Seems people getting auto banned is happening more and more:
I guess if you were banned you couldn’t post in this forum? Anyone else know this is happening to people they know?
my groups vote to skip most of the time even during Frac 40+ dailies.
I’m done with Fractals. I haven’t played it for weeks now since they shutdown Lv 50+. I don’t like how Anet is approaching the concept of progression with ascended gear. I might quit the game soon as well. Just dropping by to check if anything has changed for the better but it seems it hasn’t. This whole +5 AR amulet just speaks loudly again reinforcing the fact that Agony is a premature idea which they are not sure where they are headed yet. I don’t even know why i have to do meaningless and boring dailies and monthlies just to get Laurels when I have thousands of Fractal relics that i’ve sweated over.
(edited by Stigma.7869)
Thanks for this I’ve been looking to find a way to calculate this. Can you give me a run down on how you went about finding these values?
mist essences and variety of lode stones/cores
Played it last night, i didn’t notice much difference if any.
guild transfer : influence and improvement losed ?
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: Stigma.7869
All of the people who purchased the Deluxe Edition received a Tome of Influence which gave substantial IP to the guild.
Upon transferring server, all IP is lost therefore Anet took away what we paid more money for. Shouldn’t Deluxe players get the Tome of Influence back if we transferred servers?
What did they do to this path….??
Why is the Magg bomb room so kitten (yes i purposely typed kitten) easy now? You just DPS an assassin down each time and all other trash mobs can easily be shrugged off.
I thought it was intended to be beaten w/o “rez rushing.” So now that rez rushing is no longer possible, Anet decided to make it easily beatable without any strategy at all?
If that was the case, It should at least be at a difficulty of the Volcanic Fractal lvl 30+ ritual Grawls
How exactly is pet revives and rez orbs quantified as “skill”?
I’ll give you bosses prior to Maw since agony is avoidable, but come on now.
The real problem is that Maw never took any skill other than agony resist. The encounter should be the most difficult one in the entire dungeon where agony can be dodged but with a lot more intense mechanics. Instead, it’s an “I already won” before the encounter even starts.
No you are completely wrong. The real problem is the fact that Maw’s agony is an undodgeable and unmitigatable trigger event instead of one that requires skill to avoid. It puts a hard cap on players with an Agony Resistance that is unavailable in the game.. which in itself is ridiculous because no one wanted Fractals to be a one stat beat all gear treadmill anyways. No one here is complaining that we can’t rez exploit Jade Maw’s agony. We’ve been complaining that it shouldn’t be an unavoidable event. as Jzl pointed out, it wasn’t as big as a problem before because we were able to get around it and enjoy Fractals like the skill based dungeon it suppose to be. There are also threads about it even before the patch.
Do you think the players with 40 AR that get to Fractal 50 have it harder than the previous ones that only had 30AR and got pass Fractal 50 simply because of being able to rez “exploit” from a cheap 1 hit sure KO? Heck no.
The Jade Maw agony attack in itself is against the original concept of Agony. At it’s basic core, Agony is just a really big telegraphed attack. Why all of a sudden did it become a one hit KO if you don’t have a +stat on your new pretty Ascended armor? So in order to access new dungeon content and probably new PvE content, players now have to farm for ascended gear? What does that sound like to you?
(edited by Stigma.7869)
That is true rez rushing does make it seem like it’s the players doing something bad…
So are we going to get a dev response or Fractals just going to stay dead…?
1-31-13: Still ZERO groups for Fractals 40-80 on
The noobs who list Level 80 as their toon lvl don’t count…
You need to complete 3-4 maps which require things to be done by multiple players. Certain parts can be done by one person but that’s it
Anet said they are working on it already but it will take some time to get implemented.
No, Stigma, I think you missed Merit’s point. You’re both actually saying the exact same thing lol. Skill is what we want to be the method of the progression, and items is what ANet is making it.
Ah i see. He also misunderstood me then. I meant that Anet’s intention was to use AR gear as the means of progression thru Fractals instead of skill.
When i said “By then a player should be geared enough to handle content that is Fractal 50-80” in my own context, I meant Anet feels this is how it should be but we want differently of course.
Back the whoever said we weren’t suppose to be running them anyways…. Really?? we’re not allowed to run a progressively harder dungeon w/o using specific gear? I had already written a thread a few weeks ago complaining about the 40+ Agony Trigger Event and request that it be removed so we can beat it legitimately. Instead Anet’s answer we see on 1-28-13 is “No Way.”
When I wrote a thread like 4+ months ago to Anet in the Suggestion forum asking for a hardcore dungeon that gets harder and harder as players get up. I was thinking in the lines of Sword Art Online, Tower of Druaga or even the boss from SWTOR which gets harder each time its defeated. Something that drives players through temping them with challenge and the curiosity of finding out what is at the very top…
Boy was I happy that they actually implemented it. However, I didn’t envision something like the current Fractals which bottle necks player with a cap called Ascended Gear.
(edited by Stigma.7869)
I wanted to bring up a good point that others here have pointed out. Every agony move is avoidable in fractals, except for Jade Maw. Granted, people may have “got to 80” doing exploits (I myself admit doing them once in a while), but I don’t disagree with patching the system to remove an exploit. If Anet said, “Hey, stop exploiting or we’ll take away FotM 50+,” I guarantee you that nobody 50+ would have exploited again. And if Jade Maw agony was avoidable, then people would play that normally too. Cheating is just not worth losing good content for. However, now that we can’t even progress past 50, it’s really the ultimate form of punishment (besides banning, I guess) to the regular FotM player. However, I have a sneaking suspicion that ANet didn’t cap FotM at 50+ just to punish us, I just think they wanted to add more fractal levels and not to reach the end before “enjoying the content as we envisioned it.” It clearly is unfair to the players, I’m usually ok with what ANet does, even if it nerfs skills and the like, as long as the content is still accessible. But now, short of getting odd number fractals from high level FotMers willing to be paid to do it just so we can progress is quite evil indeed on ANets part.
It is not to punish players. With the release of the new amulet it can be easily deduced that Anet doesn’t want players to continue to get through Fractals using skill. They want players to grind for Ascended Gear and get the full armor set which will add up to 400+ Agony Resistance. This is their way of envisioning how to prolong GW2 end game – epitome of gear treadmill for progression. By then a player should be geared enough to handle content that is Fractal 50-80.
To be fair, adding 400+ AR (or whatever) will not get you through high level fractals. Agony isn’t the hard part of high level fractals, it’s the enemy strengths/mechanics, both random mob and boss alike. Therefore, we are still left wondering why they actually did this…
This entire thread was meant for people who have progressed up to high fractals where Agony Resistance no longer matters anyways. We’re talking about apples and you’re talking about oranges.
I wanted to bring up a good point that others here have pointed out. Every agony move is avoidable in fractals, except for Jade Maw. Granted, people may have “got to 80” doing exploits (I myself admit doing them once in a while), but I don’t disagree with patching the system to remove an exploit. If Anet said, “Hey, stop exploiting or we’ll take away FotM 50+,” I guarantee you that nobody 50+ would have exploited again. And if Jade Maw agony was avoidable, then people would play that normally too. Cheating is just not worth losing good content for. However, now that we can’t even progress past 50, it’s really the ultimate form of punishment (besides banning, I guess) to the regular FotM player. However, I have a sneaking suspicion that ANet didn’t cap FotM at 50+ just to punish us, I just think they wanted to add more fractal levels and not to reach the end before “enjoying the content as we envisioned it.” It clearly is unfair to the players, I’m usually ok with what ANet does, even if it nerfs skills and the like, as long as the content is still accessible. But now, short of getting odd number fractals from high level FotMers willing to be paid to do it just so we can progress is quite evil indeed on ANets part.
It is not to punish players. With the release of the new amulet it can be easily deduced that Anet doesn’t want players to continue to get through Fractals using skill. They want players to grind for Ascended Gear and get the full armor set which will add up to 400+ Agony Resistance. This is their way of envisioning how to prolong GW2 end game – epitome of gear treadmill for progression. By then a player should be geared enough to handle content that is Fractal 50-80.
Could this continous lava damage be running the SAME script as jade maw’s Agony … hmmmm I wonder -.-
Videos of Fractals 67-69
Guess it’s not impossible. They even 4 man 67.
Do you even know what this thread is about?
Yes, the agony damage. It’s a pain I get it, but other people have gotten through it.
ok, 2 things: 1) the video at around 2hr15min, what do I see? 99% res, also more importantly 2) Date of record: Jan 27th. I think you should read the post thoroughly again
Nice catch the date was exactly what I wanted to look for if the stream worked for me.
The jade maw patch is basically Anet’s way of telling us that “rezzing after agony is an exploit so f… you”
Now all high lvl players are boycotting fotm
Videos of Fractals 67-69
Guess it’s not impossible. They even 4 man 67.
Do you even know what this thread is about?
Yes, the agony damage. It’s a pain I get it, but other people have gotten through it.
I’ve been hearing mixed conclusions regarding rezzing at Jade Maw. If that has been fixed since last night someone please tell me. Your stream doesn’t work.
Videos of Fractals 67-69
Guess it’s not impossible. They even 4 man 67.
Do you even know what this thread is about?
Just be glad you’ve actually made it past level 1… I’m stuck there due to either awful pug groups or game bugs (last competent team I ran with got to third fractal easy enough only to have the game kick us all to Lions Arch and reset the kitten thing)
waited a month to try fractals again after getting fed up with endless teams abandoning due to disconnects and such and the underlying issues some of us have are still present
Well the good side of things from this patch is that “most” exploits are fixed, and the partying and joining system works like all other dungeons. If you get dc or exit for any reason u can just go back in to join the team. Furthermore, you can also revive yourself at check point when your team is out of combat. Makes things a whole lot easier actually.
Props to the excellent programming work Anet, but I still hate you for your design decisions with Fractals.
This has to be one of the most kittentarded changes they have ever made.
Each member of our team spent 900 gems on revive orbs to get to Fractals scale 80, because we enjoy the challenge.
All other dungeons have been nerfed.Slowly starting to say farewell to this poor game.
Please tell me how using a cheap trick to progress = a challange. I’d say it is the opposite
You make no sense. You completely disregarded the skill and effort it took to get up to 40+ or 50+ Fractals to begin with.. and only end up at the last boss fight for an undodgeable, unblockable, unreflectable, unhealable KO attack. This in essence goes against every combat mechanic that GW2 was grounded on.
The problem is not using “tricks” to progress, granted some people were using Anet approved gems to buy Pay2Win revive orbs. The root problem was the fact that the Jade Maw agony attack is a undodgeable Trigger event… now it’s a trigger event stuck in an infinite loop…
I wonder how much money Anet made last night just from people trying out revive orbs on Jade Maw’s infinite Agony.
(edited by Stigma.7869)
You should drop the 400 number, it’s best not to think about it.
Agony goes from (with no AR): 48% (30) -> 72% (40) -> 1172% (50)
If they ever decide to let us past 50 legitimately, I can guarantee that they will reduce that final number. The agony progression makes sense up until that point.
If you’re going to be mad about anything, be mad that Jade Maw is a wall.
As i stated I am mad that the Jade Maw agony is an undodgeable Trigger Event because it took away the whole premise that FotM was skill based. 2ndly, it’s not a 400+ I’m ticked off about, it’s really any number pass 30. Originally, AR was suppose to be a pair of training wheels for players to get up there in difficulty until they don’t need it anymore. Now we have to buy into the whole notion of grabbing +AR from here and there just to do anything in Fractals. It’s like the epitome of Gating. In other MMOs people did everything for that minor +stat in the gear treadmill just for the BELIEF that they will perform better or progress in higher lvl content. In GW2, it’s absolute truth.
I’m not going to be as nice as Arathorn… Whoever decided on this bottle neck was simply an idiot. This can be verified if they have any data on the amount of players doing FotM 40-80. The number of us was small before, and now it’s almost nonexistent. I’ve been doing Fractal 40-80 filters on now, and I see only the occasional blind attempt at 40-41. Good job Anet.
(edited by Stigma.7869)
The reason i’m kitten off at this is not only because I lost every argument I had for Anet against critics of FotM and Ascended Gear… that FotM offered skill progression and that you’re not dependent on the gear treadmill. With a required 400+ AR to get to high levels of Fractals, there is a even worse gear treadmill than any game ..not to mention those who were screaming about Gating.
I signed on tonight after work to Fractal it up all night long as I was excited about finally progressing with the new patch… but as it turns out not a single person wants to play Fractals 40+. I stalk all night till 12 AM and it’s pretty dead….
First i hear no one wants to play cuz it’s impossible to get pass Jade Maw now. Then I hear that people have been getting rez trick and ranger pet to work at Frac 60+ and 40+ but then some are saying it doesn’t work at 50+. I don’t know who to believe and apparently no one wants to spend 2.5 hrs just to find out.
So i’m still looking at a blank page at gw2lfg for Frac 40-80
It’s because at lv 40, the maximum amount of Agony Resist in the game (30 AR) wasn’t enough to mitigate the Jade Maw trigger event agony attack. People had to use a trick to revive themselves afterwards in order to let the team survive.
However, after the patch, Agony hits everyone again after they rezzed which is kinda ridiculous.
To be more exactly Fractals is hard capped at 50 since as ppl have pointed out in previous threads, there are other ways to heal and survive the Fractal 40-49 Agony attack w/o resorting to the trick.
The amulet, however many AR will be in it would let us get to Fractal 50 maybe, where we are capped again. They are bottle necking players so they can keep the rest of us from reaching Fractal 81 until they release the full 400+ AR armor set….
as one person stated already…
this marks the death of the PUGs and
ya i think warrior/guardian isn’t even good at this event. you want other class that can aoe at range.
A full team of zerker warriors can burn through all the enemies with them barely spawning for seconds…. done it before and it was beautiful…
single target melee > range AoE
well… k i t t 3 n that….. so Anet removed the only trick we were able to get to high level fractals… because they want to force us to buy into the whole AR gear that doesn’t exist?
(edited by Stigma.7869)
normal Fractal relics are also useless.
At least when bad PUG members die, they can come back. Now you’re just on your own.
I don’t really care much about this waypoint change, but it does mean certain things. PUGs will be harder to play CoF2 with and it requires decent enough party compositions now to even get through bomb room. if anything the waypoint patch actually favors Zerker warriors more for CoF 2 because they can blast through everything in that room before anyways. Yes you can do it with other classes, but it is just really easy with Warriors….
so back to the path of least resistance~prepare to see: “LF4M DPS Warriors Only”
If you truly want to balance classes then I would reduce the cool down on all range dps defensive skills. Every class has some sort of dmg mitigation, blocking, reflect skill. How many engineers have I seen using Smoke Screen and Wall of Reflect? 1 in the past 6 months and it was awesome.
^ I agree with the above comment.
You reason that dungeons are hard is that you and your group don’t pay attention and learn from monster mechanics and also you don’t read telegraphed attacks.
Is this a troll thread?
This boss fight can go 2x faster if you melee him. It’s very annoying that parties choose to cliff range him and take 2x longer to finish.
So many ways this blanket statement is …False
I remember in the early days of the Internet or the early days of MMOs, everyone was nice to each other.
Nowadays they are just as mean to each other as they are to others in RL.
I was curious what it was like to run with CoF “speed groups” as I haven’t done them before. So i put together a lil video… enjoy. I don’t know if it’s generalizing but they seem to be pretty much all like this…
(edited by Stigma.7869)
As above posts have said…15 AR is not hard to get. Even 20 Ar is not hard to get.
I formed a CoF P1+P2 party with some guild mates who don’t really run dungeons much (Guardian and Ele) and I was a berserker warrior. Got 2 more players from who was another zerker warrior and a guardian.
After the P1 boss fight, he starts going off on us about not using the +10% potion and how this 10min run could’ve been done in 5min by 5 Warriors and rage quits the party.
Needless to say there are a lot of CoF elitist pricks in the game. We didn’t specify it was a speed run nor did we have the classes for a speed run.
The difficulty level is capped at the player in the party with the lowest Frac level. If your party member is on with a toon who hasn’t completed any Fractals, then you would also be capped to Fractal 1
Why the farewell?
Wrong. FotM punishes everyone.
Been running FOTM hardcore since the Lost Shores patch aiming for a Fractal GS,
5 dailies per day since my main hit 50+ and the only skin I got is Dagger which I can’t use on both my characters. That’s pretty much > 150 dailies.The RNG is full of BS. Same person will keep getting good stuff while another will keep getting nothing. How the hell is that random?! There were many days where I did 5 dailies and every single daily chest had nothing in it (No ring/No Skin)
Fractal weapons were meant to be a symbol that you’re a fractal vet but how come with 2 characters 1 at 50+ and 1 at 40+ running at least 5 dailies a day, I still don’t have any on both of my characters while I met quite a few guys who are just level 20+ without any alts who has 3 skins on their character.
I used 40 pristine relics to equip 2 of my toons with 4xAscended rings and still have about 100+ left to spend. I have like 7k of the normal relics which hogs up almost 2 rows of my bank slots now after equipping 4 of my characters with full 20 slot bags.
Now I feel so burned out and I don’t even feel like doing FOTM anymore. I really do hope that they add weapons and amulets into the FOTM merchant. I don’t care if its for some crazy amount of fractal relics or pristine relics.
I’ve only been playing FotM for a month or so and I have about 4 Fractal skins I don’t use or can’t use, and no greatsword. I haven’t gotten anything this entire week from Dailies. I do agree, at least normal dungeon tokens you can use to purchase exotic gear to do whatever with salvage, mystic forge, etc. Fractal tokens is just trash sitting in the bank for now. I don’t care if it cost 7000 Fractal relics or 100 Pristine relics for a Ascended weapon (w/ stats) just give us something Anet~ I’ll farm those tokens like a boss!
Tried yesterday p4 (joined after lupicus) and got stuck at Simin.
To me the boss isn’t “hard” (as in prone to wipe the whole group) but annoying.
We made it there with a pug (at the end 2 ele, 1war, 1 rang, 1 necro) and to me it felt that the boss healed too fast and we had a huge lack of dps. The best we did after dropping it to 50% was finishing the sparks at 85% hp or so.
Never noticed if we got to see phase 2, but we wouldn’t be able to handle it anyway.(EU server, completely free after Thursday if anyone want’s a necro around.)
Two people should already be running off to fetch Sparks before Simin even disappears.
This happened to me 2x before also in the Jade Maw fight. The the correlating fact is that each time there is always someone who has disconnected from the dungeon and it doesn’t need to be the person who entered the dungeon or party creator.
In one of the times there was a Dynamic Event messaged that popped up talking about finding Trahearn… before we got booted to Lions Arch
I felt the need to show you this video
Elementalist Solos dungeon