Showing Posts For Pradton.8576:

The Zhaitan boss fight is frustrating.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Pradton.8576


They obviously put a lot of effort into creating a great visual experience and I think they succeeded at it. On the other hand they forgot the most important aspect of a final battle, players actually want to fight that giant dragon flying around the ship using our own abilities. A simple detail like that ruin the whole experience.

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pradton.8576


Why would they add housing? It is such a silly concept and usually its purpose is to act as a gold/time sink.
A more interesting concept would be guild buildings, where members of a guild could congregate, but I still find it rather silly.

Many many people have been asking for housing since the game launched- just the fact that we have a home instance sort of implies that it occurred to Anet as well.

Sure it is a gold and a time sink- that is bad how?
It can also be a boost to crafting, a way for people to connect to their characters, fun, a break from constant battle, a way to show off your achievements etc.

Guild Halls serve a different purpose and the way Guild Content is now- I fully expect it to be gated behind lots and lots of influence and commendations i.e for big guilds only.
This is great for those guilds and it is needed but Player housing is also needed.

Actually I completely forgot about the home instance system of this game (that should tell you what sort of impression it left me with). If housing involves the entirety of the home instance then I admit it sounds a lot more interesting to me.

Edit: Thinking more about it, it has a lot of potential. The question is can Anet make the housing system something more than just play at house? Hmmm.

(edited by Pradton.8576)

Raids and housing coming to GW2!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pradton.8576


Why would they add housing? It is such a silly concept and usually its purpose is to act as a gold/time sink.
A more interesting concept would be guild buildings, where members of a guild could congregate, but I still find it rather silly.

Blue get to buy but pink has to gamble?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pradton.8576


Well I hope this isn’t a serious topic… societies social constructs of color and gender surely aren’t being taken seriously by someone? O.o

What did Snaff look like?

in Lore

Posted by: Pradton.8576


Thanks everyone, I really liked that image of Snaff in the wiki link! I am going to check Eir’s statue in Hoealbrak soon.

What did Snaff look like?

in Lore

Posted by: Pradton.8576


How did this venerable Asura looked like, are there any images of him around? I haven’t looked around Rata Sum much too see if there is a statue of him, its the only thing I can imagine to look for. My Asura hasn’t done any personal story and I left the starter area, does Snaff make an appearance in some flashback or something? :P

I mainly know of Snaff from my other characters stories.

A bow firing flying rainbow unicorns

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pradton.8576


100 years in the future unicorns will no longer be considered feminine objects! Their long pointy forehead horn will stand for the virility of males, their strong muscled bodies for their masculinity/strength and the speed of their gallop for a man’s… performance in bed. Their color key will be gray and muted, no more of this colorful stuff. They will trample over their enemies in small stampedes leaving them bloody. Those who survive will meet there end impaled upon their horns.

So worry not, unicorns will flip their cultural representation in the future! Little girls will no longer make fan art of them and we will wear them proudly on our chest just like those Lacoste shirt aligators.

Embrace the unicorn.

"For Great Justice!" over and over...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pradton.8576


This is a tricky one and the diplomatic solution is more customization options in the sounds tab to block these sort of sounds, as well as some npc dialogs (im looking at you little girls next to the Lions Archs bank -_-).

Regarding this player saying “For Great Justice”:

-Reporting them for botting just so you can’t get what you want is wrong.
-Perhaps the player likes the sound of the phrase.
-Even if you ask them to stop doing it, they have every right to keep doing it.
-You can’t proof they are doing it to grief.

The best solution is just to add options to block sounds instead of flooding moderators with complaints.

(edited by Pradton.8576)

Make overflow the default for PvE zones.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pradton.8576


PvE servers? checks server list
There are no “PvE servers”. If you haven’t noticed YET, all servers are PvE except when you willingly enter the World vs. World or structure system.

So I really don’t know what you are talking about. Also in Maguuma server I come across a good amount of people in every zone all the time. Yesterday I went to “out of the way ones” like Fields of Ruin, Malchors Leap and that horrible forgotten place Timberline Falls, all three of these had people in them.

but honestly, it’s SOOOO boring if no one has started it and I participate in it hoping that maybe someone else will join. and suddenly theres an active PvE community again.

Do you advertise in map chat that an even is up? I do and people always show up. Sounds like you are not very proactive at this and you are “hoping” for people to show up. Also is nobody has started the event you find it boring? Sorry but I think you are the problem

More town clothes?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pradton.8576


I wonder why they went with this odd system… being unable to use town clothes in combat was quite a letdown. They also create the situation that they could create some great looking town clothes that people may want to use all the time and wont be able to. Also it seems like a waste of development time and resources to create models for two different exclusive modes.

Why not make use complete use of your artists talent and allow costumes to be re skinned on regular armor? I’m not wasting a single copper/penny on this system.

The Monetization of GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pradton.8576


This business strategy is the typical NC soft model. I doubt it comes from Arenanet. I don’t care how many times they say they have control over their game, look at the bottom of this webpage and read the fine print next to the nsoft logo -_-.

Extending the Story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pradton.8576


Likin’ this. A lot.

Mostly because Demi Beetlestone >>>>> Trahearne.

In general though, I really wish our decisions had more of a noticeable effect on the game world. =\

Thousands of different player decisions simultaneously having an effect on the game world… its not possible without the world become heavily instanced in which case it becomes more a single player game.

Game going down hill.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pradton.8576


The only thing that will bring people to any “dead” zone is gear and gold. If you build it, they will come.

However my server has been quite lively, so I dont know what is going on yours. shrugs

Stage future events in other cities (not LA)

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pradton.8576


Please don’t make every event take place in Lion Archs (and if it so, not always in Grand Piazza). Such repetition and predictability tends to get old. You have 5 other unique and beautiful cities a portal away to base events on.

I dislike how MMO’s have so many other cities (especially GW2, every city is awesome), but they always make a central hub that you eventually love to hate >_>.

Just a thought :x

Nov. Monthly Achievement Alienates Casuals

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pradton.8576


Why do you feel the need to classify yourself as a casual?

If you are a casual (since you already labeled yourself as one), does missing the monthly reward really affect you? I don’t think it should.

Lost Shores Feedback Thread

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pradton.8576


Until your client can actually support your own events dealing with massive amounts of monsters and players tone down these events please! You are only shooting yourself on the foot.

The client can’t render everything that is happening. You can make the best event in the history of MMO, but it wont matter if people can’t see and react to what is happening around them.

I implore you to rethink these sort of events in upcoming content until your rendering issues are optimized.

Either allow for more options in the graphics options to tweak amount of players I want to see or what to prioritize in rendering.

As things currently are, its not going to work. You activated free trials for this and what are people going to see? A kitteny client that can’t show them what is going on around them.

Please I like this game, fix the rendering issues.

(edited by Pradton.8576)

What if the Manifesto is just wrong?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pradton.8576


With apologists like you willing to swallow whatever they dish out and then defend it, who needs PR personnel? You’re doing exactly what NCSoft wants you to do.

I think people are taking everything waaaaaaaaay to serious. The Manifesto, the new gear, balance, casual vs. hardcore, farming this vs that. Some people in these forums sound like religious zealots do! All this over a game!
Yeah I know, you love the game and so do I, but I think some people need to take a break and let things just flow.

Two hours a day is a lot of time!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pradton.8576


Honestly the whole casual vs. hardcore thing argument has been dissected to ridiculous levels. Comparing it to other activities like comparing oranges to apple, makes that much sense. Reading the DaVinci code? Seriously wth?

When I am busy with life, I don’t really worry about what I am achieving in online gaming. Nor does it bother me that people who are allocating more time to video games are acquiring items (legendaries) that my time budget does not allow for.

After all if decide to play football, learn a musical instrument, have a “life”, cook, read a book and then complain I don’t have time to complete activities in an online MMORPG, then its quite simply my own kitten fault!

This games already offers something for people with different “time budgets”. If your previous decisions in life don’t allow you to have the time budge to complete a certain activity in this moment of your life, then tough luck man. Thats life.

I just don’t understand how we got to this point, where I sit down to play a game and I expect the company to have made the game to fit my particular schedule O.o. Then everyone who actually has time to complete something because they have the time (for whatever reason) has to be looked down upon.

Lets man up and accept the consequences of our choices ok? In this case it would be you don’t have enough time to complete a legendary as fast as you would like because your life does not allow it. This is not Anet fault… but you will get one; eventually…

Bah Im ranting O.o

More Halloween Goodies

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Pradton.8576


So some sucker spends ridiculous money on virtual keys to open virtual chest with a random chance to give a skin. Perhaps this person should have realized that the percentage to receive a skin has been coldy calculated to maximize profit (NCsoft is a master at this). Sucker comes to cry in the forums about it… Put on your dunce hat and go sit in the corner OP.

Sorry if I sound a bit hostile here, but how can some players complain about this when it is so obvious that playing with RNG is never in your favor…

Release time Halloween ?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: Pradton.8576


People are still challenged by timezones?

Just find one of the many websites where you can convert a timezone to yours, bookmark it for convenience and never be confused again! Eventually you will not even have to use it because you will learn the differences from experience of using it so many times.

MMO's need a grind but not for fluff

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pradton.8576


Hmm the “no progress for better gear” argument is still around I see. It seems many people are having a hard time looking outside the progression “gear grind box” model. Years of been exposed to the same model will do that to you (and me) I suppose.

Why do people like artificiality dps gate blocks so much? In some games no matter how good you are you wont beat the boss in x amount of time unless the group damage output = some number. Reaching that number would be directly related to you gear. The result is repeating whatever content below that boss x times until you have enough gear to overcome the dps tress hold.

Now that’s a stupid grind and long term goal. Your skill gets thrown out the window. All your team effort and personal skill gets a big “LOL” by the dps timer.

Can't buy or sell at the Trading Co

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Pradton.8576


More of then than not when I open the Trading Company to sell something my inventory doesn’t load. I just get the “Sell Your Stuff” interface empty! When this happens I also find that the “Buy” button is greyed out in the Trading Post preventing me from buying. This happens with all items! Even Black Lion chest (I mention them because I know they wont run out of stock between me click them and the selecting Buy).
Mostly im annoying with being unable to sell since I have tons of items piling up because of this!

Does this happen to anyone else? Did you fix it somehow or is it a problem at Anet ends?

The lack of server community feeling...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pradton.8576


So you only make friends when you need people to help you complete challenging content? What is wrong with you OP? Can’t you just make friends without expecting something from them?

WoW also has like 6-7 (?) years for players to build a strong foundation. This is game is still new.

I dunno, people just look at the most irrelevant stuff to criticize. If you want to make friends do so without Arenanet holding your hand!

Has Guild Wars 2 been worth your $60.00?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pradton.8576


Yes it has. Only one class to 80 and I want to play them all! Still half the world left to see, dungeons to conquer, craft to master and WvWvW pvp.
I have taken a hiatus on WvWvW pvp due to the rendering problems (very frustrating). Hoping for a fix eventually. This is the only thing that might break the game for me, but I am being reasonable in the time needed to fix this.

Ignore the negative reviews, this game rocks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pradton.8576


There are no negative reviews around, all sites give this game 9/10.
As for forum people saying the game sucks because it’s not the umpteenth WoW clone, oh well, who cares?

That so funny that you mention that… I remember when many MMO came out after WoW and people shot them down as being a WoW clone. Now we get an MMO that is not like WoW and people shoot it down because it is not like it. Silly humans!

Ignore the negative reviews, this game rocks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pradton.8576


What is it with everyone posting their reviews in the the general discussion forum like a personal blog? :P

Loading time & character draw distance...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pradton.8576


Well that is one thing I don’t understand about this game. I have no problem with zones as opposed to the big open world (like Rift, WoW etc). However once a zone loads I don’t expect loading withing a zone. This happens when a I chose a “far away” way point to teleport to within the same area.

Why does the game give me another loading screen? Most of the times the way points aren’t that far away either.

In my opinion once I load a zone I don’t need to see another loading screen unless I leave that zone. It is a bad system that adds tediousness to an otherwise awesome world.

Lack of any real loot is a huge problem for this game!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pradton.8576


Real loot? All the loot I have been getting so far is fake? Why didn’t anyone tell me!?

Tyria: The Future and Expansions

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pradton.8576


You don’t think more classes can be brought into the game? I am sorry but you have very little imagination and creativity. This is not trying to insult you, but there are so many possibilities for new classes. Many ideas can originate from unusual combinations of the aspects of play you mentioned. The imagination is the limit here.

As for the world… GW2 has a lot of lore. Expansions ideas are usually based on the lore of the world. This game has a lot to cover still. Since this game is based on dragons, it is safe to assume that we can have one expansion per Elder Dragon. I think there are 5 dragons, but Im not entirely sure!

Personally I would like expansion to not be based on a dragon at a time, since it is so predictable. Still that is a lot of material to cover.

Please don’t take this as an attack on you.

(edited by Pradton.8576)

GW2 physical combat needs more depth?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pradton.8576


I think all #1 abilities should be exciting and interesting in terms of animations/effects if they are going to be on spam mode.
Let me explain with some examples:
-Guardian scepter #1→ incredibly boring repeating the same action over and over again. It becomes mind numbing after a while. You could make it more interesting by adding variation in the way it swings the weapon at least.
-Mesmer staff #1 → again he just performs the same boring animation over and over. This one however at least gives different boons and conditions randomly so it helps to keep my interest, but still the animation could be more dynamic.
-Elementalists scepter (all atunements) – they all keep doing the same thing constantly. At least changing from atunements alleviates the soporific inducing repetition.

In my opinion adding more dynamic animations helps reduce the feeling of mindless spam.

The sense (or lack of) of rivalry on World vs World

in WvW

Posted by: Pradton.8576


Nah I don’t care for the name of the person who I killed or killed me. Just a game. I don’t NEED to know who it was at all. It has nothing to do with emotional breakdowns or pseudo psychology. World vs World is about teamwork and capturing objectives.

During a massive battle I don’t really care about a particulars name, even if you manage to cut to 40 players every single time to kill me or something. I also don’t care what gear you are wearing or your particular dye theme. It is all irrelevant to me.
So keep it as it is. I do like to see their portrait though. Never forget a face!

What do you think about Legendary Weapons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pradton.8576


I would make Legendaries more legendary by:

1- Changing the finisher animation in pvp to something that uses the legendary I am using. I.E. I stab my target with a greatsword with fancy lights to go with it or cut my enemies throat with the legendary dagger (maybe a bit too graphic for this game?); or suck their soul out if im using a staff.

2- Affecting the particle effects of a class, I.E. guardian fire could become black, green etc. Mesmers butterflies could become something else or change color.

3- Unique emotes.

Eh the imagination is the limit here, but I wont keep posting my ideas.

As it stand now Legendaries are only a legendary grind. I will get one eventually, but they carry more of a ’meh" than a “wow” factor.

(edited by Pradton.8576)

GW2: my feedback

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pradton.8576


“anti-blizzard” check
“left for WoW” check…

does not compute.

ends post with “blizzard sucks…” in hopes of adding credibility…


Does GW2 have the content to keep a large player base?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pradton.8576


It depends on your gaming habits. If you play everyday for long periods of time, then no. If you play in a more controlled matter, yes.

I have been playing since early access, my highest level is 74. Still more than 60% of the world to see and I have only done two of the dungeons. Also I have only “seriously” played with two classes and haven’t even tried sPvP.
The game is keeping me so far O.o

Population Balance

in WvW

Posted by: Pradton.8576


Ah Population balance, the other bane of mmorpgs…

Monk/Ritualist/Healer/Healing Options

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pradton.8576


The shortage of healers in the majority of MMORPGs that keep people from doing stuff for hours because they are nowhere to be found is a strong indicator that most people don’t like to heal. In the holy trinity setup groups HAD to include a healer or fail (in current relevant content).

Once something that even remotely resembles a traditional healer is introduced in this game everyone will want one in their group! It is just a bad idea. They need to make PvE challenging and rewarding around their current set ups.

Why are you allowing BOTS to be on for over 48 hours solid.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pradton.8576


Perhaps they cannot prove “beyond reasonable doubt” that they are bots? It may not be as simple on their end to say “he is botting, ban him” with all the legal issues they might face.

A whole new low

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pradton.8576


This game is seeing a whole new brand of bots. This could be in part to the new mechanics the game introduces, like getting exp from rezzing like in your example (and every profession can resurrect). So I suspect we will start to see all sort of unexpected botting schemes surfacing as time goes by, because this game offers new scenarios for people like these to exploit.

You have to give Anet time to adjust to these “innovative” exploits. I remember in WoW when corpses would not disappear from main cities, gold sellers would spell their websites with their bodies and fly around as well… Those may have not been bots, but they were exploiting a game mechanic and it took that company some time to fix it.

Come On...dying in 2seconds?

in PvP

Posted by: Pradton.8576


So Anet does the same blunder every other game with a stealth class does? They are “squishy” but can basically kill you in one or two hits. Why oh why did they not learn from the past?

Guardian, the class destined to be storage.

in Guardian

Posted by: Pradton.8576


This seems like the perfect game to have separate pvp and pve rules for each class (in the name of balance of course), I wonder why they shy away from it? PvP ruining PvE and vice versa is a common problem for games like these. Most of the time its pvp ruining or breaking the PvE of a class.

Elite skills don't seem so "elite"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pradton.8576


Mesmer’s Time Warp is pretty elite to me.

So much negativity lately. Is GW2 doomed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pradton.8576


I suspect if they give us “challenge” as in raids without tiered geared progression like traditional models people will complain they are wasting their time in hard content for “nothing”. Just be sincere and say you want gear lol.

The Zerg

in WvW

Posted by: Pradton.8576


This rendering issue might be the nail to the coffin… I love to PvP and PvE, but I mix them up. During a gaming session I usually do one or the other first, but I always do both. Can’t stand doing only one! This rendering problem is forcing me to only PvE and it is driving me insane.

I think tonight's patch made rendering issues even worse.

in WvW

Posted by: Pradton.8576


A SSD will increase performance by a great deal, BUT WILL NOT HELP WITH THIS PROBLEM. Sorry for the caps, I have a mediocre comptuer and my brother has a top end computer (with SSD) and he has the same problems as me in WvWvW. So dont buy a SSD thinking it will solve this problem, but do buy one if you can for all the other great reasons to get one!

The real problem here is invisible enemies. Give their algorithms time to match servers properly.

in WvW

Posted by: Pradton.8576


Well last night I logged off quite frustrated at the state of WvWvW after dying 4 times in a row to invisible enemies. Between that and thieves taking like 2 seconds to render when they leave stealth my opinion of your world pvp model has been tarnished.

Its not even about dying (this is expected in large scale battles), but I think 5 pages in I don’t need to explain. I hope you fix it without breaking the game.

The coolest class with the lamest graphic

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pradton.8576


Why do butterflies degenerate the class into the despicable love child of Hello Kitty and a My Little Pony fetishist’s wet dream in your, opinion?

Love Interest/Ability to get Married

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pradton.8576


Ok lets get this out of the way. If this was to be implemented then homosexual relationships have to be included from the moment its implemented. Not trying to troll or spark a debate here, but in every other game that love interest/marriage is available the homosexuals are never included and it ends up in them demanding the ability to do so.

So if you are going to do this, do it in a neutral matter from the beginning to avoid drama.

The coolest class with the lamest graphic

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pradton.8576


I don’t understand why butterflies are associated with femininity… butterflies have both genders like most animals. Something wrong with the male butterflies?

Some people just dont seem to escape their Middle Schools mentallities even after ‘growing up’. I suppose girls wear pink and boy wear blue as well?

The coolest class with the lamest graphic

in Mesmer

Posted by: Pradton.8576


Oh so you thought my clone was me when you killed it? poof goes my clone, it was only butterflies.

I love everything about the Mesmer class, especially the butterflies. If anything I wish I had more of them.

Rewards as incentive is a community issue, not developer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pradton.8576


Personally allowing easy(ish) access to full exotics to most players is a perfect system,
Allowing players to heavliy out stat each other would destroy WvW and the way mobs work in zones and discourage skilled players who simply dont have the time,

Might not have been your intention, but this sounds like the special Olympics or a peewee baseball game. It screams “lets celebrate mediocrity.” Its a socialist system at best. Lets give everyone a medal for just showing up. There is no opportunity for skilled players to stand out and above those that are not.

It could be argued that cosmetics are that gold medal to strive for, but why not better gear? Why is it ok to grind for cosmetics but not upgrades? From my perspective, people that use this argument are giving a skewed opinion due to their lack of play time to compete with those who do have more play time.

You can stand out by standing over my corpse every single time to kill me in a pvp encounter due to your superior skill! Oh thats not enough for you? Hmmm we have a problem here.