Playing every class for at least a few hours, even if just in PvE, will help you to understand how every skill works. Not to mention maxing out another class in this game is absurdly easy for most.
I did that. In fact I have all class and I’ve played with each of them several hours in PvE to see their gameplay. For example, I though thief was easy to play (2 years ago now it’s a bit different), so I spent most of my non-engineer gaming time on this class, and I even tried few PvP games with it (hence the 99% and not 100% games on engineer).
I have enough tomes to lvl up at least 2 other character.
But I think I don’t know these other class enough to use them in PvP. I’m 100% sure I’ll be a burden for my team…
The actual number is 3. If you want to do this achievement without playing another profession you can swap to another profession at the end of a match.
Can i swap to another profession in game, before we reach 500 points and not get a dishonor ?
Edit : I check it, and I must reconnect before the end of the match (so before 500) to not have the dishonor debuff… So I must change class when I’m 100% sure my team will win (so not too early), and not too late in order to have time to reconnect…
That’s a bit risky
(edited by Markus.9084)
It does make you a better PvPer to play other classes, in a way that just reading about them doesn’t accomplish.
If someone was an expert at every single profession, that person would be an absolute nightmare to duel.
I usually ask my guildmates “How can i counter that ? — Use condi/it has a long cd, dodge it/pop your invu” and it’s fine…… OR I die, and die, and die until I learn how to counter it. Like in old games….
I’m not really a forum whiner asking for nerfs (you can check my forum account if you want).
And i’ve seen some kittenty meta in WvW (from the spamm 2 celestial thieves to the perplexity Warriors", and I’ve always chosen the right build to counter it….
Back on topic : I can understand your point of view : you say that the perfect pvp-er should play all class, in order to perfectly understand each one….. But then why should I play 2 of them to have the achievements ? Why not 9 ?
If you lower the number of class you must master from 9 to 2 to unlock the achivement, why not lower it again to 1 ?
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I suppose many players here know that when a ranger die, and use TP (or is forced to respawn, like in PvP), his pet “resurrects” for 0.5 s where it died, and then disappears.
I always thought it was just a graphical bug, something not really important…
But I realize it’s not only a graphic glitch…. pets are physically there for 0.5 s !!!
That means, they can tank damage or a skillshot for 0.5s !!!
You may say “oh that’s nothing”, but imagine in pvp…. any projectile will be absorbed by the dead pet !
I play gw2 since the beginning of the beta. I’m not an hardcore player (like 2200h in 3.6 years, that’s not much). I main engineer, because i love the concept of this class, all the various builds possible, etc… So yes, I’m kind of an otp (one trick pony), because I can play decently only engineer (96% of my time spent is on ONE character)
It’s a long story, but in short I was playing mostly WvW before the DBL, and now i try pvp…
But here is my problem :
why can’t i unlock all the achievements by playing only my favorite class ?
I’m stuck at a point where I must play another class in order to unlock the Part II of PvP achievements….
Is A-net saying that you MUST play several class in order to be a “good” pvp-er ?
Posts can be made where the ArenaNet team member is comfortable posting. No one is required to post. No one is forbidden from posting. I agree with you that sometimes there is info “out there” that I’d like to see on the official forums. In cases where I’m aware of it, I’ll ask the dev if he/she could also post here, or if we could synopsize the external post to share it here. I think it works, for the most part: the team member can post wherever he/she wishes, and we’ll do our best to share info here.
So you’re the “ArenaNet Forum Communications Team Lead”, but in fact you don’t lead anything…. since every dev can do whatever they want, no ?
ArenaNet doesn’t want to adopt a “post here and only here” approach to communications. I hope you’ll understand and support the inclusiveness of our communicating as being more important than the medium on which something is said.
I disagree, the medium is very important because :
A) Not all the players know how to use Reddit, and some don’t even know what it is.
B) Some players can hardly understand English (in the French, German, or Spanish server for example)
@OP : it’s a very good post. You are NOT a white knight, but someone with a brain. Yes, constant negative feedback won’t improve the things. Yes, devs are humans who worked hard on these maps and did an amazing job but it’s obviously not what the players wanted/needed.
Just few remarks :
- There is no answer from devs so far, which isn’t a good thing in such case.
They could simply say “We are reading the forum, and we know that the new maps have good and not-so-good points. We are gathering your feedback, but please stay constructive.” Is it so hard ?
To be honest, your post could be a dev post too. It explains very well the current situation
- You said that some players, like you, actually like the new maps. Yes, I believe you. But I’ve been several time on our BLs (almost every evening, before switching to EB) and I’ve never found anyone from my server. It’s not a forum-only problem. A vast majority of the players doesn’t like the new maps, it’s a fact…
- I’m surprised they didn’t see the problems that we are discussing on this forum (size of the map, auto-upgrade, etc..). I mean, it’s not like an invulnerability spot hidden somewhere on the map, or an small unbalance between the 3 factions (the keep of air being easier to defend for example).
Maybe this map needed more feedback before release ? More betas ? I mean REAL betas, not like the one we had for several weekend just to tease us…
I am ready for all the constructive feedback needed, but in the end does it really matter ?
During the 3 years of WvW, there were tons of useless negative threads I agree, but there were tons of good thread, with good constructive feedback too and after all these good threads we have this map…
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I’m part of a small roaming guild. We are max 5 players at the same time, but we are ofter only 2 or 3 playing at the same time.
The new system hits us hard…
- 40 supply for a guild cata is too much (you need at least 3 players with 15 supply). With one cata, it takes longer to take a tower, and one player can see the white cross, go at the tower and build a arrow cart with the supply left in the tower (they are always full now) before the wall goes down…
- Taking camps is now useless, because keeps and towers will be upgraded whatever you do.
- Shrines are totally useless unless you have the keep which goes with them. It’s absurd for me : shrines should be something that weakens or strengthens the keeps. Right now it’s only a bonus for the defenders, and attackers can’t benefit from them. So useless for roamers.
I play this build and it works very wellI prefer playing with a knight armor and Fire+air sigil. More crits, but you’re weaker against condi. If I see a condi mesmer, I just run :P
But you have so many condi cleanse! I run with knight as well and usually at least I have fair fight with condi players.
However, I feel like the Tornado from elixir X is very, very weak… Juggernaut is awesome, but when I have Tornado I immediately cancel my Elixir X. One pulse every 3 second is not enough…
Tornado is weak 1v1 but amazing in group fights even just for the interrupts it provides to the enemy tossing them everywhere.
On the side note, I’ve tried this build in pve and unfortunately wasn;t doing too well – on boss fights it was decent, but lack of aoe made trash fights difficult.
Yes, but you clean condi 1 by 1, so sometimes I have trouble against burst of condi (like Signet of Spite), and the RNG can be very unfair (if you don’t clean burning from condi gardian, you’re dead).
But you’re right the bump from tornado is great yes
Most competitive Engi builds use Alchemy
So if you want to play competitive PvP, you must use Alchemy as an engineer.
If you want to play competitive PvP, you must use Mallyx as a Rev.
Again, isn’t it fair ?
Much to your dismay, Revenant’s do need a weakness.
I don’t disagree, but having to either go Malyx or use your heal skill is skimpy on condi clear by anybodies standards.
Not by engineers standards.
As an engineer, your only condi clear come from Elixirs (with Alchemical Tinctures) or from your heal skill (Healing turret).
For Rev it comes from Mallyx or your heal skill.
It seems fair, no ?
I play this build and it works very well
I prefer playing with a knight armor and Fire+air sigil. More crits, but you’re weaker against condi. If I see a condi mesmer, I just run :P
However, I feel like the Tornado from elixir X is very, very weak… Juggernaut is awesome, but when I have Tornado I immediately cancel my Elixir X. One pulse every 3 second is not enough…
There will be a fair amount of changes that I have planned and that have come out of the feedback from this last weekend.
What about rangers and engis? No elite spec announced yet and have only one BW left.
How will you handle the tons of feedback needed to make engi/ranger elite spec decent?^
RegardsRoy isn’t the developer in charge of the engineer or ranger elite specs. He’s only running the show for the revenant.
I’m involved with everything combat related.
The changes for revenant will be a lot of polish things, and little things from feedback. The only larger change so far is adjusting how mallyx skills work a bit so you aren’t frustrated when playing with support players who cleanse conditions. I’ll talk about all the changes when they are ready though, until then you’ll just have to #believe.
Well, you didn’t reply to Darkness…. There is only one BW left, and 2 Elites remaining. You’ve made already several changes to the current Elite (Gardian, Necro, War and Thief).
Will you focus ONLY on the 2 remaining professions during the next BW ? Will Engineers and Rangers get a fair testing ?
At the release of GW2, turrets and pets were among the most bugged mechanics in the game. Will we see similar problems at the beginning of HoT ?
(edited by Markus.9084)
Congratulation. Another outfit wich glitch on Charr (look at the neck).
That is unique to that hair style. I haven’t had any issues with my Charr and his vanilla hair.
And so what ? it’s still a glitch… Will Anet buy me a new Style Hair Kit each time they’ll release a new outfit ? I don’t think so.
It’s a free outfit, so it’s not a big deal for me.
But Anet really needs to check each hair style before creating new outfits in the futur. I don’t want to buy a 800 gems outfit to realize later that it doesn’t fit with my hair.
EOTM is not WvW!!!
If you are worried about spies, they’ve been in WvW since launch!
If you are worried about siege trolls, they’ve been in WvW since launch!Yes this allows there to be more spies, but they still have to level to 60 to get access to WvW and even EOTM.
So if those people are willing to waste gold craft leveling so be it, the impact it will have on real WvW will be minimal, if even noticeable as there are already spies on your server!
There is a huge difference between a spy account which cost between 10 and 20 euros and a spy account which costs you nothing….
EDIT : mmmh that’s embarassing…ToK are indeed account bound xD
(edited by Markus.9084)
Completely agree. This change makes no sense. EOTM was a testing zone/WvW experiment zone to begin with. Let them get access here beforehand if they want to buy the game.
^ this ^
I agree with the OP. EotM is enough to discover WvW.
Reaper litterally means Moissonneuse yes, but that’s why the name wasn’t litterally translated ^^
At the beginning “Reaper” was supposed to be translated as “Fauchemort”…
The problem is that it doesn’t make any sense in french. It litteraly means “Deathreaper” but it’s not how french language works.
So the community yelled on various thread, and now the name is “Faucheur”.
“Faucheur” isn’t a farming machine. But yes, the first meaning is the name of the guy who cut wheat with a scythe xD
However, the second meaning is the same as the english one. In french, the translation of “The Grim Reaper” is “La Faucheuse” or “La Grande Faucheuse” (in french, Death is female… not sure what it is in english).
That’s why Faucheur is way better than Fauchemort.
Don’t worry, FT #1 is bad dmg-wise anyways.
Well, low damage isn’t an excuse for a bug
Thx for your explanation. It happens in sPvP with the stairs, but in WvW too, and it’s worse imo because there are few “perfectly horizontal” places where the FT works properly…
2k1 armor is VERY low.
It works maybe in PvP and PvE, but with this build you’ll be 2-shot in WvW by zerker. Especially by thieves.
I’m not a pro in sPvP, but in your video, at 3:30, I’m sure you’d be dead if there wasn’t one of your teammates to save you.
And @5:50, you say " I 2v1 them and put down the thief". Well, actually that’s not true. You didn’t die, yes, but the thief was burst by the El who came to help you. Look again @5:39, right before the thief goes down. You can see the El standing on top of the wall of the small arena.
And no offense, but there are tons of missplays in your video. For example, @5:30, you use HT and then elixir C, so you “lose” 2 conditions. Moreover you use it too late, so instead of the 6 condi (cripple, weakness, immo, burning, bleeding and poison), you clean only bleeding and buring with elixir C. And with Alchemical Tincture, the benefit from elixir C is close to 0 (only one boon added).
Right after that, you burn your 2 dodge for like 0 reason (you don’t even see your opponent so you can’t know what they’re doing..).
Hey man, I use rampager with melandru runes now.
Little but of toughness, vit, loads of crit, power and condi dmg, no ferocity but the crit is it proc bleeds, vulnerability and whatever else… Aswell as for an almost permanent 50%dmg boost (60+10vs bleeding+20 fury)from critting.Fir sustain, I use bunker down, supply crate F5, bpr, Eg5 etc.
Melandru gives a further 25% off condi. With mecha legs, soft cc is greatly reduced… Probably more suited to pvp, but for pve you could go for dolyak?
I’ve been mulling over Juggernaut vs incendiary powder… With flamer slotted, d’you think there’s enough burning to go for the extra stab & might? I’m gonna be trying out Juggernaut tonight :-?
Gonna give this a shout later I think
Yes, it sounds cool. It focus on condi instead of power like my build.
But your health is very low, and your armor is average…
Do you have time to cast your condi ? Aren’t you too weak vs zerk roamer ?
I mean, I always struggle to apply condi to mesmers or thieves..
Hi !
As I said in another post (, I’m sick of playing with grenades, and I think FT is one of the funniest kit, so I try to play with it
So, please, keep in mind it is a FUN build. I dont pretend to post the best build ever… I’d say it is a viable build (you can deal with almost every opponent you’ll meet if you’re good enough)
It’s not a burst build, so you’ll need time to kill someone and you won’t be able to 1v2 BUT it’s slightly more tanky than most of the other engi builds, which can sometimes be a surprise for your ennemy. And I think engi need that tankyness, or it’s an easy target for thieves/mesm..
I play with KT/FT/boots + supply crate, in a celestial armor (see link at the end of the post)
I like boots because it is imo a good counter to mesm and ranger who try to kite you.. but sometimes I take EG to help my teammates
Damage :
- Stack might with juggernaut+sigil of strength (1 sec ICD, 30% crit chance and 5 attack per seconde = 1 might per sec).
- It gives about 17/18 stack in combat, and with 2 or 3 combo with FT #4 you can reach 25. When you’re full stack, launch FT#2 (not easy to use, for me it’s still kinda bugy) and switch to your rifle and do #3 and #5 in their face. Or KT#3, it works too :P
- In addition, try to stack burning on your target. RB can help, but you need to be in close combat. Don’t forget that Throw Wrench is a projectile finisher, so try to combo it with FT #4
Tankyness :
- As I said earlier, you’re tanky. So don’t waste all your cd, and wait for the 2 dodges before launching you main dps skills.
- Heavy Armor Exploit + Invegorating Speed are 2 traits which synergyze perfectly with FT, because of the high number of crit per second. Basically, you’ll have perma-vigor and perma-swiftness in fight, which is HUGE after this update (even with the vigor nerf).
- Bunker down is a great trait too (remember you have a high number crit/sec), because it’ll cover the battlefield with medipack. So more heal.
- Finally Iron blooded is a must-have. Remember you’ll have in fight : might+swiftness+stability+vigor. So -8% damage incoming. (+Elixir B + Regen in some case)
My only question so far is : is celestial still worth ?
For this build, I need a small amount of crit, condi damage, power, toughness+health… So celestial seems to be the better choice. But maybe with knight or cavalier it can work too, no ?
What do you think about this build ?
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I’d like to add another bug :
the trait in Inventions called “Autodefense bomb dispenser” (III) is bugged.
It should drop a smoke bomb when you’re disabled. However, this trait doesn’t take into account the presence of stability.
For example, if I have 1 stack of stab and take a stun, this stack will be consume AND the trait proc, even if I’m not really disabled.
Can someone confirm this ?
Ok, I admit that I’m not a theorycrafter, and that I play mostly for my enjoyment. In PvE.
But looking at the FT, Grenades and Mortar autoattacks, there seems to be some kind of balance between their power.
I’m not saying it’s wasn’t nerfed, but to me, it looks like they tried to balance the kits.
Balance the kits ?
FT was one of the most under-played kit… And for me, they buff grenades (shorter range but faster grenades), and it was definitely one of the strongest
Fireforged Trigger did not become baseline and can not be selected in the traits. juggernaut is still a fairly rubbish kit camping trait. Napalm and incendiary power do even less damage with powerbuilds now.
The flamethrower nerf is real.
yep, HUGE nerf.
Don’t forget that the +200 toughness on Juggernaut is gone too.
For me, power builds with FT are dead now. Maybe we can play FT with Dire armor and spam burning, but I don’t think that will be really effective..
I use FT on live right now in WvW/PvP and take zero of the FT traits cause they are in terrible places or compete with better traits. Granted, the AA on FT is mostly useless but the 2, 3 and 5 skills are super strong. Flame Blast makes for incredible burst on a 6 second CD that you can time the large damage to hit at the end of an opponents dodge roll. Air Blast is a low CD knockback to get some breathing room and Smoke Vent makes safe stomping half the classes in the game possible on Engi without needed Elixer S. Overall FT is a fantastic weapon that people want to camp in but thats just not the design of it.
Well, I disagree. For me, the AA isn’t garbage at all. The strong hidden fact is : it deals 5 AA per sec. So it can trigger procs on food or on sigil.
For example, I play with a celestial armor and sigil of strenght (might on crit with 1 s cd). With the FT AA and Juggernaut, I can stack 18 might in 10s by doing absolutly nothing , which wouldn’t be possible with any other weapon. Add a flame blast on napalm, and you have 25 stack.
And you can play with food that proc on crit with a low cd (Omnomberry Ghost for example). You have a decent DPS with only the FT AA…
i think “the lose” u are talking about was moved into baseline…it realy would be stupid to nerf one of the most underplayed kit…
but man i love stability on that…imagine keeping point in pvp , freaking harpies in fractals and etc…no fear im standing right here and will burn u down as it shuld be …one thing bother v me : no nepalm specilaist and lack of others burn orianted traits can make tihngs harder- what point in stacking burning if u dont have many sources of this condi …atleast i can see return of p/p flamthrower, flame turrets builds
WOW it would be awesome to find new ways of playing as engi
If you use correctly the #4 skill of FT (with combos) + Rocket boots+ #3 FT
, it won’t be hard to stack burning.
Ok, we’ll see next week … baseline or not ?
We do not know if the 15% dmg and the 20% cdr have been made baseline, if it has then this is a pretty huge buff considering you can take other traits instead.
And if not it’s a pretty huge nerf.
I think it’s not baseline or it would be included in the patch, just like ranger upgraded range or the 3 grenades/skill
I think the new trait system is a huge nerf to Flamthrower builds.
This a kit has a low base damage and needs to be traited in order to be effective.
Right now, we can boost it with :
- Deadly Mixture – Deal extra damage with a flamethrower or elixir gun.
- Fireforged Trigger – Reduces recharge on flamethrower and elixir gun skills.
- Juggernaut – You gain toughness while wielding a flamethrower. In addition, gain might at regular intervals while using this weapon kit.
With these 3 traits (and the correct gear) the FT is “good”, maybe not as strong as grenade/bomb, but fun to play.
After the update, the only thing remaining is :
- Juggernaut : Gain a stack of might for 15s and a stack of stability for 3s every 3 seconds while using the Flamethrower.
So we lose : +200 toughness, +15% damage, +20% cdr
we gain : Stab every 3 s
For me FT isn’t viable anymore
(edited by Markus.9084)
It’s a bit funny also that rocket boots cures movement impairing conditions but is no longer affected by movement impairing conditions.
I suppose it handles the uncommon situation where you get chilled or whatnot just after using the rocket boots, but that’s about the only benefit it gained from this.
I agree… If leap/dash are no longer affected by cripple of chill, the fact that rockets boots remove those 2 conditions is kinda useless.
IMO, it’s a HUGE nerf for rockets boots…. something which was not OP at all…
I actually agree with the EU having all the fun comment. I would have loved to log in and have the GW2 equivalent of the Christmas truce happening, as opposed to the Gw2 equivalent of the Mutiny on the Bounty we got lol.
Ha ha it’s fun indeed…. when you can log in
Lot of players can’t even play tonight. And it’s even more frustrating. We can’t follow our server via the websites because API are bugged too… So I’m just here, watching a dumb TV show
The players are not in the wrong, ANET needs to fix this.
Both Anet and players are guilty.
It’s obviously an exploit, and players shouldn’t use it.
Imagine : You find a secret path which allows you to go inside a Bank. And then you rob it. Would you say : “Hey, it’s the bank’s fault ! They didn’t see there were a hole in their walls !”
I see a lot of post about hackers, but the biggest problem on my server atm is an exploit. Or a flaw in the design of the maps, as you want.
I don’t want to post a video about this exploit because I don’t want to diffuse it, but there is a way to jump over the outer gates in Etheron, without any hack.
Should we report the kittens who do this ? In fact they’re not even going through the game textures or anything. They just use their skills…. and then they kill our workers (=no upgrades) and our siege weapons :’(
Please, fix your maps.
Hi !
(sorry if the title or the post aren’t clear, it’s quite complex and english isn’t my native language)
I play engi since launch, and I’ve seen very few other players doing this… so I decided to create this thread. Ofc many veterans may know this trick, but it can still be helpful for beginners
Some engi skill are very telegraphed… Magnet and supply crate are the 2 main examples in my mind. The trick is to deceive the enemy, and force him to dodge or use an invuberability spell. You just need to cast your skill and cancel it just before the end of the channeling.
The game will display the animation (both you and your ennemy will see the crate fall or the white track of the magnet) ; normally your opponent will do something (like dodging or use stability). But as you cancel your skill, you’ll be able to recast it with a much shorter cooldown (like 4-5 sec). And the second time you cast it, the ennemy won’t be able to escape.
It’s a cool and uncommon game mechanic, but my only problem is that too many players just ignore the animation and do nothing. So you have to judge : is your opponent is skilled enough to predict and react to your skills ? Or will he take everything in the face like a rock ?
And so far I only use it with magnet and crate, but maybe you have other ideas ?
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2) available to all races and levels, can put on your low level for a nice appearance while leveling.
All race ? Tails are still glitching on Charrs…. Even on the “new” outfit.
So…. “available to all races” maybe, but not suitable for all races.
Hi !
A-net has created a brand new outfit for Hivernel ! All 4 races can enjoy it !
Wait what ? Charrs are a race too ??? Maybe someone should inform the gw2 devs, because outfits aren’t designed for them… Look at this poor tail :’(
(edited by Markus.9084)
Different countries have different definitions of volunteer work and we simply do not have the means to have the program reviewed and adjusted to conform to multiple legal requirements that may apply to any given volunteer opportunity.
mmmh…. The European Union tends to standardize laws, including for voluntary work. I’m sure you could find something suitable for UK, France, Germany, Spain, etc…
But, tbh, a job for a multinational company without any compensation might be seen as an undeclared work
(edited by Markus.9084)
Hey all,
The dev team has been tracking the concern about the Engineer backpacks for quite a while. They understand our players’ point of view, and this is something that a few different team members have discussed for a possible remedy. They’ve batted around a few ideas about how to fix this problem, including some of those mentioned in this thread. (Thanks for all the suggestions – they’re very helpful!)
For example, one designer thought that with new art, we might be able to display the kits on the weapon holsters on the right or left hip, so players could tell what kits are in use while allowing the Engineer to display a sweet back-piece, too. Another suggested that perhaps Gem Store items could simply override the kits, so if you owned a Quaggan Backpack, your character displayed a Quaggan Backpack. (Please note: This doesn’t mean to say that either of these ideas will be the one that is settled upon. I just offered examples so you could see that thoughts and possible solutions definitely have been discussed.)
And 1.5 year ago :
Some pretty interesting ideas here. I was actually spit-balling some ideas on how to address this today. This has always been something that has bothered me, too.
For example:
- Have kits respect the existing back item flag. If you have a back item and you want to show it, hide the kit. If you don’t have a back item or choose to hide it, always show the kit. Obviously this makes it a little harder than usual to tell what kit you are using, so:
- A nameplate icon similar to Elemental Attunements would be a good addition (I may add this regardless if we can get the art
- Move the kit somewhere else on your body. I know, crazy right? For example, who doesn’t like a sweet fanny-pack?
so…… nothing new in 1.5 year ? Gaile, do you just repeat what Bill said a long time ago ?
Ultimately, enabling any correction will involve members of several different teams (design, art, programming) and those teams members currently are engaged in other prioritized projects. But as you can see, the team wants to address this situation in the future and we’re grateful for your patience while the team selects the implements the right fix for the issue.
Hopefully this finally gets resolved soon, and I’ll do what I can to see that happen. Keep in mind, as Colin mentioned before, that there are some pretty beefy projects going on that are consuming our engineering time. But that doesn’t exactly mean we can’t sneak stuff in here and there
No comments.
At some point, you have to make a break and fix all the small problems that exist since day 0. Because there are always bigger project that are consuming your engineering time, like LS for example…
Hi Zach. The “non-verbal” makes me ponder, and really, the best way to handle non-verbal harassment — anything that would be impossible to find in chat logs — is to submit a ticket. (I’m really not sure what would define “non-verbal harassment” but the team could at least review the ticket to figure that out.)
No offense, but submitting a ticket is a long and unpopular process. Among all my friends, I’m the only who actually know how to use a ticket. Many players think the only way to report a problem/infraction is to use the IG tool. So they report hacking/harassment under the category “bot”, because they know that GMs hate bot users and so they hope GMs will look closely at these accounts.
And remember, GW2 is PEGI 12. Does a 12 yo boy or girl know how to submit a ticket ? Where can players learn how to use it, except on this forum ?
(edited by Markus.9084)
There are some Supply bull in The Silverwastes…. and oh god they run so fast !!
I don’t know what kind of food you give them,but can we bring some in WvW ?
Dolyak are adorable and so fluffy, but they are soooooo slow
If A-net is using some kind of anabolic steroid, I don’t mind…
In the Mist, there’s no PETD (People for the Ethical Treatment of Dolyaks). So just share your little secret and we won’t tell anyone
P.S : Indigo, Blue, Red and Amber forts in the Silverwastes, and yellow, red and purple new tag (+old blue one)…. Coincidence ? I think not ! #Illuminati
@John :
I like this thread : everyone hunts for clues and tries to guess the recipe…
BUT, I hope you’ll make an official announcement of the new item on another thread before someone can guess here the full recipe.
Why ? Because only english speaking players have access to this thread. It would be so unfair if these players could craft it before the french/german/spanish players, especially if we can sell it.
I’m sorry to break all the happiness here, but i had to say it…
(edited by Markus.9084)
I think you’ll like the new rewards. Granted, I’m more than a little obsessed with Halloween in general, but the goodies look pretty sweet to me!
The ""new reward"" ?? Seriously ??
I had gloves last year. And gloves again this year. ""new"". Sure.
(edited by Markus.9084)
nono, not english only, german too.
Yes, my bad.
And for some reason, no spanish or french streamer.
Why ? Lack of money ?
We have no information about this tournament on the french forum. Not even the message on the main page of the forum.
European tournament ? Nope. English only. Again.
Week 1 : Piken Square vs Abaddon Mouth vs Augury Rock
Week 2: Augury Rock vs Aurora Glade vs Arborstone
Week 3: Piken Square vs Augury Rock vs Gunnars Hold
Week 4. Piken Square vs Abaddon Mouth vs Augury Rock
So yep, twice the same MU. Unique ? Nope.
They fail again.
Twice the same Mu in 9 weeks isn’t a big problem, but twice in 4 weeks….. That’s like 50% of the tournament
It is the 4th week of tournament man.
Week 1 : Piken Square vs Abaddon Mouth vs Augury Rock
Week 2: Augury Rock vs Aurora Glade vs Arborstone
Week 3: Piken Square vs Augury Rock vs Gunnars Hold
Week 4. Piken Square vs Abaddon Mouth vs Augury Rock
So yep, twice the same MU. Unique ?
Our next tournament will be an extremely intense, exciting four-week-long tournament battle. The shorter format will ensure that worlds will not be repeatedly matched against one another, which will more closely resemble a true Swiss-style tournament. Each matchup will be unique, and every win—or upset—will make a huge difference!
source :
Lies, Lies everywhere !
I’m from Augury Rock, and it’s the 3rd time we meet PS. And the second time we have a PS/AR/AM match-up. So unique !
2vs1 isn’t cheating.
Devs said during s2 that it is totally legit.
Je suis chez Nexus Order, Roche de l’Augure!
Ils sont tres agreables.
Congrats for your french skills
I’m very happy to see the legendary power broker John Smith on my server
I hope you enjoy it ^^
and in addition to developers, we have a community team who can clarify and be the bridge between players and developers. They’re ready to engage you on these topics.
See you in-game,
Mike O’Brien
Can Chris, Mike or Regina explain me something : why does a french community manager spend more time reading and posting on the english forum than on the french one ?
Does it make sense for you ?
I tried to find an answer, but the hammer of mod…. gasp * I mean, the hammer of doom hits hard !