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There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


So a guy like me that can only play for about an hour a night at a certain time, HoT is not me then… I had lots of time as a student back couple of years, but didn’t have much money. Even buying GW2 at launch was an investment at the time. Now that I’m a working member of society, my time is very limited, but I have no problem buying HoT financially. Ah the irony.

You can do anything everyone else does just in 1hr chunks; if you want certain meta events for example look up the timers on dulfy and come on for an hour at the appropriate time, if you want the Raid bosses do one at a time or pay for a guild to boost you through them, Fractals and story missions can be done comfortably inside an hour.

If you have restrictions on your time you just need to do a bit of planning around your schedule (as with everything else you do in your time poor life).

indeed, u need to learn to adjust your time and schedule and create a plan to have fun playing gw2, u can’t expect to just login and have fun

I clearly said if you want CERTAIN things then you (if you’re time poor) need to adjust.. This was the case before HoT with specific world bosses or any guild events. I don’t know why you’re acting like its strange that a persistant game world with lots to do cannot offer everything at once to people with only 1hr of time available at a random point in the day.

You can find fun whenever you log in, just if you want something specific you’ll need to pick your moment. You’re being dramatic with an empty point.

There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


So a guy like me that can only play for about an hour a night at a certain time, HoT is not me then… I had lots of time as a student back couple of years, but didn’t have much money. Even buying GW2 at launch was an investment at the time. Now that I’m a working member of society, my time is very limited, but I have no problem buying HoT financially. Ah the irony.

You can do anything everyone else does just in 1hr chunks; if you want certain meta events for example look up the timers on dulfy and come on for an hour at the appropriate time, if you want the Raid bosses do one at a time or pay for a guild to boost you through them, Fractals and story missions can be done comfortably inside an hour.

If you have restrictions on your time you just need to do a bit of planning around your schedule (as with everything else you do in your time poor life).

There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Because that would be equality.

Equality of opportunity you have, this does not require equality of outcome. People lose games, you just need to try harder not to be in that set.

Also PvP backpiece does require you to win more than you lose, if you have a 0% win rating there is no “easy” path to get the backpiece. What division did you reach this season?

We have the only worthy equality already, requesting that merit is removed from the game is really tragic.

There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Yes, any content does need rewards in order for players to draw full enjoyment from it (because we do like being rewarded), but those rewards do not need to be content exclusive.

Raids have Legendary Armour, Fractals have a unique Legendary Backpiece, PvP has a unique Legendary Backpiece. There are unique Legendary Rewards for all the high end content – harder content gives better rewards.

Unique rewards for certain content have been in the game since launch, I don’t know why you can’t get passed that.

Btw you can just hire people to run you through the Raid if you want the skin but cannot manage to find people who want to group with you unless paid.

Future Elite Spec Unlock

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


For future elite specs I would suggest using the Core Spec unlock system, this allows you to choose between Trait and Utilities unlocking. I think that would allow people to focus on what they want from the Elite Spec faster and make the process more enjoyable – there were a few complaints about not getting the Trait they wanted and running around with only half a Trait line made people feel less powerful as they went through the new content (some people even refused to use half a Traitline and played it with an old spec which diminished the fun for them).

Just an observation from complaints during HoT’s launch and a reasonably easy fix.

Legendary vs Ascended

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coulter.2315


I would keep the current system, there is no need to create another tier of gear. Bad idea to make Legendaries higher stats – you’d be creating a massive gold requirement to have BiS weapons.

What did you play to get to diamond/legendary

in PvP

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Zerk Chrono Shatter with Scholar Runes, only way to burst through a bunker. I only went through Diamond recently though so the playerbase was of much poorer quality than the people who went for it at the beginning (there is a massive difference between a Diamond in the last 2 weeks compared to a Diamond from the first 2 weeks of a league).

There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Of course there is also the factor that my perception of relevancy probably vastly differs from yours, so I should have worded this probably more carefully.^^

So just to check when you used the word “exclusive” you meant “what I Torolan specifically want and exclusive, and they haven’t actually changed policy on exclusivity at all I just have decided I want something now and I will complain until I get it.”

Glad we cleared that up.

Reason for the Stomp Bug

in PvP

Posted by: Coulter.2315


I have had several stomps fail from what appears to be Quickness, the entire animation completes with the golden ball (the thing that really dictates the stomp not your model) hitting the ground and doesn’t finish. This is not me being unsure as to when the finish should complete, I even don’t move after for a few seconds but the target isn’t stomped.

This could be latency but it is happening FAR more frequently atm than used to.

Hearts and Minds.

in Living World

Posted by: Coulter.2315


And that shield really should actually shield you, going into it invalidates you for the “don’t get hit while flying” achievement (the description of the achievement even explicitly says so), so they clearly intended it to function.

I used the shield to launch myself for my achievement, so no it doesn’t.

DS:Noxious Pods vs Others

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


This suggestion might cause people to desert the other maps though, which should be taken into account.

There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


*There was very few exclusive gear in GW2 until HoT. I think nobody denies that.

I deny it A LOT, want Heroic Weapons go WvW, want Dungeon Armour go PvP or Dungeon, want Tequatl weapons do Tequatl, want Crafted Armour do Crafting, want Fractal Weapons do Fractals, want Living Story items do Living Story..

I hope thats enough to prove you’re wrong beyond belief..

How to balance Amalgamated Gemstones?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Three years of playing, thousands of hours, I hoarded every orb, crest and dubloon , barely enough for me to make one single legendary weapon, Nevermore. Another three for another legendary? Nevermore.
It is excessive.

Psst you can buy them on the TP.

I’ve made ten of first generations legendary weapons, buying one single precursor and very few materials. That’s my way. I know the value of time.

Are you telling me you farmed 20000 t6 materials AND you know the value of time? Or did I miss your point?

How to balance Amalgamated Gemstones?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Three years of playing, thousands of hours, I hoarded every orb, crest and dubloon , barely enough for me to make one single legendary weapon, Nevermore. Another three for another legendary? Nevermore.
It is excessive.

Psst you can buy them on the TP.

legendary armor question.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


The Legendary Armour uses a Precursor Armour that is got from the Raid Collection, regular Ascended Armour probably won’t be involved in the recipe.

Passive procs need to go.

in PvP

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Incorrect. Passive procs arent always bad. They add complexity and skill in many cases in fact and they add to the depth of the game.

Care to give an example Henry? :P

There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


I am, yet again, truly hoping that BnS and BDO can cater to the more hardcore players and can entice those that like that kind of thing away from GW2. Unfortunately it did not happen with Wildstar and I had high hopes there too.

My hope is that someday, something, might lure them away from GW2 and maybe then we can say goodbye to esports while making verticallity optional again. It may be a pipe dream, but until ANet starts showing some semblance to the game I fell in love with in 2012, I will just continue to do my daily and log out; for now.

Edit: oh yea forgot.. kill the kitten timers on EVERYTHING, thank you!

So just to check, by your own admission you aren’t really playing the game much and you want GW2 to lose its dedicated players to another game.. Wow you sound like the perfect person for Anet to listen to..

The Raid is fun and I hope they continue to produce interesting bosses, the new maps are well deisgned and I hope they continue to produce good work.

Charr homosexuality?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Animals, for the most part, use sex as means of reproduction so I can’t see a Charr digging the same sex. I don’t see Asura as digging the same sex either. Sylvari are A sexual so they don’t count.

Animals don’t think “oh i’ll go reproduce” they just follow their sexual urges, be careful of seeing the result and assuming intent.

Isn't PvE supposed to be easy?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


I would point out Fractals got revamped to help people with only 1-2hrs of play time a day, can do several islands in that time.

Why the sigil of energy nerf?

in PvP

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Didn’t you hear, its tanks only from here on out.

There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


I think this is the philosophy they are adopting for 2016, they have said they will not be adding new features but expanding on what we have now.

So, more grind?

Why are you grinding? I haven’t done any grinding, maybe you should think more?

The REAL issue with the Alacrity Change

in Mesmer

Posted by: Coulter.2315


During streaming karl said that:

1) one mesmer makes raid to do 66% more dmg

I am shocked he said that, very silly thing to say. Will need to wait and see how the changes play out but I think it may cause Raid groups who were just killing Gorseval struggle and need to re-evaluate what people are doing (no bad thing to strive for better play but the consequences might be dropping that Guard or Thief player because the rest of the Raid cannot compensate for them as much).

Will need to see it live but I think a lot of people may be surprised how much Alacrity carried groups, hopefully it won’t cause too much mess.

Sceptre is on its 7th buff in a row, wonder if they are going to get it right this time :P

DPS meter [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Spreadsheets cannot model confusion for different bosses, so actually yes in game DPS meters are needed for that.

Anet haven’t given sanction to third part program DPS meters.

You genuinely think TV hasn’t changed society in a noticable way? Wow.. I’ll just pretend you said that out of passion.

You seem to be ignoring personal improvement as the primary reason for it.

Why are you scared of DPS meters? Being provably incompetent?

No such modeling is needed for any ingame GW2 content. Again, the game is not so hard as that it warrents this kind of optimisation, especially when the possible fracture of the community gets increased.

Also reading comprehension please. I never said TV did not change society. I said the effects of TV on such a huge scale are less visible and direct to an individual compared to a way smaller group of people expriencing massive change to their smaller community.

Best example is the elitism around harder content.

The desire to not fail despite playing correctly is not elitism.

True, though not failing at GW2 is easy enough without dps meters. If you need dps meters to “not fail” at any GW2 content, you have way more serious problems to deal with than the addition of damage meters.

You really don’t have any worth in determining what would fracture our community, your fears and declarations are not prophesy. The community will maybe change but that is for the community to decide, not you. Extra valuable information of personal performance and ability to prove good builds would be an excellent addition to the game.

How to balance Amalgamated Gemstones?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


We needed a new “Yay!” drop, having decent prices helps transfer wealth from the wealthy (those making Legendaries) to the newer players (who will be doing dungeons, jumpng puzzles and harvesting nodes – good Orb/Doubloon sources). Seems fine, but then I’m not in your boat because I looked up what the new Legendaries required and bought what I needed early before the price went up.

DPS meter [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


The DPS meter also will open up build diversity. Right now I want to test confusion builds (cannot test on dummies or spreadsheets – Tequatl is kittening hilarious, stack before he breathes ^^), I do not know (without an “ok” from anet) if I will be allowed to use a 3rd party DPS meter and would be scared to do so. Thats just me, imagine all the people in the game who could run an experiment, get data and be able to prove their idea works well on boss X or Y. You will get TONS of inventive and creative builds suddenly coming forward with real proof.

This is already being done by raid guilds via spreadsheets, parsers and rotation simulations. The data is out there. Near optimal builds for maximising damage rotations are available and quite a few players are constantly trying out new things.

That being said, the amount of variables are limited. Expecting to come up with a new genious build no one has ever thought of are near 0. Sure you might pride yourself that you came up with a similar build that someone else already created, but always assume there is another player out there with:

- more time
- more knowledge
- more data
- more creativity

unless you are a basement dweling, 12-14 hours per day playing, creative, hobby mathematician. Then yes, you might have a valid point in that damage meters would help your work. Doesn’t change the fact that if you are this obsessed with the game, the 3rd party damage parsers work for you just as well for now.

Worrying that some people would misuse them is like asking TV not to be invented because the Kardashians (sp?) might get famous. Yes it will happen, but its worth it for the greater good.

Yeah, no. That example is no where near similar.

The effect TV has on society as a whole is way less noticable to the individual than a change of behavior in a small community.

The possible negativ impacts on a MMO community are way more drastic than global social change. This has been visible in every step that arenanet (or other MMO developers) have taken. Best example is the elitism around harder content.

Saying that negative changes are “worth it” for the greater good would mean that the “greater good” is actually of value.

As is NO content in Guild Wars 2 requires this amount of optimisation. The chance of this being required is doubtful at best the way the game is and has been headed (aka being very casual). So essentially no, adding a nearly meaningless damage meter option which is not required does not qualify as being more valuable than possible negative results in the games playerbase.

Spreadsheets cannot model confusion for different bosses, so actually yes in game DPS meters are needed for that.

Anet haven’t given sanction to third part program DPS meters.

You genuinely think TV hasn’t changed society in a noticable way? Wow.. I’ll just pretend you said that out of passion.

You seem to be ignoring personal improvement as the primary reason for it.

Why are you scared of DPS meters? Being provably incompetent?

There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Why don’t we build upon the old ideas, why don’t we finish the old stories, why don’t we stick to one idea, flesh it out, then once we’re done with that… move on, while still building on what people like. Make what the community wants, not what Anet wants.

I think this is the philosophy they are adopting for 2016, they have said they will not be adding new features but expanding on what we have now. The blogpost and Colin interview talked about adding depth to the content.

Fingers crossed.

DPS meter [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


You see this happen in dungeons, and other group content that fails quite often (and this is without a DPS meter).

So people already get kicked for guesses.. The DPS meter would actually give you a defense against complaints.

When playing WoW people in Dungeon Finder would sometimes make remarks if they saw you had bad gear, but you’d then get to show them how you being a good player and knowing what to do caused you to eclipse them on the DPS meter – this is the perfect revenge and something to savour.

The DPS meter also will open up build diversity. Right now I want to test confusion builds (cannot test on dummies or spreadsheets – Tequatl is kittening hilarious, stack before he breathes ^^), I do not know (without an “ok” from anet) if I will be allowed to use a 3rd party DPS meter and would be scared to do so. Thats just me, imagine all the people in the game who could run an experiment, get data and be able to prove their idea works well on boss X or Y. You will get TONS of inventive and creative builds suddenly coming forward with real proof.

Worrying that some people would misuse them is like asking TV not to be invented because the Kardashians (sp?) might get famous. Yes it will happen, but its worth it for the greater good.

Envoy Armor 1: No will accept you in raids?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


What is your exact problem with using TS? for me its Asperger syndrome but other people will have there own reasons,an example of the guild wars 2 if you are verbally abused you have the option to report that player.You leave the safty net that the game provides,who do you report abuse on team speak to wile playing guild wars 2?Of course none of you have ever witnessed this sort of abuse but to then claim it does not happen would be absurd.How meany reports a day of in game abuse do anet get? Well in my opinion the typed word does way less damage than the spoken word.There is no control over team speak and to design content that forces players into an environment anet has no control over is wrong

You do the exact same thing with TS as you do in GW2, say “this person has been really abusive to me, I’m not grouping with them,” then leave the group and take off your headset. You’ve just blocked them. Anet’s control doesn’t stop you getting abused verbally in game with typing, just follow the same procedure with the headset on.
Closing TS, taking the headset off, muting the abusive person are all as powerful as rightclick block… Anet being involved is irrelevant.

Envoy Armor 1: No will accept you in raids?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Most raid groups require team speak and most players for all sorts of reasons are not comfortable using team speak.

I don’t think this is true.

To do well in PvP people use TS.

To do well in WvW people use TS.

To first beat Tequatl people used TS (I was leading Gandara’s first kill of it on TS), same with TT Wurm.

People who want to do the more challenging content use TS, my guild which raids has all 10 on TS but only about 5 of us speak – you can listen and learn without being worried about speaking. The only thing holding you back is you, TS is a reliable program that has been used by millions of players across many games.

I should point out for balance other voice com programs are available.

you and the people you play with dont have a problem so you dont see why others might have a problem.makes sense.

I’m not the person claiming “most people are not comfortable using TS,” I am showing that people who want to do challenging content are able to log into a server and listen at least.

I do not believe you represent “most people.” I know I am speaking from experience across all game types.

Envoy Armor 1: No will accept you in raids?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Most raid groups require team speak and most players for all sorts of reasons are not comfortable using team speak.

I don’t think this is true.

To do well in PvP people use TS.

To do well in WvW people use TS.

To first beat Tequatl people used TS (I was leading Gandara’s first kill of it on TS), same with TT Wurm.

People who want to do the more challenging content use TS, my guild which raids has all 10 on TS but only about 5 of us speak – you can listen and learn without being worried about speaking. The only thing holding you back is you, TS is a reliable program that has been used by millions of players across many games.

I should point out for balance other voice com programs are available.

Core mesmer vs chronomancer balance

in Mesmer

Posted by: Coulter.2315


The only way to balance Elite with Core would be (to take the Mesmer example) to elevate Illusions to Elite status, basicly undo the 15% base shatter reduction and buff the traits (granting Illusions the 30% and improving it all round). This would require a large overhaul of all trait lines as you’ll need to redistribute the traits from illusions into other traitlines (so Chrono could run an effective condi build).

Basicly because Chrono has access to everything Core then more added you cannot make it balanced, to balance vs Core you must make something from current Core unchoosable by Chrono and balance them (you would also need to take a set of utilities away from Chrono – Signets were the obvious choice before HoT).

This is the only way to achieve your goal, nerfing Chrono a bit does nothing to make it less desirable (it will always have Alacrity, F5 and access to everything Core does that matters).

Nerf blurr, not aclarity!

in Mesmer

Posted by: Coulter.2315


We don’t only want to make chronomancer non-OP, we ideally also want build diversity. Core mesmer should still exist, and alacrity is what makes chronomancer an almost always superior choice. I think ideally, a-net should not nerf any core trait or skills, but just bring the elite specs in line by nerfing them directly. For chrono, this is alacrity, for reaper this is chill, etc…

No matter what is done to Alacrity F5 still exists and that will make Chrono still superior to Core Mesmer. I don’t think Core Mesmer will be coming back.

I would imagine Alacrity will be brought down to 50%, with Res/Stomp being normalised in PvP that should make Chronobunker less obnoxious, I do worry what space is left for Mesmers (and Chronos) once this goes through (not that I’m defending Chronobunker but A LOT of other things need nerfing but no signals from Anet thats what they are doing).

Also I’d like to express my total outrage at them giving Blurred Frenzy to several other classes but with no root drawback and upping the damage – its just bullkitten.

(edited by Coulter.2315)

DPS meter [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


However, I still maintain that it will only be meaningful or useful to those who care about such things

This just in DPS meter helps people who care about DPS, now to weather with Michael Fish.

What's up with all the timegates?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Guys you also get loads of people complaining “I only have 1hr to play and I want to get something done!” but these people get upset when they can’t get things other people do. So you have these daily structures and quick things to try and satisfy these people too as well as slow down the “locusts.”

Envoy Armor 1: No will accept you in raids?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


The raid is NOT built for 8 players to carry 2, unlike in pretty much every other MMO to date. That is how 10man/25man WoW raids were setup. So that 75% of the raid had to perform at 90% while the other 25% could fail at their class and the raid would not suffer.

This is not true of WoW 10man raiding.. At least it wasn’t when I played and it was current content. They definitely did not balance them around 8 people.

Tonight we also carried a person through VG and Sabetha, the fights are definitely not as viciously tuned as you are making out.

There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Sorry, guys, I miscounted: I CAN attain the highest level of Fractals. It’s legendaries that are out of reach (fractals doesn’t have the big one at the end).

So just so we’re all clear you can get the Fractal Masteries to produce decent money as you initially wanted, problem solved yay.


in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


A lot of the bags dropped in HoT are effected by Magic Find (says in grey writing on the bag if it does), so pop your Halloween +30% util and Christmas +30% food (can use boosters if you have too) when opening/doing DS.

There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Actually you can do the fractals without those masteries.

Yes, he can. But, as you have already noticed, low level fractal rewards without those masteries are rubbish.

But by doing them you get experience which levels Masteries..

There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


… It does involve getting the Fractal masteries unlocked, …

And therein lies the rub: gated by HoT.

It is absurdly impossible for me to attain all of the central Tyria masteries. I’ll never even come close to getting just two tracks done. Legendaries are something I gave up long ago, but I’m not convinced I’ll ever see the top of the fractal masteries.

And, I’m sure there are many others like me.

So, again, the rewards are reduced. In theory, I could get the rewards back up to what they were before HoT, but that just begs the question.

You obviously don’t play the game enough if after almost 3 months you’ve failed to get r3 in Fractal Mastery, why are you complaining about rewards for a game you play once a week for an hour?

For the best reason imaginable… because he paid for it.

Really? Thats your best reason imaginable? Not; to improve the game, its morally right, its killing granny? He paid for it…

Hearts and Minds.

in Living World

Posted by: Coulter.2315


An unsoloable (or very difficult to solo) personal story mission… really? That’s also close to impossible to complete thanks to random bugs, as well as hilarious boss mechanics where certain bosses just one shot you for no explainable reason. I sure hope you understand that a certain shield doesn’t actually shield you, just shoots you up into the air. By the way I hope you actually can glide in time because sometimes the glider just doesn’t open and you die. Awesome.

The fight has had tons of bug fixes and works pretty well now, don’t translate “I can’t do something” into “impossible to do.” The shield is for the NPCs the “shooting into the air” is to allow you to glide.

DPS meter [Merged]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Coulter.2315


No. An in-game DPS meter will only serve to stoke the ego’s of those who live by such things, and do nothing to promote cooperation, teamwork, or build diversity.

Actually a DPS meter would allow you to tweak and understand your build better, know when best to burst and what could be tightened up in your rotation. As someone who has used a DPS meter in WoW it was the most useful tool to improve my play, having real and accurate data on how your performance translates to damage would be a really helpful thing for the game (esp now raids).

There was a time GW2 was Casual Friendly

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


… It does involve getting the Fractal masteries unlocked, …

And therein lies the rub: gated by HoT.

It is absurdly impossible for me to attain all of the central Tyria masteries. I’ll never even come close to getting just two tracks done. Legendaries are something I gave up long ago, but I’m not convinced I’ll ever see the top of the fractal masteries.

And, I’m sure there are many others like me.

So, again, the rewards are reduced. In theory, I could get the rewards back up to what they were before HoT, but that just begs the question.

You obviously don’t play the game enough if after almost 3 months you’ve failed to get r3 in Fractal Mastery, why are you complaining about rewards for a game you play once a week for an hour?

Envoy Armor 1: No will accept you in raids?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Oh i also want to add a thing: i’ve never been kicked after a RAID boss fight, meaning that my dps is appreciated. But beeing excluded since the begining without having a chance to prove my dps except from a stupidd gear check is unacceptable.
I’ve never kicked someone even if he was a total noob, but okay lets kick the warrior cuz he has hoelbrack instead of strenght -.-

I think you don’t understand dude. Nobody care that you are better than most PS warrior with your Hoelbrak runes. Nobody give a kitten in pugs. They don’t know you, you don’t have the normal gear, there is 20 other warrior with the ’’right’’ gear 2 inch to your left and right. Why would they choose you?

Ya you are right hoelbrak vs strenght won’t change much if anything. Unless you don’t use food and there is no herald in your party you will reach 25 stack of might anyway. Most people over buff on boons duration for a PS Warrior anyway. So it’s really only the 5% that make a difference for most group (in decent group the rune of strenght will allow your warrior to take dps food instead of boon duration food, so the difference is a bit higher there).

But it’s the same thing with a lot of stuff. Condi Ranger, Condi Guardian, Zerker Necro, Zerker Guardian, Zerker Thief, Exotic Armor. All of that is just fine for raids, but pugs don’t want them and you know what they are kind of right. In a guild group, we all know each other. I don’t mind bringing a friends or guildmate with not the absolute best build or profession. They will learn the encounter, they will get better and we’ll have fun. In pugs? Why would you give a kitten? If I have need a 10th in one of my guild raid, I’m gonna ask for the absolute best build for our comp and I’m gonna kick everybody that doesn’t fit the description. Even if we run with a Condi Guardian and a Zerker Thief.

Because why wouldn’t I? I don’t know these pugs. They might be bad or good I don’t know. At least i’m gonna make sure they have the best build possible.

Btw. Raid are awesome. In guild and with friends. Pugs to your own risk if you like that.

If you dont know him, give him a try :P. I promise you that the 0,5% less “potential” DPS wont be a matter, if it does, the problem is not the PS Hoelbrack warrior, but the team. Cuz really counting on a 0.5% potential DPS means you are unsafe

Ok you’re looking for Raid, they show you Runes of Hoelbrak armour, you don’t know how good a player they are but you do think “hmm they aren’t the best choice, I wonder what other things might be wrong with this warrior – best to keep looking.”

Its not the 5% damage they care about its the SIGNAL that using suboptimum stuff sends, its says “this person hasn’t bothered to get the best stuff for raiding, maybe they aren’t that clued up on it, maybe they don’t care that much, maybe they don’t know they are using not the best stuff,” all these things would turn someone off from picking you.

Its not the 5%, its the signal’d attitude it represents.

Charr homosexuality?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coulter.2315


We got enough of this relationship stuff going on already. I hope Anet doesn’t spend time on bestiality/gay charr relations. Why do we have to have token representation of every possible sexual eccentricity?

I think they’ve shown they don’t care as much about the world & lore of Tyria as the do about social justice, so expect more.

Most people in this thread are discussing it from a Lore perspective, there’s no social justice just curiousity on how Charr society would be on the topic. Thats the fun of fantasy worlds you create the bones of a culture (which obviously can’t be as deep or detailed as our own) and people can then extrapolate.

I understand the desire to try and minimise interference from people pushing their own ideologies and agendas but sometimes interesting topics can overlap with what they’d push for, just enjoy the topic, how do you think the Charr would be about homosexuality and how would it manifest?

For the record they should still be exterminated.

Unacceptable gemstore scam

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coulter.2315


It’s not a scam. It may be overpriced for what you get but it’s far from being a scam.

For those who read the patch notes and instant-buy it on the tradepost without further notice, it is.

So basically, if you were foolish, you got scammed.

No xD If you were foolish you’ll be surprised what you got but you weren’t scammed. It clearly says what it is, fools just read different words to what Anet wrote.

Charr homosexuality?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coulter.2315


Hm, not that I can think of. There’s at least one for every other race, but I’m not recalling any charr. It’s probably because sexuality (straight, gay, or otherwise) doesn’t really come up much in game, so there’s really no reason to assume charr culture is anti-gay.

Of course, we’d have an example if Logan and Rytlock would just profess their love for each other :P

But that would be beastiality then, not homosexuality. or maybe homosexual beastiality?? Eeeek

Brings up an interesting point.

What is your moral objection to beastiality?
- The animal can’t give consent? (this one wouldn’t hold for Charr)
- The animal could get distressed? (this one also would weaken with Charr, Charr could still be kitten d but you’d have a clearer idea if/when you’d be distressing it)
- Its a different species? (this one still holds but the weakest, it doesn’t give much more of a reason than ‘just cause’ or ‘gross’ which isn’t really a valid moral reason imo)

Could have practical reasons.
- Possible disease transfer? (valid and holds for Charr)

Charr “culture” seems to put less focus on the breeding pair of children (kids being brought up in little packs away from parents) so that is something to consider for their relationships.

Charr “culture” though is heavily militaristic so it may be your duty to swell the warhost by breeding.

I would suggest Charr wouldn’t care who you enjoyed having sex with and having a relationship with but I would tend to expect they wanted you to at least breed to provide fresh troops (you could be gay but I think there may be some pressure to have sex with the opposite sex at least once to create the next generation of warriors).

Of course Charr should all be exterminated because they are a species who are interested only in war and so will turn on the civil races of Tyria when the dragons are done, best kill them now before they turn on us.

Casuals need fixes for legendary

in PvP

Posted by: Coulter.2315


I don’t object to things requiring effort

If anyone has read your posts on a multitude of topics they will not believe you from this point on…

So are Bloodbound Weapons priced incorrectly?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


I REALLY hope you don’t need 300 for the Legendary set, the irritation of accessing the traders to get 50 of these was enough xD

Yeah, but I see it happening because it’s basically a 30-day timegate which kind of makes sense for Legendary armor.

I mean, in bizarro-world where timegates make sense in the first place.

I’m actually fine with time gating, but this required events completed and bag slots used up for many items. It was just the most annoying thing to do, fingers crossed it doesn’t need 300 :x

Envoy Armor 1: No will accept you in raids?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Coulter.2315


I am looking forward to encounters in other wings not being straight DPS races and actually using the utility a Guardian can bring.

It will always be a dps race. Whatever they do, we will always want to finish it ASAP. With or without timers. The point here is to push enough mechanics that need support and to work with the strength of more profession. The strength of the guardian is reflection, condi removal, blocks and blind. Non of which are needed in the current raid.

The other thing they could do is to rebalance the current guardian to make him a viable healer option. Something like make AH heal allies too and maybe rebalance the guardian healing power ratio, which a very bad compare to Celestial Avatar or Elemental Bastion.

We’ve killed all 3 bosses multiple times with a DH in the group, being good at playing your class and being comfortable is so much more important than playing a high theoretical DPS class (you’ll probably end up doing more DPS playing a DH you’ve played for years than a class you aren’t familiar with because it has higher theoretical DPS).

Casuals need fixes for legendary

in PvP

Posted by: Coulter.2315


As I said, it comes down to numbers. If they end up with a significant amount of people who are upset about it, then sure, they can ignore those people, but it might not be in their best interests to do so. Ignoring customer interests is not a path to success in any commercial endeavor.

Its just you sweety…