Showing Posts For LotusThief.4613:

Gold to Gem conversion rate

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


I got my refund from my 3 extra mining tools. I traded 2400 gems for about 147g today.

Those 3 only cost me about 35g at the time originally.

Greatsaw Skin?

in Blood and Madness

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


Greatsaw, Ghastly Shield, Scythe staff should all come back for 1 ticket then all go up after the holiday.

All the other skins are there. The fused weapons came back they were say to be limited too.

Your top 3 lore loose ends.

in Lore

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


Wizard Tower – turn it into a mini dungeon. Solo or group I don’t care. Just let me in there. This is the biggest tease in GWs imo.

Crystal Desert – I want to return there. The branded is coming from there. I want to put a end to it.

Charr homelands – I’m sure the Charr are still up there. Is the forest still burning? Who doesn’t want more Charr story lines.

Farming makes you Stronger

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


I wouldn’t mind the farm if there was a end.

At least in GW1 there is a gold cap. In GW2 just when I thought I had enough to buy some Silver doubloons they are now 100g more then what they were. This isn’t just because of the current update, it’s been happening everyday with pretty much anything. Plus for something you need 250 of they don’t drop anywhere to begin with.

I really wanted to get a Legendary but I"m bored of the endless farm and consequentiality the game in general now. I thought I might be able to get some obby shards out of SAB but they removed it. Add in all the account bound this, soulbound that and it’s just lame. Why add a bunch of new mats to the loot table that can’t be sold or even given away to someone that might care. Why not add precursors to the table instead.

Guild Wars 2 is now does everything I hate about MMOs. Gates everything to only those who can spend their entire life on it.

SAB Obsidian shards not there?

in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


Without Obby shards and the like this is a waste of time.

Scarlet abused me :'(

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


holds up a plush Charr toy

Show us on this doll where Scarlet touched you.

She netted me, chased and then tried to kill me.


(edited by LotusThief.4613)


in Super Adventure Box: Back to School

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


Weaponsmith, Artificer and Huntsmen

All of them. Each Legendary requires two crafting professions. Each one has at least one of those required.

Scarlet events ppl failing it to farm champs

in Clockwork Chaos

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


Give me the 1000g I need and I’ll stop worrying about farming. Been playing for a year and everyday the legendary costs just keep rising.

I don’t play for days on end, flip on the TP or run through dungeons. As a causal player I was actually enjoying the fact that I get see a fair amount of gold and loot in one day for once. I love the fact that I don’t have to wait 30 minutes to an hour to do a event that gives me one piece of loot and 4 pieces of trash.

If not for this event I would have left. The loot was terrible, the CP and Invasion gives everyone a fair shot at a good amount of loot and a chance to make some decent money.

You can’t blame people for farming when exotics never drop, and legendary weapons cost 1000s of gold to make. Maybe if the game has less 4 copper trash loot people wouldn’t be wanting to farming endlessly.

Really I think the best solution would be to put a gold cap on the game. Sure lots need money for their gear but lots of others just want to hoard up as much as they can. This is were I think GW1 had it right.

Childish writing

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


The silliness in GW1 was subtle. I also felt like I was a important heroes to the world. In GW2 I feel like I"m just a cutout. Much like White Knight Chronicles where your character is just that, simply a cutout standing in the background.

Guild Wars 2 does come off like it was written by people that don’t know the rest of the world beyond a bunch of internet memes.

That’s the biggest issue with the writing in GW2. Everything has to be a joke or a reference to something else. This is also why I’ve come to dislike shows like Family Guy, they don’t have original writing half the time they just rip off everyone else and poke fun at it. Boring.

Check out all the movie references from the Simpsons.
Nearly everytime in that show is ripped off. Just like nearly everything in GW2 has to be a joke of some sort.

Make minis loot stuff for us

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


I agree. I wouldn’t dislike mini’s so much if they were able to loot. Or just make our loot go right into the bag.

Why do we even need a loot key? This game is too action based to need to be jamming an extra key. All it’s doing now is contributing to our carpal tunnel.

Birthday gifts?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


Yeah I’m very let down. Another unless mini.

Get rid of mini’s altogether or make them loot for us, having to hit F so much while playing is becoming uncomfortable.

Mini’s are nothing but a huge waste of resources imo. Plus this game has WAY TO MANY mini’s as it is.

You all complain way too much.

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


Oh, how I wish I could afford to buy everyone here a copy of Dark Souls so they could man up.

In Dark Souls you can dodge, sidestep or counter every single attack. There is no such thing as having to take a hit. The entire game can be beat at level 1. Darks Souls doens’t require builds and correct gear to win. It requires true skill. GW2 is 10% build and 90% stat based. The only skill required is reflexes.

Guild Wars is loaded with content that can be considered cheap. Also the dodge in this game sucks. You can dodge and if you didn’t at the right moment then that arrow will still track you and hit you.

You can’t compare the two.

The Gauntlet is.....

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


I gave up on Suriel. The one before it was completely stupid with all the knockback. Plus I could barely see anything thanks to the dome. It was more annoying then it was fun. I really just got tried of having to run all the way back. At least in Dark Souls I get enjoy the level again, get stronger and gather more loot.

I fully agree with this list. Also everything in Guild Wars 2 suffers from the wiki curse. Even story wise the game gives you nothing. If you want a story you have to read the website. If it wasn’t for Dulfy I would never know what I"m suppose to do in this game.

[Merged] Karma Spender

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


Same. I spent 25k on jewelry boxes.

Doesn't new award system stimulate"skipping"?

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


Personally I think we should have to vanquish the entire dungeon or there should be no loot chest at all. Or at least a vanquishing bonus.

This is why I don’t play dungeons, everyone just wants to run through everything. I would rather kill everything.

But Anet would have to take a lot of mobs out and remove a lot of HP. That’s half the reason people skip them. Spending 20 mins on a group of mobs that drop white trophies wroth nothing.

Dungeons should have vanquishing bonuses. Also could be the return of Legendary Vanquisher title for vanquishing all dungeons and all paths. I know vanquishing was my favorite part of GW1. It was also my favorite method of farming. Just go vanquish a map even if you’ve already done it, it was still wroth it.

Plus with people actually completing the entire dungeon it will give Anet the proper data they need to balance the dungeons right. Instead of just stuffing tons of powerful mobs with endless HP.

Token Wallet! Thank you a-net!

in Queen's Jubilee

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


This is very awesome. It make the game more alt and causal friendly. Good job guys.

I only wish it included skill points, mainly for the bloodstone shard. But that’s ok, the karma sharing more then makes up for it.

How long is the Axe available for?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: LotusThief.4613



They didn’t mention it on the website like they did the other tools. I’m guessing it will be like the others and be around until the at least the end of the month.

Making backpieces account bound

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


No don’t make them account just put a white back item in the game that we can transmute to account bound then transmute back to whatever stats we want.

We can already do this with everything else in the game anyway.

Guild Wars 2 not doing well, True or False?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


They have the entire world of Tyria to fill in. Lots of old places I want to go back to and see again.

An expansion for GW2 should mean only one thing. Going to Cantha or Elona. So we don’t need an expansion for quite a long time.

Most unique Charrs you've seen?

in Charr

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


One thing to remember is if you make your Charr the max size it can feel very slow.

So if your going for size try and pick a class that has good speed buffs. It’s not that big of a deal but you will notice it. Even more so if you play a Asura or a tiny human. Some people are put off by the way it feels like your moving in slow motion.

White, Black and Orange are pretty common. Sadly there’s no real patch options. I wanted to make my cat who is orange with a white underside. But the best I could do was all white with patches on the paws and face.

That’s my only let down with the Charr the lack of fur options and patterns. Well that and we only have 4 sets of armor that were properly designed for Charr. Cultural and CoF.

if you could add any weapon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


Greataxe. Warrior only. I don’t think anyone else should be able to wield a greataxe. Bad enough seeing Mesmers running around with greatswords.

As a long time Castlevania fan a whip of course. As a bonus I think this weapon could be used by just about all the classes in their own way.

Hand to Hand based off race. (No Weapon) Charr of course should be Wolverine/Sabertooth fighters. Then others could have some sort of martial arts style that is considered cultural to them.

Molten Pick - 1 reason I dont want to buy it

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


The only metal greater then orichalcum would be adamantium and you can’t mine that. But you can melt it down. Pretty sure a molten pick can handle that.

Wild guessing game. Come play along

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


Unbreakable Sickles will be coming very soon. Stock up on gems!

I’m thinking the sickle the be a crab claw.

Will Southsun end in a Group Dungeon?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


You guys can talk MMO this and that but at the end of the day Guild Wars never required a party outside of PVP. H/H. Maybe we should see the return of henchmen.

Then again maybe if there was a way to group properly across servers and in general then maybe no one would mind grouping.

I would like to see hearts and a meta on Southsun. Then maybe a dungeon.

Hate to break it to you, but this isn’t Guild Wars. This is GUILD WARS 2! This game is an MMORPG, that game (the original) was a Massive Co-Op Online Game (developers coined that phrase).

“I would like”, “I want”, “I….I…I”.

That’s what I constantly hear when it comes to people who complain about group content. What about what others, who’s goal is to truly play an MMORPG with others, want? What about the design of the developers and what they want to achieve?

It would seem to me that those that are very anti-social, like the OP (who mentioned no friends list, no guild, and refuses to group with people) has no sync with the ideals of the design of this game or it’s future. To that I say “best of luck in whatever game you choose to play in the future”, and then he can quietly leave this game; but please do not come in here and demand they change the content that they’re trying to make many of people happy, with how they’re trying to design THEIR game, and asking for it to be changed for your own self. Isn’t that a bit selfish?

I fail to see how wishing Southsun had hearts, skill points, vistas, a meta with a chest and a dungeon makes me selfish. Everyone would win with that.

My only issue with grouping is the game doesn’t make it easy. Sorry I can’t know everyone on every server.

Will Southsun end in a Group Dungeon?

in Last Stand at Southsun

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


You guys can talk MMO this and that but at the end of the day Guild Wars never required a party outside of PVP. H/H. Maybe we should see the return of henchmen.

Then again maybe if there was a way to group properly across servers and in general then maybe no one would mind grouping.

I would like to see hearts and a meta on Southsun. Then maybe a dungeon.

Rate the Charr Name Above You

in Charr

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


Ummm… 6/10. I didn’t quite get the meaning in your name.

My name is: Charr Norris

10/10. I tried for this myself once. It had to be done.

My Charr Warrior doesn’t have his name yet. I’m waiting until I get my legendary hammer then I will be changing his name to what I’ve had saved for a while now.

Charrlossus. The first Charr Super Hero.

PvE does not equal dungeons

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


Address the real problem. Grouping is hard to do in this game.

There’s cross server dungeons and partying but there’s no real way to do it. A game with no trinity where there is no wrong team and there’s no proper dungeon finder. Even a random grouper would work. Cross server parting is wasted because of it.

This is the only problem with group content in GW2. You can end up spamming map chat longer then it takes to the do the dungeon.

I would like to see at least one solo path on dungeons but a random grouper would work too. I like to play with people but I hate waiting around trying to find people willing to play for fun and not just speed run perfection.

Even just allowing us to enter LA overflow at will would be a great fix. Puging was simple until overflows stopped happening.

Berserker > everything else

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


I find zerker gear boring. I want to be a meaty warrior who deals good damage and laughs in the face of my enemies.

PVT is the way to go. But even with that you still get one shots in places. GW2 has a lot of cheap moments.

Sometimes I think this game would be better if they just removed all the stats and made into a pure action game. If stacking PVT with soliders or dolyak doesn’t let hold off damage then what’s the point of even having it?

I believe this is why people end up just running zerker. You get one shotted either way so you might as well try to one shot right back.

SAB in 2D

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


I can’t stand the controls. My brain is hard wired to move with the left hand, and attack/jump with the right hand. That’s 26 years of conditioning to try and undo. Not going to happen.

This plus 2.

World 2 comming this year?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


E3, TGS, Pennyacrade, etc etc.

Anything that celebrates gaming is a good excuse. My bet would be PAX Prime in Aug. It’s the first 4 day PAX and even if Anet there it would be a sweet place to let the world know that we are one more world closer to saving Princess Moto.

Binding 'dodge-jump' on programmable mouse?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


You have to remap your keyboard. Whoever set the default controls I don’t believe is a PC gamer. Least not a k/m player that’s ever played a Valve game before.

Dodge doesn’t work well on V. Put it to the Shift or ctrl. It’s a natural spot perfect for that. I prefer shift because ctrl can cause you to spam without knowing it and quickly get muted. Shift and space together makes it very easy to pull off.

To me it’s no different then pulling off the crouch jump in a Source game. Can do it 100% of the time.

They really do need to work on letting us remap the secondary functions (Soft-ping and hard-ping) of shift and ctrl though.

Please make SAB permanent [Merged]

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


At the end of the month just remove the real world chests.


In my opinion, the potential for GW2 is withering

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


The only major issue I have with the game is the lack of a dungeon finder/LFG. Cross server dungeons is wasted without that.

I don’t care about 3rd party site. In 2013 if you can’t put a basic feature in a game like this then they need to get rid of who ever they need too and find someone that will.

The dungeons are pretty much dead expect for CoF p1. At the very least a way for us to enter overflow in LA would fix the problem. I wouldn’t mind going there and just using the chat like we did before until they changed it or a bunch of people quit.

Also lodestones. Let them drop in other places besides just a circle. I don’t care about low drop rates but having to run in the same circle (corrupted,charged..) just to farm them is not fun.

Let them drop from more things or at least all over the proper map. Corrupted-frostgorge.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


You get to gather more orichalcum and wood per day.

Dungeon Patch Discussion 2/26

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


There’s no monk, no tank, no trinity. Yet the game feels like it needs it. Starting to feel like I need to build and buy all new gear just for each dungeon. Not to mention that food and pots seem to requirements. Shouldn’t be that way.

They need to bring back wpzerging or add a monk. Or stop with the massive damage. Dying in one hit isn’t fun. I don’t know who decided one shot moves were a good thing in a MMO without healing. If I want to die in one shot I’ll just go play Dark Souls. The increase in fun as you put only served to suck it out of the game imo.

I don’t know many people that play MMOs for difficulty. Most seem to want to play for fun.

Make FOTM brutally hard. That’s suppose to be for the hardcore.

Enemies are expert trackers now? (stealth)

in Thief

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


They should just remove stealth now. Rename the thief to something else. Because they are unable to hide at all. Stealth doesn’t just keep aggro on you it causes it.

Thief can’t steal loot and can’t hide in the shadows. Our armor is weaker then Light armor classes and our damage is pitiful if you don’t use stealth. It’s not a proper thief anymore.

They might as well remove the entire class. Clearly they don’t want you play the way a thief should be playing. They should just change it to acrobat because that’s the best thing the class has going for it. The only thing.

Not even most human players will hunt down a stealth thief who go two dodges and a shadowstep away. But every NPC does now.

New Stealth aggro table

in Thief

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


Stealth is broken now imo. Hit a yellow mob stealth, dodge and run away. It will turn back yellow and instead of turning and walking away they sit there and wait and will instantly turn red again against you when come back.

Maybe they didn’t want the thief to have the easy way out. But that is the whole point of playing with stealth. I should be able to run past things. That’s the whole point of playing a thief. My warrior has to kill everything to get those points. My thief gets to steal points without a messy fuss. At least a good thief does anyway.

Otherwise you might as well change the profession’s name. Because Steal doesn’t give me loot and now I can’t hide in the shadows and abuse the AI. Yeah I said abuse, didn’t you play Metal Gear Solid.

why is this game getting worst!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


I don’t get this at all. I played GW1 over the course of the summer pretty much blitzing my way through 30 Hall of Monument points, and I can’t understand the sentiment that 2 hours got anything done. In 2 hours, at best, I managed to trudge my way through some obscenely long Mission and its bonus.

If I wanted to get anywhere close to hitting 30 HoM points starting with basically 3, I played an ungodly amount just to get it done. I had to farm my kitten off doing dungeons over and over so I could get the rare mats I needed to make my Destroyer Weapon. Then I had the fun of farming up a 2nd Oppressor weapon just to sell so I could buy minipets.

Or the fun of doing Challenge Missions over and over in order to get my Hero armor. Boy, it sure was fun defending against Destroyers in Glint’s Lair for the umpteenth time of the day. Glad that wasn’t grindy at all.

So, like I said, maybe I missed something, but I had to grind myself to dust just as much in GW1, if not MORE so than I do in GW2.

So you did over the summer what I did playing GW1 for 6 years. Do you think you’d be able to match that in GW2?

why is this game getting worst!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


The only thing I don’t like is how this game has become more about how much time you’ve played. If someone has a cool weapon not from a dungeon you know it’s because they’ve got at least 1000 hours played or they were super super lucky and got something other then crafting mats to drop or they bought gold with gems.

I used to be able to play GW1 for 1-2 hours everyday and feel like I got somewhere. 2 hours in GW2 feels like it gets me no where.

Legendary weapons are far too hard to obtain

in Suggestions

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


There isn’t. All of the nice exotics take up to 250 ecto or gifts and 50 skill points. They are insane to get as well.

Guild Wars isn’t a game about skill. It’s a game about how much time you spend playing it. If you interested in any of the cool weapons get ready to grind for hours everyday for maybe a month. Could be less if you lucky. But be prepared to have to sink hours and hours of time to get that one cool weapon. Exotic or Legendary.
This is pretty much the legendary section for everyone. Still a ton of farming but far more sensible then the legendaries. Which is starting to get tougher now since they just added new things that require ecto.

Unresponsive Jumping @ Dec 3rd Patch

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


Yup your “jumping bug fix”

Made being a Charr even more impossible. Really have you guys ever played this game as a large Charr? It sure doesn’t seem like with all the tiny ledges and clipping and now he doesn’t even want to jump half the time.

Basicly if I can’t see my character because of a wall or both his feet aren’t completely on the ground he won’t jump.

I’ve never seen this jumping wall climb you’ve mentioned in the notes either. If it was that big a exploit I’m sure it would have gone around and been known.

My opinion of Orr: why I haven't been logging in

in Suggestions

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


The only reason I see to go to Orr is for Orich ore. Which there are some places you just can’t get too.

The only reason I can travel there without much issue is because I’m a Warrior and I swim mostly. Which is still a bit of a pain but compared to the insane amount of mobs on the land, the water is nothing.

Mainly I think there are too many mobs out, there damage isn’t too bad as a single. Not like Southsun Cove where one mob can take half your health in two hits but it’s because you get swarmed by an uncountable number of enemies that stack everything and anything on you in seconds. Also why can everything keep up with me while I have 33% IMS?

This is GW1 hardmode all over again. Anet needs to get in touch with Form Software*Demon’s Souls, Dark Souls* and learn how to make difficulty without being completely cheap. At least in GW1 I could use heroes to make up for it. GW2 your all alone. Unless you know people parties don’t form outside of dungeons or DE farming.

Make Tier 3 Cultural Armor Exotic

in Suggestions

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


T3 cultural being rare is just Anet’s way of forcing players to buy fine transmute stones imo.

They should change it or lower the price, it would be the right thing to do.

Charrzooka - the Rifle model.

in Suggestions

Posted by: LotusThief.4613


They should just change the idle to the way greatswords are held when your walking.
Like this.
