I have no problem putting an effort for something… as long as it’s fun. It’s just some people seem to think that having fun in a game is somehow a crime and getting anywhere should be as painful as possible.

Other people’s definition of fun just differs from yours, clearly.

Clearly. Problem is, those other people seem to think theirs is the only definition.

You don’t need to find raids fun, other people do. Your definition of fun should not be used to endanger a game mode people already enjoy.

Do you think Raids in GW2 were a bad idea?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


And btw, each week with my guild we carry unexp people, and we mostly succeed. So the content is not that hard, assuming you’re willing to put some effort in it. If you don’t want to do it, that’s fine, but then stop asking for the same reward as us.

I do not want to be carried

Yes you do, you just want Anet to do the carrying.

Do you think Raids in GW2 were a bad idea?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Person A feels really happy and rewarded for her hard work and shows the medal to her friends down the pub. It just so happens that Person B sees the medal and is overcome by envy. She then goes to the mayor and demands that an easier race be made (lets say 5km) with the same medal as the marathon being given as a reward for completing the easy race 3 times.

This is where the analogy breaks down, Person B would not give a kitten. Person A would just be so full of himself that he would assume that Person B must care about his shiny medal.

You are Person B and you clearly give a kitten, no assumptions need be made.

Do you think Raids in GW2 were a bad idea?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


His point was to discredit any prestige associated with earning the legendary armor (since you cannot just buy it from the trading post) by bringing up the fact that you can do unofficial transactions through deals with other players. (i.e. buying and selling raid spots)

It’s too bad you didn’t catch what my point was though: You can pay people to do this for anything so it’s a meaningless thing to bring up in any discussion. You can pay people to carry you in PvP, achievements, or even pay people to play your account to farm Nevermore. It’s completely and utterly pointless bringing this up.

Right, which IS the point, “Prestige” in this game is a complete non-issue, it is not a thing which exists, so anyone claiming “you cannot have access to this thing because mah prestige!” is making a pointless argument.

But we’re all agreed that you can buy the raid from other players and so do not need it endangered by development meddling?

Do that.

Suggestion- Raid Difficulty Settings [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


You can buy runs through the Raid too, if you can’t manage it yourself just purchase kills from guilds.

Again, that’s a system that just benefits the players who can do it, and incentivizes them to fight the democratization of the raids. “Pay another player to get you through it” should NEVER be the answer, there should always be ways for the player to get themselves through it.

There are ways (called doing the raid instead of spending hours on forums asking for nerfs), you don’t want to do that so just buy the raid instead of endangering raids with extra development workloads (we saw this week how that can end).

Ohoni you are very much in the minority in this thread, you call what you’re asking for “democratisation” of raids – well you should see here you’re being out voted and stop trying to dictate the terms of raid development.

You have options to get what you want, stop trying to willfully endanger raids.

Suggestion- Raid Difficulty Settings [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Guys Anet have axed new Legendary Weapons can we please stop asking them to add to their workload now? I do not want them to try and stretch to extra difficulty settings then close the whole thing down.

Put some practice in and do the raids as is, we just saw this week how delicate things are with balancing commitments.

Suggestion- Raid Difficulty Settings [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


You don’t put training wheels on a racing motorcycle.

But not all bikes are racing ones. And even on a racing motorcycle you can take it easy, you don’t need to participate in races.

But you do have to race to get the checkered flag.

Nope, i can buy one from the shop.

You can buy runs through the Raid too, if you can’t manage it yourself just purchase kills from guilds.

Suggestion- Raid Difficulty Settings [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


And casuals are supported. There is so much content available to you. If you were to the point where you had nothing else to do I highly doubt you would be casual.

This does not matter.

In reality, you want to hit these bosses with a few attempts, get an easy zerg-tactic kill, and reap the rewards.


When people say this game isn’t “casual friendly” on these forums it is the direct result from them unwilling to put the work in.


That is the literal definition of lazy and you can not argue this.


Just so everyone can see Ohoni’s position in a nice easy piece.

Runes and Sigils

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Major Runes sell on TP for a profit and Minor Runes pay for the salvage kits.

Both are usable in the MF.

Do you think Raids in GW2 were a bad idea?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


So far its the most fun i ever had, where the content needs u to actually play at your 100% to get rewarded. For me an “easy mode” would just take all the fun out of it.

That’s great! since that’s how you feel, I would recommend that if they add an easy mode, that you do not play it. It sounds like you wouldn’t enjoy it. But of course for those who would enjoy an easy mode, and do not enjoy the sort of experience you’re describing, because they are different people with different tastes, they would have that new option, so everybody wins!

1) Wasted development time and resources.
2) Seen what it did in WoW (splitting community, causing burnout and did not increase numbers doing actual raids).
3) Nothing left to aspire to, people no longer need to try hard and succeed at exciting content the devs have worked really hard on (people who could be convinced to try raids will just run through easymode and never think to do it again on proper difficulty – this is exactly what happened in WoW).
4) Ohoni is just after loot.

Do you think Raids in GW2 were a bad idea?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


If it’s “hard raid or nothing,” then I choose “nothing.”

Just so everyone is aware that Ohoni would happily shut down raids tomorrow to stop people having gear he won’t get.. Do not think his motivation is anything but hostile.

And you’d happily push him towards it by constantly protesting against him ever getting that gear, regardless whether it would affect your precious raids or not.
You think your stance is not hostile?

Actually my stance is defensive – I’m defending raids, not making “give me what I want or I want it dead” demands.

No, you’re not. Those proposals were not aimed at changing raids at all. They were all aimed at adding content you yourself said you’d not be interested in. Yet you still keep protesting.

I have explained why it is a bad idea many times, here we go again..

1) Development time and resources wasted.
2) Seen what it did to WoW (causes burnout, splits the community and doesn’t actually increase number of people doing normal raid).
3) Nothing to aspire to in PvE again, nothing to drive people to learn and be the best they can be.

Do you think Raids in GW2 were a bad idea?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


If it’s “hard raid or nothing,” then I choose “nothing.”

Just so everyone is aware that Ohoni would happily shut down raids tomorrow to stop people having gear he won’t get.. Do not think his motivation is anything but hostile.

And you’d happily push him towards it by constantly protesting against him ever getting that gear, regardless whether it would affect your precious raids or not.
You think your stance is not hostile?

Actually my stance is defensive – I’m defending raids, not making “give me what I want or I want it dead” demands.

Won't be getting Legendary armor!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Instead of nitpicking on moot points, let’s look at some real things.

1. This discussion exists, and it’s big.
2. There’s a growing “us vs them” mentality.

Doesn’t matter in which camp you are, or if you’re neutral – the problem exists no matter how you try to argue for or against it. So let’s talk about solutions instead of arguing about who’s right or wrong.

The solution that raiders propose is to get better at raids. And that, in my opinion, is the correct answer. I believe anyone, with enough practice, can beat the raids.

The problem is that the other side refuses. So we are at an impasse.

Can you imagine how ridiculous the non-raiders would sound if their reasoning was applied to legendary weapons? Consider the world completion requirement. Someone says: “I hate open world pve. It takes too much time to complete maps, and it’s boring.” Your response would be: “Then maybe you shouldn’t be going for a legendary weapon!”

The same reasoning applies here. If you can’t put in the time to learn raids, then maybe you shouldn’t be going for legendary armor.

And there is no statistical advantage to legendary armor. You can have the best in slot gear without raiding.

Getting better at raids has nothing to do with the issue presented. Wasting time while waiting for your raid group to fill in, only to get interrupted by your loving family, is more of the problem presented here. Your solution?

If you can’t find an hour to raid in a week, then perhaps it’s not for you. I would suggest fractals or dungeons.

Not everyone has the same scheduling problems as you. And it’s ok if you can’t commit the time to raid. GW2 offers a variety of content for a variety of players. Please don’t ask that all content cater to your particular situation.

A few points:

• pre HoT I used to be able to access every game mode in a matter of minutes;
• every minute in those game modes felt like I am achieving something;
• feeling that I could achieve everything is important;
• for the past 5 month no new content except raid wings;
• getting new things to do is important.

1) Join a raid guild (remember you can be member of multiple guilds), I log in at raid time and access it within a few minutes.
2) No one can control the rate at which you feel you achieve things.
3) I have no idea what to say to this, it demands the entire game is balanced around your feelings (are you asking nothing that you cannot achieve can exist??)
4) I completely understand this point, I was surprised how late it seems LS3 is coming (from the AMA). I am looking forward to some more content too, but the raid has been brilliant so give plenty of thumbs up to the raid team at Anet.
5) I agree again.

I think your dissatisfaction at no new content for you is causing you to want to drag content designed for others to you, I understand the feeling but it should be fought against. I would suggest starting positive threads asking for more content designed for you rather than trying to warp raids.

Wing 2 was excellent btw (2nd boss a bit meh) and I really appreciate what Anet have done with the raid in general, lots of variety in mechanics and cannot wait for more (such excitement on TS after seeing a teaser of what might be next).

Suggestion- Raid Difficulty Settings [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Just so everyone is aware, Ohoni just said repitition and failure are bad for the learning process..

Here is Ohoni teaching some maths;

“And that was integration by substitution, do 1 question and never try again because if you do more than 1 you’ll damage your understanding of the topic, you should also never attempt a question you don’t already know the answer to or you’ll end up damaging your understanding of the topic too.”
