Son of Elonia.
Son of Elonia.
At first I was just happy to see Ep.4, but then…
Something is really weird: on the “official” FB pages of the Shining Blade and the White Mantle were uploaded two posters. But… The Shining Blade uses the White Mantle’s signature quote “obey”, while the White Mantle uses the Shining Blade’s “dismantle”… Is it worth speculation?
(Hopefully I’m right and we can slap Jennah at last!)
Son of Elonia.
I wish people would stop talking about 4 servers vs. 2 servers, ect. with regards to the linkings. Its not the number of servers that matter, its the population and coverage!
Look at T3 now. The 4-servers are getting beat handily. Getting beat by both other linkings which only have 2 servers in them. Its not the number of servers, its the population and coverage!
Even if you combined all the NA servers below T2 they couldn’t match DB, BG, TC. Because its not the number of servers, its the population and coverage!
On a BL, server A has around 40 people.
On the same BL, server B has 20. Server A wins.
With servers pairing, server A still has 40 people.
But server B is linked with C and D. B is 20, C is 30, D is 15, that’s 65 playing as a blob.
Population IS now a problem of servers pairing. If without pairings, a server is on the 8th place for weeks, and after it goes down to the bottom on the list because it’s facing paired servers (you know, 80ppl blobs all prime long), it’s really a problem of pairing.
Son of Elonia.
How about removing server pairing? These alliances are nothing but a nuisance…
There could be a pairing between the last 4 servers (let’s say), but now we face multiple blobs on a same map… Once it was our (single!) server against 3 paired servers and 2 paired servers. 5 against one, bravo…
Either find a better algorithm to balance the server pairing, or remove pairing at once. So far, the only thing this pairing has brought is disgust and removed our will to play.
Son of Elonia.
By the Six no! I’d rather have another year without any content than this…
This + repair hammer = Zerg Wars again!
Son of Elonia.
I’m mixed about this announcement. Looks like the Italian article was right about the “one episode every other month”… It’s just because I’ve been a bit disappointed with LS2 and HoT.
But I guess I can have faith in the “new” ANet, so I’m still looking forward to playing more content And I’m especially happy to hear that we’ll have more frequent updates ^^
Son of Elonia.
Obviously the Elder Dragons slowly developed as Tyria’s immune system, and once they’re all dead; those angelic/demonic figures that GW2 was originally going to have as antagonists are going to come out of the Mists and destroy the world. The “corrupted” Elder Dragon magic is actually a deterrent.
It all makes sense now….
/Sage Nod
REPENT, MORTALS! Eternal suffering is upon us!
Son of Elonia.
If would be fun each ED is in fact the guardian of a greater power (as seen of The All, each letter is in/near a bigger circle) and by killing them we’re just dooming Tyria \o/
Son of Elonia.
Personally, I voted ‘Yes’ to this, as did the rest of my team. So we are also disappointed with the result. But that was an accepted risk when we decided to poll the community about WvW development rather than just following our own vision.
Ok, for the first time ever, I’m going to say: don’t listen to the community and do what you like!
I’m really sad to see people from my server complaining about borderlands: some just quit because ABL are back, just as others had quit when DBL were up…
I guess, even though you didn’t reach 75%, the majority of voters want mixed borderlands, and it’s the best solution to make everyone happy imho: you can play on the borderland you prefer, and that’s it ^^
Son of Elonia.
Can Unrelenting Assault go back to 4 or five hits but just remove the Might gain on hit?
It’s “only” five hits now, it was 7 before… And it was better that way
For Pacification, why not a different effect on each legend? Could be hard to put, but at least it’s worth a try ^^
Son of Elonia.
(edited by VergilDeZaniah.3295)
Inb4: when all dragons are killed, magic surges are so powerful that the planet turns into a gigantic dragon. /kappa
Son of Elonia.
Mixed borderlands = good idea. Potential 3rd map = excellent idea!
That’s what I’ve been dreaming since release xD Well, I was dreaming of the same map with 3 themes, buuuut 3 different map is way better strategy-wise ^^
Son of Elonia.
- Mixed Borderlands – Maybe, but I’d prefer to see reworked DBL/ABL. World linking was awesome with DBL, but with ABL it’s really a zergfest. Maybe make 3 BL, each for a server?
- World Linking Schedule – Each quarter seems ok, enough to build a strategy but not too long either.
- Deployable Mortars – No, no, no.
- Deployable Cannons – Again, triple nope.
- Repair Hammer – Nope. Zergfest will still have the advantage: while defending, destroying siege weapons is a priority. If we’re facing a zerg, defense will become useless as their siege might become indestructible.
Son of Elonia.
The current plan is to rotate the borderlands maps each quarterly update. That said, now that we are actively polling the community, perhaps we can start exploring other options.
For instance, nothing is really stopping us from having a combination of ABL and DBL maps running simultaneously. 2 of one and 1 of the other. If we polled that, and players approved it, then there’d be no need for the rotation, and players on both sides of the issue could play on their preferred map. The downside of course, would be any perception of imbalance that may arise from one map being considered the stronger “Home” map, but we could always give the more defensible map to Red/Blue and leave the less defensible map to Green.
That’s what I personally always wanted: one borderland for each color, to have different strategies and approaches.
So, maybe a 3rd borderland with xpac2?
Son of Elonia.
1. How do you feel overall about reward tracks?
Simply awesome, just what we needed!
2. What are your thoughts on the rate at which you gain participation?
It’s fine. Though once it starts decreasing, it seems a bit too fast (especially when scouting, though commanders can share their participation to one person).
3. How do you feel about the rate you earn reward track points?
It seems a bit too mechanical, and sometimes a bit long. Maybe add some WXP in between, like every 5 minutes? Though it’s fast enough, and not too long if your participate ^^
4. Overall, what are your impressions about the types of reward tracks we have?
They could see some variation instead of simply armors: what about materials? Siege weapons? Or exotic weapons other than dungeon ones ^^
5. Are there any other reward tracks you would really like to see?
There are so many things we could have, but my first impression is that we need materials, exclusive equipment, or pure WvW items (food, oils, structure boosts…).
Son of Elonia.
I choose my names according to the lore convention.
Son of Elonia.
Ceasing development on something while calling it suspended indefinitely may not tecnically be the same as saying cancelled but it might as well be.
And they have actually cancelled what was advertised, which was not just the items but also the delivery pace. That has ended.
It is not really a positive thing to be willing to sacrifice something that makes the game better for someone else in order to make it better for you (and perhaps worse for them) instead. Its not you making the sacrifice in that situation.
You are right, it might mean one or the other, but people are reading Mo’s statement as “we’re stopping legendaries, we got your gold, thank you please come again” without waiting just a bit to know where this is heading.
Whatever ANet does will be problematic for one person or another, everything is a matter of sacrifice because you know you can’t please everyone. They’re not stupid, they’ve worked on healthy games, their decision wasn’t taken hastily, they know what’s coming up and they’re reorganizing their schedule. Life isn’t a straight line, kitten happens. If they’re working on fixing some problems the way they want it, fine. I’m just not gonna drive myself crazy just because a company of professionals changes their plans and that these plans don’t suit mine as a player. They know what they’re doing, and it’s not up to me to know what’s better.
Son of Elonia.
Do they not teach you about perspective in Belgium?
They taught me that in grade school art class in Wisconsin.
Perspective isn’t the only problem in the “ad vs reality” point: if a front view shows a 1-inch steak, and you get a front view 0.5-inch steak, it’s not a matter of perspective, but false advertisement.
Also, if perspective is the answer to the problem, here I’ll say that this whole “legendaries-gate” is just a matter of words: with this announcement, they just want to say they will remove one part of the statement.
We won’t get “legendaries at regular interval after HoT’s release”, we’ll simply get “legendaries after HoT’s release”.
Son of Elonia.
6 people who managed to make 1 legendary in 6 months are not speeding up your story production. Its a complete fallacy to claim it is going to occupy more people. Its also contrary to the fact that I bought and paid for both parts and don’t accept that one needs to be cancelled for the other when there are 70 devs working on expac 2 instead of finishing this one. Which once again has been ignored.
Highlighted: never was it said it was cancelled for the other. They are just delayed.
I totally understand your point of view. But, for example, if they released weapons you don’t want now, and you have to wait another 6 months to maybe have the weapons you wanted, and then have to wait until the end of the year for LS3 to come because it was delayed for reasons, would you be happy? Or would you prefer to have LS3 delivered in 3 months, to keep you occupied for a bit while they are working on new legendaries, namely having the team to focus on one aspect at a time?
Let me be clear: when I first read about the “pause” in the legendaries, I was kittened: I’m saving materials for the sword or greatsword, since I don’t want Twilight, Sunrise, or Bolt. But while thinking about it, I’m pretty I would prefer to wait for their release while doing something else, because I would not like to spend the next 6 months just mining and chopping wood around Tyria. HoT has flaws, they might be corrected with the new quarterly update, they might be fixed later, but I assume there are more important things to focus on. I’m ready to sacrifice something if it means the game will be far better afterwards.
Son of Elonia.
Truly a terrible analogy. A more true analogy would be like ordering a big mac and getting a double cheeseburger, actually missing components. Then when asking for the stuff you’re missing McDonalds goes, oh… Well we’ll give you the middle piece of bread but in order to do that we have to move staff from the sauce section so no sauce.
If I get half the steak that is on the ad, I’m missing components. My burger isn’t nearly as finished as it’s supposed to be, but it’s bought and voilà. ANet, however, is standing in front of the crowd, trying their best to avoid another big flop. They’re sacrificing 12 skins in order to occupy more people (I assume more people play the story than start the lendaries journey).
Also, individuals don’t have to file lawsuits. This is what class action suits are for.
My bad, not enough knowledge in these differences in English.
Son of Elonia.
(edited by VergilDeZaniah.3295)
I don’t know which McDonalds you eat at, but I worked at McDonalds and we didn’t have a problem putting all the condiments on the Big Macs.
In Belgium, burgers are not as appetizing as they appear on the ads: meat isn’t that thick, salad isn’t that “fluffy”, the sauce is sometimes barely there…
“Thick steak” becomes “thin steak”, “legendaries in groups at regular interval” becomes “legendaries delayed and thus more sparsely released”.
Son of Elonia.
Do you realize that you need to buy HoT to get the HoT legendaries? If this were just a basic game feature that you didn’t need to spend money on, you may have had a point, but you don’t.
Actually, basic game features came for free (you don’t required HoT for the new specializations etc.), while indeed the legendaries were behind a paywall.
What I meant is that kitten happens, especially in gaming industries. But come on, to talk about burgers again, if you see a Big Mac as it is advertised, and as it is when you buy it… It’s not as complete as it was advertised. But unlike burgers, legendaries are paused and will come back (for free!), while nothing will make your burger better (except buying ingredients yourself and cooking it differently).
I’m sure the decision was not taken hastily. “Guys, let’s cut legendaries just because and relocate the team.” Nope, I’m sure there’s a reason behind this.
However, when I (personally) paid for HoT, I didn’t pay for the game we got, but for the game we will get: updates, LS, raids, etc. Legendaries are supposed updates, but they are delayed. They could have said nothing about them being delayed/paused, and let us wait forever (SAB?). They preferred transparency, they knew it would backfire, but they took the risk because they know where their priorities are.
I agree with you all when you complain about HoT’s quality: the story had a huge potential, but it ended up rather quickly and too easily. Isn’t what people were mostly complaining about these past months? That must be why the team decided to focus on the upcoming LS: six people can create some maps, enemies, new mechanics… Something to flesh out the upcoming LS. They listened to people complaining about the poor story, and they’re trying to fix that.
Once LS is launched, I’m pretty sure they could recreate a new (and maybe bigger) team to work on the legendaries. It’s just a blessing in disguise.
I don’t get the fast food joke.
People are talking about false advertising (which is pretty much what fast food does) and that they want to bring ANet to court to get compensation. However, I’m pretty sure members of our community aren’t filling lawsuits every weekend because their burger does not look like the one of the ad.
Son of Elonia.
(edited by VergilDeZaniah.3295)
With all those people talking about lawsuits because of “false advertising”, I suppose you never go to any fast food… if so, I assume you spend a lot of time in court. /s /kappa
Joking aside, YES it is terrible how their ambitions were too high and we ended up with missing some parts of the game. But it’s for the greater good, I’m pretty sure of that.
Legendaries were said to come after HoT… They never said each expansion would get a new set of legendaries, so even if we get some weapons after xpac2, it’s still “after HoT”.
I completely understand how people are annoyed with this idea, but GW2 is changing, they want to make the game better, and just like everything else it requires sacrifices. If seeing the game going back on the right tracks means delaying some stuff, I’m ok with it. Once everything is back in order, they’ll have plenty of time to work on missing things.
Son of Elonia.
You realise the scrapped wvw overhaul and legendaries most likely never existed in the first place? Its one of the biggest cons in the mmo industry this year.
To still believe their bluffs and PR nonsense, you either havent been playing long enough or have stockholm syndrome.
I’m just not making a drama out of one of my hobbies. I’ve been playing WvW since day 1, I’m also kittened at how it is but hey, can I change something? If that’s how it works, so be it: I can’t change anything, and screaming on a forum doesn’t help. They know they screwed big time, and if the next thing doesn’t live up to our expectation, they’ll suffer severe backlash. What has to happen will happen, but so far, I don’t think anything will change the course of the events.
It might be one of the biggest cons in the mmo industry, but that’s what happens everyday in the video game industry. That’s how it is. Now people won’t pre-order/buy xpac2, they’ll just wait.
Sure they didn’t do what they told us they would, but at least they’re trying to do something. I don’t need to get emotionally shattered because I didn’t get something I was supposed to: I keep in mind I’ve played thousands of hours for just the price of 2 console games. People don’t mind paying $60 for buggy games they’ll finish in less than 20 hours, why would I complain paying $120 for a game I haven’t finished in thousands of hours on a 3-year span and with some free updates?
Son of Elonia.
(edited by VergilDeZaniah.3295)
Not to play devil’s advocate, but we should give these guys a rest.
Of course I am also saddened we won’t get new legendaries (aside from the bow) anytime soon. But this way, you can hope to craft all the ones we already have?
Joking aside, if they decided to focus on something bigger, let them do so! As Mo said, we are ALWAYS complaining about lack of content (not just a shiny new skin), and now they’re focusing on content (leaving skins aside), we’re not happy. Are we such spoiled rotten brats?
While I agree with you regarding the gemstore flooding us with skins (some could be delivered as collections), the rest is just pure emotions talking.
Think, do you want some new shiny greatsword, or some story that would bring you to new regions? Imagine: just the 6 devs that were working on the new legendary collections could create new maps. So, which one do you pick, a sword or a map? I would honestly content myself with the legendaries we have now if it means Cantha or Elona (or even new and unknown regions!), yet in the end they will be released. Not as soon as expected, but they will in the end.
Also, there were things that were advertised as coming with the xpac but didn’t make it, but we also had new things that weren’t advertised: new system, new animations, new bases… The xpac wasn’t only to add content, it was to modify GW2 as we knew it for it to become better. Now the bases are set, maybe things will go faster?
I’ve been bored because of the lack of content, just like you. I’ve been upset by the new WvW, just like you. But they are saying things are changing, they talk about reverting back to Alpine Borderlands, they are talking about focusing on rich content. They’re not deserting a sinking ship, they’re sustaining our anger and disappointment to show us we’re heading to a better place. Mo is reading this topic, he is answering your questions, and he agrees his decisions upset people. But he’s no rookie, he knows what he does.
So stop acting as if it were the end of the world, GW2 is just a bunch of code and pixels and, just like in real life, kitten happens and some things are now what they were supposed to be. If you are so upset, change game for a while to see if it’s better, and if it is, good for you (not to be condescending, but some people want GW2 to be like the rest while being different: as rich as a charged game, but for free, and faster, and more often, and better…)
So thank you Mo for the heads up, angry and upset people, please think of the great possibilities that sacrificing new legendaries mean…
Son of Elonia.
These may simply be pixels but, it means a lot to us Belgians.
These attacks were so uncalled for, we were left speechless but we reacted as we always do: with strength and humour. As one of our humorists said: they could have struck half the population, we would have mocked them saying “you can only do half the job!”
We stand strong, and knowing that you are all with us make it easier to endure.
But we are not the ones to feel sorry for: everyday, people around the world are victims of such barbaric attacks. Let’s just pray that, one day, we will get rid of violence and unjustified attacks!
Son of Elonia.
Outfits are ok. I particularly love the Exemplar one, the design is good.
However, we’re getting more and more outfits. I know they said there wouldn’t be new armors in the gemstore but… They could add an outfit every two weeks on the gemstore, and a small collection every once in a while to unlock an in-game armor. There were more outfits released this month than armors since HoT…
I’m ok with outfits being themed (gods, winter, desert, etc.), but an armor would be 1000 times better.
For example I would be SO happy to see some GW1 armor design coming back (I’m looking at you, elementalist elite kurzick armor!) Or simply a variation of cloth/leather/metal designs: since outfits allow a heavy class to wear cloth, why not also allow armors to provide the same thing? (Also, some armors already do the trick, like Braham’s armor being all cloth…) Also, to compare GW2 once again with GW1: the armors were themed, but they were made out of different materials (a necromancer could get a cloth, leather, or metal armor) and that was AWESOME.
By the Six, I’m going nowhere… So, to summarize:
1. Outfits are ok if they appear only once in a while (not every week)
2. We need new armors, really. 2 sets for HoT was quite… Cheap…
3. We need variation in our armors (cloth for heavy, metal for light, etc.)
4. Mix-n-match is better than being forced a full outfit, because some parts are sometimes ewww…
Son of Elonia.
Thank you and good luck on your theory! We were undecided about continuing the Lost Lore series. However, some players seem to be interested :D.
It’s not like you have a choice: JUST DO IT, or I’ll go through the Mists to find you and force you to create more of these awesome vids :D
I really think ANet should release more lore related content (IRL short stories, in-game tiny events in cities, in-game books…), I’m really interested in a tangible world with stories here and there (you know, like reading the news) rather than a world that sometimes stands still ^^
Son of Elonia.
The video is amazing, and the story, by the Six! I need to know more now
Son of Elonia.
AT LAST! I really really really despise automatic upgrades, as they remove any sense of strategy. I’m really happy to the changes you’ve written so far, and I’m looking forward to seeing WvW going back to its former glory.
Can’t wait for more information
Son of Elonia.
While the general designe of Desert BL is ok, the gameplay is really awful: auto-upgrades, no WP, no need for defences as you’ll flip your structure back in a minute.
I’ve lost most interest in WvW, many enhancements have been made to the game, and this one is really disgusting me from that game mode.
Son of Elonia.
THey should add back ALL GW1 haircuts… And manage to adapt them to other races (just to avoid any inegality).
I really do hope HoT comes with new hairstyles, I’ve got some kits witing to be used! xD (oh and make some of them base please, it would be rude to new players)
We should also be able to change the color of our beards/eyebrows, because I like my GW1 necromancer with white hair and black beard… And it would also be awesome if we could get some make-up options for ladies… Or at least the opportunity to change the color of the ones already existing.
Son of Elonia.
Really sad to read that, Revenants will all be carbon-copies of each other, that’s really a pity to see the most original profession of the game being given so few customization options. I know racial skills aren’t useful (most of them), but removing them from an already limited profession… No good. Revenants have the highest potential of variety, and end up being all the same… As I said (maaaaany times), just one more utility per legend would help create Revenants a bit different from one another. For example (I copy myself from another topic):
- Mallyx Wild Smash similar to Warrior’s Stomp, or Summoning Shadows that blinds nearby foes.
- Shiro Echoing Banishment short-range skill that makes the enemy shadowstep backwards.
- Ventari Pacifism short to mid-range skill that stuns enemies (and allies, like Berserker’s Head Butt) so they cannot attack (1 to 3 enemies maximum).
- Jalis Dwarven Battle Stance your next 5 attacks are unblokable/block next 5 attacks.
- Glint Jagged Crystal Skin gain Retaliation but move a bit slower (maybe?).
They don’t need to be balanced that much, and it would help Revenants feel different, not all the same…
Son of Elonia.
I’ve made similar suggestions like this one on similar threads before and I feel like this might work out. Although part of me can’t help but think this might cause other problems to arise from this, but I might just be imagining things.
Great mins think alike I’ve also been posting that for months (if not years) after I first read bout this “allergy” to mixes.
I think Cantha needs a radical change like with the Charr taking over Ascalon. I say use it as an excuse to introduce a completely new race into the game the dragon people.
Well, that would make it worse: I assume people like Cantha for its atmosphere, its people. Sticking the name “Cantha” on something too different is not a good idea. While I would like new races with new backgrounds, I would prefer it to happen on a new continent rather than changing something I knew. For example, I know Italy has the best pizza, but if I were to go there and see that sushi is the only food available, I would be kittened
Son of Elonia.
Oh come on, let’s stop using that excuse of “Asian don’t like mixing one culture with another”, else ANet wouldn’t have made if possible to use an outfit heavily inspired from China with a weapon heavily inspired from Japan. Maybe at first it was problematic due to NCSoft influence on ANet, but didn’t they somehow retreat a bit from GW2? With more freedom, and such a fandom towards Cantha, it would be really stupid to ignore the incoming moniez (we know that EVERYONE would pay for Cantha).
Also, if the problem of culture mixing is such a big deal… Divide Cantha into provinces/zones: Shing Jea would be Japanese, Kaineng Chinese, Jade Sea Korean, and Echov… Nevermind, it’s German.
Sticking to Tyria would be the worst scenario possible for GW2. Cantha should come back, even in an expansion (if we have to go South through Elona). But there is always a way to introduce it before.
Guild Wars isn’t only Tyria, it’s Cantha and Elona too. Denying it would be like saying Harry Potter exists without Hogwarts.
Son of Elonia.
Hi everyone, just to avoid “polluting” other topics with my humble opinion, I’m creating my own feedback topic, feel free to discuss my decisions
Overall, the map is gorgeous, this verticality is sure a plus. I liked the idea of guild claim (yet I was unable to claim anything, nor use the tactics because they weren’t public). There are a few bugs to fix and twists to make before having it better, but in the end I enjoyed the design of the map… And a bit less its mechanics.
- Verticality. At last the end of major blobs! They will mazybe finally learn how to play in smaller groups
- Non-rally on non-vet NPCs. Again, it’s a plus, especially in the oasis.
- Destructible walls on map. Just to be a bit quicker, and to prevent some people from attacking structures from the wrong angle!
- Keeps structure. This allow many ways to defend a door/wall, without having your siege weapons destroyed by blobs…
- Shrines. These advantages are really interesting gameplay-wise, I liked them (well not that much when I was used to the Air keep bonuses and tried to jump from too high in Fire keep T_T)
- Sentries. At last they are useful
- Superior siege skins. They all look good (except the ram, which seems cheaper).
- Auto-upgrade. This is really a good idea, people don’t have to think “which one is more important right now?” However…
- Similar structures. I really despise the fact towers and keep don’t visually upgrade, that’s really a shame, looks way too much like EotM.
- Waypoints. Oh god those useless waypoints on spawn towers. It’s really sad (and a bit stupid) not to be able to have waypoints in the keeps you own (not talking about Emergency WP, which would “waste” a slot just to be able to port). low-population servers can’t take the liberty of leaving people in structures, and running from spawn to a keep will take to long. It’ll become EotM “Oh they wanna take that tower? Too far, we’ll take it back in 5 minutes”…
- Attacking more a trend. I’m afraid borderlands will turn into EotM, where flipping structures is more important than defending one. However, I can’t be sure about this one…
- Disorganized test. Not really a con because it was a stress test, everyone was FFA, so we couldn’t really test strategies etc.
- Unusable siege weapons. Couldn’t use the new siege weapon, what a pity.
- “Closed” borderlands. I could only try one BL out of the three, so since very few people where on it, I couldn’t visit everything.
- “Marked” for too long. The debuff seemed to last a bit too long IMHO, especially when the enemy/I was far enough from the structure.
My opinion sure isn’t objective because I was with people who were playing the way they liked (which isn’t a criticism), so I’m not sure how the whole thing will go during a “real” game with my servers/guildmates. What I am sure, however, is that, even if the map is well designed, the lack of visible upgrades is really a killer, and the really “stupid” use of waypoints will for sure turn this map in the new EotM. At first I was excited, now I’m worried it will kill the fun of WvW as we know it. Please ANet, just don’t make it a karma-train railroad.
Son of Elonia.
Beta Weekend No.2 What you gonna do?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295
Friday evening (here): Herald in WvW
Tomorrow evening: Daredevil in WvW
Sunday morning: Berserker in WvW
Sunday afternoon: PvE content
Sunday evening: WvW depending on my favourite specialisation ^^
Son of Elonia.
Taking October 23 off from work/school?
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295
It’s right during my internship… Either I’ll get my lessons ready before, or I’ll teach bad things to the students! (Maybe I could introduce them to HoT…)
Son of Elonia.
It’s a Norn with an Asura Sword :-P
It’s rather a bulky Sylvari…
Son of Elonia.
This is not a valid point. Shy of Glint (all skills are signets though still not sure if they are even labeled as such) the Revs utilities are not broken down into categories like the other classes aka Signets, Shouts, Meditations, Tricks, Deception, Cantrips, Banner’s etc. This is in fact the sole reason a lot of the the current classes’ utilities go unused. Rev’s were designed with the idea of receiving less utilities overall so more functionality was baked into each one. Look at Facet of Darkness as an example Pulses Fury, Blinds, is a Stun Break, and an AoE Reveal. That’s a lot of stuff for one Utility. So I will say it again this is the theme they clearly wanted to go for they actually wanted to make a class different from the rest (You know unlike the current classes that all have some combination of 25% movement speed signet, precision signet, power signet, toughness signet, real variety there guys). So Instead of adding new utilities they should increase the functionality on the current ones and balance from there.
My bad about the Ventari’s misunderstanding. But here, it is you who misunderstand: they are divided into categories: Assassin, Centaur, Demon, Dragon, and Dwarf stances. If they weren’t, every trait, like Nefarious Momentum or Demonic Defiance, would work on every skill.
Indeed the Revenant skills do many things, but if less skills do more, why not remove utilities altogether and give everything to the Elite: healing, stun break, AoE conditions, AoE boons, invincibility, etc. I know this is overexaggerating, but think of it: in the end, every new specialization will need only one skill, and people would be kittened.
I liked GW1 a lot (even if it was a balancing nightmare) because you could create the build that you really wanted. In GW2, we had less opportunities but we still managed to find a playstyle that suits us, and now with the Revenant with have less again, being somehow forced to play a really restricted range of ways (Ventari and Shiro and too opposite to be a meta). The class might be different, built with this idea of “not like every other class”, but in the end it will just be the same for everyone.
Son of Elonia.
And, as I said, more Greek-like armors.
Until this part i was kind of with you, but then my opinion changed into “OH HELL NO” :p srry
But I want my heavy fighter with a skiiiiirt
Son of Elonia.
More bright paragon like heavy armors plz.I also think there aren’t quite enough armors of any type that are barbaric or have a dark destroyed/corrupted feeling.
I’d love to see more paragon-like armors! They were sweets, and it would suit my guardian very well!
Also, I’d love to get more GW1 Ele armors like the Elite Kurzick, or Elite Sunspear! Oh and some Ritualists armors too! And, as I said, more Greek-like armors.
Son of Elonia.
So all those unideal situations for each legend you came up with. Why are you taking those legends in those situations over another legend? You pretty much said shiro is junk in dungeons why even slot it then. Would I go full venom thief in a dungeon no because it isn’t very effective.
Give me an example of a utility for Shiro that you think would give variety to the legend while in theme and fitting of the Assassin (offensive) loadout.
That’s the point, my friend: why would you use something you deem useless? That’s what we HAVE to do with the Revenant: each useful skill HAS to come with useless skills. So if you want one venom in dungeon for your thief, you’ll have to use all venoms, you can’t even swap one you prefer.
For the example, as I said on another topic:
- Mallyx Wild Smash similar to Warrior’s Stomp, or Summoning Shadows that blinds nearby foes.
- Shiro Echoing Banishment short-range skill that makes the enemy shadowstep backwards.
- Ventari Pacifism short to mid-range skill that stuns enemies so they cannot attack (1 to 3 enemies maximum).
- Jalis Dwarven Battle Stance your next 5 attacks are unblokable.
- Glint Jagged Crystal Skin gain Retaliation but move a bit slower (maybe?).
See, the skills match the theme, yet they offer a variety of gameplay that can be more efficient in other game modes. Imagine playing a Ventari in WvW (again, it is my main game mode, I’m biased), and “oh no you are attacked at close range”, bam, Pacifism gives you some time to move/protect yourself without suffering huge burst of damage (since the healing on Ventari is quite slow).
Have yet to see a single build on meta battle (and lets be honest those are the meta builds) that use any venom other then basilisk. Spirit weapons haven’t been useful for a very long time. Again like I said some people don’t care about “meta” in which case everything is viable to them.
That’s the point: if you wanted to use the elite venom, you’d have to slot all venoms. That’s why it is a bit “unfair” as a Revenant to be forced to use skills that aren’t effective for the sake of having one that is.
I left Ventari out not because of a personal choice ,but because I don’t see it as viable. Where as the other 6 choices I do see as viable. Ventari would most likely not be viable because trying to manage that tablet while focusing on dealing damage will be incredibly hard. Sure some highly skilled players might do it ,but the Legends that provide a benefit to damage don’t really have synergy with Ventari so what’s the point?
Well, Ventari is viable: why focus on dealing damage if you prefer healing/support? Ventari/Glint would be really good for that particular case.
Son of Elonia.
(edited by VergilDeZaniah.3295)
(Thief venoms, useless? You’re probably not a WvW player, as it is the meta for non-roaming thieves and it hurts a lot!)
I do agree completely with the weapon: each class is somehow restricted yet it offers different playstyles. But that’s not the point here.
If you play a mesmer in PvP, you won’t use the same build as a mesmer in PvE, another in dungeon, and a fourth one in WvW. When I see a mesmer in WvW, I wonder “Will they play interrupt/mantras? Will they hide-and-seek? Will they play punish?”, but when I see a Shiro Revenant, I know how they will play, I can easily counter and punish them. You have different combos, juste like the ones you’ve shown. But never will you say “Oh no, I didn’t expect that!” when meeting a Revenant.
Also, you said “With the majority of the current classes they have a limited pool of useful utilities to work with.” Indeed, some skills are useful while other are useless, that’s the problem we have with the Revenant: some skills are useful, others aren’t, but we have to use them.
Let’s take an example: I’m in WvW, with my guild, facing me there’s a blob. I use Jalis’ Forced Engagement (for 50 energy), I hit an enemy, they move towards me for 2 seconds. Either it will be dispelled by the enemy blob, or the enemy barely moves towards me to be efficient. It is somehow useless in WvW.
Also, a Mallyx Revenant will have more difficulties in WvW due to blobs cleansing their members easily, as well as consumables that reduce condition duration by 40%.
In a dungeon, running a Shiro revenant isn’t that useful: Impossible Odds? Somehow useful, but with the zerk meta, it will make you finish the boss 1 second faster. Riposting Shadows? Yes, it is useful. Phase Traversal? The dungeons are small, no need to shadowstep that much, and the unblockable part isn’t that needed, since most bosses melt quickly with a good group. Jade Wind? Useless against bosses.
So saying it’s ok is like saying you have to use Guardians’ Spirit Weapons or Thieves’ Tricks, even though you think they are useless within the game mode you play.
Edit: also you say you’re leaving Ventari out… But some people prefer to play heal, so it’s important to give it a chance (also it it useful in some Fractals and in WvW). You feel the same way about Ventari than other people feel about some skills: we’re not happy with the state of the utility skills.
Son of Elonia.
(edited by VergilDeZaniah.3295)
This, a million times this! I’ve been asking for it since day 1!
They are staves, they are not as heavy as a hammer! They should be wielded like this (managed to catch my revenant in a good position ^^)
Son of Elonia.
Would give you more than 20 different builds.
If you add a new utility skill to say shiro that would give you four utilities to choose from for three slots.
That is 4 choose 3 = 4 ways you can have a shiro bar
There is 5 legends so you have 5 choose 2 = 10 combinations of legends
So if you had shiro/ventari
4 ways to have shiro * 4 ways to have ventari = 16 different combinations of shiro/ventari load out16 * 10 = 160 combinations of utility bars if you gave each legend a new utility.
I think my math is correct my combinatorics is a little rusty. Someone can check it if they want.
You’re absolutely right, I figured out I was totally off later, but didn’t take the time to come and correct myself So I’ll repeat myself, correctly this time, 160 is better than 10
Yup 40480 combinations with only like maybe 3 viable ones .. gg
It all depends on the game mode and the playstyle. I play my mesmer differently than guildmate1, who also plays differently than guildmate2, etc. Some people just don’t like to stick to the meta
I play my mesmer in PvP differently than in WvW, and differently than in PvE. Yet in WvW, every mesmer players use them the same way. First time I got bombed and died, now it’s o-so easy to interrupt and counter them: they are soooo predictable. Same goes for the Revenant, all playstyles are the same (10 combinations available, yet they don’t differ greatly), not all skills are useful in every game mode: in a dungeon, using Shiro is a bit useless, in PvP Ventari is a bit more difficult to use at full potential, etc. I suppose they have a bit more ambition than turning it into a “face-roll on your keyboard hoping you have enough energy”…
Son of Elonia.
But revenant’s utilities are all generally stronger then other profession utilities and on top of that they have no cool downs. So if use your energy right you should always have what you need available. Just the fact that you can spam revenant utilities means to me there should be some trade offs.
I wouldn’t call them “stronger”. Each skill has a game mode in which it is stronger, but other where they’re close to being useless.
Also, the saddest part is: if you see a Revenant, you know how they will play, so it’s easier to counter. And only one new utility per legend will offer not 10 but 20 different builds… Compared to 40480 from other classes, it’s still far, yet twice better than 10!
Son of Elonia.
Greek/Roman fighter skins for heavy profession! And many many many other things, but these especially! ^^
Son of Elonia.
Awww man, the float was so neat
It should really be kept on the 3rd pulse…
Son of Elonia.