Is server transfer mandatory to join?
I wonder if the US servers are more active, at least they have tons more full servers than in EU (was 3 this morning).
I have lot of good memories of it, and as a nostalgic point of view, sure i miss it.
But i don’t wanna play it anymore unless least some of my friends would play it too, which is not gonna happen.
Not that they play gw2 either anymore, but since it’s fresh game i don’t need them to play myself ocasionally.
Dunno, me and everyone i ever knew playing gw1 wanted to do stuff alone most of the time, nor did i see too many people even searching party anywhere unless it was speedclears or running services.
Maybe it was active at launch but later everyone just kinda prefered heroes over random people, and i can’t blame them.
It may vary from game to game, for some it might be grind (gear etcetc), friends, lore, gameplay, whatever.
Best ones have all of those.
First MMO? Every MMO forum on the internet is exactly the same as this one, these people move form game to game in an attempt to mold it to there own wishes and desires, many times killing those games.
Edit: Yes, i like the game, and so do many others.
I have a feeling GW2 will be just fine though, ignore the trolls Because that is all most of them are.
No. been playing MMOs since Everquest. I understand this.
This forum is a bit worse with it, than some other MMOs I’ve played, though.
was just an observation on the tone of this particular sub-forum.
That’s because this game was overhyped to hell, and now the more sensitive bunch of people are crying their hearts out because this game wasn’t incarnation of christ.
I attended every day for events, barring disconnects / lags, and didn’t even receive chest via mail like some others who might not even have attended 1 event… really unfair gotta agree.
Attended/no loot/no mail
Good for you.
No chest for me so far, this is some major bs if i don’t get one.
Well, they might be working. But I’m sure as hell we are not going to get what other people did. Like 2 precursors from a chest.
Yeah highly unlikely. If we get the bag and the ring, i’ll be happy enough.
Yup, mesmer is better at PvP environment, but it’s not really that hard in PvE, you gotta learn the ropes and spec it more accordingly.
They are already in progress of fixing this, or so they say.
We’ll just wait and see what happens in the near future.
WvW is massive scale pvp/pve hybrid which you’ll propably love if you’re into siege stuff etc.
Then there is more traditional spvp matches and tournaments.
No gvg matches yet, hopefully at some point tho.
Not totally happy about it still, but i am way more satisfied than i was before this about the whole thing.
After they fix with zones being dead and make ascended gear obtainable from various other places than just FoTM as they intended, then i’m starting to be happy about this.
Haven’t seen this thread before. You should make another.
And please, with sectioning. It’s torture to try and read wall of text without any sections.
Just ignore the refund threads. In every MMO game there are lots of whining and complaining in the forums. You just gotta ignore them and play the game yourself, then make your mind if you enjoy it or not.
Depends if you want busy server or one with smaller comminty, also EU or US…
GrapeGatsby, I’d like to thank you for proving my point.
Being forced to group with you would truly ruin my afternoon, and I wouldn’t play a game that forced me to do that.
Valtameri, I’m only really interested in WvW, and there the thieves can kill you all day long in just a few hits. Adding a gear gap to WvW, it’s game breaking.
Totally understandable, BUT how can you know that even without gear gap, thiefs wouldn’t kill you just as well as with gear gap?
Sometimes it’s easier to blame gear gap and class imbalance rather than admit that maybe enemy had superior skills.
I see things like that all the time in FPS’s, some guy actually is good and everyone that isn’t as good starts to whine “QQ AIMBOTTER”.
To all the people saying it’s not wow. Shut up already. No one want’s it to be wow. They are simply looking for improvements in the games. Other games have good features, some have already been compied in this game, no reason why others cant be added.
And what would be the point of another WoW clone then? Why not just play the real deal.
WoW had good features (maybe those features were from EQ/UO originally, that’s not the point here) they got copied into several other MMO’s and what happened to them? They died (most of them at least) since everyone realized that it just does the job better.
Uhm you get pvp gear right away and free, and it’s separate from pve, except in WvW but that’s like half pve anyway so what’s with the whine?
And yes zones are dead, nothing new there. They promise to tweak older zones already.
…yes fractals have become only thing that people seem to do, and they’re super elitist about it.
Nope game doesn’t die for you if you refuse to do fractals, only if you’re a hipster that can’t play game unless you have the best possible gear on you.
There’ still plenty of stuff to do without fractals. But it’s true that something should be done with it to fix the dead zones n’ stuff.
(edited by Valtameri.2075)
I think one of the biggest concerns atm is dead zones, theres nothing fun on passing several DE’s because there’s just no one around and some of them aren’t designed to be done alone.
Try run those older dungeons for skins? gl finding group for those tho..
Do jumping puzzles then maybe.
Got any link for source where it says that Agony will be part of all future content?
If that is so, which i find little hard to believe, then i gotta jump on this exodus ship and leave game too.
Nope, but have fun y’all that do.
Are you hanging out in the US districts @ gw1? Since others have been dead way before gw2, everyone just kinda plays there, even the EU players. Last i saw couple weeks ago, there were decent amount of people hanging around and trading stuff.
As for the game, i agree on most points, except variety, i found myself constantly fighting with different stuff, ghosts, spiders, other kind of animals, trolls etcetc.
Well i quess event’s could use some variety, but i’m not too bothered about them.
Major problem is to get players to do them, but everyone just wants to hang out in LA.
(edited by Valtameri.2075)
They should just do away with servers for PvE content and have everyone in overflow servers. Servers are only necessary for WvW.
Make 10 (or whatever is needed) overflow servers for PvE and allow players to que up to whichever one they want. This way there would always be at least one full server for every zone. If players want to be in an empty zone then give them that choice.
They can keep people from exploiting nodes / etc like they did in the new Lost Shores zone.
This seems like an obvious solution that they should have thought of long before launch. Empty zones are the bane of all server based mmo’s. GW2 has the tech already to fix that industry problem, why did they drop the ball so badly?
It would be a start, but wouldn’t totally solve the problem, problems are FoTM and that there really isn’t any reasons for people to hang out in older zones once they have completed it.
I hated minions in gw1 due their hp degeneration, annoyed the hell outta me.
That’s why i always put minions onto heroes, they don’t mind.
I don’t know about dungeons, they might be too weak for there, but i do just fine with minions tanking normal/veteran mobs for me, even in Orr.
If only their AI would work, but i still prefer to have them, than wander around Orr, or in anywhere else without them.
(edited by Valtameri.2075)
It’s not your server, i’m in the full server and every zone is mostly dead, it’s rare to see anyone talk anything in map chat or do events.
It is the fault in games design by not make old zones more interesting for high lvl people, and the recent patch which made game into a LA spamfest over one dungeon.
Would be easier if you’d mention is it US or EU.
Blacktide is only full in EU atm, doubt you have any problem finding FoTM or WvW stuff, as for dungeons, it’s a dead-end like any other server atm.
There could be two factors in play in terms of your empty world problem. There is definitely one problem and that is FotM. People are less likely to be leveling alts when there is a clear path to power. People don’t want to be left behind so they have hopped on the treadmill. I believe this will be a permanent problem as the cost of the grind really isn’t possible for someone like me with 11 characters.
The other possible factor is your server. I had to transfer servers after last weekends event because mine became empty in the open world. My new one is a little better and I’ve found it more possible to have a group for group events. The transfers are still free so you might want to research servers and think about a transfer.
Well im in the only server that is FULL in eu, and it’s still deadzone.
I doubt transfering to a smaller server would improve anything.
My only advice… stay away from this forum. Stick the the ‘players helping players’ and the various class forums.
Don’t mean to be a troll, but he left WoW because of the gear grind. The new patch is “slowly” introducing that same system. Why hide the truth from him? Though I agree that a lot of thing said on this forum is incorrect, but some of them do have their merit.
Yup, new anti-grind people should be warned, but not in a manner that goes like “i don’t like the game anymore, and nor should you, go away!” Because that’s exactly what some people do.
Sure i still have faith, hope that they will fix what this patch caused (i’m not complaining the patch itself, just what it did to the old zones and dungeons).
Doesn’t matter if you like the new ascended gear or not, world outside LA is dying and that’s a fact you will notice at some point if not already.
Yes it has been crazy with the new dungeon, and for the first few days after it came out there where almost no groups running anything else, but recently I have already seen more group requests for other dungeons. So just give it time, eventually things will go back to normal.
I am on Underworld as well and I find it quite easy to find people for the other dungeons.
Go to the actual area where the dungeon is and look. Standing around in LA LFG is quite pointlessIt sounds like you do not run dungeons very often. In general there are very few people looking for groups on the map where the actual dungeon is, with perhaps the exception of some of the more popular dungeons, and even then it is usually the minimal since most people prefer to recruit from LA.
I do hope so, that would boost up my will to play back to the original levels, or at least nearly.
Also anet promised some tweaking for old zones/dungeons so we’ll see what comes of that.
But still i think global chat (optional, for those who don’t like the idea), and/or the lfg tool would help alot.
I have no real opinion on ascended stuff in general, what i do mind is, that the new dungeon killed what was left of the ‘old’ world’s population and older dungeons.
Now it’s just sit on LA and spam lfg FoTM.
If you seriously think that after 3 months from launch, old dungeons should get THAT old so no one runs them anymore, then something has gone terribly wrong.
Yup, i’m on blacktide (only full server in EU atm) and it really feels dead outside LA.
I see maybe one or two dungeon lfg outside LA per day, usually cof / se exp mode,
wanna go story mode? Though luck, no one is doing those.
So either get very lucky and end up in active and helpful guild or just live without dungeons.
We really need lfg tool, cross-server one.
If someone whines that it reduces interaction between players to have automated system, then seriously think about it, what interaction does lfg spam for hours give?
(edited by Valtameri.2075)
i still like the game, and please, make the dungeon story mode soloable because nobody does them anymore (its near impossible to find 5 people at once…).
This i agree, near impossible to get storymode going, everyone wants to do fotm or exp modes.
I noticed too, either map chat is dead, or people are spamming FoTM party search.
Haven’t given up the game tho, i enjoy alot leveling my new toons, but i am kinda worried, world seems dead, no one talks, i quess everyone is in 500 member guilds doing the talking.
Most group events are left undone since there is no one around.
You’d expect anything more or anything less from current generation of players?
I know i don’t.
I’d welcome either one of those.
1% chance of free booze.
So what made you want to change norn away? I usually think these things alot when making chars so i would not face these kinds of situations.
But what it’s worth, i find it odd for not having that kind of option. Anet could get some nice extra cash from those.
I wouldn’t say that i hate it, but yeah, i don’t really have love for it either.
Honestly i have no interest in ascended gear, where would i need it, i’m in no plans going too deep down (lvl10+) into the new dungeon, yet at least.
As for other pve, who cares if i got exotics or not? They’re still valid for previous content say the least.
WvW? Cmon, it’s zergfest anyway, i doubt my performance will be affected much by those.Whilst I don’t want to discard your comment, I have to say that if you haven’t tried WvW decked out in exotics, you won’t know that the experience is vastly different. Especially if you do glass cannon builds. I was quite surprised by this myself.
Maybe mesmer is just that op then, but since i have no problems staying alive for veryvery long time, nor picking up single targets one by one in the middle of groups, so whatever boost ascended gear would give, i honestly don’t care one bit.
Also glass cannons ftl, tanky spanky for life.
Umh, gw was never suppose to be like every other mmo, so theres that.
Do your research before buying the game.
Honestly i have no interest in ascended gear, where would i need it, i’m in no plans going too deep down (lvl10+) into the new dungeon, yet at least.
As for other pve, who cares if i got exotics or not? They’re still valid for previous content say the least.
WvW? Cmon, it’s zergfest anyway, i doubt my performance will be affected much by those.
You can’t be serious. The PvE content in GW2 is vastly superior to WoW. As a simple matter of fact, in WoW, PvE content is obsoleted every time you level out of a zone, making it worthless. Think about it… in WoW, what PvE content is there for your max level characters? One raid. Period.
You saying so doesn’t make it a fact. Only one opinion.
And i like both games PvE content equally.
Also there are more than one raid, not counting scenarios and dungeons too.
Glad to see some positive threads once in a while.
I’m abit sad about empty low lvl zones tho. This game needs at least global chat or some reason for people to stay in those zones for a long time.
Despite minion AI being what it is… broken, i still trust them to do the tanky spanky.
Most of the time it works without any problems, for me at least. So why not.
1100 hours played and you havnt got a legendary?!?
If you played the TP in the beginning of the game/at launch, sell mats that you aint using, sold particular jewelry in the beginning of the game you could pretty easy get a few 100 gold in less then 200 hours played. A guy from my guild got 400ish gold in the 2 month of the game by just playing the TP, then he grinding Orr like a boss for a few weeks and then he bought his legendary staff. i dont think he broke 700 played hours.
That’s all good and well, but not everyone likes to play with tp at all.
-somekind of new idea to make old zones more appealing to people, mostly those who are max lvl or already ‘done’ that zone once.
-getting rid of them whiners… oh wait, that’s impossible.
-maybe slight buff for water combat dmg, seems way too low.