Showing Posts For Umweltplakette.2109:

Shall i continue playing a Ranger in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


Actually some ppl in here do just show that they have not even the slightest clue … Trap rangers atm are pretty viable and they do add really nice Condi dmg in teamfights. Find and run a good Trap/Condi Ranger in your setup that isn’t build Glass Cannon and see how it works out

Nov 15 is make or break time

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


Why doesn’t it work as usual in Conquering modes?

1 Guardian shouldn’t be able to hold a point for his team if there are 3 enemys on the same point. Outnumbering > Bunkers … so that the team with more players on a node will cap it sooner or later. Guess this would make this mode much more fun since this kitteny “Put a bunker on a point until the whole team arrives and just camp 2 nodes” would end! … they could make it so that you cap a point slower if there’s a bunker on it but it simply shouldn’t be impossible to cap it if the enemy doesn’t have the equal number of players on the node.

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


Hot Join should just be deleted so that everyone has to join 5vs5 free tournaments while at the same time they should add a matchmaking system for tournaments which doesn’t allow to get premades vs PuGs

So the people would learn how 5vs5 works … they would learn how to handle their class in tournaments … they would stop crying the forums with “nerf” threads since there wouldn’t be such a zerg anymore … there would be more people out there with tournament tickets so that they could group up and go for Paid tournaments which would lower the que times for paids.

List of the un-Fun elements of Downstate

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


The Problems I do have with downed state:

- When you are downed you can get revived a ways too fast by your teammate (you can’t finish your target with a stomp if you start to cast the stomp just 1/4 sec after the enemy did start the revive)

- The Downed skills are just not balanced … Ele went from zero to hero now while Necro does still has a one target fear? … Downed state should just have 2 buttons … Suicide or Fight to Survive … not even an AoE Interrupt because you LIVING TEAMMATES should take care about if they waste the knockbacks to get a rezz on you

- Downed players do have much more health then living ppl .. I mean comon oO? you are downed and suddenly you turn into Hulk? … Hulk gonna smash you …

- Downed players shouldn’t interrupt the Neutralization/Capping of a point

- Downed players just shouldn’t be able to deal such crazy dmg!!! They maybe should be able to throw things with like 20 dmg on someone to get a rally but wtf man they keep throwing dirt on you with 2k crits?

- ALL Npcs should die as soon as you get into downed state since you don’t really stand any chance if you get into a downed fight vs a mesmer or a ranger or a thief with Thieves Guild

- Runes and Sigils shouldn’t be able to activate when a downed player gets hit or hits a target

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


Isn’t the PvP dead already? … Thank God Assassins Creed 3 for Comupter is coming up close and Halo 4 arrived … so I don’t need GW2 anymore and thank god this is no P2P Game so that I can simply come back and look into the PvP in 3-4 months when it will hopefully be better and if not then for sure the game will die like all the other hyped MMOs before.

killed in 1.5 sec by a thief litterally

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


wow … did all GW1 players mouse click the whole time oO? … if yes then I can fully understand why there are so many ppl out there still getting killed by backstab thieves

People Will Leave

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


The reason why the teams HAVE to farm Free tournaments is simple … almost everyone is already out of tickets because it consumes 5 freaking tickets to play 1 PAID tournament … and since there are only a few good groups out there you almost always get stomped by teams like PZ, TP, ALPHA and so in in the 1st round …. PAID is no fun if you don’t have a really really good and pro group right now since as I mentioned .. you will just get stomped and lose tons of tickets.

It would be so much more easy if people would be chosen by qualification points or there should at least be a matchmarking system … I mean comon …

if you ever played LoL then imagine it would be like this all the time in Paid:

Elo 1200 vs Elo 2500

since there are only such a few teams with tons and tons of tickets out there you can almost be sure to get stomped by one of those all the time because they are the only ones queueing anymore lol .. you might survive the 1st round but after this pray to god not to get vs the same teams again and again

and this is simply the reason why the queue times for paids are so kittening high and why almost no one enjoys playing Paids.

(edited by Umweltplakette.2109)

PvP Forge Short Bow Glowing Animation

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


Hey guys, I just wanted to know if this is a bug … if you log on your character the Forge Short Bow got his nice Blue glowing while it is on the back and as soon as you start using it the glow disappears and there’s only a blue boring bow without any glowing anymore left.

And as soon as you relogg on your Character it glows again till you start shooting with it.

1/8 Queue on Paid Tournaments. Can't join

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


I’ve tried to to paids with my team also … we have been waiting for hours and no game opened because we’ve been the only team that was queues … seems like there is almost no one who plays Paids … seems really sad but I guess a huge bunch of the community did already leave the game because it took ages to bring this mode out.

Who said there are no Thieves in tPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


and they are not even “needed” … a lot of good teams do run without thieves.

Why do people complain about Bunkers?

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


the game right now is only balanced around thieves and bunkers lol … There is almost no place for the other professions and hardly NO way for the people that would like to play any profession the balanced way… as it stands now we got Glass cannons or bunkers and that’s it … nothing between

Should Character Swapping Be Allowed in tPvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


Personally I like the swapping but ONLY right before the match starts. Swapping right while the match already goes it’s way shouldn’t be allowed … but almost no one does switch his professions in an already running match :P

Swapping right before the match starts is okay since you can pick counters for the team you face … imagine you wouldn’t have a Necro or a condition stacking engineer if you face one of the annoying fotm bunker teams :O would just be a nightmare you don’t even want to think about :P


in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


I would prefer the skill to just be able to use if your target has 25% or less health… but on the other hand it’s such a nice gap closer :/

The future of PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


I’m not sure about if this game really has a future … well it will have one but probably not a good one.

I’m about to quit this game after my rank 40 which is in 2 more ranks. The game is out for almost 2 Months now and PvP still is as it has been in BWE2 … some changes have
been made to several professions that didn’t even help a little and they did add a horrible annoying map (Raid on the Capricorn) to the pool and that’s it.

I thought this game would be mostly PvP focused but I can’t see anything that does focus on PvP (and NO I’m not talking about the WvWvW which only is fun if you like 50vs50 zergs) … we have to go to a separated area into the Mists where we can get skins that we can’t wear outside the Mists … we can’t even have our own colors in the PvP Maps.

there will be no eSports future for this game since we just got rick rolled … I mean, how should a game witch such a horrible balance EVER reach eSports?

Not to mention there is no ranking system yet … there is no system which doesn’t allow to premade Groups to stomp pugs in Tournaments … there is no competition at all right now… all you can do is join Free Tournaments with friends or alone where you get the same rewards again and again and again or you can join the 8vs8 zergfest to farm Glory for hours until you get bored and leave,

I guess this was just another example of a new game which got hyped and didn’t offer nearly anything the people thought it would… just like Aion, AoC, Rift and so on … should just show the future of the game if it keeps going this way.

I know this statistic is not all about PvP or the whole Community but about GW2 in general.

(edited by Umweltplakette.2109)

Howcan people already have this rank!?

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


Ouhhh sorry didn’t know that :/ … it’s really confusing :P

Howcan people already have this rank!?

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


Is there a bug right now allowing people somehow to cheat on the rank?

I’ve met about 4 people today who already had the Ascendant title (which only is obtained at about rank 80 I guess?)

Even if you hardcore PvP with about 12 hours per day this wouldn’t be possible right now?

Sorry if I’m missing something … just want to be sure about that … because it’s so strange mostly due to the reasons that always people with “low” Equipment are running around with this.


Yeah I get they're assassins... but really?

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


Every game I play is the same.

You have a toon with huge burst and stealth that’s able to instant kill people, and the nubs who play it and think everyone else is just bad.

I repeat Backstab builds are strong against everyone, If you don’t think the ability to throw out 10k-16k damage instantly in this game is strong, at any level…You’re not understanding the basic concept of PvP.

However claiming that Backstab is remotely similar is silly at best, Because you have an instant teleport to the target high damage….There is nothing else in this game that requires less skill then playing a Thief currently.

I do play my thief with S/D one of the harder to play thief builds out there … and how comes that I do almost NEVER lose to any Backstab thief? … right sir! the answer is as simple as it is! I do use the STUNBREAKERS … as soon as I see Basilisk Venom or a thief stealthing on the way to me I simply press 1 button and all his dmg goes into nothing since his dmg CDs are blown out … now he can choose between running or figthing me with my CDs still up.

and I do only have 1 Stunbreaker kitten … how great must it be to play a class with 3 stunbreakers then .

but Okay … Backstab is too strong I do fully agree with that and that’s why I don’t play D/D … It almost reached the level where I have to shame for playing D/D even if I would like it :/

Yeah I get they're assassins... but really?

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


Yeah sure … nerf the overall thief dmg so that all the other builds that do already not deal even 1/4 of the D/D dmg will be more useless then they already are.

just /facepalm … you don’t have any clue about how to balance a profession. It’s not everything about “Okay we just gonna nerf the overall dmg”

Just because you are trolling with a Hammer Warrior that isn’t supposed to deal tons of dmg because it’s used to hardcore CC the ppl you’re now flaming the thief dmg.

You Sir are a BOSS! (again /facepalm)

Backstab Builds are imo to strong vs noobs … and since there are tons of noobs out there it needs to be nerfed … okay, but there are some other ppl like me out there that don’t even use D/D or ppl playing their Thief the “Balanced way” which isn’t meant to be a glass cannon

ANet should just buff some other builds a little so that they will become attractive to everyone and that it won’t just be D/D Backstab the people will use since it does the best dmg because as it stands right now the Thief already doesn’t have a great choice between weapons and to combine them compared to other professions not to mention that almost all other professions except D/D do lack in dmg and in the way how uselefull they are S/P was nice due to the almost balanced dmg and the nice Daze / Blind support you could add to your team … but the Haste bursters did also kill this build since the dmg now really lacks if you don’t play it as glass cannon.

(edited by Umweltplakette.2109)

"endless loading screen" in spvp [MERGED]

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


Having this problem also. Happened to me 3 times now … guess the map doesn’t matter since it happened on Kyhlo, Capricorn and Foefire already

Repair Kit Port (BoK Unbalance)

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


A person on the treb can definitely win a round since it makes capping the Points very easy.

If you wait for them to come back with the Kit you waste a lot of time which you could use to roam around and help other points

You don’t really need “skill” to aim with the treb and if you want to waste time killing and maybe failing to a mesmer who gonna just keep shooting after the fight (which can happen easily since shatter mesmers are still OP) it’s always faster to kill the treb.

Sure both teams CAN do this … but this again does force teams to pick a mesmer for BoK which is bull****

There just should be as already mentioned either a “No way to teleport with the repairkit” function

or an increased Cooldown to the repairkit to spawn.

Bunkers are ruining tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


Sezu I guess you did never play against 2-3 good Bunker Guardians in 1 team … what the hell should boon removal help about this? not to mention I can just steal 2 boons every 45 and this only happens WHEN TRAITED

Not everyone likes to choose traits just to counter bunker builds as it already has been mentioned … so please start to read the posts first

Ok moreover I believe you’re a bunker player yourself and you enjoy bullying people with endless Health regeneration and blocks.

Edit – I already did play a bunker guardian in tPvP just to get tears in my eyes when I saw how horrible easy it was to play it … I didn’t even care about if I was attacked by condition or Brust builds … neither of these did kill me in a 1v1 because all my CDs just came back up … mostly I just have been dropped by at least 3 ppl and this already took them tons of time lol

Bunkers are ruining tPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


Yes they do ruin tPvP and sPvP also

ANet said THEY DON’T WANT TO HAVE TANKS OR HEALERS in GW2 … and what do we have now? we got hardcore bunkers with hardcore Health Regen and Block … so both things they didn’t want to have are simply in 1 profession now (mostly Guardian, Ele Engineer)

People NEED to run Glass Cannon builds to be able to get those bunkers down … so what do bunkers do? exactly THEY DO FORCE OTHER PLAYERS TO PLAY GLASS CANNON BUILDS just to deal with them … I personally don’t like to run Glass Cannon but what else should I do? if me and my teammate both would run into a fight with a balanced build that we might like … we couldn’t even stand the smallest chance to drop the bunker unless we would come up with maybe 3 balance builded ppl.

Not to mention that it really destroys the gameplay for some professions that simply can’t do as much burst as others can.

if I would run my thief with S/D (a build I really like) and would build him around a balance build with medium dmg and medium health every bunker would just stay there while laughing.

There CAN be bunkers … but they should be able to get dropped in a 1vs1 even if the 1v1 might last longer.

Most Tourney setups right now do simply run 2x Bunker Guardian + Thief + Necro +Engineer or Ele and if you as random group gonna meet a setup like that then you’re simply lost and either as premade group it’s just soooo annoying to fight bunker setups because it’s not fun anymore it’s just frustrating to see them getting back to full health every few seconds or to see them getting revived and instantly being back on full Health and the fun gonna start again.

(edited by Umweltplakette.2109)

Come On...dying in 2seconds?

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


Yeah at first when I started to play GW2 in BWE2 I thought “COOL SUDDENLY NO HEAL PROFESSIONS” … and now I strat to miss them somehow :/ … I guess Heal professions would help to bring some balance but only if the bunkers wouldn’t stay at the current level they are … Imagine killing a bunker with healer behind him … brrr

Back to Topic:
Well … the problem is that since there are TONS and really TONS of people rerolling bunkers it’s almost necessary to have at least 1 profession that can burst hardcore dmg

Thiefs Discussion Thread [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


sure D/P got backstab but it’s much harder to land a backstab with this build since you don’t have CnD.

And yeah they might not want us to be as we are right now … but they at least should make all other weapon sets attractive then so that we can run other things that might be interesting.

I'm just gonna leave this here...

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


Well … this video is showing a Thief farming people in the sPvP 8vs8 zergfest while he did cut it so that it just shows his nice Crits … nothing else. If we at least could see all the deaths he had to suffer while he was on CD or all the deaths while he couldn’t oneshot someone.

+ this Video has been BEFORE the Basilisc Venom Nerf… who ever gonne get caught by this poison now and eats a backstab while being in it really deservs that 150% dmg crit backstab

Thiefs Discussion Thread [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


you’re right it’s not useless since you can support your team with Dazes and you can avoid dmg with the PW evasion. But if you compare the dmg of the PW with the dmg of the D/D there only is D/D left and if I’d like to do ALMOST equal dmg to the backstab I’ll have to play my S/P as a Glass Cannon with just 15k HP … I don’t really like to be Glass cannon but it seems like ANet wants the Thief to be one.

And as you see there … if you want to get the best dmg there only is D/D left. Peronally I don’t really like that because I’d much more like to roll around with some other sets to have fun since only D/D to be viable becomes boring as hell :/

tPvP is ruined and there's no hope.

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


there is no counter to bunker builds unless you play it yourself … and what the hack is this that you always have to create builds just to counter the named things?

The game was designed about having no “Holy Trinity” … but as it stands right now we’ve got a hardcore one.

Just always look the teams that will reach the last round … it’s what the OP said.

mostly 2x Bunker Guardian + Necro + Bunker Ele + Engineer or another Bunker Ele

Thiefs Discussion Thread [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


Well … if backstab also gets a nerf (thanks to the nonskilled flamers) what are we thieves going to be useful then? … there is nothing but Burst we can do because we die in seconds if we’re getting catched thanks to ANets PW nerf that makes D/D with Backstab the ONLY viable Build with dmg left there for us!

If they nerf the burst they at least need to make some other abilities useful and mostly they need to increase the base Health and Armor…

And who ever plays some decent tPvP will already have noticed that most premade teams just got 1 Thief and he isn’t the troublemaker there (thanks to endless bunker setups with 2 Guardians, Health regen Eles and Engineers)

And as I said … ANet did nerf PW … so

S/P … is almost useless now because it hardcore lacks in dmg
P/P … never has been an option since it’s just useless if you don’t play against scrubs
D/P … pretty much useless because it just has no burst besides Autoattacks
S/D … I don’t know if there is a weapon set out there that could be more useless
P/D … almost as useless as the S/D is -.-
D/D … THE ONLY viable build left since it does what an assassin is supposed to do … it bursts and if you fail your burst you’re pretty much useless for 45 seconds not to mention the burst almost never makes someone die (again thanks to hardcore bunkers)

I did LOVE to play PW the more tanky way with a knights amulet since the dmg still was nice. But now we NEED to play Glass cannon so that we still can do something.

but hey …. maybe it’s just another game where the Thief/assassin/rogue class gonna be nerfed to the ground until no one will play it anymore because there are so many flamers out there flooding the forums with “NERF NERF NERF .. OP OP OP …”

(edited by Umweltplakette.2109)

Tournament chests and transferring between server regions

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


Yeah did notice this. Since about 3 days now I’m receiving my tourney chests. WHat gonna happen if I transfer back to my old EU server now? will I have to earn more tournament chests then I did on the US one now to get them again there?

Discussion on the new sPvP blog post.

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


I do miss a lot of things there since this blog is just about tPvP and nothing about balance or things they want to do about the hardcore bunker and dmg . Nothing about the sPvP maps (fix for sharks, no underwater combat since 99% don’t like it or even new maps that might come)
Nothing about the Point system which supports zerg > win and how they might want to fix the issue that people in sPvP keep zerging instead of capping and holding a point. At all nothing really new and nothing I wouldn’t have already known to come … I already thought that there will be better items and rewards for paid Tournament … the only real new thing I never thought it would come is the fact about Private Arenas to rent. But since I don’t have an active PvP Group or Guild this blog is just interesting for people that want to be the top players / that do only play tournament.

PvP blog post?

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


Can’t believe this is the blog post … Holy kitten … it took you guys almost 3 weeks to bring out such a small blog that doesn’t even really offer any new information we didn’t already know about? …. really disappointing since I have been looking forward to some PvP post with Information about Balance and how you want to go against the Holy Trinity you didn’t want to have in the game … some information about maps (for example sharks in Capricorn) and how they gonna be fixed … some Information about the sPvP and how you want to make it more balanced and enjoyable … some information about the point system and updates so that sPvP won’t just be a massive Point grinding zerg.

Really really disappointed at all … hopefully this is a nightmare and I just got rickrolled …

Are mesmers and thieves ruining PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


In my Opinion all those annoying bunker builds on Engineer, Elementalist & Guardians are the thing that destroys tPvP pretty much …. just met another 2 bunker Guardians + 2 Bunker Eles +1 Mesmer combo and this is pretty much the setup I meet about 90% of the lsat round matches.

The Game was designed to NOT have any Tank/Healer professions (well … that’s at least what ANet said -.-) … and as it stands right now there are tons of “Tanks” and “I Heal myselfe up the whole time” builds out there that you can’t kill solo and that almost can’t be killed by 2 ppl .. mostly there are min. 3 ppl needed to take them down fast enough.

I don’t get why people flame about Thieves and Mesmers … they are only pwnz0rs in sPvP matches where they can pick kills in 8vs8 zergs and where tons of new players that don’t even know how to play are in, but in tPvP you feel pretty useless as Thief since you can’t even nuke down an Elementalist or a Guardian and you’
r just supposed to be the 1st guy being killed thanks to teams that know how to fokus and you’re the guy that is only there to roam around. They’ll just throw you around the map like a piece of paper while you can’t do anything but watch as they instand revive their teammates or finishing your teammates.

(edited by Umweltplakette.2109)

Not getting tournament chests again!

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


Just did another one and didn’t receive my chest while my brother and my friend which I did play with already got theirs :/

Are mesmers and thieves ruining PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


I’m pretty sure that’s what most of the ppl do… they did never ever play the class but they get owned by it and so all they gonna do is o come to the forums to tell everyone how OP it is.

Thieves that spam skills are easymode to kill … mostly the heartseeker ones
Mesmers that don’t Coordinate the right skills in the right order are also easymode

but then suddenly there appears a whild thief backstabbing some guy that lacks in movement and what do you think he gonna do? … he comes to the forum to tell everyone how easymode Thief is and how easy it is to spam keys blabla

Play a Thief or a Mesmer in Tournament vs not random teams and then you’ll start to notice it’s not everything about 8vs8 zergfest easymode.

But I guess it will end up as always … the game will be balanced about the bad players that would attack their own mesmer clones if there would be Friendly Fire and the good players as always will need to play other professions because the ones they like to play will simply be nerfed to the ground.

Are mesmers and thieves ruining PvP?

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


The problem is … since you are squishy as Hell if you are playing thief you’re meant to have Stealth because if not you’d just be dead in a few seconds. Did you ever play thief and face a warrior or any other class? you’d just be dead in seconds if there wasn’t a stealth to get you out of target :/

As it stands right now you’re supposed to play a Glass Cannon thief to be most effective. and Glass Cannon = Low Health = Stealth needed … not to mention I die in just seconds on my Thief if I don’t play him Glass Cannon because I still lack in defence.

We got Stealth while for example the

Warrior got 2x Endure Pain + Shield Block …

Ranger can put the dmg on his pet to receive 0 dmg …

Necro got his death shroud and his annoying Plague Ultimate (where I feel Necro still is the most UP class even with that since it has such a long CD and the Death Shroud needs to be charged 1st) …

Mesmer got stealth + teleport + clones …

Eingineer just doesn’t die if played bunker and can put himself 2x into Elixir for no CC/dmg not to mention how hard he can CC you…

Elementalist.. well I’m not sure about this yet because most of them suck but as soon as you face a good bunker one that stacks you with hardcore bleeding and burn conditions you’re just lost.

Elementalist.. well I’m not sure about this yet because most of them suck but as soon as you face a good bunker one that stacks you with hardcore bleeding and burn conditions you’re just lost.So if you flame stealth you should at least say something which could help to improve stealth or anything that would or could be better then stealth for the Thief. Because if the Thief does lose his stealth he’d just be unplayable right now.

(edited by Umweltplakette.2109)

Not getting tournament chests again!

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


-Roughly for how many hours or day has this issue been affecting you?
It’s still affecting me since 1 or 1 1/2 weeks now

-Roughly how many tournaments did you win(4th place or higher) during this time?
~10 I guess. I didn’t really count

-Roughly what percentage of those tournament chests did you actually receive?
got not even 1 Chest so it’s 0%

-Do you happen to know if your roster teammates earned their reward chests?
Yes they did earn the chests

-Do you play on a US or EU server?
It started when I was playing on EU – Elonas Reach and now I’m playing on US – Northern Shiverpeeks where I still got the same problem.

Remove the " finish them " option in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


Well … sometimes I like the downed state but sometimes I hate it
Mostly because

- the downed abilities for every class should just be the same.
- the downed guy shouldn’t be able to stop you from finishing him
- the downed guy shouldn’t be able to throw rocks on you while you fight with someone else and if you die you gonna see 7k dmg from someone throwing dirt at some metal armor pieces (I mean WTF?)
- the finishing animation shouldn’t take that long to cast (Can’t remember how often I died because I took tons of dmg just while casting the animation)

With those thing there wouldn’t be any problem about the Downed state for me anymore.

In my opinion the downed guy should just lay there being able to do nothing and hoping for his team to get him up before he bleeds out.

server join lag

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


This happens often to me … they might not even be full, I have to power click till I’ll get the message about my Internet and Connection and after this message did appear I can simply join :/.

Having this problem since BWE2 just to let you know :P

Quick update

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


I just hope that my lovely Thief won’t get nerfed to the Ground as it happens in most of the other MMOs with the “assassin” classes. Would be great if he would just need a higher Skill Cap so that I won’t have to shame to love and play this class.

Hopefully if you are watching thieves you’ll change the skills so that not every single build is just about 1 Button for the dmg.

D/D .. Heartseeker or Backstab or Death Blossom
S//P .. Pistol Whip

Combined with Shortbow or Double Pistols (that are rarely used due to the lack of movement)

the other weapon sets aren’t even to mention since there are almost no thieves out there playing them due to the lack of dmg compared to the other ones

Jon Peters talks spvp - mesmer on trebs, bunkers op, etc.

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


Had a horrible tPvP match in the last round yesterday where my random team did face a team with 2 Bunker Guardians, 2 Bunker Eles and 1 Bunker Engineer … we just couldn’t kill anything since they did cap 2 points and were able to hold them forever. It was so Frustrating -.- (I’m not sure about if they were Random since they didn’t had a Team, but that doesn’t mean anything I guess)

Power / Vitality / Crit Damage Gear?

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


Yep it’s all about balance

btw. the Divinity Runes do support everything since you’ll get 12% Crit dmg, and +60 to all stats

Not getting tournament chests again!

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


Did you guys already look into this problem? because I just did another tournament and but didn’t receive anything … it starts to be frustrating :/

Not getting tournament chests again!

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


just did another tournament … did reach the last round and lost. But still didn’t receive a tournament chest.

Edit: Maybe it helps if I tell you guys that I did transfer my account from EU to US Servers and that I don’t get my tourney chests since then.

(edited by Umweltplakette.2109)

Not getting tournament chests again!

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


No, I didn’t even recive mine after the tournaments end.

This can’t be the problem since I would have gotten 3 Gold Chests already but instead I got nothing.

Nothing for 3rd, nothing for 2nd and nothing for 1st place.

a positive tpvp post ;P

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


I don’t really enjoy it as it is right now.

If you play as a premade group it’s almost too easy since 70% of the time you’r simply facing random groups which is nice if you want to win fast and easy but it’s not really that much fun if you’d like to play a fair and funny match.

If you solo queue you will get farmed by those premade groups because most of the time those groups are the ones that reach the last round.

If you did about 1 week of tPvP (solo queue or as premade) you will have the best equip availible right now (since there is no Paid tournament right now) so it becomes really boring after a while because you might keep winning and getting your Gold chests … but what to do with them? you’ll just farm Paid Tournament tickets and get materials from equip that you don’t need anymore since you already got the best one.

Tnx, but you don't need to translate the blogpost, we'll read it in English

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


Hopefully it gonna be out soon … can’t stand the PvP at it’s current state any longer :/ … I bought GW2 because I thought it will be as PvP focused as GW1 was but now it seems like it would as most MMOs nowdays focus much more on the PvE content which is nice but not what I did buy this game for >.<

Weapon swapping feels useless.

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


Personally I LVOE the weapon swap mechanic. Ofc some traits aren’t bound for your 2nd weapon set but it makes PvP much more fun in my opinion.

Couldn’t live with just 1 set of 5 skills while I play my mesmer with Greatsword + 1h Sword for 2 effective combos.

Warrior … GS 100h blades, rage charging and then shield/axe swap for those really high eviscerate crits and shield blocks (not fo forget how freakin hard warrior hit with Frenzy + Axe/Shield swings O_o)

almost each class needs his weapon swap just to do beetter dmg or to get much more survivalbility.

Not getting tournament chests again!

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


I also got no chests from tPvP since yesterday :/ … I asked some ppl and most of them seem to get the chests.

So as MaXi said … it might not be a global problem but hopefully they gonna look into this asap

Class tiers for spvp/tpvp currently/warrior thoughts.

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


Peronally I got no problems with my Warrior in tPvP and sPvP as well. The problem why most people simply fail with warrior is … they start to open up on everything with their Bullscharge + Frenzy + HB combo and almost everyone who isn’t a hardcore scrub will avoid the main dmg this way.

What I usually simply do is that I open up on my enemy with Rush, because somehow most ppl think this would be the bullscharge dmg combo coming up so they decide to pop everything they have to block it. I end up hiiting my enemy up to 1/2 of his Health and always keep looking if he wastes his defensive CDs just to stay alive or to get away.

As soon as they did pop nealy everything I end up suddenly doind my HB Combo in mid fight, swapping to my Mace + Shield combo and keep them in the stunlock of death and bam it works.

Most people simply undestimate the dmg of the other warrior abilitys next to HB. My Whirlwind Attack often just hits with 6-7k Crits what is about 1/2 of the dmg HB does in just less amount of time
Rush also often ends up as an opener crit with 4-5k Crits
Bladetrail can deal tons of dmg if it hits.

And if you’r smart enough and you see you don’t have cripple on for a little time:

Pop your Signet of Rage and combine it with Rush, you’ll reach your opponent in just a second while he will try to jump back and this can be followed by another Whirlwind Attack

(edited by Umweltplakette.2109)

Get Rid of "Downed" all together in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Umweltplakette.2109


Well … since Beta I’d like to get rid of this godkittenDown State in sPvP/tPvP … it’s just frustrating me every single day