(edited by LUST.7241)
Currently you can progress through each part by completing certain achievements and some of the prerequisites to the next part can be unlocked by the equivalent part from the one before (ex. Daily Participator, Essence Collector, Mystic Essence, League Veteran, Wings of Glory); however, it’s not consistent with the others.
League Slayer/Dominator, League {Profession}, League Top Stats, League Rank Earner, and League Conqueror do not unlock the next part’s League Slayer/Dominator, League Profession, etc. Each of these are tied to the full part.
This means: Part 1 can be completed 10/11, but the rest can only be completed 5/11 because these achievements: Daily Participator, Essence Collector, Mystic Essence, League Veteran, Wings of Glory are not the prerequisites for the next part’s of the same name: Daily Participator, Essence Collector, Mystic Essence, League Veteran, and Wings of Glory.
Currently any Ranked progression that should complete these achievements are essentially counted toward these later parts. Please change the inconsistent prerequisite locks to not be the entire part.
It makes sense to fully complete a part to get the respective completion reward (Thrill of Battle, Tapestry of Sacrifice, Monument of Legends, Hymn of Glory), but the inconsistent dependency is an unnecessary gate for those not able to profession swap all the time in ranked (even though having that as a requirement for ranked is silly, imo).
For visual learners: http://i.imgur.com/yzHR0r0.png
(edited by LUST.7241)
I can think of 3 possible reasons.
1) You or your friend are currently dishonored.
2) One of you haven’t met the PvP Rank requirement of rank 20 for participating in ranked matches.
3) You’re in a group with someone from another region (NA vs EU).
TIL you can group with people across NA and EU.
Here, I’m in a good mood, I’ll leave you a relatively simple TL;DR: your legendary pvp set was never supposed to be prestigrful and was never supposed to be something you can show off. Period.
And this right here is why, as a raider, I am not upset with WvW or PvP getting Legendary Armor even though Anet said it was only going to be for raids. Since it doesn’t have a unique look, I can’t blame Anet for giving them a Legendary since the Legendary look is still only in raids (even though Foe-fire gloves are more Legendary than anything on the actual armor and the WvW tier 3 armor beats most of it as well).
Another things that makes me laugh is why do sPvP players need Legendary armor? It’s not like you actually need the armor to change stats. WvW players needing it I can understand but sPvP?
You don’t understand because you assume all PvPrs just sit in the PvP lobby all day and never do any content outside of that.
You can queue for PvP in PvE and WvW. And having a way to get gear helps a PvPr get into WvW and PvE without having to worry about another grind. Getting PvP gear isn’t easy if you just do PvP…it takes the longest out of all the modes and is timegated heavily by the Seasons.
The great thing about GW2 is how people don’t have to agree with a website how they should play the game.
Plenty of off meta things became meta precisely for that reason.
This is true. Those off-meta things were also coupled with good map awareness and rotations. Optimizing X, Y, Z for A, B, C situations.
If you play with your face 1-inch from the screen, one-eyed closed, and your resolution at 64×64, that off-meta thing won’t lead to a new meta.
You know I thought we could squeeze some games before the expansion with the meta that has been the same for the last few years…turns out, there are so many new players in Plat that are overly confident in their unranked builds… which don’t contribute to anything team or objective wise. I’m all for build diversity…but there is a reason why the current meta is what it is…
I believe PvP will always be toxic as long as people are ignorant to learn, don’t utilize the most optimal build (at the least), and don’t realize when to rotate. I can see why people Duo at off hours and have 80+% win rates.
These random builds remind me of Beta weekends 5 years ago… I expected to see that when PoF hit…not weeks before in Plat.
(edited by LUST.7241)
Bonus question is what kind of tips do you have for pvp (asside from obvious practice)
in GW what are things i have to keep a eye on or watch out whats the main skill for pvpfor example in Wow its all about timeing and lining your CCs and cooldowns
but in archeage its all about DPS and CC and burst
but in some games its about sustain and surviabilty
so what about GW
PvP here is structured (sPvP) around objectives and gear/stats are all streamlined so everyone has equal footing. WvW is more open-field, anything goes.
Being successful at sPvP here, outside of knowing timing of skills,CCs, cooldowns, pro/cons of each profession, etc. also comes down to map awareness and objective rotations.
You can be a master at any class, dominating everyone at 1v1…but if you don’t know how to play objectively, it won’t matter.
Decay is necessary.
Imagine if someone did very well in their 10 placement matches, placed in the top 250, then never play again after that for the rest of the season and got a title. Is that fair?
Decay is necessary.
They wouldn’t even be in the Top 250 because you’d need over 100 games played in ranked at that point.
It’s just a hypothetical. Sitting on on a high rank for a whole season that you obtain early isn’t fair. You should consistently be fighting to maintain your position.
It’s not a hypothetical, it’s impossible with the current setup.
I’m not against decay, I’m just saying with a Games Requirement to even be on the Leaderboard, it makes decay pointless at the end.
I’m not against decay…but Recovering from decay is easy, it’s just a hindrance and your rating isn’t even effected by being in decay. Meaning, if you decayed from 1789 to 1389, matchmaking still sees your rating as1789. Only purpose decay has here is just another step to keep the leaderboard with active players.
PvP already levels most of the playing field by:
- Level doesn’t matter
- Gear doesn’t matter
- Skills are tuned specifically for PvP
There are some balancing issues with certain builds, but for the most part it’s fair.
Still very active and lots to do at your own pace. LFG system is beautiful.
Guilds constantly put out recruitment messages in towns but there are enough players everywhere that you don’t really need a guild to get things done (unless you prefer that).
For PvE Condi: Likely can stick to Pistol/Pistol Vipers, Photon Forge will basically just remove the need for a kit (or be used during cool downs).
For PvE Power: Sword/Pistol, Zerkers
Few ways you can survive the condi pressure a bit more, but you might be giving up a bit just to strictly deal with condi (especially outside sPvP)…Sadly, some condis are applied way faster than any reduction or cleanse.
In addition to traiting Photon Forge’s Prismatic Converter
Can reduce incoming condi damage a few ways:
Spectrum Shield
Rune of Melandru
Remove Condi:
Sigil of Purging
Sigil of Cleansing
Rune of Leadership
Then of course Elixirs, Elixir Gun, and traits in Alchemy.
Decay is necessary.
Imagine if someone did very well in their 10 placement matches, placed in the top 250, then never play again after that for the rest of the season and got a title. Is that fair?
Decay is necessary.
They wouldn’t even be in the Top 250 because you’d need over 100 games played in ranked at that point.
Don’t forget a lot of the toxicity simply gets exaggerated. People see one salty player over and over, but then assumes every player is that way.
Then there’s the problem of ignorance, some players just refuse to work around their team and rather just spend the entire game typing instead of reworking their own strategy. This, more often than not, is the real reason people don’t win as much as they could.
I’m okay with everything except:
- The team queue may plan their build roster, but the solo players have over a minute to coordinate swaps. If you want to be good at PvP, you need to be able to play a few roles.
The upside to knowing more than one profession is that you can help fill a role your team might need to win…but it’s not really required to be “good at PvP” in Solo Queue. Plenty of people at the top who just play one profession really well and simply work around their team.
The biggest thing is: You just have to know what the other classes are capable of (reading into the profession, watching players of that profession, versing them, etc.). While playing multiple professions can help on this, it’s also just as good just to verse or play with them.
If you have the time to play each profession equally, sure, go for it…just know that mastering more than one at once will take longer than just rework working your strategy (using X amulet instead of Y, W trait instead of Z trait, going to B objective rather than C objective, etc).
In this current meta, “big maps” makes punishes low-mobility professions and make it even harder to recover back from. This makes people make mistakes more often because they just don’t pay attention to how important an objective is against a certain opposition.
I don’t think they need to make the maps smaller (most of them are the same size, other than a few shortcuts only 2 professions can use) but rather reduce the mobility certain high-mobility classes have so its easier for low-mobility classes to actually be able to answer and possibly recover.
Situation happens pretty frequently because the matchmaker is trying to find you a game. More often than not, you either get paired with those under your rating or above…or go against them instead. Might be because the system is trying to give you an outlier match to either boost your rating up a bit more or take you down..or just because there are no players available and you’ve been in queue for so long. This happens more frequently as you play off-hours and start seeing Duos more often.
Sometimes it better to lose maybe 4 rating against Duos of +300 rating above you rather than losing -20 with them. At the same time, there is a possibility of beating those +300 above you and getting +20.
It definitely is somewhat predictable though, especially Solo.
I know they get picked a lot…but I much rather prefer Eternal Coliseum, Revenge of the Capricorn, Skyhammer, and Temple of the Silent Storm over Forest of Niflhel, Battle of Kyhlo, and Legacy of the Foefire (since they have got so incredibly dull to play on after so many years of preference).
Waiting until Spirit Watch makes an appearance in Ranked.
Side Note: I vote for Revenge of the Capricorn because it reminds me of the days of Raid on the Capricorn the PvP underwater map. Nostalgia. :/
The stupid thing is, nobody ever called for a duo-queue as far as I can remember. People were asking for solo and team to be split.
When your only options for a vote are things that nobody even wanted in the first place, you can’t really blame the voters for the outcome.
They allowed us to vote to implement/test a Solo/Duo queue at a time where the the biggest issue was groups of 5 cheesing through a full solo pug team in ranked, the Matchmaking Algorithm wasn’t designed to balance professions and reduce profession swapping.
After they changed the algorithm and made changes for better Solo queue experience, they still allowed Duos to continue to be part of the same ladder. And the “active” PvP devs just disappeared.
While Duos don’t guarantee wins, it definitely maximizes the chance to win (algorithm doesn’t handle Duos well). Depending on the skillset and profession choice of the duo, it’s the best way to climb through the ranks easily.
If they remove the Duo option…Top players are still going to be at the top, don’t get me wrong. But they’ll have a more competitive leaderboard knowing that they’ll be fighting everyone on equal footing (aside from profession imbalances/cheese). I think Helseth said something along those lines too, and how all this is a “start” to get there.
With Automated Tournaments, the 5-man option is covered. They can introduce a separate ranked team leader board if they wanted (groups of 2,3, or 5). Much like other objective based games offer.
Team Ranked Queue would likely be the last thing PvP needs in terms of mode structure. Then we can finally focus on really balancing professions and maybe fixing map designs. Sadly, everyone’s going to be distracted once Path of Fire comes out and this PvP forum gets flooded with X profession is OP.
(edited by LUST.7241)
People aren’t always going to approve what you do. The best you can do is ignore them and play the best you can and making sure you are getting the best out of your profession (following the respective meta build is a good start).
Same goes for any mode (PvE, WvW, PvP), you will have some toxicity. Just in PvP, people want to win and as toxic as it may get, you shouldn’t read into so much. Just ignore them and move on.
There’s always room for improvement. If you are doing your best, you’ll notice way less toxicity headed your way. And if toxicity is headed your way, just don’t respond to it.
People are paying for skins so they can be seen by others, not just for themselves.
The glider is great and it should look even more flashy imo, and should sing war songs too.
Well if others don’t want to see it, they shouldn’t be forced to. If people care about what others bought, they’d enable the option.
Seriously? Ahahha
I personally prefer my character to be flashy and to show off around.
That’s good. But not everyone cares about how other characters look. You can continue to look like that…but you can’t ask everyone to bend to your visual clutter.
Some people don’t mind it, others do. Give them the option.
(edited by LUST.7241)
The same build and tactics don’t always work. You need to adjust based on the opposition and what your team has (assuming everyone is following the respective meta build at the very least).
Don’t be ignorant or toxic when things don’t work out either. Do the best you can with what you got and do what you can to make it work.
Just block those people and move on.
It’s unranked, just keep doing your thing.
No one should bother you for playing unranked.
PvP sucks because you tried making a party for Unranked and the one time you did no one responded to you? Ok…
Did you use the LFG system? If you did: More likely than not you created an LFG in the wrong subsection and were kicked because of it. If you want a party for PvP, you join the PvP lobby and ask in chat.
It takes a while to make a group for PvP as most players just Solo.
Holosmith: 7
+ Photon Forge/Heat Mechanic is very interesting
+ Damage in Photon Forge
+ Exceed Skills
+ Exceed Skill Visuals
+ Mobility
~ Damages you when you overheat….no real benefit for being overheated.
~ Photon Forge model could look better
~ Disables kits for a few seconds
~ Passing the Heat Threshold doesn’t really boost Exceed skills much
~ Prime Light Beam has a long channel time
- Cauterize is not a full condi clear and still burns you
- Sword really makes no sense, not even Dual Swords
- No Heat Mechanic with Rifle, Pistol, Shield or at least with the supporting off-hand (Pistol, Shield)
- Replaces Elite Toolbelt Skill
Side Note: Missed cool opportunity for Heat Mechanic with Flamethrower, Firebomb, Blowtorch, Flame Turret/Napalm, Rocket Boots/Kick.
(edited by LUST.7241)
Even though “all the maps are the same”, a good chunk of PvPrs can’t even grasp how to strategically win. Shouldn’t suggest more modes when there is still a problem for a lot of players with just trying to maintain up to 3 objectives (and respective side objectives)-
Totally wrong.
The PvP is too complicated and too difficult for most and thus fails to attract a larger audience.
I know this thread is pretty dated…It’s funny some people here think spamming skills against top players would work out for them.
Only problem I have with the matchmaking is having Solo and Duo on the same leaderboard. The matchmaking algorithm isn’t really designed to really have them coexist and really place people where they are supposed to.
Top players shouldn’t worry, they would still be at the top solo, but their stats likely wouldn’t be padded so much and games would be far more competitive than just seeing who can play off-hours duo and go friends-list-invisible more.
If they do keep the Duo system, they could make it so gain less rating so its discouraged. Most people Duo because its one of the only ways to really go up consistently in rating at a certain point.
(edited by LUST.7241)
There are a few threads on this.
With the introduction of Automated Tournaments, there are enough Duo+ groups that can create a 5-man and compete at a high level.
Solo Queue can and should be 100% solo. Having a Duo in the same leaderboard with a matchmaking algorithm that is focused on being Solo brings in a lot of issues as the season progresses.
If a separate queue for Duo+ would be created, it can simply be 2, 3, 5 (can’t do 4 because then the system would try to look for a solo). That’s what other games do, Heroes of the Storm probably the best executed example.
I’m not even sure who the “active” PvP Lead is nowadays.
This happens every season.
It may be true there are optimal times of play and there are things to improve individually but there’s a constant that usually causes this issue (especially as a Solo player).
This Usually starts happening after a certain point because the matchmaking algorithm is built for Solo Queue but given all the Duo-Queue players in the same leaderboard and rating, the system ends up folding in over itself to compensate. The system likely can’t balance the matchmaking from the pool of players available and more often than not Solo players suffer.
If Duo-ing was not part of the Solo-Queue ladder, this would happen less often and players wouldn’t be losing so many points for a loss.
Source: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/PvP_Matchmaking_Algorithm
Not even true that top players wouldn’t embrace the idea, I remember both sindrener and helseth even suggesting that on their stream that top 250 are soloq only.
This is true, apologies.
Helseth and Sindrener have suggested it and are possibly the most vocal. Most of the rest are not. Most players are just “going with the flow” which enables NA (for example) to find a way to abuse it (for better or worse).
More should be (hopefully) voicing their opinion on a true Solo-Queue instead of just saying, “Well, the top players are duo-ing so I have to also in order to stay competitive”. Some do know that a Solo-Queue would be more valuable.
Side Note: When we had to vote for having a Solo-Queue, the Duo part of it being allowed was kinda just thrown in without any thought on what it does…then it was never really readdressed.
With AT and the other modes, there are plenty of other modes for Duo+ to compete…Duo+ is probably a really small percentage of the PvP population, Anet likely has the numbers to prove that. It’s the same thing for most games no matter how big the game is: if the population is big enough, anything more than Duo+ has it’s own separate queue (like mentioned earlier).
If you are trying to maximize your DPS, kit swapping is essential at the moment running the meta Raid/PvE build (which isn’t Scrapper; it’s core Engi running Viper’s and Pistol/Pistol).
Holosmith seems primarily DPS oriented, so you won’t need to use kits really (though Photon Forge is sort of a kit?)
You can get through dungeons nowadays no problem without much use of kits.
You can solo with Scrapper without kits.
You can WvW without kits, but you will be kiting a lot…real challenging fun though.
Current PvP meta at least requires swapping through 1 kit. May change with Holosmith…also may never change.
When the Top of the Leaderboard, at a majority that Duo, has over a 80% Win Rate in a system designed to have “balanced matchmaking”, it seems kind of backward. They are deserving of those top spots, don’t get me wrong…but it’s really just Stat padding at that point.
Take Heroes of the Storm, for example (plus also very objective based), they have a pure Solo Queue, and a Team queue for 2,3, and 5 players. It works. Team Queue is very easy to progress on the leaderboard (for obvious reasons). Solo is not and most top solo players are around 55-60%.
Some people say the population can’t support Solo Queue…The problem isn’t population, there is a healthy PvP population for pure Solo Queue way more than there is for Duo or Team. With Automated Tournaments, there should be a separation to bridge the gap.
Honestly, I wish it would happen…but it probably won’t because the top players probably won’t praise that idea. The rest of us suck and are too unorganized to ask for it.
It would be way better to see how skilled people are individually. Duos sort of defeat that purpose.
(edited by LUST.7241)
You don’t get moa with Holosmith
Apologies, oversight on losing the Elite Toolbelt skill.
I trust Arena Net more than any other game for content that lasts and content you can do anytime you are ready.
Holosmith. No dual sword. Shield Skills still have long CDs. Exceed Skills have long CDs. No dual Specializations.
I wanted to see if I could bunker with Holosmith as well as Scrapper. With every other class doing crazy amounts of DPS (even eating through Scrappers), I thought there could be some place to possibly bunker through it. Turns out it is very possible but with some notable Cons.
- Survive the condi pressure
- No Gyro Res/Stomp.
- Long Cooldowns on Shield and Exceed Skills.
- Lose Elite Tool Belt skill (ex. Moa)
- Sword + Shield
Weapon Sigils:
- Sigil of Purging – Remove Conditions
- Sigil of Energy – Recover Endurance
- Rune of Water (Heal) or Rune of Melandru (Reduce Condi)
- Mender’s (Heal) or Paladins Amulet (Tank)
- Healing Turret – Less selfish approach to Burst Healing
- Spectrum Shield – Stun Breaker. Reduces incoming Damage/Condi Damage by 50%. Toolbelt skill (while above Heat Threshold) gives Light Aura (-10% incoming Condi)
- Photon Wall – Block for you and allies
- Elixir Gun – Heals/Condi Cleanse. Toolbelt Stun Breaker.
- Elixir X (a little added survivability) or Mortar Kit (for Elixir Shell)
Photon Forge Skill Usage:
- These can be used to deal some damage while waiting for your skills to come off cooldown, plus build up your Heat Threshold so your Exceed Skills are a bit better.
- With the Holosmith trait ‘Light Density Amplifier’ you take 15% less damage.
- With the ‘Crystal Configuration: Eclipse’ trait, you can gain a barrier and Stability while you use Corona Burst
- With the ‘Vent Exhaust’ trait, you can stay in Photon Forge longer by dodging (hence the Sigil of Energy) as well as heal (‘Heat Therapy’ gives you health per unit of heat lost)
- With the ‘Enchanced Capacity Storage Unit’ trait, you can stay in Photon Forge longer and get Might
- Inventions – 2, 3, 2
- Alchemy – 2,2,1
- Holosmith – 1,2,1 or 2
(edited by LUST.7241)
It seems our gear set up won’t change much (if at all).
The Viper build for PvE seems the most optimal for Condi and the ratio for Berserker still is a solid power option. Traits remain the same other than Holosmith specialization (of course). This possibly can change if the new stat combinations are crazy amazing…
Holosmith Specialization has a few DPS boosting benefits: Overheat, Solar Focusing Lens, Crystal Configuration: Storm, Laser’s Edge, and Photonic Blasting Module.
Pistol + Pistol still seems best (you can use Photon Forge) if Vipers.
Sword + Pistol might be better if you run Berserker than Rifle (shorter cooldowns).
Shield skills still are poo poo. :[
Haven’t tested fully…
Kits might still be needed for DPS rotation. Laser Disk and our elite Prime Light Beam have good damage and benefits from heat…but the cooldown duration on them may prove to be a DPS loss in respect to switching between kits.
If you haven’t noticed, if specializing in Holosmith, your Elite Toolbelt skill is replaced with Photon Forge instead of providing an additional slot. It’s not exclusive to Prime Light Beam
Meaning, you can’t get the F5 skill that other elites have nor can you use them while traited as a Holosmith.
I personally an additional slot should be added, but I guess there has to be limitations. An Orbital Strike would look so nice while in Photon Forge…more so then the “purity of purpose” we’ll likely see down the line.
(edited by LUST.7241)
Like I said in another thread:
For Season 6:
- Added achievements for all competitive maps (woo titles???)
- Added PvE Crafting Requirement to Ascended Equipment PvP incentive
- Reduced Ranked Reward track rewards but now allow you to get Ascended Shards when you repeat
- Did not revise Year of the Ascension achievements to include an alternative option rather than forcing inexperienced multi-class play in Ranked. Honestly, could have also added an option to buy the parts to make the Gift of the Competitor using Ascended Shards + Shards + Tickets + Gold to resolve this.
Yeah…nothing really that motivates me to play PvP (if you consider all the other problems).
(edited by LUST.7241)
This won’t even effect Thief gameplay at all. All it does is counter Engi’s Stealth Gyro + Res and Druid’s stealth.
Thieves (and Mesmers) will still have no issue going anywhere because they are still way more mobile than any other class while still being very sustainable because of it.
Plus the reveal isn’t even as long as you think it is:
For Sigil of Revelation, the purpose would be to pull people out of stealth, but not prevent it. Something like a 1/4 second reveal would accomplish that.
You don’t read my post. It doesn’t matter if the reveal right now is only 0.00001 seconds, because having revealed applied to you currently removes all your stealth.
If i have 50 seconds of stealth stacked (You cant actually stack that much but I’m giving an example) and I get hit by a 0.01 second reveal, I don’t pop back into my stealth with 49 seconds left when that reveal is over.
So this sigil being able to do that in a 240 radius ON SWAP is ridiculous. Do you think it’s fair that 5 people can blast a smoke field and stack 15 seconds of stealth, and some random guy does a swap and everyone loses all the stealth?
Note that this guy doesn’t sacrifice much to take this sigil because so many sigil choices have been deleted anyway. He’s not dropping any traits in order to run this, he’s not dropping a utility.
And yet this reveal has a lower CD (9 seconds) than all the utilities in the game that reveal.Make it reveal for 2 seconds, but make it so that people will go back into stealth once the reveal time is over.
I see what you are saying…but this Sigil is basically a smaller radius Detection Pulse (Engi skill). Revealing isn’t a new thing…it’s been here for a while given how frequently professions (not only thieves) can stealth now, this allows other professions that don’t have reveal to counter stealth escapes (not so much stealth engages).
Sigil of Frailty – On hit: Inflict Vulnerability (10 Seconds) – 3 second cooldown
- This should NOT be a thing. There are already dozens of skills that apply vulnerability (and not even for as long as this SIGIL). Same goes for Sigil of Exposure
Sigil of Energy is redundant. The classes that make use of constant Endurance already have a ton of passives/skills that keep it that way. No point for this Sigil rather than undoing a nerf for this specific problem.
Sigil of Escape is way too specific. No real point to waste a Sigil on something that specific and rare.
Sigil of Lethargy and Sigil of Hydromancy are the same thing. Just combine them into one Sigil and make the Chill kitten .
You have three On-hit Sigils for damage but nothing for support. Bring back: Sigil of Water
(edited by LUST.7241)
This won’t even effect Thief gameplay at all. All it does is counter Engi’s Stealth Gyro + Res and Druid’s stealth.
Thieves (and Mesmers) will still have no issue going anywhere because they are still way more mobile than any other class while still being very sustainable because of it.
Plus the reveal isn’t even as long as you think it is:
For Sigil of Revelation, the purpose would be to pull people out of stealth, but not prevent it. Something like a 1/4 second reveal would accomplish that.
without mobility those classes would be worthless
They are completely worthless without their mobility? I’m genuinely curious…
I do fancy me a solid Thief or Mesmer they bring a lot to the game, but the gameplay they are dependent on doesn’t make PvP competitive…to me, it seems to be a problem with every other class (as none really have the tools to even threaten that gameplay) and how conquest works.
Both classes are really strong duelists and that improved with the patch (the meta hasn’t changed). They have high damage and high mobility which is nearly equivalent (in its own right) to high sustain any bunker solo (like any class these days anyway)…but the thing is, why even bother a bunker—all you do is decap, lure opponents away from points and if they don’t bite, you cap. Or, if you see them coming your way, you stall them on the point ensuring the other points are even easier.
It’s always a win-win-win if you don’t have the blessing of a mirror match that also knows how to abuse that gameplay. While it is competitive to see which side wins a mirror match…is it competitive when that’s the only counter to it? We’ll never get diverse build varieties this way.
Well, they haven’t added anything for S5 either other than the new reward system (ascended shards) and leaderboards.
For Season 6:
- Added achievements for all competitive maps
- Added PvE Crafting Requirement to Ascended Equipment PvP incentive
- Reduced Ranked Reward track rewards but now allow you to get Ascended Shards when you repeat
- Few changes to the matchmaking algorithm to help matchmaking, but not all issues are addressed (another test season)
- Buffed all classes, but hardly anything to shift out or really counter stupidly easy Mesmer/Thief duo carry (that’s even stronger with buffs—they are even safer)
- Pending Sigil changes not yet implemented
- Did not revise Year of the Ascension achievements to include an alternative option rather than forcing inexperienced multi-class play in Ranked
All of this is an achievement in and of itself.
(edited by LUST.7241)
Nothing has yet to change the meta to actually counter the biggest game changers: Mobility…Thieves and Mesmers and how quickly decapping takes v. capping.
Bunkering is one problem…but that just makes it easier for Thieves and Mesmers to fully excel (they are pretty sustainable unless super outnumbered).
Thieves and Mesmers haven’t changed. They are still pretty much uncontested in terms of mobility and map control. They don’t have to fight. None of the sigil changes change that.
(edited by LUST.7241)
I think what the PvP community wants often overwhelms the PvP devs causing them to spend less and less time actively engaging PvP topics with a positive mental attitude. The forums itself gets cluttered with many threads discussing the same things over and over and no one really feels like chiming into topics that can better experiences (even if they don’t completely agree with it). Majority of the devs and players have personal, selfish, agendas with PvP and usually do not want to support any efforts to make PvP more welcoming.
Sure, you can entice PvE players to get their gear in PvP…but how does that help them stay? What kittenes them off when they are in PvP? What can be done to help PvP situations that don’t make sense to them?
I don’t entirely miss the days without Elite Specs but it seems like no one wants to bother trying to bridge the gap between Core and Elite in anyway possible. Everything requires work and apparently it’s out of everyone’s pay grade.
Getting Ascended Gear the original way was nice to get PvE players into PvP then bridge PvP players to PvP in WvW and then potentially PvE.
Now what it does is…
- Tell PvE players to stick to PvE.
- Tell PvP players to go to PvE.
- Cutoff new transitioning WvW players.
I understand the Fractals Ascended gear change…but PvP… I can see no value in forcing PvP players to craft. They should have just capped the Ascended Shard gain weekly like Raids.
If anything my biggest complaint about this patch is that it just pushed Scrapper further away from DPS usability compared to Tools.
The Shredder Gyro buff is nice but I’d say it, for how fast it whirls, needs to strike and combo faster as well as have a larger radius.
As for potential Scrapper Trait line changes:
- Perfectly Weighted: Damage should be increased from 10% to 20%
- Mass Momentum: Could be a Party Buff
- Impact Savant: Needs to be reworked…Engi doesn’t have that many lasting stuns…especially since Gyro’s Daze was removed for whatever reason…