[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
At least gliding has made the Rampart WP better though.
True, that’s a good change for the green…I mean red team.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
The birds that appear out of nowhere when you start falling upon entering a no fly zone. Ghost thieves in training I say, this is a pressing matter.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
Right… because people need more reasons to sit on walls and use siege rather than coming out to fight. No thanks.
Or, people need more reason to 10v1 when they do “fight”. Again, no thanks!
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
[EBAY] is linked with CD who run massive karma train zergs. If they opened EotM ticket acquisition we would see CD posting about how they don’t have high enough population to compete in WvW.
I mean just think about it,
Crystal Desert
Where does the next expansion take place lol…
Of course this guy is fighting que.This is why HoD and Ebay are destined to be perma linked.
Why are you not addressing the symptom instead of the cause?
Anet keeps putting servers out of their tiers – and expecting what?
Who the heck wants to play against five or six servers ABOVE our own tiers?
No One
As evidenced by the (2) 3 server links that swap T3 / T4 back and fourth like a used toy? Both could easily handle T3, but neither want to because it may mean they’d be thrust into T2.
Whether anyone does or doesn’t get their golden links this Friday, nothing will change in terms of game play for them or anyone else. Those that roflstomp in the tiers they are used to will continue to do so and those that get put out of their comfort zone will go play PVE for a week, rinse repeat!
Yes, another symptom of the balance diesease, but everyone sees these symptoms mounting and does nothing about them, we don’t eat right, we don’t exercise. We just get our injections every 2 months, feel good or hurl for a month and half, then 2 weeks before the next injection, start screaming for the actual cure. Sorry, there isn’t one, and even if there were, some people would hijack the shipments, so what’s the point?
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
I just hate being time gated, and not rewarded properly for the effort I put..
What was your reward for your effort 4 months ago? You have a ton of repeatable reward tracks, entire pve collections you can and should be completing quickly if you’re continuing to play every week after completing the secondary pip track within a couple of days. It’s not like you’re getting nothing for your efforts.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
Saw a scourge a bit ago that was doing what the dragon hunters used to do, standing there killing things but not taking damage. So, I moa’d him, best fun I’ve had so far in this beta
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
If they extended the beta through till next Friday and just didn’t count this last linked week in terms of warscore then I think most people could have alittle more fun and experiment some. As it is right now, those that are known for bringing a machine gun to a pencil fight are doing what they do best and people don’t learn anything about their class or skills if they’re just going to run a beta toon with 20 other people on a Friday afternoon through Monday, furthermore, those that don’t run with 20 don’t learn anything either if that’s all they’re encountering.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
I’m of the opinion that every erroneous move in wvw is because the person doing said erroneous move is a spy. Even still, I have to admit that they can’t all be spies and sometimes mistakes happen.
The problem with announcing the players name in team chat is that most people would automatically label that person a spy from that moment on, even if it were a case of noob pull, they’d be blocked, reported and harassed by someone from that point forward, and of course no one would admit it was a troll pull, everyone that did it would claim they are a noob, trying to pick up supply, gather or…lagged the exact moment they passed the tacts.
The current system protects the spies/trolls/noobs/enemy zergs/people with bad computers or internet, it does not protect the defense that could’ve used the ewp that was pulled for whatever reason. Shaming the puller in team chat doesn’t change the fact that the ewp can’t be used if needed. It doesn’t erase the stigma of being yelled at for pulling it too early or too late either and it doesn’t change the fact that if it is pulled in a timely fashion your zerg could still get wiped by OJS on the EWP.
The problem with the EWP isn’t who pulls it and why, the problem is that it’s a defensive tactic that doesn’t necessarily benefit defense.
As a backup, which is what active tactics are supposed to be, the ewp is fine, but it’s not a backup, it’s the only option in some cases and that needs to change.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
I can get lag spikes while travelling be it walking or gathering, even sorting inventory, doesn’t matter. I’ve seen it in 1v1s and 7v7s as well, it’s not always ONLY during large fights and it happens in PVE as well.
Not going to say my fiance is an IT god, but I will label him a guru, so I’m fairly sure in our case, it’s not our hardware. Plus, we can both be in game but in seperate modes and he’ll experience it one night and I’ll experience it the next, or we’ll both experience it at the same time, it’s so random, it makes you question everything.
Admittedly, it has gotten worse over the last few weeks though especially in wvw. But, I think the problem is different in everyone’s case though, some of it can be attributed to player hardware, some can be attributed to Anet servers and some can be attributed to what your ISP is doing at the time. But not every case is solely on 1 player or Anet.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
I’m curious how this will work too.
Nevermind ques (they’ll be twice as wack as normal), but in addition to team score, there’s a personal score factor at play also. In the demo last weekend, every achievement, everything you gathered and all items you unlocked weren’t permanent, so…pips, reward track progress, personal rank gain? How is that going to be handled if you’re running a demo character? What if you get an outrageous drop? Lots of room for saltiness no matter if you’re a vet or a first time noob depending on how this is inplemented for testing.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
In Rata sum, they’re just past the airship cargo/exalted/Chak chest (or when you spawn in, to the right side of the second story structure in front of you that has your plants/Wintersday tree and Krait Ob). They do not have tags on your map to find them easily and yes, I do believe you have to feed both for them to appear.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
There’s only 1 server technically labeled as T4 right now fighting a technically labeled T3 and T2 server according to MOS NA (didn’t see any on EU that fit that criteria) and it’s debatable if this T4 server is losing. However, if they do, it probably has less to do with what everyone plays and more to do with relinks the week after next.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
requiring a dead player to join ts is silly.
I’d have to second that one, autocorrect or not
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
Somewhere in that zillion page (compilation of merged complaint threads I may remind people) I suggested that if they’re going to keep skirmish place pts at 5-4-3 they should change pip gain from 3-2-1 to match. Should I take credit for that change, cause it seems like it’s one of the biggest perks short of tickets in every chest.
The arguments about pips spanned the gauntlet of rank requirements, speed, outnumbered and commander buffs and who was in there for what reason, and those threads started the first week the system came out, were cleaned up and merged into what is being rehased here almost 2 months later for some reason.
Yes, people had issues and argued, but it was merged at 11 or 12 pages and ended at 18 pages, so one cant really be certain all arguments were directed at their own personal issue with the system unless they had time to read through all…what 5 original threads that first came out and then figure out what order Anet merged them in to see if their gloat fest comes into play.
Long story short, if you’re a lower rank (which last I recall the OP was) and if you’re on a server that gets 1st place alot (which the OP is) and if you dislike wvw but want the rewards (which…well, hard to tell on that first part, but obvious on the second) then gz, anet changed the system after people got used to it just like several people in that thread including anet said they probably would.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
Snice its faux legendary armor, it’s probably:
Option C: A featureless feature
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
No, what you’re asking for is a constant blob v blob. You say it won’t hurt anyone, but what about those that prefer to make it across the map or even from spawn to garri without a buddy system?
If you want to play alongside a zerg because you feel that provides something more for your playstyle then JOIN A SQUAD, if you dont want to follow the rules of a squad then don’t run with them or continue running alongside them never knowing what they’re doing and continuing to use them as meat shields while you collect loot, and if you prefer spvp then go play actual spvp, but don’t suggest the entire game mode be changed to suit your individual playstyle.
No instead we should ask individuals to conform behaviors like a bunch of robots, or quit the game basically, but we’ll do it with a smile so its ok then. While commanders continue to be dictators, which is fine because it costs too much money/effort for anet to code in mechanics which could easily negate this (which is the real bottom line and the only issue).
Half the game modes population conforms to not only new commanders but entire servers playstyles every 2 months…and we have to deal with 2-3 TSs, even 4 in one case so far.
So some people are left out of a squad or two, atleast you still recognize most tags. You’re not going to sit there and tell us that your server, probably the stackiest one around, that also happens to be 1 of only a few that don’t have to deal with links only runs 1 tag per map at all times and that that tag not only has time to (at the time of this post and according to MOS) come in 1st 13 out of 14 skirmishes while purposefully discriminating about who is allowed in squad.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
No, what you’re asking for is a constant blob v blob. You say it won’t hurt anyone, but what about those that prefer to make it across the map or even from spawn to garri without a buddy system?
If you want to play alongside a zerg because you feel that provides something more for your playstyle then JOIN A SQUAD, if you dont want to follow the rules of a squad then don’t run with them or continue running alongside them never knowing what they’re doing and continuing to use them as meat shields while you collect loot, and if you prefer spvp then go play actual spvp, but don’t suggest the entire game mode be changed to suit your individual playstyle.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
And catmander tags and home instance cats. Yes, a tag icon usable anywhere and PVE decorations ONLY obtainable in wvw. Does that not feel good to say?
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
Wb Jek
15 chars in a car
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
What exactly would you like to see changed about squad policy? By the sounds of it, you’d like to see all squads open invite/join and no one has the power to kick anyone else.
Assuming that is the hope of this thread and it were implemented, what would happen with the case of say trolls, bigots, general nussiances, afkers, spies and the host of other unsavory players that grace the bls? No one would have the power to kick them or stop them from joining in the first place, the commander could re-create a new squad but be forced into the same situation each time.
Just wondering, what system you think could possibly be implemented that prevents bullying on the one hand, allows a commander control of his/her squad and doesn’t enforce bullying on the other hand?
Thanks for being interested in a solution. Much appreciated!
I think if there is only 1 commander on a map and the squad is not approaching fullness (say less than 45/50), the not invite function should be disabled. The squad should be open. Once full or if a guild only (with only members of the guild – not other guild “invites”), then the invite only function becomes available.
If more than one tag (with minimum of 5 players in each tag) is available on a map, then the invite only function can be available to the commander who has been on the map the longest, and as new ones join, the next longest commander, etc..
As to kick function, there should be auto kick if u r afk for more than 10 mins (or whatever Anet prefers). If a commander wants to kick for other reasons, such as inappropriate chat/behavior – a warning given, then a screen shot taken or report made and then the kick. Sometimes people engage in behavior or speak in ways they don’t realize are offensive – so a warning would be nice, tho perhaps optional.
If players are engaging in abusive talk in squad they should be booted provided it is legit, and someone in squad reports it/screenshots it. If it happens verbally in TS, then they should be booted from TS, but not necessarily squad, unless they repeat it or say more/different abusive language by typing it in squad/say/TC, etc.
Anet has a solution for people who are abusive in game. It is the report function. It would operate in the same manner in a half full squad when a commander wants to kick a player for being disruptive/abusive in violation of Anet TOS.
As to spies, I do not have any idea what a commander or anyone can do with them with or without kick/no invite function.
I do not suggest that these suggestions are perfect/without flaw – I just thought them up on the spot. I am sure something could be concocted with a little thought along these lines that would be easy to implement to prevent abuse by squads/commanders yet providing them with freedom to do as they please when full/guild/multi commanders, etc.) and to prevent abuse/afkers.
I am here and would welcome any thoughtful suggestions as to how to curb this egregious hurtful behavior that is hurting the game and players for no legit reasons cept being exclusionary/mean. Its like licensing “mean girls” behavior and everyone gets on board to say yah, its ok, looks ok to me cuz he/she is the boss. The boss is not always right and should not always be respected when engaging in behavior that is deliberately mean with no net positive effect to anything (in the circumstances I am complaining about per above).
Don’t thank me, I don’t support of the current squad system changing, just curious how you thought it should.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
What exactly would you like to see changed about squad policy? By the sounds of it, you’d like to see all squads open invite/join and no one has the power to kick anyone else.
Assuming that is the hope of this thread and it were implemented, what would happen with the case of say trolls, bigots, general nussiances, afkers, spies and the host of other unsavory players that grace the bls? No one would have the power to kick them or stop them from joining in the first place, the commander could re-create a new squad but be forced into the same situation each time.
Just wondering, what system you think could possibly be implemented that prevents bullying on the one hand, allows a commander control of his/her squad and doesn’t enforce bullying on the other hand?
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
The yellow cat requires you earn enough wxp to be able to carry the portable provisioner…I’m not really sure if there’s another way to get the item he wants since I have the portable provisioner already, but assuming not and if we’re talking strickly about time required for the catfood, then I’d assume the yellow cat is more greedy.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
Meh, I’d been slowly but surely saving tickets since they came out in May, trying to decide what I wanted to work on first backpack or armor. Still trying to decide, but then I gave 200 tickets to the catmanders. Still nt sure what I want to focus on first, the rewards will come when they come.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
I like wvw gliding and the little terrian changes I’ve discovered so far with new areas to get to and older areas that are much quicker to reach now by air than previously by foot, it brings a freshness to exploring the bls we’re all so familiar with by now. I haven’t found 1 place yet that a glider can get to that a walker can’t, except maybe certain unforeseen enemy objectives that I’m sure will be corrected as they come up.
This new ability may be cut off from those that don’t own HOT, but core GW2 PVE players are and have been in the same boat for over a year and no one has complained about it to the best of my knowledge.
Adding gliding to those core maps didn’t kill them, it just gave a quicker option to navigate them and get to where you wanted to, save you in the event you started falling off a cliff while browsing the map etc, but it didn’t change the fact that you could still get there by foot if you wanted to or if you had to, and it didnt change the fact that if you wanted to spend your nights running a champ train that you had to own HOT to continue to do so.
Now, as far as wvw now being a pay to whatever, HOT has been out for 2 years, there are legendary weapons, there are GHs that include amongst other things wvw upgrades, and require that you have a GH (which is only obtainable thru HOT) to even be able to claim stuff in wvw and give everyone the the ability to collect +5 or even +10 supply…theres seige that only a scribe can craft, 1 being the shield gen, and suprise you can only train a scribe in a GH. Yes, there a host of HOT related perks that come with owning this 2 year old expansion, and gliding in wvw is finally 1 of them, but it’s no more game breaking to non HOT owners than any other perk included in the expansion and it doesn’t twist your arm forcing you to buy in order to continue playing the mode.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
I’ve heard that blinking lines vs static lines were also helpful in some situations.
True, animations can assist visually impaired operators, but they also delve into system requirement areas that would cause or exasperate problems for other users.
A 3 layer system (as is thick lines, thinner static lines or flashy medium thickness lines) 1 of the 3 options selectable by individual user preference would be nice, but would require programming time Anet may not be able to or want to devote to such a project.
We need to know, if gliding is disabled will territories remain? If so, then there’s certainly time to try and make these borders more visually appealing and user friendly. If not, there’s no point in worrying about it.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
There are several factors to consider here other than fuglyness. Many of our players have pre-existing vision problems up to an including poor or aging eyesight or even color blindness.
Coming from a background designing HMI sytems for process automation, I can tell you there are a plethora of different opinions, vision needs and safety factors to consider in these situations, and it’s worse when you’re “upgrading” an existing system. It may seem as simple as draw and make it visually appealing, but it’s not.
Now, the designers in this case couldn’t do anything about the existing background of the displays (ie BLs), but in order to to add this new functionality they had to consider who all would be looking at it and what vision challenges those operators bring to the table.
TLDR; The thickness of the border lines will seem overwhelming to a normal sighted person, add in the color and you have fugly and busy. But, if they thinned the lines and kept the existing team colors, our players with vision problems may find it difficult to spot problem areas.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
One of my reapers and my one of my eles were both power / tank running Furious sharpening stones. That ferocity was awesome, I will miss it.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
How do you get WvW participation by doing nothing?
Please tell us about that exploit.Do you consider not winning and doing nothing to be the same? Interesting… are you sure you have been to WvW before?
I guess I should ask, what is your definition of winning?
Do you consider winning taking a camp and cutting off supply to a keep winning?
Do you consider taking a keep winning?
Do you consider being in 1st every week winning?All of those are examples of winning something.(or being successful in general as you stated)
Breaking an enemies t3 keep and making it paper is winning in WvW
cutting off supply lines is winning in WvW
taking bloodlust is winning in WvW
taking towers is winning in WvW
taking sentries is winning in WvW
killing players is winning in WvWSo I am confused by how you get rewarded for not winning, because that effectively means you are doing
You play WvW right?
Here is the breakdown of how you get rewarded in WvW because I dont think you understand how this works.
To get rewards you have to earn at least T3 WvW participation
This is only given by completing WvW objectivesYou can not lose ,or fail at taking an objective and get rewarded for it.
So you have to win ( see list above)Don’t believe me?
Go into WvW, run into a camp, and die.
Do this repeatedlyThen tell me how much you are getting rewarded.
Pointless deviating conversation! Winning is defined as the server that comes in first every week, everyone knows that, but if only those “winners” got rewards, well, if you’ve spent any time in wvw you’d know how that would turn out.
For the sake of these rewards, participation is defined as whatever the individual participant chooses it to be.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
Well i don’t really need changeable stats, but it’s probably nice test some new builds that i wouldn’t test otherwise. Weapons will still be problem.
My hope is that they also allow the Mistforged ascended weapons to become upgradable to Legendary. I’ve no reason to think that they will, but it would be awesome.
The question is though, do you forge change those weapons if you have them now, or hold on to them in case they allow this change sometime in the future?
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
It’s not right that some people craft Bifrost, where others just buy it off the tp, it doesn’t change the fact that both sets of players have the same item at the end.
Raid legendary armor and wvw/pvp legendary armor are not going to be the same items, simple as that, they may have the same functionality, but are not the same visually.
Go ahead, when this change takes effect, try and spot the wvw/pvp players whose armor has the drop down and which players don’t have the drop down. Then stand those guys next to a raider in full transforming glory and see who gets more OMGs.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
(edited by HazyDaisy.4107)
The weapons work the same too, it’s a bit odd. For instance I got Glints Bastion through HOT and forge changed the stats on it, then afterwards changed the skin back to Glints Bastion (because it’s cute), But, even though it was Glints Bastion in the beginning and essentially is now, it still says Transmuted X stat type Shield.
The odd thing is when you use the forge method to change weapon stats you unlock those Generic ascended weapon skins as well, so you don’t have to craft those items specifically for the skins. Not sure if that is intended or not, or if that method also helped people unlock as ended armor skins as well, but, if it did, you can view it as atleast a little extra something you got for free.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
that isn’t PvE. Thats a core aspect of WvW. The windfall buff? You had better BELIEVE that is WvW based. Ive seen smaller forces push larger forces ENTIRELY because they know if it starts to go bad they can retreat off that cliff. Otherwise they would have run back to air keep and started setting up siege. Does it work out for them? Not always but if gives them something to TRY. And the knowledge that htey have windfall and the enemy doesn’t makes them much more willing to push along that cliff edge.
WvW Isn’t just PvP in a PvE environment. Its both combined. Aspects of both merged into a new whole. Taking/Defending objectives can be used to get fights yes but they are also GOALS if you want your server to win or lose a matchup.
I agree the stab changes and rally changes were good. And I would like to see more changes. But those are the kind of changes that can only be made RARELY. Because they cause huge sweeping changes in how the game mode is made. Not all of which are for the better. They had to rebuff stability later due to how changes had affected things. Allowing hammer trains to reform because those trains were what allowed groups to function in an organized fashion. Hammer trains give both sides something to orient around. Where at the height of the pirate ship meta it was simply two clouds swinging around eachother until one lost enough people they bailed.
You say the game mode is being ruined by changes made about siege, objectives, and gliding.
I say thats your opinion man…and I also say that its a very narrow minded one. Siege and objectives for example are core aspects of WvW. They are what your fights orient around. Like it or not. Believe me I HATE grinding into a keep filled to the brim with ACs. But gods below when we do and we hunt down and crush every single AC and there operator into paste before slaughtering there zerg it is SATISFYING. It feels GOOD and makes that stress worth it.
As for gliding. How in the hell is gliding going to ruin your game mode. You still havn’t answered that. What is gliding going to do that is going to damage WvW so badly.
O.K. let’s try this. How about I get to play Anet developer for a day, and I end the megaserver, and from now on if you are on a different server I can kill you in Queensdale, in Orr, in Auric Basin, etc., as I could in the PvP or WvW environment. So, like, you might be rallying to fight Balthazar or some unchained champion in Siren’s Landing or whatever, and my guildies and I come along and kill you. I mean, you have the choice to also run with guildies for protection, or to avoid us, and ignore us…move servers, jump to a different map, etc. You are full of options! The other elements of your game (champions, events, etc.) are still there, I took nothing away from you. Are you happy with this change?
If the answer is “yes,” for whatever reason, then we are speaking the same language…we just have different worldviews. If the answer is “no,” for whatever reason, then we weren’t even speaking the same language.
So your idea of perfect is you and a few guildies ganging up on 1 person trying to kill an NPC?
If the idea that this person will now be able to disengage and fly away taking their bag with them, ruins the mode for you, then I have to ask, how do you think the one person that’s been in those scenarios over the last couple of years feels?
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
It’ll be nice to be able to spend extra points on a new skill. This is something we asked for btw.
If it all flops, it’ll be hard for people to re-adjust to no gliding, I guarantee it, and it’ll probably weaken the population even more. But if it does flop, I would hope they don’t trash other key elements mentioned in this update, like the ability reset vendor.
Opinions are going to be mixed, we learned this with deployable cannons, repair hammers etc. I kind of hope this doesn’t have a poll, because while polls can provide valuable feedback, they are also easily manipulated by subsets that are dead set against something before even really giving it a chance.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
I’m wondering about the territory portion of this change, does it involve reinstating the DBL barriers and perhaps adding them to ABL to define these territories? If so, it should be interesting to retry those obstacles after so long, but if not, what else would define a territory border?
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
And there was a line of ballis as far as the eye could see, and bodies rained from the sky…
So, is gliding going to be disabled in OS and the 2 ABL JPs?
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
I hope to upgrade them to legendary ppl will need 300 provisioner tokens.
I’m happy everyone in the game will get legendary armor but I hope the way to make it its fair compared to the raid armor..
When I and many others like me spent time and money crating multiple sets of the same weight of ascended armor and THEN they introduced MF stat swapping…that wasn’t really fair, but it happened.
Sure, it made it easier from there on out to theorycraft and I have no complaints now, but at the time there were still people that only crafted 1 set were I crafted 3 and we all got the same end result.
This, isn’t that and it doesn’t need to be harder for wvwers to add functionality to their armor that isn’t really going to be legendary (in terms of flash) when it’s all said and done.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
I have another Question:
When upgrading from the Ascended Version to the Legendary Version
Will any Runes inside the armor get destroyed?
Or do we get them back?You lose it all.
When you MF stat swap anything ascended right now, you have to take out that stuff, else you lose it.
So the initial modication step (ascended to legendary-esque) for your wvw/pvp armor should require those upgrades be removed first. Afterwards though, if it’s like legendary weapons anyway, once the drop down for selectable stats is avaliable for your armor, you shouldn’t have to worry about taking out the runes or infusions, you can just select new stats and keep all your added upgrades. But we’ll have to see how that second step works after this change as this armor isn’t really legendary and might have different rules.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
Regular ascended gear can already be stat swapped via the forge, has been this way for years, and if you’ve played wvw only for a couple of years, chances are you have atleast 1 set of full ascended. Wvw only ascended gear, which many have been working on since May makes perfect sense to have this added functionality as well…with some work that we will see the effort involved when it’s actually released.
There’s been no other benefit to getting T3 armor up until now other than prestige, this change provides additional benefit, and more bodies for the grind no?
Plus, when you take into account that they said there are no plans to introduce actual legendary armor into wvw AND balance changes are coming and many people are going to find they will need to experimemt and change their builds again soon, this change make perfect sense. Basically, when you break it down, wvw is in fact not getting legendary armor for awhile apparently and the condi haters are getting what they want next week. I applaud Anet for helping to appease the costs of the upcoming build experimentations that will occur, because I’ve been through that a few times already and it’s expensive.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
Those contests to see how many people you can fit into a VW beetle are always funny, especially when they try to drive the darn thing afterwards.
4 tiers are fine, personally, most days it feels like too few, but it never feels like too much.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
There was a guy on one of the EU servers saying the DBL NWC lord was missing after EU reset and beyond. Hal in Ember Bay was missing too for 2 days. That patch I believe was the one that brought the missing npcs back, they did not specify how many were missing or which areas it affected. But, if everyone wants to say it was a pve patch that disrupted NA reset for a few mins, to each his or her own.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
Sentry cap was a daily on Friday. Thanks to the patch, all sentries got reset. Thank you for an easy daily and killing the que temporarily Anet.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
Yeah…I took a month or so vacation from Lake Doric, but went back 2 days ago to get a peach, anyway, my BSF aerial skills appeared once, and then were gone again. I figured it was a bug because I don’t remember them showing up last time I was in Lake Doric.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
Hmmm, I want to say there was 1 jumping mushroom, but I’d need a second poster to verify. It does require gliding, but I’m not sure about the extent of gliding mastery involved, the part I got lost on may require lean techniques but not sure. Other than that, no masteries involved from what I can remember.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
The 3 checkpoints were relatively easy to find along the way.
There was only 1 spot where I got lost, but I wasn’t alone at the time and 1 of the other 2 people there found the correct path, plus the previous checkpoint made it not such a big deal exploring to find the correct path.
Minimal gliding involved compared to the DM JP and no Lava death compared to the EB JP.
The treacherous jumps towards the top reminded me of JPs of the past which was cool.
About the only complaint I have is the diving googles, which seemed to be invisible. I had to scale where I figured they’d be before I saw the prompt to put them on, but never saw the “diving goggles” text while looking around.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
For those who need to ask “Who?”:
Siege Razor was necessary as a tutor for the first players in WvW when the game started, demonstrating how siege would work for taking a tower. His role progressed from “tutor” to “distraction” as he was often started in order to cause swords on one objective while players went elsewhere. Finally he was retired (along with his surprisingly aggressive Yak).
I too would enjoy seeing a return in some form for Siege Razor. Perhaps he, and his Yak, should be allowed to freely roam the borderlands along a random path, acting as a mobile sentry. Alternatively he could sit at the spawn in a home borderlands and run a short cinematic intro for players new to WvW…
If SR was a tactviator that drop down at a lords room, he could teach new players how to dodge
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
The Bitterfrost Vantage point (the limited BL chest drop that essentially bypassed the need to purchase the BFF portal scroll) can not be added to the portal tome
. That’s fair, I suppose.
I don’t think there’s a one-stop shop for the gem shop portals; this only applies to the in-game available options.
Not what I was saying, but yes you are correct, Lava lounge, Nobles Folley etc lounge passes can’t be added.
BFF was the only LS map that I can remember that didnt have a gem store “lounge pass” but still offered an alternate way to get there without having to purchase the map portal scroll.
Anyway, the vantage point thing, while not a lounge pass isn’t a portal scroll either, so it sort of lays in the grey area of whether it should have been allowed to be added to the Portal Tome in my mind anyway.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
The Bitterfrost Vantage point (the limited BL chest drop that essentially bypassed the need to purchase the BFF portal scroll) can not be added to the portal tome. That’s fair, I suppose.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination
My biggest complaint so far has nothing to do with the story.
No entrance to the end of the world!
I was hoping since we were coming to Orr, they’d finally add a portal out of the new map and into Straights, Malchors, maybe Cursed Shore? Nope, 1 giant inescapable rectangle. No biggie, I have the 5 map shortcut from LA to Cursed Shore down pat by now, but come on, think of the alt characters.
[HaHa] Hazardous Hallucination