Showing Posts For Dairuin.5602:

If all you play is hotjoins....

in PvP

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


Inflammatory thread is inflammatory. While I do agree that passing judgement on game balance without a certain experience level is premature, the perceptions of players new and old is still relevant and shouldn’t be SILENCED as is suggested. Like a previous poster said, what’s the harm in it? Are you really worried that the DEV’s will make the wrong move based on the feedback of less experienced players? Or does reading their words truly burn your eyes to the point that you’re begging them to stop posting?

What’s it to you?

(edited by Dairuin.5602)

Illusionary Leap Question

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


Indeed, though I’m not sure putting curtain on cool-down is worth 4 seconds of retalliation.

looking for op spec for spvp

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


The cookie cutter shatter mesmer build that’s easy to learn is sword/pistol and either staff or GS, 20/20/0/0/30.

Open with pistol 4, pistol 5, sword 3, dodge roll to pop 3rd clone, sword 3 again, sword 2, F1 (mind wrack). Practice that combo on target dummies until it’s muscle memory and you’re well on your way to destroying most hotjoin players.

Illusionary Leap Question

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


Working as intended. The only skills that won’t cast if out of range are ground-targeted skills. Everything else will cast, fail, and go on cooldown.

For example, try casting a phantasm, arcane thievery, or any other ability that requires a target, while out of range. They will cast, fail, and go on cooldown.

EDIT: That’s an interesting factoid on illusionary leap though, that if the previous clone using that ability is still up, he will leap again when you cast it again, doubling the cripple duration. Didn’t know that, probably because I always end up shattering the first by the time the cooldown is up.

(edited by Dairuin.5602)

Channeling skills hit invisible players?

in PvP

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


Some Thief spammed Heartseeker at me while I was already in stealth. And basically all heartseekers hit me ><

Heartseeker has a huge hitbox. If you are within range at any point between the beginning and end of the leap, it’ll hit, even when stealthed.

Why does everyone go bunker in pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


Seriously Fights become so boring. They become less like fights and more like, watch me sit on this point and not die.

It’s even worse on this horrendous map for touneys this week. Freaking trebuchet… Nothing can die so the point gets given to whoever gets the first treb support.

Wha? You complain about bunkers, and then you complain about the 1 map that has a secondary objective (treb) that is a hard counter to said bunker. Make up your mind.

Chaos storm mechanic broken/useless

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


It’s not broken. It’s random. Working as intended. And still very powerful by the way.

Now, if you REALLY want to get nit-picky on descriptions, you could say that daze is not a condition (which it isn’t) and should not be applied given the ability’s description. So yea, maybe it is broken, in the mesmer’s FAVOR.

(edited by Dairuin.5602)

Assist system

in PvP

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


Noobs also almost always go for the stomp instead of the Rez in team fights where both teams have players go down at the same time. I think any situation where a players choose to stomp instead of rezzing, excluding certain scenarios of course, should not be encouraged.

This is a lack of knowledge about the points system by many people. You actually do get more points if you res before the opponent dies. The game does however prioritize stomp over res if both targets are in range and you didn’t specifically click the teammate.

Assist system

in PvP

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


Yes, people already work together in hotjoin too much, we need more thieves running around trying to out-burst their teammates. Support and healing is for sissies.

Trying to measure damage in mists

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


Go to the weapon smith vendor, on the ledge near the Tournament Master.

Infiltrators Arrow guide (video)

in Thief

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


Infiltrators Arrow working like this is the coolest skill in the whole game.

It is a pity that it is so limited in PvE and WvW.

like i said it should stealth us for 15 seconds and do an aoe flame blast, with an inti. cost of four

Toss in an instant-stomp mechanic and I’m in.

Stealth Bleed Thieves vs Trebuchet in tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


Condi Thief, being low on power, are also VERY slow to actually kill the treb. Especially if they are P/D. Rest assured that the opposing team is relatively gimped by having this sort of thief on their team going after the treb. Staff bunker eles are a similar concept (being extremely hard to kill 1v1) but they kill the treb far faster than a condi thief.

Next time just leave the treb when he shows up, leave him to it and enjoy your 5v4 for the next 2 minutes.

(edited by Dairuin.5602)

Can we change "Fleet Shadows."

in Thief

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


Out of combat FS and swiftness are exactly the same because the cap speed is swiftness.

In combat big difference. Add in a cripple and it’s a huge difference.

All correct. Out of combat, FS isn’t any better than Swiftness. In-combat, it shines.

TL:DR for anyone new to this thread: Fleet Shadow is working as intended IN Combat. Out of Combat it’s the same as swiftness. Carry on.

(edited by Dairuin.5602)

Can we change "Fleet Shadows."

in Thief

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


No, I’m saying 1 + 1 = 2, and the number 1, increased by 50%, is 1.5.

You just proved to me all you did was take your #1 and divided it up to make #2 and #3, tests CANNOT be that exact, if you really used a stopwatch, human error would of showed itself.


Good lord, now you’re just arguing for the sake of arguing. I’m saying I TESTED my written results by using the formula again, but instead of solving for speed, I solved for time using the FIXED speed values that the game tells us we should be getting. Let me clarify… Using ONLY the unbuffed run as an example, I would EXPECT, given the tooltips in the game, that:

Swiftness would result in a 6.71 second run (my stopwatch came up with 6.45)
Fleet Shadow would result in a 5.95 second run (my stopwatch came up with 5.83)

Close enough for government work, and to show that everything is likely working as intended.

Can we change "Fleet Shadows."

in Thief

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


When you do percents, you do 0. not 1. …
So your saying 1.50 is half of 8.92?

No, I’m saying 1 + 1 = 2, and the number 1, increased by 50%, is 1.5.

I watched the video 3 times, timing each run and wrote down my results. I took the 3 numbers from the unbuffed run, for example, added them up, and divided by 3 (this is how you come up with an AVERAGE of a set of numbers.) I did the same for my written numbers from each buffed run, and posted my results when I posted the video. Then, in my last post, I showed what I might have expected to see if I had only timed the unbuffed run. Unsurprisingly, it was all pretty close to my written results, showing everything was hunky-dory.

(edited by Dairuin.5602)

Can we change "Fleet Shadows."

in Thief

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


Alright let me do it like this:

For #1:
8.92 seconds * 1.0 speed = 8.92 units of distance

For #2:
6.45 seconds * X speed = 8.92 units of distance
X = 1.38 speed

For #3:
5.83 seconds * X Speed = 8.92 units of distance
X = 1.53 speed.

1 is your most important number, its the base.
With Swiftness + #1, your speed with swiftness should be: 5.9764

With Fleet of Shadow + #1, your speed with it should be: 4.46

Your #3 is close to 33% Movement Speed, by 0.1 Seconds.

So your test proved to me that Fleet of Shadow is indeed broken, and increases movement speed by about 33%. (by 0.1464 off, but I could argue that that is just human reflexes and error.)

Thank you for this.

I really have no idea how you’re calculating your numbers. Flip the formula like this (is why it’s such a great formula):

Distance / Speed = Time
Use 8.92 as the distance, 1.0 as the speed without buffs.

8.92 / 1.0 = 8.92 seconds

Add swiftness (1.33 speed)

8.92 / 1.33 = 6.71 seconds

Add Fleet Shadow (1.50 speed)

8.92 / 1.50 = 5.95 seconds

I had come up with 6.45 and 5.83, which given human error, my clumsy fingers on a stopwatch and the quite short sampling distance, is well within a reasonable margin of error to show everything is likely working poperly.

Can we change "Fleet Shadows."

in Thief

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


“When you stealth, you gain swiftness for 10 seconds.”

I actually love this trait as is. It stacks % speed increase on top of swiftness, instead of merely increasing duration by combining with other swiftness buffs.

I love ruunning this in my hidden killer builds b/c I can stealth + dodge roll for >150%
speed increase. As a thief, being the fastest is one of our fortes, and I consider it an invaluable utility.

It doesn’t actually stack with swiftness, but it is faster than swiftness. When in stealth you’ll run the same +50% speed whether you have swiftness or not.

Can you edit it to make a side-by-side video?

When I counted it, they seem awfully similar.

Just use a stopwatch while watching like I did. I watched/timed it 3 times for each run and the average of the times I came up with is what I posted. Any inaccuracy in my timing explains why I didn’t come up with EXACTLY 33% and 50% speed increases, but the stealthed run was consistently 0.6 seconds faster than the swiftness run.

Yes, but you did start as soon as you ran with one, and with the other I noticed you started the timer as you pressed the buff rather then running, I counted both out when you pressed the buff, and they both came out about 7.3-7.6 seconds.

Even if it is correct, your math is obviously off.

6.45 × 0.18% (Which would = the runspeed % you should have gained.) should make your #3 attempt 5.289, which it is a lot slower then 5.289, it is currently 0.541 seconds off so something is wrong, I think you started when you activated the buff, then started running with the swiftness buff.

And if you do it like that, starting to run when you do it, you would notice they are both about 7.3-7.6 seconds. (starting exactly when your feet take off the ground, rather then anything else.)

I have no idea what you’re talking about. In all cases I start my timer when I start movement and stop it when I hit the wall. Doesn’t matter when the buffs start as long as they are in effect for the duration of the movement.

You seem to be making up formulas to calculate run speed. All modifications are relative to the base (unbuffed) speed. Time X Speed = Distance is the proper formula, and will reliably show you how a reduction in time over a fixed distance is a result of a certain increase in speed.

In any case, time the movement from tree to wall using swiftness, and from tree to wall in stealth, and the difference is clear. Not sure why you’re still arguing this fact when the proof is there for all to see. This is a straight video capture directly to twich without any editing whatsoever, in case you’re headed down that road in your next rebuff.

(edited by Dairuin.5602)

Can we change "Fleet Shadows."

in Thief

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


“When you stealth, you gain swiftness for 10 seconds.”

I actually love this trait as is. It stacks % speed increase on top of swiftness, instead of merely increasing duration by combining with other swiftness buffs.

I love ruunning this in my hidden killer builds b/c I can stealth + dodge roll for >150%
speed increase. As a thief, being the fastest is one of our fortes, and I consider it an invaluable utility.

It doesn’t actually stack with swiftness, but it is faster than swiftness. When in stealth you’ll run the same +50% speed whether you have swiftness or not.

Can you edit it to make a side-by-side video?

When I counted it, they seem awfully similar.

Just use a stopwatch while watching like I did. I watched/timed it 3 times for each run and the average of the times I came up with is what I posted. Any inaccuracy in my timing explains why I didn’t come up with EXACTLY 33% and 50% speed increases, but the stealthed run was consistently 0.6 seconds faster than the swiftness run.

(edited by Dairuin.5602)

Can we change "Fleet Shadows."

in Thief

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


“When you stealth, you gain swiftness for 10 seconds.”

I actually love this trait as is. It stacks % speed increase on top of swiftness, instead of merely increasing duration by combining with other swiftness buffs.

I love ruunning this in my hidden killer builds b/c I can stealth + dodge roll for >150%
speed increase. As a thief, being the fastest is one of our fortes, and I consider it an invaluable utility.

It doesn’t actually stack with swiftness, but it is faster than swiftness. When in stealth you’ll run the same +50% speed whether you have swiftness or not.

Can we change "Fleet Shadows."

in Thief

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


FS is faster than swiftness in combat.

No, it isn’t any faster then swiftness in combat. Otherwise I would be moving 17% faster, which is a pretty big deal.

It is faster than swiftness and it is a pretty big deal. Also, heartseeker for movement while in stealth with FS gets you across the map insanely fast.

I’m pretty sure its 33%, i’ve tested it and its 33%, many other people have tested it and its 33%, it isn’t any faster then swiftness.

Please make a video prooving your words.


3 identical speed runs (from tree to wall along the tree’s shadow,), first with no swiftness, second with swiftness (33% speed), third in stealth with Fleet Shadow trait (50% speed). My average times using a stopwatch:
1st: 8.92 seconds
2nd: 6.45 seconds
3rd 5.83 seconds

Use the following formula to see the effectiveness. Simplify by using 1.0 as the speed value without swiftness and a constant unit for distance.

Time * Speed = Distance.

For #1:
8.92 seconds * 1.0 speed = 8.92 units of distance

For #2:
6.45 seconds * X speed = 8.92 units of distance
X = 1.38 speed

For #3:
5.83 seconds * X Speed = 8.92 units of distance
X = 1.53 speed.

This is well within the margin of error to conclude that swiftness is adding 33% and Fleet Shadows is adding 50% to run speed.

[Video] Recapping a tower Infinite Stealthing

in Thief

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


Not only was he bugged not attacking, he wasn’t gaining defiant either. Shouldn’t be able to blind a lord like that. Not a practical example.

Can we change "Fleet Shadows."

in Thief

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


FS is faster than swiftness in combat.

No, it isn’t any faster then swiftness in combat. Otherwise I would be moving 17% faster, which is a pretty big deal.

It is faster than swiftness and it is a pretty big deal. Also, heartseeker for movement while in stealth with FS gets you across the map insanely fast.

I expect to get flamed for this but....

in Thief

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


Backpedaling is good for making tiny tweaks to your positioning (which is immensely important in this game.) For instance, causing LOS issues for your opponent while you’re on a ledge, sort of poking in an out of los and around corners using tiny movements. Having to swing your camera 90 degrees every time you wanted to make a small adjustment is just slower.

Here’s another example.. elementalist. Burning speed has a set distance and always travels in the direction you’re facing… to line up the burst at the end of the pathing you need to be facing your target and be at exactly the right range… using packpedal to reorient your facing while dialing in the range can be very helpful.

(edited by Dairuin.5602)

Mesmer rune not working on Tactical Strike?

in Thief

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


Sounds good! Since you seem to know a lot about this aspect, I would like ask you two questions:

1 – Does Sigil of Impact (+10% damage against stunned foes) works on dazed targets by TS?

2 – Does the combination of Superior Runes of the Mesmer (6th slot gives 33% daze duration) along with a Superior Sigil of Paralyzation (15% stun duration) will work together on TS?

Thanks in advance!

Both are good questions and I’ve not tested either. I’ll check it out this evening. Off the top I’d say neither is actually WORTH using, but I’m also curious about the mechanics of it.

What Class do you like fight the most?

in Thief

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


Warriors in an open field are my favorite. Against a really good one it becomes a drawn out chess match with perfectly timed evades and counters to each others’ burst. One wrong move and someone dies. I try to minimize use of stealth as it usually causes them to run for the hills, which keeps things interesting.

I don’t really enjoy fighting other thieves as much, too much randomness. A random chance dodge here or there basically spoils the fight for one party or the other.

How do I two shot people?

in Thief

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


I like to do BS then a heartseeker and a mug during the HS. Only kills pure glass or already hurt people and to catch people by surprise it requires a pre-cast SR and them not noticing.

Keep in mind that by waiting on the steal you’re missing out on some fury and might, assuming you’re at least 10 into trickery. Nice to have that fury before the BS lands.

[Video] "Slayer" - Ultimate WvW D/P

in Thief

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


Loved the video, dagger/pistol will be the new backstab build if the current one ever gets nerfed, and since it is more tanky with more stealth ppl will cry if it becomes the new cookie build.

In competitive tPvP it has already replaced D/D as the backstab build of choice. It doesn’t have quite the frontloaded damage of the ol’ C&D/Steal/BS combo but it’s close, and offers much more versatility and survivability.

(edited by Dairuin.5602)

[Video] "Slayer" - Ultimate WvW D/P

in Thief

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


Interesting troll playstyle, it’s fun to watch and I’m sure fun as heck to play. You’re basically doing what D/D eles are so good at doing… harass, escape, and gets some kills now and again. As for helping the war effort I’m not convinced however, DPS shortbow builds are just so strong for support in the majority of WvW encounters that focus around actual objectives.

Mesmer rune not working on Tactical Strike?

in Thief

Posted by: Dairuin.5602



#1: Items that effect stun duration also affect daze duration. Stuns and dazes are not conditions however, and are not affected by condition duration enhancements.

#2: All stuns and dazes round up to the nearest second in duration. I.E. the 1/4 second daze on headshot is in fact a full 1s daze.

#3: You’d have to modify the 1.5s duration of tac strike to be >2seconds in order to see any sort of return, since it already acts as a 2s daze. In other words, you need 34% increase in stun duration to make it a 3s daze. Not sure this is even possible with the equipment provided in the mists.

#4: Tac Strike was only nerfed to 1.5s daze in the mists. In PvE/WvW it’s still a 2s daze and any sort of stun duration increase will push it to a 3s daze.

Hope that clears things up.

Diversion daze doesn't stack duration.

in Mesmer

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


Drop a +15 stun duration signet on your pistol, stagger your clones, toss in magic bullet and watch them eat up to 11 straight seconds of stun/daze if you time and place everything perfectly.

Why is pvp less deserving of reward than pve?

in PvP

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


It’s all about the “experience”, but that doesn’t mean that every experience should be the same. Most PvE players I know are striving for certain goals along the treadmill.. this weapon, that piece of gear, a certain level, etc. Most PvP players I play with are striving to reach goals as well, but it’s more about winning against other quality opponents and becoming better at PvP.

Both methods can be enjoyable, which is why people do them. Heck I do both as well and enjoy them even more for the diversity. The flavor change when I get tired of one and go back to the other is better for me in this game than any other I’ve played. YMMV.

Why is pvp less deserving of reward than pve?

in PvP

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


MMO PvE is about the treadmill. PvP is about the enjoyment of facing human opponents. Sort of like Chess or pickup basketball. It’s unfortunate that you consider it punishment.

Caed's Thief Walk-through and Guide [Mini]

in PvP

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


Re: The venom share.. why only 2 venoms? 6 hits of leeching spider venom shared with a teammate or 2 is a lot of burst damage/healing, compared even to haste. That’s a lot invested into venom sharing to only have 5 available triggers every 36 seconds. Also the paralyzation sigil on your offhand won’t actually increase the duration of ANY of your stuns/dazes since they’re all already rounded up to 1 second.

Mid buff too strong on silent storm

in PvP

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


I dunno, at 22 pts for 1 point or 44 pts for holding 2 points the full duration, it’s not any more cheeseball than stealing npc’s in forest.

Mid buff too strong on silent storm

in PvP

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


The real problem is eles being able to mist cap buffs. op

Truth. Anet went out of their way to make it extremely easy to interrupt and impossible to cap while stealthed, but there are still a few key abilities that prevent the interrupt. Mist form and Diversion among them.

Mid buff too strong on silent storm

in PvP

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


It’s not as strong as you’re saying. First of all it only lasts about 45 seconds. Second of all points are awarded every other second, not every second. So at best it’s worth about 22pts for each point you hold for its duration. I do agree however that it’s a more important buff int he grand scheme than the 3-cap buff.

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


Excellent change

Login Server down in the EU..?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Dairuin.5602


Same issue here in NA. Occasionally can log into heart of the mists but crashes when i zone anywhere.