Hi all,
Two weeks ago I posted that we were starting integration and final testing for the Spring Quarterly Update. It’s been two busy weeks. The quarterly update is through QA and looking good. We’re going to announce the release date tomorrow.
As we prep for release, you’ll notice that we’re not doing the series of advance blog posts that we had done for some prior releases. Hopefully that’s not too surprising; I’ve written a few times since taking this role that I think our job is to delight you with what we ship, not with talk and promises.
With everything prepped now, let’s have some fun together and see some hints of what’s coming, and then we’ll see you in the game on release day.
Fair enough, Mike. We’re all kind of jaded because of unfulfilled promises.
We’d like to know what it is absolutely coming with this patch, though. Like, for instance, a new short bow legendary with all its building journey; or new fractal boss; or something.
We’re tired of bogus information. But no information at all doesn’t solve the problem. I’m trying to make a constructive criticism. I love your game, flaws included. We’re all human, nothing’s perfect.
If you don’t want DPS meters to come into existence, don’t dump the combat log into a file.
Too late, they already exist.
IMHO rallying by killing someone was flawed since the begginging. The idea of rallying after defeating an enemy was to save the time of healing yourself up after you’ve already defeated someone. But if you’re still in combat, you shouldn’t be able to rally.
What I say is that only when a downed player that gets out of combat should rally.
But one rally per kill is a step in the right direction. Don’t get me wrong. I’m happy with this.
I’m still baffled by how little downtime GW2 has. You guys can even rebuild a whole system without putting down the whole game.
Three Cheers for John Smith!
I am looking forward to a change (read: reduction) in the value of dungeon SPEED RUNNING. Feeling tremendous pressure to force myself through endless repetition as fast as possible to sate the need of added value will be a great stress relief as I look forward to the release of hot. In John Smith I trust.
obligatory relevant M. Python scene:
I’m one of the few that agree with you. I for one, like the dungeon flat gold nerf. I hope it comes with a fractal flat gold buff, though.
Exactly. My. Point.
Technically, we can never know for sure.
But now ArenaNet has given us empirical evidence that would support them dropping it. Because just about all past “new, groundbreaking, exciting” stuff they did end up dropping after 1 or 2 iterations.
With the intention to deincentivize dungeons, here’s my question for ArenaNet:
Where’s the casual/semi-casual 5-man group gameplay?
- You have open world – full on casual, even Tequatl is by now.
- You have story instances – full on casual, and solo’d.
- You have fractals – short timespan 5-man high level content, with how they’re going about things.
- You have raids – long timespan 10-man high level content
Dungeons fill a particular niche and they are trying to remove it. They are removing part of their playerbase. They’re not just ignoring dungeons anymore, they’re removing them. Maybe not fully – yet, at least – but that’s what they’re doing.
And if ArenaNet is willy-nilly about removing working-but-not-perfect content in GW2 when even in GW1 the most broken content in terms of profit-to-easiness remained for years and years, what guarantee do we have that ArenaNet won’t remove other such content?
Ah, wait. They are. Underwater content they’re also removing, piece by piece.
@ArenaNet, you’re taking the game we paid for away. Do you really think people will keep paying long-term for this? Or have you become like EA – just interested in quick moneygrabs no matter what great games and stories you ruin?
@Konig Des Todes. I’m not trying to play the devil’s advocate, but I believe that ANet is aiming (though they might fail with their aim) to set low tier fractals as the semi casual 5 men content, and high tier fractals as the hardcore 5 men content.
I’m not sure how this fits in, but I’ve always wondered if Phantasmal Defender wouldn’t be better as a heal skill.
This would mean getting rid of Ether Feast all together and getting a new 4th illusion utility.
I’m not sure if I like that or not.
We already have a heal-per-illusion: Signet of Ether. And it’s already been established that its hps is dramatically lower than its competitors. With Ether Feast gone, you could (should?) buff Signet of Ether.
That actually sounds like a great idea
Ether Feast can easily become a Clone heal, just make it conjure an Clone at the beginning/end.
Of course that also means its CD has to be increased to compensate for Illusionist’s Celerity, which no doubt is why Anet didn’t do It. it’s in a good place already, no need to rock the boat.
That’s the change I was thinking about. But I didn’t want to state it to listen to fresh ideas.
I’m not sure how this fits in, but I’ve always wondered if Phantasmal Defender wouldn’t be better as a heal skill.
This would mean getting rid of Ether Feast all together and getting a new 4th illusion utility.
I’m not sure if I like that or not.
I’m not saying that it needs a boost. Maybe the base healing should go down and always summon a clone.
What I’m saying is that it should be subject to trait synergies to encourage further build diversity.
I think the devs said somewhere that this skill was already in a good place just like shelter so they decided not to change it.
Yeah, they said that. My question is, do you agree?
It’s just me or it’s weird that ether feast doesn’t fit in any skill category?
All other healing skills fit with an utility skill category. Since ether feast is about illusions it should be an illusion skill.
I see there are 3 options to make this skill an illusion skill:
Option1: Make it create a clone or two
Option2: Make it create a phantasm
Option3: Make it an illusion skill for trait synergy without altering its current functionality
What do you think about this?
EDIT: I just wanted to clarify that I’m not asking this to be implemented soon, should it be implemented. I just want the devs to ponder this for future balance patches. Maybe in a year or so.
(edited by Ludovicus.7980)
We have no plans to add a jumping puzzle to the desert borderlands.
We have no plans to add a jumping puzzle to the jumping puzzle borderlands. FTFY
Sorry, I had to… I mean no harm >_<
Legendary Dwarf Stance (Jalis) is planned to be the starting legend.
Woo! I guessed it right
Do I get a cookie?
Give this man a cookie
Or move the ship to LA’s aerodrome.
Here are a few I ran into while testing last night
- Damage in tooltip for phantasms does not account for the 15% baseline modifier. Damage dealt in combat does properly use the 15% modifier.
- Warden damage is still 2.5% less than what tooltip claims
- Warden seems to use Sword instead of axe. Observed damage spread is 10% (should be 20% for axe) and it stacks Fencers Finesse when attacking (axe wouldn’t proc the trait).
- Mind Spike still doing 10% less damage than what tooltip claims.
- Healing mantra proc’s Harmonius Mantra twice, not once like all other mantras.
- Phantasm summoning right after an effect proc’ed by summoning previous phantasm / using healing signet (not sure which one it is yet) prevents you from summoning that second phantasm for a sec or two.
- Dodging or evading an attack while OOC puts you in combat. I think this could be because of a trait that proc’s on successful evade
- Sometimes swordsman misses his first attack by over/undershooting.
About Power return proc’ing twice, this might be caused by Mender’s Purity, since it casts power cleanse now. This means that Power return does indeed release two mantras. I think that’s an intended feature. Try testing it without Mender’s Purity.
(edited by Ludovicus.7980)
I think all classes should have a sticky of “Pending bugs to fix” for transparency. That way we could also see if a bug we’ve been wanting to get fixed gets fixed or not and it’ll help devs remember what’s pending, class bug-wise.
GW2 armory, here we go!
My experience with mender’s purity is that it triggers sometimes. I still don’t really know what makes it trigger. Normally it does trigger with the first power return, but no the last. I still have to try harmonious mantras to try the middle power return.
Can someone try this?
I’ll look for it, but a link would be great.
I’d actually like a gem option for the second character slot. But w/e. I can always have a mule character.
I just wanted to point that in the mesmer patch notes, the F1-F4 skills changes are written twice, once near the beginning of the general changes and then again at the end of general changes.
I’m from Chile (South America) and my only issue is with zephyrite crystals. They work based on your ping. Specially the lightning crystals. If you have a high ping they do not stop where you told them to. That kind of stuff should be handled by the client, and not the servers…
New content types don’t unlock when you hit 80. But you have dungeons, fractals, guild missions, achievements, collections. Even PvP and WvW can be started when you’re not 80.
This game is about choosing your own end game, instead of being thrown into a premade end game with a single path to advancement.
For example, if you want ascended gear, the only reliable way to get it is to craft. Some people try for a legendary. Some people try to unlock rare skins. Some people try to find and do every jumping puzzles.
Then there’s the Living Story which will continue when the expansion comes out.
There’s lots of stuff to do…but there’s nothing you have to do.
Arguably you can get ascended gear without crafting by doing stuff in fractals.
I just got my thief to lvl 80 and you’re improving my QoL already
It’s been roughly eight weeks since I started this thread, so here’s an update. All major assets for the Personal Story restoration are in place in our development environment. We’re testing and bug fixing now.
While I don’t have an official release date to share at this time, I can say that you have a little more time to get your characters into the desired state of Personal Story progress. Please refer to the details in the original post when making your own evaluation.
You might be asking yourself why I don’t have a date to share yet. It’s because we’re looking at a few potential release dates on the calendar. We also want to factor in some wiggle room in case we discover any big issues during our testing pass or we encounter any other technical or resource surprises along the way. You know, game development stuff.
As always, thanks for your patience and support.
So, the closest potential release date is the time I’m looking for. Giving us that date would mean that the release will be released at some point AFTER that date.
Is there a chance for you to tell us that date so we don’t bother you asking questions or asking for updates until that moment? If it’s not possible for you to do so, we (or at least I) understand that it’s not your decision to share that information or not.
And I hope we can get what I’m asking here. Anyway, thanks for the update you’ve already given us. Have a good day, Bobby
PS: If you don’t have a date don’t bother answering this >:( … jk ;P
(edited by Ludovicus.7980)
Nop, the latest news was it was coming in at least 8 weeks from that initial post (that seems to be tomorrow). Nothing else was said so far.
Obviously, it won’t be ready tomorrow.
I know this is not what you usually see on the forums, but it’d be nice from ArenaNet to tell us how much is the minimum waiting time they’re expecting now that the 8 weeks are almost over.
So, Bobby. Just like you said at the beginning of this thread. How much is the minimum time we should expect to wait for this to happen, right now?
I’m not asking about when will it be ready, but when it won’t.
(edited by Ludovicus.7980)
So, any news on this? We’re closing to the time in which we can start expecting this to happen. Any new minimum ETA?
It was nice when we knew that this wasn’t comming for the next 8 weeks. It would be nice to have an ETA update, even if it is 8 weeks again.
If wells cleansed a condition with each pulse or cleansed 3+ conditions at the end, that would make me consider using that trait. Otherwise it is way too weak in comparison with Delayed Reactions and Time Catches Up.
And as Xaylin said, If it was THAT powerful, that would rend Null Field useless.
I’d like to see a different trait in that spot. The rest is pure awesomeness
(edited by Ludovicus.7980)
Author Notes
This last chapter has a more explicit violence tone. I hope it doesn’t violate any forum rules.
If there’s any admin out there that doesn’t approve. Just let me know or delete it right away. I’m not trying to break any rule.
Other than that. I hope you get the hints I’m making. If you don’t, they will be revealed in future releases anyway.
As always, remember to visit the tumblr page for a full flavored experience.
I hope you enjoy
(edited by Ludovicus.7980)
Journeys into the mist: A Soothing Voice XVIII
Salman just stood in the arena, looking through Ruben, until his eyes became white. He charged towards the Brakkan warrior, making the earth tremble with every step. He grabbed Ruben by the waist almost making his spine snap. Ruben was able to ease the grip that was over him by the sheer strength of his arms, just in time to feel his back hitting hard against the arena wall.
Salman’s eyes were still white and his muscles radiated a green aura. They were becoming even bigger, somehow. That caught the soldier’s attention. They began to speak to each other.
Ruben hit the brute in the shoulders, trying to aim for a weak spot. It only awarded him another hit against the wall. He broke Salman’s nose only to hear a crack in his own spine. He finally aimed to the eyes. He did not like that kind of dirty fight, but it was his only way out.
Salman released Ruben with a deafening roar. As the Brakkan fell to the ground, he tensed his muscles and could feel something snapping back into his place in his lower back. He saw his trident and net at the other side of the arena and made a run for them.
Salman’s eyes were bleeding, but just as his muscles, they radiated a green aura and started healing. Ruben threw the net at Salman’s feet and stabbed him in the chest with the trident. It all was useless, the trident’s head barely went through the flesh and did not even touch a rib.
Feeling the pain in his chest muscles, Salman broke the trident’s pole with his hands and shredded the net with a single movement of his feet. Ruben knew when he was outmatched. But he did not expect that to be so soon after his training.
In that moment he felt the same warmth an thrill he had felt before the fight. He was against impossible odds and that’s what it was all about. Ruben took what was left of the hilt and pried the head of the trident out of the chest of the Murubian. It came out with blood, skin and muscle.
The Murubian cringed on the floor. Ruben seized the opportunity and thrust the trident’s head trough his adversary’s skull and into the ground. The giant body shook up violently. Ruben jumped back as the body, glowing with a green aura stronger than before, charged towards him with its head hanging lifeless. He dodged it and it crushed open a sizable hole in the arena wall.
The soldiers were both cheering and in awe. They cheered for the golden warrior. Ruben did not understand why would they call him golden until he saw his arms. He had been radiating an aura the like of the Murubian’s but with a golden color.
(edited by Ludovicus.7980)
Journeys into the mist: A Soothing Voice XVII
Ruben remembered the name over the night. It was all but a distant memory. A gigantic warrior that put the arena champion in the ground. How much time had passed since them? He had not the slightest idea.
He remembered the warrior as a giant, two times too fast for his size. Capable of humiliating the strongest men in the arena. Ruben could not place a name on the proud gladiator defeated that day. But it was a bad day, that one. He though.
The twilight gloom started to fill the sky when Ruben woke up. He was thrilled by the fact that he would be fighting in the arena. It was his childhood dream. Thought the circumstances were not the best.
He had a worthy adversary and everyone would be watching. He thought about his father for a moment, but that was not the time for that. He had to win that fight not only for their survival, but for the glory.
The guards gave him a plain and bland breakfast, but it was enough of a spark to ignite his fire. He chose trident and net as his weapons. He was focused, he was eager, he was ready. The pen’s door was opened.
Light came from outside, showing the filth within which he had to spend the night. Ignorance is bliss, he thought. He expected the cheers, but the arena was silent. He could see something coming out of the other door. “Hurry up!” ordered a guard. “We don’t have all day!”
He entered the arena and the door closed behind him. There was no announcer, no public and no cheers. Only a fraction of the arena sits were taken by some uninterested soldiers. Things had surely changed. But there was not the moment to ponder about his public. He had a fight to win. Something inside told him all was going to be fine.
On the other side of the arena. There was something not human. Salman had changed too much while Ruben was away. His skin was full of scars, his muscles had grown to unnatural proportions, he had a blank stare, yet his stance was relaxed.
Ruben knew something was not right. He was not going to be able to read his enemy’s movements. He had to let the Murubian attack first, and he knew that’s never a good start.
(edited by Ludovicus.7980)
I will flip the kitten table if they don’t grandfather existing characters into the new system. I have nine level 80s at this point, and while one of them has map completion, the others are really a half-fast mix of various achievements, and I really have ZERO interest in taking them all on a scavenger hunt all over Tyria just to get them back to where they are today, while at the same time trying to level my Revenant and max out 1-2 mains in Maguuma Masteries. Ain’t nobody got time for that.
Nooooo, don’t flip the kitten table!! Think of all the kittens that might get injured in the process! :’(
Awww man. So this means I gotta do map completion? flops But I hate Orr!!!
Simply put… a company does NOT owe you transparency. Period. They are under no obligation to discuss ANYTHING with you.
You are NOT a shareholder. You are NOT an executive. You are the CUSTOMER. They owe you nothing but the product they put in front of you. Is it nice to get more? Is it courteous? Yes. Does it make you feel good to be “involved”? Absolutely.
If you don’t like Arena.net’s policy with communication… LEAVE. Walk away. I don’t know when that became a dismissal, because it’s not. Your power, the customer’s power, is in your wallet. Walk away. THAT’S how you deliver your message.
I don’t feel entitled to the information. But as the customer I am, I do feel entitled to communicate my ideas and thoughts about our provider-customer relationship.
If I think they could improve their communication policy I will suggest them to do so. And that’s the point here. I’m not demanding anything. I’m just making a suggestion.
I’d like to add that today’s specialization’s post made me regain some of the faith in their communication capabilities.
The article said many times that things were subject to changes. It was like “this is what we have now, but it might change”. That’s the kind of information we expect from you, Arena Net.
Good job with that!
kittening seriously WHO CARES
Why are we even having a discussion about trust? Why do you need to trust a company developing a game?? Do you ask the same questions about all your entertainment? Do you feel like you need to trust television studios? Do you have an issue with how much information they release about their products, or the amount of communication they have with their fans? NO! You don’t even THINK about that when you’re watching TV, so please can anybody tell me, how is this different?!
Video games are entertainment media. You invest exactly as much as you want into them, until they no longer satisfy you, then you move on to something else. What commitment do you have to this game that you need to feel trust for the developers? You’re free to use your leisure time anywhere you want and re-appropriate it at will. There is no logic in this.
Well, I can only speak for myself. But games in general demand some kind of commitment that other entertaining media doesn’t.
When you finish watching that episode or reading that book, you only wonder what’s next. What will be the next plot twist. With games, specially with MMOs, when you finish your first run of the game, you will run it until the replayability wears off, investing much more time in active interaction with the media than with other media.
The fact that you have to play an active role in the media in order to experience it makes people prone to be more passional about it.
I do enjoy books, movies, series, comics, graphic novels and other media. But only with books and games I need to trust the source in order to keep going, since enjoying the media represents an effort. This happens to me more with games than with books though. I think that’s because books represent a lower effort.
Hello there Collin and all your krewe
I just wanted to say that along with loving your game very much I’ve been becoming a little tired of the communication issues I feel your current policy has.
I just saw this post today and I thing it was worth sharing. It’s quite long, but please read it. It summarizes what many of us feel about the current policy.
I know you can do better! Deep inside we all have faith in your capabilities!
Journeys into the mist: A Soothing Voice XVI
The trip through the desert was calm and they did not find a single Murubian patrol. The desert had shifted somehow. Deep inside, Amarnath knew why, but he was scared to acknowledge it. All the time the were training in the mountain was real world time. If that was true, the ramifications were plenty, and dire.
They hurried, as much as the desert would let them, to the cave and found it sealed by a dune. That was no problem for Ruben. He dug a new entrance through the sand. They rushed to the other side to see what had happened in the time they were gone. But when the night caught them at the other side.
There were signs of an old battle in the entrance. Scratches in the stone made by swords, black stains of blood that had been there for years. Ruben was confused because he remembered that nothing of that was there when they passed through the first time. Things were starting to make sense in his mind. He had his father’s same scary thoughts.
They headed back to the cave to spend the night inside. The Brakkan troops tracked them anyway. They gave them a rude awakening and took them to the local barracks as war prisoners. Amarnath was kept in the barracks and his son was put in the Arena pens.
Amarnath tried to explain to the soldiers that they were Brakkan citizens and they even had a house in the forests outside the city. The soldiers informed him that the house had been empty for years and that there have been stories that said it was even haunted. Amarnath felt his heart falling apart, he never thought he had to pay such a high price for his training.
Even with his newly earned strength, Ruben was too afraid to fight the guards, because they could kill his father in retaliation. He spent the night quietly in a corner with the rest of the gladiators. A guard spoke to him the morning. “I’m told your name is Ruben. You’ll be fighting Salman this evening, so say your prayers. You’ll either will be able to rid us of that stinking Murubian or he’ll be your executioner like he’s been to many other prisoners.”
Ruben had that name on the back of his mind, but could not say who was that Salman and why he thought the guard’s words were not empty threats.
(edited by Ludovicus.7980)
I think cultural mounts would be cool. Nothing special on movement speed, but if they HAVE to put something, make it akin to the speed booster in the cash shop. Would be the equivalent of buying a perma-speed booster for whatever amount of gems. Charr steam cycle or a Sylvari riding on a mini treant of some kind. Asura have golems and humans can have horse! /gasp
Norns…can’t have mounts. Drinking and driving is bad, mmmkay?
Dolyaks are beasts smart enough to carry a drunken Norn to his/her destination. I’m sure Norn can ride Dolyaks.
Waypoints should be in the major population centers and nowhere else. Waypoints have made the game world feel small. Waypoints have made exploration an exercise in moot-ality (take that, English language!), even in the unreleased new zones, because wherever we go, the waypoint installers have already been there. And on top of that, the waypoint installers are a bunch of jerks, because they they’re all like, hey, there’s this waypoint over there where you want to go that’s been part of our network of waypoints for like forever, but you can’t use it until you ‘discover’ it, bwahaha.
Who installs these things, anyway? It’s a sure bet they’re the ones keeping us from having proper mounts!
Wait…. waypoints make the world feel small….
Yet, people want mounts with speed boosts because otherwise its too tedious to get around?
Think that one through for a bit….
I have thought it through. Now you try it!
Waypoint = instantly there! Well, depending on your PC, you may be looking at a loading screen for several seconds… but that’s beside the point. Ahem.
Mount, even speed-boosted = travel the countryside! See the scenery! Enjoy the fresh air and monsters!
Mounts make the world seem small too, regardless of having the ability to “see” the countryside and monsters because people don’t pay any attention to them. They just run right one through. Go take a gander at WoW and tell me people pay freaking attention. They don’t.
The only difference is how much time is wasted getting from point A to point B.
People run right on through even without mounts. I know I do! I’m like, go away, stupid monster, I’m in too much of a hurry to mess around with you! If I had a mount I’d be all like, go away, stupid monster, I’m in too much of a hurry and I look too darn cool on this way cool mount to mess around with you! Especially if it was a skale. I hate those things. So annoying.
Of course, the smarter monsters would have hard to see wires and stuff strung up at a rider’s neck height to catch unwary riders and make them fall down and go boom. They might even have mounts, too. Imagine a centaur riding in a chariot drawn by speed-boosted skale. /e shudder.
Plus anet could have people optionally working on getting ascended wisps, picks, currycombs for their mounts, as well as saddles, stirrups, bridles, halters, reins, bits, harnesses, martingales, and breastplates, among other things.
Still saying neigh to mounts?
It’s hard to argue against that.
I know quaggans are cute and all. But shouldn’t be a skritt trying to steal stuff the best depiction of a brought down trading post?
And about the twitter message about their awareness about the problem. Shouldn’t it be signed by Ebon Gnashblade?
But if you manage +30, you win the game and unlock mounts which take you to Cantha
The remaining Canthan Zephirites send their regards from the People’s Republic of Kaineng.
Just some food for thought.
Many players choose to wear titles for various or any reasons, whether it be they feel genuinely entitled to it, prestige, silly purposes or they generally enjoy that specific title.
So here’s some questions regarding players and their titles:
- What is your favorite UNLOCKED title you don in this game (optional: why)?
- If you could choose to wear ANY title what would it be?
- Pick a title you genuinely respect when you see a player with it and give a reason why this title reflects a positive feeling.
- Pick a title you dislike seeing on a player and provide a reason why this title impacts you negatively.
- Make up ONE title you would like to see implemented into the game and provide a brief description/objective on how to obtain it or why you would like to see it as a new title to obtain.
Feel free to discuss this topic and/or share your ideas/interests in regards to titles. have fun!
Here’s an example:
- Favorite unlocked title: Twice-Told Legend
- If I could have any title I would don Yakslapper as it gives me a laugh
- When I see the title Loyal I know that player has been around for a while and still enjoys playing the game
- I dislike seeing the title The Be-All and the End-All as it’s a mouthful and it’s too common
- If I could make up a title I would dedicate it to dyes. Unlocking an X amount of dyes/all current dyes would yield the title of To Dye For or possibly Dye Hard. Something humorous!
Would it be “The Rainbow” ?
All story mode dungeons should be soloable, period. There’s no real reason for them not to be, and the rewards for doing them are a joke, so it’s not like the dungeon runners should care.
And someone else agrees.
If you like this idea, please don’t let this post die for a while. put a +1 on the OP
I don’t know when this started, but I was doing P4 this evening and the destroyers wouldn’t pop up from Gaheron’s Tomb. This stops completely the run.
Have you experienced this before or just after today’s patch? I want my 3g T_T
Id like story dungeons to be changed to scale to the numbers of players. However I only support this if the dungeons themselves are repeatable, not just a one time thing. Even though most people rarely replay story its nice to have the option there, and taking content away from end game chars is always a bad thing, there’s little enough as it is.
Yeah. That was a downer about Arah. I’d like to see them repeatable. I’d like all the personal story be repeatable as the living story is…
I’m not asking for content to be removed. And I’m saying that explorable paths should stay the same. This means that I’m just talking about less than 25% of dungeon content.
About that 25%. I’m not saying that they should remove it. And I’m not saying that they should dumb it down. I’d like to see it scale up nicely with a full party.
I’d like to make story paths a mandatory part of the story, that’s my main aim. But for that purpose them need to be able to scale down to be done by 1 player.
Why do I want the story paths to be part of the personal story? Because as they are, the story is totally disjointed and some things make no sense.
There are other things that could make sense in order to achieve the same goal. Like having a separate track of the story of the dungeons that you unlock by doing the dungeon stories in order, for instance.