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Ui/control suggestions (crucial)

in Suggestions

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


Options to:

7) show alternative keyboard shortcuts on skill icons

(like shift+5 = s5 etc., so we don’t have to guess anymore in case we forgot shortcuts on long cd skills)

8) minimise if not totally turn off floating combat text.

Personally, I simply hate the comic sans crits which are straight out of a 1970’s Batman series WHAM! KAPOW! BANG! Silly, stupid, tasteless, doesn’t fit GW2.
Same issue with debuff applications on targets, which are slapped on with a fly-in effect. Annoying to the max. Clean, configurable combat Ui = more immersion.

Ui/control suggestions (crucial)

in Suggestions

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


Getting these optional features is crucial, because gameplay is everything.
It’s impossible to enjoy a game if the controls or Ui don’t feel right.

We need options to:

1) double tap (wasd) roll without breaking autorun.

2) zoom in/out with mousewheel while holding right mouse down to look around. (WoW has it right)

3) turn off the tripple blinking fade -effect on skill icons.
Change it to a simple, steady, brief highlight effect instead.

(I’m having a hard time thinking about players who love the current,
annoying and confusing techno strobe disco light on skill icons.)

4) locate enemy life bars higher on the screen, and resize them -50%.

5) turn off target highlight lines around the model.

6) zoom camera way more out (3x the current max limit) and 1 step more closer, into full 1st person view.

I will follow up with more suggestions as I bump into them since I’m back from a break,
even though I’m on the verge of ragequitting constantly due to points 1) and 2) mentioned above, which force me to count down from 10 to 1 all the time, just to keep my cool, so I wouldn’t flip my desk out the window…

I’d really love to know what the devs would have to say about these things, like,
did it seriously never ever cross their mind to add these options, and why not?

Camera still laggy?

in Suggestions

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


Done installing, aaaaaand the laggy cam is still there.
As well as the cam zoom range being restricted between 2-4 meters, no ability to zoom out further for a better overview, no ability to zoom into first person view while fading out the char model, and constantly killing autorun if you doubletap forward to roll, and the utterly confusing combat system and ever so kittened and limited action bar where everything just keeps blinking like las vegas neon signs for no reason.

Great. Guess it’s back to wow then.
Yes, those tiny things are really enough to kill the will to play in me.
I rather stick needles under my nails than try to “enjoy” this game.
No offense. Bye.

Camera still laggy?

in Suggestions

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


It’s been a while since my last visit, 6 months at least, could be a year, who is counting?
Last time there was a hot topic around the suggestion forum with a ton of improvements. One of them went into great technical detail about how the camera is laggy and feels non-responsive, slow, floating. Something many gamer simply hate with great passion, as myself too.

So now that I got a new Pc and reinstalling gw2 (hopefully I can get myself to grind my “main” beyond lvl 40 this time [yes I got that bored and disappointed with pvp]),
I’m wondering if the camera has been fixed to act faster and sharper, or not?

Question about misc improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


It’s been 6 months since these and many other suggestions have been posted.
Anybody wanna guess how much longer it takes till we get anything we want,
or do we have to wait another year? Maybe in a form of a costly expansion pack?

The changes I want the most right now are:

- P2P trading window (like every game has, wow, d3, etc.) no big deal
- 1st person cam view, would help A LOT to check out the surroundings and vistas
- fixing the sluggish laggy camera into a 100% responsive sharp style (good thread about this with rich details was posted long ago)
- a option to turn off dmg numbers or at least change their size
- a option to turn off npc bars popping up in my face

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


Before GW2 launched Anet said they won’t rush it:
“We want to make it as good as possible, we will release it when it’s done.”

After GW2 launched:
The suggestion forum, with this post alone, has the most “constructive criticism”, read: whine.

So the game is far from polished

-no face2face trading like GW1, WoW and D3
-can’t even zoom out further or into 1st person view
-no guild halls
-not even basic ui customisation options to rename shortcuts/binds!!!


Best. Game. Ever.
<—- I’m sorry if you can’t feel my sarcasm on that one,
because if I’d use it at full capacity,
it would crash the internet.

Give us some kitten TOOLTIPS????

in Suggestions

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


I just wasted half of my HARD EARNED fortune, 10silver on 20 light jackets on the trade post which I thought, BY ALL kitten LOGIC, could be salvaged for jute scraps.

I pick them up at the trade post, hit salvage, what does it say?
NOTHING!!!! Says “kitten YOU HA HA HA!”…… great.. THANKS A LOT.

Couldn’t you at least add a kitten tooltip to items, showing us in bright red: CAN NOT BE SALVAGED?
How the kitten should anyone know if a item can or can not be salvaged?

SO much kitten fun having wasted a day worth of precious cash ‘cos thekitten devs coudln’t add one simple basic tooltip, tooltips and item hints that ANY, ANY kitten MMO has !!! But oh no, OH NO not Gw2, cant do that, too kitten MAINSTREAM OR WHAT?

Man kitten this kittenkitten game.

Rewarding combat, really?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


Nice to see two instant replies, both not having read half my post but yet telling me to buzz off, without even trying to make a argument about any valid points that I’ve presented. Great.

Rewarding combat, really?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


There are some things I’d like to bring up now that I got my “main” to 19.
The gw2 combat system has been praised to be unique, dynamic, something never seen before, able of healing cancer and curing the blind etc., etc.

I can’t really see that.
So far all I’ve been doing on this warrior is using a 1h sword + horn.
I hit one key once, and the mobs dies. Not in one hit ofc, but over 10-20 sec.

Wow comparison alert: close your eyes gw2 fanboys!

If they made a wow warrior perform cleave, rend and autoattack all 3in1, so that the player would need only to target mobs with the cam view, everyone would call that system idiotic simple botting, providing no challenge and requiring no skills.

Let’s see what my gw2 warrior does.
I press 1 key® to target mobs infront of me, autoattack starts, and every time my sword swings, all mobs are hit (cleave) and start to bleed (rend).
All on a automatic rotation. And everyone calls this system awesome, unique, rewarding and requiring skills. Ironic?

But… but… you can roll…!

Yes I can. You want to know what that is? Wow did it, they called it CC.
Whenever a mob performed some special move on you, something big and bad,
or was about to do so, you were given a lot of choices to interupt them.
Either stun, silence, fear, blind, etc.

Gw2 has changed most of these combat mechanics into instant moves that can’t be prevented. Ettin stuns, basilik firebreath, all instant big moves that need to be avoided by rolling out of the way, and the skills to do that is simply getting hit by those moves enough times so that you learn the mob animation, and are able of predicting incoming special moves.

Granted, it is a more dynamic system, but still a reaction aspect to avoid harm,
that can be also found in wow, in another form however.

I’m not ranting about gw2 vs wow.
I’m just against it when people call a system “one button smashing (for idiots)”,
when that system allows me to select way more skills, and use them on a lower CD, in a order that fits the situation at hand the best.

And then they say this other combat system is da bomb when it literally is 1 step away from turning you into a fully automated bot.
All you need is a feature to enable autoattack on any and every skill you have.
Who spams their main attack? Nobody. Everyone has it on auto. Why?
Because it’s not challenging or rewarding to spam a skill every 0.3 seconds.
Why didn’t gw2 make it auto by default? Beats me.

Btw; wow has autoattack, is just didn’t give it a pseudo-freedom-of-choice frame option like gw2. Wow pets have that.
Right click a skill to toggle auto on/off and it will trigger whenever that skill is not on cd. Simple, logical, good design.

Back to my gw2 warrior…

So all I do is hit R to kill mobs/start a fight. Rarely have to dodge anything either. Self healing sigils and runes or what you call them take care that I never die.
When I got enough adrenaline I hit shift+r (F1 skill) and get a tiny dmg bonus. As if it would matter. Savage leap and the sprint buff on my horn are just to speed me up since walking is so slow. So much for the hyped complexity and much required skills.

I don’t even have rage or fury to burn, the way I want to. Wow and D3 have it, for a lot of skills. My warr is almost 20 and he’s got still only 1 special move for using adrenaline, and when I do, it burns it all up in one go? And I can’t even move while doing that. Seriously?

I have to admit, I am far from impressed.
Would someone mind explaining me what it is that I’m supposed to look forward to?
Is anything bad I said so far about the gw2 system going to change for the better, and at what level, and how? Only by taking certain professions?

And really: this isn’t a flaming trolling rant. I’m just comparing 2 systems.
Doesn’t mean jack who made one or the other, if it’s Apple or Samsung.
It’s about principles, so let’s all take our fanboy hats off.

Conspiracy Keanu

in Suggestions

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


It’s not, thank you very much, Captain.

After reading this forum for a while I couldn’t help but think that everything the community wants is some basic stuff.
Stuff that by all means should have been in the game since launch.
So I was left with 3 possibilities:

1) Anet didn’t know any better.
Very unlikely. It’s not like they are a team of random hobby game designers who made GW2 over the weekend.

2) Anet did it intentionally,
because they are all very angry nerds who just hate everything and gave us this broken product so they could laugh all the way to the bank, while we sit at home going “…and wtf is THIS NOW???” every 10 minutes when we bump into another bug or feature that needs to be improved. Also very unlikely.

3) Anet is waiting for permission to use/or buy “a feature patented” by some other game. This.


Still semi-seriously; the improvements players suggest here seem to be really easy stuff, something a company of this caliber could and should have avoided.

I mean, you don’t see any car companies introducing anything with square stones instead of round wheels, do you?

Conspiracy Keanu

in Suggestions

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


Maybe Anet already knows about every change we want

Ó ,ò

but can’t get them done since other games have patented those features?


Camera-Related Issues: Compilation and Lengthy Anaylsis

in Suggestions

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486



I mean… shut up Anet and do what SeanPoez said !

I was just wondering if the camera lag is due to my low end hardware,
glad to hear it’s a real issue. Really annoying. Tbh, the wow camera behaviour rocks,
don’t know wtf Anet devs did to mess their own cam up so bad.

A sluggish lagging cam doesn’t add any gameplay value nor does it immerse the player into the world any more than a 100% responsive instant cam, it just annoys the hell out of anyone.


Improving salvaging and gathering

in Suggestions

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


Once you earned enough to upgrade a tool to the next tier you can farm any lower mats with a lower chance of losing durability, if any, to be fair here?

Just scale the mats value with the repair costs to hit the cash-check that the game needs, from a designer perspective.

Say there’s 7 tiers of mats (I’m new, just giving an example what I heard)
Copper, iron, silver, gold, platinum, mithril, orichalum?

Every tier of a tool has a 25% chance to lose durability when hitting a material of the same level.

The chance is reduced 3% for every tier of a lower level material.
So with the best T7 orichalum pick your chance of losing durability for the following materials would be:

-orichalum 25%
-mithril 22%
-platinum 19%
-gold 16%
-silver 13%
-iron 10%
-copper 7%

Ofc the devs could change the % values to whatever they think is the best way to keep prices high enough etc, since they probably have more data at hand than me.

And durability in addition to the tool tier would be upgraded seperately.
Default starts at 30, and every time you hit a clvl req to upgrade your tool tier,
you could also upgrade the max durability by +10, for sufficient extra costs or rare materials maybe, to a maximum of 100 durability@T7,
so you wouldn’t have to run to repair it that frequently.

Just some ideas.

Improving salvaging and gathering

in Suggestions

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


Tools and salvage kits have variant tiers and limited charges specifically so that it costs money to acquire materials.

Because of the lack of scarcity built in to resources and crafting due to the personal node system, this cash-check, combined with the rarity of some nodes or salvagable rare components is what ensures they have value.

In short: The fact that harvesting/salvaging is a gold sink is precisely why mats have value in this game. Other games use the scarcity of the nodes themselves, but because both drops and nodes are cloned for every player, a system to promote value of resources has to be in place.This is why higher tier tools/kits cost more money, and why there are varying tiers.

Make them just like gear and weapons durability, the more you use them they lose durability and need repair.

Add that to my suggestion, and you still have the cash-check in the game.

Poor UI, lack of customisation

in Suggestions

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


I won’t say the W-word since it seems to upset a lot of fanatic people in here,
but if you know what I’m talking about, that game had a real solid system going on.
It had a lot of good filters and GW2 should really get the same options running ASAP.

Here’s what I mean:
When I started playing, the first thing I did ofc was set up my options.
After a while I got really irritated but the huge floating text spam, dmg, healing, and especially XP numbers and NPC chat bubbles.

I started looking for filters in the options; nothing, nada, nixda.
I’m being reasonable here, this is a MMO with constant combat text and other stuff popping up all over the screen, and most of that information is less than trivial.
I’m not demanding to have a option that shows all hot NPC babes in a bikini,
or one that allows me to resize and rename floating combat text, into font 64 “ROFLCOPTER” words, which would be hilarious to be honest…

All I’m asking for is a filter to turn off certain types of things, like normal dmg, dmg received, XP and NPC chat bubbles, friendly nearby player buffs and special action pop ups and combat error messages like skill recharging, skill not ready yet.

All I need is to see my crits, that lets me know my average dmg without being spammed. To be honest, that crap gets annoying really fast.
I’m sure some 6 year olds with ADHD love this arcade style explosion fest of colorful numbers all over the screen, but some, like myself, would prefer the ability to tune things down, the same way we are allowed to turn off music/ambient/soundFX and other audio types in the options.

A big welcome would also be a ui scale system. I don’t need enemy life bars or conversation chat pages to be IN MY FACE size +10000% all the time.
More options, more customisation. Thanks.

(edited by ElemenZ.5486)

Improving salvaging and gathering

in Suggestions

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


My first impression of gathering mechanics was far from positive.

-Tools are temporary
-Tools have tiers
-Tools need to be equipped

So you get a pick, axe, sickle, 1, 2, 3, all fine so far.
Then you get 6 sublevels for those tools (copper, iron, steel, etc.)
for different types of materials, with a clvl req of 0, 20, 30, 45, 60.
Then you need to equip them seperately, because having them in your bag isn’t good enough for some reason.
And on top of that you need to keep track how many charges you have left before a tool stack goes empty. Wow, sounds like super fun! Sign me in! Not.

That’s a pretty useless filler imo, and more annoying than rewarding.
We already have unique slots for those three tools.
You could simply make the tools permanent, and upgradeable for a bigger cost.

Upgraded tools could have a shorter gathering time, and improve the amount and quality of materials found. This way we wouldn’t need to fiddle around with stupid “charges” of tools or carrying tons of low-mid-high type stacks around.

Same with salvage kits.
No need for charges on them. Just make it a permanent salvage kit.
We upgrade it with money, quests, or unlock new upgrade skills by using it enough (makes sense doesn’t it? The more you use it, the better you become at salvaging items efficiently, finding more valuable materials more often).

The salvage kit icon could be just next to the “options” cogwheel in the inventory.
Clicking this would highlight all items that can be salvaged with a bright frame and background. Then just pop all you want into mats. Would that be something or what?

These changes would save a lot of time, bag space, and add a ton of fun to the game by removing the current tool/salvage kit mess.
And I’m not sorry, I really mean it: It IS a mess.

General dislike (moved by author)

in Suggestions

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


Yeah, same logic as in patriotism:
“if you ain’t one of us, you are one of them” (meaning a terrorist).

So if you post a suggestion (constructive criticism) instead of just screaming like a fanboy how awesome and flawless the game is, you are instantly labeled as a
“flaming, ranting, caps lock raging keyboard warrior”.

That’s no good.
Just saying.

DMG vs Weapoin Strength

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


“The boss will always be in the boss room, for example.”

That’s one of things about the MMO status quo that should be redesigned.
If I had my say, I’d do a really dynamic boss who could be roaming aroung the entire dungeon, if at all.

And with him a set of adds with different types of resistances and immunities, making it vital for the group to come up with a solution of their own, improvise.

Either match the roles, fire vs ice, melee vs melee, etc., or use a dynamic environment to beat “the boss”, which wouldn’t even necessarily mean having to kill him, but maybe trap or subdue, disarm, blind, there could be endless different ways to solve a problem. Also, mobs and npcs would have A.I. out of this world, adding unexpectable “realism” and requiring real problem solving skills and a “logical approach” from players, and not just gazing at stats, carrying different sets of gear with them that they could simply swap based on what type of enemies they face.

But I guess I’m just dreaming decades ahead of my time just seeing the way MMOs will be one day.

DMG vs Weapoin Strength

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


My problem isn’t terminology, it’s that weapon speed is missing.
My choices are narrowed, dumbed down.

There are no slow 2h weaps with specific attack speed and dmg stats.
Every weapon is just “meh whatever-dmg-no attack speed”.
Tha’ts a pretty heavy downside to a game that’s been hyped so much in the RPG MMO category.

And to Ordika:

It wouldn’t be impossible to work out a system with various types of different physical weapon dmg/resistances.

I’m sure many players would love such a “realistic” system where you need to, for example, behead a zombie to prevent it from getting up again, or bash a skeleton into pieces with a giant 2h hammer while arrows have almost no effect on hit.

Different types of default magic and physical resistances for armors:

metal conducts electricity, making mail/plate users take more lightning dmg, leather armor and boots ground electricity buffing your resistances to lightning.
Thick fur inside any armor can buff your cold resistances.
Chain mail has a high dmg reduction vs slashing swords and axes, but is vulnerable vs piercing attacks from spears, arrows, daggers.

This could be used to also add even more depth to the gameplay with having stats like stamina and carrying capacity based on strength and vigor,
reducing your movmeent speed punishment less for using heavy armor the higher those stats are.

Like a full heavy plate warrior would have extremely high resistances to all types of physical dmg, slashing, bashing, piercing, but also a high penalty on movement speed and agility (chance to dodge etc).

Things like these all add a ton of depth, no doubt, but I’m afraid we won’t see those features in any big title soon, since every game seems to be tailored for more and more dumbed down masses who like fast, simplified arcade games, instead of deep, realistic, dynamic RPG games.

DMG vs Weapoin Strength

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


The most fundamental element of a RPG, weapon dmg, has been replaced by some bogus generic “weapon strength” factor.
Doesn’t this bother anyone else?

I really thought I’d see some x-xx dmg starter weapons, and xx-xxx in end game tier.
Before I knew anything about gw2, I even thought they are going to have a awesome dynamic dmg system, with different type of dmg, slashing, cutting, bashing, dull, piercing, and different magic elemental types.
The hype was that big…

But… no, they didn’t even give us basic physical dmg.
Just dmg calculated by some “weapon strength”.

Couldn’t they just keep it working and mainstream?
It simply doesn’t feel right at all, doesn’t feel like anything.

Arenanet thinks it’s too hip for classic RPG standards, feeling bit rebellious, hmm?

What do your skill shortcuts look like?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


How do you high level guys play this game?
I mean, what changes have you made into the keybinds?

And please don’t tell me you play with the default controls?
Because I just can’t get a grip of the controls!

I’ll be honest: I like the wow macro options a million times more than the gw ui.
It allowed me to hit 1 key and by doing that, select the nearest target in sight,
cast the ability I had assigned to it (some opener like a ranged attack or charge),
and then follow up with whatever ability I wanted to use,
which I had always at least 3 abilities in one, as a “castsequence” macro.

To be short; I used these keys for any class as prime rotation:
“2, 3, 4, E, R, F”, and abilities with a long cd for “1, 5, T and G”.
That’s 20 abilities (round it up because I had 5+in1 macros too) all bound into 6 comfortable keys. Never had to use F1, F2, etc. And I liked it, because it was user friendly, giving me the freedom to setup things the way they fit me the most. It was really comfortable, enjoyable and felt solid.

Now that I’ve started GW2, I am constantly hitting a brickwall of frustration and rage which the game is slamming in my face, due to the lack of customisation!
(Going to try more different settings now, see if I can find anything useful).

Here’s another thing that’s been on my mind, correct me if I’m wrong:
We can select only 1 spell to have the autoattack mode on, right?

Now why is that? I mean, why include the option to shift the autoattack on to any other than the main spell, which in every class has a <1 sec cd?
Why would anyone want to make a 4-12-20-30 sec cd spell rotate on auto mode,
so they could spam 1 key every second as main attack?
That’s crazy! Who does that? No one!

The way I see things now, is that the F1-F4 attunements are nothing more than “macros for (what’s the word, oh yeah) idiots”.
Look at the mage for example; you got fire, air, water and earth spells in F1-F4.
The spell page shows youo all spells, but doesn’t let you do anything with them.

How did wow handle this? It put all spells in different attunement pages,
and allows you to drag them to the action bar, and create all-in-one macros.
Wow totally trumps GW2 on this matter, hands down.

I’m not a wow fanboy here to bash GW2, these are just facts, and I’m putting them on the table so that hopefully more users agree with them, and push them on till the devs make some changes for the better. More options is always better.

But to be honest, the way I see this autoattack mode, it is totally redundant.
Wow has autoattack for melee, hunters ranged attacks, and casters wands.
No need for a optional autoattack mode for such obvious things.

A MMO is not a FP shooter. It’s about rotations and a skill management.
Nobody wants to press a key every time for their prime attack, especially when that spell has a 1-2 sec cd. That would bekitten

In a FPS it’s all about when you fire your weapon or melee attack, and where you aim it at. There’s a bit of where to be dealt with in a MMO when it comes to AOE spells, but main attacks with short or no cd, should always be automatic by default.

(Going to post this part on the new suggestion forum too)

What I’d like to see would be a option to have more than 1 spell on auto-attack.
It would be nice too to see castsequence macro options, even if you have to rip the system off wow. Doesn’t hurt to swallow your pride and copy something that’s been perfected by someone else. Unless it’s patented, which I think it isn’t.

Also, allow us to drag-drop skills and re-arrange the action bar (for the love of god!!!).
Just let us customise things more!

Where's the suggestion section?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


Where do I post suggestions?
Can’t find any section for it.

Anyway, as soon as such is up, here’s something that bothers me:

Lack of disable-options, like floating XP and dmg numbers, or permanently turning off npc/other player life bars (only activate on left click, never on right click)
which would be less confusing in fights without having to use Tab.

Showing numbers in mob life bars would be nice too.
And most of all, the ability to rearrange the skill bar.
I really hate reaching out for 6=heal or twisting my fingers to the left for 1=autoattack, when I could simply locate it to slot 2…

Shouldn’t be that hard to patch these small changes, right?

Trade post graphic text glitch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


NVM fixed it myself, if anyone else has this problem:

Turn graphics options → interface size from small to normal and its fixed…

Trade post graphic text glitch

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


The text on the trade post pages is fragmented, only partly readable, almost like erased randomly, semi see-through.

Everything else is working and looking fine.
Anyone know how to fix this?

What class/race combo should a new player avoid?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


Just installed the game and downloading the final patch as we speak,
or more like, as I type.

So what’s the race/class that I should avoid, if there is something wrong atm,
like a really boring aspect or a other big downside to it?

I’m not a “goofy” fan, so I probably skip the tiny aliens and furball race.
Any suggestions for a proper main char that’s diverse and fun enough?

What are you running GW2 on?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


IBM 386mHz (1992)
4mb ram
2mb superVGA

About 150-300 FPS.
U mad son? ;D