Showing Posts For Jairlyn.1429:

11/29 YB/EB/BP

in Match-ups

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


Well BP was ticking 50 this morning and our zerg was going after ruins instead of EBBL that was all blue.

I can understand doing that against SBI last week. They were second we were third. But now? Against BP with the standings as they are? Don’t agree with it.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

Crafting still not a smooth process

in Crafting

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


Ur missing the whole point. You should not need coin to craft. You should be able to go through the zones ans get the materials u need as u level. I completely agree

Where is it written that you go throw a zone once as you level and you should get enough to level your crafting?

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

Silver Doubloons - is this for real?

in Crafting

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


This thread is interesting. Just like in real life…. lots of people complaining about the economy and how its not fair they don’t have the stuff they want.
A few people who have figured out how to make money try to share it with others and are argued with or told they are wrong with not much more than the argument of “its too hard or takes too long.”

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

This is insane!

in Crafting

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


On the cost of making ascended…
I’m fine with it because after you have your exotics… what do you really have to spend your resources on? Mats, gold, karma just pile up and there is nothing to work towards.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

This is insane!

in Crafting

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


Wanze: Its easier for people to say that its impossible and that you are wrong then for them to put some time and effort into looking into the situation.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

Tactical tweaks to improve WvW and end zergs.

in WvW

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


I just want my zerg bombing group back :P.. Just need my insta mez and stun and some SM’s/Elds to PBAOE and we are all good in the hood.

You sound like a bolt range AoE mez cheating ablie!

Man those were fun times.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

Ferguson's Crossing WvW Attitude

in WvW

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


What is unreasonable is to ignorantly purchase a commander book without an understanding of the difficult responsibility that comes with the honor of serving.

It is reasonable to presume that one would invest adequate time in wvw, develop a sense of the leadership landscape, and earn a starting reputation as a deputy commander or support leader well in advance of putting on the pin.

It is reasonable to expect commanders to be more than “people just like the rest of us.”

This is key. If I am going to stop having fun (combat) for the sake of protecting dolyaks and watching at towers which while important is not fun then it better be for a good reason. If I am making a sacrifice in fun then I expect others to also when the need arises. This goes double for the commander.

Commanders have to know when to put their own fun aside and remember those they told to defend. Attacking a second objective to draw away a zerg from a place you told others to keep look out does not stop that attack. Commanders cannot just keep pushing further and further from their defense points and not have adequate response time to assist those they told to put their fun on hold for the greater good.

The commanders that prove themselves as good leaders get listened to.
Those that have not proven themselves do not get listened to.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

Ferguson's Crossing WvW Attitude

in WvW

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


I am not on your server and my reply is not to your personally…

Everyone only wants to take take take, no one wants to listen when you ask *bold*them to defend*bold*

Commanders will get ignored because they are leading the attacks and telling OTHERS to do the defending. If commanders want to be taken seriously they can take some of the boring tasks themselves.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

Wiki error Wintersday Glue and Stuffing mats

in Wintersday

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


If its a wiki cant you change it yourself?

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

There is no end-game content.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


OP: You not liking the end game content does not mean there isnt any.

It seems that you define end game content as getting new equipment sets.
Seeing as how ANet has said multiple times that there isnt this I’m not sure what you were expecting.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

Fractal on alts

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


As someone who has 5 characters and trying to do fractals… I hope it doesnt get changed.
Yes its annoying to go through the lower levels but it helps get groups for people just starting out with fractals or who had bad luck and didnt get into enough groups when they launched. Overall it helps the community more this way.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

50$ in gems later...

in Wintersday

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


It’s gambling mate… no spin is going to convince anyone otherwise… definition below.

“Gambling is the wagering of money or something of material value (referred to as “the stakes”) on an event with an uncertain outcome with the primary intent of winning additional money and/or material goods. Typically, the outcome of the wager is evident within a short period."

I have no issue with gambling, but pretty sure it’s illegal in some places and would certainly be an issue if kids were doing this… just saying..

Could you explain then how baseball cards and CCG cards have been sold to minors for decades in all 50 states of the U.S. where gambling is illegal to minors?

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

Guild Wars 2 is a low-odds RNG simulator.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


I dont understand.

What are you guys planing to do with these exotics after they drop? You do realize that if Anet buffs the drop rates, the market will stabilize in no time at all, exotics will drop in price tenfold and they wont be worth anything anyways. Its exactly what happened during the lost shores event and every other time Anet nerfs or buffs drop rates.

I doubt they have gotten to step 2 of their thought process. For those that define equipment progression as their MMO fun they will have one of two paths ahead of them
1: Get exotics
2: Get bored and quit

1: Get exotics
2: complain that legendaries are too hard
3: Get ANet to make legendaries to be easier to get (the game is currently at this stage)
4: Get legendaries
5: Get bored and quit

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

How the WvW stole PvE

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


Worlds - If I need to choose a world to represent in wvw, fine. But in pve, server load should be split according to the zone you are currently in, and the community shouldn’t be segregated according to some arbitrary world choice. Now in games like WoW this might have been an advantage, as just seeing another player out in the world makes you squirm sometimes. But GW2 was made to actually promote player cooperation (I would even argue that soloing is quite a pain).
World transfer cooldown - Due to the current lack of the guesting feature, world transfer is essential in the game. However, to prevent exploits in wvw, the cooldown for world transfers has been increased to one day, and now to one week. This change affected pve players, instead of just preventing you from participating in wvw for the current match-up. It was especially harmful at the time of the first change, because of all the bugged skill points and events (some bugs are still present in the game).

These issues all stem around world transfers. Are there really that big of a need to transfer worlds daily? Why does one need to continually change servers for PvE purposes?

WvW bonuses - I don’t understand why pve players should be awarded/deprived of world bonuses based on the success of other people. This also causes the population to congregate in high ranking servers, leaving other servers somewhat emptier.
Currency - I’m not sure how much of an issue this is, but it seems to me as a bad idea that pve and wvw use the same currency – gold, especially considering the imbalanced nature of wvw.

I think you are classifying players as ONLY PvE OR wvw. I’d guess the vast majority of players do both activities. Gold and drops from one gets used for the other.
You are saying that people congregate to high pop servers…. They are all high pop. And if you transfer to the best ones you are going to get a queue because everyone is there since all servers are capped at 150 a map.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

How to justify the Cash Shop

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


You can buy gold on the gem store. Do you even play this game?

So their advantage is they can buy more skins to put on their exotics?

For day to day things (buying salvage kits, waypoints, repairs) the game has plenty of gold to go around without buying from gems. I’m drowning in unused karma even after buying all my karma exotic armor (might go for legendary not sure yet).
I am trying to see how buying gold from gems from $ gives is pay2win.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

How to justify the Cash Shop

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


I like the B2P cash shop model.
F2P games have way too many immature players running around causing problems for other players as their form of entertainment.
With the cost up front for GW2 I havent seen that nearly as much.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

50$ in gems later...

in Wintersday

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


RNG for real money is GAMBLING no matter how you look at it and it should be ILLEGAL and should be BANNED and DISCOURAGED.

I personally don’t spend money for RNG nor I even support RNG with gold in game. I hate it and ANET should be a shame for doing this with REAL MONEY.

Yeah okay Sir Vincent III, What are you, 10?

You don’t have to be a minor to see that it is gambling — with REAL MONEY — and there’s a law about that and in many States, it’s ILLEGAL.

I’d rather like to see ANET’s response to this issue since this is not just virtual money, but REAL MONEY.

Gambling is paying money for a chance at more money and if you lose you get nothing.
Here you are paying for a random reward but you do get something. Just because it is not what you want doesnt mean its you are not getting something.
Why should Anet respond to you about gambling? Their response is in the fact they are selling random rewards in the first place around the world.
If you feel its illegal then grab an attorney. I’d rather like to see their response to you.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

Do you remember when the game is started and the areas had a lot of player? I want it back!

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


Yaks Bend has plenty of people in low levels and people calling out when champs and the difficult DEs are up. Just about right and better imo then launch.
At launch we were tripping over each other. It was a zerg fest and many of the DEs were dull because the difficulty only added more things to get instantly AoEd to death.
Now its a fun challenge.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

This game is lacking one thing for me, FFA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


I hate FFA PvP servers but if others want to I dont see a problem.
However only if they separate power changes. I hate having class nerfs to balance out FFA servers that impact non FFA server players.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

Drop rate not what I thought it was

in Wintersday

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


Just a crazy idea here I’ll throw out for consideration….
If you want the minis why not just buy the minis?

OK, for the 2001st time – there are two sets of Wintersday minis.

One is the Tixx set, which can be crafted or bought.

The other set are only available through the real cash gamble boxes, and are account bound so they can’t even be traded.

L2Read before posting please.

Nowhere in the OPs post is there mention of two different sets. I’m not going to go reading multiple threads to come back here and fix the OPs problem.

If you don’t know anything about the minis, why did you post in this thread?

Not knowing about the 2 separate sets shows that you haven’t read:
1 ) The event announcement
2) The wiki page
3) Any Wintersday thread about the minis

Then you come in and make blatantly inaccurate statements about a situation you obviously haven’t looked into. You aren’t contributing anything, and you obviously don’t pay attention to the minis at all. Why are you posting in this thread?

You are right. I was wrong. ahem. let me contribute to this thread.
“OMG ANet took all my money against my will and its not fair. Millions of people are leaving because of this epic fail.”
There I contributed to the OPs topic.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

Drop rate not what I thought it was

in Wintersday

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429



Come on Anet, iv just spent a weeks wages on this event and youve really screwed me with these drop rates.

You make $85 a week and spent it on a RNG. If it was that critical why in the world didnt you stop at say chest 30 or so?

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

Drop rate not what I thought it was

in Wintersday

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


Just a crazy idea here I’ll throw out for consideration….
If you want the minis why not just buy the minis?

OK, for the 2001st time – there are two sets of Wintersday minis.

One is the Tixx set, which can be crafted or bought.

The other set are only available through the real cash gamble boxes, and are account bound so they can’t even be traded.

L2Read before posting please.

Nowhere in the OPs post is there mention of two different sets. I’m not going to go reading multiple threads to come back here and fix the OPs problem.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

So many tokens

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


1: You have 4 alts worth of inventory space
2: You can create multiple private guilds that can give you inventory space
3: They just added in a lot of other collection stuff.
Considering one of the ways the make money and stay in business is selling inventory space I’d say they are generous as it is.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

Drop rate not what I thought it was

in Wintersday

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


Just a crazy idea here I’ll throw out for consideration….
If you want the minis why not just buy the minis?

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

End - Game content needs some work

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


From reading this thread there is no end game except for sPvP, tPvP, WvW, and legendaries.
Yeah nothing to do at all :/

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

What's the state of this game?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


Since there is no monthly subscription why not login to check for yourself?

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

Massively: Where Guild Wars 2 Goes Wrong

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


It’s not so much knowing what zone to be in for your level, but having it all make sense. Those breadcrumb quests that lead you to the next zone are the thing that ties each zone’s story into the main plot. The way it is now, every zone might as well just be a separate game. They don’t tie into each other at all.

You are as bad as the writer from the linked article.
There IS a linked story from zone to zone and throughout the land.
Not everyone needs floating yellow ! to alert us as to what to pay attention to.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

Unbreakable Bells found about 1 / 20,000

in Wintersday

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


Wait 1 guy opened up 160,000 presents?
@ 50 copper….. 800 gold?

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

(edited by Jairlyn.1429)

Anyone even playing Toypocalypse?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


This would have been great going in with a group.
The fact that you cannot tells me 1 of 2 things
1: ANet didnt think people would want to play with their friends/guildies which hints they really don’t know what they are doing.
2: ANet didn’t want to let people group together so that soloers could join in on group events which hints that they really don’t know what they are doing.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

[Unofficial Anti-Account Bound Mini Pets Vote

in Wintersday

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429



Your complaint has nothing to do with account bound because you can craft them and you can buy them for gems.

Your complaint is that you think they are too expensive to buy with gold converted to gems.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

Free Minis for......

in Wintersday

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


For gods sake yes, i can’t believe that i’ve burnt through 70 boxes and only gotten 1 snowman and 1 toy golem bulb thingy.. its beyond ridiculous and i detest myself, as do my wallet…just add the trio, you’ve already gotten enough of our hard earned money, i’ve payed for the game twive for gods sake.. do something..make them buyable like the toy ones, i don’t care..

I cant believe you opened 69 chests and then went for 1 more.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

wintersday could have been better

in Wintersday

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


Its like you guys arent even trying anymore with your trolling…
Wintersday was only a dungeon apart from an sPvP map, jumping puzzle, a rockstar/guitar hero game, dozens of new crafting recipes, a dozen weapon skins, minis, changing wvw graphics.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

Does anyone care about SPVP anymore?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


Trust me will happen to all of u, i have 1000 hours played, legendaries, etc, you WILL get to the point where ur tired of PVE and want to focus PVP, it happens in every MMO.

I think I found the problem here.
The game came out end of August. So there have been 4 months. Thats 2880 total hours. So yes if you play PvP 12 hours a day everyday as you are claiming then yes it gets boring.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

Any Plans for Race Change Feature?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


Is there any mmo EVER that has allowed a race change?
For GW2 it would be too hard to switch over because your personal story and cultural armor get impacted.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

Massively: Where Guild Wars 2 Goes Wrong

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


I think this is an excellent basis for the foundational problems with the game. Try and read it objectively and see if you agree.

Half way crappy.
If you need someone to point you to the next area even if it has levels written on it, you’re outright dumb.
If you don’t manage to craft, you’re dumb as well. There’s lots of things to complain about, but half of what this article covers is a themepark crybabby that can’t ever use his own head when playing.

Hint: it’s the fault of the game, not the player.

The maps are labeled by level.
There are roads that lead you to the zone entrances
Story of the hearts and DEs take you to the edges.
The only thing more they could do is play your character for you.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

Massively: Where Guild Wars 2 Goes Wrong

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


" The game doesn’t give you a chance to understand why Rytlock and Logan dislike each other; they just do."

Its hard to take that writer seriously when they don’t know what they are talking about.
The game covers this.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

Tell us what to do with leftover Cogs

in Wintersday

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


For the love of Grenth, let us know in a public announcement whether it’s a good idea to keep our extra Mystical Cogs or if we can free up our inventory space safely.

Better yet, let us actually do something with them. Even if it’s just throwing them into the Mystic Forge in batches of 50 to get a few chunks of Orichalcum or something.

I’ve got 200 of the useless things sitting here that I can’t do anything with, but at the same time I’m hesitant to destroy them because we don’t know if I’d pay for that later.

Your inventory space is that critical that you don’t have 1 bank slot or 1 bag slot on any of 5 characters for the next week before Wintersday is over?

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

Tell us what to do with leftover Cogs

in Wintersday

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


This is what you do with EVERY new content that has limited resources and limited time.
1: Gather as many resources as you can.
2: Wait until the last day and see what others have made.
3: Decide what to make.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

50$ in gems later...

in Wintersday

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


I think people are just being sore losers. Part of the reason for the pets being RNG is to make them rare. If $25 guaranteed all the pets then everyone would have them all. Maybe I’m biased though, since I got the snowman and infinitarium in my first 10 boxes.

Yeah you don’t hear of the complaining threads that they got the mini on the first try.
Stupid broken RNG!

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

50$ in gems later...

in Wintersday

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


So you spent a large amount of $ at Halloween on the RNG. You knew what to expect here with Wintersday’s RNG. You spent $25 and got 5 of each mini.
For some reason then you spent another $25.

I cannot see why ANet would want to change their model it seems to be working pretty well for them.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

In my view, toy Ventaris are way too powerful

in Wintersday

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


Please dont lower their difficulty. Its nice to have tough fights for a change

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

just 2 things most people don't like

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


Stocks, though, are much trickier: you’re basically making money by moving money around. Certainly it’s also a skill, but there is no product, and the rules are murky and reward behaviors that many people in this world consider selfish. People aren’t rewarding you: you are taking their money, and they simply don’t understand the system enough to stop you.

How exactly do you think companies raise money to fund growth and create jobs? They release stock is how. After taking that investors money that you think produces nothing and creating jobs and a product they make profit, which then gets paid as a dividend to the shareholder.
Seriously, learn a bit about a subject before you try to bash it from your false moral high ground.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

Can we please get a way to get Frames back?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


A huge portion of this game is exploration and discovery. Anyone could have stuck that frame in the mystic forge and tried to see what would go with it.

This is how people have discovered all of the neat weapons and other things.

Now you know.

Exactly this. Its not like this is the first item that could be used in multiple recipes. Its pretty much par for the course.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

My Char Is Aesthetically Perfect, Now What?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


You could try making alts. You made three threads on this topic so you must like duplicates

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

I think I get it about gambling.

in Wintersday

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


Yes yes some people cannot control themselves but we still allow gambling, alcohol, driving cars, spray paint, and sharpie markers.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

So if today's dungeon is bugged?

in Wintersday

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


Whats bugged? Did it just fine and nobody in guild is talking about it being bugged.
It takes all of 20 minutes.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

Mystery boxes? They changed the spawn :(

in Wintersday

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


Please do not change the difficulty of the toys that come out. Its nice to actually be challenged in a fight

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

Some professions get Legendaries faster?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


Starting off with “this isnt a complaint…” is like when someone says “No offense but…”

You arent forced to do dungeons 4-8 hours a day or anything else with legendaries.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

Account Restoration Questions [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


As I was reading this I thought “Wow this guy should have bought an authenticator.”
Even with that though you got hacked which I find odd in how they could. I’m not questioning you, hackers and thieves will innovate.
What is most disconcerning is ANets policy. As I keep hearing these stories its not an issue of being unable to, its an issue of them not wanting to.

Its akin to going to the police and reporting a theft and them saying “We arent going to investigate this because, well you still have a job right? You could go to some pawn shops to buy some things cheap to replace what you lost.”

At the very least you would think ANet would be wanting to look into a case of an authenticator person getting hacked and talk with you about it.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend

Why is RGN part of progression in a dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jairlyn.1429


Forget the math for gods sake. The system is completely broken. I was talking to a guy telling him how i did all those runs without a ring and he was and i quote: “what? I thought the ring was awarded as part of the daily!” Needless to say that guy was getting 1 ring for every run he did. Somehow, the chance if getting a ring for you is related to the chance of another guy getting the ring. There are players that get tons of rings and players that get nothing.

You not liking a system does not mean it is broken. From your above examples it seems like the RNG works pretty much how a RNG is supposed to work.
Some get incredibly lucky. Majority will have average luck and get it after some tries. Some will get incredibly unlucky and go start a thread about it where all the other unlucky people talk about it giving the illusion that its a broken system.

Jairlyn: Guardian- Yak’s Bend