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U can change your gear from the boxes in the inventory. If you van something condi oriented, use zeal/raidancevirtues: 3-3-1/1-2-1/2-2-1 with sword/torch and gs. if u feel too glassy with viper, just use trailblazer, an undying burn burst group killer build
after reading all of these ideas (and drinkin my late night energy drink ) i have 3 ideas to boost necro pereonal dps and/or improve the utility value too (and yes, 1 of them is connected to op
1: rending shroud: instead of alpying vuln -> increase the necros direct dmg with 1/2% for every 1% life force u have. it would count for the necro as the target has 50 stack of vuln instead of 25 on full life force bar.
2: dhuum fire: instead of burn aplying -> shroud#1 skill deals bonus dmg equal to X% of ur life force (numerical value). 5% in reaper shroud #1, 10% in death shroud (could crit but necessery)
3: vampiric aura: that kitten dmg and zero to kitten healing -> like thief’s invihorating presence (15% of crit strike dmg to heal) tweaked to 7-10% and to heal not only the necro but 5-10 allies.
toughts about it?
(edited by Elbritil.3817)
while i’m not against distort, just tought over some numbers. rev can get 100% dmg reduction. yea, u need retri trait, prot boon, venge hammers and rite to be active at the same time, and it takes 56 energy to have it for 1sec(no more energy) only for urself.
on the other hand distort: 1s distort every 5s for a party. so effectively u provide 20% dmg red. in the 80% (4s without distort) prot boon it brings it down to 53,6%. so basicly only u ( if u can provide the prot too) provide an effective 46,4% dmg reduction to a whole party in a way where the healer dont has only the easier task to overheal a reduced dmg, but the 20% of the time is a dmgless window to catch a breath. its a huge upperhand vs other tanks to convergate with the healer ( for example: with aura mancer that 53,6% goes even lower from shared frost aura to 45,6% wich is 54,4% reduction effectively). no other class can provide such sinergy.
so if u think about it, distort is op. not cuz it is op on its own, but cuz its op in a team comp
oh, and cuz u can protect urself with distort in more than the 20% of the time, u lowers the weight on the healers shoulders, so it can focus on the group more effectively
(edited by Elbritil.3817)
the healing power might help the self sustain, if u choose Assassin’s Reward. With Quick Pockets its a great way to stay alive, and signet of malice helps too
the boon doration might be usefull on boon aplying traits, might on trap, vigor on evade, swiftness on dodge, regen on truck under 75% hp. not much to be true, but for condi, the enchanted vigor with better uptime, and the longer regen with healing power and the swiftness helps a bit to stay alive, and the might is just a lil adding for it
Cuz the build editor doesnt have this stat comb yet, I combined existing ones to get the condi dmg and heal stats as close as possible (so just add some crit chance and boon duration to it). This is a most logical i could make in theory.
I was thinkin about hybrid builds with this stat comb, and since the new stat isn’t in the build editor yet, tried to make similar values from existing ones (focusing on condi and healing stats, so just add some boon dur. and much more crit chance), and made 2 theory builds. One for guardian and one for (hang on now) NECRO
Know that these are far from “optimal” or meta builds, but for hybrid build, i think they arent so bad. Both are on their cap on their primary condi )burn and bleed), have decent dmg and notable healing, both has some boon to share to get usage on concentration, and uses crit procced traits (might/bleed). I’m gonna definitely try these builds.
anyway, pve and pvp is separetly balanced, so the scaling factors could be modified well ( again, depends on the balance team)
the thing makes it true in ur way is the modification what was plied to minions, reduced dmg from aue skills. for ecxample: wow warlock: 20K hp lock had 40-45K hp minion, but got full dmg from aoe, thats fair. and back to gw minions, in the stat scaling version minions with soldier would die hard, but wouldnt hit that so called 300-400, just 100-120, maybe 200 on to, but a zerker necro’s minions would hit like a truck, aka 700-800, but would be glassy as hell (for the fair play). dont seems fair that a zerker necro chopsing enemy in chunks, and their minions are the same hard and strong as mm condi’s. all the scenarios depends on the balance.
Hey everyone!
Currently necro minions have fixated stats, only geting Condition Damage, Condition Duration, and Boon Duration stats from the player. In my opinion it makes minions boring and monotone. A zerker necro has the same tanky minion as a tanky (aka soldier) necro. If Anet would lower a bit the base stats,and would add stat scaling from players stats, that would make some variety in builds , power necro with stronger but more glassy minions then now, and so on. All minion type companions in all games get benefits from the masters stats, GW2 could do the same in this case.
Hey everyone!
I know, this isn’t a threat to life thing, but it’s a bit disillusioning (at least for me). GW2 managed to give to ppl an astonishing quality in outlooks on our characters, and that’s why I don’t understand, that such trivial error as the Daydreamer Outfit’s underwear how can be left in the game. That granny pants are one thing (even if it makes my character look 30 years older from that view), but why doesn’t share the color f.e. with the first color layer? As I said, it’s not something threat to life, but it’s disillusioning (and irritating).
I like the style it is imagined, reminds me for the old wow warlocks. But yea in the current state of the game, it gonna kill the player. But if the fate’s will trait would work like a self heal boost like 2x siphon heal and +15% all incoming non-siphon heal would balance the things. Just imagine a blood-curse-harbinger build. A shaman/apotechary build would be devestating power on the fields.
I was looking for info about Superior Rune of Radiance’s #6 and Powerful Aura sinergy, but couldn’t find any reliable one. So, Does the rune affects the shared auras too?
Thx for the answers
After reading sommuch sugession in this theme, i would favor the enchantment style mechanism, with some improvement.
The rev facet system is a good base for it. First activation gives a contignus effect restricted for weqpons, the secound actigation negate the “passive” and trigger a massive one. The animation could be like susanoo in narzto universe (yep, a bit lame to write such).
For example: 1 skill
1st: Echo of Kings: Imbue ur weapon with ghotsly essence, every 5th attack deals 30% more dmg and apply 2 stack of burn.
2nd: Wrath of Kings: gain ghostly swords around the guardian that attacks nearby enemies and causing burn on them. Lasts for 10 sec. 45 sec cd. Affecta only sword and gs skills.
And so on for the other weapons, up for 2 active spirit on at the same time (for ex. one for improving mace and one for shield). That could make same diverity in builds.
What do j think?
And what if the next pact leader gonna be someone out of the younger races… dont forget, we have an egg actually hatching
You’ll generally want to avoid stacking toughness (Cleric’s) as it will impact your groups tank (Unless you want to tank). Use magi’s instead if you want to be a dedicated healer. Magi’s armor and weapons are easy to get, but the trinkets can be difficult which means you’ll have to take clerics in these slots for maximum healing power setups.
Zealots vs. Magi/Clerics is basically down to preference as their healing and damage output is identical.
Water and Transference are good sigils.
A lil correction: if tough about exotic trinkets, then magi is the easiest to get, from karma in Orr.
For the energy effect i found stem dye to be the closes, tho it may depend on armor
The yellow and green reward boxes in the heart of maguuma causes crush, and after hot got live, the last personal story on lvl 10 didnt gave key
My idea would be that all professions all damage increasing trait and rune would affect condi too, not only this one.
It is true, that Spite isn’t a condition based trait line, and it provides a lot of might and much more. But if u see, nearly all necro builds uses this line. A classic wellomancer, a pure DS, a RS, GS, all vatiant of condi build, and hybrid not mentioned yet. This trait provides advantage for direct dmg builds. It would be nice if the rest of the builds gets some effect from this, if not the whole 20% increase, but a 10% would be fine i think. And for more, i think all runes and traits could boost condi dmg too along with direct, at least with 50% of the direct’s increase. that would make a fair boost not only for the necros, but for all professions.
It’s obvious that this is a well known thing, but i didn’t found any topic with dev answer on it. The problem based on logic (and other game’s arts) the greatbow should be rotated with 180 degree in the hands of the characters, because the handguard is on the inner side, but it should be on the outer side of the wielders arm.
So the question would be: is it intended this way, or sould it be fixed? Some dev answer would be fine
Ty for the correct answer
i’m planing an apothecarybuild with minions
I’ve been testing a healer setup on my necro, with minions doo the work for me. I’ve seen the mark of the aura on my minions, but they got nothing from that trait (yes, they weren’t on full hp).
So is it planed this way to not work with minions, or just it’s bugged? (Would prefer some Anet answer too ^^ )
As a big fan of necro, i would basicly cheer on the idea of keeping both shroud, but that would be OP if u watch realisticly on i. BUT! The system of switching utilities and legend choices on revenant out of combat would be fine for me in shroud too. OC not everything with everything (2 fear would be too OP) but for example u could switch skills in the same slot: 1 to 1 and 4 to 4. that wouldnt be an unbalancing option
The post of the party leader had to be unharmable, and the problem of leader dc could be solved with a mechanism with chooses a new leader among the remaining players.
I loved the whole idea, and i like it even after the bw, but realy need some improvement in commanding, the reaction time is awful, the summon and resummon is a pain. Would be a nice thing to see the tablet as it is + as an item to pick up like banners. Would be fun i think
For Starters it would look pretty silly if a tiny Asura picks up the Giant Tablet and carries it around. And it won’t happen because it would open the doors to People trolling the Revenant.
Hey you want to Support our Party? Nope i will pick your Tablet up and drop it right back in that Corner over there!
Adding to the idea, what i forgot. Only the rev who summoned the tablet could pick it up ^^
That would take even more time to redeploy than it does now
Maybe it would, but if tablet summons on legend swap on exactly the revs position, then just an f key to equip it. In this case command could turn to a rush to location skill with a leap finisher. It wouldnt take too much time and all utioity would occure on the revenant. To drop the tablet the normal banner drop mechanism is enough, or just explode it in ur hands with the elite as a blast finisher. If ventari is a selfless healer, then the tablet weapon skills could be some party aura aply, buffs, some lesser healing etc. It could be fun, and maybe usefull. For b3ginner players: every class(except warrior) has its trick to learn to be an effective player, they just need some time to learn ut. The thing about balance and design had to be about the main mass of players, not the pro upper10% or the beginner and “noob” lower 10%. This is how medicins or limits in real life are designed, for the 80% of the population on a Gauss curve.
I loved the whole idea, and i like it even after the bw, but realy need some improvement in commanding, the reaction time is awful, the summon and resummon is a pain. Would be a nice thing to see the tablet as it is + as an item to pick up like banners. Would be fun i think
For Starters it would look pretty silly if a tiny Asura picks up the Giant Tablet and carries it around. And it won’t happen because it would open the doors to People trolling the Revenant.
Hey you want to Support our Party? Nope i will pick your Tablet up and drop it right back in that Corner over there!
Adding to the idea, what i forgot. Only the rev who summoned the tablet could pick it up ^^
I’m on the side of removing weapon skills energy cost AND reduce of uilities a bit (10% is enough for me), so lets see this question from 2 different point of view, ehy it would be logical.: other mechanisms and character lore.
1, mechanism: for exymple, thief has no weapon cd, but initiate cost, no cost on utilities but cd, so, the logical is to have a class(revenant) a similar mechanism, but we want some specially different, just revers it. No cost on weap but cd, and no cd on uti but cost, thats all.
2, lore: ok, thw weapons have mist themed visual effects, but this is something nkt to bother with. But lets see what u see when u summon a legend. U get a legend themed utilitz bat, legend themed visual effect on ur wrist AND the most important, legend themed energy bar with the legends color. So, just from lore, its logical to use the legends specific energy to use its elated utilities, but not used for the unspecific weapon skills.
Both in balance and theme, it would be the most logical decidion
I loved the whole idea, and i like it even after the bw, but realy need some improvement in commanding, the reaction time is awful, the summon and resummon is a pain. Would be a nice thing to see the tablet as it is + as an item to pick up like banners. Would be fun i think
Lets start a petition to anet form power/condi/ferocity stat comb
Some mentioned to have f1 and f2 with the same lf pool. I like this idea and sign up me for it, however know that other classes aka guardian would start to cry about it. So if not this idea (what would make necro-reaper viable, eben greqt to play) if its too much to ask from anet, then just make skills in shroud changeable out of combat, like utilities. Thatcould make a great chance for build diversity, u could pick the best for direct dmg, for condi, or support. Much better setup options
I’vw tried 2 condi builds in dungeons, one with dir and one with rampager. Not hqving malice runes for beta led me to use venom asside with smoldring. Guys, i dont dare to write it how fun and good it was, cuz anet wilk be kittenhead and nerf it….. but it was great! Over 4k burn and 2k poiskn tick… wow. And imagine with full sinisterin live with correct ru es and sigils…. 6k burns on tha way to us.
I’ve used a reaper, soul reaping and spite trait, it gave perma 25 vuln and 25 might. A miracle
(edited by Elbritil.3817)
In a lot treads i’ve read the problem of summining the tablet takes to much time, and the comanding is delaid. I’m starting this tread to give some sugestions about how could be improved this legend more.
My ideas would be:
- auto tablet summon on legend chaneling.
-make the tablet into a pickable item like banners (only pickable from the summoner revenant oc). The command skill in this situation would change to a throw and the other utilities would occure on the bearer. The equiped tablet could have support based skills too. It would fix the summon/move/resummon problem i think.
What do u think, what could improve this legend to be listed in line with shiro and the others?
(edited by Elbritil.3817)
The 10 sec legend swap cd is just a horror in mind… anyway, maybe geting energy for aa wont be bad, as the warrior gets adrenaline. A well balanced amount depending on the weapon would cure this problem i think.
I was hyped for lb, but this was a disapointment for me too. The traps are crap, lb is slow, buggy, weak. Not enough dmg, no useable utility, and no acceptable condi stacking even… i tough it will be better atleast in 1 perspective….
It’s true, for a condi only guardian, but with the 29-34% is far away from y zerkers, and with it, u have the same . As i see sinister is a hybrid stat comb. vith condi major just, and not a full condi one. In full exotic (taking and average players gear) with 0 might whirl 7-8k/enemy and + stacks 2-3 stack of burn on 1 target( and not sure the same target gets the stacks) in a 5 emeny blob(mainly not taking virues’s aoe passive justice) that counts as 400-700 dmg. Now sinister in the same situation gives 5-6k direct dmg, bu thanks to traits and runes, it ablaze 5 ppl not only 1, for 4sec per stack not 2, that means 5-6 stack per enemy, and with sinister it means 2,8k-5k somewhere. So zerk burst in such situ is nearli 9k, and sinister has max 11k. And we just took gs whirl, not counting utilits and thenother weapons abilities, what can bring 11-15k burn ticks on 5 men Ok, u have to survive it, but zerk need too. The condi gives a second chance for kill in my eyes. for example crit procing burn. Anyway its ood cuz the direct dps loss is minimal, so if u get perma cleansed than u have a chance sill. If not, then the rage of flames is pure advantage
If anet thinks ds as a second healthbar, then dont let us use our normal utilities, but give us som shroud only utilitis what doesnt works for our def, but a lf costing group utility, fe. Dark simbiosis: chaneling a dark link between the necro and allies (max 4 target). As long the link exists, the necro takes the 80-90% of dmg from the allies. It would make it realy a 2nd healthbar…. for the whole team. Or transfering our boons/target enemies boons to our allies. Selflesly, we lose ours oc to not being op. For elite could be dark explosion. Explode our lf lifebar in x radius (kickin us out of ds) to heal the party to full hp (exept us oc.) And give them 2 sec invuln maybe. Costing lf would be a risky mechanism, so would need skill and mind to play it, anet ant argue with it cus its a fair trade from necros, and we had groupmutility and we werent hated un pve
(edited by Elbritil.3817)
So, my condi guard covers sinister gear , so dps loss is minimal. It may be not optimal, but near as viable and useable as the common zerk guards running dungeons.
I told it before, that active def is over passive, and it’s a good thing, i dont argue with it, just told it’s just unfair that passive doesnt count in these days. ahout toughtness and healing power scaling and not knowing how to play or using dodge button: dodging is the best def. mechanism in gw2, but arguing about using it is meaningless when the pugs 80% fail to use it correctly, speciallin with the so loved stacking in a friendly corner. ahout stat scaling: it’s just sad and boring that anything but zerk with some supportive ability count as not knowing ur role or character, just a shame for game with the availability of diversity to sit in 1 role for everyone. sorry, 1 and a half, pure dps and high dps with semi support… all stat combs that aren’t dps focused (in main diredt dmg) is just trash then, for those who are lame to start with the optimal? Isn’t 80lv enough for learning one classes optimal build? and forexample take a nomad gear (stone me for teking the most tank support one). it takes time to get and craft it, and then? in the present deign it’s just wasting time for geting some trash. then enyone who get anything other than zerker (jesus maybe some sinister accessories for it) is a noob who doesnt know his/her character…. sad story i think
There were 2 significant time when i was kicked. First it was in hotw, just joined the party with my guardian (footnote: lfg was only guardian party) . I had time for just a short “hy” and got kicked immediatlely. The ap couldnt be problem, cuz i had the 2nd highest among the party mates.
The second one was in CoE. The lfg was the next: " only 80 exp, know what u do" no class or gear req. was added. Joined with my condi guard(yep, i knoe, not a meta build, but works perfectly in dungeons and fractals). After the golem melted in record time, the lil “friend” had the O.o face and asked, that how the kitten am i dareing to wear nonzerker armor, and i have 10 sec to switch my gear. I couldnt even answer, i got kicked. Yep, he wa a tanky joke engi, but he know what it takes to do a dungeon.
Anyway, jut got kicked for being necro only once, but they 9roperly and kindly explained why they dont want me. Thats not a problem. In the upper 2 situation was a bit wtf factor for me. Again, i know condi guard isnt meta, but works correctly, and had never problem with it.
Ppl just flaming each other, and the elitist train jusr rush forward. Yes, there is the answer " make ur own party" or “search for non zerker party” but thats not man answer if u se my kicks. The problem is the dungeon system. Ok im n8t voting for a hard holy trinity system, just unfair for the nonzerk characters to being downscaled just cuz the are not mindless hack and slash ones. The support wheel theory in tanky gears is a bad one too. It would be wiser to balace the stat scaling (toughtness and healing too) to be viable and maybe prefered. The dungeon design is kitten on the base: is ok that only zerk is faster then balanced or old school setup teams, but a kitten joke that its the same hardness. To hell with it, sweat blood with it! It isnt high risk high reward, its just no risk fast reward. Balance it correctly for no risk slower reward, extremely hard fast reward system. And it could get a timer bonus, for bonus chest, bonus tokens etc…. in the current system the dungeoneer can be elitist kittenheads cuz it allows them to be, cuz no hardness, no chalenge in taking the mindless setup. Active defence over passive is ok if there is need for it to use, and till an optimal limit. In the most dungeons with full zerk team that keeps up 25 might its even active def. Is meaningles cuz th3 boss dies faster than any deadly could happen. And its just a bad design. And they say necros are selfish… joke
(edited by Elbritil.3817)
I’m running a sinjster guad now, but for pve. Only tried it in wvwvw twice. In zerk blob its a bit risky, but a zerker is risky and glassy too. Too much source of cleanse even for our 4sec burst condi. In 5men small blob is best if u have at least 2 ppl on ur side, mainly cc neededto keep then down till u spin ur 13k burn on them. In roaming 1v1 is a midlle state. Depends on the enemy and on ur surprise factor and engage technic.
In short: ’m not a big wvwvw talent, just tested it 2 times, and experienced these. Hope there will be more condi guards running after this burn changes and my post helped them a bit
I’m runnin now a gs only sinister guardian for pve and world events (waiting for lb from exp.) It is fine for me. Vs 1 taget aka bosses burn ticks 3-6k and does 1k less on whirl. In 5+ mob blobs the tick goes up to 13k tick. Have ascended trinkets and exotic gear, so with full asc. It may run up more a bit
If not an F2 skill, than could be a weapon switch think inside shroud. the same 9 sec cd and effected by weapon swap sigils.
My toughts on this are banners. Or similar to warrior banners totems of the elements .
Any idea about how much will be a condi dmg multiplier for Deathly chill? With full exotic dire gear pre patch a necro had 900-1200 tick with terror, so thinking on this way is there any chance for deathly chill will have nearly the same? or would it be too op for a Reaper?
the best vampire builds these days include parasitic contagion and epidemic together with blood magic. If you can get a bunch of bleeds on enemies you’ll get a truck load of HP.
The problem is this parasitic contagion doesn’t scale with healing power, it scales with condition damage. I want a parasitic contagion build to work so bad, but since it doesn’t and as Tulzscha said the scaling of siphons isn’t that great I don’t know if it will work.
I tried running running Curses: II, II, II, Blood: II, III, III, and Death Magic: II, II, II and while it was tanky as kitten I don’t feel I was as effective as full condi with spite, curses, and signets. I was using epidemic, well of corruption and plague signet with settlers signet and undead runes.
I will say this though, you could survive almost any opening burst. Send those guardian burns right back at them.
But as far as healing went it was the regen from mark of blood that seemed to pull all the weight getting me back to 100%.
I’d love for someone to find a workable parasitic build. Because the idea of feeling like a Burning Crusade warlock just spamming siphon life again would feel great.
I would try a scepter/dagger condi necro with apothecary armor maybe. Not the best condi dps, but fair enough and the siphon + parasitic would be fine i think. The toughness in it gives some survive too. With BiP, epidemic with well of blood and well of sufering/corruption could be fun for boon convert ans siphon and protection.
Also the fact that if you take Natural Abundance with Tranquil Balance and Shrouding Mists you get +60% outgoing heals and can heal a friend for over 4000 health every 2 sec for 10 energy with the tablet move skill as long as he picks up the tablet drop. That’s almost as much as a guardian’s shelter and that has a 30 sec cooldown.
Some after counting: with my calculation (counting with present healing power in full gear) that +60% is +>100%, with monk runes, sigil of benevolance. counting with an 1,25 mult. on healing power ratio (average between skills) an 1900 base healing with tablet counting 1300 healing power goes up to 7,6K heal /cast. maybe not the most precise calculation, but close to this maybe the truth.
I like playing condi characters, but as a PvE player i’m geting hit by a truck when i get my courage to use them (except fractals). The current “zerker only” meta is too monotone for me. I know this game isn’t about the holy trinity, and never should be, but the tact is that missing the diversity. ok, u can say “u can play as u want, just find a group for urself”, but i’m talking about a diversity on the same effectivness.
For example (and just stone me for it) WoW. ok, it has a hard headede trinity system, and i prefer GW2 over my 6 years of WoW, but tere was a fine diversity. U had a tank for taking hits, healers to keep the team alive and dps in the for m of direct dmg AND dot (condi here) too (on the same lvl of effectiveness). there were no stacking , but f.e. 2 death knight could have the same dot on the boss at the same time without negating each other AND condi dmg could crit. i know gw2 has a different system, but some points would be worth to think about it.
1: no need for trinity, but use of dfferent “roles” cold be rewarding thing: easier survive with support. ok, u are slower, but without it just die as u are pls. this means well scaling healings on other targets (selfheal could be just a red button for secondary emergency healing) and a tank stat could mean u survive realy more of the boss hits than a zerker, not just +1 hit.
2: change in condi scaling and stacking system: max 10 stack per player for unlimited stack on boss with well scaling condis and min. flat crit dmg (ferocity condi would be maybe to op i think)
there changes could mean that other than zerker are the same effective and hybrid builds too.
this is my opinion and experience on these
Today we’ve got a trailer about the new borderland, and near of the 3/4 of the video, there was a light armored character with gs whose attack were the same as ele’s water and fire auto attacks with dagger. Can we take it as a confirmation?