Thief should have had camouflage instead of invisible skill.
Oh ye! you forgot the class thats a natural for camouflage- Ranger!
Are you a dev?
The ability to create a “job list” would be very handy.
Why bother , the stats are no better than exotic?
WTB a cowboy outfit,(but NCSoft is not for sale).
Never liked the idea of advertising your account name in-game or on forums for all and sundry hackers and scammers to see.
I don’t feed my pet. How else do you expect it to eat?
Alternative is called friendly Mesmers.
Ranger- Cruise Missiles pls.
Or if thats too OP maybe crossbow… slower Rate of fire but harder hitting with excellent range.
(edited by Meryt.9823)
Seeing that the range of point blank shot is the closest any ranger wants their opponent to be; better that point blank shot causes a knockdown on targets using block or retaliation. If they run out of range they’re no longer a threat and let your pet deal with them.
YE , I cant see the point in using a Transform that gives a self inflicted CC.
Beat ya to it…
Seriously! A free and anonymous market is best for all and helps keep inflation down on “greedy” servers.
In any case most WvW guilds get the majority of siege from JP, and should they need to buy siege can do so with badges, skill points and very rarely coin (which they earn in WvWvW anyway.)
Speed kills!
And it would certainly kill PvP and WvW.
IMO there should be no speed buffs in any MMOs , rather have speed as a stamina based function
Story reward tokens are account bound not soulbound, or at least they were when I got 2 daggers for my thief
Trinity would certainly liven things up
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Sounds like too much of a re-working . Maybe GW3 will eliminate classes altogether (Like certain upcoming titles, and seems to be the new trend for MMOs and not before time either)
I don’t see a problem as they stand but maybe a trait similar to moving spirits on ranger would be easiest fix. This request does seem more sPvP oriented as in WvW any ally can pick up the banner(and use it’s skills) if the front moves.
Sorry but the whole premise of your post seems to be based about this false assumption.
To put it short, if you are rich or earn money easily in real life you are rich and cool .
Rich does not equal cool, often the very reverse.
Sure I know rich folk that are cool, but plenty of poor folk that are wayyy cool.
Cool is about how creative you are, not about being able to afford the latest designer outfit.
PS you can still get everything for free if you grind gold, buy gems with gold etc. just takes time. Eh , but cool is patient too.
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The internet around the world has been slowed down in what security experts are describing as the biggest cyber-attack in history.
You’re already able to turn off tags for friendly and/or enemy players; though that leaves “Team Colours” the only way to determine which server, and is only effective at much closer distance.
I can imagine the scenario where gold spammers pop commander tags to indulge their nepharious activities.
Any commander worth their salt will be on TS/Vent and have allies to post in chat for JP, Reinforcements etc.
If they were I might buy some, but see little reason to use town clothes otherwise.
Guild skins for longbow and short bow are the same. Can we please have a different model for SB.
Must admit the centaur mobs in Harathi are just ridiculous, all you see is the death animation.
IMO best looking GS is the basic white beginners one. It looks realistic , balanced and practical for melee or magical use. Re-skinning is always an option
I bet you’re glad you’re not a ranger with a bird that does a 2.5 second aerobatic display before it even flies to the target
Please give an option to tone these down or even turn them off.
Fog of war is one thing but in a 180 man 3 way its OTT, and probably impacts on already stressed performance.
If I want to see a cool light show I’l go to a rave.
Great job on culling, but why oh why was it not like this at release?
Be careful what you ask for , you may get it!
Progression = grind, and ultimately near everyone will be maxed out and back on equal footing. IMO content added that just results in an arms race is bad for the game .
The problem isn’t WXP. The problem is the underlying mechanics of the game. (No healers, no trinity, downed state, 5-man limit to AoE etc.).
That is what creates the zerg. The rewards (like WXP) just amplify the underlying problem.
Solution? .
I fully agree that the mechanics of the game are what support the current zerg play but I don’t think healers/trinity, downed state, or AOE limit contribute to it much. An increase in AOE limit will just make zerg vs zerg fights that much faster as the side with more AOE’s will win. It is a double edged sword, it might allow a small group to take out bigger groups but it also allows much bigger zergs to take out big zergs.
I see a few big issues that are supporting the zerg lifestyle. First there is no friendly collision detection, this is a huge negative that could easily keep people from running ikittenerg. The lack of character models blocking LOS, add this and watch as people spread out so their damage isn’t blocked. The keeps, towers, and even camps are way too easy to capture. It should take the better part of a day trebbing a wall to knock it down, but currently set up 3-4 trebs and you’re in within 15mins. The whole supply system allows people to just stop in, pick up supply, and leave without caring if it gets capped because they will just recap it when they need supply again. Make supply trickle in but allow players to pick it up(each player can carry 1 supply) at camps and deliver it to keeps/tower. The effect will be 3 fold, siege will be harder to build so it will need to be defended while being built, camps will need to be defended in order to continue getting a trickle of supply, and people will need to constantly run supply. That splits the zergs into defending siege, defending camp(s), and running supply.
In order to make zergs break apart you need to give them multiple objectives(best case) or negatives(worst case). GW2 just doesn’t do either and thus we have zergs running around.
+100 for collision/blocking.
and lets have friendly fire enabled too.
Zerging solved
I got 2k wxp from just one battle that we wiped a 70 man zerg.
70 man zerg, LOL must have been a low population server;)
Fight or flight is pretty much determined by the skills/weapons you have slotted ..
e.g. Rampage or Entangle/Warhorn or melee weapon.
short of the options here you cant have the best of both worlds.
Axe/warhorn or Axe /Torch make great secondary sets if you like to stay mobile.
i’ve tried, some builds look good on paper – but the mix of toughness and vitality can’t even come come close to the survivability of pure toughness jewels vs thieves.
Similarly the mixture of dmg types can’t compare to going full condition.
So with you’ll be less survivable and have less damage and less healing than simply going shaman or clerics amulet. If you can make it work, good luck to you.…
Nah wasn’t gonna try it, just wondered why there is so much celestial ascended and exotic gear about. Also got me thinking if there is some secret celestial build pwning everything
Exotic HAS TO BE the minimum for a successful end game Ranger , whether PvE or Wv3.
I think, that there should be an elite called “As One”
You and your pet would kind of jump in each other and merge, maybe becoming the pet or the human? I don’t know, i think it would be cool if you could merge and become your pet, but i think that merging into human form would be more viable.Anyway, this elite would have to bring you some bonuses to make up for the loss of an elite skill and another CCer. Maybe the health could add up?
That’s my idea of how to please the ones that don’t like pets.
Edit: The elite would be kind of a toggle skill.
Nice, if this is what Anet add to ranger, these “As one” ranger will become POWER RANGER…. maybe they should add giant robot and big cannon also….
If you think thats a good idea try the Norn racial skills!
Mouse suggestion is unique ++++
new pets? How about.
Magpie – F1 Steal, peck. F2 fear (passive effect +2% magic find)
Labrador Retreiver (amphibious)- F1 Pick up loot,beg for food. F2 Detect stealth
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Imagine if devs played Rangers
All I want is a pet that picks up all the loot bags. Don’t really use pet since Guard got nerfed.
Not nerfed, fixed.
So will they be fixing Mesmers illusions?
All I want is a pet that picks up all the loot bags. Don’t really use pet since Guard got nerfed.
Using your numbers. Assume he can travel 50 feet every second.
1. He starts at 600, and you knock him back another 50 feet to 650. He can damage you in melee at 50 feet. So you have 600 feet/50 = 12 shots (1 per second)
2. He starts at 600 feet. You shoot at him until he gets to 100 feet = 10 shots of damage. Then you knock him back 150 feet = 250 feet away = 5 more arrows for a total of 15 shots.
Of course it is just theory craft unless we know the exact numbers.
Of course if game units are meters. Making estimates of the time it takes an enemy to close the 1500m max range distance Using a stopwatch I get speed estimates of between MACH 1.2 and MACH 0.80, depending on class
Given that info should Eles , Thieves etc emit a sonic boom?
(edited by Meryt.9823)
Analytics are an excuse to ignore common sense.
Which would be instead of hiring expensive analysts , get some devs to go play a Ranger for a month in WvWvW and dungeons
Never ever do Arah path4 in random pugs. its not worth it at all.
Never do anything with random pugs, run with guildies or friends – AND USE TS/Vent
Don’t forget out the incredible Icon change for the birds. I got so excited when i heard about it.
Blue Moa still looks like a Dodo , hope thats not an indication of where this class is headed.
OK then check the skills for our mellee weapons aginst the same for other classes , then see that the bows are our best weapons, and staying at range our best (and probably only) advantage.
Another gripe is that our downed skills are largely ineffective. Other classes have knockbacks and TPs to avoid a finish. Lick wounds is ok but has a long initial CD, too long to avoid a finish from stealth. Thunderclap has little effect , and none when you cant see your intended target
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So "Guard " gets a nerf and now we cant place our pets on walls , but Mesmer clones can still appear there. I’d like to know how this qualifies as “balance”.
The bird pets at least should have this ability, but I guess it’s one more skill in the dustbin for us.
Staffs were too OP for Rangers?
Why I think Ranger is hard to fix-
Problem here is that Ranger is actually 3 classes rolled into one.
1st you have the archer with range and piercing arrows traited
2nd the Trapper utilising all the trait skills that enhance that gameplay
3rd the beastmaster running the pet enhancing traits & skills
This variability ultimately means you have to sacrifice one thing for another , and then compensate via gear and runes etc. to get a more than halfway decent build .
add to that how much support healing do you want to give your teammates and you probably have 4 sub-classes eg Spirits, and if you choose that your’e gonna have to trait so they move with you.And that in my opinion that diversity is probably why there are so many issues with the ranger, ie too many choices for the player , and for devs to fix and balance without breaking something else.
Just posted this in another thread , but maybe devs and players alike can give it some thought.
Thats about the size of it , ye.
I run using Reyna set(which offers great support healing-lol and the skin turns a few heads) , and playing around with a PTV karma set. pet is usually passive in Wv3 (in zerg v zerg your pet will usually die fast regardless of stats) unless using guard to mount walls in siege or stall any immediate threat. 19k+hp and 2.9k attack or 18.5k hp and 3.1k attack respectively is acheivable .
As always it’s down to the playstyle you enjoy , and are effective at.
(edited by Meryt.9823)
Problem here is that Ranger is actually 3 classes rolled into one.
1st you have the archer with range and piercing arrows traited
2nd the Trapper utilising all the trait skills that enhance that gameplay
3rd the beastmaster running the pet enhancing traits & skills
This variability ultimately means you have to sacrifice one thing for another , and then compensate via gear and runes etc. to get a more than halfway decent build .
add to that how much support healing do you want to give your teammates and you probably have 4 sub-classes eg Spirits, and if you choose that your’e gonna have to trait so they move with you.
And that in my opinion that diversity is probably why there are so many issues with the ranger, ie too many choices for the player , and for devs to fix and balance without breaking something else.
I use a different build for sPvP than in WvWvW, it’s totally different gameplay when you hit open field. That said PvP is the best and free way to test different builds and rune combinations
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We’re bottom because we get swamped by pure numbers. If it was a server that didn’t outnumber us grossly it would be more fair.
That didnt stop SFR going to top of EU T1 back in December,
I understand they went back to T2 out of choice as they grew tired of chasing VS back to their spawn.
I do agree that matchups can become stagnant with the same 3 servers every week. Maybe the last week of the month should see an international matchup.