Showing Posts For White Devil.3176:

So, who else requested a refund for HoT?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

Omg so much exciting new content for a small fee and you’re asking if we want a refund??

Vertical zone... comments?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

The new zone is freaked amazing!! The exploration potential is off the charts!!

Weapon dyes ?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

Yes, agreed fully. Need this and more dye channels for armour. More customisation always better. Let me paint my gear all different colours and tones please.

Raids & Story

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

And I’m sorry, DoctorDing, but raids in this form are inclusive, in that anyone who wants to be included in trying to overcome this particular, more challenging content can and is welcome to participate! Why must everything be made possible to be done without any degree of effort or consideration being applied?

Raids & Story

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

I’m sorry, but I can’t agree with any of the points made in the original post.

Telling your girlfriend that she will not be able to raid is not necessary, as everyone will have the option to form groups and have a go at the content.

Her response about having HoT and not being able to do raids was not true, because the things that you told her about them were false.

There will be groups which are less strict, that will focus on enjoying the raid, learning together how to do the mechanics etc. which I’m sure you will both be able to join and have fun doing together, regardless of the time that it takes to complete.

The lack of “skills honed over years” won’t mean much in the case of a person who has a desire to learn and succeed. Telling someone they have no chance will not encourage them into that kind of behaviour.

If you let your girlfriend think she has no possibility of success, then she will likely not make any attempt and for that will not have the opportunity to grow as a gamer or as a person.

Sorry that I have made this response more about the way that you have treated your partner, but as you have made it the focus of your post, I thought necessary to centre my feedback around it as well.

On the subject of “elitist” and “gated” content, I have to say, call it what you want, but in the end all it is is content that takes more effort to complete. Anyone can access it. Anyone can form a group and start practicing fights, learning strategies, working with their team/friends to figure things out and making raid progress together. All of those things can be enjoyable and rewarding in themselves, and those are what some people really want from a game, a degree of challenge with rewarding outcomes which takes some effort to complete and cannot be breezed through thoughtlessly.

I think what I mean to say is that the actual content of the raids will be the more rewarding aspect, not the loot. Making an easy mode or raid finder type scene will deminish the purpose of this content, which is not story, it is about the other things I mentioned earlier in my response.

New rank finishers/Can't unlock old ones?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

The new rank ups are tied to the reward tracks, not traditional rank ups. You will still be able to get OG dragon rank in same way you do now. The only thing this adds is the ability to gain a new rank up by using the pvp reward track system.

In short, you should not worry because this addition will in no way effect your ability to gain the dragon rank you are working towards.

Celestial Avatar suggestion

in Ranger

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

Some damage component to 1-3 and some effects

Thanks ProtoMarcus. I like the idea of vigor for skill four, blind at the end of skill 5 makes sense to me as well.

Damage on some of the other skills also makes sense to me, since you are throwing out beams of what appear to be large amounts of energy, so making them also harm enemies could work well to make CA more effective the entire time it is up.

But that brings me to a point that I was considering, which is, what is the main intended purpose of celesial avatar?

To me Avatar feels like it doesn’t yet know what it wants/needs to be. Since you can sustain its use for 95% of the time and remain in it almost always, is it a stance? Should it be more of a power up with less access time and greater unlock/build up time for powerful healing? Is staff made redundant by it? Should staff need to compete with it, or can they be made to work well with each other?

My feeling is that CA should be a stance which allows for greater healing/support, while staff will be for the damage and other utility such as mobility. CA should drain slower and replenish itself by healing in that form, meaning it never has to be left, if desired.

Leaving CA would still fully deplete the resource, but getting back into CA should take longer/not be almost instant through the use of staff skills.. This would mean choosing between better damage or better healing. It would also add some interest in deciding to leave CA for the utility/movement skill of staff and then not being able to immediately return to CA, having a risk of reduced healing capability for a short while as you recharge your CA power might be fun/exciting?

(edited by White Devil.3176)

Celestial Avatar suggestion

in Ranger

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

Thanks for your feedback Llethander

I agree on the subject of grenade engineer and similar types, where you need to constantly focus an area with ground targeted spells. Using your mouse to steer your character, control the camera and also to aim GT spells feels kind of sticky/messy, but I can’t see any solution at the moment, other than avoiding adding those types of mechanics, which is probably another reason that I don’t like Cosmic Ray

Agree very much with your point on Seed of Life regarding its appearance, and personally had thought to mention my distaste in the way it looks in my earlier post. I had some number of comments made to me by others, which I found to be congenial with my own opinion, that the thing looks rather ugly. For an object of healing, it appears to be nothing of the sort, rather more of a discoloured, disease riddled globule of pus to be avoided at any cost..

But that’s also beside the point. Perhaps if it were easier to identify/see on the ground, it might make it more effective to use. But I still can’t like the fact that it is like a second slot 1 skill that is boringly similar to Cosmic Ray.

Finally, Natural Convergence, given stability pulse would add good decision making to the Avatar, when you could say, do I need to heal my friends? or do they need this other kind of support right now? Could be more fun?

(edited by White Devil.3176)

Celestial Avatar suggestion

in Ranger

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

Celestial Avatar -

Skill 1 – Cosmic Ray – Larger area of effect would be nice. It’s not fun to try using it on anyone that is moving, which is most often the case with the person you want to heal.
Also didn’t enjoy the spammy feeling of using this skill.

Skill 2 – Seed of Life – Make it 3 second duration, pulses condition removal 1per second, 3 total, bursts/heals at the end + applies regen/heals for more if condis were removed.
The current delay in condi removal, however short, makes it much less effective than instant, on demand condi removal, which is usually much more desirable and enjoyable to have.
Larger radius perhaps. Maybe 6s cool down, feels too similar to Cosmic Ray in terms of spamminess and effect.

Skill 3 – Lunar Impact – Feels good as it is. Blast finisher needs to work (it doesn’t at present). Maybe heal for slightly more.

Skill 4 – Tidal Surge – Feels okay, the heal is alright, could tick/pulse higher, water field okay, not much use when everyone is stacked/competing with other fields though, so the secondary intent of the skill is partially negated. Not sure what else would make this skill more interesting, or whether it needs something else to make it more fun to use.

Skill 5 – Natural Convergence – Pulse stability/protection for self and allies within the area. Could make this ability more interesting and useful in more situations and more fun to use.
I think adding the stability pulse to this skill would really work to round off the Celestial Avatar form and make it feel more full and complete.
Also it could make it more fun to use offensively, since the enemy will have no choice but to run away or eat the root. Instead of being able to simply flick the ranger away with a cc or knock back etc.

(edited by White Devil.3176)

Beta Weekend Druid Feedback Thread

in Ranger

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

Celestial Avatar -

Skill 1 – Cosmic Ray – Larger area of effect would be nice. It’s not fun to try using it on anyone that is moving, which is most often the case with the person you want to heal.
Also didn’t enjoy the spammy feeling of using this skill.

Skill 2 – Seed of Life – Make it 3 second duration, pulses condition removal 1per second, 3 total, bursts/heals at the end + applies regen/heals for more if condis were removed.

The current delay in condi removal, however short, makes it much less effective than instant, on demand condi removal, which is usually much more desirable and enjoyable to have.

Larger radius perhaps. Maybe 6s cool down, feels too similar to Cosmic Ray in terms of spamminess and effect.

Skill 3 – Lunar Impact – Feels good as it is. Blast finisher needs to work (it doesn’t at present). Maybe heal for slightly more.

Skill 4 – Tidal Surge – Feels okay, the heal is alright, could tick/pulse higher, water field okay, not much use when everyone is stacked/competing with other fields though, so the secondary intent of the skill is partially negated. Not sure what else would make this skill more interesting, or whether it needs something else to make it more fun to use.

Skill 5 – Natural Convergence – Pulse stability/protection for self and allies within the area. Could make this ability more interesting and useful in more situations and more fun to use.

I think adding the stability pulse to this skill would really work to round off the Celestial Avatar form and make it feel more full and complete.

Also it could make it more fun to use offensively, since the enemy will have no choice but to run away or eat the root. Instead of being able to simply flick the ranger away with a cc or knock back etc.

Druid Staff Feedback (Visuals)

in Ranger

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

What if the auto looked more like this?


Druid Healer UI change suggestion

in Ranger

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

Yes! This is one of the first things I noticed when playing druid in PvP. It could be much easier to see who needs healing/who in your party is near you if we had party/friend hp bars, possibly different colour from enemy ones.

I think that would make it a lot more fun to play the druid, especially in using the healing skills with small are of effect.

Unable To Delete Character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

Ran the repair diagnostic and am still unable to delete the character.

Unable To Delete Character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

Yes, it lights up, then I press it, the dialog box disappears and the character remains.

Have not tried to repair though, will give that a go.


Unable To Delete Character

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

Each time I try press delete to get rid of my level two character that I want to remake, nothing happens. I type the character name in, then press the delete button and the character is still there.

As a consequence I cannot use the character name for my intended new character.

Any help would be appreciated.

Visual Clutter

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

It is such a big problem for me as well; it makes the fundamental game system of avoiding attacks from bosses pretty much impossible to judge and do reliably..

I wondered if this was just a problem that I had, and felt that if I wanted to be successful in a boss fight, I’d have to play each fight enough times to be able to guess or expect when a large attack needed to be avoided.

Then realised I don’t find that type of gameplay fun or engaging, and rather find it quite frustrating that I am just getting blown away by boss attacks I didn’t and couldn’t see coming no matter how diligently I tried.

Sometimes when I look at the boss all I can see is a giant flaming conflagration of colours which completely conceal the actions or movements of the target and makes it near impossible to know even basic stuff like whether it is facing me or not..

Probably, this could be easily dealt with by completely minimizing the effects of other players being seen on your screen. To this end the amount of clutter is reduced significantly, allowing us to actually visualise the boss’s movements, instead of having to decipher this chaotic blast factory of eruptions as we now do, and consequently making it much easier to engage in the gameplay mechanic, which, as I had thought, was a basic intent of the gameplay design for Gw2…

In short.. reduce the effects of other players being seen on my screen to an absolute minimum, and maybe even completely for residual, on target effects such as burning and explosions.. This will make it easier to see what the boss is actually doing, so that it is possible to react to their specific telegraphs, such as preparing to blast the area in front of them, without me being crushed for thinking they’re not even facing me.

Fixing sad weapon swap syndrom

in Suggestions

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

Hey. I agree with your opinion. It is a bit annoying having to change weapons, even when you would rather just use the one that appeals to you and your ideal character.

Being forced to weapon swap due to cooldown rotating is kind of frustrating it kind of feels at some times that you must roll through them somewhat monotonously..

Not sure how to fix that. Your suggestions are okay I guess..

Perhaps there could be a secondary set of skills made for each weapon. That way you could use the same weapon in both slots and have different cool downs and skills on each set.. That sounds cool to me, but thinking about it, also seems quite flawed lol. Though I think it really could be a lot more interesting than it is now.

Imagine if..

in Ranger

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

Jaguar stealth effected the ranger as wel.. uuuh that would be sooo freakin sweeet.. drewl

The pet Mouse

in Ranger

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

OH yes please this is such a brilliant and cute idea! Please give me!

Warning when item model cannot be re-acquired

in Suggestions

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

Create a new elementalist, take the gem/appearance and stick it to another hat (cheap one in Trade post or vendor) using a transmutation stone, simply place it in the bank and it is available for use on your grieving character through transmutation. Problem solved !

Huge greatsword buff

in Ranger

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

It’s a shame that the 4 skill is still held back by the rooting of the throw ability and the cast time of the “kick” which can be interrupted and not any less easy to avoid. >< ""

Funny things rangers say

in Ranger

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

“I’ll revive you”

What does being a Ranger mean to you?

in Ranger

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

To me being a ranger means having a broken class mechanic that probably won’t be fixed any time soon, which makes me wonder why I play it..

Ranger update

in Ranger

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

Please find another hobby Torrentula, trolling is not good for your health..


in Ranger

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

You have to find the “juvenile” npc’s around the world. They will be the same as the mobs around them for example, finding a group of wolves in WvW map and that is where a juvenile wolf is. They are green/non aggressive and all you have to do is interact with it and click yes to make it your pet.

All pets are found in different locations and I suggest using google to find whichever one you are interested in, also that some are higher level and you may not get the one you want immediately but it is fairly reasonable otherwise.

Happy hunting!

Need Greatsword Build Please

in Guardian

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

Just wondering if anyone has an effective/fun greatsword centered trait build for pve dungeon/WvW and what ever swap set giving favor to 1h sword. Thanks in advance!

Ranger going Invis

in Ranger

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

Hi, this is actually an F2 skill, that of the Juvenile Siamoth pet which belongs to the porcine/pig family.. The pigs have the ability to search for and produce an item with a use, it’s like picking up a special weapon item. I’m sure you knew about this, but the siamoth specifically finds on most occasions a bunch of feathers or patch of fur, which allows you to gain stealth for 3 seconds..

Signet of the Beastmaster (Marksmanship Trait XI) and Signet of the Stone

in Ranger

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

“Welcome to the world of broken and random Ranger traits But it’s option A, 6 seconds of no incoming damage.”

I just noticed.. half the trait options in marksmen have the word beastmaster in them……..

WAS the ranger class an after thought or quickly slapped together??

Signet of the Beastmaster (Marksmanship Trait XI) and Signet of the Stone

in Ranger

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

I’ll take this chance to point out.. why the KITTEN is this talent in marksman and not beastmastery!!

People getting mad because we can't perma stow our pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

Let’s face it, pets are hopeless whoever said yes ranger pets are fine and ready for launch really need to get fired because they aren’t doing a good job making a fun mechanic.

I remember hearing one video before launch where Anet rep suggested that they want pets not to feel clunky and be less of a worry and bother as they may be in other mmo’s.

All I can see is lack of innovation, nothing is great or even good about the way ranger pets work in this game. In my opinion the ranger pet mechanic of GW2 is a far backwards step from what I have seen in other games, the lack of response and the perishability of the pets during fights (and this really I do not get, why does the pet not dodge when the master dodges?? How can that be overlooked?? The pet just stands dumb faced in the aoe not only in pve but also to effects such as the treb in Kyhlo?? This has to be the most flimsy flaky pet I have ever encountered

Let’s consider the Function skills.. They are so miserable, the lack of control they give over the pet, F1: attack F2: stand still for 3 seconds and hope you get your special off before you die or the target moves out of range F3: return, at your own pace and maybe not at all, then we have two functions without key bindings, “guard” (chase the mail man) “avoid combat” (look pretty (stupid) and still cause disaster by leashing 30 metres ahead) and “stow pet” (which has no effect during combat, not to mention it shares the cooldown with pet swap.. what is that about??..) and finally F4: pet swap (quick swap places with this bear, which may not die but still isn’t really much use)

REALLY how can you have managed to make such a poorly operating pet system is beyond me and that it has been overlooked! amazing.

(edited by White Devil.3176)

Ranger Bug List

in Ranger

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

Can’t stomp/finish downed targets while under shared signet of the wild (master effect version)

Spirit changes?

in Ranger

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

That’s nice! But sorry, these kind of dreams (player suggestions) can’t come true!

Additionally, the tooth fairy does not exist.

Rapid Fire useless?

in Ranger

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

I can’t say I’m surprised, and I find this easy to believe.

Not to be negative but I wonder how much thought was given to each individual skill in relation to one another, in this instance at least it doesn’t seem much consideration was taken..

2 problems with Ranger sword skills

in Ranger

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

I really love the bouncy attack style of the sword ranger, though of course it has issues.

Enabling auto attack for that ability is kind of dangerous, you could easily get stuck bouncing on a target and be unable to make any other movements such as dodges etc.

I really love the 2 skill also, great for getting far away if you are in trouble by rolling backwards and then turn around and leap to safety. Can’t say I have had any problems with that skill myself.

Definitely would be a lot nicer if pounce was the first attack though xD

The 5 Most Powerful Pets In SPvP

in Ranger

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176


Certainly agree, 2 second stun and 3 second immobilize both on 20 second cooldown.

Really think spider is the most powerful, I find others are much less reliable in terms of making contact with the target while attempting to use their abilities, given the long cast time and often short ranges.

Nerf shortbow 1

in Thief

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

It has come to my attention that the graphic for shortbow 1 skill on the thief is causing an unnecessary and dramatic increase in damage, above and beyond that of the ranger shortbow.

Since this is not only unacceptable and unjust, I hope to here from the graphic bug team some time soon with their plans to remedy the situation.

If all goes well, the abusers of this ability will not go unpunished and it is expected that they will be receive an harsh and critical word somewhere along the lines of “NO, IT’S NOT FUN”. Whoever will be tasked with delivering such message is yet to be known..

The Glass Half Full (shortbow)

in Ranger

Posted by: White Devil.3176

White Devil.3176

“-> To compensate some shortage on the shortbow, pun very intended, i make it almost mandatory to: – go 30 skirmish, – grab 20% reduction on shortbow, – take traps ground targeted and shorter cooldown, – go with sword/torch and shortbow;”

First of all well done, and thank you for your onwards-and-upwards attitude which I certainly seek to adopt xP

Just one minor issue, I don’t know which talents you mean, “Trapper’s expertise” (radius + targeted) and “Trap Potency” (double DoT duration + -20% cooldown time) seems to be a mandatory requirement for any trap spec, with how much they add to the abilities. If taking both of these, removes the option of also having “Quick Draw” (-20% S-bow cooldown time)

Please correct me if I am wrong, otherwise looks really fun and can’t wait to try it ^^