Showing Posts For Exeon.4358:

Visual nerfs [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


It would be simple to add a client slider, or tick back with options on what we do and don’t want to see.

If someone has a problem with X and X skill’s being in their way let them tone it down on their individual client.

Also, Dragon’s Maw being invisible in PvP is just ridiculous, if you don’t see the animation for it you can’t know if your trapped or if it’s still there or not, reducing visual clutter by making something invisible…..

Deathly Chill change makes me sad

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


I think the reason they changed it was to allow the trait to do reasonable damage after they nerfed the Chill duration, because, seriously, Chill is the most crippling condition in the game to be afflicted by.

Chill is bad, I find slow worse though, I’ve died more then enough times trying to heal while being slowed…..

My Recommendations for this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


Yea, another “Recommendation” post start rolling your eyes and skip ahead, this post is for the devs to ignore as they see fit, everything written here is based on my own personal experience in the game, having played every piece of content available in this game, with this out of the way let’s get started.

In the current state of the game, why are things so hectic for WvW, and yet PvP is seeing so much more play now? Didn’t both receive a massive update? It’s quite simple, in Guild Wars it all comes down to [bold]REWARDS[/bold]
PvP received an amazing update, and with it it’s rewards increased, as well 2 massive visual things to show off to people(which is what this game is about, skins not stats)
The new legendary backpiece, and the player rank, WvW received no increase in rewards and is still the least rewarding out of PvE/PvP/WvW.

If you want this game to see any WvW play it had, revamp the rewards, add much more to it, and above all add [bold]Exclusive[/bold] WvW rewards! something shiny to show off to people.

The same applies to PvE, sure currently raids are keeping some people going, but you killed fractals with the updates, not only that but you made previous rewards so easy to get, and then just added reskins of the same rewards to do it all again…..
For fractals add a new layer of rewards, but don’t make them so accessible, I’ve thrown so many hours in fractals to get the original weapons, the only thing that system needed was not getting the weapons repeated, rather then just buying them….

And you have so much potential hidden away in dungeons, most people found them pretty dull and repetitive but would play them due to rewards, add NEW ONES, add new armor sets to them, add reward tracks to dungeoning if you have to, and in time revamp them, you don’t have to prepare a massive update, small updates that are more then noticeable, or tackling 1 dungeon at a time for a revamp is enough.

How about activities? I love them! I know a lot of players that love them, why don’t more players play them? Welp, asides from the achievements rewards are bad, INCREASE THEM! Heck I’d love to play southsun survival with friends, make bar fight a thing!

And lastly, Legendary weapons, I don’t have to mention this at this point, but this post would be incomplete without it, it’s a bad call to postpone them indefinitely, legendaries are a huge part of this game and this is going to make a huge amount of people unhappy, why make such a call? I’m pretty sure if you made a public poll asking what players preferred, most would say to push the new legendaries over living story
Seeing as you can release enough black lion weapon sets this shouldn’t be a problem.

And now I understand the need to push content out on the gemstore, but in reality it’s not about the amount of things we can buy there, it’s about the amount of players that are there buying, if you want more potential buyers, give them reason to play.

To end this, this game has so much potential, but Anet has always ignored the wishes of players, and I know it isn’t always easy, but it’s been years, people are going to move on eventually as they did when they moved on to GW unless the priority changes and Anet steps up their game, guild wars will continue to decline and die out eventually.

TL:DR(well you should read it) but it boils down to rewards being necessary for people to play and keep playing content

Upcoming Fractal Changes

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Exeon.4358


So what about the fractal tonic? Since the changes I haven’t seen it mentioned anywhere at all, does it even drop anymore?

A suggestion about patch notes to Anet devs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


They also desperately need to add a known issues section so players know what problems/bugs they are aware of and which have been fixed but not mentioned in the patch notes.

For example: No rewards for VB completion when character has Tyria 100% – Updrafts in final story chapter not working etc etc Have these things been fixed? Are Anet aware of them and are working on it or do they not even know about these things?

Better communication needed all round.

The thing though is that many Anet devs actually reply on reddit as well, the map rewards is something they have mentioned on reddit, and are actively working on

A suggestion about patch notes to Anet devs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


I made the same topic on reddit during the downtime, and since many comments suggested that the same should be asked here, I’m making this thread.

Like the reddit post, basically I think it would be a good idea to besides posting the patch notes on the official forums, Anet devs could post them as well on reddit, or as comments suggested on the Launcer, often patches will make the forums go down for 30m or more, if there are more ways to obtain said patch notes the influx on the forums would go down during them, making them less likely to go down.

Ranged profession? Also shouts

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


You could try mesmer is also a lot melee based, dragonhunter could be your thing, and ranger obviosly is ranged

did Teq suddenly not be the easy Teq?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


Ice bow nerfs are kinda kitten world bosses

Phantom's hood

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


Bought it last year, dunno was hyped for it and ended up not using it ever.

What happened to Ghastly Grin Shield price?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


This happened last year as well, it happens with pretty much anything that is seasonal, soon the recipe for dwayna’s light is gonna come crashing down because during the winter it should be widly available again from the drops from winterday gifts.

This happens constantly in the economy, and the players able to forsee this can get pretty rich this way, or miscalculate and burn down, it’kitten and miss sometimes, sometimes some weird things happens and ruins their calculations(like how chaos and torment weapons got readded for 1 ticket during anniversary)

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


Windows 10 is pretty bad.
The core is about the same as 7/8 for the most part, the ui is a little improved over 8, however load times seemed longer for me and many people get some stutters with it, at which this point I’d attribute to old BIOSes for old motherboards. (I get bad dpc latency spikes = audio dropouts, video stutters, and gigabyte refuses to support my mobo since 4 weeks after it came out – back in 2011)

10 will constantly spy on you, and harass you to update – even after running one of those privacy tools and attempting to disable forced updates. Not to mention some of the updates have ruined peoples installs.

This drive me to Linux. GW2 runs okay with the portable WineGW2 fork (if a bit buggy).
Mint is recommended for (very) old PCs – its basically like Windows except the automatic updates actually update everything on your pc. Installs faster, sets up faster, etc.
Antergos/Arch for newer PCs/more experienced users. Once set up it’s much nicer, cleaner, and up to date than Mint/*buntu distros. But it takes longer and is quite a bit more difficult.

Actually as far as boot times go there are benchmarks out: @ minute 4:07

Basically windows 10 booted about 12 seconds faster then windows 7

You won’t see any gaming improvements with windows 10, you just get the excellent coding from Windows 8 without all of the UI BS, at the price of 0$/€

Oh and about windows “spying” I can tell you now, this is no different from Windows 8 or 7, if they really want to know anything they can, or are, it’s the kind of world we live in now

I used windows 7 for years and loved it, skipped windows 8/8.1 due to poor UI, and I’ve enjoyed my update to windows 10 without any mayor issues

Craft ascended armor now or after HoT?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


Wait and make legendary armor, you can change the stat to whatever you need at any time OOC on it.

Worst. Advice. Ever.

You’ll have to Kill Wing Bosses to get a chance at rng drops for leg armor, and you’ll need ascended gear to get you there.

Seriously. Make Zerker ascended armor for now, don’t overthink it. change stats if you’ll even need to after the expansion comes out. Unless you’re a Condi Enggi, a tank or a Druid you’ll be wearing Zerker for raids.

There is no requirement for ascended gear at said bosses, what we’ve seen are beta-raids one cannot assume based on that, the necesisity for them, as far as all the current game content besides fractals have shown is that exotic gear is enough to do any PvE content.

As far as my advice goes, I feel like spending money now Is a waste, considering we don’t know if ascended is needed, what is needed for legendary armor, or what stats are going to be used, I don’t see any reason you should get it, besides with the new map rewards I can forsee prices changing.

Windows 7 Vs. Windows 10 processes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


There isn’t going to be much improvement for GW2, in any case your GPU needs are quite low on GW2 anyway’s, I upgraded my 760GTX to a 980GTX TI and saw nearly no FPS changes, though when I upgraded my CPU to a I7-6700K I had a massive boost and can do Teq and Jormag @60FPS

Don’t expect anything for Dx12 for GW2,

Craft ascended armor now or after HoT?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


Wait and make legendary armor, you can change the stat to whatever you need at any time OOC on it.

Griefing players?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


There was a particular known case last year of a player griefing an Anet employee during the ToT farm, basically the farm consisted of converting ambient life to candy corn elementals and getting bags from them.

This particular player was running around killing ambient life, and though there were attempts of putting him on a different map, he’d manage to get back to his original map to grief.

Said player was banned because of it, not sure for how long, but he was banned for griefing, personally in my 3 years of playtime I’ve never had anyone intentionally griefing me, or seen someone grief someone else.

Racial Skills

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


Please no, Racial skills should be as they are now, not important, or rarely used, noone wants to be the person that feels left out because his racial skills aren’t as good as other races, it breaks down everything, you’d feel forced to play races you don’t want to play.

That Raid and Zerker....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


Dunno, one can do a 30m boss fight with every defensive trait, and gear and slug threw it, it would make it too easy, despite it taking long, on the other hand this kinda forces zerker/condi meta’s out there.

But when you get down to it, people will figure out how to do it the safe way, and how to do it the quickest, with sepecific builds, classes and tactics, soon LFG’s will ask for specific classes to do specific raids, that’s how players are and always will be.

Legendary Howler Bug [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Exeon.4358


Howler is farting now, awesome, it’s also quite a bit more expensive with the whole tempest thing.

I’m still hoping to see this one fixed with the new legendaries

Is HoT pay to win?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: Exeon.4358


Question. If WoW were to bring out an expansion that gives the purchasers 10 more levels and they completely own the non buyers in PvP, is that p2w?

The thing is WoW’s PvP is affected by PvE one way or another, In Guild Wars it’s a seperate experience like it should be.

In WoW’s case i’d say it could be considered pay to win, but escentially they are forcing PvP players to get the expansion for PvP just for the levels, or get phased out.

As far as HoT goes, no, first of all specializations won’t be tied down to HoT, you will get them without owning HoT, right now in PvP you see beta characters for testing purposes, I own HoT and yet I don’t use them because they don’t give rewards.

So no, Since beta characters cut your rewards, and are tied to a couple of weekends, and will be available to the public soon, even without owning HoT it’s not pay to win

Windows 10?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


I installed windows 10 yesterday.

From what I can tell you in every aspect it’s like Windows 7, however the it has the improoved Coding from Windows 8 which means better boot times(I think it takes me 20 seconds to boot up my PC, from the beep sound to being at the desktop though I use an SSD)

While the other thing is “in the future” DX12 games

There are no mayor compatibility issues and there is no reason not to update.

Kralkatorrik - When?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


Same can be said for all the other elder dragons causing havoc, I personally want to see the North and go to Jormag

Wrongly removed GWAMM

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


I had some issue as well, but i solved it by linking my GW1 account again, this might solve the issue for you

Best farming method for gold?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


About the orr farming, don’t bother, I basically farmed like 3-4K gold there, but the farm is based on 2 things, T6’s and Heavy moldy bags, now when the farm was actually really good, silverwastes didn’t exist and the bags were 10 silver, now said bags are usually 6-7 silver, which is a big deal when you farm a stack of them.

Alongside this a lot of people try and farm champ bags, which is just sad considering how many more you can get in the silverwastes.

I’d say, Go with silverwastes and dungeons, in the future you can invest money into the market

Exclusive items should stay exclusive.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


The thing though is, there are no exclusive items.
Never has Anet stated “this is limited edition and it will never be available again”

Oh gosh it will be fun when they have a “Retired Black lion weapons sale” reintroducing all old current 500-1000 Gold black lion weapons at 1-2 tickets.

If something is exclusive or limited edition it should stay that way, but here your only assuming something is exclusive based on your own assumptions.

Grenade barrage broke :(

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


No longer works with predator animation

Gwynefrydd, Impossible drop rate.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


So currently it’s estimate price is 500G on average minus the materials you can sell and the chance to get an expensive necklace

How has the game gotten this broken

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


Some of the more recent patches have had a tendency to break stuff, like the april’s fool’s patch, this one broke some things again, but at least Anet usually gets most bugs fixed in 24 hours so it’s not that big of a deal.

I do think when HoT launces We’ll be seeing patches all the time for a couple of weeks, not only bug fixes but balancing and other things till everything is set right.
I also assume we won’t play the game much the first 24hours on HoT release due to bottlenecks happening with all the returning/new players.

But I have no doubt Anet will work around the clock fixing everything.

Where GW2 falls short imo

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


I agree that we could use more weapon variations instead of the common-type weapons we have now.

2 handed axes anyone?(despite this kinda being common as well)

The meta doesn’t matter in this factor, some people run their own thing and to be all honest, somewhere in the game each weapon for each class is in use in some viable build, or used to be in any case.

More variation isn’t a bad thing.

That said most likely Anet will not do this for quite some time, or at least some time after HoT, and that’s saying all the features they mentioned release at HoT, which they might not, meaning said features may come after the actual expansion.

So yea far future as they said they wouldn’t add new weapons right now

Salvage Kit - Why I consider it a nerf

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


To be all honest I get your point but, at the same time those things are worth something to a vendor and i’d rather be able to vendor them then to not get them at all.(little things add up)

Though at the same time, if you could class certain item(for instance all masterwork tier runes are now considered junk as a filter) then you could insta-sell custom trash to save tons of time.

Please make more armor sets!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


As long as people buy outfits I doubt we’ll see this sad trend end, I would have bought many more armor sets that are currently outfits if i could match and mix them, often people buy armor sets for 1-2 pieces which they mix up to get a unique look.

Outfits take away the uniqueness which is pretty sad IMO, so yea I rarely use outfits for that reason.

Please increase base run speed!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


About 99% of the engi players use “speedy kits” which gives 100% SWIFTNESS uptime, not 25% but 33% movement speed, which classes that have swiftness often have to trait into to get it perma(Warrior warhorn, and necro warhorn are examples though necro is usually counter-productive)

This particular change would make swiftness a rarely used +8% movement speed buff, so I doubt it will happen unless they overhaul movement speed in general

Legendary Howler Bug [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Exeon.4358


Legendary horn v2 will be howler that has all its bugs out and all previous effects.

Oh yea HoT warhorn announcement: “Pre-bug howler”

So any other news on this? dunno if Anet will announce anything on legendaries till the last moment because the impact on the economy, Howl would probably also go up in price if they mentioned anything

What if Silverwastes had been an expansion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


Because HoT isn’t just “added a new zone”

-We get a specialization for each class
-We get a new class
-We get new legendaries
-We get craftable precursors
-We get guild halls
-We get a new PvP map
-We get a new borderlands
-We get PvE rewards based on the map

There are many other things we get that I’m most likely just forgetting, but even if HoT maps suck, the features are the ones we’ve been begging for, for a while meaning for must of us they won’t suck.

And in any case usually maps get teared threw anyway’s so I don’t expect much from “map” content that get’s boring fast, but the features are always going to be there.

Gold Transfer Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


So if I buy a dusk from an in-game/IRL friend that dropped directly so he doesn’t have to pay 150G in taxes, he has to wait that long to get his gold?

Dunno I can see the value of this system as far as scammers go, but if we’re buying/selling between friends this system messes us up badly.

It’s the same when people organize to buy a gift(for example a precursor) for a friend, If i can only recieve X amount of gold per week and i get 10+ messages with gold I can’t accept then what?

Obsidian Sanctum Issues

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


If ya’ll think most people were there for the title and not the loot then this farm will go unaffected by this change, however if it dies out it will be clear this was for the loot.

Also keep in mind some people can’t stand the SW chest farm, I personally rather farm Cursed shore or Dungeons which yields as much money per hour on average kitten chest farming.

This particular farm was slowed down by DR, but one could obviously switch from it to another farm unaffected by it till their DR dissapears

*sigh* back down too 1g again.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


Can’t really help you there, I remember that I had no money back when I did WvW and PvP for a long time, but don’t assume that making money in PvE is that much fun either, if you enjoy doing dungeons sure, but otherwise it’s a grind you choose to do, a rewarding grind but a grind nonetheless.

Weirdest place you have looted a precursor?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


I think it’s a myth

The Predator effects

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


Dunno, I have the predator, it’s the last legendary i made and IMO it has some of the most noticeable effects, For sure the footsteps are lacking a lot, they should be at least twice as big.

However the Aura is Amazing, and very noticeable, and so many attacks change, as well as new attack animations and the sounds, on engi your grenade barrage becomes unique as well.

I’m not sure what Legendary you want to compare it to, as it would depend on your point of view

ESO brought me back to GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


I came here from ESO when i played it in Beta, it reminded me of GW2, only that it would cost so much more, and is way inferior in so many ways.

Mini Llama limited? Please sell!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


Keep in mind Mini llama’s aren’t limited to PvP, often codes are given by Anet to recognized events with that mini as a Prize, has done these events in the past(like pink day in LA for example)

Harassed by Players? Is this the norm?

in WvW

Posted by: Exeon.4358


Send them some packs of salt in the mail XD


in Necromancer

Posted by: Exeon.4358


There is one? Lol.. I didnt find it! My bad

As far as your topic goes, right now Necro DPS is trash, while it brings nothing to the party, Necro is a naturally tanky class due to it’s class mechanics, but unless DS can be transformed into more damage by giving up the survivability it’s going to be harsh.

As necro’s bring nothing to the party there is no reason to bring below average DPS in the first place, it’s going to take more then just a greatsword to change all this, and I do hope necro’s get the love they deserve

What Is Your Favourite Weapon Skill?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


I think it depends on the class:

Guardian: Banish always loved this skill for obvious reasons.

Warrior: RUSH

Thief: Honestly, It’s pretty hard for thief, visually it would be death blossom.

Ranger: Dunno only class i don’t have

Engineer: It has to be Grenade Barrage when wielding a predator, the Sci-fi sounds with that particular skill are more obvious then an SAB warhorn

Mesmer: Pistol dualists are fun

Elementalist: I’ve always loved the swirling winds animation

Necromancer: It has to be Locust swarm, it’s a very cool well animated skin, still hope for a weapon that can change the locust in a blue chilly ice wind type of thing frost/necro works so well

(edited by Exeon.4358)

GvG scene needs a place to do fights

in WvW

Posted by: Exeon.4358


I’d say wait till HoT, guild halls may bring GvG arenas as i thought they did in GW1

Could we get a way to take down troll siege?

in WvW

Posted by: Exeon.4358


Couldn’t Anet make it so you can only drop rams in a “X” radius of gates in the first place? other siege would be harder but at least other siege wouldn’t be completely useless

Verbal abuse because of good drop

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


I wouldn’t go verbal on something like this, but I can understand why people are frustrated when this happens, it’s like when a new player does tequatl for the first time and drops a dusk from it, while you have done it countless times and haven’t dropped a precursor yet.

RNG is a cruel element, and your GF got the better end of it, getting a 800gold? drop while the biggest drop I’ve gotten was a sacrificial blade for 70 gold, at this point I no longer care as i have what i want in the game, and I’m able to make enough gold anyway.

Still whatever the reason, verbal abuse shouldn’t be tolerated, Report/block/move on

Black Wings, bad purchase

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


OP in a nutshell: “I didn’t check what I was buying so now I’m complaining about the item I bought”

Most gold you made in a month

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


Around 5 February I had 600 gold, and from that time till now I’ve made a howler and a predator, while right now I’m sitting on 775 gold, and had no precursor drops, I’ve also used 100 gold on a friend to help him get a precursor, and bought 2 dyes worth in total of another 100 gold.

Pretty much dungeoning and orr farming a lot, converting some laurels to T6’s, doing daily crafts

I tend to make about 50G wallet gold a day, which doesn’t include timegated crafts which i save up and sell later on, nor does it include the T6’s and half of the ecto’s i get on a daily basis(usually 40-50 ecto’s a day)

That said, after making a predator I’ve slowed down on gold farming, dunno if I burned myself out or if i simply lack a goal right now

Also about “market investments” the clearest example is Black lion weapons, remember the chaos weapons costing 80ish gold when they released in september? imagen I bought 10 of them, which is 800 gold, if i sold them right now at the current marketprice I’d get around 200-250 on average per piece, minus taxes so 170-212.5 gold per.

So in total the investment of 800 gold would turn into 900-1325G profit

(edited by Exeon.4358)

Humour me: the most CC rotation class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Exeon.4358


Probably a Mace-Mace/Hammer Warrior With Bull’s charge, stomp and kick on his utilities and using juggernaught as an ulti for the biggest stun upkeep on a single target.

Traited most likely Hammer cooldowns and physical utilities cooldowns, I think with some testing you could have quite some upkeep on stuns with this ridiculous build

Legendary Howler Bug [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Exeon.4358


I noticed on the wiki page there is a footnote that says the night effect was a bug and there way the item is now is working as intended? Can’t post link as I’m on my phone, but it reads like the way Howler is now is the way it was meant to be? Doesn’t make any sense to me as it was much better before, wonder where the wiki got their info on this.

A lot of people can edit that wiki at will, someone is quite misinformed by adding that to the wiki, as the nighttime cycle added the sparkle effects next to the permanent moon, something that is now gone, i doubt animations like that are “unintended bugs”