Showing Posts For Ultima.8673:

[EU]Legendaryplayer LF Team for next esl

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ultima.8673


still looking for a decent team


What's the plan with Elementalist?

in PvP

Posted by: Ultima.8673


well, ele needs a buff !

give ele a 5th attunement : LOVE

XD think of captain planet !

deleted 2

in PvP

Posted by: Ultima.8673


It’s a no brainer really…

Broken Tier need BIG nerfs asap




Now this is a solid list.


scrapper & necro too strong. ele=dead

in PvP

Posted by: Ultima.8673


scrapper = too much dps, too much sustain and mobility: he is rolling bunkerdps (mightstacks & constant healing)
reaper = too much damage but countered by good thiefs
ele = dead

tune guard a bit vs condis and we will have at least one bunker.
why delete all bunkerclasses? just 1 or 2 bunkers (guard maybe ranger maybe engi)

it will be stupid too watch 5 dps vs 5 dps is a no go . 1 bunker 1 support 3 roamerdps should be king imo.


Team Solo Far LF 1 Multiclasser (rev, thief)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ultima.8673


new meta looking for ambitious players thiefs and revs.
i am a legendary druid so people call on me.

Team Solo Far LF 1 Multiclasser (rev, thief)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ultima.8673


bumb bumb bumb bumb

Team Solo Far LF 1 Multiclasser (rev, thief)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ultima.8673


bumb bumb still looking

Team Solo Far LF 1 Multiclasser (rev, thief)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ultima.8673


due to new incoming meta we looking for a multiclasser (thief, rev)

we play on european servers

Team Solo Far LF 1 Multiclasser (rev, thief)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ultima.8673



Team Solo Far LF 1 Multiclasser (rev, thief)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ultima.8673


bumb bumb bumb bumb

Team Solo Far LF 1 Multiclasser (rev, thief)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ultima.8673


bumb still looking for a revenant

(edited by Ultima.8673)

Team Solo Far LF 1 Multiclasser (rev, thief)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ultima.8673


bumb go looking for a revenant

Team Solo Far LF 1 Multiclasser (rev, thief)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ultima.8673


atm we are playing druid, mesmer, scrapper and necro and we are still looking for a very good viperrevenant. by the way i am 5 pips away to legendarydivision

(edited by Ultima.8673)

Team Solo Far LF 1 Multiclasser (rev, thief)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ultima.8673


bumb still looking for 2 revenants

Team Solo Far LF 1 Multiclasser (rev, thief)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ultima.8673


bumb come on guys LF 2 revenants

Team Solo Far LF 1 Multiclasser (rev, thief)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ultima.8673


bumb we found a scrapper

Team Solo Far LF 1 Multiclasser (rev, thief)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ultima.8673


hi, i am looking for a very good scrapper and 2 revenants to compete on highest pvplevel (teamqueue, esl, tourneys..). They must be very active and communicative.
I am playing a druid (i can also play revenant) and my friend is playing a mesmer! so if u wanna be tested and have some questions write me ingame: Ultima.8673

[EU]Legendaryplayer LF Team for next esl

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ultima.8673


i am ultima and i am in legendarydivision (I mostly played soloqueues or duoqueues) and i am looking for a team who wants to compete on the top (esl,tourneys, ladder..). in the past i played an elementalist (farpoint) for made in meta . since 3rd december i am very active and i can play/train everyday many hours. right now i am playing a druid for far point rushing (but i can also qucikly learn to play a rev, necro and elementalist). if there is interest u can ask me ingame Ultima.8673 and we could do some testgames.

ich bin ultima und bin zur zeit in der legendärdivision (hauptsächlich in soloqueues oder duoqueues hochgeladdert)und suche nen team um wieder ganz oben mitzuspielen (esl, tourneys..). habe damals nen elementalist (farpoint) bei made in meta gespielt. ich bin seit dem 3ten dezember wieder sehr aktiv bei der sache und kann jeden tag viele stunden spielen/trainieren. zur zeit spiele ich nen druid um far point zu pushen und neutral zu halten oder zu gewinnen (kann aber auch rev, elementalist und reaper schnell erlernen). wenn interesse besteht, könnt ihr mich ingame unter Ultima.8673 anschreiben und wir können gerne einige testgames machen.

(edited by Ultima.8673)

[EU] Ultima LF good team

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ultima.8673


i have build a team by myself: team solo far. i will contact u if somebody isn’t there.

[EU] Ultima LF good team

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ultima.8673


bump noone wants me QQ

[EU] Ultima LF good team

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ultima.8673


bump playing hambow warrior, spiritranger & ele atm

[EU] New team lf warrior & staff ele

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ultima.8673


pm me ingame: ultima.8673 or ultima.5210. i can play staffele /dd ele, spiritranger and hambowwarrior

[EU] New team looking for 1 player!

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ultima.8673


i can play d/d ele and staff ele. I am 29 years old and besides ele i can play also hambowwarrior or spiritranger…

Outplayed By Children Reforming for ToG

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ultima.8673


29, spiritranger or hambowwarrior or ele, 4000 games played, 3320 tourneys played, 2303 tourneys won, previous teams: jokers, svanir ninjas, made in meta,

(edited by Ultima.8673)

we are kittening esports

in PvP

Posted by: Ultima.8673


true esports was in hall 7 at gamescom

International All-Stars Vote Discussion

in PvP

Posted by: Ultima.8673


I voted for helseth, rom, zapdos and azani.

I will be at gamescom too. cologne is not far away from my hometown.
So i am excited to see all their reallifefaces :’D

sPvP, balance, a little philosophy, and life.

in PvP

Posted by: Ultima.8673


make heart of the mists free2play = or sell it to riot games!

make lovely leagues: bronze silver gold platin master grandmasterleagues.
give me some pvprewards =gold, gems, titles, epic weapons, skins, backpacks, finishers, new pets & spirits for my ranger :P

suggestions for gw2-pvp to grow

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ultima.8673


I am german so sry for my grammar & strange sentences

I want a higher playerbase in pvp.

Imo forest of nifhel, legacy of foefire, battle of khylo and temple map (just change water!)are great designed pvp maps!

How do u achieve a bigger playerbase? Well thats pretty simple; implement new battlegroundmodes
which makes a lot of fun and are easy to understand for the community. (skyhammer frustrates me , it favours stability and cc-classes, instantdeath by falling) Take as an example the different ! scenarios/battlegrounds from warhammer online age of reckoning they were so much fun!
Domination (conquest)-mode, we already have, real capture the flag misses! spirit watch is a cross of domination and capture the flag (too complicated for community!) what about single flag ctf, two flag ctf, bombing run, escort, deathmatch ( team a starts south , team b starts north and in the middle is only a big node which u must conquer! This battleground gave me orgasms cause of constant fighting, defending the node or trying to conquer it, this mode is easy to understand for everyone!) is missing
or hutball from star wars the old republic…. And I am a pvehater I loved the fact that u could play alltime pvp in warhammer and rise ur level by only doing battlegrounds. In battlegrounds enemy dropped nice gear. and I want to choose in

soloqueue /teamqueue what maps I wan to play and what not!!! ranked games should only be for balanced maps ( no skyhammer, spiritwatch)

and why do I have so much glory points ? I want legendaries, cool pvpclothes only the best can achieve, titles, special finishers, badges of honours… The community want to achieve something in pvp! gold, gems, special things..
I dont want to open those chests I get from the pvp…

Try to implement leagues so people in a lower league can raise & feel that they achieve something (wood league, iron, bronze, silver, gold, platin, diamond, master, grandmasterleagues)

and I want a page like
in which u search for example for a certain role : support, tank, roamer and u will find some nice builds

The spectator mode u should be able to see how far a node is capped …and maybe show the pointincoming from nodes .. so u can see how much points gave node a ! kills/assists/into downstate /rezzes and stomps should also be shown somewhere.. better userinterface for spectators = more utility, short and easy to see

my opinion is based on my experience from different mmorpg/games : star wars, tera, aion, wow, warhammer online,rohan online, battlefield franchise and many more…

I have 3 gw2 accounts so if anybody will say i hate this game i gonna destroy him…
I can see the potential of gw2.

(edited by Ultima.8673)

New rant of the week - Helseth is a hero

in Community Creations

Posted by: Ultima.8673


helseth has guns
helseth has rifles
helseth has bombs
helseth has laserz
helseth has weapons of mass destruction

ban him for all next upcoming tournaments :’D

helseth talks the truth.

what i wan:
i wan a higher playerbase.

Imo Forest of nifhel, legacy of foefire, battle of khylo and temple map (just change water!)are great designed pvp maps!

how do u achieve a bigger playerbase, well thats pretty simple implement new battlegroundmodes
which makes a lot of fun and are easy to understand for the community. (skyhammer frustrates me , it favours stability and cc-classes, instantdeath by falling) take as an example the different ! scenarios/battlegrounds from warhammer online age of reckoning they were so much fun!
domination (conquest)-mode, we have already, real capture the flag misses! spirit watch is a cross of domination and capture the flag (too complicated for community!) what about single flag ctf, two flag ctf, bombing run, escort, deathmatch ( team a starts south , team b starts north and in the middle is only a big node which u must conquer! this battleground gave me orgasms cause of constant fighting, defending the node or trying to conquer it, this mode is easy to understand for everyone!) is missing
or hutball from star wars the old republic…. and i am a pvehater i loved the fact that u could play alltime pvp in warhammer and rise ur level by only doing battlegrounds. in battlegrounds enemy dropped nice gear. and i wan to choose in

soloqueue /teamqueue what maps i wan to play and what not!!! ranked games should only be for balanced maps ( no skyhammer, spiritwatch)

and why do i have so much glory points ? i wan legendaries, cool pvpclothes only the best can achieve, titles, special finishers, badges of honours… i wan to achieve something in pvp! gold, gems, special things..
i dont wan to open those chests i get from the pvp…

and i wan a page like
in which u search for example for a certain role : support, tank, roamer and u will find some nice builds

the spectator mode u should be able to see how far a node is capped …and maybe show the pointincoming from nodes .. so u can see how much points gave node a ! kills/assists/into downstate /rezzes and stomps should also be shown somewhere.. better userinterface for spectators = more utility, short and easy to see

my opinion is based on my experience from different mmorpg/games : star wars, tera, aion, wow, warhammer online,rohan online, battlefield franchise and many more…

I have 3 gw2 accounts so if anybody will say i hate this game i gonna destroy him…
i can see the potential of gw2.

(edited by Ultima.8673)

[EU] made in meta lf sdthief & bunkerguard

in PvP

Posted by: Ultima.8673


[EU] made in meta lf sdthief & bunkerguardian & warrior:

-be a fast, mobile and smart roamer (sdthief, warrior) , be a superevasive, damagepredicting, stabilitygiving, stomping/rezzing tank and u never loose ur node(guardian)
-be very active & skilled
-know a lot about other classes/theorycrafting/movement/positioning
-u re a top 50 player and u are willing to play on the highest level to compete with teams like team curse, denial esports etc..
-u re learngreedy and u also watch other players streams and u read in the forums
-teamspeak, communication and englishskills are important

atm made in meta consists of a necro (moa), me (ranger)

if u re interested pm me ultima.8763 or blackmoa.3186
dont be shy we can test u in tourneygames or 1v1 2v2 situations….

(edited by Ultima.8673)

SoloQ solution is brackets

in PvP

Posted by: Ultima.8673


make different leagues yea! wood league, copper league, ironleague, bronze league, silver league, gold league, master legue and grandmasterleague….

Now the #1 Solo will not play for a month

in PvP

Posted by: Ultima.8673


soloqueue is utterly broken . i get so many bad brainless players playing inferior builds which i would never touchDDD and those are so bad u cannot carry them . (they move out of nodes, they make 0 damage and they cannot tank dodge cc rez..)

it would be awesome if u could give ur teammates / and enemyplayers some kind of valuation ( like this guy played super tanky bunker: could hold mid entire game, this roamer sucked …)

(edited by Ultima.8673)

Can we ban asura from the pax tournament?

in PvP

Posted by: Ultima.8673



the asuras are the mastercrafters. they are no humans who believe in faith and love which blinds people, makes war and kills people! where love is is also hatred!

the asuras stands for science, sanity and reason. a new ‘golden’ age. the asura deserve to rule. they are the ‘illuminated’ ones and i kittening love u who designed them and their world !

‘Brain, not Brawn, will change this world.’


(edited by Ultima.8673)

Guide to winning in new SoloQ

in PvP

Posted by: Ultima.8673


if u play with me ! u will get a tsip : and u get a strategy from me what to do.. where to go/hold and who to focus. i hope they make the soloqueue so that i wont have to play with 5 bunkers.. i hope u can login as a role and that the comp should be 1 bunker 4 roamers or 1 bunker 1 support 3 roamer….

good thing about soloqueue is it will help the community about strategy classes and maybe we see new talented players/lamers

(edited by Ultima.8673)

Pax Finals - SYNC vs TC!

in PvP

Posted by: Ultima.8673


i am gonna watch the NA scene. let us see if the Guald stole some Europeantechnology. well maybe i see a new meta who knows; maybe warriors, mesmers, eles ?…

i make a bet an engi, guardian, ranger, thief, necro copycatsetup gonna win

(edited by Ultima.8673)

sPvP Class Tier List: - Updated 6/30

in PvP

Posted by: Ultima.8673



1. Engineer
2. Necro
3. S/Dthief
4. Spiritranger

A- tier:


rest doesn’t interest me anymore cause of broken meta

[EU] made in meta 2 lf 4 new players

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ultima.8673


we are not restricted to classes … we are open to new classes but the role is important !
on higher skilllevel some weapons/ builds have just the better options….
we can test people so dont worry and just ask us…

(edited by Ultima.8673)

[EU] Team looking for RANGER! (SPIRIT)

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ultima.8673


vuhhhhhhhhhh <3 gl finding someone

[EU] made in meta 2 lf 4 new players

in Looking for...

Posted by: Ultima.8673


alafin (alafin.3714 : 1700 games experienced) is an ambitious bunkerguardianlady and is looking for some experienced and decent players to build a second made in meta team which want to become better and play in 5v5 tournaments
ts3 is required and u should be able to communicate.

3 roamers are needed:
- s/dthief,
- nodefighterengi

and 1 support:

if u are interested in joining us feel free to contact alafin.3714
our coreteam can help u with builds, knowledge, strategy and movement…

(edited by Ultima.8673)

First Eliminati and now Skulls and Bones ?

in PvP

Posted by: Ultima.8673


There are so many things wrong with that pyramid it quite literally made me lol. If you think thieves are near the top and guardians /elementalist are near the bottom you need some more experience under your belt before you qq.

now watch pax final winner setup. i can see the future
anet plx watch into engineers 2 time selfrezzing thx …

Congrats [SYNC] for NA tourney win

in PvP

Posted by: Ultima.8673


gz u earned it

In memory of Helseth

in PvP

Posted by: Ultima.8673


don’t u see the similarity?
we are not far away from esports >:D
drama is already there :’D

why is anet so mad on helseth? QQ

he is the only streamer i love to watch.
it is entertaining . more entertaining than idra
plx unban him. he is no swedish terrorist and
he doesn’t hide bombs in his hair …

(edited by Ultima.8673)

Banning Helseth

in PvP

Posted by: Ultima.8673


‘we all living in america . america is wunderbar’

omg arenanet are u serious? helseth was joking xD. i watch his streams very often and sometimes people think he is arrogant but he is just making fun. he is a nice guy ….
so plx unban him…. here in europe the civil people dont have guns at their homes.
(Ah well i forgot NA protects EU with weapons of mass destruction and we give u spaceagetechnology)

(edited by Ultima.8673)

Guide - How to Counter Spirit Rangers.

in PvP

Posted by: Ultima.8673


You pretty much evade all marks. Besides that the spirit ranger has enogh dmg to get a necro down. He can activate 2x the abilites of the spirits (1x on his + 1x on diying), if he still fails to get the nec down he can rezz himself up. Don’t forget the pet, which deals constant damage.

Also you have the advantage of lack of knowledge. The least players know how to perfectly play against rangers (this is not always accurate for top-players).

eliminati told me ‘watch the hands up in the air’ and ‘kill that sunspirit’ and the dps of ranger drops significantly :P

Current state of the meta.

in PvP

Posted by: Ultima.8673


PS: Ultima used to run triple elementalists in his team comp. That was the epitome of balance right right Ultima?

Ultima is asking specifically for a nerf because his favorite role and build are not viable anymore so instead of adjusting and adapting like all the thieves have always have done as well as the current trend with warriors, he is asking for a nerf.

just watch the last european curse masters of the mists tournament . in my team i am the only ele… (switching from bunkerele to an offensive one is a completely different role/playstyle)

i played at beginning of the game an offensive staffelementalist ( in svanir ninjas with posi, psyco..) and that steal backstab mug combo was really too high damage. u didnt see the thief coming and u died from 100% to 0% instant. so the thief nerfs were justified….

u should be glad that i won’t post here all former elenerfs….
many of them were justified i can refer to old posts of me

so kitten my complaints are justified.

When did teams stop playing double elementalist again? And you did make a post on forum stating that an S/D thief needs a nerf because because YOU used to be an aggressive far-pointer. After the nerfs you are still here asking for more nerfs.

An elementalist asks for nerfs on a thief as if the thief can 100-0 that class or as if the thief is on the same “balance spread sheet” as an elementalist. Want to compare what an elementalist brings to the team with an S/D thief just to show you how ridiculous your justified complains are?

Lets look at this in another way,

What does S/D do better than other classes?*

Aoe damage? None.
Raw damage? None.
Burst damage? None.
Getting one-shotted? Absolutely not.
Condition damage? None.
Condition removal? None.
Returning conditions? None.
Might-stacking? None.
Self-sustained boons? None.
Self-rezing skill? None.
Rezing an ally while he is downed? None.
Fear, Knockback? None.
Kicking off the point close holders? None.
Holding a point 1v2? Not even worth typing.
Close-point holder? Not even worth typing.
Mobility superiority? None.
Stability? None.
Being the best far-point contester? Not even close.
Passing/sharing boons with the team? None.
Supporting the team with heals? None.


Do you even know why a thief/rogue/assassin has always been super squishy and super deadly in other mmorpgs? I will tell you why;

a. it balances it self out.
b.because it forces players not to blow up all their cooldowns.
c.because it forces players to pay attention rather than playing passively.
d.because it was one of those classes that would punish other players for not knowing their classes.
e.because it was always one of those classes that was able to counter play super abusive set ups/team comps aka mass magic damage/mass cc/and so on and so forth.

So we end up with Guild Wars 2 and a meta that flips completely what a thief is and makes it look like as if playing a joggler instead of being an assassin just to satisfy classes that offer way more to the team while not feel the heat as a thief does versus them.

Fear the almighty S/D thief because an elementalist, a mesmer and an engineer are getting one-shotted while at the same time an S/D thief does everything better than them.

The fact is that you have no arguments strong enough to considerate a S/D Thief OP/Meta in any angle. You just want to have a thief breezing past you.

You want that class which is supposed to outdps every single class in this game to be a walking troll stick.

Well you got it.

i am kinda bored to answer you but here again why all people complain about s/dthief is that u get a big survivability by dodging and making pressure (sword 3 skill) in a teamfight u gonna dodge/evade everything. if u say he dies in aoes xD then ur team plays wrong because no team focuses a s/dthief first…. if he gets hit by aoe then the s/dthief stands next to his teammates what is also wrong…. the other mates ele necro mesmer ranger they shoot from range = safe distance while sdthief makes the pressure and u cannot stop it. if u try to stop it u waste skills on the thief. thief has best disengages, stealth, best mobility and sdthief is the biggest flavour of the month it took me 1 h too learn that class it feels like playing hwoarang from tekken 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 kick kick kick. imo this class is too easy to play and gives too much. play an offele make that earth into air combo , press 9 buttons within 2 seconds with proper positioning, timing …. and compare that to the s/dthief. what i wan either nerf the damage of sdthief or the survivability of it or better change the mechanic make it more skillfull..

Current state of the meta.

in PvP

Posted by: Ultima.8673


Jzaku; while mesmer damage is high its probably one of, if not the most fragile class in the game, it is very weak to both condi and power damage.
Also in high level tournament play, mesmer is almost extinct, with almost no teams running mesmers anymore.

Funny, that reminds me of D/P Thief.
Before the Curse tournament it was like:
“Hey guys, group for Curse? I got this highly experimental build I think is going to end up to be really strong”
“Lol you only play thief. No. L2p mesmer or s/d ele.”
laughs at the idea of a Thief not playing D/P
…A month after patch
….Last minute signups:
Ostrich: “Hey, um we need a 5th and have no other options so I guess we’re stuck w/ you.”
Me: “Ok…” wrecks face

If it were so painstakingly brainless, overpowered, and etc… why did it take only my actions to flip the meta 1 month after the patch?
From patch day 1 Necros have been completely dominating the scene with their 30/30/10 or 30/20/20.

You know, most players I group with still won’t even let me try to play D/P 10/30/0/0/30. “Just reroll mesmer or ele” they say.

suldaris played s/d at curse-tourney in my team all of my teammates new it was too strong… but the builds evolved and new builds came so… but now suldaris is kittened on s/d = it is too boring for him and he left the team and i understand him.

Current state of the meta.

in PvP

Posted by: Ultima.8673


PS: Ultima used to run triple elementalists in his team comp. That was the epitome of balance right right Ultima?

Ultima is asking specifically for a nerf because his favorite role and build are not viable anymore so instead of adjusting and adapting like all the thieves have always have done as well as the current trend with warriors, he is asking for a nerf.

just watch the last european curse masters of the mists tournament . in my team i am the only ele… (switching from bunkerele to an offensive one is a completely different role/playstyle)

i played at beginning of the game an offensive staffelementalist ( in svanir ninjas with posi, psyco..) and that steal backstab mug combo was really too high damage. u didnt see the thief coming and u died from 100% to 0% instant. so the thief nerfs were justified….

u should be glad that i won’t post here all former elenerfs….
many of them were justified i can refer to old posts of me

so kitten my complaints are justified.

(edited by Ultima.8673)

Current state of the meta.

in PvP

Posted by: Ultima.8673


Lol saw this coming. on a side note
Can’t believe you didn’t mention spirit rangers. They can bunker almost as good as guardians and they deal insane amount of damage. Necros need a big nerf and ANET knows it. S/D thief is not OP. if you can’t deal with S/D than you are just bad. S/D thief already got a nerf last patch they shouldn’t change it. I’v played against many S/D thiefs as engineer and i never had any trouble against any of them apart from the lady nag nag. if you are basing your statement about thief’s on specific individuals than your out of your mind. It’s like saying engi’s are OP just because teldo kills everyone 1v1. I do believe it is slightly OP just like bomb kit engi but it should never get a nerf. Also warriors and mesmers need a big buff because they bloody suck at the moment.
guardians / engi/ ele are the most balanced professions.

yea sure…. sdthief and engi is op! the same like my bunkerele was before all the elenerfpatches. i beat all classes easily in a 1v1 or could hold , disengage easily… (mesmer, engi, thiefs………) in the past ele was godtier… now things changed and i am not a stupid player. this is mainly a nodemodegame… u split ur teammates mostly…. engi is brilliant for it…(replaced my role as bunkerele, more dps, more ranged cc, self-teamrez, super synergy with necro, bigger healthpool, perma swiftness & vigor, super 1v1 potential..)

DESTROY THE DEADLY TRIANGLE NECRO, ENGI, SDTHIEF i wan see variations warrior d/d, d/pthiefs, mesmers, rangers….


(edited by Ultima.8673)

Current state of the meta.

in PvP

Posted by: Ultima.8673



Current state of the meta.

in PvP

Posted by: Ultima.8673


I made a very similar thread 2-3 weeks ago and got flamed cuz it was “too soon” after the patch and players would adapt to this new meta.

well guess what?! I was right…

PS. This was my thread:

in the past i knew from many necrofriends posi, moa and others that the patch will be ridicilous overpowered…

(edited by Ultima.8673)