Yeah this guild update is stupid, the fact alone that it is lvl 5 tree, but also it seem taht to unlock ANY guild mission in any tree you need art of war 5, which no small pve guilds will have invested in AT ALL
and while at it, when you actually edit the MOTD, why not have the previous message already written there, if you have to make just a minor edit (or maybe misspelled a word) you avhe to rewrite the whole thing
That is already there, it is called WvW
Why make them any kind of bound at all tbh? why cant we be allowed to sell them, or give to guildies/friends if they have more use of them?
I also recently returned to GW2 after looking around for another MMO to play. But alas, ArenaNet have spoiled me so much I just can’t play any other MMO these days, even ones I played for years before GW2.
It’s all ArenaNet’s fault.
This soo soo much, i used to play a LOT of Rift before GW2 (had a max level rogue tank in early raid gear when i stopped that), and really enjoyed that game back then… trying to go back and play it, i just cant stand the combat or anything on the most basic level, and same with a couple other MMO’s i used to enjoy
I see it as great done really, all these things you see as “contradicting” are the small joys and pleasure the ppl still manage to find, and what makes it worth fighting for. Afterall if there were no happiness or joy left in the world what would it be worth fighting? everyone would loose hope and spirit to fight on then
4. Books
I don’t know about anyone else, but those little books that we were filling by playing the game gave a sense of progression to the game and were some sort of long term goal. Books like Dungeon Master’s Guide, Player’s Handbook, Flameseeker Prophecies, Nightfall etc
For those that don’t know, those were “books” that players could fill by finishing specific quests/dungeons, they contained one page for each dungeon/mission in the game. Once you had your book filled up to a certain point, you could exchange it for rewards. It could be used in Guild Wars 2 so instead of farming one dungeon, or more importantly one path of a specific dungeon (CoF p1), players would do more paths on a variety of dungeons to fill their books. It would reduce the sense of grinding.
Other books could be based on Jumping Puzzles, Story mode quests (repeatable story steps, why not?), big world bosses, huge event chains etc etc
That actually a VERY good idea, and would help get ppl to actually do more than the same path in same dungeon over and over again
Actually i would prefer 2 slots, one fo the actual food items, and one for the maint oils etc
As much as it should be against the rules to allow people to ruin events, spam chat channels, and troll people, a troll’s money is just as good as anyone else’s. And that’s the only thing gaming companies care about, the bottom dollar.
the problem with rules against such things, is that you can consistently enforce such a rule correctly, sure there are some cases of obvious trolling, but a lot of times it can be hard to truly tell if it was intentional trolling, or just pure inexperience
… what? conditions across the board are gonna be MORE useful not less… and ofc condition applying skills will be changed, just like stability applying skills got changed, when they added stackable stabilty…
what would be so bad by just letting swiftness stack?
that you with one skill could easily get like 48 or 60 sec of swiftness with one skill (move back and forth 4-5 times over the curtain), and that is on a skill that even in addition to that apply cripple to enemies that try to run over it, and function as an amazing pull if timed right
a pirate could be underwatter acting as a “spotter” for the pirate that operating the canon
Is pretty well known, and i think what happening is that universally curtain wont apply swiftness if you already have it, since that would allow for ridiculous amount of stacking swiftness if you ran over it a few times. Would love to get this fixed somehow but i dont see a very easy way this could be fixed and still prevent curtain swiftness stacking to the extreme
Would seem neither I guess. 6:30pm is GMT+0 (British time). Pacific Time is -7 if I’m correct/
GMT+0 is NOT british time currently, that would be GMT+1 (GMT+0 is british time only during the winter).
And this is why imo daylight saving time should not exist in the first place… causes more problems than good things :P
I don’t think that is bad. You have less power but more of all other stats + a full set of specialization + all your skills. So at the end, you would still beat the actual lvl 2. Going to lvl 2 zones with your lvl 80 characters in the past was not easy, it was trivial, basically one shot everything. I haven’t tried myself but I guess now it is somewhat fun.
Full agree with this, haven’t tested it myself,. but sounds like a good thing to me, have always been ridiculously easy in the lowest zones before, to the point that my condi specced(rabid) mesmer could 1-2 shot mobs… which is just stupid
Could be he was trolling you anyway. He might have already had it before he “stole” your mob, or…. is there a chat code for the portal?
well the way the game work there has to be one for all items, and yep, checking the wiki it is even up there
well the game on the other hand don’t change much if at all at lvl 80 (max level) so really don’t worry too much about it, also you can still go to lowerlvl areas and have fun without being too OP there as you get scaled down to the lvl of the area
once again.. you want to get the same thing the huge collection of people gets without any of the effort…
No you cant be paid 100 billion a year just because the country gets that much.
Cant speak for all the others but personally i would be fine if we just had access to tier 1 guild missions in say lvl 2 or 3 of their respective tiers, then the tier 2 and 3 missions could be further down, that way the smaller versions would be accessible by the smaller guild, but the bigger guilds got their bigger missions, so the big guild sure would have a advantage sure, but, at least the small ones do have a chance to get something, although it would take a bit longer, but i wouldn’t mind that. really with all 3 tiers being in lvl 5 i bet the tier 1 and 2’s are rarely if every started because the big guilds simply get more out of doing tier 3’s
no idea really, but in the end most of the replies will likely be in the high end here, since the people that go on the forums are typically those that spent a lot of time on the game and thus more likely to have bought a lot of gems, but is in no way indicative of the average amount spent per player. And the fact is, you chose to spent it, you didn’t have to, you could have played this long not spending anything at all, which I am sure there is ppl that have done, but most likely those wont be on these forums and see this thread
because 4 silver is just too much?
If the amount is considered insignificant, why should it even cost anything?
it is insignificant for the each single player (if they are any decent), but in the grand scheme it is a gold sink that takes quite a bit of gold away from the economy, thus keeping part of what keeps it in check.
been bought up a couple times already, but is something that, deserve reapeting
Mad Memories states it is unique in its tooltip, though not like it possible to equip two of them anyway :V
Also, anyone knows what sPvP and Fumble means?
For sPvP, I’m assuming server PvP, but just want to be sure. If it’s server PvP, that’s WvW or what? o.o
sPvP is Structured PvP, meaning the battles you can enter from heart of the mists
WASD is the default control for just about every game out there, and A+D are always strafe, not turn, except in a few MMOs (because of some misguided attempt to be gaming-noob friendly).
unfortunately it seem to be ad for turning not in a few MMO’s but about every single one, and is one of the first things i got in and change to strafe when I start an MMO
and well for me it not a “filler” between exotic and legendary, since i have no intention to get a legendary at any time soon, likely never ever even. So for me it is just an added grind to get the BiS items… wasn’t it supposed to be easy and relatively quick to get BiS items in gw2? and then you could if you wanted grind for cosmetics
ehmm well yeah there is a few places, where you get lvled below mobs true but honestly the majority of places you are a few lvl’s above and that + the fact you got better quality gear than ppl at that lvl have access to on top of all your traits, you should still be utterly destroying mobs 90% of the time… really my condition build (only got base power) lvl 80 mesmer is still 2-3 shoting mobs in the lowest lvl area…
That is actually a nice idea, would be nice to have it there yeah
so then tell me why about as good as every single FPS game for PC uses WASD to move around if it is so inferior… afterall if there is any genre in general where fast responses and mobiblty is important FPS would be it
Yep kinda silly, well kinda lucky for my first lvl 80 he was using rabid gear but still masterwork means a loose quite a bit underwater, and well i fear for my thief as hes using a power build… how am i supposed to get a proper waterbreather for him?
well sux to be you i geuss, im for one glad they limited achievement point hoarding by such cheap methods (yes cheap, as in low, not as in not gold cost)
In the wiki there’s a table of damage increase by critical chance vs. critical damage. I learned from it that critical chance is to prefer. My own limit for permanent increase therefore is 80%, for the remaining 20% “Fury” is responsible.
The other case is if one focusing on condition damage. Because this damage cannot crit, one can leave out precision and critical damage more or less… so in that case 40% would be too much, in my opinion.
critical damage is useless for condition builds, but most (of not all) classes in fact have traits that make you proc some sort of condition when you crit, so you want to in fact have a good critical chance even with a condition build due to that
i would love a stack increase too, to like increase it to just do another bytenumber if needed (although that may be a bit too much i geuss? that would afterall give us 32k approx xD, so maybe 1-2 bits for each expansion (and probably cost a little more than a normal bankslot, though not too much since it would add more space really, but that space be a little less flexible)
totally removing a limit would never be a feasible idea, at some point if you did taht the system would bug out and write some absurd errorlike code that would make no sense to 90% of the ppl in the game, and might even make us actually loose all we had there :P)
FYI i have it on my main mesmer, but didn’t really have the time to complete it on all my other characters, while doing the other Halloween stuff too, and I’m sure there is players out there that have even more characters
And for your argument, every one can open own store and sell bread too.
Sorry but no, jsut no, opening a shop to sell bread IRL would first of all require a shop to sell from which would cost a LOOOOOT of money in itself, and then you need to get a “business license” (not sure what the correct name is for it really) before you even allowed to, among a lot of other stuff, so it is FAR from that simple
no creating a legendary will give you the specific time you want depending on what gifts and precursors you use (gift of exploration being use don all legendaries)… Seriously do ppl not even care to try research about stuff they want in games these day, a simple look on wiki would have told you the reward for map completion as well as what each specific legendary would need to be crafted
become aware that reflection means you can deal unexpected direct damage at any time. good thing you know when it turns on!
The problem is that it turns on when you activate a skill literally meant for stealth and stealth only. It doesn’t make any sense.
I wish you could say, “Oh I really want it to reflect right now” or “No, I really don’t want it to reflect right now”; but the point is that two mechanics are directly clashing, causing a clunky mash up result that commonly gets you killed—specifically with stomping and ressing.
It’s not that complicated, people
It apparently are too complicated for you, there are 6 different manipulations skills, and only ONE of those stealth you (mirror (okay i admit the reflect part of that trait is kinda wasted on that particular skill since… it part of the skill already), blink, Mimic, Illusion of Life, arcane Thievery and finally the stealth skill in question, mass invisibility, so its not the only time it turns on, and im pretty sure a big amount of memser runs at least blink as well (probably more than run MI), and the amounts of uses blink see due to the low cd compared to MI is gonna be HUGE compared, so really a better fix for your problem would likely be to remove the manip skill type from MI, rather than nerfing MI for 4 skills just to make it better for your one skill, IF anything should be done
TBH even if it were 10000% i still wouldn’t want them, guards never really been much of a threat
Allow Right-Click (Camera Rotation) to be a Toggled function
in Suggestions
Posted by: GummiBear.2756
YES please, would love this
would love for thiefs to somehow bypass defences to help kill the defenders on the wall (but making ti impossible to kill the keep lord before a wall or gate is downed), not for mesmer to get inside unless they hidden in there from the past where they had access too it (owned the fort/keep, or had the outer door/walls down prior)
Guys — so sorry for the long period of non-communication. No, I wasn’t abducted by aliens.
Sure it is not aliens controlling the ship? :P
Anyway do enjoy, your vacation, you surely deserved it
Another common field (and the most used one if there is no enemies nearby) would be blast in lightning fields, which would grant swiftness, with enough ppl that can give up to around a whole minute of swiftness or more even, great for getting around (the lightning field though can only be made by ele’s but ofc anyone can do the blast)
Well, considering they’ve had this system for what, 2 years or more now? if it’s not working for them you would think they would have noticed. My guess is there are a lot of people buying keys.
Oh I’m sure certain people buy them ad nauseam and that they think it’s working well enough, but the point is that they could almost certainly sell way more than they do if they would just tweak the drop rates and/or do less RNG.
And then i wonder what exactly you base that on, unlike you ANet actually have statistics on it, where all you got a empty claims and assumptions with no evidence to back it up, since it hasn’t changed for so long most likely it works a LOT better than you think it does
Sorry, but the pre-order includes BETA weekends only, not stress test at all, as for informing us they did that with this new post posted before the pre-purchase was even possible
GW2 uses a different “soft” trinity consisting of control/damage/support (instead of the traditional tank/damage/healer), and by soft it means that you are never and should never lock yourself into one role, and in any given situation one should at the very least provide some damage, and best to provide at least 1 of the 2 others roles (and is possible to provide all 3 roles too).
Control is well crowd control and stuff, like the line of warding(and guardian skill that prevents enemies from moving over it, and if they try they get knocked down), stuns, dazes, cripples and that sort of stuff.
Damage is well… damage, pretty self explanatory there :P
Support is NOT only healing, though healing is part of it, but it also boons (might, fury, quickness, regeneration, vigor etc, or other effects like thief that share venoms with allies(a special thief skill type that give extra effects to the next 3-4 attack usually (vary per venom used)), reflection i guess is under here as well (though can be argued to be a sort of control effect too.
and guardian is definitely a good character if you want to be able to supply some good support
why not have it so the guild armor is actually able to add a guild logo on ANY armor in the game? why do you have to be forced into a specific look (and currently a very boring look at that) if you want your logo shown. I was like really excited when we finally managed to get a armor contract for our guild… after we got it… i felt it was a waste of inf…
Try that :
That list makes me laugh. 2 abilities for a Ranger vs. 4+ for every other class. LOL @ 6 for a Thief.
You don’t read so good do you?
Rangers have 4 stunbreaks, 1 auto stunbreak, and long stability uptime.
You don’t read so good do you?
That post was made 2 years ago, so obviously the list is WAY WAY different back then than it is today
or well you could annoy the hell out of other legit ppl, spamming reports on them, ust to make them have to solve them
really nice idea, and while yeah your 2 aren’t too creative, the idea of it giving distortion to allies is awesome, would be a really nice support skill, would love something in line of this idea
I see, it’s probably the Daylight Savings time messing the conversions up… how handy these things are.
yeah if you ask me we should totally get rid of daylight savings times, doing more harm than good in todays worlds
yeah dodge it, and if you fail be sure you have some sort of condi removal, and well remove the cripple and continue on if you really really really cant be bothered to just plain out kill them, most classes with proper gear should be able to kill them in 2-3 skill uses or so
I know how to deal with it. I can’t always deal with it. Maybe I shouldn’t, but I feel like this particular skill isn’t needed on this map. It’s a big map, it doesn’t have too many waypoints, meaning you have to travel on foot. I wouldn’t imagine anything more cruel than including things that slow you down if you make a mistake of dodging too early or too late.
Apparently it’s just me having problem with it. It just feels like a zubat cave in Pokemon all over again to me.
Well i ahve absolutely no problems dealing with them all the few times it happen, and sound like im not alone, so sound to me you dont truely know how to deal with effectively. And sorry but SW and Dry Top are among the smallest maps in the world. if not smallest (not counting main cities ofc), yes the WP are few and far between but then open up the skritt caves if you want fast travel around SW
(edited by GummiBear.2756)