Well, if one purchased after release (and was a current player), all files would have previously been downloaded. All clients are the same, it’s only access that is gated by purchase.
If one purchases an expansion before release, one downloads the files as they are released, up to and including Release day patch files.
Ah okay understood now. Buying the expansion grants access to the content but the content is automatically downloaded whether you buy the expansion or not.
No, just log in, download any content that hasn’t already been downloaded previously, and play. =)
Just like any other patch/Release.
Oh okay. The reason I asked is that when I bought Heart Of Thorns the content opened up on its own after purchase. I didn’t have to download anything.
Appreciate the quick responses. I take it once bought when the content is released it automatically will open up. You don’t have to do anything further to open up the content I assume?
(edited by GuildWarsPlayer.5608)
I bought Path Of Fire Standard edition and wondering if access to the content will only be available in September or is there a way to get to the content now? If there is a way to get to the content now what is the way?
Revenant was originally unable to weapon swap, which was changed in the beta phase thanks to player feedback. They probably only designed this 1 underwater weapon, because there wasn’t really supposed to be a second one at all, as you had a “complete” underwater set with spear.
The second slot is most likely still there because Revenant could potentially weapon swap (now), but simply has no weapon to swap to.
Are Revenants as good as the other classes underwater? I’m not familiar with this class at the moment.
Yes, to enable Dragon Stance underwater. And this is mechanically possible since Facet of Nature (f2) works underwater.
Thank you.
Is there any way to make Revenants as viable as other classes underwater?
Thank you for the replies.
Do shroud trait skills work for reaper?
Heart Of Thorn Rookie Portal Question
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: GuildWarsPlayer.5608
You can got to Verdant Brink via the zone portal in Silverwastes, which is in a cave just past the yellow fortress in the SE
The next 3 maps are linked by portals in linear order.
Bloodstone Fen from Living Story can only be accessed via the story progression
Thank you sir.
Heart Of Thorn Rookie Portal Question
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: GuildWarsPlayer.5608
To get to the new locations of the expansion on the map are there portals or do you have to go through the Heart Of Thorns story mode to get to the new locations?
There’s a Wiki article that lists all the different combinations and results:
Ahhhhh Ty sir. This is the only mission that has actually stopped me lol.
Every dungeon that doesn’t have some limitation that requires multiple players can be soloed.
AC p123, CM p123, TA up/fwd, SE p123, CoF p13, Arah p1234.I personally started with Arah p2, but a lot of people think Arah is hard so it really depends on what you like.
TA paths aren’t that hard to solo, and if you have an elementalist AC p3 is probably the easiest path in the game.
Just practice a path that you like doing until you can completely solo it
Thank you for the reply.
Can Dungeons be soloed? If yes which ones? Also, for beginners, what Dungeons should a rookie focus on?
Does anyone know the correct combination for making the correct potion for the Help Cesseilia defend and research the oasis mission on Bloodtide Coast?
Just recently I’ve noticed on certain portions of certain maps, mainly inside of caves, the screen goes “extremely bright.” This wasn’t happening before. Is anyone else having this issue and if so, is there a fix?
Appreciate the replies. Thank you.
So I bought some gems for a particular outfit style I like and low and behold, it ain’t available for purchase. Does the availability for purchase rotate or are the outfit styles that aren’t available for purchase simply not going to be able to ever be purchased?
Appreciate the replies. Thanks for answering. Imma rookie.
Is there a way I can make my guardian run fast? I could have been hallucinating but I swear I saw a guardian running as fast as an elementalist or necromancer at one time or another.
What is the easiest way to get the glider skills?
The question was “use for stability”, not “use stability for”…
Unwavering Avoidence (stability on dodge) is the main source of stability in PvP. It’s only one stack with 2.75 s duration, 3.5 s with 30% increased boon duration. You can add a second stack and increase the duration to 5.75/7.5 s by running Enhanced Bulwark in the Herald Line.
Thank you very much sir.
What do Revenants use for stability?
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in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: GuildWarsPlayer.5608
Getting the same thing just happened 3/23/16 8:00 P.M. eastern.
This fact is the only reason I switched to guardian and warrior over the revenant. I can’t believe how awful the revenant is underwater. The revenant by far has to be the worst under water.
I’ve deleted several 80’s remade them, took them to 80 again and deleted yet again. I have a problem and no real life to speak of so I have more time than you normal people…..yep.
in pvp, open up your pvp build.
at the left you will have tabs for build, equipment & mist champions
select the champion you want in the champions tab, and below the champion you should see the alternate skins you can use (both locked and unlocked skins)
Thank you.
I unlocked a Mist Champion skin but have no idea how to put it on. Where do I go in my build to find the Mist Champion skin?
I reinstalled and now I have the Gw2 folder in the programs folder and I can now “Press start and type GW2” and actually have something show up unlike before. I even now have GW2 showing on my uninstall program list unlike before.
I must have uninstalled the game and forgot but didn’t delete the shortcut and when I returned to playing the game I used that shortcut which enabled me to play the game “after” uninstalling it which means, all tho I was lead to believe I uninstalled the game in reality I didn’t.
So uninstalling this particular game really does not uninstall it because even after going through the uninstall process I was still able to log onto the game and play it simply by using the shortcut.
The game won’t necessarily show on the uninstall list, depending on how it was installed. Remember, that it’s a portable application that can simply be copied to another computer, with no instalation, and still work perfectly fine.
I couldn’t find the game in my Programs file either and when I did a drive search I couldn’t find it yet, with that icon, I could still play the game. I find this to be quite odd.
The exe file you’re looking for is GW2.exe
Double click on that and the game will launch. Minimize the game (windows key or ctrl + esc will do it) and you can repin the game to your task bar. You may even be able to right click on the exe file and pin it to the taskbar.
I think I uninstalled the game and left the icon on the task bar and somehow after uninstalling the game I was still able to access the game with that icon. The reason I say this is when I looked for the game on my uninstall programs list, it wasn’t there.
I’m gonna reinstall the game and see what happens. Thanks for all of the help.
Here is a question. If I reinstall from the disk I bought will I still have access to HOT which I also purchased ?
All of your account information is stored in ANet’s servers, not your computer. So yes, you will still have access to HoT.
Ty sir. I have no idea how I’ve been able to play the game since the game itself isn’t showing up on my pc and all I did was unpin a shortcut from the taskbar.
Reinstalling the game seems like a waste of space since it’s on my pc somewhere and I’m just unable to locate it but at this point I see no other alternative if I’m going to continue to play the game.
Here is a question. If I reinstall from the disk I bought will I still have access to HOT which I also purchased ?
You dont need to reinstall.
You should be able to find the executable in C:\gw2 (assuming you didn’t change the directory on installing). After that, you can right click the Gw2.exe and select create shortcut and you will be back to normal.
Hmmmmm. Only thing I get when I type gw2 is GW2.EXE with numbers behind it. When I typed Guild Wars in the search box under the Start menu I got nothing and when I checked in the program files nothing was there saying Guild Wars 2, so what is baffling to me is how could simply unpinning a shortcut from a taskbar cause everything to disappear?
Any way thanks for the attempted help.
Basically I unpinned the GW2 shortcut from my task bar and now I don’t know how to open the game. Is there a way to find the client on my pc or do I have to reinstall the entire game?
It’s an outfit. The only way to get it is to buy it on the Gem Store. However, you buy it once and then you have it as an outfit for all your alts forever, so you could be seeing alts of the same players who like the look enough to stick it on multiple characters.
Heck, if the glow could be colored, I’d use it more myself.
Ahhhhhh That explains it. TY for educating me.
I see this armor skin more than any other. Are people buying this armor skin only or is there another way to get it?
Well that’s not good lol. Appreciate the replies.
Since the expansion has there been any improvements with Staff and Dual Daggers for Elementalist ?
I used to role an Elementalist as a main before taking a long break from Gw2 so I’m just curious if there have been any significant changes with those two weapons.
Animals, for the most part, use sex as means of reproduction so I can’t see a Charr digging the same sex. I don’t see Asura as digging the same sex either. Sylvari are A sexual so they don’t count.
Yeah. I’ve done it twice, though it was to change the race not the profession. It takes a bit if you don’t have the tomes. I think it was around a month to get to 80 by map completion only.
Ah, I have no real life to speak of. No need for me to complain lol.
No, it’s not possible and they’ve never said that it might be possible. They hand out writs with the daily, 10 tomes/28 logins and tomes with PvP reward tracks. Those are what they expect people to use for fast leveling.
Thanks. Guess I’m just gonna have to start on over (sigh.)
I wanna change my level 80 revenant to a warrior. Is this possible now and if so….how ?
By the time you are level 80, you’ll have enough points to unlock all the traits and skills of the base class. Doing Hero Point Challenges (formerly Skill Point Challenges) just speeds that process up.
If you have Heart of Thorns, then there is also an Elite Specialization, which you need more points to unlock. It takes 250 points to completely unlock it, and non-HoT zones have a total of about 214 or so Hero Points you can get. The remainder need to come from Hero Point Challenges in the HoT maps, which actually give 10 points each but are generally hard to get to and some require help to defeat a challenge.
As for the traits, you can no longer make a build like 2-4-0-6-2. Now you have to stick to a maximum of three lines, but you can get Grandmaster in all three and some old traits have been combined or even made part of the base class. An Elite Spec only functions when you have the Elite Spec traitline in use, and it can only go into the third slot (thus the gold decoration on that slot).
[EDIT] I forgot to mention, trait lines no longer give any attribute points. Those have mostly been moved to the armor and weapons themselves.
Thanks. I bought HOT.
Appreciate the information.
Can players retrain skill points like before ? If so, how ? I just returned and am unfamiliar with the new system. If not, does the player eventually unlock all skills ?
Yup. Go through the whole reaper trait line and you’ll get your purty new hood of darkness.
Tanky (Thank you)
Earn all of your Reaper skills.
I’m new. How does one acquire the reaper hood ?