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A Looking For Group System

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


I quit playing basically because of the lack of LFG. Will consider coming back if this game ever gest one. I suppose the lack of LFG helps foster a stronger community of like minded people while seeding out the bad apples like me. Yay! Win for the map spammers.

Dungeon finder acros all severs pls

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


It’s sacrilege to think that something that would allow people play the game more could be brought the holy sacred world of Guild Wars.

No, go back to WoW you Blizzard fanboy!

We do things differently here. We spam Map chat looking for fellow adventurers and debate politics and religion before every boss pull. We democratically choose the best strategy before every pull and deeply debate our wipes. Here, we are not in the business of rushing thru content, skipping everything possible to maximize our badge collection. In our pugs, we introduce ourselves with at least 5 sentences, describing our tastes and preferences. Before we leave the dungeon, we politely give our farewells and best wishes for all the intrepid party members that so bravely fought for dungeon tokens. Time is just a nuisance, we don’t care about it, we just care about fostering a strong community of people willing to help each other out to the maximum extent of their capabilities. We do all this using a communication interface designed in the 80s (that’s IRC btw).

Go back to WoW and don’t bring your heresy back to this forums ever again!

LFG possible improvements

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


Having a single pool of players also breaks the invisible walls of “servers” that would otherwise prevent them (players) from doing what they wanted (a dungeon). No matter if you are playing during peak time or not, if you want a explorable at high level, or just do a AC run for the first time on a level 30 alt, there will be other people for you to play with, plus the benefit of not wasting time ‘looking for a group’.

Claims of trolls and jerks are overly exaggerated. Yes, there are, as in any other online game. No, they aren’t as common as people try to portrait. They, truth be told, are harmless. What’s the worst that could happen? Someone call you bad names and gets reported/likely banned for being a idiot?

LFG possible improvements

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


What team building are you talking about? Pugs are pugs and will remains pugs. People discuss strategy IF and WHEN needed, period. Everyone know their jobs (which is even easier with GW2 combat system: you either kite the boss or do ranged damage). It makes no sense to have match making for PVP (which actually requires strategy) but not for PVE (where the AI is always limited and predictable).

As I said, if you want a “social experience” check in the option to not group you with people from other servers and let the rest of us who don’t care just queue up and play the game. If you want really intricate strategies, join a guild. Or better yet, just don’t use the tool. The fact is, a LFG mechanism will allow those who don’t care about the social aspect to just play a co-op game, while those who care can still spam map chat looking for a group and make friends.

Believe it or not, there is a good chunk of the player base that just want a co-op experience.

No one will do Story Mode!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


Just another instance where a LFG tool would be godly. Just queue and continue with other game activities. Amazingly good if you are leveling up, you keep playing and having fun until the group is formed.

LFG possible improvements

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


Sorry to break it for you, but it’s inevitable. When population on servers starts to go down and players start to give up on dungeons because there aren’t people to play with, I’m pretty sure they will seriously consider connecting those same players separated by invisible walls of “servers” together. It’s good for the game, and with a simple checkbox for “only party with people form my server” you can keep everyone satisfied.

The lack of the "trinity" is just killing my PvE enjoyment

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


My feeling about the lack of trinity went from “that’s SO cool” to “well, maybe not”. My biggest problem is that fights tend to feel like there 5 independent characters trying to kill a boss. I don’t feel the team work that I get from doing dungeons with the traditional trinity setup. Besides reviving downed people, it feels, to me, like a solo experience.

No, I’m not advocating any change in the system. I actually think it has potential, but boss mechanics should encourage and reward team work a little bit more.

And please, PLEASE, remove graveyard zerg from dungeons and either remove the useless trash mobs or give them some meaningful reason to exist/be killed.

LFG possible improvements

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


You can avoid all the problems related to a server wide channel with a simple solution: automated LFG! Queue, wait, have fun, repeat. Simple and easy. Add the option to only queue with people from your server, for those looking for a more social experience, and voila.

Pugging Dungeons: LFG through IRC

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


Sad part is that I went thru this less than a year ago with SWTOR. Same ‘LFG’ system (or lack there of), same arguments from both their devs (“we are not gonna do it”) and a vocal portion of the player base about how much it destroys MMOs (regardless of the fact that 2 of the most financially successful MMOs have this feature).

Anyway, there are also LFG ‘guilds’ that invites anyone and don’t do anything else other than provide a unified chat for people that are just LFG.

I absolutely love this game. But lately, when I want to do a dungeon, I log into ‘that other game that shall not be named’ and satiate my dungeon needs there.

TA Brangoire- Horribly Bugged or Horribly Designed?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


I killed him twice as a guardian and the last man standing. It’s almost soloable if you can keep your cool towards the end of the fight. Just run around him, leaving targeted aoe spells on the ground to slowly finish off the spiders while ‘auto-attacking’ him. As mentioned, the fight seems easier when 1-2 players die.

Dungeon (Speed) Runs

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


The major issues here is that instance mobs have leash, unlike pretty much any other MMO out there (thankfully because some packs are unkillable unless you exploit this mechanic) AND they are just trash mobs, nothing more nothing less.

I believe they should be balanced without the leash in mind and such leash should be removed (that is, no more 3 Knockback combo). You are inside a dungeon, it makes little no sense for them to simply reset and, more importantly, allows the speed runs to exist.

Second, and that’s the hard part, it the fact that they are just trash mob and serve no purpose besides delaying your group. They should have some meaning on the instance, and by that I mean, mechanics that gives you a purpose to kill them, like dropping parts of a key to open the door to the next boss, or each killed mob removes X amount of a shield around the boss, or they should defend a lever to open the passage to the next boss, etc. To top it off, they should have a (good) chance to drop instance tokens. That way, not only they have some meaning but groups would be encourage to kill them for extra tokens.

Dungeon Finder Sorely Needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


Destroyed is very subjective indeed, as Rift is pretty much alive, even with an old subscription based model where TOR is striving to survive and going into a F2P as a last attempt to stay alive.

You don’t have to dumb down your content because of LFG. Nobody is asking for that. We are just asking for Anet to keep with its promise of ‘log in and play’ MMO, that’s all.

Dungeons - a GRIND and a tiny solution for fixing that.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


I agree.

1) Instance mobs don’t need, and shouldn’t have, a leash. That’s only meaningful for world mobs, not the ones found on dungeons. I undertand it’s useful against some of the tough groups, where you need to rely on ‘mob reset’ to kill them individually. That should be revised and fixed and the leash removed.
2) Make them drop tokens, even if not at a 100% rate. Make it impossible to skip them and give it a better reason to do so.

Dungeon Finder Sorely Needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


I can’t quote, so that goes to @Hawken:

Yes, there were several other things broken in TOR, but if you saw their forums, among the huge threadnaughts of complains the lack of LFG was always there, with hundreds upon hundreds of replies. Yes, the game had several other issues, but the inability of its player base to experience the instanced content was among the top. Funny enough, I’ve read the same complains over there, that it was super easy to find groups at any time on “my server”.

As for doing nothing when you wait for an automated match system to do its magic, that’s hardly true. It’s quite the opposite, you can queue yourself and just go do some event, farm materials for you exotic/legendaries, etc, while the game does the boring part for you. Simply, you can play the game while you wait for the group to be ready.

Dungeon Finder Sorely Needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


I know a MMO that got destroyed by LFG. SWTOR. One of the reasons it tanked so fast was the lack of LFG tool that kept server populations isolated from each other and forced players to spam general chat looking for groups. GW2 was supposed to be all about ‘no bs, no time sinks, just log and play’ and, for the most part, it is, except for this.

It’s easy now that the game is fresh and servers are full. Give it a few months, when the hype settles, and try to do a dungeon off the server peak hours, then tell me how bad a LFG tool really is for an online game.

Dungeon Finder Sorely Needed

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


This is totally pathetic. No automated cross-server match making for dungeons is beyond imagination. Shame on you Anet, shame on you.

Why do people try to be "tanks" in dungeons?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


It’s just years and years of holy trinity MMOs that shaped peoples expectations of these type of games. It’s not that easy to break free from it and some will die trying to hammer tanks and healers in GW2, no matter what.

Dungeon Updates

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


I have a few gripes with the dungeon at this point, baring the known bug about with the Xp/Silver at the end, I wish that the trash mob were a little bit more than just “vanilla wow” trash (hint: fix all the tears by having the trash drop dungeon tokens, even if not a 100% drop rate), but crying because you can’t pug explorable is a bit silly. Explorable were always advertised as meant for organized group of players (ie, they are the WoW Raids minus the logistics of managing a group of 30+ players). I’m glad Anet fixed the speedrun BS. Dungeon gear were supposed mean something more than how fast you can speed thru trash, kill 1-2 bosses, reset and start over. Get over it people. Fix the rewards and the dungeon token system and (both are not that hard to do anyway) and I would be 100% happy.

Twilight Arbor Deadly Blossoms

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


The worst thing about the blossom is that they blend with the background and are really hard to spot. They are helpful when you die, but on the first boss they killed us more than anything.

Arah Explorable "Shard Farming"

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


It’s very sad that after 5 years of development the QA test group didn’t figure that you could speed thru all trash mobs and clear the dungeons in 10-15m. That the community is exploiting it is not a problem, given the amount of time you would have to spend otherwise, who can blame them. The company not figuring this out after 5 years? Seriously, that’s shameful.
Personally I’m doing explorable on a 4 men group because we can’t stomach the ‘speedrunners’, and pretty much 9 in 10 people looking for groups just want to do speedruns.
5 years of development and the trash mobs are just trash, nothing more, nothing less. You could have a system where they drop parts of a key that open the door for the next boss, or killing them remove a portion of the boss ‘impenetrable’ shields, or you have to scort someone (i suppose one of the explorable has this), killing the mobs would ‘liberate them from some evil spell’ and they fight by your side until the boss (and create a mechanic that requires them), etc..etc.. so many options and you have Vanilla WoW trash, minus CC plus Active Dodge.

Who isn't running dungeons for gear only?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


If you are doing it for gear, you are doing it wrong. This isn’t WoW or similar MMOs, your ‘best in slot’ isn’t a boss drop, it’s something you craft yourself without ever stepping into a dungeon if you will.
I’m doing it for the skins, but at this point I’m figuring it out it doesn’t mean anything as people are just skipping all trash mobs, rushing to the bosses, find secret spots (like on some very old Atari game) and completing their ‘speedruns’ on a mind-numbing scale. In the end, what was supposed to portrait your ‘mad skills’ will just display how much free time you had to do these ‘speedruns’.

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


The game is about not wasting time and just playing. Spamming whatever chat channel you need to “try” to find a group of people you won’t talk much anyway, baring strategy if needed, instead of having a computer do the leg work for you is just silly.

If you don’t like an automated system, simply don’t use it.

Twilight Arbor explorable bosses

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


Is it considered a bug/exploit to do the first boss from behind the stone bridge where nothing can hit you?
Is it considered a bug/exploit to pull the ‘combo knockback’ out of groups, until they reset, kill this insanity of a mob, then go back and kill the rest of the group?
Same for the previous to last boss (which has 1-3 combo knockback adds)?
Is it considered a bug/exploit to do the last boss from the ‘up path’ (the fight that spawn plants) from the entrance of the room where all you need to do is dodge the eventual things that spawn from the ground?
I’m wondering because we discovered these tricks after doing TA with a pug (last time we did, it was the ‘hard’ way). They feel as bugs to me because they make the fights absurdly easy (the first and last boss can’t even be called easy, it’s just auto attack and come back 5m later) and I don’t want to find myself banned because I did TA this way.

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


Cross server LFG, easy and simple.

Improve dungeons (LFP Finder, Rewards, Incentives)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


It has nothing to do with WoW. Yes, they did implement it the first time because it was an obvious tool for an online game, but I don’t want it here “because WoW has it”. I want it because GW2 is all about fun, no idiotic time sinks, just log in and play. These are the premises upon which the game has been developed. You barely need a ‘matchmaking’ as baring sperg groups that do “LFM experienced explorable speed run”, nobody cares much about class setup, they just want 1-2 more people to start their dungeon. As always, if you don’t want something that automate the LFM process for you, just go ahead and continue to spam general chat if/when they implement such a feature.

e: oh lord, the “no LFG” crowd here too. I’ve seen you guys in every MMO in the past 2-3 years. To bad you can’t complain about “ninjas” in GW2 the only argument left will be that “LFG destroys the community”.

(edited by Tetsuo.2593)

I recall GW2 saying.. "we are not about the grind?"

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


The ‘best in slot’ gear has very little to do with dungeons (actually, it has nothing), it’s crafted. You needs tons of mats and gold, but you don’t need to run a dungeon even once to get it. The grind comes if you want a specific look, which means, 50+ runs of the SAME dungeon, over and over. That’s just insane. At the very least you need an 2 token system, a universal and one per dungeon, and items should be bought with a combination of both. Forcing a group of people to not even see the rest of the content it just absurd. It’s actually pretty sad that an amazing game like GW2 has such a fundamental design flaw on something that everyone and their mothers knew would be important: PVE content at level cap.

Improve dungeons (LFP Finder, Rewards, Incentives)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


It amazes me GW2 doesn’t come with a universal dungeon finder given you can easily jump from server to server.

[Devquote included] Dungeon Gear Token Costs (Aka, whatever happened to anti-grind philosophy?)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


Token system isn’t ok because it forces you to run the same dungeon for 50+ times, while keeping you away from all of the other instanced PVE content (this is a REALLY an awful design decision). It needs a 2 token system, one specific per dungeon and a generic one. Tier sets should be bought with a combination of both so that you still need to run a particular dungeon multiple times (1 per item) and then “farm” the generic tokens from any other one.

Dungeon Reward Options

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


They should give you the same reward of a map completion. 40 craft materials, 2 rares/exotics (that are not BiS, but could be either salvaged for Orbs or used temporarily) a “gem” only item (canisters, temp boosters, keys, etc). Currently, clearing a map with a 5 man group takes about as much time as running a full explorable mode, therefore the rewards should be equal (and on explorable you are bound to waste a LOT of time walking due to the limited number of waypoints).

Is dungeon token system really an improvement?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


They need to add 2 types of tokens. A generic token that drops from any boss on any explorable, and a dungeon specific token form the last boss. You should need 1 specific and X generic tokens to buy a set item, therefore you would need to complete the same dungeon only 6 times and ‘farm’ the rest of the tokens anywhere else. Forcing me to do the same dungeon for weeks to end is really not cool.

Leveling problems.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


Veteran mobs are the ‘elite’ mobs of other MMOs, they are meant to be harder, but soloable most of the time. Killing more than a mob early on isn’t easy (later it’s no joke either, and will require most of your cooldowns) like you can do on recent titles like SWTOR. One more thing, mobs that are 1 level above you are much harder to kill. Try to stay ahead of the required level for a quest. At 15, go back to another race’s start area and do it. The XP for kills and quests will be pretty similar.

How to: get the most from your Nvidia GPU, high end PC and GW2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


I have a I5 2500K, 8GB DD3 1600 Ram, Nvidia GTX 570. Everything was fine until about a week ago, playing with max settings pretty fine. Then, after a game patch my GPU usage hits 100% pretty much all the time, with some serious video lag. I tried reducing my graphic settings to low (best performance) and the usage keeps at 100% (I can easily keep track of this with the Vista 7 sidebar app for GPU usage). I’m running the latest beta driver and kinda of run out of options. Any ideas?


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


I’m loving this new format. It’s a little chaotic, but it’s refreshing. I went from WoW to Rift to TOR and they all have the exactly same battle system, which is fast approaching 10 years old. It was past time for a change and, as much as GW2 battle system might not be perfect, it’s different and feels new. I really hope that Anet never ever implements a rigid trinity system found in pretty much every other theme-park MMO out there.

GW is awesome & always was - stop trying turn it into WoW

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


As said by others, there are a lot of good things in WoW and, honestly, I also feel that GW2 would contribute from some of them (cross-server LFG, mounts, some way to save your spec and switch between them easily, including traits, etc). They are not game changers, but they certainly have their value.
It’s impossible to deny that WoW introduced and perfected a lot of mechanics during its long life time. Labeling everything found in that game as ‘garbage/useless’ is a kinda of silly.

Underflow servers

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


Is there any thoughts on using the overflow technology in reverse? Instead of spreading people from an overpopulated map do the opposite, join players from underpopulated maps to a single servers so there will be more people for the bigger events.
Some high level maps, or if you are playing outside peak hours, can be sometimes a little empty. I noticed that yesterday night, when playing on a 50-60 map. I saw 2-3 other characters during the course of a hour.
It would be cool to have a similar system that manages overflow, but instead band together players so you can do all the content pretty much anytime of the day.