Showing Posts For Talbin.8305:

Get us REAL pvp, just DO IT!

in PvP

Posted by: Talbin.8305


As broken as it could often be… I think the most fun I’ve had inside of instanced PvP was Huttball. I’d at least like to see some kind of capture the flag mechanic… shrug

Is Flamethrower actually worth using now?

in Engineer

Posted by: Talbin.8305


I’ve always believed that looks are everything when it comes to this game… and FT looks awesome…so yes its worth using!

Seriously though, there are several builds out there that do really well with it. Phineas Poe and Nakoda (havnt seen him in a while…) are definitely advocates for burninating things.

Pistolwhip concerns (video)

in Thief

Posted by: Talbin.8305


Yes Ryan…thank you for your excellent insights.

Anyway…kind of a bummer about how that hurts S/P builds. I had just gotten comfortable with it. Before i was running TeamBattleAXE’s (Think that was his name anyway) P/P stealthfree build. Lots of fun but was enjoying the change. I wonder if devs will give pistol whip any consideration…or if they really think it’s working as intended.

Thieves to OP/All other classes are broken

in Thief

Posted by: Talbin.8305


Why is it that i never get to run into these mystical groups of five that i can take on with out any problems?

Name an MMORPG better than Guild Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Talbin.8305


I don’t feel like there are any better games than GW2 at the moment. I really have had a lot of fun on this. That said…i’m always nostalgic for UO and the joy of when i finally switched from dialup to broadband…(pre tram/fel split!!!! That killed the game for me), EQ when it first came out was a blast…and so was DAOC.

Why ever use S/P, P/P?

in Thief

Posted by: Talbin.8305


you guys forget…killing people with P/P gives you style points.

In all seriousness though… i find it to be a fun group support set. Yes im sure you can do the same and more with any of the other combinations…

I think all of the abilities on P/P are very situational. Body shot used to help spike down a bunker when running in a small group.
Unload to help snipe someone down across the way…
Headshot…awesome times.
Blackpowder… out of dodges / withdraw / roll for init /shadowstep and still getting melee dmg? Bam.

If i really need an escape…pistol 5 , swap to d/p and leap away.

Willwe ever see mh pistol being not worthless

in Thief

Posted by: Talbin.8305


wait…we have to use stealth or a leap to use a melee skill?

I don’t think C/D spam is always the best option. Yeah I think torment is a bit weak… but its an extra condition to be cleansed and I think its a nice addition to the skill. Easy to use when revealed and escape any pressure.

I may just be crazy though.

Speculating new engie skills

in Engineer

Posted by: Talbin.8305


Thanks gents… I now feel like one of the Skritt test subjects.

psa: turrets deal only half damage

in Engineer

Posted by: Talbin.8305


somewhat related… are all the over charges still borked? I remember testing a month ago after the patch and all the timings on over charge skills were really messed up. Like 1 rocket per over charge…net turret not working if overcharged…thumper turret being really delayed…etc

Ill have to look back through the forum…but i think only rifle turret wasnt negatively affected.

Making an Engineer, but what race?

in Engineer

Posted by: Talbin.8305


Asura…we’re better than all the others!

[PIC] 22,215 damage. Thief FUN!!

in Engineer

Posted by: Talbin.8305


Thieves don’t have OP burst. I hate to state the unpopular opinion… but it’s true. Heck I’ve been using a total glass cannon Static Discharge build lately…I’m completely squishy. Just need to be aware of your surroundings. I suggest binding “look behind” or what ever its called if you’re not in the habit of always scanning your surroundings.

Engineers have the tricks to deal with anyone i think. Best way to learn how to deal with a class is to level one.

It's time for dual swords to shine

in Warrior

Posted by: Talbin.8305


I like it! I wont hold my breath though…

Pistol/pistol thief build advice?

in Thief

Posted by: Talbin.8305


Check out the thread started by TeamBattleAxe. There’s some great ones in there that are a lot of fun.

Lions Arch as the center of the Universe.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Talbin.8305


I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many in Rata Sum as there were during the SAB event. Even during early access it was pretty empty. My engineer was glaring at all the intruders the whole time for that event!

My Thief WvW video.

in Thief

Posted by: Talbin.8305


Troll spider made me smile. Hate it when that happens haha

Surprise Shot remains superior for SD rifle

in Engineer

Posted by: Talbin.8305


Sure if you want the absolute highest amount of procs of SD…then yeah riffle turret wins. 3 seconds longer for one less proc (turret detonation) you end up with a nice single target knockback.

I have to disagree with you completely on the use of utility goggles though. Instant cast 10 vuln immediately before your dps dump is very valuable. Further more…even if you don’t need the stunbreak that 10 seconds of fury combined with medkit 5 allows for almost constant up time of an extra 20% crit.

I currently am using goggles, pbr, and toolkit for my small roaming group. Does the job nicely. For pve i drop pbr and grab turret for the extra SD.

Turret Engineer : Ideas + Discussion

in Engineer

Posted by: Talbin.8305


Good lord those sound like they would be fun. I’ve learned to use turrets… but they feel so slow and clunky compared to the ones you envisioned. If only anet could take the turrets a bit further…

That said…i’ve had some use with the new thumper turret stun break. Dropped two turrets and kept thumper on reserve waiting for a thief to jump me. He did the whole basilisk +Cloak & Dagger steal warp to me. I think he was a bit surprised when i stun broke and dropped thumper then overcharged it knocking him on his butt.

Its too bad that all the turret rates and overcharges are messed up right now.

Post Patch Engie + Guardian duo roaming vid

in Engineer

Posted by: Talbin.8305


As always Mask, a great and enjoyable vid! I’m sure none of those guys in the larger groups expected any problems with you and viking…poor guys haha.

New generation of SD rifle build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Talbin.8305


Im too chicken to run around with out my tool kit. The shield block, long range slow interrupt / pull, and cripple from box of nails…i’ve just become so dependent on it.

I’ve been trying to ditch it as i like the idea of an all gadget build…what do you grab Aydenunited? Goggles, Ram, Boots? Mine might be nice for another knock back too and has a short toolbelt cool down. I dunno. Back to the mists to tinker!

New generation of SD rifle build?

in Engineer

Posted by: Talbin.8305


SD builds can work great…it shines when roaming in a small group of 2 or 3. I’ve been running it lately just for fun and have had great success.
Currently 10/20/0/10/30… I find that the perma vigor i get from invigorating speed in the alchemy tree really helps keep me moving with speedy kits.

Only thing i’m trying to figure out now is if i want to drop power wrench for speedy gadgets so i can get Utility Goggles down to 32 seconds and Battering Ram down to 20. I kinda like the battering ram as a replacement to rifle turret… but i really miss getting that extra SD off of turret detonation (not to mention surprise shot is 3 seconds faster). Still playing around with it though.

Fun build but it has very little room for error. If they survive the burst and you don’t dodge the counters / block with toolkit…squish!

Why engi carry a pistol worse than a thief?

in Engineer

Posted by: Talbin.8305


yeah it does… I wonder if he just tested this all on a golem and didn’t notice it. against a single target you have to be at a sweet spot to get the explosion tic too.

Edit: was not responding to you penguin

(edited by Talbin.8305)

Why engi carry a pistol worse than a thief?

in Engineer

Posted by: Talbin.8305


I’ll bite because I have nothing else to do while waiting for this movie to start… if you are only looking at the number one skill with no 30 point engineer coated bullets trait… then sure the thief pistol one is probably better. no comparison with the engineers number 2&3 pistol skill vs the thief set. I think we win that one easily.

Newb Question about Bom/Nade Kit and Eng

in Engineer

Posted by: Talbin.8305


Welcome to the engineer! I think its the most fun class I’ve played and i’ve stuck with it from back during the beta weekends. Anyway… you do not need to use grenade / bomb kits. There are several different builds that work great at what they do. Maks p/p build, Naks / Phins burninator builds, GateAssassin for grenades. Static Discharge builds are fun…and there are a few turret builds out there that are pretty good too. Use the search function and look for kits / weps that you find interesting. Most importantly…find something you think is fun / looks cool…then make it work for you.

Sum1 here have a full FlameT engi? Pls help.

in Engineer

Posted by: Talbin.8305


Do a search for posts by Nakoda or Phineas Poe… they seem to be our engineer community flamethrower champions. Ignore doom and gloom posts about the kit. It is effective…and it looks awesome.

Another turret bug? Rocket turret aoe?

in Engineer

Posted by: Talbin.8305


Ugh… well, regardless… once they fix all the turret traits (someday???) I’ll probably still slot rocket turret. There are few things cooler than watching the slow arcing rocket head towards a immobilized opponent! Id say it rivals the awesome of sending everyone flying with Big Ol’ Bomb.

Turret(s) : The hitbox needs to be fixed!

in Engineer

Posted by: Talbin.8305


Yeah, im sure it’ll get fixed sooner or later…but it really is frustrating. I got tired of running SD / HGH builds and really started to get into making turrets work. Then…BAM… patch day breaks them :/

Back to running around with a FT for fun…and playing alts more.

Auto tool installation: Is it just me?

in Engineer

Posted by: Talbin.8305


Nope. No word on it being fixed as far as i know. None of the turret talents are working except for on the elite skill “supply drop” as far as i know. Abercrombie, JoxerNL and a few other engi’s have been putting up the good fight in submitting bug tickets and providing some great pics / vids/ evidence.

(edited by Talbin.8305)

[Bug] Metal Plating and Rifled Turret Barrels

in Engineer

Posted by: Talbin.8305


I bet it’ll be fixed as fast as “hidden killer” was when the last patch broke it for thieves. Heh.

Help with Engineer WvW Turret build

in Engineer

Posted by: Talbin.8305


Hi Khrome

I’ve been playing around with turrets a bit just to try something new (usually p/p hgh elixir too). I’ve been having moderate success while with a group. Some of the overcharges are pretty useful.

Anyway, that said…Deployable Turrets trait is still borked. It’ll put the old cool down on flame turret and rocket. I see that you’re using a rifle build which is cool…but why not pick up the cool down for rifle abilities?

Condition damage is going to hurt you a bit. I’m running with a P/S or a P/P so i can get the sigil of purity just to supplement the meager condition removal that is healing turret. Also note that condition damage does work for turrets. Might be beneficial to mix some Carrion / Rabid / Rampager armor in there to take advantage of that seeing as you probably already have a set of that anyways.

What a horrible patch

in Engineer

Posted by: Talbin.8305


Meh…not really surprised at KR nerf. Mostly just disappointed about the CD… and the loss of the extra super elixir.

I was looking forward to trying out a condition / turret build… then discovered that the turrets dont get the new buffs if you slot “deployable turrets”. Good times.

Spy Check!

in Engineer

Posted by: Talbin.8305


I’d be amused if utility goggles let us see stealthed players.

New build, new wvw movie

in Engineer

Posted by: Talbin.8305


Really enjoyed the vid! Good stuff.

Rate the Asura Name Above You!

in Asura

Posted by: Talbin.8305


The only character i’ve really played since release… my engineer Borrp. Also have a thief named Pifft but only got him to like 30 something.

Any decent builds without a kit?

in Engineer

Posted by: Talbin.8305


Can’t wait to see the new vid / build Maskaganda. I am unashamed to admit that i’ve been copying your build since your first vid a while back… to great success!