Showing Posts For VergilDeZaniah.3295:

In memory of a lost friend.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


Dear best enemies, dear fellow players,

[Tz] Team Zaishen, a GW1 and GW2 guild, are sad to announce you that one of our historical member, Guillaume aka Magmoor/Glace Cassis, was a victim of the Nepal earthquake.

Above any other things, our thoughts go to his family and his friends. Guillaume was an inveterate player, a good laugh, and you could hear his smile through his voice… His absence is really hard to stand.

We would like your help. We would like to make him an immortal presence in Tyria, a universe he cherished a lot. We would like to ask ArenaNet if it were possible to create an NPC inspired by our fallen friend.

If you ever feel like standing by the side of a guild who lost one of his cornerstone, could you please follow this link and simply add “+ 1, your name, the name of your guild, your server” (remember that you have to log in again on the French forum).

A thousand thanks in advance.

See you soon on the battlefield,
Vergil, from Team Zaishen from Augury Rock.

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

WvW Passive Upgrade System….[DISCUSS]

in WvW

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


In my opinion, free upgrades is really interesting because, indeed, sometimes it’s always the same people that upgrade keeps and camps.

However, automatic upgrades won’t leave place for strategy. If the enemy server forgets to upgrade one of their keep or tower, it’s their fault. Now you pretty much don’t have to worry about the upgrades.

I’m mostly mixed about this, but I would say I’m rather against the automatic part of the WvW changes.

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

"DragonHunter" name feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


I would personally prefer to have the DH now and get the paragon when they decide to release spears and everything related to paragons.

I prefer a specialization that lives up to the lore than something far from its original name.

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

Dragonhunter revealed... meh

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


I must admit I’m not as excited as I wish I were.

But well, I can’t love each and every class and specialization. I do hope some people will be happy to play the dragonhunter and I’ll be happy for them. I’m curious to see what’s coming next

Edit: when the first trailers about the professions released, I was sure I would never play a guardian. Well she was my first lvl80 character. So I’ll wait until I try it before I say I hate it

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

(edited by VergilDeZaniah.3295)

About the Portal to Maguuma's Heart

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


  • Lots of player entitlement worries about not getting in; if you didn’t get a portal (like me), you are not in the beta. You will neither be compensated for not being in the beta. You probably earned a lot of gold farming either SW or DT, there’s your reward.

Why should players not in the beta be compensated? Players with access to the beta will see for 2 hours (or a bit more) something that everyone will see later. And since there won’t be any NDA, everyone will see the same thing, some will just not play it.

Being equal isn’t being fair. We are all equal on the rate drop of the portal and on the chance to get access from the newsletter.

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

How old you are? Really?!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


I tried 4 different pictures of my main, she is 27. I didn’t know that :O

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

To those who got portal (beta key)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


A friend of mine got it literally 5 minutes after the patch hit (dust mites event in DT). I just received mine, after around 20 hours of farming (4th Vinewrath in SW).

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

4 Hours later... any portals?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


My friend got it after… 5 minutes? I’ve been playing for 3 hours and nothing… Stupid RNG!

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

Ready Up: 4/24 - Specializations AMA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


Since people will most likely ask most questions I have in mind, I will ask the silliest:

Will Elite specializations get their own “profession” icon?

I would be happy to see other icons, to really separate the main profession and the elite specializations

That is answered here:

Spoiler…the answer is yes

Didn’t see this interview! Thanks a lot!

(And I’m really happy ^^)

No further questions, your Honor.

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

(edited by VergilDeZaniah.3295)

when will LA be fixed again?

in Living World

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


I think we need to hire motivational speaker. Those workers are not getting the job done. I mean, some of them show up for work without tools!

Well, if you gave my mesmer Anise’s ability to create more than 3 clones, I would get the job done by the end of the weekend!

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

Ready Up: 4/24 - Specializations AMA

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


Since people will most likely ask most questions I have in mind, I will ask the silliest:

Will Elite specializations get their own “profession” icon?

I would be happy to see other icons, to really separate the main profession and the elite specializations

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

Information, and the lack thereof

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


I personally have seen a surge in my hype. Nice timing haha! Everything is in action now, wait and see!

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

Discuss the possible new changes to Water.

in Elementalist

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


Given that it’s called “Soothing Ice” I imagine it’s just a typo and means we gain that when get Critically Hit rather than when we Critically hit. Not sure why we’d gain Frost Aura and Regeneration when we critically hit others. Either scenario it’s a great survivability tool

Seems indeed like a typo: in the French version they say it’s when you are critically hit ^^

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

Information, and the lack thereof

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


I personally don’t want to see the whole thing revealed (“and there you’ll have to fight this boss”, “here are the zones you’ll have”, “these are all the new skills” etc.), but some information would be better than what we are getting.

For example, I would prefer the simple sentence “the Druid will focus on X” rather than “These are the Itzels. Here is a second post on the Itzels. You won’t want a third post? There you go anyway. Oh and here’s a Point of (dis)Interest on the Itzels!”
Note that I’m glad to learn new things on them, really, but some pieces of information could have waited for release, ’cause now I already know how to fight them…

As I already said, I have the impression they are releasing “news” for the sake of releasing news.

With the “schedule” Wallace gave earlier, we can say that we will have to wait at least 9 weeks before getting a Beta (after all, for the original release, the Mesmer was revealed on Dec. 14th and the first closed beta was on Dec. 16th), since the beta should allow us to play more mechanics. But at the current rate… Don’t expect a beta before the end of June, and depending on the feedback, the game might be released in August or September (I assume there are less things to do regarding the engine and mechanics on the xpac.) I hope I am wrong.

If I hadn’t found a new guild to play WvW with, I probably wouldn’t be as hyped as before by the game and news: there are cheaters all over the place, the zerg-meta is frustrating when you want to play fair (because a spamming-1-blob is easy…), so I can’t wait for the new BL to be released…

Anyway, if it keeps on going this way, it’ll be a massacre: the returning players will get bored and leave again, and the veterans who kept playing will get tired of the lack of every-other-week new content and take a break because being disgusted.

I believe we are in a lose-lose situation, I hope I’m wrong, because I really care about the game and the lore, and I hope we’ll get surprised by ANet.

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

Exemplar Attire?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


My gems are ready!

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

Lions Arch workers on strike!!

in Lore

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


The shady workers have been there for ages!

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

Why are there no horses?

in Lore

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


There are no horses anymore because they couldn’t outrun the centaurs…

Actually some humans from remote places got… Pretty close to horses. Centaurs are just the descendants of those horses, that’s why there are gone. QED.

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

Information, and the lack thereof

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


Look around. The hype has died for everyone. But I’m always surprised anyone is surprised by this. But this is what the expansion crowd wanted.

Are we having fun yet?

I’m personnally getting less and less fun, that’s why I’m switching to other games: I don’t want to be fed up with the game (because, let’s face it, I love it ^^).

Luckily they fixed most of the WvW lags (that’s what took most my fun away), but problems still persist in other parts of the game. Also, the lack of waiting-content drives most people crazy… For example, I’m not a fan of SAB, but I would try it while waiting for HoT, but they won’t release it because of silly reasons (“immersion-breaking” as they say, which don’t include Halloween or Wintersday, not does the X-months wait to play content that’s supposed to ahppen minutes after last bit of lore… Talk about broken immersion).

I have the impression that now they have us hooked waiting for the rest, they grant themselves the right to treat us bad (exaggeration, of course).

If they really want us to wait but still play, they’d better give us a bone to chew on, because repeating the same things over and over again ends up growing on anyone’s nerves.

I know I might complain about a silly aspect, but that doesn’t mean I won’t buy the game and won’t be excited once we get substantial news, I’m just giving my opinion on some silly points in the marketing “rules” they set.

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

Information, and the lack thereof

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


They are actually back to their “we don’t say anything” policy… I’d prefer weeks without blog posts than weeks of recycled blog posts (and repetitive live shows).

“You’ve only been able to play LS2 for a year? Let’s make a show to tell you everything you know!”
“You’ve seen many videos on Stronghold? Here, take another one!”

I feel like they’re just baiting us with cold news to distract us from the real problem: they announced their expansion way too early in development, especially since they won’t do anything in the vanilla game anymore.

I don’t mind having to wait for things to be done (though I’m a bit impatient), yet now we’re just eating the same things over and over again, without any hint of anything new…

It’s a bit saddening to see we got hyped just for the sake of keeping players/seeing players coming back.

However, I do hope they are just trolling us, revealing very little information before surprising us with an early release of a complete expansion. But I don’t expect to see anything new before at least August. The hype has died for me.

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

Revenant Ideas – Kingsbane

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


Diovid: you are right, yet as said witcher, I also assumed that the legends are somehow aware they are helping you since they talk to you. But indeed, a revenant could harness the power of the mist without the legends’ consent.

Anyway, no matter the reason, I don’t think having Gwen as a legend usable by charrs would be a good thing lore-wise. In the end, we could extrapolate and say “since Zhaitan is dead, we can use its powers” and the game would run amok.

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

Gameplay Features: Making the most of Maguuma

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


At least people will stop crying about “only one map” since they confirm there will be more:

“For example, in Verdant Brink—the first map players encounter once they enter the Heart of Thorns— [… ]”

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

Revenant Ideas – Kingsbane

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


As having human legendary figures (such as Barradin, Adelbern, or Gwen): that won’t work.

Do you think they will lend their powers to charrs ? That wouldn’t make sense lore-wise…

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

Super Adventure Box [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


But I don’t get why they don’t simply copy/paste what we already had.

Not that I play SAB, but I respect people who really like it. Also, it would allow us to spend some time waiting for the expansion since we won’t be able to do anything else between now and the release date.

And don’t serve me the “it breaks immersion” excuse: Halloween, Wintersday, April’s Fool, and the months between the end of LS2 and HoT (which is, cannonically 10 minutes) are the worst immersion breakers, so I assume SAB won’t change anything, except help people not being bored/disgusted by the wait (and the bugs) before HoT.

SAB has no reason not to come back before the xpac. Doing otherwise would prove bad marketing decisions, because so far, the hype for the xpac is deflating like a soufflé.

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


Once again for every b-hurt person:


Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

Piolt jokes really? too soon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


To every offended person QQing on this forum:


Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

Piolt jokes really? too soon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


I’m fairly sure that this content was being worked on well before that terrible event happened anyway. And I don’t think it’s tasteless. What I do think is that all these topics that are taking up pretty much an entire full page should all be merged into two topics:

One for “I love this April Fool’s Joke!”
One for “I hate this April Fool’s Joke!”

That’s not the point. There are so many people thinking of the germanwings crash when seeing this april joke. I do not think ANet did this on purpose, however I can see why some people find it insensitive. They didn’t think it through much.

“It’s really insensitive that ANet releases a game where people fight and are killed by other people while war is raging in the world.”

If we had to listen to “some” people, we won’t be able to do anything in a video game. In WvW, we won’t be able to use dolyaks for supplies since PeTA will be around telling us it’s bad to use animals as a tool (could we say the same about Charrs?). We kill animals for their meat too, and we kill zombies (“they were humans before!”).

I could bet my shirt that people that are offended by an “airplane mode” (because, really, it isn’t even close to related to the crash) aren’t by what’s happening right now in other parts of the world.

If people are that easily offended, they’d better stop playing video games, because there will always be something that people consider offensive. People are too sensitive these days.

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

Guild Wars 2 April fools 2015 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


“I am more catholic than the pope” thread…

ONE accident and no joke about planes can be made. Each day, many more people die because of the war or assaulted by other people. Then I assume you would like WvW and PvP to be closed too?

Stop being that easily offended, kitten happens everyday, and each day more people die on the road than in airplanes accidents. Go to sleep for some days and come back once it’s over.

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

Piolt jokes really? too soon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


And WvW is the apology of war in the Middle East, let’s censor the game! /sarcasm

Seriously, people shouldn’t be more catholic than the pope: you’re trying to be too politically correct. Stuff happens in the world, and an innocent joke to you is a mean troll about a catastrophe? You must be fun at parties!

It’s a JOKE, in a GAME, and NOTHING is related to the accident. Go to sleep for a day or two then come back and stop bothering people with your unrelated concerns.

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

Please don't nerf the Revenent!

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


From what I’ve seen, the Revenant seems really powerful, not like “new-thus-better” powerful, but genuinely powerful.

In WvW to stand a chance against Revenants, they need to be nerfed. Imagine, you are fighting against 2 Revenants… Perma-Jalis Elite, 0 damage. And don’t expect to kill them with conditions: they’ll get ripped easily. A roaming group of Revenants is virtually unkillable. They make appear that a fight with an upleveled character against 5 glass cannon perma stealth thieves is really easy.

Though they said the demo/stress test was made easier, I hope they will nerf the Revenant. Else, we’ll only see Revs running around the game and every other class would be useless.

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

WvW is so lagy.

in WvW

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


When I first started WvW, there were barely any lag (and most of the lags came from my side), then there was an update which brought lags and lags and lags… Afterwards, everything was far better, I haven’t had lags in weeks! Yet today I tried to play (haven’t played last week)… It’s really unplayable. One out of ten skills works, I’m not able to fight properly… Seriously, there is a serious problem with WvW now, and this time I’m sure it’s not on my side…

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

Who got in to the beta?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


“Luckily” I wasn’t chosen this week, as I’m busy during both tests. May Grenth be thanked for preventing me from being frustrated!

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

[WvW] Why are you removing content?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


I’m sure they’re going to rework the old maps some before they bring them back in some way. And it’s best to do that AFTER they see how the changes to the new maps work.

Move forward.

I’m sure we’ll see them again, but I think a lot of people can agree that they could use some updating.

The biggest dream I could have for WvW: Alpine map reworked to have a similar feeling than Desert map, so they’ll bring a 3rd map in the rotation. To each map its geography, theme, and objectives.

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

So... What's your shout radio tuned to?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


Oh well my characters shout a bit of every race, gender, and profession’s quotes…

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

[SPOILERS] Glint's Last Flight

in Lore

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


This is really interesting and your theory is well constructed. Bravo my friend!

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

Shouts... grrr

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


To be honest, this “everyone screams as much as possible!” bug bores me to no limit and I’m not playing today (neither did I play yesterday)… It’s really annoying to hear the same shouts again and again even when no one’s around…

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

Critique the New Faces!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


I’m a bit disappointed seeing the male human and norn faces: they look way too similar.

My dream creation parts: choose a face outline, then choose eyes, a nose, a mouth… And yet you can change them as you see fit!

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

Your race for Revenant and why?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


Human male: I’m bringing one of my GW1 characters back.

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

Revenant Legends Data Mined. Spoiler.

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


Oh Shiro <3

I don’t know how to feel about Ventari, so we’ll see!

And yay spoiled weapon skills too! <3

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

Bugs with last update 16th march

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


Messed up loading screens, not representing a guild (while I clearly am), shouts all over the map, mini map has been moved upwards (highly annoying!), client crash when going offline and back online (trying to get guild chat working), and there’s probably a dozen more bugs I’ve not yet noticed…

Luckily they delayed the patch to test it…

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

Bugs with last update 16th march

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


I’m so glad you posted this. I thought I was going crazy. I was in the Edge of the Mists with no one else around, yet I kept hearing random class/race shouts. It was freaking me out. Funny bug.

Actually it’s your character that speaks: check their lips! ^^

Mine seems to prefer being a female asura mesmer (while being a male human elementalist)!

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

Best update in GW2 History

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


Awesome for the camera and the stability changes.

Awful for the bugs, bugs, and bugs it brought. Luckily the patch was delayed for one week, else, maybe all our characters would have been deleted?

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

Bugs with last update 16th march

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


Indeed, my character shouts a bit of every profession and race’s quotes…

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

Guild chat bug solution

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


You have to redo it with each character…

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

Siege Beauvoir

in WvW

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


Finaly i remembered the ss i had for this:
The first is a Catapult hitting 5m infront off wall, 2 is a treb hitting between 2 walls and ofc damage both, 3 is a ram that its imposble it can hit the gate.

The ram placement is annoying as hell for defenders imo.

It’ll be over Soon™ with the new borderlands!

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

The New WvW Borderland

in WvW

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


I need a hand there…

  • People are complaining about “PvE” content (aka Lords)… But don’t the objectives already have Lords? So why do people complain?
  • People complain about heights… But won’t those heights add more tactics to the game? After all, you fall, you die, you get rezzed. In EotM (since it’s the comparison), you fall, you got wp back to the start… So it’s not similar at all.
  • People complain about killing dinosaurs to have access to “supplies” that would allow the use of a powerful weapon (that could help tiny servers)… Isn’t it an enhanced version of… Supply camps?
  • People complain about not being able to zerg anymore because they need to pay attention to the environment… Wait, don’t they usually complain about facing zergs?
  • People complain about shrines that give bonuses… Yet they loved the BloodLust that was added.
  • People complain about towers being used as frontline defenses (if the zerg doesn’t want to walk for too long)… Yet now they complain about “oh no they took garrison and nobody saw them in the spawn towers/keeps”.

Face it people, what change with the new borderlands? Pretty much nothing.

  • You still have a NPC that will be in each objective.
  • You still have bonuses from keeping some places (ruins = shrines)
  • You still have to defend your home world against invaders.

The changes:

  • The zerg meta reign might come to an end (because, you know, you complain about it all the time)
  • You have to think to win, not mindlessly spam 1 within a huge group to win against less populated places. Things can be flipped. Number isn’t power anymore.

Your QQ is just for the sake of complaining. Our WvW experience won’t be changed, it will be improved.

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

New HoT Borderlands map

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


First of all: borderlands will be in rotation new>old>etc. etc.
Those 3 borderlands maps will be replaced in rotation for 3 new borderlands maps.
I care and I think will like those borderlands, I like eotm also.

I think they somehow said they would replace the current Alpine Borderlands, and these might come back in tournaments… Don’t know if it was clumsily worded or if it will be that way, but sounded like the current BL will disappear.

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

Necro Specialization

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


So after watching the fight preview today of the new wvw map I saw a lich with a staff, also it had a unique die animation not present in current death of lich form. That then got me thinking that the point of the new specialization for necors is that you feed your death shroud to a powerful ally such as your lich. Idk any thoughts

That’s a tower lord, nothing to do with a playable character, and I think the spec would be about direct damage, using a GS…

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

GM Proheals is running around WvW.

in WvW

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


There was a hacking player in the European servers 2 nights ago. I told the commanders to contact you if they see them again (noticed your signature).

No idea if they did, but the question is: Are you able to go teleport to european servers or it’s only a NA thing?

We work on EU as well. =)

Oh, but I usually don’t turn off my invis there because I know about 10 words of ES, 20 FR, and maybe 4 DE.

No Habla en Francais or… uhh.. German. Or uhh.. yeah. Le Pomme est Rouge.

La* pomme, nice try anyway

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

The New WvW Borderland

in WvW

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


While I was scared WvW would go a bit too PvE, I’m actually quite happy with what they showed.

Indeed the boss-like mechanic of the lords might make a zerg slower (only for a time I assume) because they won’t be able to simply melt the lord’s life. After all, even if the current tower lords can take huge damages from their own weapon thanks to guardians and mesmers, they simply got killed by huge zergs. Now it’ll add a bit of variety.

Also the DoomRay event can be quite enjoyable if, like me, you are on a non-zerg server (the French are hard to understand, especially when they refuse to fight fire with fire) and you sometimes need a hand to flip the map.

The bonuses from the shrines are tremendous, at last something more useful than bloodlust. I really wanna see the tactics we can put in place! Plus, the terrain (and the stability patch) will allow less zerg and more tactical spirit.

So far, so good. Keep on the good work!

Edit: so far, I do hope (way too much) that the “you might see alpine back” means we will some day get 3 different BL… Naaah I’m just dreaming too hard!

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.

The New WvW Borderland

in WvW

Posted by: VergilDeZaniah.3295


I liked the old map actually, yet after seeing the trailer, I’m really interested in the new BL.

What would be awesome is that new maps come afterward, to give each server a different taste (just like EB where keeps change for each side).

It’s a bit sad to leave the place I’ve been “living” in for nearly 2 years (I’m a late WvW player), but since it will probably break the massive zergs… BRING IT ON!

Guild leader of The Nephilim of Elysium.

Son of Elonia.