Just a few minutes in and I’m really wanting to use spears from the back of my raptor. Scythes would add so much flavor cleaving hydra heads off their necks. Those weapons would fit so appropriately in this setting. I can’t believe it’s not something that was added. Honestly if those two things made it in I’d be having a major nerdgasam right about now.
Great map and environment so far Anet, too bad you missed out on such an excellent opportunity to add a bit more flavor.
I was just about to buy it, but after reading all this, I will pass. Definitely does not sound like it’s worth the price.
I have 1,175 tickets after very casual play. I actually played much much more when EotM was active.
What’s your WvW rank and server? How much time is considered casual to you?
I’ve played about an 1 to 2 hours per night. Last night, we spent 2 hours flipping camps on our BL. Our zerg was never big enough to retake our keeps. We usually rank about 2nd between the three server matchup. 65 tickets is all I have to show for that.
The new reward system is nice and it is only just for skins, however (and I may be wrong about this) another purpose of the update was to bring more players into this game mode. It seems to me from map chat, reddit, and forums that most of us players who want to love WvW look at the how much grind is required and say “nope, nevermind that!” Now, with the strictness of the decay timer it will further complicate things.
I also understand that the rewards are for players who always play WvW, which doesn’t seem like many from my server’s point of view. However, would not these vets want a more dependable, thriving community? I know that reward/pip system works out great for some and they have no issue for that. It’s a just and well deserved reward for all the hours of dedicated play. However, at the current rates, anyone starting out or low in their ranks (I’m at 525) have such an uphill journey that it almost seems ridiculous. Maybe for those of us who want to invest the time, maybe give extra WXP as a reward for spending time and energy so time climb ranks a little bit faster to get those extra pips.
I almost have.
After a month since update I have claimed a whopping 65 tickets. At this rate I will get a mistforged weapon in about 5 months or get the first tier of the backpack in 5 months too. I’m not alone either, my server is mostly dead again. This update did very little to revitalize our server’s interest in WvW.
I know that these rewards are for the vets, and I’m glad you have this. I feel the rewards should be easier to get for the vets but still accessible to all. I know technically they are, but if you are low rank and on a server with little gameplay, then it’s near impossible to get. At this rate it would take about 3 1/2 years to get the full legendary backpack. That is after doing nothing but WvW. In that time I could do so much more in the other game modes. That and playing on a server that has little or no interest in WvW, make this game mode BORING. I’ve switched servers twice to follow the action, I don’t intend to do it anymore.
I hope Anet rebalances this soon. I really want to like WvW. I’ve had some very memorable experiences there and hope to again someday.
Its not anets job to teach people how to play,thats up to them.How did we learn to pvp ? By practicing and by actually playing pvp and dueling.Theres no need to handhold only if people bother to learn their classes and how pvp works and how to rotate,which is something that comes naturally after playing a while,or it doesn’t.
Do some hotjoins and unrankeds where it doesn’t really matter if you win or lose,if only to practice.
This is how I learned. This is true, however, it is their job to a degree. I would bet you that most of these new players don’t even know what a hotjoin is or how to practice.
You know when you first started PvE? There was this thing called a tutorial, it taught you the basic mechanics of the game. The basic mechanics. If you were here at launch, they didn’t have much of a tutorial, however after a few months they completely revamped it because new players were leaving because they “felt” there was too much of a learning curve.
They went from not holding hands to doing just that. I didn’t need a tutorial, but then again I’m not everyone else. Not everyone learns my way or your way. It seems that a lot of people jump in to the game have no idea what to do, get frustrated and leave. Anet realized that then and did something about it to retain and alleviate these issues.
Today, for some reason, probably because of the update, I’ve been in lots of matches with 2 or 3 new players to PvP per match. One person had no idea what PvP even meant. A lot of these new players, like I said earlier, don’t even understand the concept of capping or rotation. They don’t know the terms of home, far, and mid, They don’t understand bunkering, backcapping, etc… Maybe this is the very first PvP match of their life and they’ve never played 1000s of hours of DAoC, LoL, WoW, and the like.
Ideally, a player would come in and be identified as new and the players would educate the new guy. That doesn’t happen, instead they get cussed out, flame and shamed into never coming back. In fact, they eliminated the viewing of levels due to the negativity of vets seeing that at match up. Sometimes, someone takes the time to mentor or educate, but that is rare. When these matchups happen it is not enjoyable for anyone on that team. It’s not enjoyable for the vets by losing precious time, and its not enjoyable for the new guys not knowing the basics.
They used to have something in place to teach new PvP players, in fact they had an arena in HotM behind the main gate that looked just like a tutorial place. So at one time they had thought about it.
Bottom line: if they want to bring in and retain new folk they need to have a way for people to learn the basics of conquest. Not how to be good at it, but at least understand the basic strategy of conquest.
(edited by Kythan Myr.4719)
Something needs to be done regarding the new players, Anet. While I welcome the new players most clearly have no idea about the basics and they can easily be discouraged from returning.
I find it sad when you see that player in the match who is lost making dumb mistakes and then someone calls them out on team chat. I’ve had many a chat lately with new players who are frustrated about not knowing what to do. Often they just run with the group and think it’s deathmatch and don’t even understand the strategy behind conquest. They understand that they may have cost the match and don’t return.
I know that us vets, who stuck it out, learned through trial and error but then again that system isn’t meant for everyone. If you want to keep a steady flow of new players into this game mode something needs to be done to teach the basics. One method could be bringing back practice arena and requiring 25 matches before they can do unranked. I know that you can practice through custom, but that’s not obvious for these players. Maybe allowing players to designate themselves as PvP mentors through the commander system would help new players to identify those who are willing to teach and help. No idea how complicated that would be, but just an idea.
The OP is Katsumi and only wants the rewards to increase because he knows he’s going to win every single one. The whole motivation argument of his is just a cover, people who care about PvP will play ATs every day for fun, more rewards aren’t needed. Not that I personally care because I uninstalled the game today, but the Abjured doesn’t really deserve more from the community or Anet because the only players on that team that are actually decent people are Nos and Zero.
Lot of respect for those two, the rest…. well….
Keep in mind that these rewards will most likely go to the same elite few while the 99% of us never see them.
So, from what I’m hearing if you are the better server it’s great! Zero complaints. If you are the weaker, then just take your medicine and suck it up, deal with it.
I understand the need for randomness, and honestly I’d care less about being outclassed by a more powerful server, but there is NO fun when everyone else switches to PvE to weather out the current match up.
I’ve always understood that WvW has it’s issues, so to entice new players rewards were increased to add that “more fun” component. then stuff like this seems counter productive. From one perspective, it motivates me to spend some $ to switch servers, on the other hand it causes me to just abandon WvW game mode. I don’t really care about rewards and having things now. I just want to play with my server, have pointless chats, strategize and see the fruits, or lack of, from that planning.
Sometimes, I wonder if WvW would function better without server identity and use a system like a three way faction. I know it wasn’t WvW, but the whole luxon and kurzick thing in GW1 seemed like it could be a good foundation for something WvW. It wasn’t perfect, but I only have fond memories of our AB battles. I’m sure they won’t because they would fear some sort of abuse to the system.
there is an rng roll +- 100 to the glicko roll when matchmaking occurs. Since servers 2-8 are within 100 they can swap places based on the RNG gods.
Don’t feel bad, you rng rolled T1 one week, we are on week 2 of too big for us……
True, but we should at least get a mulligan or something. Pretty much all of the regular WvW players are calling it quits this week.
I don’t get it.
According to the leaderboards, our server is 6th place, YB is 5th, and BG is 1st, yet we are are all paired against each other in this weeks match. So ANet considers it fair to pit the 1st, 5th and 6th against each other, while the 2nd place JQ fights at 3rd tier, and 3rd place fights at 2nd tier.
From the wiki: “high-ranked worlds will battle other high-ranked worlds, and low-ranked worlds will battle other low-ranked worlds.” But this does not appear to be so.
The only thing I can think of that would compound this is the linking system. JQ, BG, and Maguuma are unlinked while the others all. I realize that this would also lock at least these 3 servers in Eternal Battle and get quite boring, but how is it fair to pit lower servers against higher? Is this just for amusement, to give BG easier pickings?
Since reset, TC has been constantly outnumbered and overly dominated, and queues are empty. However last week, I never saw outnumbered and queues were full daily, and most importantly, fights were fair.
I don’t get it, did he delete his post. I read it quoted it and now it’s gone!!??
I understand the reward must be shining to be worth it. But I also understand that playing 35 weeks for one single ascended weapon is ridiculous. Face it : it’s almost as long as bearing a baby !
Now, some food for thought :
- What was the probability to drop an ascended weapon box in 35 weeks of dedicated gameplay ?
- It doesn’t take 35 weeks of PvE farm to be able to craft an ascended weapon.
- What proportion of PvE newcomers already are able or willing to farm PvE to make their own ascended weapons the old way ?
So, what’s the point of rewarding skirmishes : the looks of course, and it matters a lot. And it’s more predictable than playing WvW 35 weeks hoping that a pink chest drops.
I’m glad new players are coming. I truly am (even if queues bother me). I hope some will find fun, and will stay even for “not the rewards”. But if the rewards seem as elusive as a mirage, players will just be : “it’s not worth it”, and the population will decline again.
So I think there should be some tweaking needed. For an average player that’d play, say 2 hours a day (more in weekends, but whatever), it shouldn’t take more than 2 months to be able to get an ascended weapon, and more than 3 to get an ascended armor piece.
It’s too fast ? Don’t forget the pace new things are released in PvE, and an X-Pac is on the way with probable new stats and new skins. If you want people to think it’s worth it, make it worth it, and not like new hype will come 4 times by the day they’ll be able to get one single mistforged hero weapon.
Now you understand what I’m trying to say. Thanks!
You’re already at a higher rank than I am and I’ve been playing only WvW since pretty much launch.
You don’t NEED the new items. They’re “nice to haves” …
If you WANT the new items, put in the time, or go without.
Yeah, I got that, That’s obvious.
My point is that the new feature pack should also bring more people into WvW.
I don’t need the new items, but then again, if there is little reward to grind. I’d get more reward grinding another mode of the game. So if one of the goals is to increase WvW participation, then this seems counter intuitive.
I’d gladly put in the time to get things I don’t need, and in all honesty I’d never use, it just seems that amount of time to reward ratio is not at all proportional to other game modes. So, when others try WvW and realize the same thing, I bet you most people who want to be rewarded for their time, will realize the same thing and go play another game mode with a better time to reward ratio.
Thereby not increasing the WvW participation long term.
Well then you have many choices. And I encourage you to pursue the one that most gratifies you.
But if you come here and complain about how hard it is to get something you don’t really need to play, then be prepared for some pushback.
I think Anet is on the right path making this difficult to obtain. It means you actually have to invest time in WvW and learn what makes it a fantastic game mode; which is impossible to appreciate in a week. It also becomes a cachet for those invested in this game mode; they finally get something unique that rewards their dedication … much like pve has its own unique shinies.
You still don’t get it.
My point is Anet release a feature pack that also helps to increase player population. I will play WvW for my own reasons, but I don’t see how the rewards will increase participation.
For example, at the 175 claim ticket weekly cap, it will take 3/4 of the year for a player (not talking about me) to acquire the complete set of exotic weapons. Unless I understand something incorrectly. This applies to BOTH vets and new players because it’s a CAP. By the same token, you can acquire a complete set of prestigious exotic weapons in a lot less time. Grinding a dungeon reward track might only take less than two months. It’s hard to calculate the time for that.
My point is about the reward to time ratio. Most players (again not me) will go off do something more rewarding for their time. If the devs wanted to boost WvW populations, then I’m predicting it will quickly decline as more people find even the most basic rewards too time-consuming.
And as I said in my original post: I’m all for veteran WvW players finally get the reward they deserve. There rank only affects the rate at which they gain tickets not the weekly amount due to the cap. Unless I’m not understanding the system.
It’s LEGEND-Freakin-DARY armor. Higher ranks get pips at a faster pace already. Like Jayne said, it’s nice to have, not need to have. You’ll get it if you want it.
Again, I’m not talking about getting legendary armor. I’m talking about more basic mediocre rewards.
BTW I thought it was a LEGEND-Freakin-DARY backpack. Which is not armor.
You’re already at a higher rank than I am and I’ve been playing only WvW since pretty much launch.
You don’t NEED the new items. They’re “nice to haves” …
If you WANT the new items, put in the time, or go without.
Yeah, I got that, That’s obvious.
My point is that the new feature pack should also bring more people into WvW.
I don’t need the new items, but then again, if there is little reward to grind. I’d get more reward grinding another mode of the game. So if one of the goals is to increase WvW participation, then this seems counter intuitive.
I’d gladly put in the time to get things I don’t need, and in all honesty I’d never use, it just seems that amount of time to reward ratio is not at all proportional to other game modes. So, when others try WvW and realize the same thing, I bet you most people who want to be rewarded for their time, will realize the same thing and go play another game mode with a better time to reward ratio.
Thereby not increasing the WvW participation long term.
First off before I stir up a kitten storm, VETS SHOULD BE REWARDED MORE THAN NEW PLAYERS!
However, if I understand the new claim ticket reward system correctly, mistforged exotic weapons seem like it will take forever if you are low rank and low server. Like outrageously longer. Do I understand this correctly?
What would someone consider a reasonable time for a bronze rank to complete a mistforged exotic weapon set? 2 months, 4 months? Well, being rank 489 on a bottom server I received 10 claim tickets before reset. I played about 8 hours of WvW since the feature pack was released and that hoping I’ll get more this next week.
However, at this rate it would take me 35 weeks for 1 weapon. I’ll have a better idea after another week of play, hopefully I can more tickets, but I thought 8 hours of active play was a pretty substantial time investment and 10 tickets not very rewarding.
I know I am limited by rank and I’m glad they reward peeps with greater rank. It’s great Anet is finally starting to recognize it’s vets. I just don’t see how with this system it will entice newer people into staying if that reward seems out of reach. Ranking seems much slower than I remember, and you can’t buy liquid WXP either anymore. Also, I’m not open to shelling out $ to switch servers. I’ve done that before and learned. I remember when SoR and TC were top tiers, now not so much.
I like WvW. I’d be willing to change game modes and play WvW for awhile, but it seems that it be a looonng time before I’d be able to get a reward from claim tickets (just a single skin). Which in the end makes it not worth sticking around.
So if anyone has some tips on how to rank up faster and make claim ticket acquisition a bit (just a bit) quicker, please tell me.
Well, I’ve done the map (mined the ore nodes) 5 times since my last post. I’ve not been using the unlimited gathering tool either. I’ll think I’ll try and find a surveying banner and use a booster if I have one.
An initial thought I had is maybe the code is conflicting with something else that drops from mining, like precursor crafting. I have several of those active like the Incinerator one, and I know that causes ores to drop from nodes.
I just finished the auric weapon set last night and discovered that I only need one more item for the luminate’s back piece.The auric lodestone is the only part of the achievement I need to complete it. I was surprised that I didn’t have it yet because of all the time I’ve spent on this map.
I normally mine every time I see an ore node, and I do have the Exalted gathering mastery. I have saved Tarir over 75 times, and did map completion on 6 characters. I’ve finished all the map specific achievements except a few adventures gold awards.
I’ve spent so much time on this map and mined so much, just not sure why it’s not dropped yet. After I discovered that I needed it I went and mined every single node I could find on two different instances and still nothing.
So how rare of a drop is this?
I have this problem too and last week also. They’ve had a login server down for awile. You can check mmo status website for details. I got mine to work by adding a command line argument with a server IP that had low ping. To be an issue for this long, hmmmm. Further signs of a dead/dying game…
I understand why they would have a spot at a convention. I was asking specifically for that reason. My thoughts were that if they had reserved a spot, then that would indicate they will be announcing the next xpac this year. Assuming all the major conventions have finalized their line ups then that might indicate no xpac will be released this year. Not that it would necessarily be announced in that way, but it would provide evidence if it was.
So there are many gaming conventions worldwide in the future. Has there been any mention if Anet has reserved any sort of spot for anything? They are so quiet about everything and I understand why, but sometimes a little bit of regular information, AKA roadmap, is nice and reassuring.
Oh yeah, and before someone quips in with the cliche, “It’s ready when it’s ready” Yeah got that.
In my experience (North America), the maps around rush hour (evening-midnight) tend to be T4 maps. They would sometimes fail to reach T4.
I feel most maps need someone to tell people to spread out. (e.g. yelling at them to defend other camps, ping them waypoints so they split on bosses)
Thanks for the reply. Yeah my problem is that I don’t/can’t play at peak times. I do watch lfg regularly when I am on. Twice we have given out directions and were seeming to organize, then popped up a HP train god and then it all went down hill.
For a current MMO, this sucks. I understand that HoT was awhile ago and most people have already done it, but there are some of us who have not and there will continue to be people like me. To go and organize something for a collection piece doesn’t seem worth the time, but again it is preventing me from two achievements…
I’m needing a t4 meta for Verdant Brink. I need the Airship Cargo Strap for the Magister’s backpack.
I have been looking for over 2 weeks through lfg and being on map and although we’ve killed 2 or more of the night bosses, still no straps. I thought that would be enough then someone told me a “successful” meta counts as long as it’s T4! While VB has been active, it’s not that active. We’ve been close to organizing one a couple of times, then our map was hijacked by HP train.
So, I’m curious if there are any guilds who regularly do T4? If so does anyone know when?
I’d watch, but like the others, here I’d like some clarification about some things. I don’t want you to reveal your “secret” item, but the I’m curious about your investment. Did you use alts for harvesting?
I really hope that the wait is short. I did not realize how much I depend on the use of APIs until it was down. I understand the need to limit and have often wondered the load on the servers. Thanks for the notice, I’m just concerned the wait will turn into days, then weeks, then months and then into years with the system never really returning. I can’t count how many times these “temporary” things in the programming world never come back.
Thanks for input, I’ve tried the suggestions and it has helped. Ironically I’ve been doing much better going back to what I know. I’ve invested in Arcana and going for dodges (like thief) and surviving much longer. I know it’s not meta but it works for me know. Maybe, the other things will work after I’m more used to ele and have unlearned my thief playstyle.
What weapons do you use? I started off dagger/warhorn, now I’m using staff for range/safety.
I picked up my ele again. Haven’t played it since HoT. Then I was d/d auramancer and did just fine. I’ve looked at builds on Metabattle and I am just curious what eles typically run around with in higher end PvE.
I usually main thief and can stay alive longer. I thought they were squishy. I wouldn’t call myself a thief expert, but I don’t die much as a thief in PvE or PvP. As an ele, seems like that’s all I do from one big battle to the next and constantly need revives.
I’m using zerker ascended (just like my thief) with some assassin trinkets. I must be doing something wrong, so I’d like advice on builds, weapons, and rotations. I know in PvE, it’s just play whatever you want, but I must be the only ele out there constantly needing revives from my team mates.
I believe he is referring to the pike/spear he uses in the finisher.
Seriously devs, one of my all time favorite GW2 memories now. Could have done without the mote scavenger hunt, but way to go. With the mote scavenger hunt, I think flavor text on the screen, not in dialog boxes would have brought more significance to the mote. Much like the next part of the quest. I really hope more things like this are done to bring proper closure to character stories. Flavor text was an awesome touch too. What really made me choose this MMO back in the day was the lore, glad to see it finding it’s way back!.
IMO, one of the biggest problems with GW2 stories is that most of it seems unfinished or left dangling. Sometimes the lore is inaccurate or forgotten/ignored. This event does a great job in restoring hope. Plus, this truly felt like a quest, something GW2 hasn’t had much strength with in the past.
Keep churning stuff like this out!
Weren’t there 3 owners before?
Population is down or spread out. Still new players coming in. Metas were completely doable and achieved a healthy life cycle, but that was 2 years ago. Metas can still be done, but not as reliably as before even during NA prime time. Seen more and more metas fail that past few months and I’m showing up (when I do) the same time as I did a year or so ago. I think they had a good run, but if they are going to be reliably doable, I think they need the SW QoL adjustment.
Have they had a skill balance patch before with no preview. I can’t remember one. Wonder if they are expecting some excessive drama afterwards to be providing devs after the patch hits. Nice of them to do so, they don’t have to. Lots of anticipation.
As been said by others it for HoT players, which IMO is a good thing because you need all the incentive you can get for thos F2P players. I don’t have a problem with it because you got to pay the bills somehow. Sure it separates the player base but that’s the general business model for a MMO. Players excluded because they didn’t buy the xpac will always find something to kitten about because of the “unfairness” for not getting something for nothing. They did offer HoT for 50% off before LS3ep4 released too. Bottom line: you got to make money somehow, to keep the wheels of progress turning, so you need a “carrot”.
Also, it makes sense, story wise. The whole reason you are entering the area is for progressing story step. The area has been there just not accessible, so having a story step explaining why you can suddenly enter the area just makes sense.
It’s not like ANET didn’t take the alt thing into account. Portal scrolls are relatively cheap and permanent. They could have easily made it a one time thing.
Bad design choices by Anet at endgame have turned what was once a “have fun playing the profession/playstyle you enjoy most” into “conform or accept being excluded from encounters/storylines/group activities.”
It seems like a small thing, but to a fair number of people, it is probably the worst thing that ever happened to the game.
If you are referring to raids, I have no experience with that.
That doesn’t really explain the disparity with the Rev and the Rev alone. I understand your endgame view, I respectfully disagree, but I understand it. I think there’s still a fair amount of diversity out there, I’m just curious why it seems like just the Rev is excluded the most.
So, I go to metabattle today to look at some builds for the Rev. There are only 5, and those have not changed for months. All the other professions are in the teens or more.
Now, I don’t want to get into the merit of metabattle, I understand why some don’t like the site. However I find the lack of Rev builds reflective of the profession, like a temperature check. It’s kind of cold.
I understand that the profession is the newest, but I was there when HoT launched, because I was trying out the Rev, and there were a lot more then. I also understand that a lot of player, like me, tried out the Rev and then went back to their main. However, after this length of time there’d be some Rev mains, shouldn’t there? Then again, I don’t see many revs anymore. Occasionally I see some in PvE metas, but I don’t see many of their unique FX on my screen anymore. Of course I do have some player options turned down under graphics as a possible explanation for this, but I have noted others professions FX. Same with PvP, rarely I see one on either team.
I am familiar with the whole Shiro #3 skill nerf, but other than that I don’t understand why the profession is seemingly rare. Is it broken? Unpopular? Everyone has gone back to their main? What’s the reason?
I am 90% (ish) sure that they said early in the game that it’s never going to happen. The reasons I am even more foggy on. It came up early in GW2 history and the general reply was something along the lines that allowing customization would ruin their desired aesthetics of the game.
Whatever the reasons, I am sure that’s it not something on their to do list. It would be nice because there is an increase in the requests for UI as 4K becomes more of a thing. Also, real estate, more stuff has been added to the UI since launch making it even more cluttered. Try playing it on a itty bitty laptop screen, forget seeing anything around your player. However, the dev team is not the same as it was at launch, so maybe the people who were sticklers for this sort of thing are no longer there?
There’s as much bloodstone as the devs want. It’s a game.
Seriously though, I used to be a lore buff, loved it. Then I realized that the devs use the lore in this game as more of a suggestion than a constraint. Even when they do remember their own lore it’s used rather loosely when it’s convenient.
So don’t read much into it. Kinda sad to say that, I know, but what else do you do when the devs don’t take their own lore very seriously.
But Braham was fine with us until he started hanging our around Garm. Maybe the wolf in Garm is talking to the “wolf” in Braham and telling him that’s all our fault for killing his master…..
The conspiracy of it all. The real villain here is……. Garm?!
A painfully long-kitten boss fight the entirety of which you need to redo every time you wipe because of one of a few dozen crappy kitten random bugs. Other than that and annoying major NPCs, I don’t have a lot of complaints.
Afaik there are no bugs left in the mawdreyfight, sure there should never have been any, but be honest, theyre fixed so whats the point in complaining about that now
Been doing that fight recently. There’s still bugs. NPC can get stuck idle. Not that big of a deal, but if you go down it would be nice to count on Brahm rezzing you, but I guess he’s still kittened off about the mommy issues I gave him.
Air spouts don’t 100% work. I run through some and never get airborne.
Biggest issue for me is last glide phase. If you enter that phase when he’s still doing the ring attack it will knock you out of the sky everytime even though he’s not at the center of the ring. He’s left that spot to go to the center and throw rocks, but his ring attack is still going without him in it. That’s happened to me about 3 times now.
It’s much, much, much better than it was. I’ve completed it on other alts without these problems, but for whatever reason these other issues pop up. I’d say it’s fixed mostly but still needs a little TLC.
Mordremoth boss fight gliding unreliable
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: Kythan Myr.4719
So I beat the instance on my ranger after three times, so I know what I’m doing. I understand the phases and how to walk over the drafts to glide. So I’ve been doing it on my thief and it’s entirely doable but the glides get me every single time.
There are a variety of things that happen. The most frequent is not getting airborn 100% of the time. Sometime I think this is a visibility issue, so I turned down the graphics way down. Shaders off, animation low. So now I could see all the updraft spouts and I was surprised to see that many. However, I still had the same problem. Sometime if I needed a lift, I’d glide towards one, but it appeared I’d glide right through the updraft, but no lift. If I was knocked to the ground I could not 100% of the time get airborn again even tho I didn’t really change my technique to do it. Sometimes it worked other times it would not. It’s almost as if some of the updraft spouts are just for show, but not functional.
Another issue are the NPC’s . Sometimes I get knocked down towards the end of the electric floor phase. I’d survive it but be downed and be a couple body lengths from the NPC’s and they’d stay huddle in the corner without rezzing or engaging the boss. Sometimes after glide, I’d be fine and engage boss, but the NPCs would stay huddled in the corner. I guess they were on a smoke break. . .
Finally, the last issue that cropped up was before the last glide phase. I’d bring Mordemoth down to the 20% mark but he’d start his clear doughnut ring push attack. It be too late tho, he was entering glide phase. So I’d get airborn, but I’d immediately get knocked back down from what I believe is the ring push attack. If I was high enough (not that sort of high…) I’d be able to redeploy the wings, but get knocked back down. There was no hope. If the the ring attack was going when the glide phase started I was going to lose because I couldn’t stay in the air.
I submitted bug posts, but after almost 2 years, I have zero hope the devs either have the time or even care to look into this. But, hey you never know!
To be honest, I’ve seen that kind of “you move -no ! YOU move !” argument countless times in AB and TD. Less in VB, but I think HP there are more straightforward.
HoT maps are deteriorating. There’s a normal predictable factor in it : people usually get bored of it. It’s the same for lots of core maps. World bosses are a way to keep some activity in _some_places of some maps. Metas are a good thing, in my opinion.
Another idea is what they did in living world season 1 : make things happen in core maps (lion’s arch, tower of nightmare in kessex, marionette in Lornar, toxic events in some others). I really liked that idea, and I feel like it put more people in those maps. Some events could be revamped to HoT meta’s quality : I’m thinking of Ulgoth the Modniir in Hinterlands, or Komissar in Dredgehaunt cliffs. Some cleaning and dusting could make them really good metas that’d bring people.
Now for another issue you raise in your topic : players playing casual zombies joining a zerg to win. It’s been an issue for a long time in GW2, in PvE as in WvW. It has sometimes be adressed (champion train in Queensdale e.g.) but the safest way to avoid it is avoid the “just smash it” design. Unfortunately, ANet has been sticking to that design for ages. Avoiding it requires more elaborate mechanic, and I can empathize with players not wanting to learn them because it’d be too tiresome.
Yet, twisted marionette is one of my fondest memory.
Bottom line:
This is how Anet makes games, deal with it. Nothing will be changing anytime soon unless there’s enough grumbling in the community.
Think it’s safe to say that the reality of things.
And I agree, the marionette is one of my fondest memories too, course I’d say SW and any HoT map would be too if it was limited content.
I like what’s been posted. Yeah, I’m unsure what the norm is, but I was thinking that an HP train refusing to move was kinda rare. The guy was a jerk, but ideally stuff like this should not happen.
I think it’s safe to say that HoT maps are deteriorating and conflict like this will only increase. Hopefully the devs won’t just let the maps go out quietly in the night. Don’t get me wrong, there’s still plenty of life in them, but they will be needing some fine tuning to adjust for the declining server populations. If they don’t, they’ll just be pointless.
One other thing, I completely realize you don’t need big zergs to do the meta, but convincing players of that is entirely different. Seems like most players enter zombie mode during metas., they just follow mindlessly without the realization of efficiency. So while it doesn’t take many players to actually finish the meta, breaking that mindset will be most difficult.
And to echo another thought on this post. New players are the most affected and that is most unfortunate. They need the HP for their elite specs, masteries, story and metas. As the maps mature, those players will be the most affected unless there’s some tweaking done with the maps.
(edited by Kythan Myr.4719)
So myself and lots of other players show up 30min before Gerent meta, 2 hour window to grind and grind out all crystals and eggs possible. We get stuck on a HP train map. Which is unfortunate. There are two organized trains each with 50 players or so. Waiting by the WP other people start showing up waiting for the meta to start. Commanders tag up and start organizing. The map even caps at one point.
Two HP trains have been going. One commander knows that the meta is about to start and is purposely finishing up. The other says we’re not doing meta (which is their right) and says essentially go screw yourself and find another map. We’re not doing the stupid meta. LFG only shows two TD groups, both are the HP trains. One meta commander supposedly relogs in 10x to spawn another map. So as you might guess, conflict and drama begins. The HP train commander IS RIGHT, they were there first and it’s their right to stay there. Although one commander understands and finishes up for the meta, the other digs in defensively.
It’s tough because you have no real compromise. In the GW1 days, you could at least choose another server from a map. It made organizing the few non-instanced events of that game easier. Now I know that GW1 feature has been brought up time and time again, and the devs have said it’s not possible or some such thing.
I’m not posting to discuss which group had more right. It’ kind of moot. There were players there who each had their own agendas. HP trains are needed for all the champs but can have greater flexibility in time. Metas have to wait for the window to open, organize, but if enough players are willing we can easily go to another map. One HP commander understands and makes changes, the other does not. It’s unfortunate, because there’s no other time for me, and I’m sure others, to do the meta for the incredible amount of crystals needed.
So what’s the point of this post. Just to bring something into the light, maybe the devs will see this and see the problem it created within the community. Maybe it’s happened before and is becoming the norm, maybe this is the first time ever since HoT release. I dunno, but if it continues to be problematic it would be nice if the maps were adjusted. HP champs could be scaled down, a special “meta server” could open 30 min before window. HoT populations will wane with time, that’s fact, hopefully something can be done to help both populations.
How about without salvaging?
So now that we have 3 maps that have unbound magic, which have you found provides the fastest acquisition of UM per hour?
I’ve saved keys for awhile, so I have a few laying around. I have to admit that the new loot tables through preview make it enticing. So, now I know the possibility of something dropping, but how does that compare with the reality of something dropping? In general, are people finding the drop rates to be good, or worse than before?
You probably want to go here:
https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/Suggestions-Quality-of-Life-ChangesAlso, Anet is more than aware of the desire for such a thing. “Taking up the chant” won’t do much.
I was aware of this thread, but I was under the impression that Anet’s unofficial response for this was to go buy a shared inventory slot. Which lead me to believe that this made the possibility of a key wring even more unlikely.
I’m sorry.
After reading the post about material storage that was the first thing that was going through my head (anyone else). Then I read the part about no keys and that was my “ugh” moment. From Linsey’s post it does seem that if keys are placed in storage then that negates the chance of there ever being a key ring. That implies that no key ring is in the near future. This idea saddened me the most.
We don’t have an overabundance of key types now, (there’s what? 6/7?)but if they continue with their system of map specific keys then the future looks full of clutter and micro-managing if you are alt crazy.
So what are your thoughts? Do we need a key ring? Anyone else take up the chant?