Showing Posts For Felblade.8701:
Now people can spam their 1 skill all day! Anet’s plan to make everyone zombies for Halloween, literally.
More importantly how do i change the god awful new Lions Arch theme?
This has been going on since yesterday unstable connection to the game, can’t log in, laggs. My internet can connect to anything else fine. Becoming frustrating.
Armor isnt balanced.
Characters are balanced, which is why differant characters wear differant armor.
They are generally balanced around their armor class. An ele wearing plate armor shooting you with fireballs at range and you get close and he tanks you is not really balanced.
250 ecto + 100g i got 50 ecto and 25g worth of junk item = not worth.
How about bring an armor piece version and outfit version of the same skin, and make everyone happy.
So do you see the butt cheeks then?
What do you mean crashing? i keep getting kicked to character screen with Error: 7:11:3:191:101 all the time, wtf is going on!
Keep getting disconnected to character screen
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Felblade.8701
I keep getting an error randomly and losing connection to the login server. I recently am using a wireless connection because i moved the router downstairs, so i don’t know if that’s contributing to it. If so is their anything i need to do?
(edited by Felblade.8701)
I guess my beautiful complexion makes me look younger.
And like a woman, rofl
I’ve been looking around a bit and still debating what to do. Since i’ve had my system for about 7 years now my case is a still half decent (antec 900 gamers) but some USB slots are busted.
A new system would be nice but i have already a decent PSU and GPU which im happy with the rest needs changing including a new hard drive. I could push a bit over $400 but im not too keen on building my own system and i wont have an operating system to use either.
Hi sorry for the little info i gave on my system, I have a Corsair TX650V2 PSU and Asus 1GB GeForce GTX 560TI graphics card my motherboard is an Abit IP35. I like the card and obviously havent been able to get the full potential with my current core 2 duo bottlenecking and thats why ill need the CPU motherboard bundle.
If i could get a new system for £350 and put the PSU and graphics into that would it be better?
(edited by Felblade.8701)
You can use the alt account for the daily login rewards and laurels i guess,
Ive decided its time to upgrade after running GW2 on a core 2 duo bottlenecking my 560 Ti. I have a budget of £350 (Pounds) Im looking at an intel i5 processor and obviously i will need a new motherboard and new RAM to go with it.
Just seeking some advice on the best i could get with that budget and ive been looking on amazon since i live in the UK they seem to be reasonable prices.
Why is the HoM portal stone still crashing the game thought they of fixed that by now.
Just back from a walk to the other side of the building, and there are absolutely no issues with the download on our side. It’s a meaty download, to be sure, but I advise that you just sit tight and let it do its thing, or you could try again later in the day when traffic may be lower.
Most of us have been sitting tight at speeds of 20KB/sec here in the EU (im in the UK) with 1 file remaining and considering how big the patch is, that’s a long wait.
This patch is an abomination. after eventually getting around the launcher problem with sweet fx now im on 2 files remaining at 60KB/sec and goes even lower. This is getting depressing.
I remember thinking AP was attack power and was like how do these people expect me to have over 5k attack power? am i the only one who thought this? haha.
I opened a support ticket on the 22/01/2015 and still have no reply yet. It was regarding an ascended armor and cultural transmog after deleting a norn forgetting the re-skin the legs before deletion so it cant be equipped by charr. Now im stuck with my ascended legs that i cant use. The ticket number is 1155390.
I decided to delete my norn warrior and rerolled charr. I had ascended legs transmoged to stag tier 3. I did not realise that when wanting to equip the legs on the charr i couldn’t use because of the transmog and AFTER i already deleted the norn. I opened a ticket but its taking a while. Anyone have any idea how to use it?
Funny how they implemented mail carriers from a forum suggestion pretty fast compared to other needed changes like this. Gemstore item = profit, so i wouldn’t have hopes for this soon even though it is sorely needed when it comes to re-running for achieves.
I have to admit I was intrigued by the wording, something about being the most “extreme” yet.
Can only imagine what i will be seeing now, Super saiyan charr’s running around with extreme electro pink hair and crazy eyes.
So you have every class other than an Engineer and decided to make a thread complaining about it being too frequent on dalies..?
You are not being “forced” to play an Engineer, but if you WANT to get the daily guess what.. time to make one, simple solution.
Please fix this cosmetic “bug” (not sure if bug or intended) it looks odd wearing it while my head is slightly to the left constantly, please fix ty.
Yep, same here. Stuck in stealth with no attack skills in combat with one panel unable to activate while Foalin is slowly tickling them to death, fun.
Yea and to answer your question you dont know why you did it.
I know why, you saw 30 gold earned in 1 min ka-ching
Right and even if he should tip for helping its still scamming and its defrauding if you do not go with it. No need to be smart about it im just letting people know.
Just because he happens to be in your guild, means he’s trustworthy? ….lol…can i be in your guild please?)
It’s your own fault for trusting a random dude on the internet that happens to have the same tag as u.
The only person i ever gave a loan too and it was for 100g is someone who i have actively played with and have been friends with since the freekin BETA. As for the rest i was more then happy to give tips on how to make more gold..but nothing more.
Sry but this is 90% your fault.
Yes i did a stupid mistake and i don’t even know why i helped this person. I seen it done the other day actually maybe that’s why i went ahead with it. I guess i felt being helpful that day and forgot for a second yes this is the internet and people don’t give a crap, If this was another game everything would of been sorted out already (guess what game)
So basically i have to suffer losing all my gold to this ‘person’ ( i would call him somthing else) on being deceived and lied to and he probably will just get a slap on the wrist to not do it again? Tell me why i should continue to play right now.
Hello guys, so just an average day in Guild Wars reading guild chat and a member said “any1? 300g to loan, 330g you get back in 1 min, for my Kudzu” so i said i would help him out.
I whispered him and he was all grateful and said i will get it back in 1min ect, you know helping a guildie is good and all since you would trust most guildies right? Some time past and i ask him did he sell it yet and he says he miss clicked and put it up for auction for 3.3k gold. At this point red flags are already going off about this guy.
A person undercut him by 1 copper and he said he knew the person and it was his “friend” and discussed it with him. He then told me, if i want my gold, could i send him a further 230 gold to take it off and sell instantly. I did just wanting my gold back.
Then came another problem, the “friend” who undercut him, scammed him for 130 gold apparently he give it to him so he could take his Kudzu off the tp. Now im left with his Kudzu to get sold on the TP now? At this point i feel plain scammed from a guildie and after msging him he finally ignores me, goes offline then blocks me. Opened a ticket and first response is “we dont not get involved with player to player transactions”
So what now? i replied to the ticket saying i was deceived and scammed hoping for my gold back and this person dealt with…
some screens:
[links redacted]
(edited by Moderator)
Any idea how long they will stay up for? wont have a chance to get them until next week
Why would you do any other dungeon when the new one is a cake walk, has better gear, more money and faster? Only reason people will still run CoF or AC is because they are easy and fast, rest require more attention and a generally harder. I have zero interest in fractals after a couple of runs, its just says grind all over it, i had my fun doing it just to experience first time and after that its just repetitive grind, are we all zombies now?
I still cannot understand why people who say they are finished with this game are still active on this forum. Is that to warn people off from playing a bad game?
Forums are more entertaining and interesting than the current state of the game, and they seem to be more active than the population actually playing the game. That is what happens when a game is dying.
You’re playing it wrong OP and let the flaming commence
BTW how the hell am i playing it “wrong”? im playing it how i play any other game, to have fun and enjoy myself. Would you like to enlighten me how to play it right almighty one?
Not our fault you’re a no-lifer. You’re done everything there is to do, go find something else and quit whining about a perfectly fine game just because you rushed through it too fast to enjoy it.
Yes insulting me calling me a “no-lifer” is really mature mate Thing is i have a job and even go the gym every week but i managed to get 3 80’s in exotics in a month. I didn’t rush through it at all, and people can power level to 80 in a day or 2 with crafting alone. You will be surprised how people can achieve more things than you in a short time, don’t be mad.
If you don’t like your lifestyle, change it, don’t complain about other people being frank and truthful with you about it. If you have three level 80s at this point, you play this game too much, waaay too much. And if you don’t like people telling you so, then either change it or learn to like it.
You all sound the same, fanboys. Ok well first of all i played this game “waaay” too much when i was having a blast leveling and all that jazz you know before i was forced into end game? Well now this is where my problem is because there is no real end game just grind and more grind oh and some pvp.
No you wasted your cash, it’s being re-released as Bug Wars 2 (even though the first one wasnt as buggy as this) its still a sequel.
You’re playing it wrong OP and let the flaming commence
BTW how the hell am i playing it “wrong”? im playing it how i play any other game, to have fun and enjoy myself. Would you like to enlighten me how to play it right almighty one?
Education time.
When you say you play any game for a month. You are discribing a console game or game that are meant to be played in a max of 100 hours.
that is the correct way to play those games.
MMOs do not fall in this category.MMOs have from their beginning as MUDs are meant to be played for thousands of hour or years.
So per your own word and a lack of knowledge you have assumed that all games are like cconsole games.
That is a falsehood.
So with the correct knowledge we can say with confidence that you are playing MMOs ie GW2 wrong
Sorry Sir but i haven’t played a console in over 5 years and have solely been a PC gamer. I played WoW for over 3 years so dont tell me im a console gamer and i’m playing this game wrong. I have plenty of experience with MMO’s and i can say for ME (take note this is my opinion, shock horror) this one is short lived. Stop trying to defend a game you sound like a stupid fanboy. I know for a fact im not the only who feels like this and you are just wrong and fail.
I wrote a different article where I document throurgh links the console gamer mentality which unfortunately you are displaying. This thread has inspired me to reformat to address this more directly. When i get home i will write a new thtead with these links. I encouage you to read it once posted
I’m sorry Doctor Schwartz, thanks’ for my diagnosis. Are you for real? MMO’s are my favorite type of game and i hate console games especially FPS ones. So can you tell me how i managed to play WoW for over 3 years if i have a “console gamer” mentality?
You’re playing it wrong OP and let the flaming commence
BTW how the hell am i playing it “wrong”? im playing it how i play any other game, to have fun and enjoy myself. Would you like to enlighten me how to play it right almighty one?
Education time.
When you say you play any game for a month. You are discribing a console game or game that are meant to be played in a max of 100 hours.
that is the correct way to play those games.
MMOs do not fall in this category.MMOs have from their beginning as MUDs are meant to be played for thousands of hour or years.
So per your own word and a lack of knowledge you have assumed that all games are like cconsole games.
That is a falsehood.
So with the correct knowledge we can say with confidence that you are playing MMOs ie GW2 wrong
Sorry Sir but i haven’t played a console in over 5 years and have solely been a PC gamer. I played WoW for over 3 years so dont tell me im a console gamer and i’m playing this game wrong. I have plenty of experience with MMO’s and i can say for ME (take note this is my opinion, shock horror) this one is short lived. Stop trying to defend a game you sound like a stupid fanboy. I know for a fact im not the only who feels like this and you are just wrong and fail.
Yes insulting me calling me a “no-lifer” is really mature mate Thing is i have a job and even go the gym every week but i managed to get 3 80’s in exotics in a month. I didn’t rush through it at all, and people can power level to 80 in a day or 2 with crafting alone. You will be surprised how people can achieve more things than you in a short time, don’t be mad.
I’m not going to call you a no-lifer, but I will point out that if you power leveled to 80, then you are not enjoying the game the way it’s meant to be played. And, as you have already discovered, getting to 80 doesn’t net you anything.
The point of the game is to explore the world and have fun. The point of the game is not to rush to the end.
If you go on a long hike in the woods, the point of that hike is to enjoy your time in the woods, not to see how fast you can get to the end of the hike.
You did call me one but you realized how dumb you sounded, but the fact i leveled 3 to 80 is because i like diversity in play style and enjoyed leveling different classes, that is hardly rushing to end game. As everyone knows anyway the end game is limited and you think its a rush to 80. Why are people telling me i rushed to 80? i leveled through questing on all 3 which is certainly possible in a month and over of casual playing tbh.
You’re playing it wrong OP and let the flaming commence
BTW how the hell am i playing it “wrong”? im playing it how i play any other game, to have fun and enjoy myself. Would you like to enlighten me how to play it right almighty one?
Not our fault you’re a no-lifer. You’re done everything there is to do, go find something else and quit whining about a perfectly fine game just because you rushed through it too fast to enjoy it.
Yes insulting me calling me a “no-lifer” is really mature mate Thing is i have a job and even go the gym every week but i managed to get 3 80’s in exotics in a month. I didn’t rush through it at all, and people can power level to 80 in a day or 2 with crafting alone. You will be surprised how people can achieve more things than you in a short time, don’t be mad.
You’re playing it wrong OP and let the flaming commence
BTW how the hell am i playing it “wrong”? im playing it how i play any other game, to have fun and enjoy myself. Would you like to enlighten me how to play it right almighty one?
It’s as prophetsword said, you are burned out, quit the game until you actually want to log in to play. And if you never want to log in again then good on you, you are no longer wasting time on something you don’t find fun.
Hmm burned out from an MMO in a month, that’s a new one. The end game is where this game gets stale and they tried to “fix” it by bringing in new gear hence more grind right? I knew a good few people who quit just because of this simple factor who played the original guild wars with me.
You’re playing it wrong OP and let the flaming commence
BTW how the hell am i playing it “wrong”? im playing it how i play any other game, to have fun and enjoy myself. Would you like to enlighten me how to play it right almighty one?
There is plenty of proof about the game being broke and bugged to hell on tech and bug forums, maybe go and enlighten yourself? And for the game dying, well i could place a big bet on the numbers falling in the past month and continue to drop
Yet im not hating on the game i got what i payed for and spent good amount in the gem store to support Anet as i felt what the hell i dont mind. Enjoyed it alot but its hit a stale note where i find myself not intrested to do the new dungeon and getting even more stat gears and resorting to doing older ones which seem to pop up once a while now? Yes you guys really like to hate on people straight away haha.
Hi all,
First i want to say i have played for over a solid month and have 3 lvl 80’s in exotics and the game has really became stale now. I have played the new Fractals got up-to level 6, even tho i really am not interested in it at all along with the new grindy gear, which seems such a pointless update.
I have to admit Anet really failed on this part, why did you have to be try hard and go on the gear grind wagon? Why not fix your already broken game like bugs and poor performance instead.
I find myself just doing dungeons for tokens to transmute my gear for aesthetics and now it just seems pointless because im just standing around in LA doing nothing looking at chat “LFG Fractals lvl ~” I mean the only thing im looking forward to is Wintersday and judging from the other “epic” events maybe its not really something ill regret missing.
Yes ive done WvW and SPvP and they are not all great and get very boring fast (for me). Even i was a pvp junkie in WoW ive seemed to lean for PvE in this game. Yes this is my opinion so don’t flame me this is just how i am feeling, lost any motivation to do much in this game. Grinding for legendary seems pointless and just pure e-peen and looking at the state of prices for anything, its become a ridiculous grind (guess that’s what keeps some people playing?) not for me i guess.
Shatter Enchantment and Diversion on monks used to love the sound effects (shatter enchant killing a monk :d)
Energy Surge used to be nice aoe damage
Well that’s fair, but what about me who had a bugged event for over 1 hour in overflow? i planned to do the event but it bugged for over 1 hour for me and i had to go see my mother in hospital, fair.
There is nothing you can do, most of us are in the same boat. The game is just poorly optimized and eats the CPU rather than GPU in big battle’s and such. We are all complaining, and you can only wait for them to fix it or at least optimize it more.
I run an E6600 overclocked to 3ghz so my CPU is struggling but i can pull of 40-60fps in pve with a 560ti. Just when i hit WvWvW its a slide show (big battles, about 6fps lol) and of course Lions Arch it dips to 17fps.