(edited by Lishtenbird.2814)
I really would like developers to start utilizing those finally
You already have the NPC that can be used to sell those – same NPC that sells gift of battle.
And the number of badges required can be increased.
Anet please don’t forget about us – WvW only players :<
Please start using those badges to provide us with items we need to craft the new items so we can feel part of this game.
Stop isolating WvW players.
Feeling like the unwanted child for past 2 years started to hurt a lot lately.
WvW – Structure Upgrade Re-Work idea!
WvW – Art of War Guild Buffs & Keep Claiming Re-Work idea!
(edited by Luna.9640)
Golly, you haven’t done much of your monthly. Tick tock!
You just need to pace yourself if your match-up is a blowout or your league is one/two-sided. At least the EU Gold has been fairly competitive http://mos.millenium.org/ I Imagine BB, Deso (us) and SFR will take a long vacation after this tournament.
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
(edited by CrimsonNeonite.1048)
“When you unlock a dye after the feature pack is released, all characters on your account will have unlimited access to that color.
If you already have the same dyes unlocked on multiple characters, when you log in on additional characters, you will receive one unidentified dye for each duplicate dye already unlocked on your account."
So does this mean, in order for us to make a dye account unlocked, we must buy the color and unlock it, and if we already had it unlocked on individual characters then we get an unidentified dye for each old character locked dye of that color?
So we must once again purchase a single dye of every color we want regardless of how many characters already have it unlocked?
I’m a bit confused as to what you’re asking. But from my understanding…
All dyes on your characters will be converted to account-wide. Any duplicates across characters will pop an unidentified dye into your inventory (for a chance at another color). Any dye used after the feature patch is implemented is also automatically account-wide.
Dude, I can see it now…
We’ll all login after the patch.
All the unid’ed dye credit bottles will start flowing into pack.
We’ll fill up our backpacks and dye bottles will EXPLODE all over the place.
There’ll be rivers of technicolor and glass shards in every capital.
Asura will drown in a rainbow and glass maelstrom!
They helped the people who bought multiple soulbound harvesting tools. I suspect they know about this and there will be some sort of recompense. Granted the situation is not the same but I doubt they will not address this later when it goes live.
Can we not just express our concerns in a polite and friendly manner? If we shout and scream, call each other names and say “Mac Client is This” and “ArenaNet are that” it’s not going to get it fixed any sooner.
Is it just me or does the Lionguard seem…ungrateful? The one I meet at the grand piazza basically tells me to get lost, and the ones near the bank tackle me just for passing through. I did their job and this is how they repay me?
Bunch of ungrateful losers…
They’re playing with the name tags off… they do know a large group of heroes defeated the knights and went into the breachmaker to attack scarlet, and ultimately (insert your character’s name here) managed to follow her into the control room with the aid of Braham, Rox, Marjorie and Kasmeer, and it was (insert your character’s name here) that managed to strike the killing blow… but they don’t have CNN or twitter broadcasting your face everywhere, do they have no idea you are (insert your character’s name here)…
wrapped up in some crazy ritualist hoo-ha from Cantha.
A real grab bag of ‘you can’t hurt me. They’re called Guardians.
Tbh, the whole Idea of allowing people to skip the fight and go straight to stomping scarlet just because they had an aetherblade spinal blades back piece did NOT need to be in there
I think, this was great thing what ANet add in this LS patch. It was all for those players whom Computer can not handle Knight fights or hologram fights. Now everybody had chanse to see end of the story. Everybody had possibility to kill Scarlet. Thank you for this ANet. I hope they will add this kind of shortcut to the end of the LS 2 in every patch
so……. This isn’t gw1? Gotchya. Now that’s settled, where is this blade merchant?
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
And yet… life goes on…
So Peter, I see you made it out of Lion’s Arch.
I know there’s been hate directed toward the epilogue instance at the Dead End, but I actually liked it. Braham, Rox, Marjory, Kasmeer and Taimi are great characters and I enjoy watching their interactions. Their dialogue is well written and it was nice to see the camraderie between them.
I should clarify though; I was wishing for some explanation for Scarlet’s motivations or a few facts that would’ve made the overall plot make sense, but I knew that was too much to ask for. In short, it wasn’t a perfect ending but at least it preserved the good things about the living story (i.e., the characters that it introduced, minus Scarlet).
I do hope whatever content we get going forward, whether it continues to be living story-based or expansion based, that these characters are recurring.
Well I don’t know how to put it, but usually MMOs are pretty static places, some in the past did something similar, but this is the first time I was fully involved in something that really change an important location. And as silly at it sounds, I do feel now Lion’s Arch is a bit more “Mine” than it was before. Before it was a cool city in a cool game, now it is slightly more personal, I have seen it burning through the eyes of my character, we went around seeking refugees and helping them escape, then we battled in it, then now we can see it lay in ruins after the aftermath .
I know it does sound silly, but it make the place more alive for me, more “Real” and if the scars of the battles will show in a new Lion Arch, or if it remain in ruins, I can really say that the Living Story is very.. alive.
Alright guys, if you’re just going to use this thread to attack the dev team, I’m closing it.
Thanks to those of you that posted suggestions and such.
Hey all,
Just checking in to let everyone know we believe we have identified the issue and we are working on getting it in the next hotfix. If this changes, I will let everyone know.
I also want to let you know that uninstalling/reinstalling the client will not fix this crash, so I just ask that everyone hang tight until we can get this fix rolled out to you all.
I appreciate everyone’s patience as I know how frustrating this can be.
How many more awful "releases"?
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: displacedTitan.6897
I wish more “abandonware” updated this often. So quit playing for awhile, nothing keeping you here if you are miserable.
Females can be bald too. Welcome to Earth.
At no point in my life I even considered for a splitsecond that she might not be bald.
I felt the same way. I’ve played 3 ESO betas now and every time I’d play for about an hour then realise I was forcing myself to keep going because I only had that weekend to play it, but it just made me want to play GW2 and/or Skyrim.
And yes I did tell them that, both on the forum and using the /feedback feature in game.
But I think it is also relevant from a GW2 perspective. I like trying out other MMOs every so often because it confirms to me that I actually do prefer this one.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
We are extremely spoiled in this game. A lot of players don’t realize it because there really isn’t anything out there to compare this game to.
One of the biggest things I like about GW2 is the fluid combat and the art style.
I would absolutely hate going over to another game and notice that in order for my skill to go off, I have to be rooted in place.
Hey, I already won by amassing sprockets, why are you guys still playing? Don’t you know you can’t win now that I have more sprockets than you?!?
I know it’s hard to empathize over the internet, but try to imagine the millions of jobs that don’t require people to do that, and then imagine that we do it anyway because we’re so passionate about this game.
Please do not belittle that.
That’s the exact reason why when I see anyone from ANet in game I take a moment to say thank you for being there and for all the hours of hard work to make this game what it is.
It’s all too easy on the internet to forget that there are people behind those name tags, with real emotions, feelings, opinions, etc. We (gamers) tend to take it all for granted too often.
So thank you, Allie, and all of you guys at ArenaNet for your continued efforts towards making this game the best it can be.
Hit r14 tonight. GG
I didn’t know dungeons need a tank. #LearnNewThingsEveryDay
I dislike the trinity and very much like what anet has done to keep it out of their game. I like that I have options with each class. I’m glad that my guardian can be a DPS truck and a cleric (not that I would ever do that because why?) but I’m happy to have the option.
Playing how anyone wants is awesome. I’m sorry that without the trinity, however, you are not playing how you want. But trinity games are a dime a dozen, but there aren’t many like guild wars 2. And that’s nice.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
Many of you may blissfully go about your lives in Tyria seeing those feathery white birds fly by. They deliver your mail and then you think nothing more of the matter. I, my self included, thought nothing. They were just pretty little white doves fluttering through our lives and hearts, delivering joy. But what do they really look like and what are they really up to with those beady little eyes, that you probably haven’t seen yet until you scroll further down this page?
Recent photo evidence has shown them to be nothing more than common pigeons. Those same disgusting, diseased, flying rats that infested Lion’s Arch streets, until Scarlet blew them up. This of course has raised health issues, the pigeons not Scarlet, for all Tyrian customers of the Black Lion Trade Company. Many have begun to ask is this hacking cough really due to Scarlet’s miasma or is it these winged disease bags? We sought out Evon Gnashblade in hopes of him shedding some light on this issue. But he refused to make any comments at this time and then started making shifty deals with a small golem. Probably helping as it kills us all in some golem uprising or something.
Next time you choose to send a package via BLTC Mail and Delivery Services think again. And if not for your health then the safety of your children. Who are probably still in Lion’s Arch, getting blasted at by lasers, because they had to take a break… because they couldn’t just be carried out when their morale bar reached zero!
You know i think Lion arch might actualy become a new lvl 15 to 25 training zone intended for tengu while we will have the lvl 1 to 10 in dominion of the four Wind and a new town South. Lion arch was in the way they had to obliterate it… its as obvious as this.
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
What about your favorite Non main NPCs!
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: Psientist.6437
Favorite NPC’s?!?!? What about the water closests?!?! 250 years of plumbing advancements right down the drain!
They’re special! They got aspirations.”
Finn the human
The cinematics that you see in the personal story where 2 characters talk to each other on a stage-like environment have been…retired.This makes me a sad panda
Care to explain why?
1. It felt less like a conversation more like a load screen (oh hey there that character is swapped out for another..)
2. Only two characters at a time.
3. Takes you away from the world for a moment.
Those are a few. I like that they’re gone (in future stories)!
Just been through the story instance in The Dead End. It was great.
Poor Rox.