I play Reaper with Curses and Spite instead of Soul Reaping. Full shouts + Spectral armor + merc ammy. Weakening Shroud + Spiteful spirit are nice if you know how to flash shroud (Going to die a few times learning when its safe to do so). Decimate Defenses + Curses gets your crit rate high, Shout heal+Spectral Armor are more than enough to get LF. I think its the best necro build atm for soloq, absolute beast at team fights. Twice as good as the usual for team fights at the cost of not having plague signet, which you shouldn’t need if you manage your many transfers decently.
Also a thief variant that sacrifices SB’s mobility for a Staff, it has some interesting tricks.
Also a thief variant of the typical deadly art builds that takes Trapper’s Respite, Deadly Trapper and Dragonhunter Runes, with Shadow Trap on your utility skills. Traps give like 20 might? Activating shadow trap gives another 15… Withraw (your heal) drops an immob trap, can be chained with steal or another gap closer to land it right on top of an enemy. Shadow trap stealthes, gives fury and gap closes you across 10.000 range, its a crazy good skill on the maps that won’t glitch it. Useless when it doesn’t work so learn the maps. Bonus points gets you called a hacker by noobs. Start casting it and gap close to leave an enemy ready for the stealth+gapclose if you are 1v1ing and want to use the trap. I like start casting shadow strap, steal to an enemy, Withraw and activate the shadow trap as the withraw is ending. Leaves you stealthed right next to an immob enemy
with fury and 25 might.
Forget about Rev…
I have a lot of experience playing with high latency, this is one of the few builds in GW2 you can play with 200+ and still do fine:
Not unusual to get top dmg and condi dmt dealt stats after match, an absolute beast in team fights and can win 1v2s too. Trick is learning when to flash shroud and when to go into shroud and stay there. Flashing shroud triggers your Hydro+Leeching or Geomancy sigils, gives you fury, RETALIATION!, bleeds (2) cripples and weakens everybody around you and also corrupts 2 boons per target, at the price of waiting 10 more seconds before having shroud available, and you can do this at the start of the first fight because your heal lets you gain LF when the countdown starts… Soul Reaping spec is not missed due to the great LF generation from shout heal and spectral armor plus the shroud flashing nature of the build. Suffer>Plague Signet in some situations, and it has a very short CD. Way too easy to play, almost no mistake is punished and actually works anyway because everything is AOE and triggers something else.
(edited by Cristobal.8640)
Why does it has to be a gamemode “for everyone”? Wouldn’t it be better if it was strictly for those who find it rewarding enough by itself? This does not equal highly skilled.
I would make something like all skins, finishers, runes traits dyes etc unlocked in pvp, maybe not the gem store skins and some kitten like that so anet actually considers it, and no rewards.
EDIT: Thinking about it, I would delete finishers as a mechanic and give everyone a simple, clearly visibile but non-obstructive small finisher. They made auras invisible but kept this bullkitten…
I think that having more variety to GW2 pvp would be excellent (Random Arenas were endlessly fun, I agree) but the rewards expand the matchmaking playerbase so that players like me that are terrible at pvp but still enjoy it and want to get better have people to play against that won’t just roflstomp them. Which has happened lately, as the diamond tier players climb out of amber again. A lack of rewards would make pvp less enticing, especially as it makes losing less frustrating (at least I got something out of a 100-500 game). Maybe that doesn’t matter as much to some players, but my win rate is ~40% (if I am optimistic. It’s probably closer to 30)
I honestly can’t understand this attitude… You say it makes losing less frustrating because you get “something”, and you imply you would get nothing if they didn’t gave a reward… Is this serious? How about the game you just played, is that nothing? How is that nothing and some imaginary chests are something? Have you lost your mind?
But more than 10 people play League of Legends for example, a purely PVP game that offers no rewards other than one currency which is only used to purchase the equivalent to our runes, sigils and traits. Fine if they wan’t to make elite specs or something locked in pvp, and unlockable through play or something like that, but I think people would still play League if they had all of their “runes sigils and traits” free and gave no rewards at the end of matches. Because its fun. I know people are supposed to be stupid etc but come on, the % of the population that plays the game to have fun in the activity of playing itself can’t be that low…
I enjoy pvp for its own sake and am tired of the kids who don’t, making endless threads about reward this reward thas. Its beyond sad to read some of them, complaining about being “forced” to grind pvp for some kitten they don’t even really want but still need to “complete” something. I think this is pathologic, like people who straight admit they want to have skins and have those skins be hard to get so that almost nobody else does, so they can feel SPECIAL!.
Remove everything so that only those who play for the fun of the activity itself remain. It’s a kittening chore to delete all the boxes within boxes and endless trash. Even the chest reward icons popping right above the minimap… So bad.
Great job anet, more passive AOE CC!
I broke 1mill DMG too one game, and we lost… A lot of times having more DMG dealt is in fact a bad thing, consider: You kill a 20k HP target in 3 seconds vs you kill a 20k HP target in 50 seconds after it sustains your burst 3 times. Which is better?
So yeah, don’t forget that all the numbers are just numbers, its like individual score.
perhaps it might be easier if anet changed the pvp system so that naked characters behave as if they have full armor on.
I don’t believe they would do that, but yeah that would be ideal.
Last match a necro on our time was naked, I told him not to be stupid and put some armor at which point he immediately started trash talking and accusing me of being a noob who thinks PVE gear matters in PVP. Thought it was just another troll until the whole team started flaming me for the same reason. It is known that Boots, Leggins and Chest are required in pvp. Armor quality/lvl etc doesn’t matter, just that you have something equipped on those slots, or you lose armor. They flamed so much I thought anet might have changed this and I was actually wrong so I went and tested it after the game, it still works this way. Could anet please make this clearler to the trash players who refuse to learn, somehow? I hope the poor kitten at least had the decency to test it by himself after the match but he blocked me so I wouldn’t know
Ranked should be 3v3 and 5v5 deathmatch
Shadowsteps and blinks allow any class to bypass the entire building on khylo mid as well as other pvp areas, its not unusual for a medi guard to engage like that on that map, and its not unusual to get a positioning bug that prevents stomps. I know this because I’ve had it happen to me a couple of times and I’m no hacker.
The constant teleporting and/or stealthing does looks fishy but some dhs do run trapper runes…
The only weird thing I’ve seen happened on legacy mid, I was playing thief and I used Bound for mobility to get from a ledge to the middle of the point, no enemies or allies in sight. Mid air from bound a mesmer materialized on the point and my character went into the air as if I had walked on a Skyhammer jumpad, since this happened at the highest point of Bound, the falling damage almost killed me. I’m assuming it was a bug of some kind.
Had something similar happen to me in emerald but we carried the sorry afker kitten … Then got him again the 2 following matches and it’s all been going downhill since XD
Absolutely agree, would actually prefer if they made a lot of AOES from some classes single target and reduced the size of a lot of aoes in general not just the 600 radius ones. Buff accordingly if you must. This has nothing to do with balance or anything like that btw, would just make the game feel a lot better for everybody. If they shaved like half all the passive effects going on that would be great too. Every class can CC you and make itself invulnerable with passive traits nowadays. Would also support increasing the cooldowns of some skills etc. Make a condi that punishes condi cleanse, give it ti condi users and severely nerf condi spam rate to balance… Too much button mashing in general on all classes and builds nowadays XD
Always will happen, its just human nature and anet can’t really do much, any intrusive system that looks for tells to penalize is going to kitten some inoccent guy who just liked to dance on his point etc. Its not actually a problem because assuming you are not like that you still have the upper hand statistically after some games.
One solution would be to make a recording system tha lets easily save matches as lightweight data so they store everything (and give us replays etc) and having a team of GMs that manually looks the matches after a critical number of reports is made. Not worth it imho…
Basically, if say thieves have a lower winrate in general and necros have a higher winrate in general, and the current systems matches teams based on MMR, wouldn’t it be logical to expect that people playing necros tend to win and thus get matched with other people who are also statistically likely to be playing necro, while the opposite happens for thief? In this case its even worse because thieves stack like kitten and necros stack fine.
Thinking plausibility here, that Ele could have applied a single burn condi to all minions, only to have those 5+ individual minion with Burns immediately transferred back to the Ele.
He had Reaper’s Protection, which means no minion condition transfer.
He had Spiteful Spirit and Deathly Chill, so no Terror.
What he’s describing probably didn’t happen.
As I said, I was just trying builds and I don’t remember everything exactly to be honest, so I tried to do a recount looking at the traits and made some mistakes, but it did happen, the ele did die while I was afk. For example I don’t remember exactly if I had Chilling Nova (Another passive direct damage+chill+vulnerability proc) or Augury of Death (To use with Rise!), so I left that out of the recount. I also see no mention of terror in my original post?
Also might be important to point that the two fears ocurred one after another and both feared him against a wall so he didn’t move, but I wonder if that’s even relevant now thar fear also chills (Talking about minions easily hitting him here).
Also he attacked from close to medium range, very close to my minions so they didn’t waste any time traveling to him.
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What I find sad is the story actually rings credible and follows Poe’s Law. Is it satire or did it actually happen? The story being plausible is way sad.
It’s not true, since he mentions using two traits that fill the same spot (Necromantic Corruption and Reaper’s Protection), but entertaining regardless. There are actually people that are so bad they lose to undirected AI.
You are half right, the part about that trait is not true. I was trying to make an exact recount of everything that happened but didn’t remember all the names of the traits and so on. Initially I wrote that fear dealt him damage too because of terror but that wasn’t on that build either. Everything else is true.
Plot twist: you were the ele and this is another Necro op post…?
Nah, I’m not talking about power level here. The build I used is worse than all the serious ones for necro. I’m talking about the amount of passive and automatic gameplay that has creeped its way in with all “Do X when Y” traits we have.
The minion trait could have minions cleanse or transfer condis on ability use instead of automatic, Unholy Sanctuary could reset shroud CD and give invul for 0.5 seconds at x% HP instead of automatically putting you in shroud when you die. Spiteful Spirit could be on crit if on shroud, etc etc. Some automatic traits are fine but killing people AFK is not. (Note these changes would even buff the traits in some situations)
(edited by Cristobal.8640)
Minion chillomancer test build, merc amulet. Was at like 30% HP 20% Lifeforce.
I got to an empty point and stood there, stood up from my chair to do something and saw an ele came and attack me. kitten! I thought, I need to sit back quickly and get ready to battle my opponent, I might win despite the impossible odds! (Starting at 30% HP and on the other side of the room)
But no, you see, the first hit procced Nightmare Runes which procced Shivers of Dread which procced Bitter Chill, so he got fear and chill and 3 stacks of vulnerability, and all the minions jumped on him. Then he CCed me, which procced Reaper’s Protection so he got feared and chilled etc, again. I imagine he must have used some conditions on me but I didn’t notice because all my minions took them from me and gave them to him. He then killed my health which procced Unholy Sanctuary which procced both Sigil of Hydromancy and Spiteful Spirit, which procced Chill of Death so he lost all his boons (Had one corrupted even) and took like 5k power damage, leaving me with retaliation. All of that happened before I got back to the keyboard.
I think there might be something wrong with this?
Targeting someone and hunting for the relevant gameplay buffs among all the festive boosters and other nonsense is not good at all. Being able to precisely know when your abilities are available would promote better gameplay, these are some suggestions:
Make all non gameplay related buffs invisible during matches. (Boosters, food, bonuses, event buffs, etc)
Normalize effects such as invulnerability so they have a common buff icon instead of a particular one depending on the skill, where applicable.
Implement buff icons that clearly show the remaining internal cooldowns for ALL traits, runes and other effects that have an ICD. These would not be visible for enemies targeting you. EDIT: In an ideal world, give us a way to hide some of these icons so we can hide stuff like Sigil of Fraility.
EDIT: Please for the love of God give us a way to clean the UI during matches, specifically talking about the quest log that we have no way of hiding and the chest icons etc.
(edited by Cristobal.8640)
Sometimes I afk skyhammer matches, I happen to dislike two things about that map so much that they just make the whole thing unenjoyable, mostly depending on the class I’m playing. I still feel a little ashamed because it sucks for my team tho…
Fix the godkitten kittening jumpads already, make them launch you higher maybe with no falling damage, not interrupt your skills OR BLOCK YOUR MOVEMENT AFTER JUMPING, kitten they are annoying right now. And please fix the LOS bugs that make me waste every single shadowstep on thief, for example. And build a kittening staircase to the hammer, not even RO nostalgia makes me like spawn camping mechanic, also delete the platform on mid that serves no purpose other than enable cheesy fights, frustrate people with the jumpads and block the view of the very point you are fighting in.
Would still be a bad map but I wouldn’t afk it out of disgust.
Spirit watch is horrid too but at least you can usually deathmatch at mid as much as you like.
WASD: Move
Weapon skills: Shift, Q, E, R, Alt.
Heal: F
Jump: Space
Weapon Switch: Tabz
Closest Target: X
Little finger gets weapon skill 1 and weapon switch, thumb gets dodge or weapon skill 5, the rest of the hand is always free to move and use abilities.
Consider compound hotkeys for stuff to reduce the number of keys, for instance, I attune elements with my 4 mouse buttons and have Tab + those mouse buttons as a shortcut for all the utility skills and elite, so 8 skills on 5 keys (4+modifier)
Useful for engi, shatter mes, all things really
A 3v3 deathmatch queue would be incredible for me, I’d play a lot more. I’m sure some who don’t play right now would play if it existsted. I even suspect it could be more popular than conquest.
I guess I just got used to the sad state of healing spring as it is right now, its a pretty decent skill and our best heal without question after they fix it not instantly activating when you use it. More lol at people saying that “It is not enough cleanse” well, of course not, its just your healing skill. Not even consume conditions is enough cleanse, but it surely helps a lot. Feel free to run Unguent or whatever and cry OP after guardians kill you with one condition tho <3. Do people really think we need traps to have even more cleanse and stunbreak XD?
Maybe they should have poisons stunbreak and cleanse you so I can play poison thief in a “fair” way…
Id run this with terror and dhuumfire for laughs
LOL at rangers not having cleanse options on traps. Do you people not know what Healing Spring does?
You just need to really learn how to maximize everything the build has to offer, learn how to do all-in combos and more importantly when to do them and when not to, an all in combo would be something like using Earth 2 and 4 offensively, burning every skill (Lightning flash on top of them for offense etc), chaining all the CC with the hard to land burst skills on fire etc. You can do all this invulnerable at 50 HP with earth 5. As others said the build is not what it used to be tho, I sugges you consider S/D Lightning Rod or something like that if you want to burst with an ele. For S/F Fresh Air I actually really enjoy playing it with Celestial ammy, Superspeed on air trait and Glyph of Elemental Power + Burning Precision so you get free 3 stacks of burn every 5sec inbetween all the fresh air spamming.
I’ve wanted to experiment with Glyph of Elemental Power. It gives a buff for 30 seconds that makes all hits have a 25% to burn 2 stacks for 5 seconds (With balthazar runes + Burning Precision) with a five seconds ICD (Why is the numerical form of this censored?) . It comes to 2.7k~ damage or so every 5sec, on top of Burning Precision itself which is one stack for 3-4~ seconds, also on kitten ICD. I would run this with doom and torment sigils, as ele has none of that by itself and cover condis are always needed for a condi build. With perplexity runes it might even be viable
I’m not a fan of the “Let’s give every skill type at least one stunbreak” philosophy; It promotes power creep, people want to abuse the obvious synergy between traps and a traps build with traps traits. Ranger already has effective stunbreakers imho, its not that bad that you are forced to take 1 or 2 traps and one defensive skill. It doesn’t even makes sense for traps to stunbreak you. Obviously ranger traps should be looked into and made as good an alterative as any other.
I used to run something similar like that on my engi front line wvw (had a break of 1.5 year)
differeces are p/s instead of rifle (I like the shield utility), healelixer instead of turret (combined with HGH), elixer B instead of U (although I might give U a try now)
and traits Protection injection instead of invigorating speed, and kinda torn between backpack regenerator and self regulating defence wich is a lifesaveralso, my thoughness (3k) and power (almost 2k) were a bit higher, cond dam a bit lower
Backpack regenerator is good with bunker down (And flamer), BD heals like 800 every 2sec+ permanent regeneration, so you really sustain. On its own it is pretty lackluster imho. I think invigorating speed has better synergy, permanent vigor is no joke on a build with no access to the Tool lines, and juggernaut means I get pulsing stability so ideally I wouldn’t proc protection injection that often. Elixir U is pretty nice, with one big caveat: IT kittenING INTERRUPTS YOU. Way to go anet, bug has been reported for a long time but we get to play with a stunbreaker that actually interrupts us. The workaround is to use the elixir in between animations and not during animations like you would. I can’t explain how mad I was when I learned that this was the reason I was failing to quickness stomp or res, the godkitten skill was interrupting me. Fix this bullkitten yesterday please.
I run a Juggernaut HGH build in WvW, but for Celestial I’d probably swap Juggernaut for Incendiary Powder at a minimum.
I don’t PvP much, but I’d probably start out with something like this and go from there.
Hmm, Incendiary Powder is interesting and it could be worth it but only in certain matchups I think. Battle Sigil is just bad for this build, Strength Sigil equals it after 2 seconds and vastly surpasses it afterwards. (20~ very quick stacks from juggernaut+sigil) Doom instead of Perception is a good idea, I’ll probably make that switch for matches where I feel I wouldn’t be able to keep the perception stacks.
Elixir U replacing juggernaut so stability is covered, and you also get consistent fury, allowing you to get the rifle trait on firearms, but you lose a reflect and quickness… It looks interesting, I’ll try some of the stuff for sure. Thank you for the ideas.
(edited by Cristobal.8640)
The high rate of fire from flamethrower procs strength sigil every second and bunker down every 2 seconds consistently, bunker down+backpack regenerator+perma regen heal a lot, medpack drop is amazing too. The sustain is better than celestial ele if you keep procing bunker down. Permanent 25 might (And it regains them incredibly fast if corrupted/removed) -50% duration on incoming mobility condis, free Rifle 4 with the stability pulses etc, amazing downed control too, permanent vigor. Quickness with flamethrower is deadly, 12+ stacks of bleed from the minor trait after a few hits deadly. 72% crit chance with all modifiers and fed perception sigil. Build works with Rampager’s ammy too if you are feeling brave, but I would probably replace inventions with tools in that case.
Anyone has any ideas on how to improve the build?
Staff has all the tools you need to survive, I sugges you learn the proper way to use it.
For example:
If you are on fire attunement and wish to go defensive you should not switch to water, you should switch to earth instead, ideally after putting some distance with Burning Retreat (Fire 4) Then you do Eruption (Earth 2) to blast the burning retreat fire field, and gain might. This puts you out of harms way via the long distance dodge, in earth you have Unsteady Ground (Earth 4) which is a wall that won’t let the mobs pass, and you also have Magnetic Aura (Earth 3) to counter projectiles. Those 2 skills will instantly save your kitten from any situation. After you saved your kitten , cast eruption again and switch to water, here you can blast the upcoming eruption with a water field or an ice field, blasting it on the ice field gives you frost armor (-20% incoming dmg, chill attackers) and the chill from the field itself further slows down mobs. Spam water 2 now, as it is great dps, and once you are done defending yourself you can switch to air for more fast CC if you need it or go back to fire for the dps. This is all very basic you will learn the fancy stuff with time, good luck!a
EDIT: I sugges you use Glyph of Storms, its air skill has brutal dps, especially vs large targets. The earth skill blinds foes every second for 10 seconds in a big aoe, which is amazing for defense.
(edited by Cristobal.8640)
I would like for them to be like the engi equivalent of signets, armor mods just like you say but with a passive effect, like the rifle mod could fire at the nearest target every x seconds when off cooldown etc. Could even keep the same skills, just make the engi the turret! Make them give 20% less endurance regen each when slotted (From all that weight) and give them really interesting effects to compensate
(edited by Cristobal.8640)
Here is a tip: The current meta has viable condition burst builds. Having to spec at least half of your defensive options to deal with condis is fair, and a good idea right now. You need more than just one cleanse, ideally you have one big cleanse and many minor, passive cleanses going on all time. This is not only useful vs condi build, even power builds use a lot of soft cc etc condis. You also need to learn well when to cleanse and when not to. Empathic Bond + Signet of Renewal + Healing Spring on ranger is a good example of decent cleanse. You get one condi removed per 2.5s, one full cleanse on a stunbreaker and your healing skill pulses cleanse of 2 condis. Allies need to use the spring etc. Condis are never really a problem, still weaker than burst most of the time. Generosity sigil is great for those who have it synergize with their build.
They should also replace the lame throw stimulat trait in alchemy with a new grandmaster that makes the Medkit really great, like a Druid great.
2. Make the stimulant supplies activate on equipping medkit (pressing button 6). ICD 10 s would still mean that you could benefit from it once every 10 seconds and get only 50% uptime of fury and this would mean swapping to medkit once every 10 secs and swapping back again (2 seconds spent on that alone)
You should know that you can use the switch weapons hotkey to instantly swap out of a kit and back to your weapons, bypassing the kits CD (I hope they just delete that stupid CD one day, one less hotkey to worry about). This has additional uses, like swapping out of Elixir Gun mid air after using Elixir Bomb, bypassing the leap and staying immobile if done right. Also quick triggering of on-swap sigils.
Keep in mind what would happen if you clicked a button twice with no cooldown. That would be incredibly annoying.
As you describe there’s already a button to press to instantly drop a kit, I don’t see why we have to change the kit swap button to do the same.
Less hotkeys needed, more fluid gameplay. Necro already can out of DS by mistake if double clicking, and it doesn’t really happen that often.
They should also replace the lame throw stimulat trait in alchemy with a new grandmaster that makes the Medkit really great, like a Druid great.
2. Make the stimulant supplies activate on equipping medkit (pressing button 6). ICD 10 s would still mean that you could benefit from it once every 10 seconds and get only 50% uptime of fury and this would mean swapping to medkit once every 10 secs and swapping back again (2 seconds spent on that alone)
You should know that you can use the switch weapons hotkey to instantly swap out of a kit and back to your weapons, bypassing the kits CD (I hope they just delete that stupid CD one day, one less hotkey to worry about). This has additional uses, like swapping out of Elixir Gun mid air after using Elixir Bomb, bypassing the leap and staying immobile if done right. Also quick triggering of on-swap sigils.
70% Condi duration, 100% Bleed and Burning duration.
Sharpshooter + Heavy Armor Exploit + Sigil of Incapacitation + Sigil of Torment + Incendiary Powder/Ammo = You bleed, cripple, torment, burn and apply vulnerability automatically on every motherkittening hit. Build has great passive and active defenses too.
They should also replace the lame throw stimulat trait in alchemy with a new grandmaster that makes the Medkit really great, like a Druid great.
Actually juggling 40 skills at once sounds incredibly fun, after years of playing ele you do learn to do every rotation and combo in your sleep… Guess I should try an engi with 5 kits XD
(edited by Cristobal.8640)
I would like for them to keep the self condition mechanic and get some buffs… The trait should give additional effects or change the mechanics somehow.
Corrupt Boon gets made an instant cast you can use any time with no animation, like cantrips. Fear yourself for 1 or 2 seconds when using it.
Epidemic gets turned into a big AoE which “equalizes” condition across enemies inside, meaning the higher stack of every condi gets copied but it never goes higher than this stack, 2 players one with 3 poison 2 burn the other with 2 poison and 5 burn would result in both players with 3 poison and 5 burn. I don’t know how hard this would be to code XD.
Blood is power gets more selfish and bursty, give yourself 5 stacks of bleed for 10s and for 10s gain 10s might every time you take bleeding damage, per stack. No longer applies to allies. (Necro already stacks might very easily, an option outside of spite would be nice)
Blast is legit, I run Shield / Blast on a S/D marauder build, with Elemental Surge you get permanent +150 ferocity and 1200 range no cast time 2k~ dmg + immob or blind or maybe chill every 16se, its pretty good. You can even use it to burn mid Firegrab cast…
Lightning Rod procs twice on stone’s Tornado, and the skill is still not worth it even with these 6k extra damage on top of every hit, consdering the FGS hits like a truck with the same marauder build and you get to keep Stone Heart and everything else.
I don’t really care… On one hand, I support PvP giving way less gold per second than PvE, simply because I would rather play without the players that, in their own words, only go to PvP for the rewards. I would still play PvP with no rewards at all other than the fun of it. On the other hand, getting nice skins and customizing my character aesthetics is the one aspect of GW2 I enjoy besides PvP, transmutation stones are annoyingly expensive with gems, which are in turn very expensive with gold. Stones on the tracks were a godsend for me, the one thing that lets me customize my character aesthetics without having to farm or waste all the gold, which isn’t that much if you only PvP. I would’ve loved a different kind of purchase or game-mod or whatever: You only get PvP, no base game or anything, but you get infinite transmutation stones and lots of dyes/skins unlocked. Something like that. More character slots too!
What an exaggeration, I haven’t pre-purchased and the new specs were fun to fight with all the builds I play. New meta is actually going to be fun, DD wasn’t even that bad for me. Learn to counter what troubles you
And what do other upgrades like rubby orbs then? Do nothing? I think it’s okay as it is.
We are discussing PVP here.