Showing Posts For LordNat.4963:


in Suggestions

Posted by: LordNat.4963


It’s easy to put a reward in Raids/Guild Content. Just have drops be things like crafting mats for Guild upgrades or things for Guild Halls once they are released.
Have the stuff based off the dungeons that already in the game and just add a “Raid Mode” to each one that is level 80 only and takes like 10 people. At the end you get tokens for buying themed upgrades.
It’d be a big step to making guilds more than a chat room with x% bonuses.

And once again I ask what happens to the small guilds? They just get left behind.

If you have less than 10 people to run something than you are not much of a guild are you?

Guilds don’t have to be a certain size and making content based on a certain size would be dumb. My group of 4 can do everything in the game except the more difficult temples and the dungeons that require 5. (we just bring a pug and give them the easy jobs)

I honestly don’t think they can really design guild content for guilds that small. That is like a solo player complaining that they can’t do 5 mans in their 1 person guild.

Anyway here is an idea to help with the small guild issue. At the end each player gets X number of guild upgrade tokens that are Guild Bound (to whatever guild they are in when they get them), Guild Bound tokens can be placed into the Guild Bank to be used by for the upgrades that go along with that kind of token. That way a 4 man guild can still do the content with pubs or allying with another guild for the run and still get the rewards, just slower than a all guild run.


in Suggestions

Posted by: LordNat.4963


It’s easy to put a reward in Raids/Guild Content. Just have drops be things like crafting mats for Guild upgrades or things for Guild Halls once they are released.
Have the stuff based off the dungeons that already in the game and just add a “Raid Mode” to each one that is level 80 only and takes like 10 people. At the end you get tokens for buying themed upgrades.
It’d be a big step to making guilds more than a chat room with x% bonuses.

And once again I ask what happens to the small guilds? They just get left behind.

If you have less than 10 people to run something than you are not much of a guild are you?


in Suggestions

Posted by: LordNat.4963


It’s easy to put a reward in Raids/Guild Content. Just have drops be things like crafting mats for Guild upgrades or things for Guild Halls once they are released.
Have the stuff based off the dungeons that already in the game and just add a “Raid Mode” to each one that is level 80 only and takes like 10 people. At the end you get tokens for buying themed upgrades.
It’d be a big step to making guilds more than a chat room with x% bonuses.

Massively: Where Guild Wars 2 Goes Wrong

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


The combat system is the BEST IVE EVER EXPERINCED. That guy is only right about the story, the story is horrible, why couldnt they have hired me? I’de be their story righter for 12 dollars an hour aslong as it was permanet and i would come up with WAY better storys then the ones were told here, hell even just copy a good story with your own gw spin on it and it would be miles ahead of what we got now.

Also the personal story needs more grouped missions with more narration and epic fealing, phopecies had the epic fealing SOMETIMES but it just got redic when you had 8 people trying to kill one dwarf for 5 min, its more fun fighting hordes of enemies then just slapping a lvl 1 looking char in their iwth 100000000hp, makes you feal weak, make us heros, if you want us to fight high hp bosses please make them look epic and give them reason for being so strong.



i do agree that we need more types of game mechanics for dungeons and such.

It is so hard to not feel like AN’s target market is ADD Teens when most of the people defending the game sound like this…

lol I love the “1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, REPEAT IS NOT FUN” when that’s all combat in GW2 is. Being pigeonholed into DPS and locked attack bars leaves little room for creativity. The age of people coming up with things like touch rangers and 55 monks is over.

GW2 is an Arcade style action game with RPG elements, not a MMO RPG.

Massively: Where Guild Wars 2 Goes Wrong

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


The combat system is the BEST IVE EVER EXPERINCED. That guy is only right about the story, the story is horrible, why couldnt they have hired me? I’de be their story righter for 12 dollars an hour aslong as it was permanet and i would come up with WAY better storys then the ones were told here, hell even just copy a good story with your own gw spin on it and it would be miles ahead of what we got now.

Also the personal story needs more grouped missions with more narration and epic fealing, phopecies had the epic fealing SOMETIMES but it just got redic when you had 8 people trying to kill one dwarf for 5 min, its more fun fighting hordes of enemies then just slapping a lvl 1 looking char in their iwth 100000000hp, makes you feal weak, make us heros, if you want us to fight high hp bosses please make them look epic and give them reason for being so strong.



i do agree that we need more types of game mechanics for dungeons and such.

It is so hard to not feel like AN’s target market is ADD Teens when most of the people defending the game sound like this…

GW2 depth of combat discussion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


Those who think GW2 combat isn’t deep or special… then what about the other combats in all other MMOs that are miles below GW2?
Evolution is done step by step.
GW2 already went ten steps forward with combat compared to other MMOs, give it time and it’ll become even better.

Truth be told tho, GW2 lacks combat variety due to very shallow skill/character depth.
This is ok for a release, but we’re 4 months in now. Time to stop adding world depth and start adding character depth.

I feel in a bunch of ways GW2 has taken a step backwards in MMO RPG combat. It has moved away from the classic JRPG/WRPG combat systems and moved more into the First Person/Third Person shooter style that is ruining RPGs today. GW2 plays more like an action arcade game with light RPG elements than it does a real RPG and I think this fact is one of the main reasons people are getting frustrated with it.
Even the deepest part of the combat system (combos) are shallow and mostly pointless. Here is an example of a MMO with a real combo system: that is the FF11 combo system. It was based around using Weapon Skills (or some spells based on classes) that combo with an element and than chaining elements that match till you get a good combo bonus, then you end it with a elemental spell for burst damage plus extra effect. It is deep, easy to learn, fun, and rewarding to use.
GW2 was designed with “Modern Gamer” in mind, quick and action based with little under the hood to back it up.

GW2 depth of combat discussion?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


You guys do realize most mmorpg’s you only use 5 buttons anyway. Take wow and rift for example. You may have 100 skills but you at the end of the day in fighting a boss. Only use on average 3-7 buttons if that. Only thing GW2 did was get rid of the useless skills. Say like If you had Lightning Bolt 1. Then when you hit max level you get Grand Lightning. Which is just Lightning Bolt 1 max level.

Don’t confuse depth with a over abundance a million buttons. I’ll give you another classic example. I play rift a cleric in the game. Rotation Bolt of Judgement,Vex, Sanction Heretic etc..The new max level came along BOJ was replaced with another bolt. Vex was replaced with another spells named scourge. What really happen there is the old skills got replace but you still have them. Which gives you a false thinking that you have a lot of choices. Almost every mmo is like that. Like I said GW2 is the first game not to smoke and mirrors it.

In WoW I used 31 keys on my Hunter and around 22 on my healer Druid. In Rift I mostly played my Chloromancer and used at least 20-25 keys on most fights.
I feel GW2 is insanely limiting with only allowing at max 13 (I play an Eng) skills and even most of those being not really used that much. Most of the time I feel like I am playing kind of below-average fighting game more than an RPG combat system.
The lack of sub fee is honestly the only reason I am playing this over Mists of Pandora or Rift’s new expansion.

Imo, This Game Lacks Depth

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


I have been finding that the right out war on Roles that Arenanet is doing has made combat just more and more bland as time goes on.
Boss fights are designed to just want you to burn down bosses as fast as you can and support aspects of classes keep getting nerfed.

Giver armor is ok but does not really fix the core problems that support and healing is just less useful than going pure DPS most the time.
If you are playing with even half skilled people who can dodge/block than going 5 pure DPS specs is the best way to run any group content. This has lead to a vary one sided shallow game.
It almost feels as if their goal was to make something like a 3d version of the old D&D arcade game more then it was to make a MMORPG.

Why even have armor types?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


I think it has to do with the way damage mitigation is determined. While soldier professions will have higher toughness/armor and therefore defense, their actual effective return on invested points in toughness is less than the scholar professions who invest in toughness…. partially has to do with the diminishing returns that armor/toughness play into when calculating defense.

Other then the base armor rating on the armor the stats are all the same no matter the armor type. Those extra points of armor can be rolled into a level based bonus with zero effect on how it works now.

Why even have armor types?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


The only difference in armor types is a little armor that can be rolled into the classes them selves. It’d be much nicer if any class was able to use any armor type (or at least transmute from any type) to open up more looks and customization. I see no reason for me not having the option to use any look I want.

"LF1M FotM, no engies"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


sheug I don’t have any parsers, but nobody complained.

Noone has any parsers. That’s why no one complains. GW2 need some dps-meters, so people could see all the difference between professions.

But really, do you like to be carried?

The game needs an instant ignore for elitism and dps meter fusterclucks. It works or it doesn’t, if it doesn’t it’s your fault, no one elses.

This is the problem of not having real data to work with. Without meters then we can’t work up spreadsheets and such to show class performance. For all you know you might be doing 75% less damage then your average warrior but just not know it as we have no data points to work with.

A game that hides that kind of data leads to more elitism not less.

So ArenaNet really does hate Engineers?

in Engineer

Posted by: LordNat.4963


I dont understand logic : Engineers to do somet other than nades (dps par other proffs) —> nerf nades so they suck as much as all rest. = forum engineers happy that they not forced to use nades anymore.

I think it was a kind of “fix it later” pass on the class for balance. They worried that Sigils + 3 hits = overpowered but did not have the data to really know or not. So they went ahead with a nerf just to be safe and will likely do another pass next month in their non-holiday patch.

That said this is an awful way to do class balance and it has left the class unplayable in just about any content.

The best profession patches yet!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


They removed Engineers from the game in all meaningful ways… There is not a single aspect of the game where the class is even useful anymore.

So ArenaNet really does hate Engineers?

in Engineer

Posted by: LordNat.4963


I’m glad they nerfed grenade damage, because it was way out of line — simply put. Now I can play my engineer without feeling like I’m doing less than I should be doing using grenade spam — which I cannot stand. Other builds like pistol/pistol condi becoming viable isn’t a bad thing you know.

You don’t make other builds viable by nerfing the only build that was even close to being on par with the top tier classes. You buff/fix the other builds. All AN did was tell us we are not allowed to play with the big boys.

Flamethrower is still too buggy to use, condition builds are still worthless in PvE, Bomb Kit is unusable for boss fights, etc. So if you enjoy being lower then Ranger Tier now I guess more power too you?

So ArenaNet really does hate Engineers?

in Engineer

Posted by: LordNat.4963


Game over man. At least the carpal tunnel will improve now, since on my warrior I can ROLL MY FACE ON MY KEYBOARD AND PERFORM JUST AS GOOD AS AN ENGI PLAYING PERFECT.

It’s not that bad, you can just turn on auto attack and leave the room with a Warrior to play on par with the highest skilled Eng.

So ArenaNet really does hate Engineers?

in Engineer

Posted by: LordNat.4963


Wow, even super elixir was nerfed this bad? Why does arena net insist on physically abusing one of the least played classes to such a ridiculous degree?

Druids in WoW had the same problem for years as well. AN does not seem to understand what they want Engineer to be so they just kind of give it a huge mesh of things and nerf anything that pops it’s head above the pack.
What they need to do is sit down and work out a few hard specs for the class and make sure those are all in line with say a normal warrior spec, then play around from there.

Who is going to stop playing engineer and...

in Engineer

Posted by: LordNat.4963


Unless they do some kind of rebuff within the next few days I am going to retire my Eng till the next major patch next month.
They removed the only useable PvE spec (Grenades/Elixir Gun Supporter), It was the only thing useable in even mid level (20ish) FotM. Now Eng is just a dead class not even worth taking into anything.

The worse part of it all was Warrior getting a buff even when people are running around soloing end game dungeon bosses on them. This is honestly the worst game balancing I have ever seen and at this rate they are going to drive me away from the game.

Making Elites truly elite.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


Elites are terrible but I think the trouble is they can’t be made powerful without being exploited.

For example if you made norn shapeshift forms do huge damage then people would want groups running with that to speed kill dungeon bosses.

So the real trouble with “elites” is as a concept it just doesn’t work. There’s nothing that can really be done to fix it. They just have to remain in kind of a false position of importance, to some degree or they’d mess up the game balance to kingdom come.

As long as the CD on them levels off the usefulness then it’d be fine. Like a long CD means maybe once per run so that you can’t really plan your entire run around your Elites. You can plan ahead and be like “Let’s all use X Elite at the opening of Y boss to make it go faster” and that is fine.

I remember a discussion like this a month ago or so. I suggested that we should be able to stick normal skills in the elite slots since I rarely used the elite.

People were against it, because “that is too powerful”.

That said it all to me.

Ya as it is now I’d slot in a normal skill in place of my Elite in a heart beat.

Making Elites truly elite.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


I especially dont like the lack of underwater skills myself. For the higher skill when fighting mobs at a much larger xyz axis than on ground, elites should have a greater impact.

Not sure of racials or profession specifics, but my asuran theif only has basilisk venom as an underwater elite. It lasts for like 1 second, or maybe 1.5. The problem i have with that is its supposed to somewhat mimick the basilisk’s attack. When they attack you it turns you to stone for at least 3 or so seconds. Maybe theyll increase the duration of stone condition later.

Still would be nice to make elites better or…:0 make us go hunt skills :p that we want which could also help with keeping every area populated more often than not.

Yes underwater Elites need so much work, most classes only have one and it is bad almost across the board.

On the note of skill hunting. What I played in FF11 was a Blue Mage, a class that was somewhat like a GW2 class in the way you built your skill list from options but had the interesting aspect of having to go fight monsters and see them use their skill to learn it for their self. It made a vary open class that allowed for all kinds of builds but had a huge investment of time involved in mastering it. For more on it check out It was the most rewarding thing I have ever done in gaming, hours of monster hunting and working out ways to force them to use the spell you want, running all over the world looking for that one skill you wanted to help your build. If I had not been banned for some confusion with rebuying when it came for sale on Steam I’d still be doing it.
I’d love to see a class or some aspect of that added into GW2, if there was some kind of Blue Mage class I’d roll it today and never look back.

Making Elites truly elite.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


At least for the guardian, they have some pretty powerful elites, in many cases turning the battle 180. I think Engi’s need lots more love overall, period.

I forgot about those Tomes that the Guardian can use, ya those are a big deal. Still not battle changing in anything other then WvW IMO but still a nice start.

In the game, we’re the soldiers, not the heroes.

Trahearne gets to summon a whole army of baddies. The NPC in the dynamic event (sometimes) gets to be invincible.

It’s my mentor that can manage to hold off a whole army while I flee the island, not me.

It takes 5 people many minutes of doing our very best attacks to take out a single commander type.

A piece of scrap wood on the ground is more powerful than your exotic sword.

Look at wvw. We’re supposed to feel like the worker bees, not the queen.

Final Fantasy has an entirely different ethic. Elites that take us from zero to hero don’t fit the gritty world of Tyria.

Even the lowest fighter can have a moment of greatness, Big Elites are that shining moment of greatness.

Making Elites truly elite.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


We have a total of five weapon skills and five slot skills available. That means that each skill is 10% of my total capabilities without even taking into account the relative power of each ability. The Elite skill slot is, argubly, your most powerful slot ability. It is already annoying enough to have to choose whether to use that ability now and not have it available for two to three minutes in a big fight. Giving up 10% of your total capabilities for 2 hours or so? Even if that ability were made more powerful, my vote is “No, it is not worth it.”

The way I see it is that Elites are that something extra. You can get your job done without them, you don’t need them for normal play. They are there to add that extra X factor to your class, that big shining moment, your “Oh kitten button”.
For most classes they are just a fire and forget slightly more powerful spell, nothing game changing and used at the start of almost all boss fights, hell I just use supply crate on cool-down as it has little to no effect on the fight outside of maybe a stun or a combo burst, the summons that come with it die within one hit and do almost no damage anyway.
What I am asking for is for them to become something you hit only in times of dire need or something you hit when you need that extra little edge for a fight. Having a the options in what you can pick allows players to use what style they want. So sure say you have 2 Elites that are passive Signet or short cooldown weaker effects but also give us the option of vary long cooldown huge effects for those of us who want them. The only one that is anything like that is Time Warp on the Mesmer, I want all classes to have at least one Elite that has that large of an effect on the battle at least.

Making Elites truly elite.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


One of my main points of frustration with this game is lame Elites, so much can be done with them to make them more interesting then a slightly better utility skill with a long cool down.

This is something I have been mulling over for awhile and in my head I have found I have been comparing them to the Two Hour Abilities from FF11 (I know if I compare this game to FF11 a bunch on here but they are 2 games cut from the same design cloth in many ways). For those who never played FF11 the Two Hour Ability was something each class had that had a huge effect on the battle when used. But using them came at a high cost of not having it when needed for the next 2 hours. Something you used at the perfect moment or to save you at your time of greatest need. It also really fit with your class, such as Monks getting 0 cool down on their Auto Attacks for a little bit, White Mage full healing their party (and then taking a crap load of agro and almost always dying for it), Summoner unlocking the greatest powers of their summon, Warrior making all their attacks Crits for awhile, etc.

Now I am not asking to just make Elites insanely powerful and just toss a 2 hour cool-down on them. I am just saying maybe tossing a longer cool-down on them and making them more interesting and effective might be a worthwhile thing.
My main is Eng and lets look at my Elites.

Supply Crate: 180 sec cool-down, drops some turrets that almost instently dies, some healing packs, does a burst combo/stun on landing.
Why not make it something like a 10 min cool down and have it drop a Crate that players can interact with and pull out things like Turrets they can drop, healing packs, or just random whatever environmental items that you can buy from the NPCs in the game. Drop it in a big group and people are running around with Flamethrowers, Grenade packs, Healing Kits, Turrets, Robot Launchers, or whatever random environmental item in the game. Makes a interesting skill that can really change the flow of a fight and is just all around fun.

Mortar: 2 min cool-down useable Mortar. I think a bunch of people underrate this skill but still has issues.
What if it was made into something like once used it places the Turret and makes the skill slot into a AoE targeted skill that calls in a strike from it. Having to take control of it takes you out of a fight and kind of removes the fun of it, so being able to call in shots while still fighting makes it more interesting and fun. Also still fits within that style of play the Turret builds have.

Elixir X: 2 min cool-down that uses another classes transformation Elite.
This is kind of a hard one, I think the main issue is the transformations them selves need to be reworked more then this skill does. Once those are improved then I think this skill is fine as long at it matches their cool-downs.

So what do people think? Also post some ideas of how to change your classes Elites into something better if you have any.

TL;DR: Lets make Elites have longer cool-downs and bigger more interesting effects to make them a more costly thing to use in place of just an extra utility skill.

Reworking of waypoint costs

in Suggestions

Posted by: LordNat.4963


I always walk to places I want to go in GW2 (outside of a fast port here and there to fight a dragon), saves me a bunch of gold and lets me see things I’d not always see. Interesting little events, NPC conversations, random other players doing stuff, etc. It just makes the game more fun and interesting. Half the fun of going somewhere is getting there, using the WP system robs you of that.

You enjoy the journey, I enjoy the destination. Two different ways to play the same game. Reducing the waypoint costs wouldn’t impact the way you choose to play in the slightest.

It makes it so less people run places and hollows out the world more. MMOs are about meeting wandering strangers on a dirt path, not instantly teleporting to a chest to get loot.

Combat Depth on the PvE side, Opinions...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


Why can’t the mobs Counter you, CC you for real, almost get you killed. You are right I miss the Beta, it was way harder and fun.

This happens… I have been chain CCed/pulled/knocked back more then I want to admit. Random trash mods in this game are harder then almost any other MMO I have played outside of FF11.

Reworking of waypoint costs

in Suggestions

Posted by: LordNat.4963


Way points are fine how they are now. If you don’t want to pay to go somewhere then run there. In FF11 the only kind of “instant” (Outside a few VARY hard to get items that allowed limited use teleporting) was Airships/Boats that went on a timer so you had to wait for them or being teleported by a Mage to a few set places in the world.
Having to walk where you want to go filled the world and made it more alive.

I always walk to places I want to go in GW2 (outside of a fast port here and there to fight a dragon), saves me a bunch of gold and lets me see things I’d not always see. Interesting little events, NPC conversations, random other players doing stuff, etc. It just makes the game more fun and interesting. Half the fun of going somewhere is getting there, using the WP system robs you of that.

Combat Depth on the PvE side, Opinions...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


I forgot to add in something that I think really matters. Examples of fights that I think are kitten near perfect:
Moss Man: Holy god is this guy great, running around all the time, disappears and shows up behind you with a one hit kill, adds that are not a big danger but get in the way, etc.

Legendary Archdiviner: Hammer is a interesting factor to the fight, he gets harder in stages based on his HP, his AoE fields keep you on the move but don’t make it so he can’t be hit in melee. Only thing I don’t like is that you can get your self out of the cage in place of having to have your team get you out.

Combat Depth on the PvE side, Opinions...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


I think removing the CC limits for PvE while giving bosses more ways to deal with CC is a good idea.
Also there is a bunch of room for interesting design such as things like having bosses that are highly effected by their own attacks if reflected back onto them, bosses that react in interesting ways to some types of conditions (like a boss that starts attacking his own adds if you stack a bunch of confusion on it).

Right now my groups mostly brute force half of the fights just by stacking on to of me (Cleric’s gear healing Eng) and getting AoE healed out of most damage while we spread Boons and spam combo fields. A single reflection effect deals with most attacks so as long as we have a reflection/block order we hardly have to worry about anything.
I really want to see interesting fights that give you something more to do then just hammer on a long HP bar while kiting.

A Thank You

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


Where is this information anyways?

Just check the class forums.

A Thank You

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


Thanks for covering some really big questions with the fixes for Mesmer and Engineer today. Perfect community communication there. Letting us know you are working on it without giving us a hard time line to hold you too if things get messed up. I hope to hear more from you and your fellow devs like this in the future when there are issues.

Massive respect for handling it vary professionally so that all parties are happy with the result.

P.S. But really if you can maybe push out that Eng sigil fix in time for the Wintersday patch I will let you be the god patient to my first born child (due May 1st).

Make farming better

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


If farming is too easy then no one will buy gems, it is in AN’s best intrust to keep only a small fraction of players able to get good farm in game so that prices stay high and income low.

Communication with the community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


From a PR stand point that is an awful thing for them to do.

Yes this is the standard crappy PR wisdom and it once worked, when we all were 5 or ten years old.
These times are simply over, people have become too streetwise for this old sheepskin to be pulled over our heads(aka syncopate interviews &^ AMA´s) .

I suggest you get with the times, just as the Devs should.
Because the silence is hurting their blasted PR much more than some crybabies accusing them of this or that, they said 6 months ago.

You ever watch what happens to a community over a year or so when this happens?
Angry gamers are always going to be angry, Devs can’t say anything to change that. If the Devs start talking to them then their anger shifts from all around just anger at the game to targeted anger at the Devs. Devs withdraw even more from just getting yelled at any time they post, the game suffers, etc.

If they have something worth saying then it will come down to us over the main communication lines (the front page, the log in screen, interviews, or whatever).

At the vary most what they can do is open a single topic on a subject such as X Class Balance or World Exploring and allow open debate that they will join in on there. You’d want to make sure it was heavy modded tho, mostly only allowing well thought out arguments and not just people whining about how they feel about their class.

But on the subject of Class Balance I don’t think we will be seeing much of that till we have something like Elitist Jerks breaking the game down to a Science like they did WoW.

Communication with the community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


such as the AMA the other week) is the best way for them to act.

I completely disagree with this and if you actually read the AMA, you would know that Chris said the same, that AMA on reddit is not the bets way to commune with the community.

It was still a controlled official interview of sorts, he knew what he was allowed to tell the community and he controlled what questions he took. The main reason they used Reddit is that they used it a bunch for communication before the forums came up. It’d have been better to do it using the main forums now and I think that is how it will be done at such point they do another AMA.

Communication with the community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


I think there always lurking in the background, so they know whats being said about the game.

Of course.
Admitted in pretty much every Dev interview I read or saw.

They read them all, well apart from the Tech and Suggestion fora. Those seem to be just too depressing for them.

And this silence is a very worrying development and extremely shortsighted.
There isn´t even a need for a lengthy discussion, which they(understandably) have no time for.
Just a short,
SUP! We´re working on it but Frank is really cranky today, so it might take a while longer.
would help out greatly in decreasing the growing shrillness of the abandoned feeling fanbase.

From a PR stand point that is an awful thing for them to do. If whatever the thing they are talking about does not get fixed quickly after that then people start quoting the post and saying the Dev lied.
People take the word of Devs as the word of God when it comes to games, they have to vary careful about what they say randomly online as it might come back to bite them, saying nothing at all outside of official channels or interviews (such as the AMA the other week) is the best way for them to act.

Communication with the community

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


Dev interaction is not always a good thing over all. Devs are not PR people and most the time things they saw are taken out of content or perspective.
Having a bunch of Devs talking about stuff that is not ready for the main channels of communication is not a good thing.
A good example of Devs talking with the community being a bad thing is the Riot Games forums (, It’s not as bad as it used to be but you’d get Devs on there all the time talking about half done projects or ideas they have for improvements on the game that never see the light of day.
Video game message boards are almost always a vary negative place as the people happy with the game are playing it in place of debating it online. So you are really just demanding that the Devs do just about the worst thing they can do by throwing their had in with the angry people where that is the job if their PR department.

So all in all stop demanding the Devs talk on the boards, you don’t want that.

Legendary Class Armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: LordNat.4963


GW also had specific armour art for each Profession, and I approve of this suggestion.

Oh I did not know that. Even more reason to do something like this then. The only thing we have right now is the starting items we can pick from and those really don’t have the kind of “ya I am a X and anyone from a mile away can see my shining pride of it” flair that class armor does.

Activities you don't know about

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


They do need to add more Mini games. One of the main things I did in FF11 was Pankration ( Had you running all over the world taking pictures of interesting and rare monsters to upgrade your dude for Pit Fights. A bunch of fun and gave you a good reason to explore.
AN really needs to add less classic content like zones and more interesting random things like Pankration and such that give you extra things to do and reasons to wonder around.
FF11 is a good example of a GW2 style game, you mostly just do whatever you want and set your own goals. I know a huge chunk of the FF11 population came over to this game (as FF11 is kind of a dying game now) and we all mostly agree we want to see more of this kind of content.

Quickest way to level now:(?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LordNat.4963


100% all the level 1 zones to get a good head start. Then from there you will have the levels to clear level 15 zones without too much work.

Legendary Class Armor

in Suggestions

Posted by: LordNat.4963


This is something the last big MMO I played did really well (FF11). You’d get parts of it from quests, grinding out badges, drops in special zones, etc. Each set of armor had a look just for that class that really showed off it’s style.

We have Race armor in GW2 right now but it is just a big guild grind to buy (or a huge cost of real money). I’d like to see Class armor gained from a quest chain some what like the personal quests but with quests designed around really pushing that skills of the class to the limit. Only those who truly master their class are able to get it.
Maybe do the 3 tiers thing too where the first tier is easy to get but to upgrade into more complex looks you need to clear harder and harder quests.

It’d be a nice option to aim for as an end game cosmetic option for those who really want to show off their class.

Wintersday announced

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


At least all the major cities will be used in place of having a million LA overflows filled.

What is Causing People Not To Play GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


My server and guild have more people on then ever and most of the zones always have people in them, hell even some one of mid level zones go into overflow right now.
Maybe AN needs to just close some of the low pop servers so people stop complaining.

If you could add one weapon to each class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


Warrior: Shield as a main hand
Guardian: Hand Gun
Ranger: Rifle
Engineers: Hammer
Thieves: Whip
Necromancers: Whip
Elementalists: Short Bow
Mesmers: Whip

5 main cities are dead. They need some love

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


I’d love to see events in the main cities, things that expand on NPC’s stories or just the history of the town/race.
Maybe like 10 smaller events that happen randomly and a big story meta event for each town. Maybe reward with tokens that you can use for cultural armor. It’d make the towns feel more alive and have people use them more.

FotM killed Gw2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


Really, people still run AC, CM, COE, COF, TA, Arah funny Ive been leveling up all week trying to get groups and maybe seen 2 or 3 each each day whether in LA or in the appropriate zone and everytime its eaither we have 1 short and group falls apart after sitting for what seems an eternity for last spot to fill.

it is fully the other way on my server (Maguuma). Zones always have people in them, always groups going for Dungeons, etc. Orr is the one dead place and that is from it being awful.
I have never waited more then 10 mins looking for some one, hell 90% of the time I can will a group in just one message to guild chat. Maybe join a better guild or a bigger server?

FotM killed Gw2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


People still run the unbugged Dungeons and I see people running around leveling in most zones. What died was Orr as it is an awful area overall.
The only reason to go there now is the Dungeon and it is unplayable right now.

Condition Damage > Power?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


This paragraph from the guide gives no indication that DoT’s/Condition damage do not count toward your level of completion for events.

In fact I find the entire notion preposterous.

The reason people claim that it does not is that it is vary hard to make your DoT be the one ticking at a large group event. Only the strongest Burn/Poison Ticks and only the strongest 25 Bleeds tick. So if you are not the top of the pack when it comes to condition damage then you vary well might just get no credit for anything you attack.
This happens on large dragon fights to Condition builds all the time on my server, where they go all out but get no credit or only bronze medal.

Condition Damage > Power?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


Stacking condition damage is not really worth it for PvE. You kill trash slower than a pure damage build as your damage has a high start up time. For bosses the moment the comdition limits are hit your damage hits a brick wall, if you have another bleeder/buner in the group/event you lose most your damage.

What is a Focus?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: LordNat.4963


Most the time they are called a Fetish ( Work Safe). They are a small object of power held used to help focus the powers of a spell or ritual.
They are just called Focus in the game as running around with a Fetish is not really PG.

Easy solution to the Ascended Gear problem #2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


I am thinking they might do runes on the main armor and infusions off the off slots.
I can’t see them removing runes from armor as they are kind of a core part of the gearing system. On the other hand upgrade slots on the off items are a little odd in the way they are done now for high end gear so infusions replacing the normal upgrade slot on them I can see working well.

Please Add Raids and Holy Trinity

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordNat.4963


After seeing about 100 topics on this I honestly have to ask. What do you think your complaining brings to the over all conversation of the game? You are not making any real point, you are not making a logical argument, you are just screaming out a stawman argument that holds no baring to the over all situation going on.
Why not invest your time in coming up with real factual logical arguments to make and give to the community to discuss?

If you have a real problem with the new additions to the game then debate them, don’t just make insults and waste peoples time.

"Main" Exotic gear set choice...

in Engineer

Posted by: LordNat.4963


Cleric’s/Zho’s is my main pick for Fractals. Passing out healing is a big part of the reasion to bring Engineers into FotM so getting high healing power is useful. Having Super Elixir fields ticking for around 600 healing on top of huge water zone combos and high Regen ticks contently spread really adds to any group.