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Low FPS for my Laptop i7-7700 + GTX 1060

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


Disable nvidia shadowplay. Lots of us had the same problem with nvidia-carded laptops.

It might also be called ‘instant replay.’ You can find the settings for it in the GeForce Experience control panel.

also the i7-7700 is a desktop chip. are you sure that’s what your laptop has? some of the mobile i7s are only dual cores, not quads, and that would severely affect your performance.

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(edited by TheHeretic.3529)

Meta Shift - Deadeye zerg

in WvW

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


  • no one would respect you
  • no one would enjoy it
  • you would try to run as soon as anyone got close to you
  • after the first time, someone would use Wall of Reflection on you
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laptop specs

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


That would perform very poorly. Likely 20-25 fps maximum if on the lowest settings.

Get one with a quad processor as a minimum.

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New rig mod price for performance

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


NewEgg sells a huge range of refurbished deskptops and server-class workstations for very low prices.

Buy one of those and a GTX 1050 to install in it and you will be set. The 1050 draws low enough power that it doesn’t need a 6-pin power connector from the PSU.

This one would be more than enough to do the job you need.

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(edited by TheHeretic.3529)

Dire or Trailblazer for WvW condi reaper ?

in Necromancer

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


The damage within the first 5 seconds of Dire is going to be higher than that of Trailblazer. However, Trailblazer will deal more damage over time than Dire.

From my experience:

  • Trailblazer is better on Tower Supervisors and Keep Lords
  • Organized groups will nullify their conditions through cleansing or Resistance within 10 seconds
  • Unorganized groups will succumb to both, but the damage spike from Dire is less forgiving
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A stargazer, releaser

Its time to migrate to Discord

in WvW

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


I believe a majority of players have discord accounts at this point.

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Reconsider the transfer penalty

in WvW

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


It hurts the entire mode of gameplay to cram people onto already full servers.

Coordinate with your guild and travel downward. Make a name for yourselves and push your server up. Stop thinking that T1 means the best tier. Have your ENTIRE guild join up on the linked server. Problem solved, especially if you say gems are not an issue.

It’s ridiculous that you expect Anet to open up a full server, and if you plan on finding a “home” as you say, then one week is nothing compared to months of gaming fun on a set server.

The definition of anti-bandwagonning is trying to find ways to deter players from jumping from server to server. One week is frankly too little. It should be a month.

And why is bandwagonning a bad thing? Because it stacks servers, creates runaway matches, and is no fun for the entire health of the game.

Spread out.

  • I’m aware it hurts the mode to cram people into full servers. Like I said, some were on the host and some were on the link before the host locked. We aren’t changing the balance.
  • Our server doesn’t need to be pushed up, we are happy where it is
  • No one said anything about thinking T1 is the best. We’re not in T1 either way.
  • Everyone joining the link would be the exact opposite of what our guild decided on, and could rotate us into host servers that literally despise us and would try to troll us to no end. We wouldn’t even be able to use the public TS, so we’d be on a private Discord server, which means we couldn’t communicate effectively with militia.
  • I never said I expect ArenaNet to open a full server for us. I said I wanted the penalty reconsidered.

I’m guessing the reluctance to mention which server is because it’s a heavily populated or stacked server anyway.

Also you should always move on a Thursday so you minimise the penalty.

I’m not mentioning the server because it’s not relevant and would just spark bias.
We did discuss moving at the end of the matchup, but the urgency to move to the link before it locked like the host was too important. It would have truly split the guild across matchups, and we’d likely have to lose members because of that.

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A stargazer, releaser

(edited by TheHeretic.3529)

Reconsider the transfer penalty

in WvW

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


No. It’s a counter to bandwaggoning which is endemic in wvw and deteriorates the quality of gameplay.

I moved servers so that I could play with my friends and boyfriend. I never once felt it was a lose of morale. I understand that the punishment is put there to help detour bandwaggoning and help our servers have a teeeennnyyy tiny bit of balance. Heretic is your guilds server full that you cant transfer to it? My suggestion is your best bet is to gold farm and keep enough gold on you. That away the moment their server opens you can join them and be with your guild. If you do that then you will only have to deal with loosing out on pips just one more time. You will all so be with your guild. But please understand that there is a reason as to why anet implemented the system.

My guild is split between a locked host server and a single link. While we were making our decision if we would call the host our permanent home, that’s when it locked (months back) and has had us separated and it’s out of our control. We’ve picked up even more members since then, on both the link and the host. We plan to move to the host if it ever unlocks again and consolidate our group. Gold/gems aren’t an issue.

You’re both right, it’s there to deter ‘bandwagoning,’ but it doesn’t stop it, and it hurts the players who want to stay with their own guild. If there were an exception to the penalty, such as transferring between the host/link or being given the option to move to the new link on the host, it would solve this, even if it still required the gems.

Maybe I’m a thorn in your perfection
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A stargazer, releaser

Reconsider the transfer penalty

in WvW

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


Currently, participation of an entire matchup (reset to reset) is required before participation is allowed. You don’t even have to participate, you just have to be on that server.

If you transfer at the start of a new matchup, it’s going to be the rest of that week and the ‘entire’ matchup the week after that before you can earn anything again. Two weeks of no rewards for wanting to stay with your guild.

Please consider that a 48 or 72 hour penalty is more than enough to have to deal with when working towards legendary armor. Two full weeks is harsh and hurts morale. Imagine cutting off PvP players from Matchmaking rewards or PvE players from Raid loot for two weeks for running with a different guild. That’s what this equates to.

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Damage question

in WvW

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


Yes that’s normal.

I wouldn’t suggest playing in WvW without at least 3k armor and 20k HP unless you’re a class that has stealth/evades/teleports and can run away

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Soulbeast skills

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


Spiritual Reprieve:
*Shares Resistance appropriately
*Does not share Fury with allies when traited with Live Fast
*Does not share Quickness with allies when traited with Live Fast

Dolyak Stance, with and without Leader of the Pack sharing trait:
*Out of combat, it applies Stability and Retaliation to allies appropriately
*In combat, it only occasionally applies Stability and Retaliation to allies
*Either way, it doesn’t apply anything to the user

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A stargazer, releaser

(edited by TheHeretic.3529)

Post a Screenshot of your Guardian

in Guardian

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


Finally got my Sublime chest piece!


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[Video] MF item return level lower than input

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


I thought I just wasn’t paying attention all this time, but I made sure by doing it again and recording.

I only get 78 exotics back from supplying four 80 exotics.

I noticed it started happening with mystic forge stones 2-3 months ago, so I stopped using them. I thought with four 80s I would circumvent whatever prompted the change, but it didn’t change anything.

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Fractal Cat crashed 4 clients

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


Completed 100 FotM, Shattered Observatory. Party ran back to pick up items for achievements and for the cat. I read the tombstone and as soon as I pressed F to interact with the cat, the entire party crashed to desktop right then except for the first person who spoke to it.

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Outnumbered buff does not lift

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


I can play in a borderland with T6 participation and most everyone has outnumbered except for me. Tonight I was in JQBL for ~8 ticks (40 mins), and I could not receive the buff (not on skillbar) while everyone else reaped the rewards. I came in after they already had it.

So it’s either not always applying to players when it should, or it’s not lifting from players who have it when it should depending on enemy population.

For what it’s worth, I believe it to be the latter. I have friends in my guild who were on YBBL this week -with the buff and a queue at the same time-. How can that be possible?

I went pipless for a while so I don’t know how long this has been active, but I assume it was since the last patch to how outnumbered works.

Attached picture for proof:
-1st part is a person who had the buff
-2nd part is my buff bar
-3rd part is to show I was there long enough that it should have applied (I was not trying to do afk pipping)


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Flood the wvw map

in WvW

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


I don’t even know my underwater skills

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in WvW

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


That website could not access the information it needed at specific times to due to the repeated DDoS and lost count of the scores.

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How to stop outnumbered abuse

in WvW

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


We all appreciate this and hope it stops the abusers.

I also hope you change your mind on needing to be somewhere for a full matchup before you can earn pips. I was unable to earn for the entire first matchup (and some days before) because of a transfer before the system was announced, and this last matchup and the current one because I wanted to stay with my host server after the relink. Three full matchups without pips to someone who plays primarily in WvW with a rank >2k seems like it is causing more problems than solving. It does discourage transfers and server bandwagons..but I have to stay with my guild.

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Cannot drop catapaults on hills wall

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


Can’t drop any siege anywhere except for rams.


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A stargazer, releaser

Ideas for how to improve pip system for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


Rewarding different pips for different scores is unfair, only because server imbalance. The higher population automatically gets more.

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Why does WvW say that I'm not a 'citizen?'

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


Taken from the WvW skirmish release page;

Pips earned every tick based on the following criteria:
Your world’s position during the skirmish (first, second, or third).
Your WvW rank.
Whether you’re commanding a squad with at least five people in it.
Whether you’re fighting while outnumbered.
If you’ve been playing on the same world for at least three weeks.
In addition, to discourage transferring for rewards, you can only earn pips if you have not transferred recently and if you have earned WvW participation.

It wont do any harm to open a ticket for clarification though.

Each of those are individual criteria for earning pips, and not completely restrictive if you’re missing any single one. I have been on my current server for 2 full matchups, and the UI says I haven’t even met one yet.

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A stargazer, releaser

Why does WvW say that I'm not a 'citizen?'

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


I transferred to a linked server before the WvW patch was even announced, about 2.5 weeks ago.

Everyone is earning rewards while my entire guild can’t get anything.


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Gigantic queues

in WvW

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


oh no WvW is functioning as intended

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WvW Loyalty Pip Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


We need to update the loyalty pip description. You need to earn at least 3 wood chests for 3 weeks to be considered loyal. We wanted you to have to participate in skirmishes to be considered loyal.

What is a wood chest? Do you mean a skirmish chest?

One skirmish chest per week for three weeks?

Maybe I’m a thorn in your perfection
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A stargazer, releaser

Lower the Rank Requirement for Armor

in WvW

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


I passed 2k this weekend so I’m feeling pretty good about the req :^)

Maybe I’m a thorn in your perfection
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A stargazer, releaser

Updated WvW builds?

in WvW

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


For condi necro,
have this trait:

have this set of runes:

have this food:

And enjoy never having to deal with chill/cripple/immobilize, as well as less overall condition damage.

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A stargazer, releaser

Lag spikes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


For the past 3 days, WvW (NA T1) has been unplayable. The lag is far worse than usual, and I have a stable connection. Everyone in Teamspeak complain about it all at the same times. People just rubberbanding all over the place when nothing is happening and skill lag in smaller fights. Forget any 3-way fights.

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Make EotM great again

in WvW

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


Honestly this sounds fun. Make it 10 minute matches.
Get rid of that 1% stat boost flag claim though, that’s just going to be a snowball effect and give some people a very unfair advantage.

Don’t change eotm though. Just duplicate the map.

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necromancers.... again

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


I’m not trying to be rude, but maybe you should read the patch notes before complaining. They fixed the epidemic bug yesterday.

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A stargazer, releaser

Time for Noxious Pod home node?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


I would love a home instance Noxious Pod.

Maybe I’m a thorn in your perfection
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A stargazer, releaser

cannot learn recipe-no reason

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


I purchased the recipe: Sentinel’s Mithril Imbued Inscription from the trading post. I DO have 400 weaponsmithing, however when I right click on the item in my inventory the only options it gives is too… mail item to, sell on trading post, buy more on trading post, or destroy. Double click does not work. I even purchased the upgrade to Heart of Thorns from my old GW2 Collectors account just to see if it was an HoT locked ONLY item. Well.. the problem still exists. This item is simply un learnable.

Anyone else experiencing this glitch/bug? What can I do?


Inscriptions are not recipes – they’re components of the recipe. Inscriptions do not teach anything.

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How to save WvW

in WvW

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


I agree 100% with the EotM-style pairings. The population that was lost probably isn’t coming back.

Not to mention that server pride can’t exist as long as people keep transferring in big groups. It’s all about supporting your guild name. There’s no reason to have server tiers now.

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A stargazer, releaser

Match-ups, Randomize?

in WvW

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


I do think something will have to change, but doing a randomization is going to hurt the remaining population. If you put a T1 server up against a T4, the people in T4 are going to quit for a week. Nothing will “even out” because they’re going to be discouraged from playing at all.

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Terrible perfomance out of nowhere.

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


-NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M with 4GB of VRAM

Disable all of the nvidia instant replay/shadowplay/recording features and try again.

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A stargazer, releaser

Multiple key press issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


NVIDIA ShadowPlay is reported to cause effects like this.

I was going to mention this as well, though OPs symptoms sound a little different than what I experienced.

Try disabling ShadowPlay like he recommended, if you have an Nvidia card. It may not even be called that anymore; I think it’s just nvidia experience. It’s the auto-replay feature that will do it. Turn off all features related to recording.

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A stargazer, releaser

Completly ruined anything but blobbing

in WvW

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


roamers will ALWAYS try to get easy kills. they cant do anything else. your best bet is to try to avoid them. 95% of people in wvw run team-based builds, and roamers run 1v1 builds. you will die. avoid them.

Maybe I’m a thorn in your perfection
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A stargazer, releaser

Make WvW user friendly, team speak problem

in WvW

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


If you arent willing to listen or contribute then you arent going to be given benefis

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A heretic’s voice in your head
A stargazer, releaser

(edited by TheHeretic.3529)

Ghost thief needs to go.

in WvW

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


I agree. The condition damage it does is unbelievable. It WILL kill you if you dont have condi-clear and they don’t even leave stealth for it. You just start taking massive damage and it looks like there’s no one around you.

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A stargazer, releaser

BG server is not full now!!!

in WvW

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


I don’t know why anyone would want to transfer to a T1 server. T2-T4 has more enjoyable fights.

Maybe I’m a thorn in your perfection
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A stargazer, releaser

Keyboard not working sometimes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


Have you Shadowplay, Nvidia Experience…any of those kinds of programs?

No i havent. But its usually for the games that say “cant find driver”

Maybe you have it installed by default? What video card do you have?

Maybe I’m a thorn in your perfection
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A stargazer, releaser

Zap Sounds When Applying Buffs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


It’s electromagnetic interference affecting your audio card. Try moving it as far away from other devices on your motherboard as you can. My GTX 970 gives me static on my audio card when it’s under high load.

Maybe I’m a thorn in your perfection
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A stargazer, releaser

Stop pin-sniping

in WvW

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


It’s a big problem that really won’t be stopped and can’t be, even if ranks were hidden. The driver is in front of the group 90% of the time so they’re easy to identify.

Only real solution is for commanders to be running tankier builds, like nomad or sentinel with durability or melandru runes.

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A stargazer, releaser

Steel chest gave wrong loot

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


Steel Chests are dropped to the ground every time a champion is killed. The exotic item you got from it was a guilded strongbox.

Maybe I’m a thorn in your perfection
A heretic’s voice in your head
A stargazer, releaser

Skill lag- determining factor in victory

in WvW

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


Yep, whoever has the most numbers will win in skill-lag situations. Why? Because all you can do is autoattack. So whoever autoattacks the most wins.

Maybe I’m a thorn in your perfection
A heretic’s voice in your head
A stargazer, releaser

New Scoring System

in WvW

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


Scoring is irrelevant since population is massively stacked on some servers.

Play for the fights, nothing else. There are no server identities, just guilds.

Maybe I’m a thorn in your perfection
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A stargazer, releaser

Now that PvP will give you ascended gear...

in WvW

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


I’ve gotten more ascended drops in WvW than anywhere else in the game. Rings come from ranking up, weapon and armor boxes from reward tracks. The Heart of Maguuma track gives me an ascended box every two weeks.

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A stargazer, releaser

Constant DC during World vs world

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


I can’t speak on what is causing you to DC without you posting more information. Sometimes the servers are attacked and it causes a lot of people to DC at the same time, but if it’s just you and your husband, then it’s likely local to your house. Possibly a bad router/wifi signal or modem.

As for the screen turning colors, that’s a bug that started when HoT came out. When you see that, you might as well just close the client and restart, because you will crash soon. It might help to make sure your graphics driver is up to date and run a -repair on the client.

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A stargazer, releaser

New 4K monitor can hardly read text on GW2

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


Are you sure it’s not just your own eyes? I play at 3840×2160 on a 28" and have no problems.

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A stargazer, releaser

Bad Frames with great hardware!?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


Don’t run the game on max settings unless you’re in a map alone.

The client is old, that’s all.

I usually run with Shadows off, reflections none, shaders medium, postprocessing off, and everything else on high. Those seem to be the biggest burden on my hardware which is slightly less than yours in terms of CPU and GPU.

Oh, and Effect LOD being on in high activity areas makes a HUGE difference. If you turn it off at a boss fight or in WvW your frames will tank hard, regardless of hardware.

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A stargazer, releaser

(edited by TheHeretic.3529)

WvW Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: TheHeretic.3529


I had this problem and had the error popup that says “Cannot connect to the login server.” Could not see objectives on the map of any color (the graphics were not on the map) so I could not click on them. The scoreboard showed all 0’s. The time showed -:--. Guild tags disappeared and showed [] for fellow guild members.

Logging out and back in fixed it.

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A stargazer, releaser