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Casuals need fixes for legendary

in PvP

Posted by: Coulter.2315


If other people are bothered by not having an item that they want, then they are bothered, that is a problem

Actually no, if a murderer wanted freedom but didn’t have it that is no problem, if a lazy person (who may or may not be called Ohoni) wanted a reward but didn’t get it that is also no problem. They can be bothered all they like, doesn’t make it a problem.

Winter's Presence Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Yup guildies did the JP for theirs, I sold all my presents and made a lot of money So yeh thanks devs ^^

Casuals need fixes for legendary

in PvP

Posted by: Coulter.2315


The timegate is the 15-day Daily League Participator achievement. There are no other timegates.

Yes, but say you get from amber to diamond all within the first few days of the first league, don’t you gain zero credit towards the later tiers “clear four division” achievements until you complete the previous tiers entirely?

No, you do get credit. If you read the rest of my post, you would have read this.

The idea of someone who simultaneously enjoys Ranked play enough to want to push the Legendary while not being able to push Daily Participator or League Divisions over what is presumably 220 days of Leagues is quite perplexing.

You need to enjoy ranked play exactly “zero amount” in order to want to progress the Legendary. The two things have absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with each other. Now, if there were alternate methods of earning the wings, then you would have a point, but so far they haven’t announced any (that might have to change, of course).

Blah blah blah I’m forced to do PvP for a cosmetic thing that doesn’t matter nobody cares Ohoni.

He did this for Legendary Armour too, I swear he just refuses to do anything in order to look pretty.

Raids: 7 weeks later

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


I am not struggling with anything personally, I quit raids long ago. I was lured in this thread by what the OP called Final Thought in his opening post which is the only thing to lure me back into raiding.

If you don´t see a difference between how a middle aged woman on one side and Messi kicks a ball on the other side and you don´t see who the superior football player between the two if they go for the same goal without a timelimit, we can´t have a conversation together I guess.

I was quite baffled about the decision of Anet to make raids from the get go to be honest. Your description is perfectly validating my opinion that a raid should be beaten in general, not in the best fashion.
For me that reads like :
beat it once – forget about it – wait for the next raid
I think it is not by chance that Anet put legendary armor behind it. In any other scenario it is just not sustainable enough.

The thing is you have shown you totally don’t care about “raiding” as a concept or as a place for challenge you JUST want access to Legendary Armour but you lack the skill to clear the raid and so are asking for nerfs under the guise of “inclusivity.”

10,000 Drinks? Why such a grind?

in Living World

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Well think of all the new players who sold all their presents, I’ve made a few hundred gold off these shoulder pieces

You DO NOT want gliding in main tyria [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coulter.2315


I guess we will see Orr becoming part of the next livign story, so that it will be a reason for Anet to update the orr maps (and hopefully make also more parts of Orr explorable with new maps , as theres still huge parts of orr not explorable yet)

This is a MAJOR part of the story that should really have been told by now but yes it would be interesting to see if anything comes of Orr now.

Envoy Armor 1: No will accept you in raids?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


This is the exact reason I just don’t bother with raids now. Anet went ahead and used a guild that specialises in raid content, they took advice from them and tailored raids to only be truly functional for people who dedicate their time to raids or have an extremely high skill level which is unrealistically high. They should of taken random players from the game and tested raid content with PuG’s as that makes up the majority of content played by players, then they could have found a legitimate challenge level that was reasonable. Extremely large blunder on their part.

Balancing Raids around clueless pugs would have been the blunder, I cannot believe you would even suggest Raids be balanced for random selection.. Ok Raids aren’t for you but no need to try and destroy them just because you don’t meet the skill or interest requirements.

If you genuinely want to Raid I suggest you try and find (or make with friends) a Raid Guild, get yourself educated on builds and tactics but do not ask Anet to reduce in difficulty a good part of the game.

Also giving you solutions to your prroblem isn’t toxic and frankly you’re acting like a child, “I demand I am able to do all content with my playstyle and if I can’t it needs broken for me.”

(edited by Coulter.2315)

Casuals need fixes for legendary

in PvP

Posted by: Coulter.2315


The way leagues are atm, it’s impossible for a casual player like myself to get the legendary backpack.

By design, no case to answer.

Stop murdering mommy Dolyaks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Maxtar Rapidstep is the owner of a ranch where you can capture baby Dolyaks for a heart quest. However, as you try to capture the baby Dolly’s the mommy will attack you in order to prevent you from capturing her babies. Isn’t it cruel that you are basically doing the equivalent of smashing baby seals heads in as their mothers are watching and you don’t even get a choice to support this awful practice in game or not? How can I feel like it is MY character running out there in the fields if I would make them do something I would be so much against if I were in their shoes? I don’t understand why you can’t just make it an event where the mommies are the carrier Dolly’s and you just have to return the babies from the fields and protect them from wild animals. Please, I’ve been bothered by this heart quest ever since the game came out. Can we stop the cruelty please?

I suggest a simple change where either the mommy Dolyaks no longer attack you when you try to capture their babies or that the mommy is already at the farm and it will be changed into a retrieving mission where you capture the babies to return them to the mommy.

Thank you for reading I hope everyone understands that this is both a serious request as well as a funny note since I understand that the chance arena net are going to change this are pretty darn low. Have a nice day!

This is probably nicer than some of the other requests a farmer could ask of you. I think its quite interesting having slightly darker quests, I remember frist doing this and feeling “oh this is horrible” but having quests that make you feel something is better than any forgettable quest you are asking for.

Adds a bit of depth to the world which subconciously reminds you that its not all rainbows and lollipops in Tyria and you might be asked to do things you aren’t entirely comfortable with (you can of course refuse to do the heart – I would possibly even suggest an alternative method of completion where you could also try to let the baby Dolyaks out the cage for some silly ecoterrorist off to the side somewhere), keep the heart with this method of completion.

Why I think HoT failed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


My feedback to A-Net: Your goal is to trick me into thinking that grind-gated and time-gated useless junk is actual content, and that cheap and cheesy PvE mechanics are more interesting that real RvR combat.

That’s your game A-Net, and YOU LOSE.


Is Living World Season 2 Free with HoT?

in Living World

Posted by: Coulter.2315


I think it would have been a good idea to bundle LS2 with HoT. It would have added more value in terms of quantity of content for new players while increasing the overall quality by giving a better view of the story.

But it would have decreased the value of HoT for the players who already had LS2 (at least in their eyes), especially for those who used real money to buy LS2.


Adding x to y, assuming non negative numbers, always results in a sum that is at least equal to the base component of the equation.

If someone, such as myself for example, already had access to LS2 adding it to HoT would not add value to my purchase, but it would not take anything away either. I would still get exactly as much fromHoT as if LS2 was not bundled in.

I said ‘at least in their eyes’. The same outcry happened because the core game was bundled in with HoT. The drama would’ve been even bigger.

Personally I doubt that there would be greater outcry over LS2 than over the entire core game, but who knows. I suppose that some people might value a smaller amount of content that they got free of charge more than the entire game for which they paid.

Sorry, I did ignore the, “in their eyes,” bit because neither of us are qualified to claim how unnamed others would see or think about it. I can say that it would not have reduced the value of HoT to me.

I can imagine that some might feel that a purchase of LS2 would have been devalued. Perhaps even those who felt pressured into logging in to unlock each episode when they were not otherwise so inclined might be similarly disappointed. But HoT itself would objectively include the same amount of content for an LS2 owner regardless.

Ashen I think it would have been a nice thing to bundle it in, but you cannot tell me that the INSANITY we saw with the core game being bundled in would inspire the devs to do something like that again. The viciousness we saw on these forums for weeks and weeks of people screaming they were being abused and robbed and their parents kitten d to death infront of them over new players getting stuff they paid for ages ago was pathetic and frankly showed a disappointing side of humanity.

Nice idea but the people here make it a very hard job to be nice to strangers.

You DO NOT want gliding in main tyria [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Can you explain to the audience your reasoning? I think we’re all a little curious why you wouldn’t want it.

1) Gliding is super fun and probably the star of the new expansion.
2) Fantastic advert for HoT.

Looks like players and Anet will enjoy this change, what are your actual objections? Other than “it will kitten it up” obviously..

What do I do next?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Try the Raid, I would recommend it – try to get into a Raiding Guild or setup your own with friends.

Some of the higher level Fractals now they go to 100 are pretty good fun actually, the longer fights really can challenge you with the mechanics (although some are just AWFUL – highest level Dredge Fractal final boss is just horrendously boring).

Perhaps a new Legendary (if you don’t like any of the current stuff take a look at what they require and infer what a weapon you’d maybe like to craft would require or just get the stuff required for all of them ready).

Maybe you’d like to go for some achievements or skins from the new maps.

PvP is always there if you want to get a few rounds in before the League closes on the 26th.

Just some suggestions and things I’ve been doing since completing Story, Elite Spec and Masteries.

Raids: 7 weeks later

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


We will have to see. I think an ideal challenge would be high mechanical skill, like Vale Guardian but more mechanical challenge, without a time limit. Make the challenge itself be the mechanics.

Do things quickly and efficiently is mechanical challenge, why do you want 7 Soldier geared people to be able to do the content? Can you imagine how easy that would make the content for Zerker geared people?

As has been discussed many times – enrage timers are good and let the devs balance the encounter, they even put caps on the fight to stop you going mad from boredom (I’m not sure if you’ve tried high level dredge fractal but that boss takes AAAAGES and is not fun because it was not balanced around a set encounter time).

Having limits on the encounter keeps the creative team focused and allows the balance team to keep tabs on things better.

On topic I really enjoyed the raid and looking forward to more (good mix of technical fights and DPS fights, hope to see even more new mechanics) Fingers crossed its the White Mantle pulling the strings

(edited by Coulter.2315)

So are Bloodbound Weapons priced incorrectly?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


I REALLY hope you don’t need 300 for the Legendary set, the irritation of accessing the traders to get 50 of these was enough xD

It's been less than 3 months and...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coulter.2315


I do have an opinion, and only I can say whether it’s valid or not.

Imagine you were of the opinion that the Earth was flat <- I hope you see opinions have no inherent value and if you are given an opinion by a poorly educated person it has less value and can be declared invalid – this is the case with your poor understanding of GW1 and GW2.

You don’t let the inmates run the asylum and you don’t get to say if your opinon is worthy.

Minipets and Raids, to drop or not to drop...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


I love minipet drops from bosses, it makes it feel more special. Lets be honest if you’re Raiding the “loot” side of things is essentially just skins or new stat jewelery, if I want a reminder of the fight that will last and is always displayable I like minipets and (like all loot) it feels better when it drops and not so great when you buy it.

If they are going to have a decent system for getting around the duplicates I am happy with the current loot tables to be extended to further wings.

My random idea for end game gear progression

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coulter.2315


I would like more gear attached to achievements but not with a stat increase.

Achievement "Leave it to Me"

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


I hope you hung onto that Nuhoch Warbler. Using it in that instance gives you back your normal form and your utility skill slots.

Thank you so much for this <3

It's been less than 3 months and...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Thank you. However sir, in spite of your refusal to support my point of view, the fact remains that I am still entitled to my own opinion.

But your opinion is based on poor understanding and when people far more experienced than you try to help you push back. You may have your opinion but that doesn’t mean it is valid and trying to defend it by saying you “get” the game just shows you up.

You asked about collaberation – try dungeons as you level.

You say the mechanics are just like GW1 – they are not, the games are VERY different and this statement shows you’re lacking in knowledge of both games.

Your original post complained about not having access to a crafting station, you were given pointers to go to main cities.

You have been helped around the errors you were making – maybe try the solutions you’ve been given before posting again?

Ascended armor prices

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coulter.2315


You gain 22 primary stat and 16 secondary stats for the whole set of armour, you really aren’t at much of a disadvantage without it (unless you’re doing high level fractals). You can speed up getting your Ascended Armour by doing Raids and Fractals.

Two part question, Stacking and skipping

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


I find myself having to explain this every time: The “Argument from Ignorance” is a fallacy in which someone uses the lack of information to assert a claim. This generally takes the form of “X is true, prove me wrong”

Do you mean exactly like the phrase “as intended,” when you weren’t at the dungeon design meeting?

The reason everyone skips is because they have been done to death – they are 3 years old and most people do not require the experience of killing every mob any more.

As for the solution to your personal problem use LFG and advertise “LFM No skips or stacking, all welcome.”

Raiding Problems and Suggestion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


That’s definitely true, and I don’t think there is any way around it.

Not having a variable raid group size…

Can we have more ways to earn tyria M-points?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Besides which, this misses the OP’s point: gaining regular levels can be done anywhere; gaining Hero Points can be done in a variety of places; gaining xp for masteries can be done anywhere — however, gaining mastery points requires doing specific content; that’s the OP’s objection.

You and the OP aren’t thinking correctly.

Lets use your example of Hero Points. Lets say you got all but 6 of the Hero Points while getting them you had a variety of content, now there are only 6 left you need to do SPECIFIC content (specifically those 6 things). <- Remove “Hero Point” and replace with “Mastery Point” you now see that you are in the EXACT same situation.

You now just need to do the specific content you didn’t bother with before, you’ve gained all the Masteries you naturally would have and now need to do the content you missed. Same thing if you got all the Hero Points on your road through the map but now need to go back and get the ones you missed.

Do the diving, the Legendary mobs in SW and TT wurm. Most of that is new content for you, stop complaining that you didn’t get points for not doing stuff.

What would you like to see in Season 3?

in Living World

Posted by: Coulter.2315


I want;

1) Mursaat
2) More from Kasmeer (she got seriously screwed by the writers of HoT)
3) Anise & Canach together again (I’m sure Anise is going to be worried about the bandits in the Raid and their masters)
4) How the Pale Tree is doing? (I cannot believe we went the whole expansion without talking to her once – I mean she could/should have been going out of her mind, maybe even spawning Mordrem against her will <- would be pretty awesome her screaming for us to burn the seed pods as her own children burst forth to destroy their mother)
5) What the death of Mordremoth has done to Glint’s egg (maybe we should burn a witch and Emilia Clarke in the middle of Tarir just to speed things up)
6) We also must have a scene where Lord Faren enthralls the court with tales from the jungle.

Envoy Armor 1: No will accept you in raids?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


We’ve killed all bosses with a DH in the group, its not really any issue and forming your own group looks to be the best bet if pugs are being difficult.

I suggest starting a guild and inviting your friends who are interested in raiding, decide a schedule and then make adverts fro the roles/classes you’re missing. Explain your attitude to raiding and learn as a group (there is plenty info on youtube to help you).

In am so over all the cc in HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


It is a learn to play issue. You’ve just given up and resolved yourself to failure, because you lack the creative capacity to figure out how to beat the enemies.

The solutions are there, and many times they are really obvious. You just have to be willing to look for them.

Absolutely. Immobe-immobe-knockback-immobe-torment-immobe-torment-die.
Learn how to play.

“Immobe-immobe-knockback-immobe-torment-immobe-torment-die” — Condi remove, stability/block, dodge, stun break, condi remove, dodge, stun break, heal, run. But that’s me I guess.

Draknar do you run a Nike Warrior in WvW, just curious? Honestly, replies like yours make me wonder exactly what kinds of builds people run. 3 condi removals, 2 stun breaks, and a block/stab all within 10 or so seconds. Not all professions have access to that kind of rotation and quite frankly I can’t imagine sacrificing that much DPS in PvE even if I am running a profession that can be traited that way…

You people are kittening hilarious… “HELP I HAVE TOO MUCH CC ON ME AND KEEP DYING!!” answers: “take some of these skills” idiot: “I refuse to lose so much dps by taking them”

You couldn’t make it up…

Btw you just need to remove ONE immob or ONE stun if you time it right, every class also has access to dodges (btw they are like defensive CDs that recharge super quick and can EVEN stop you needing to take more than one stun break or condi cleanse WOW).

I cannot believe you people are soooooo desperate to fail and get Anet to change things you are willing to ignore all the skills you can take to help you out your own hole.

Lol, have you even set foot in the new maps? Something tells me no. But hey, maybe you. can tell me your secret to getting multiple mobs to synchronize their cc’s so I can use one cleanse for all of them. That for sure is a skill I need to learn. Teach me please.

Mob 1 casts the CC (lets say it hits cause you’re having trouble not believing people can dodge), mob 2 begins to cast its CC (oh no!! a CC lock is inc!) YOU USE YOUR REMOVAL AND DODGE! (hey you basicly just dealt with 2 CCs with 1 skill) OR!!!! (clever bit) if both were immobs you can even let it hit THEN use your removal (tbh I have played all the content without any condi removal but not for everyone).

Btw the reason the mobs are syncronised it because I have pulled them at the same time, if they are out of sync I use a CC of my own (shock horror we have those :o) to then force them onto the same timer (they both recover at the same time and let you aoe rupt them together until they die). You can even pull lots of things to a corner or run back the way you came in order to group them up. They are AI … TRY to act like a human and you’ll hopefully outsmart them.

I haven’t even mentioned blinds (also a good thing to use). EVERY SINGLE CLASS has weapon skills which provide avoidance (also good). EVERY SINGLE CLASS has CC (also good).

I am shocked at how completely clueless you are at playing the game and then you have the LAUGHABLE comeback that I haven’t even been in the new maps – just PRICELESS…

As for anyone saying “you lose DPS” please tell me what the hell you’re doing with your weapon skills to be so dependent on utilities for DPS? (I would point out my examples are actually DPS increases due to hitting multiple foes together) Also are you running around in Magis?

I hope some of this can help you at least consider methods of fighting other than pushing 1 repeatedly and trying to put banners up for yourself.

Awesome!! thanks a lot, gonna print this out and keep it next to my computer. I’m gonna get good, but it IS hard to move around and click my skills at the same time but I can do it pretty well.

I’m glad you have the drive to learn – good luck!

In am so over all the cc in HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


I just got HoT in late December. My warrior was only 5 HC’s from maxing out Berserker, so I figured I’d grab a few. It’s night in VB. The path to the HC that’s on the southern edge of the map near the salvage pit is infested with Mordrem and Shrooms. I try running through, and of course am CC’d and die. I return, this time with Dolyak Signet backed up by Balanced Stance. 15 stacks of CC in total. Not quite enough, but the one CC just before I got out of range was not enough to get me killed. How many professions can get 15 Stab, though?

Yes, yes, I get that it’s night and I’m “supposed” to be defending Rally Points, or venturing forth with a group. Well, I tried several times that day to log in when it wasn’t night. Funny, three out of three, night. So, I was impatient.

I go back and forth with the whole CC thing on mobs. I think some CC is fine. I think the biggest problems happen when a player is focused by mob groups meant for several players. When that happens, no amount of Stab, stun break, dodge, block, etc. is enough. The thing is, that can happen even when there are other players around. So, I can see the issues.

CC is kind of necessary in the PvE game design. If there is no reason to use the avoidance and CC counter mechanics, people will not use them. At that point, the only real threat comes from missing a block/dodge on a massive hit. Do we want more of that, instead?

You managed to get stopped moving as a warrior? With a greatsword? You know you can just detarget things and use 3 and 5 to zoom right past anything right? You also have access to autoproc stab/invuln (which stunbreaks for you too, don’t even need to push a button) AND condi immunity. I don’t understand how you had trouble running from A to B. Also try using dodge and GS3 when you think you’ll get knocked and NOT reach for stab as your first (and aparently ONLY in your mind) line of defense.

In am so over all the cc in HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


It is a learn to play issue. You’ve just given up and resolved yourself to failure, because you lack the creative capacity to figure out how to beat the enemies.

The solutions are there, and many times they are really obvious. You just have to be willing to look for them.

Absolutely. Immobe-immobe-knockback-immobe-torment-immobe-torment-die.
Learn how to play.

“Immobe-immobe-knockback-immobe-torment-immobe-torment-die” — Condi remove, stability/block, dodge, stun break, condi remove, dodge, stun break, heal, run. But that’s me I guess.

Draknar do you run a Nike Warrior in WvW, just curious? Honestly, replies like yours make me wonder exactly what kinds of builds people run. 3 condi removals, 2 stun breaks, and a block/stab all within 10 or so seconds. Not all professions have access to that kind of rotation and quite frankly I can’t imagine sacrificing that much DPS in PvE even if I am running a profession that can be traited that way…

You people are kittening hilarious… “HELP I HAVE TOO MUCH CC ON ME AND KEEP DYING!!” answers: “take some of these skills” idiot: “I refuse to lose so much dps by taking them”

You couldn’t make it up…

Btw you just need to remove ONE immob or ONE stun if you time it right, every class also has access to dodges (btw they are like defensive CDs that recharge super quick and can EVEN stop you needing to take more than one stun break or condi cleanse WOW).

I cannot believe you people are soooooo desperate to fail and get Anet to change things you are willing to ignore all the skills you can take to help you out your own hole.

Lol, have you even set foot in the new maps? Something tells me no. But hey, maybe you. can tell me your secret to getting multiple mobs to synchronize their cc’s so I can use one cleanse for all of them. That for sure is a skill I need to learn. Teach me please.

Mob 1 casts the CC (lets say it hits cause you’re having trouble not believing people can dodge), mob 2 begins to cast its CC (oh no!! a CC lock is inc!) YOU USE YOUR REMOVAL AND DODGE! (hey you basicly just dealt with 2 CCs with 1 skill) OR!!!! (clever bit) if both were immobs you can even let it hit THEN use your removal (tbh I have played all the content without any condi removal but not for everyone).

Btw the reason the mobs are syncronised it because I have pulled them at the same time, if they are out of sync I use a CC of my own (shock horror we have those :o) to then force them onto the same timer (they both recover at the same time and let you aoe rupt them together until they die). You can even pull lots of things to a corner or run back the way you came in order to group them up. They are AI … TRY to act like a human and you’ll hopefully outsmart them.

I haven’t even mentioned blinds (also a good thing to use). EVERY SINGLE CLASS has weapon skills which provide avoidance (also good). EVERY SINGLE CLASS has CC (also good).

I am shocked at how completely clueless you are at playing the game and then you have the LAUGHABLE comeback that I haven’t even been in the new maps – just PRICELESS…

As for anyone saying “you lose DPS” please tell me what the hell you’re doing with your weapon skills to be so dependent on utilities for DPS? (I would point out my examples are actually DPS increases due to hitting multiple foes together) Also are you running around in Magis?

I hope some of this can help you at least consider methods of fighting other than pushing 1 repeatedly and trying to put banners up for yourself.

Leg Armor for us stinking casuals (idea)?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Is there a place to find a raid group? That’s perhaps what I am missing.. Somewhere I can say “this is when I am available and this is what I want to play. Hook me up with an appropriate group.”

ArenaNET developers have the unique situation of having a 300 co-worker pool of real life people to join for guilds, raids, etc. I know 3 real life people who play, when I drag them into the game.

I know that I fear two things:

1) people in the group hindering our ability to complete a boss

2) me being the person in the group hindering our ability to complete a boss

There is a Looking For section on these forums (I don’t know how good they are) so you can try there.

1) Will always happen at some point, the solution is often helping the player understand the mechanic they are failing on (give them your understanding or mental trick you do to deal with it; I was struggling on Gorseval trying to find the right wall section to drag him to for updrafting, as the tank it was pretty important, all it took was for a friend to ask “is your map zoomed in?” and i was like O_o and done the issue was fixed, not all fails are permanent or even hard to fix just work with your team). (zooming in the map allows you to see little swirls on it indicating where to drag the boss, before that point I was trying to see the swirl inside the wall soooo much harder xD)

2) If you have come to the raid with a good attitude and done your research you’ll be surprised how much help and friendliness people will present to you (infact in my example above no one even mentioned my constant fails for ages because they assumed I had a good reason for kittening up cause they knew me as a decent player – was almost counter productive in that situation xD)

You’ll find some people will want to join and try but it won’t be for them (might not even be for you) but I would suggest it to be an experience you at least try once before you die :P

No problem on the support, I’m happy you sound like you want to give it a go


(edited by Coulter.2315)

Leg Armor for us stinking casuals (idea)?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Well you do have a goal, beating the Raid, why don’t you give it a go? Regardless the Mag Shards are not what unlock the Precursor Armour so your request will not get you what you want.

Thanks. I looked in the wiki over the weekend and didn’t quite understand what I’d need to get the armor..

..and yes, it is a goal to find 9 people to play with regularly. I think that’s harder than anything else I’ve done in the game.

It seemed easier to organize a Tequatl size party than 10 specialists.

I think you can do it, set up a new guild and ask your raid interested friends to join it, get some days/times decided on and post adverts for any guys you still need with roles. Explain in your advert what kind of guild with what kind of attitude you guys will have, you’ll have access to lots of info on youtube/forums/reddit for good builds/team setup//tactics.

It will take a bit of time but you might find you really are thankful for the raiding experience as a game type when you down your first boss with your friends (AND you get to work towards your personal goal at the same time). Good luck.

Legendaries locked behind ping

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


You don’t need gold to max out Masteries, just get silvers and you’re done (don’t even need all silver).

Leg Armor for us stinking casuals (idea)?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Well you do have a goal, beating the Raid, why don’t you give it a go? Regardless the Mag Shards are not what unlock the Precursor Armour so your request will not get you what you want.

(edited by Coulter.2315)

Next Round of Gen 2 Legendary Weapons?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Sword please and make it pretty!! I want pink crystals and sleekness!

No offense, but I hope they stay away from the cutesy stuff for legendary weapons. That’s pretty much where they went wrong with several of the first generation legendary weapons…why people don’t craft them. Too much of a niche item…too few interested in the cutesy items. Maybe if they make alternate versions of the same legendary weapon…where you get a choice of which one to make based on items required.

Bolt already exists if you want a noncutesy sword.

Its so ugly though lol. I’d actually craft bolt if they made an alternate version of it that looked better.

Exactly, it is ugly, which is why I need my fancy sword – work with me here!

Feedback on jumping puzzles during events

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coulter.2315


I personally do not like the jumping puzzles during the special events, there is none for new players to go and take part in due to you having to be like a pro in order to make those jumps in a second or so. I think next time it would be great for there to be a jumping puzzle for those that enjoy trying to complete jumping puzzles but are just not fast enough to jump them like you have them now. Please think about it, not everyone can react that fast but still enjoys taking part in it. Without there being an easier one I for one will not be able to complete all the festival achievements due to this and I feel like I spent my money like everyone else so I should still get that chance also. Thank you for your time

You have had the chance, weeks and weeks of chance. Your logic would force anet to never release anything that someone “who spent their money” couldn’t do (which I hope you can understand is ridiculous).

I am too rubbish to do the Mad King Clocktower but I also know people enjoy it and I am happy enough that something exists I cannot do (hopefully you will be able to get to that mindset).

You ask politely but Anet should decline your request – the JPs are a big part of what makes GW2 unique and fun.

(edited by Coulter.2315)

Next Round of Gen 2 Legendary Weapons?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Sword please and make it pretty!! I want pink crystals and sleekness!

No offense, but I hope they stay away from the cutesy stuff for legendary weapons. That’s pretty much where they went wrong with several of the first generation legendary weapons…why people don’t craft them. Too much of a niche item…too few interested in the cutesy items. Maybe if they make alternate versions of the same legendary weapon…where you get a choice of which one to make based on items required.

Bolt already exists if you want a noncutesy sword.

Next Round of Gen 2 Legendary Weapons?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Sword please and make it pretty!! I want pink crystals and sleekness!

Why I think HoT failed

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


The complaints I have seen are often identical to the hate given to core tyria, season 1 and season 2 over the last 3 years, they’re just re-directed at the expac.

I’m not saying your opinion of it being a failure is invalid, I’m just not understanding your criteria. It did provide greater challenge – better ai, harder mobs, group events, raids – all specifically asked for by the community.

Better rewards is more tricky. The rng is still a bit of a plague, but improved collections, raid exclusives, precursor crafting, new mats which sell strongly on the tp, improved map rewards, all point to an improved direction. Not perhaps where many want, but not necessarily a huge failure either.

If you don’t find it fun, well that’s a subjective thing. Not sure I can say anything to the contrary to make you think otherwise – you are entitled not to enjoy it of course. I happen to find it massively good fun in most areas important to me personally.

What timers are broken by the way? I agree the DS mechanic is a bit silly, but what else?

All the timers. I am not against timers like world bosses, but map events should be player driven like in Silverwastes. If the map is organised you get to Vinewrath pretty quickly. You don’t have to wait an hour or more for the cycles.

I think this sounds a reasonable and good change.

Unreasonable Dragon Stand farm

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


How does that help farming 600 tokens when you get about 5 from each 2h event.

Noxious Pods are the things to farm for Crystalline Ore, they usually drop 1 each time, I get >30 each DS.

In am so over all the cc in HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Not getting them behind you … I suggest doing the … is it Westwatch? … start event in AB where you have to get the mirror pieces by throwing mushroom at the big vine while mordrem, grunts and a couple of vines concentrate on you. The first part is actually doable (preferably with a high life class) but the next part spawns a vet which has to be made vulerable by throwing mushrooms at him, then attacking him all the while dodging tormentor projectiles and grunts. And if you go like … kill them first, THEN go for the boss … they respawn within 5 seconds. And once you got over THAT phase you have the joy to plant mushrooms while a ton of those rush you, throw spores at you, etc. Endless fun and, of course, you’re 100% aware all the time where every enemy is and what skill he uses so that you can react appropriately …

Or maybe … you don’t do this event but … then noone does it and you’re stuck on a map that isn’t progressing. So you’re actually just wasting time.

I’m working on getting my Provisioner tokens for Legendary Armour so actually solo this event quite a bit (its the easiest and least time consuming event solo). If its too hard for you maybe you need to re-evaluate your skillbar, I use plenty of CC and burst to overpower the Mordrem before they threaten me.

I would point out that tormentors are pretty worthless as foes – don’t waste dodges on their attacks.

In am so over all the cc in HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


It fails, however, to take into account what happens when you have a group of them around you because you can’t tell me that you can see in a 360° angle and have enough endurance to always dodge when something behind you does something.

I don’t let them stand behind me, I use the terrain to control them bottlenecking – you are aware they are just AI right?

You just have decided that people don’t develop strategies to overcome things…

What class do you play maybe I can help?

I want to play with my bad friends again.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


There is really no point. They don’t want to put the effort into learning the raids and I don’t want to do 3 swamps for a daily. I’d rather have an instanced thing I could do with them that we all enjoy. Dungeons filled that roll for 3 years and had so much potential.

Well maybe setting a goal of building them up through fractals – they are pretty rewarding now – make it a group effort to progress up through the levels (don’t mention your level thatt lets them skip ahead).

I want to play with my bad friends again.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


but you did seem to be thinking you spent $100 not too long ago).

what? I did spend $100. I gave Anet $100, regardless of the price of the expac. I don’t know why you can’t understand that. The value of the expac has nothing to do with anything….its just dumb that the topic is being derailed by this.

Back to topic please.

Yes but you didn’t give them $100 for the expac, that only cost $50. Again you brought it up – several times with caps (seriously you overspending seems to be a big part of your problem – I think you’re angry with yourself really).

Since you want back on topic have you tried helping your friends get better?

I want to play with my bad friends again.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Also even at $50 I don’t feel I got my money’s worth. I still don’t know why you are stuck on a pricing thing though. It’s kinda like a semantic argument—pointless.

Just a pattern I’ve noticed that people have voluntarily overspent on something then feel stupid and so get angry and its actually the driver of their upsets – you brought up the “I spent $100 on this expac” not me (again just so everyone is clear you spent $50 on the expac and then a further unnecessary $50 on other stuff – ofc its up to you if you think that $50 was too much but you did seem to be thinking you spent $100 not too long ago).

In am so over all the cc in HoT

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Ive cleared the content in every class. I feel like its a refreshing experience, to have to antecipate attacks and you know, time your dodges etc.. Maybe a bit more casual game will suit your style better. GL!

Yop – I’d love to see you anticipate something when you’re in the middle of 20+ mordrem and suddenly the guy behind you get’s the focus so – without even a warning target symbol over your head – you stand in the paths of 3+ sniper tracks.

There’s two possible outcomes of this – (a) you still live – which means you run a tank build and thus rely on others to actually kill things while being nice to the monsters in scaling them up or (b) you’re down which means you ran a zerker or hybrid build (anything not full toughness + vit + whatever).

Situations like this – or when you’re the focus of a 4 husks that WILL snare you – are not a l2p issue (unless you regard going pew, pew from max distance as a l2p lesson), nor are they anticipatable … they’re pure luck or the lack thereof And that is not really a challenge in my opinion. Changing mechanics, compositions so that you don’t really know in advance what is going to happen and have to adjust (along with the other players) … THAT’s challenging. Just giving the mobs a million HP and a ton of almost-no-cooldown cc skills is … meh.

You seem to think this is a you against 3 monsters situation … go Silverwastes and solo def a fort and you know what I am talking about. A spawn with 4 healers + 4 terragriffs and 2 husks is almost unbeatable solo.

Husks snare you when doing a stomp attack (its not luck..), this snare is a slow attack along the floor so is even easier to see from range (don’t even need to use a dodge to avoid it then), you can remove immob or chain evade/invuln/block skills.

Snipers are interuptbait and VERY quick to kill.

Solo defending forts is easy – in your example just slaughter the menders instantly and focus on kiting while taking down the terragryphs (using interupts on any of the ranged ones which channel the roots that come out the floor) and you can just ignore the husks by being far away from them until yo feel like hitting them.

Just learn what your class has access to (interupts are good btw).

I want to play with my bad friends again.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


No.. You spent $50 on a game expac and $50 on some gems and skins – don’t be adding $50 to the price of the game because of your poor purchasing decisions xD

It really doesn’t matter.

I bought the $100 pack and Anet still got the money.

If I spend £1 on milk and £1 on stuff I don’t actually want I don’t come home and say “that shop is kitten and this milk was not worth £2!”

I want to play with my bad friends again.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


It is about me spending $100 real dollars on a game expac

No.. You spent $50 on a game expac and $50 on some gems and skins – don’t be adding $50 to the price of the game because of your poor purchasing decisions xD

There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


I’d raid, but I don’t want to be carried, and due to my connection in Australia, it’s going to be very hard for me to be a productive member of the team. I’m at least a half second to a second later than everyone else. I don’t always appear on the screen where I actually am. That makes staying out of circles a hardship and that’s without my color blindness.

I’d simply be a burden to all you pro players. lol

I know a few people who have had their ping spike up to ~500 since a few patches ago, not sure if that’s your case as well, but I’m able to get a stable 250-260 ping from Melbourne, and that’s completely fine to raid with. So if you can get yours to around that, don’t let the connection speed stop you from playing content you might enjoy.

Colour blindness is a completely separate issue, and I do hope anet adds some form of colourblind option, but if you play a dps revenant or something that sticks in melee most of the fight, and just leave green circles to other people, you might be able to find a way around that. But I’m not sure. Hard to tell just how badly it effects play without being colourblind myself.

I would add colourblindness doesn’t really change the raid; VG has different effects for each coloured animation and the splits are aways the same at NW, NE and S, Gorse has nothing colour related and Sabetha has different animations and an extra action button appear for the different bombs. I’m fine with them adding a colourblind mode of course but it really won’t stop you Raiding atm.

No red circles to stay out of? Because that’s my main issue. When we do guild races, the circles on the ground indicating traps are often invisible to me.

Righto then I hope Anet can get a good filter for you (is it Sabetha cannons you’re struggling with because the cannon positions dicatate the quadrant they appear in, in VG the red circle to stay out of has a Spark in the middle), there may be something like GemFX you can get in the meantime (I’m not totally familiar with the program but someone might have made a preset that works for you).

There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


I’d raid, but I don’t want to be carried, and due to my connection in Australia, it’s going to be very hard for me to be a productive member of the team. I’m at least a half second to a second later than everyone else. I don’t always appear on the screen where I actually am. That makes staying out of circles a hardship and that’s without my color blindness.

I’d simply be a burden to all you pro players. lol

I know a few people who have had their ping spike up to ~500 since a few patches ago, not sure if that’s your case as well, but I’m able to get a stable 250-260 ping from Melbourne, and that’s completely fine to raid with. So if you can get yours to around that, don’t let the connection speed stop you from playing content you might enjoy.

Colour blindness is a completely separate issue, and I do hope anet adds some form of colourblind option, but if you play a dps revenant or something that sticks in melee most of the fight, and just leave green circles to other people, you might be able to find a way around that. But I’m not sure. Hard to tell just how badly it effects play without being colourblind myself.

I would add colourblindness doesn’t really change the raid; VG has different effects for each coloured animation and the splits are aways the same at NW, NE and S, Gorse has nothing colour related and Sabetha has different animations and an extra action button appear for the different bombs. I’m fine with them adding a colourblind mode of course but it really won’t stop you Raiding atm.

There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


It would probably be useful in some instances, I won´t even deny that. But as it is not mandatory, I indeed choose to ignore it.

My fractal toon has enough AR.
My open world toons have exotic armor at least, or ascended most of the time.
I led wvw until it became a chore to play. With a ranger. No complains.
I follow orders and join squads and TS.

If this is not sufficient for you to stand with me in open world, then I can´t help you.^^

Haha no that should be fine (I don’t mind too much what people use in open world – I see it as coming with those risks and don’t get mad when TD meta fails even when I know if people did use more efficient stuff it would succeed), its just this is a popular thread and often attacked Raids and openworld for difficulty, I felt I should present counter arguments. I wouldn’t want too many posts to go unanswered – while you weren’t arguing for easier content your language was picked up by another who was and it made sense to reply.

I have enjoyed working on builds and researchng the first raid wing and hope the trend continues and the open world is actually engaging now.