No respawn death match would be fun I think. The only issue I see is if you end up with a 1v1 with bunkers oe thieves and everyone has to wait for them to finish…
Skill aside. I think it depends on the team comp really. A perfectly balanced team comp or a team made of primarily low mobility builds (lookin @ you necros) are more incentivized to force big 4vx teamfights on mid and their home point.
In contrast teams with multiple thieves or highly mobile classes like ranger will be encouraged to rotate and create 2v1, 3v2 scenarios because they will lose against slow moving bunker builds in a big teamfight.
The better team will control the pace of the game to their advantage. With this in mind it’s easy to see why mesmer is an important part of a balanced team because mes portal can counter the fast moving rotating team.
Remember when we were afraid of bullrush because of hundred blades?
We just need to keep the PMA
Positive mental attitude.
Constructive and looking forward instead of silly name calling and unsubstantial whining
I second this!
I’d like to see the results of these matches. I’ve also played up to legendary and not once have I seen a 5 stacked or even a 4 stacked team win against a balanced team.
I, like many if you, have been playing GW2 PvP since day one. And simply put; I think those of us that frequent the forums have lost perspective and are too focused on minor details to apreciate how far PvP has improved.
Let’s remind ourselves that once upon a time, we had to play mini tournaments to have structured matches. Teams who wanted to compete had to organize together and queue at the same time for a paid tournament.
Not so long ago the only reward for playing countless hours of PvP was a neat finisher and cheap backpacks (and a few gems if you were dedicated enough).
If you solo queue mid fights could last 15min with bunker guardians on both teams. Honestly, every period up until now there has been an S tier class, spirit rangers, thieves on release, etc.
Currently there are obviously balance issues. Not every build is equal to their counterparts. But at least there are separate rolls and teams won’t have success with 5 of the same class even if it’s 5 lich necros.
I would like to see more viable builds for the f2p guys so the game continues to grow but we can’t forget that the game has come a long way in the right direction.
Anyway just my thoughts excuse my grammar please <3
I’m really curious. Obviously ANet believes so or else they wouldn’t implent one but I look at the forums every day at work and I can’t help but wonder if all the negative feedback would be muted if solo queue was random queue.
Personally I feel like Ranked should be more akin to a random seeded tournament and if you get knocked out by the tournament winner first round… At least you can blame the dice not the invisible hand.
If you study your pets cast time you can figure out how each f2 ability works. Most of them do have a long cast time and repeatedly pressing f2 will interrupt the ability. And the pet can be interrupted by stuns and whatnot, if you keep and eye on your pet it’s easier to work with.
But what I want you to do is to look at what you’re asking for. You want to take most(or all) of the damage away from your pet and on to the ranger. But you don’t get to shift that power and add utility to the pet without making the ranger rediculously overpowered.
There might be a way to balance it where only some of the pets damage is moved to the ranger, and then the rest of the damage is taken off the pet to make its utility more reliable (remember utility is power too). But then it doesn’t make sense thematically, why would a giant bear do no damage when it’s mailing someone’s face? All of this has to be taken in consideration.
I think the entire point of the ranger class is to maneuver with a pet. You can play bow/rifle warrior if you’re into the high damage range builds without having any of it attributed to a minion.
That’s true, but at the same time, that is also largely left up to player interpretation. Maybe rangers have their damage split with their pets to have to work together, or maybe, the player has to rely on their pet for useful boons in order to improve themselves. Maybe the ranger player has all of the damage but can’t hold an opponent in place to land it without the pet.
There is more than one interpretation of how a ranger and pet could work together in order to be efficient is all. It’s left highly up to interpretation, but asking at least for more options that don’t undermine the philosophy that the ranger has to work with their pet to achieve the best results is a legitimate request I think. It shouldn’t always be a damage focused problem.
I think what you’re looking for might already be there. I run wolf/drake hound on all of my builds because of their CC abilities. I time them so I can kite my opponents more effectively and it allows me to stay alive longer. Is this the kind of thing you’re looking for? Or do you want your pet to have much more utility and a lot less damage?
You also have to consider if they move some damage off the pet on to the ranger. The pet won’t get more utility, that would just be straight buffs. And I doubt the ranger is in a place to receive such drastic buffs.
Not that I disagree with you entirely I just want to add some things to consider.
I think the entire point of the ranger class is to maneuver with a pet. You can play bow/rifle warrior if you’re into the high damage range builds without having any of it attributed to a minion.
Also you can shift+right click to take off the auto attack on sword 1 so it doesn’t root you in place.
As for condition removal, I do wish there were other routes rangers could take. IMO I think healing spring should remove more conditions but only heal you. It seems silly to me at least the a ranged class is encouraged to group with his/her teammates in order to effectively use the heal skill. (Maybe have a sort of pulsing effect that cures a condition every pulse idk)
The details wont be released till tomorrow so we don’t know yet. Who knows maybe that sigil nerf/bugfix will stop the warrior CC train.
I just think it’s a little lame that they enforce the walk(and loading screens) to LA just so they can sell the express items off the TP.
ill throw down 20 bucks whos with me!
lets fix PVP once and for all. Im guessing a few weeks of hard work should do the trick
I’ll through in 5 dolla,
we’ll do live testing on live servers and we’ll do it f#%king fast. IF WE AIN’T MOVIN IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION, IT’S BETTER THAN GOIN IN NO DIRECTION.
I hate to say it but, you will need to find another reason to play sPvP to play sPvP.
The community has degraded a lot since release, for reasons I can only speculate but nonetheless I have also found more rudeness in general.
But to be clear, you need to find some other reason to play sPvP because the community will not be supportive of you. You have to find a reason to play that is independent of this fact. Here are some examples:
a. Determination to improve your skill as a player
b. The need to compete
c. Close friends that would like you to join them in sPvP
I wouldn’t include ‘fun’ under that list because it’s not fun to get smothered by better players while they rage at you. It’s only fun after you put the effort in to improve.
Bro, there are a lot more reasons to quit sPvP. The community however is the biggest gate to newer players, and your silly kitten isn’t helping. Stop with the hate and get with the helping.<3
Well I have many times where I cannot understand what is going on at a team fight and have to resort to spam. And I have played alot of GW2, have had 2 accounts in the top 10 on solo q (at the same time). Currently have 2 accounts in the top 100, win about 65-70% of my solo q matches. So if EVEN I sometimes have to resort to spamming on a point then what chance do other players have?
The reason why you’re resorting to spam is because nothing is going on, nobody is downed, no large game changing elites are being used (elite spirit, time warp). Which happens to be most of the time. And this is is solo queue, you cannot coordinate any of your abilities without VOIP.
When it comes to tpvp even my ranger isn’t just 1111111111. I can time my spirit when someone says “I’m goin down ohkitten#8221;, I can use my storm spirit and bonfire on a downed enemy as soon as I see them drop. I can use my shortbow 5 to interrupt an enemy spirit rez or even a standard rez. I can even use my wolf fear if I am or someone else is getting stomped. I can do all of that on the most spammable class in the game.
Necro has wayyyyy more utility than rangers with all of that fear and damage, I only play ele/warrior/ranger so I dont know the specifics but there are things you can do in almost any given situation. You don’t get to spam 111111 like I do buster. I’m calling your bluff.
can u do that in 0.5 sec?
My brain might take a little bit more than a half a second to realize the situation, but it registers pretty quick TBH.
When I play with teams the first thing I do is get a head count of the enemy at any given location. (mostly because if we see 5 mid we can go back cap but for other reasons as well). The large elite spirit is actually rather easy to see as soon as it’s used and focusing it before it can actually rez anybody is usually a good idea (although if you can count on someone to interrupt it then dont bother).
When friendlies go down they should call out on VOIP and if you have none it’s still pretty easy to see. You should always see when an enemy goes down because you should always be focusing what your teammates are focusing. BUT even if you’re not the red marker above the body STILL makes it easy to point out.
All of this should register almost as soon as it happens. The things I wish were more visible are guardian cooldowns (but that might be because I never play guardian so I have no idea why they’re going invulnerable over and over again) but that’s very minor and probably would have little impact on how I would play the game.
Mr pro! Good of you to drop in my thread again.
The point isnt any of this. The point is that seeing what is going on it hard in such scenarios and it shouldnt be.
It’s easy to see these things as they are happening as the necro you should have been able to see all of the stuff we were able to point out in your picture quite clearly if you were paying attention.
Onlookers without reasonable GW2 experience might think “wtf is goin on?” and not understand what all of the animations mean. But if you play the game and put a few hours on each class this stuff should be apparent.
(edited by HappinessFactory.4910)
K check this out.
1 person just got stomped ( you can see dolyak finisher)
1 person is downed (you can see by the downed symbol above the corpse)
both of them are on your team ( because the downed symbols are blue)
You can see the enemy spirit ranger has his ult spirit up in case anybody on his team dies (unlikely because 2 of your teammates are already down)
And there is a mesmer on point which might mean backpoint is open (if of course you knew mesmer was playing backpoint defender)
This is a lot of good information, that can be gathered from a rather poorly positioned camera angle. I’m not saying it’s perfect, but I don’t think it’s much to complain about as a player. As a viewer? sure but honestly I dont give a kitten about the 200 people watching spvp. E-sports is over lets just have fun.
that gif lol
I do enjoy more complex mechanics as they introduce more interesting nuances to the class. And it makes the better player who is able to optimize those complex mechanics. So in a sense every class should be reasonably complex (at least imo).
However the hostility, like the undertone in Achilles’ post, I also believe is a problem. That elitist mentality based on class choices is really obnoxious because the only point in that sense is to remove any sense of legitimacy from that class.
Another of A-nets legendary quotes.
I don’t really mind, personally but I really gotta ask? Why?
Clearly there are development issues since what is thought about at the table is not always what is then the end result when released, however every decision and every result has a reason and a why. I know a lot of people have sore feeling regarding what is said, and feel like they are being overly pandered to. But looking past that, would it really be a terrible idea to tell us what is being considered? Then if it changes just give us the reason why? Surely if it’s rational I don’t think anyone can realistically be mad about it?
Or is it that the process from being conceived is so big that saying anything would be redundant since it changes so often?
You might be a reasonable guy but have you seen some of the other people in this forum?
I’m gonna have to second this. People react over the smallest things even if they’re only being considered, myself included. I’d prefer to be kept in the dark until patch day so I can formulate an actual opinion balance instead of what ifs.
Infinite Continue Coin != pay to win
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: HappinessFactory.4910
I agree that it’s not pay to win because you can get the coin with gold and you dont even need the coin if you farm or are good enough to manage without it.
However for the jump scrubs without enough time to farm coins it is convenient. I mean I would have had to follow the guide for TBM in order to work my way through it. AND WHERE’S THE FUN IN THAT?
But honestly, the only thing the coin saves is time.
-All spirits can now be launched, knocked down, and knocked back.
This was a bug fix which now will allow more counter-play when fighting spirits.
-Storm Spirit, Frost Spirit, Sun Spirit, Stone Spirit, and Spirit of Nature will now begin their recharge when the spirit dies instead of when the spirit is summoned.
-Storm Spirit, Frost Spirit, Sun Spirit, and Stone Spirit: Recharge has been reduced from 60 seconds to 25 seconds.
-Spirit of Nature: Recharge has been reduced from 240 seconds to 180 seconds.
Previously you were able to pre-cast spirits before a fight so that when they would die you could instantly re-summon them. This made it feel like there was little to no counter play. Players could take the time to AOE them down simply to have to deal with another set of spirits. These changes were made so that there is a time window where the ranger will be without spirits once they die. Since the spirits now die after their duration, we had to reduce the recharge to compensate. In fights where they are dying often, the shorter recharge is a buff.
Solar Flare: Fixed a bug so this skill no longer applies a duplicate infinite duration blind.
This was a simple bug fix removing unintended functionality.
I understand the knockdown thing (although that could be the hardest nerf out of the 2) BUT I thought the timing the spirits was one of the few things spirit rangers had to actually plan out.
I mean that’s removing the potential for good gameplay is what that nerf is. Now if people still play spirits it will be even more mindless and less beneficial :/
How does this change remove the potential for good game play? Before a spirit ranger could go into a fight with spirits already out and off recharge allowing them to instantly re-summon them once they died. There is no counter play to that.
The spirits last for a limited duration so that the ranger must make a conscious choice when to summon them or else they could go on recharge early in a fight if you use them ‘mindlessly’. This also provides a downtime window of 25 seconds once they have died that a player knows they can deal with the ranger. This works consistently with other minions now.
We are obviously watching any changes we make closely and will make adjustments if it is necessary.
Okay, sorry about not being able to respond until now I’ve been busy with work and stuff.
But what I mean to say as a spirit ranger you want your spirits up as much as possible. It’s up to your opponents to kill them. Not summoning them because you’re afraid they might die is just as bad as them dying early.
So rangers will just spawn them right before a fight and right when they come off cooldown… every time. Less thought at least imo. Then again you’re be right it’s better than just spamming them WHENEVER they’re off cooldown.
-All spirits can now be launched, knocked down, and knocked back.
This was a bug fix which now will allow more counter-play when fighting spirits.
-Storm Spirit, Frost Spirit, Sun Spirit, Stone Spirit, and Spirit of Nature will now begin their recharge when the spirit dies instead of when the spirit is summoned.
-Storm Spirit, Frost Spirit, Sun Spirit, and Stone Spirit: Recharge has been reduced from 60 seconds to 25 seconds.
-Spirit of Nature: Recharge has been reduced from 240 seconds to 180 seconds.
Previously you were able to pre-cast spirits before a fight so that when they would die you could instantly re-summon them. This made it feel like there was little to no counter play. Players could take the time to AOE them down simply to have to deal with another set of spirits. These changes were made so that there is a time window where the ranger will be without spirits once they die. Since the spirits now die after their duration, we had to reduce the recharge to compensate. In fights where they are dying often, the shorter recharge is a buff.
Solar Flare: Fixed a bug so this skill no longer applies a duplicate infinite duration blind.
This was a simple bug fix removing unintended functionality.
I understand the knockdown thing (although that could be the hardest nerf out of the 2) BUT I thought the timing the spirits was one of the few things spirit rangers had to actually plan out.
I mean that’s removing the potential for good gameplay is what that nerf is. Now if people still play spirits it will be even more mindless and less beneficial :/
Meh, 2500 hours on ranger and I’ve been treated like a second class citizen for a full year. Rangers are not fine at all.
shortbow nerf
never forget 40ms
back to traps
Actually that’d be really cool. I’d definitely play on a zerker amulet only server. I wouldn’t want any class banned in it. Fighting glass thieves is fun. They mess up, they die. You mess up, you die.
That’s a good point, I have nothing to argue against that haha.
I think that this would be incredible to watch.
You could still build support with traits, runes, and sigils with either of those amulets. Those kinds of builds would be pretty important actually, since like you said all glass would be pretty dangerous and hard to control points with.
That kind of play format would be great practice for tournaments, since your instincts would have to be so much faster, your awareness, etc.
I completely agree that it would be entertaining, I’m not a game designer myself so it’s hard for me to explain why. But I just have this feeling that big plays and skill could be witnessed in a set up like this.
I also agree with the fact people could still build a support role. But instead of supporting like current guardians do (which is basically tanking on a node lets be honest people) it could potentially be more dynamic with well placed stuns. Choosing to sacrifice damaging abilities for CC abilities could make for some interesting builds (support hammer warrior anybody?)
Speaking of tournaments (I’m gonna go on a huge tangent here), I believe that pro players would be able to separate themselves from the masses so to speak in a format like this. Mostly because spam condi builds (while still potentially being effective with rampgers) would not be nearly tanky enough to play as they currently do. I’ll be honest; I just recently started playing again, started running spirits on my ranger and I feel strong enough to play against the best. Even though I have lost so much during my time off.
As the title suggests would it be interesting to have set matches that only allowed for Berserkers or Rampagers amulets? (Maybe Valkyries idk)
I was thinking about this idea on my own because during my free time in hotjoins I like to run D/D berserkers on my elementalist and simply do tons of a damage and play a high risk/reward game. It’s just fun TBH.
But people in the ‘Your Ideal Meta’ thread began discussing a glass META. I think it would be insanely fun to run team arenas with every single member running one of those 2 amulets. I’ll list my reasons.
1. Defensive cooldowns/Dodge rolls will have to be timed as there is less room for mistakes. This would make a higher skill ceiling which I believe is a bonus
2. All actions become more satisfying. Landing a firegrab (fire 5 ability as elementalist) while running berserkers is awesome. Landing a firegrab against someone who wont simply tank/heal all of it is even more awesome. Same goes with any high hitting ability.
3. The downstate mini-game now becomes even more intense as it will be more difficult to rez teammates.
4. I do believe it will open up more class viability because if every single player is running these amulets, the game will be more focused upon positioning and timing rather than the constant rock/paper/scissors between current meta builds. Thieves might be OP though idk.
5. Fun
Okay but obviously there will be downsides I’ll number the ones I predict below.
1. Thieves. Thieves are already viable running berserkers so it might just be a mess letting these guys roam about 1shotting people. Maybe thieves will simply just get one shot back but I just predict thieves to be really strong (ban worthy maybe?)
2. Control Points. Conquest is a game mode that promotes strategy and rotation in structured formats. I can appreciate that, but with all berserkers/rampagers amulets games might just turn into bloodbaths because holding a point will be insanely difficult without tanky amulets. I do believe the best players will still find a way to invoke strategy in a game that only allows glass amulets.
I think it would be tons of fun. There are probably many angles I’m not seeing so please reply to this thread with your thoughts!
Also if it turns out that people do like the idea I’ll look into creating a custom arena for the sake of such matches
Happinessfactory out!
(edited by HappinessFactory.4910)
While I do agree, that daily/weekly/monthly/yearly tournaments would be absolutely fantastic. I believe that it isn’t and shouldn’t be a priority.
I believe having a fully functional and fun solo queue is the #1 priority for sPvPers. By functional I mean having the matchmaking system smoothed out so more matches are more fair (basically less 100-500 stomps), and a stronger leaver buster. By more fun I mean balance to the point where a dedicated player can be effective with any build with the intent to PvP.
Nonetheless paid tournaments were some of the most fun I’ve had in years as a gamer. And because of the lack of support the one paid pop a night which happened sometimes was like a daily tournament. I would like to witness that intensity again on a regular basis.
I’ve played a significant amount of both structured PvP and WvW and I will agree with most people here that thieves are relatively balanced on the conquest format mostly because their kits dont do much to assist the team outside of instagibbing squishies. They cannot hold their own 1v1 in most cases and is nearly impossible for them to keep a point under their control/neutral under pressure.
With that said WvW is a whole nother story. With the only route to gain points for your realm coming from towers/keeps/SM which are all but impossible for people to solo, small skirmishes break out all the time between people who are simply walking to their commander or getting supply.
Normally, these skirmishes are the things I look for because of the variety of builds I encounter, and it gives me a heap of nostalgia going back to the WoW days and playing on pvp servers and having fights in STV. BUT, these thieves really really ruin it for me.
I dont care so much about losing to a thief, but I do mind the fact that every fight I nearly win the thief simply disengages heartseakers through some smokefield/pops shadow refuge to barely survive. Then comes back 3minutes later after stalking me only to bother me again.
To say it’s irritating is putting it lightly. And I wholeheartedly feel what the OP is feeling. I dont have any balance suggestions to stop that from happening, mostly because the players that use stealth builds also sacrifice their damage which is fair. But that doesnt make it less frustrating to deal with in WvW.
Out of the 6 maps i’m pretty sure i get temple more often than the rest. I might as well start tallying.
As someone who’s been a spectator for the better part of 2 months because of work, i’ll give my point of view to these situations.
I think it is unlikely and unfair to demand anything of arena-net at this point. They have given us 6 months post-release to make a fair judgement about the game. There have been dramatic changes like single matches, new maps, and the like. So it’s not like they’re not doing anything, but for many people (including myself) it’s taking too long to get anything rolling.
The game is fun, I wish i still had time to play it more regularly, because WvW and the PvE side of the game is a blast. But i digress, the lack of features and community population in sPvP is disheartening to say the least. So for me Heart of the Mists will simply be a transfer zone to get to Lions Arch.
@ NovaBlue
I’m going to be blunt and say you are probably not going to get a response you want… ever… and honestly, even though it sounds like you’re threatening to leave, it really looks like you’re looking for any excuse to stay and keep playing. As far as I know there have been 0 indicators for any sort of eSports, so maybe just playing for fun might be the best alternative.
Well, I’m sure in most people’s opinion changing classes mid match should not be possible. But judging from anets stance on not doing anything about it, it might be here to stay.
Oh ok so this is actually something that other people have had happen/know about? Surprised I haven’t seen a thread about it.
There are plenty but i figure most people at this point are tired of repeating the same subjects.
Well, I’m sure in most people’s opinion changing classes mid match should not be possible. But judging from anets stance on not doing anything about it, it might be here to stay.
I’m confused… since when do people not know that a Thief with BV up is obviously about to burst them? Additionally, who the hell doesn’t just break out of it?
because stunbreakers are for kittenes
hoes and kittenes
Leaving counts as a loss for your rating.
Uh…. Idk how that’s punishment if no one can see elo. Hell it would make things even worse for the lower brackets because they’d have to be matched with these guys who might be a higher skill level than them.
(70.) 46. HappinessFactory.4910 – 0
Real life sucks mannnn
The lobbies are merged for game matching = when you play a match all players on the same server (NA/EU) go to the same place.
:) You repeated what I said, and you’re correct! GJ!
Correct, the lobbies themselves are not merged, they only meet up when you go to play. You can still invite people across lobbies for games as long as they’re on your server though (Na or Eu).
I’m on Stormbluff now, and people are coming in/out of paids.
I think I see what you mean but I would suggest using a different term to separate heart of the mists and the NA/EU matchmaking lobbies. I mean i’ve got a pretty good idea of how it works already and you’re almost making me second guess myself.
Thread cleaning. Removed posting that only contained a quote without further content.
Hell no .
further content
(cant even re-iterate a valid point nowadays)
esp if u consider that pvp dont generate gold to exchange to gems to unlock new char places.. so u are forced to delete ur char and loosing any progress u done with colors. and on top u cant even buy new ones, cause u has no gold as spvp.
idk what’s making you delete your characters but spvp has a more consistent way to collect dyes than pve tbh.
you can craft them in the mystic forge with Slivers+dust+orbs+consumable token
I’ve collected hundreds of dyes this way.
These posts really irk me, mostly because I feel like its useless complaining. Nothing in this patch has hurt the spvp community in fact these single round paid queues appear to be a big hit.
Also, @ veltoss… I don’t know what the WvW people have to complain about. I WvW all the time now and it’s loads of fun, there are lots of people constantly even on anvil rock. You could complain about culling and server transfers. But only one of those is a problem and I don’t see the second one to even come close to the issues that currently plague the spvp comminity
Caught me. But, everything else stated was not a troll.
you’re correct, vyndetta really needs those nerfs so imba.
Hi Grouch, I’ve talked with you and some other guys on teamspeak a while ago and it seemed you were more interested in the “bigger picture” rather than specifications of class balance. I am too interested in the bigger picture so hopefully these questions can be included.
Question 1: In that january patch we’re seeing the first major change to the pvp system. Making paid tournaments into 1 round matches. If this proves to be a monumental success, what would the next major step be? And how would this step improve the health of the community?
Question 2: What is the end goal for sPvP? For this question ill use a metaphor. At the moment it feels like we’re building a car but we only have the engine, and the engine is no good without wheels or a shiny body. So what I’m asking is; what will the game look like when the car is finished?
Question 3: I figure it’s best not to have every… single… question… directed straight at the devs so here’s @ java and lowell. Balance is pretty good, but as we all know it’s neigh impossible to have everything perfect in place. So what would be some changes that could be made to solve some less than satisfactory gameplay? I havn’t been playing paids for past week or so, if this question were to be asked I’d also love to hear some about “meta” changes.
(edited by Moderator)
From a decision making stand point, i dont know why you made the rank stomps a consumable token.
I know there’s lots of things on your plate, but in order to improve on the system I’d recommend something where it automatically tiger stomps when you’re tiger rank and there would be a toggle where you can turn it on and off in the options.
Then the only the holiday/event consumables would be available.
With this change everyone would know what rank bracket the person who’s stomping them is. We dont need rank 50+ running around with rabbit finishers imo. Also, we wouldn’t have to keep using these consumables if we were bothered enough to show our rank in hotjoins/wvw.
“The map is enormous and has lots of room for strategy”
You obviously never played arathi basin or alterac valley.
Not quite sure what your point is by referring to AB or AV, but I do stand by my opinion that I feel temple of the silent storm has room for more diverse strategies unlike the maps that are in the current rotation.
no match making to go along with it? lol feel bad for the lower tier teams who get random draw pro teams until they have no tickets left
Hey at least it’s not a guarantee as it is currently.
Excerpt from Flame and Frost prelude post:
From January 28—February 4 the regular eight-team/three-round paid tournaments will be replaced by two-team/single-round paid tournaments in the Temple of the Silent Storm map. After the week is over, we’ll add Temple of the Silent Storm to the regular rotation of both free and paid tournaments.
Okay guys, this is what many of us have asked for; single round, 2 teams, 1 map. What do we think? Also, what of temple of the silent storm?
The map is enormous and has lots of room for strategy. I think it’s going to be especially interesting during the first week watching all the good teams develop new strategy. With the points being so far apart I dont even know if mesmer portal will reach from mid to side node like usual.
Anyways I’m excited and I hope you guys are too
Edit: attached link at the top
(edited by HappinessFactory.4910)
Considering that you should play both sides to get the most out of the game it would make sense to have the rewards intermingle.
Anybody in your group can see through stealth. Next time leave party before trying to duel your friends. Also call target is designed to fall off the target when stealthed for any period of time.
hmm i thought seeing low ranks in hot join means theres new blood.
I know that pvp is dying and stuff and i agree but wouldnt it be more concerning if there were no low ranked people???
Well this is supposed to prove that new blood isn’t making it to tournaments. So I guess is bad either way.