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Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


They lied to us for years.


Or, they fully intended to go the route they had “promised” only to find out it wasn’t going to meet the needs financially.

What would you have them do? Just allow the game to crash and burn?

Reality has a way of being a kitten when it comes to lofty ideals meeting a market driven economy.

GW1 was f2p from the start and had multiple expansions. That game was successful enough to warrant a sequel. This game is doing fine.

This isn’t 2004.

The market is a ton more competitive now. Furthermore, GW2 isn’t GW1. Not even close. The design of the game is completely different across the board.

This is a real MMORPG. People expect mechanics that will keep them engaged in their characters.

You can’t get by with MMOG mechanics in a MMORPG in 2012. There has to be a carrot or a reason for folks to keep playing.

I couldn’t have said it better than myself. Some people on the forums have said how [it’s ok to take a break if they get bored at endgame and just come back with each new expansion or big/holiday event] – no, the developers don’t want people having that mindset that GW2 is a casual MMORPG. They want people logged on as much as possible or else people might find other games during their break and never return. Ascended gear = endgame retention.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


What fascinates me the most about all this is AN’s motivation to do this.

After spending months pre-launch preaching the evils of the gear progression system and how GW2 will not have it, something pretty radical must have changed among the developers to prompt this.

For the life of me, I cannot think of why they would go ahead with this. For a game that will live or die based on the continued support of their player base, outright lying to them and betraying their trust seems like an incredibly stupid idea.

Most likely seeing a drop in players who play the game and quit at endgame for those who do not see legendary weapons as a motivation. I admit I’m one of those type of players who hasn’t logged on in awhile because I’ve gotten my character to full exotics and 100% map completion. Hearing the news of Ascending gear got me to log in and play earlier tonight in anticipation there will be more to look forward to with the next update.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


Whenever I see lots of negative feedback, I must say that we need to think more like developers than gamers to see if from their perspective. There is a reason Ascended gear is being added and they stated the reason in their blog. They listened to the community’s feedback about the gap between exotic gear and legendary gear. They can fully see statistics regarding sales and CCU and this was a change they felt would make the game’s better future in the long run.

If I think like a player, I can see where some of us are coming from in wanting an even playing field but if I think like a developer, I want to keep the most amount of players playing and Ascended gear will achieve that.

Rifles Viable at all?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


There are some people who use the rifle as their main weapon, and melee weapons as their secondary set. Rifles naturally have the furthest range of all weapons (I think) which might make up for the issues you brought up. I typically use the rifle to pull monsters and take down most of their life before the reach me. I then decide to keep shooting them to death or but out my melee weapon to finish them.

Post here if you GAVE UP on the Clocktower!

in Halloween Event

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


I only spent about 15 minutes doing the Clock Tower and I gave up. I didn’t even get that far either. I’m just not the type of player that is motivated by achievements.

What kids received the most candy?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


Since the Halloween event is ending tomorrow, should we redeem all our candy to the kids and get the Trick or Treat bags?

Run Yourself - Mad Memoires Scavener Hunt

in Halloween Event

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


I always thought the mobs would respawn by then but good to know.

Hurricane Sandy Interrupts our Halloween Event [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


seriously…. is an event more important than your life or your family in this moment? oO

I agree. I saw the crazy storm on the news during dinner. An online game would be the least of my worries if I was on the east coast and we’re not even trolling. Even if I wasn’t in the direct impacted area, I would be worrying about my friends and family.

Does magic find gear make a real difference?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


This is one reason why viewing one’s gear would be useful. I wouldn’t want to party with someone who stacks magic find. It increases the chance of the whole party wiping which equates to more silver spent repairing gear.

Diminished return is ruining my loot off madking

in Halloween Event

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


Chest isn’t affected by diminishing returns? Wow, the turn of the chest versus the cost of the time spent in that dungeon is totally worth it then. Not sure why people are complaining about it especially with the amount of time it takes to complete regular explorable dungeons.

10-Slot ToT Bag

in Halloween Event

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


Considering most of my bags were 4 slots………thanks for the 10 slot bag!

Severed Dagger Skin, Kind of Lame.

in Halloween Event

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


I think the hand holding the dagger is creative. How does one attack with that skin? Do they hold the dead hand’s hand while swinging the dagger? o.O

Would it be cheaper spending $70 to get the greatsaw?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


Wouldn’t the price of the Chainsaw skin go up after the event ends since the chests will stop dropping the Halloween event skins?

Rifle/Sword Warrior switches to Greatsword/Rifle Warrior

in Warrior

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


My first character is a level 80 guardian that uses a greatsword as the main weapon.

I was excited to make a warrior that uses rifle as its main weapon to fight enemies at a distance. I got to level 36 and just couldn’t use the rifle as a main weapon anymore. It’s not that the attack speed is slow (even without piercing trait at level 40) but it’s the fact that the rifle has three attack animations that are the same – #1, #2, #4.

It’s the lack of not having a variety of unique attacks to keep the rifle as my main weapon. I decided to use the greatsword as my main weapon and use the rifle as my secondary weapon to pull monsters and when I feel like pew pewing from afar.

The greatsword is so fun to use though! Besides the basic attack, you have a rambo barrage, twirly twist, sword throw, and charge attack that is great as a gap closer or distance creator.

Maybe it was because I was spoiled with guardian’s unique set of (#1-5 moves) but does anyone else feel turned off by the rifle’s lack of unique animations to not make it their main weapon?

Really Bad Jokes...

in Halloween Event

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


I think it’s just cool how the vanity items have additional benefits. I haven’t seen this type of feature in any other game.

Rifle Build

in Warrior

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


I use sword/warhorn as the secondary weapon set.

Reason – speed boost from warhorn.

It’s just my preference but I won’t play any profession that doesn’t have some form of speed movement because it really helps when traveling around the map in PvE and advancing in WvW.

Plus the sword shares similar bleed characteristics from bleeding which the rifles does as well.

Opinion: Costumes as Town Clothes = disappointing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


It would be boring while u could use one town set everywhere
Now people have motivation to gain nice sets from battle/pve etc,
and other set to look good in the city.

Why do you think weapon skins are allowed though? This is what I’m confused on.

Opinion: Costumes as Town Clothes = disappointing

in Halloween Event

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


I also wish vanity gear can be worn outside of capital cities. I thought this was the case because if one allowed vanity gear to be worn when killing monsters, it would diminish the cool-ness of armor that requires a lot of effort to obtain.

However, I saw that they now have vanity weapon skins from the Halloween event which look really cool! This nullifies my previous point that vanity isn’t allowed in non-city settings to take away the wow factor of the time/effort it takes to get weapons and gear.

My motivation to get a legendary weapon has decreased because I can cover my weapon as a Halloween theme item and it looks equally as cool in my dark and humble opinion.

22 Chests opened, nothing unique

in Halloween Event

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


I understand why people would be angry that they didn’t get the items they wanted although Arena Net should not have to reimburse anyone for anything. It was known that the odds of receiving the most desirable items were by chance. It’s up to the player to decide if they want to purchase keys to use on the chests.

" Save Yourself!" Nerfed - Seriously why??

in Guardian

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


I’m a level 80 guardian with a shout build (regen shout, Save Yourselves, multi-boon shout) so I feel the effect of this change. With all the negativity being posted on the forums, it’s another change (similar to Greatsword change) that doesn’t phase me.

Why? Because we need to look at the big picture.

Save Yourself might seem harmless by itself which is why some people are so furious although if we think think about the big picture, we can understand why this balancing change took place.

I can see why the swiftness duration was reduced is because the guardian can pretty much achieve swiftness all the time with the appropriate traits, stats (boon duration increase), weapons (staff), and utility skills (two skills). The developers most likely saw this as an issue because having increased movement speed all the time is unbalanced especially in PvP. The only way to resolve it is to make a balance change and it just so happened that Save Yourselves was changed to make guardians more balanced.

I also like it when people are vocal when changes do not occur in their favor when changes do occur in their favor. I really like the changes made to Leap of Faith and Symbol of Wrath.

why GM never come visit us in game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


There’s too many servers to accommodate active ingame GM interaction. They may pop in every now and then as some of you have mentioned but ingame GM interaction doesn’t justify the cost/benefit of spending time in the game when they could be doing other things that bring more return for them.

Is Joining Multiple Guilds an Accepted Feature by Guilds?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


One of the features of Guild Wars 2 is the ability to join multiple guilds although one can only represent one guild at a time. I just wanted to get a better understanding of how you guys are involved with this feature.

1) How many guilds are you currently part of?

2) Are guilds generally ok with you joining multiple guilds and switching between representing the guild at will?

The reason I asked #2 is because I was browsing the guild section of the forums and saw one guild’s requirement that you had to represent the guild, so just wanted to know if it was “taboo” or not loyal to join multiple guilds when it’s a feature implemented in the game.

Warrior's Sprint Speed

in Warrior

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


How much % faster does one run with Warrior’s Sprint trait?

I want a way to move faster with my rifle warrior so my options are:

1) Get Warrior’s Sprint
2) Use warhorn as my secondary off-hand weapon

Trait: Empower Allies -> Is it bugged?

in Warrior

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


Does the trait impact just allies or does it impact the warrior with the trait as well?

Want weapon swapping like every other class has!

in Elementalist

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


Think about it this way…you just have to worry about upgrading one weapon instead of 2/3/4 like other professions.

The lack of server community feeling...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


Preventing free server transfers would help increase ingame server community because people wouldn’t be able to hop between servers so easily to gain advantages in WvW. At least there would be a higher chance that the same people we see in Orr everyday will most likely be the same people who leveled up their characters from that same server.

Missing One Point of Interest at 99%/100%

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


Omg you guys are right. It was the Chantry of Secrets. Thank you so much!

I just wish I posted my original post first before spending 75 silver to hop to each zone to confirm I did get 100% at each zone. >_<

Missing One Point of Interest at 99%/100%

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


My character selection screen shows my character at 100% but my ingame world map completion shows my character at 99%.

It says I’m missing one point of interest although I checked each of the 31 zones and I have 100% completion in each one.

Does anyone know if there is a mystery/hidden point of interest that I’m missing?
Or is there an NPC that I need to visit to redeem my 100% world map completion?

Do You Skip Vistas and Jumping Puzzle Scenery?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


Honestly, I feel like if your the type of person that skips the scenery then GW2 may not be the game for you.

I may skip scenery scenes but I’m enjoying the game. I just finished getting full exotics on my level 80 guardian and I recently started a warrior. =)

Halloween Update Anticipation [Merged]

in Halloween Event

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


I hope there is a drop event where we can score some cool items like Halloween vanity items.

Do You Skip Vistas and Jumping Puzzle Scenery?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


As I’m nearing 100% map completion, I realize I have cancelled watching the scenery animation every time I activate a vista or jumping puzzle.
It’s a shame because they are meant to reward its viewer with showing the beautiful graphics that the game has but for some reason I’ve been too
impatient to sit through them all.

The only time I’ll watch one of them is if I spend a long time trying to complete a jumping puzzle where I fall a bunch of times during my attempts.

Do you guys tend to watch all the scenery animations or do you skip through them?

Guardian, the class destined to be storage.

in Guardian

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


People tend to talk about the nerfs but leave out the buffs. Retaliation’s efficiency may have been lowered but we gained a quicker cooldown on our blinding strike which I think was an excellent buff.

Some people are forgetting that the blinding strike also acts as a distance creator or gap closer so being able to spam that more often is going to help us in PvP. And the blind is pretty hot too.

I don’t think guardians are bad like some people are making them out to be. I was able to kill two players at the same time in WvW. I even got attacked by three players at the same time and was able to last a long time while also taking them down to near health before they were able to kill me. Guardians rock!

The fact you can't use cosmetic items in combat(pve) is silly.

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


I would love to have cosmetic items show while in zones other than the main cities. I mean, how cool would it be to smash your opponents with a sword while dressed in a chef outfit?

Looking at the whole design of how there is a grand emphasis on appearance (armor, weapon) and the amount of time/effort to acquire special gear, they most likely will not allow cosmetic items to be allowed in non-city settings or else the motivation of acquiring special-looking gear would decrease.

Character Re-Customization

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


I’d pay $10 worth of gems for an appearance change scroll. It doesn’t impact anything power-related and I’m sure lots of players would also like it. It would be a very profitable move if it’s even possible with the game’s design.

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


After playing a couple of days after the change of our greatsword hotkey arrangement, I’ve already adapted. It’s really not that big of a deal, guys.

Greatsword Change [merged]

in Guardian

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


The change to greatsword’s button layout doesn’t bother me. The weapon’s main attacks are the 1-5 number keys. It won’t be difficult to adapt especially since the game hasn’t been out that long.

Increasing the cooldown of Symbol of Wrath bothered me at first and will make me change my traits around but let’s be honest, the greatsword was and still is a superior weapon for guardians compared to the other options.

I also agree that retaliation lasted a long time with ways to increase boon duration and it felt like the symbol spell was too spammy if one also considers the trait to decrease the cooldown of 2-handed weapons.

(edited by RoseRIP.8502)

How does the Purity trait work?

in Guardian

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


Under the valor trait tree, the description for Purity is:
“Lose a condition every 10 seconds. "

How exactly does this work? Is it:

1) The trait starts counting down 10 seconds once a condition is placed on your character


2) There is an invisible countdown on your character where every 10 seconds if there is a condition on you, it’ll be removed.

(edited by RoseRIP.8502)

Is Legendary crafting GW2 endgame?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


I was originally influenced by those who made claims there is no endgame and it put a temporary road block in my feelings for the game since I also like gear progression. However, I was able to look at the quality of the whole product and have looked past all the claims people have made on the forums about there not being any endgame.

I decided to just roll with setting the legendary weapon as a goal. Ever since I set my eyes on the prize, I haven’t been able to get Guild Wars 2 out of my head. I’m feeling motivated to play as much as when I was in the process of leveling my guardian to 80. I spend every moment logged in the game doing something that will help me get the legendary weapon as much as possible so it doesn’t allow me time to make any alternate characters because I have so much to do one my one character.

I don’t know if we can classify crafting legendary weapons as endgame content but it’s something to occupy our time and that’s why we play games.

Line of Warding nerf. What?

in Guardian

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


I was bothered by the reduction in spell duration at first because the staff is one of the two weapons I use. However, I realize that 8 seconds of blocking incoming monsters while other players can attack the monsters with ranged attacks without getting touched is a bit unbalanced. 5 second line of warding is cool with me.

Do you feel accomplished reaching lvl 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


Leveling is easy so reaching level 80 doesn’t feel special. However, obtaining a legendary weapon which is one of our achievements would make one feel special and that’s the route I’m taking instead of making alternate characters.

Shout Build Help

in Guardian

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


You’re doing a similar shout build to me although you’re focusing purely on reducing the amount of damage where I’m replacing points put into toughness trait and putting it into power trait for a more balance build. However, I’m using a greatsword.

I noticed you’re using mace/shield combination so the route you’re going is toward the right direction of pure defense with shield synergy traits. If you lack damage at level 80, I’m sure that can be balanced with jewels added to armor and jewelry.

I am glad you’re going the shout route as it’s a really good set of utility skills to take if you want to help others. Meditations are also nice although they don’t benefit your party as much as shouts do so it just depends what you want your role to be.

I always think it’s best to go with one type of utility for 7-9 skill slots that synergize with your traits and weapons for max efficiency.

Which dungeon do I need to run for crafting Twilight legendary weapon?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


I recently discovered how many materials it requires to craft legendary weapons. One requirement is:

-500 Dungeon Tokens specific to the legendary

I want to craft the legendary greatsword – Twilight.

Therefore, which dungeon will I need to run for the 500 dungeon tokens?

Prayer to Dwyana healing skill needs buff

in Human

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


I’m level 80 and I use this skill on my guardian too. Even though some of the other heal spells heal for more, this skill has the shortest cooldown that heals for the most of its cooldown and I like spamming heal as much as possible. Even at 30 seconds, sometimes I’m anxious for my cooldown to end in order to use again, because I’m taking up so much beat down even when I’m dodging around after building up so much agro.

The usefulness of this spell sounds like it depends on your class based on the responses I’ve seen in this thread.

(edited by RoseRIP.8502)

Options at obtaining exotic (orange) gear

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: RoseRIP.8502


I’m level 80 in mostly yellow gear and I understand exotic gear is the best gear in terms of stats.

What are all the options at obtaining exotic gear?

1) Purchase on Trading Post
2) Craft it on our own

The above 2 are the only two options I have confirmed. Are there any other options such as dungeons and PvP?

I just want to know all my options so I can find the most efficient route of obtaining full exotic gear.