Showing Posts For Drae.3189:

GW2.exe crashing (avutil.cpp)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drae.3189


I had this problem today 3 times in WvWvW. Seems random. Happened once when I pushed to port after death and twice just in the open during a fight.

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

Pay with GEMS for new story??

in Living World

Posted by: Drae.3189


Im just coming back today and while I don’t mind paying around 8 bucks. It just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. This is the same reason I left a few months back.

ANET, stop nickle and dime’n us. Freaking poor form.

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

Wvw Encourages Spying? Arenanet See this?

in WvW

Posted by: Drae.3189


The double teaming is just going to happen. Its a 3 way fight and if your all equal its how you get things done. But the spying is annoying. Had a guy walk 4 Omega golems off the cliff at Hills and then build a few alphas with our supply and then walk them off the cliff at Hills. Last week our commander got so frustrated witht the tag watchers that he finnaly tagged down and we took the garrison without hardly any resistance.

Spying is a fact of the game. We can either moan about it and report the ones we know are doing it or we can join in the fun and just ignore the small minority.

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

WvW jumping puzzle

in WvW

Posted by: Drae.3189


I routinely camp on the inside of the waterfall and take out the jumpers. Good fun, badge farm and keeps the other side from getting siege. See you there. Pew pew…

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

Discussion : Lags problem in WvW servers

in WvW

Posted by: Drae.3189


Lol. Yea I was with the BG group in that fight at Garrison on SoR. Our commander lead the charge from SW outer wall up to the bridge into lords room. Then he rubberbanded all the way back out to the outer wall….horrible. Funny at the time, but horrible.

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

WvW is being destroyed.

in WvW

Posted by: Drae.3189


heres the problem with all these threads,

you guys want WvW to fail.

The truth is the more people who get involved with and who enjoy WvW, the better it really will get, the better it will be supported.

you guys are just mad because you had your own little corner and no one cared, so you had it to yourself, now, its being improved, and has become more rewarding so others are getting involved.

Why would Anet put time and effort into solving things like lag with many players and skill delay, if there is never a lot of people fighting? Why would they dedicate large amounts of resources to new maps, if they are doing it for a mode only 5% of the playerbase plays? Why would they continue if players who used to WvW 2 hours are slowly cutting their time to 10 minutes, and maybe an hour on weekends?

the truth is the more people who play and are interested in WvW, the better it will be, and the stronger future it has.

You guys want your apartment to be crappy and in a crime infested neighborhood so that no one comes there and rent is cheap, that type of thinking leads to you getting evicted when they close the building.

Instead of telling Anet to make WvW less appealing, tell them to make more maps, and new content. If anet sees that all servers generally can support more people, they are going to build in more new areas/expand etc. Try to think about more than just how long your queue was for the opening weekend of the biggest deal in Wvw since launch, and more about how to get even more players so that you will have a better game

More players != better W3

The lag issue has always been there. The culling removal helped some, but they never really fixed it. Flooding the servers with endless players does little to help that when there are already queues on a daily basis.

As for lower tier servers, do you really want players there that are just interested in the achievements? I would think you’d want PvPers that want to compete, not just checkmark off a list.

As for you first point, you couldn’t be farther from the truth. Most of us like W3 because it’s competition and teamwork driven, and not about the PvE meta. We don’t want it to fail, I don’t know why you think that. Perhaps because of the whining going on right now?

The backlash is directed at the inclusion of the achievements themselves, not necessarily at the players in general. We see it as an attempt by ANet to try and push PvE content into a game-mode that shouldn’t have it. They figured out long ago that if you dangle endless carrots in front gamers, a lot of them will crave it…regardless of what the carrots are. That kind of mentality is counter to everything that makes W3 great. So simply throwing carrots into the mix doesn’t make it better, it just makes it worse because it doesn’t address the root issues at all.

Honestly, sometimes I don’t know if they play W3 all that much, or understand the community there.

I agree completely.

Concerning the lag issue, they knew its was their. We all have been in SM in a 3-way and let two servers battle it out for a bit to let the lag die before we charge in. I just have no idea why they thought that starting Leagues and W3 achievements at the same time without addressing the issues of skill lag was a good idea in any way. This just seems like a major oversight on ANets part. I hope they work it out soon. Right now its just not all that much fun to play.

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

Dev statement on recent WvW stability issues?

in WvW

Posted by: Drae.3189


Devs did respond to this. Seach Skill Lag. But the basic answer is they are working on it. “end of October” was the last date I think they gave. Something about optimizations to the server side.

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

[Merged] Skill lag issue

in WvW

Posted by: Drae.3189


Yea, we had an ANet tag in our loss of Hills last night. We gained the point lead and the opposing forces all turned on us. Predictably. We knew this was coming so we had sieged the living kitten out of the Hills and our home tower. Problem was, none of the siege would reliably fire. Kinda hard to hold of the JQ and SoR map zergs with seige that wont fire and skills that dont work. We figured out a little work around. Omega golems seemed to work ok. Their 1 skill would fire and do damage respectfully from the top of the ramparts down onto the zerg.

Lag is horrible. Its killed every other large scale PvP game I’ve ever played. I really hope ANet can fix it. If they don’t a massive portion of the population will leave for the next game that comes out that has large scale PvP….

Here’s to hoping ANet gets this one right…for now I’ll wait till the PvX’rs get thier chevos then Ill start spending money agian.

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

Collaborative Development- Request for Topics

in CDI

Posted by: Drae.3189


1. Skill lag
2. Lack of rewards for scouting, standing sentry and all other mandatory WvW tactics that go unrewarded. (I’m a forward scout thief and when I’m really doing my job I get nothing…NOTHING while the heavies get loots and rank)
3. Skill lag

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

OP skill lags since WvW seasons started

in WvW

Posted by: Drae.3189


This is so sad. Skill lag is going to kill another open world PvP game. Anyone remember Mechwarrior IV, Aeon, Warhammer…the list goes on and on and they all died the same death. Skill lag killed the game becuase the developers thought that more PvE content and getting the game to the far East was the answer. Your gonna loose your core playerbase ANet. And im going to be sad again. Real sad.

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

JQ 3 easy weeks in schedule, SOR 1 and BG 1?

in WvW

Posted by: Drae.3189


Please put the link to the current schedule here

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

Utterly unplayable skill lag in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: Drae.3189


Its really too bad but if ANet doesn’t fix this issue they will go the way of all the other large scale battle games and die. I’ve been gaming for 15 years and gravitate toward large scale open world battle pvp… this is the exact reason all the other games like this failed. When the battles got really good, really big and complicated the hardware couldn’t handle it. Too bad, so sad…..NEXT!!

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

3/29 JQ - BG - SoR

in WvW

Posted by: Drae.3189


Everyone feels the double team. Its a three way fight. The last few weeks has seen SoR and JQ concentrating on BG more than they concentrate on each other. It was the best tactic. SoR doesn’t want to loose a ton of points and be sent down to T2. Can you blame them? The way the Glicko points are right now that means attacking BG on a regular basis so BG doesn’t pull even further ahead of them. JQ on the other hand sees BG in second and wants to make sure they stay down there or get pushed to 3rd for the week and fall even further away from them in points.

It sucks being the man in the middle. Your getting hit from both sides.

Now dont get your whiskers in a bunch JQ and SoR, I know you attack each other. If you didn’t we wouldn’t get a chance to take anything. But to say that your not playing the Meta game is just absurd. We at BG just haven’t been playing it as well as you two. And it is showing lately. See you on the field. /respect to all

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

Unable to log in, Multiple codes. [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drae.3189


me too’s failure to connect to login server

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

3/1 - JQ/SoR/BG

in WvW

Posted by: Drae.3189


Nice fights tonight JQ and SoR on BGBL. You made us work for every inch and kept us with paper gates. Loving the stressfull battles.

Have to admit, my guild was a little disappointed with how the beginning of the week went. I mean we were psyched to be beating you, “JQ the Juggernaut”, but it felt like the game was over…we made it to T1 and …

Well, I’m incredibly psyched to say this is a real battle and its not all pvdoor and zerg rollovers. Enjoying the fight. We will win. Eat it. lol

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

T1 server lag = unplayable

in WvW

Posted by: Drae.3189


I have been dreading this day. I am a lover of open world PvP having played many such games over the last many years. They ALL FAIL for the same reason. Server lag, ability lag, “culling” etc… The games all became unplayable for even those with 5K$ desktop PC’s. This is the swan song for every games PvP. It either becomes too exclusive because the que times are too long for what becomes an instanced game or unplayable because no matter how skilled you are you cant play if the game doesn’t work as intended.

Sad day when the most skilled players, most populated pvp servers can’t compete with the games deficiencies. Sad day indeed.


[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

I was guild leader and I'm now the lowest ranking member

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drae.3189


This is just another example of ANet customer service ineptitude. So you made a mistake and you need it fixed outside the janky interface. Isn’t this what customer service is for???

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

Comfirmed- Nothing being done re: conditions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drae.3189


GetRdooone!!!! Whooot!

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

Comfirmed- Nothing being done re: conditions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Drae.3189


Ouch, this is a blow I don’t think ANet is going to recover from unless they fix this ASAP. Having an entire damage class crippled in group play in an MMO is devastating.

Think of all the people that don’t read the forums or Redit…they will level their Necro to 80 only to realize that if they are grouped with more than 1 or 2 players they are completely ineffective.

Don’t forget the “bag drop” is based on your “contribution” which is based on how much damage you do to the mobs. Not are you only being shut out of helping the group kill the mob but you are also shutting yourself off from any type of progression in the game.

It was a mistake on Colin’s part to put the blame on the back-end. No one cares why they can’t do it. We only care that the game is broken and they don’t seem to be able to fix it. And telling us this only makes them look weak. Not what we want from a AAA MMO.

Wake up ANet. This IS a AAA MMO and if you don’t fix it we will leave when the next one comes out. Most of us have played many many MMO’s and we will continue too.

Hope this gets fixed.

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

2013 - BG-Kain-TC

in WvW

Posted by: Drae.3189


F&%k yea TC push ….I freaking love this matchup…the freaking underdog is killing it….whoooot…

gonna mow you down when I see you…if I can.


[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

2013 - BG-Kain-TC

in WvW

Posted by: Drae.3189


This has been a great week of battles. Its amazing what can be done when everyone takes responsibility for their own actions and respects others. It was great to win and not have everyone say we were "exploiting, cheating, zerging, taking advantage,…blah…blah…blah…
From what we have seen from TC and KG we don’t expect to win every week. Nights were long and victories were hard fought. Doylaks were slaughtered and fun was had for all. Looking forward to another week of intense WvW. I’m expecting TC and KG to do much better this next week as you will learn to counter us. Good luck we will be waiting.

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

2013 - BG-Kain-TC

in WvW

Posted by: Drae.3189


I really like this match up. Would like to see KG and TC push us a little harder all the time and take back some points… but the battles have been epic. All props to the guilds that make it hard Pink, RE, Gods, Meow, etc…etc… This is a one of the most fun weeks in a while. See you on the field.

Booty Kawl [GoF] Blackgate

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

Stealth causes Champ mobs to regen full hp

in Thief

Posted by: Drae.3189


One more thing that is wonky about this …. I cant get out of combat even though the Champ has…

Exp: I want to get around a champ that is guarding a View Point I run up, the Champ aggros on me, I stealth and run to the close by but out of aggro range View Point. But, I can’t get the VP because I am still in combat. Only way to break combat for me is to log to the Char select screen and back in….really???

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

Stealth causes Champ mobs to regen full hp

in Thief

Posted by: Drae.3189


Black Frog that is exactly what I am seeing. Its incredibly frustrating. I have more problems fighting in PvE than WvW…

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

Stealth causes Champ mobs to regen full hp

in Thief

Posted by: Drae.3189


Yea, wow, responses are not what I expected. Look, this happens to me when I play how I like to play with my build. I run P/P and S/D. I like it. And it doesn’t work. Period. Am I going to have to find a way around it? Yea. But that sucks. And that’s my point. All I’m asking is that OOC regen for mobs could maybe be a little slower or start later than immediately after I enter stealth with no DOTS on him. Is that really that gamebreaking?

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

Stealth causes Champ mobs to regen full hp

in Thief

Posted by: Drae.3189


I have run across Champ mobs in the world and Skill Point mobs that go OOC (Out of Combat) as soon as I stealth. I was trying to kill a Champ Lich yesterday and every time I stealthed to cure conditions he regained full health. The mob did this over and over again so many times that I couldn’t kill him and the timer ran to 0. Neither of us died.

I understand having mobs regen health so I cant just wp rush him over and over but they are gaining full health before the 3 seconds of stealth my blinding powder gives.

ANet, this is our main mechanic and it is keeping me from progressing in the game.

Skill Point mobs are the worst. If they started green and I instigate a fight with them they turn green (freindly) again as soon as I stealth for healing etc… and I have to fight them agian…

So in conclusion, high level challenging mobs that i can’t kill in 5 seconds and who have the ability to put conditions on me or damage me to where I need healing are not allowing me to use my main class mechanic….is this “working as intended”?

Also, the change to mobs having Invulnerability when the player is not on the same “level” as them is just game-breaking. Sooo…I can’t sneak up on a mob and shoot him with my ranged abilities because he cant get to me…um…isn’t that the point of sneaking up and attacking from above? or below? or just to the side? Just plain lazy programming really. Especially in a game that encourages us to jump up on anything we can.

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

(edited by Drae.3189)

Can't remember my password system broken

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drae.3189


This is going to cost ANet a pretty penny to personally deal with every person who cant exactly remember their password. The system is set up to “Fail…” . ANet fixed it by resetting my pass for me and providing me with a temp pass. Convoluted, frustrating….good luck ANet your going to loose tons of customers who don’t care as much as I do.

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

Can't remember my password system broken

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drae.3189


Just like the game my browser stores my password…

Well I got an email from ANet fixing it. Well, in a roundabout way that is going to cost them a ton of money in CS rep time. They reset my password for me and provided me a new temp pass so I could change it….the other ways are still broken…good luck ANet.

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

Can't remember my password system broken

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drae.3189


What am I supposed to do? I want to change my password because you are forcing me to but I don’t remember what it was. When I got to the page to change my password I put in what I thought was my password (no way to verify) and a new one and its like the page just refreshes.

Did it save? Why didn’t it like my entries? Was the password wrong or the new one not secure enough?

So i go to the “forgot password” link and enter my info…I get a big FAIL on the screen. No kitten it actually says “FAIL”…. when I try to reset my password. WTF ANet?

ANet, you have a system that allows us to enter our password once when we bought the game and never have to type it in again…and now you have no way for us to reset it without remembering it exactly. You don’t even have a system set up to tell us if we got it wrong or not.

What am I supposed to do? Erase the password from my game login and never play again? I’m freaking lost…help.

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

Can't remember my password system broken

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drae.3189


That doesn’t work I tried. To create a support ticket you need to know your password. I searched for realavent topics. And as I said the page that it directs you to, to change your password says “Failure” when you try to reset your password. Convoluted useless support.

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

Can't remember my password system broken

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drae.3189


What am I supposed to do? I want to change my password because you are forcing me to but I don’t remember what it was. When I got to the page to change my password I put in what I thought was my password (no way to verify) and a new one and its like the page just refreshes.

Did it save? Why didn’t it like my entries? Was the password wrong or the new one not secure enough?

So i go to the “forgot password” link and enter my info…I get a big FAIL on the screen. No kitten it actually says “FAIL”…. when I try to reset my password. WTF ANet?

ANet, you have a system that allows us to enter our password once when we bought the game and never have to type it in again…and now you have no way for us to reset it without remembering it exactly. You don’t even have a system set up to tell us if we got it wrong or not.

What am I supposed to do? Erase the password from my game login and never play again? I’m freaking lost…help.

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

1/18/13 CD/FA/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Drae.3189


This is just conjecture but I think the BIG problem for CD right now is lack of communication between it’s big guilds. For instance, we don’t have a unified wvw comm that people can get on. I used to play Eve Online, and I was a part of the Minmatar militia and a pirate. If we could even come close to implementing the kind of ‘battle comms’ and lines of communication that we used in that game, we could dominate, even with less numbers.

For starters, all the major CD guilds could form a alliance, and get a unified comm channel. Guilds like Kome, Lazy, KA, KH, GoF, Ti and others I can’t think of off top of my head.

We have a TSpeak. Speak with anyone is those guilds and you can have access I’m sure.

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

1/18/13 CD/FA/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Drae.3189


But I have to express extreme dissapointment with all the large WvW guilds from IoJ that transferred to FA just before their server went down a bracket.
Hello [PRO], hello [OBEY]. Well hope you like FA cause your stuck for now and will need to pay to switch next time.

I may have misunderstood what you meant, but PRO and OBEY have been on FA for months now.

These threads usually just boil down to frustrated people posting their opinions. Hate Fort Aspenwood or love us, our server has always fought hard in WvW. We’ve been outmanned some weeks and we’ve been over-populated some others but we’ve always given it 100%, the general morale on our server has always been high and the WvW community has always been helpful and friendly. Our server has never given up; when we lost a chunk of our WvW population we didn’t quit, we kept fighting to stay in Tier 3.

Being outmanned or in 3rd place in a 3 faction battle means you need to play off the stronger servers. In order to stay in the game you need to attack the stronger servers when they are weakest, ie. when they are being attacked. Complaining about this 2v1 stuff just shows how inexperienced you are with WvW. It balances out the scores and I’m pretty sure this was the #1 reason for 3 faction PvP.

Personally the IoJ transfers came as a shock to me, and from the general reactions on FA it was a shock to many others as well. I’m so proud of our server for the mature way we’ve welcomed the new IoJ guilds to our community. We’ve seen nothing but class and maturity a from the guilds that have transferred over as well and we are lucky to have them for their attitudes alone.

kitten happens. We’ve seen server transfers boost servers who were even with us one week to top of the tier the next. There is still a week left for free transfers so anything can happen. CD and DB are amazing servers that my guild and FA have had fun playing against and you may still get transfers due to your communities. Whatever happens, Fort Aspenwood is in it for the long haul and we’re not going anywhere. Dry the tears and enjoy WvW, you can’t always be in first.

I may have “called out” the wrong guilds…and I apologize if I did…I could swear…but wtvr.
You cant deny you had a large WvW influx just before the reset from IoJ. Guess we were as shocked as you. You are certainly showing to be superior with your new combined force. And I applaud you for it. Enjoy it.

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

1/18/13 CD/FA/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Drae.3189


Drae didn’t your mum teach you that assumption only achieves making an kitten out of U and ME. Don’t go accusing IoJ guilds for hoping ship when you not have a clue why the guys left. If your interested in finding out pm me and I’ll take the time to explain.

Roflol, lol no thanks. And I didn’t make any assumtions. I talked about rumors and my opinion. And the FACT that many large IoJ guilds left for FA just before the reset… I have no interest in finding out what the “reasons” are. ANet allows it so go ahead. We can all play by these rules.

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

1/18/13 CD/FA/DB

in WvW

Posted by: Drae.3189


This thread really should be called “1/18/13 CD/FA and IoJ/DB”. I know server transfers are kosher in-game and part of everything. But I have to express extreme dissapointment with all the large WvW guilds from IoJ that transferred to FA just before their server went down a bracket.
Hello [PRO], hello [OBEY]. Well hope you like FA cause your stuck for now and will need to pay to switch next time.
So if the name of the game this next week or so (till the 28th) is going to be about server transfers while they are still free…well…fine. We will play too.
The funniest part about this whole thing is that for the first few weeks of the last matchup, CD/FA/IoJ, their was much talk and rumors of FA and IoJ teaming up to attack CD’d map at exactly the same time every night. Rumors of friends/guilds actually splitting themselves over the two servers……and now the two servers have joined up…

I’m not saying anything you guys have done is wrong or against the rules or anything.
But when I go into WvW and see all the big IoJ guilds fighting along side FA now…glad your not on my server.

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

Proposal: 90 trait points

in Suggestions

Posted by: Drae.3189


As someone who does not spec into 30pts in any trait line I would like to see the number of traits increased. Many of my Tier 3 traits are just not that rewarding. Sometimes I can get better utility by putting 10 or 15 points into another tier, and equalizing the changes with gear, than filling up one to 30. It may be just my lust for power but I always feel like if I just had another 10 or 20 I would be able to play like I want.

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Drae.3189


…great…having this same issue and was looking for a quick fix. Doesn’t look like ANet has one. I am also having issues getting the forum pages to load. My connection is flawless and fast (40Mb/4Mb) and I don’t have any issues with any other MMO’s, online games, streaming HD video..etc..etc…

Fix It Plz

This is an MMO, if my friends and I can’t play together here we will go elsewhere.

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

Crafted Jewellery disappears in the Mystic Forge

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Drae.3189


I had this same issue today. Did it twice with crafted level 80 greens and got nothing. So now I’m here to find out its another Bug. They should really post a list of known issues.

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate

1/4/13 CD, IoJ, FA (Round 3)

in WvW

Posted by: Drae.3189


I had so much fun tonight. Wow. Took garrisons on IoJ and FA. Took all of IoJ. What fun. Thanks to all that died at the end of my sword. Hope to do it again. Soon.

[GoF] Booty Kawl – Blackgate