Definitely like the changes. I mostly used Renewal and Stone, and the new regen of Renewal builds celestial force for better synergy with druid. Also, CD reduction is definitely welcome. Stone was unchanged. Signet of the Wild never really sat right with me before, hard to explain. I know some people liked this skill though. But the passive Ferocity could make a big difference, may be worth it now.
Love the changes, well done. Apart from the bugs, but surely they will be fixed soon.
Agreed, really good patch. People will generally always get annoyed if their working builds aren’t optimal anymore, but this is exactly what is needed for better balance.
Why don’t you just make a new one? It’s not like leveling to 80 is a big deal.
Hmm, never noticed it on my Thief. She is Sylvari, maybe that’s why? Or because she wears tight pants? Dunno.
I generally play humans, so I guess playing Sylvari does make a difference. I can imagine tight pants also helping a bit… But for me it is like this no matter what pants I wear, as far as I tried different ones.
Always when I am wielding an off-hand dagger, be it with thief, ranger, or elementalist, when I stand still (with unsheathed weapons), my characters are constantly stabbing themselves in the leg. I just see that dagger go in and out.
Can’t characters just wield the dagger either a bit more sideways, or even upwards so that this clipping issue doesn’t occur? We are 4 years after launch now, I think this bit of refinement would be great.
Generally a thief in stealth takes just as much damage when hit. All you have to do is read what your opponent is planning. Play around with a stealth-heavy thief yourself for a while, and you will learn to time your dodges and attacks such that you hurt him much more than he hurts you.
But this goes for any profession. If you want to get better at countering them, play them yourself.
Oh cool I thought there was a Barb for each team that you just had to hit to activate but that sounds much better
Yes, this way is better because of two reasons:
1) There is even more reason to deal a lot of damage, rather than healing and defending your own Barb.
2) It just doesn’t make sense that a barbarian getting beat up by the other team would betray his old comrades. Instead, he was neutral to begin with just chilling at his campfire near his hut/cave, used to beating any animal he comes across. Anything that can hurt him wins his respect, no matter the color of the clothing.
Keep in mind that attacking him if the enemy is mobile and hits hard, is simply very risky because you don’t want to be stabbed in the back while winning the Barbarian over. If on the other hand the enemy plays a defensive build, this risk isn’t nearly so great and it becomes a viable strategy.
Other than that, it could also be viable to split up. Let’s say that the enemy goes for one of the two and stays together. If it takes too long to hunt him down, the other player can potentially beat a Barbarian AND get the life orb. Once again, strong offence would counter this tactic. The surest way to deal with an enemy split would probably to allow 2 1v1s. But then the reactive team has the advantage of picking who chases who. All of this is very match-up dependent, so there is no obvious way to go other than just killing the enemy. Every profession will have viable situational tactics, but there is a bit of an advantage to mobility and high damage, which is honestly required for a 2v2 to be balanced.
Thanks for the feedback. I added the explanation that the team that deals the most damage to the Barbarian is the team that he is impressed by, so no last hitting tactics here.
I honestly believe that if ArenaNet has the guts to implement a 2v2 mode (very much) like this, a lot of players would return to PvP.
Lol tell me which part of that video require skills to play u are playing against bad players
and a condi druid with longbow lol
telling others bad and telling them l2p when playing condi druid lb lol
go make a clip dueling any of voxl , CAT or tM on nsp and see if u can win any of them 1v1 i dont think so
You seem to have exactly the kind of mindset I was talking about. You must suffer a lot being that type of person.
I don’t understand why this video got so many dislikes. I am really happy to see a video that just shows some random action going on, something that represents wvw gameplay rather than just some ego-booster video of someone editing in only kills that he made. Maybe girls are more honest in this sense, but that is besides the point.
Maybe people are so full with their own mental projection that as a result most viewers are clueless on what OP is providing, regardless of a decent description.
Here is an idea for a potential 2v2 PvP mode.
First of all, it seems that the majority of players have a desire to have some sort of Death Match mode (see the bottom of the poll by alemfi: However, plain Team Deathmatch or Elimination both have some problems. Highly mobile builds could technically run away forever, and 2 bunkers together could survive a long time which could get tedious. To deal with these problems, we simply put three mechanics in place. But first of all, this PvP mode is designed such that the team that kills the other team wins. Here are the side-mechanics:
1) There is a timer at 6 minutes, and the one holding a certain capture point at the end of the 6 minutes wins the round. The capture point otherwise does absolutely nothing. This will prevent stealth builds from just hiding all the time, because then they’d just give away the match.
2) At the first and fourth minute, a Barbarian will spawn at each side of the map. The Barbarian just stands there, but if you prove your strength by beating him up he will help you (the team that dealt most damage impresses the Barbarian). The Barbarian is tanky and doesn’t deal that much damage, but he uses big CC attacks after you win him over. Also, once he helps you and arrives at mid, the capture point will instantly change to your color. This means that bunker builds staying at mid will just lose the game if they don’t do damage. If both Barbarians are taken by separate teams and arrive at mid the color becomes neutral, and the game will last until one of them dies even if the 6 minutes are not up.
3) At the first and the third minute a life orb will spawn at 2 different locations, which can be communed to gain a respawn in case one of you dies. This creates an incentive to split up for various reasons. Mainly there is a tactical dilemma between going for the Barbarian and going for extra life. Also, this is a reward for mobility that only works if the opponent doesn’t move at all, by sitting on traps for example. Normally the teams should already be here in time, if the round isn’t already over before that time.
These mechanics prevent boring tactics, and basically the best tactic in most cases now is to just attack your opponents and kill them for quick victory!
Total match should be best of 3. Few players and fast games >>> short queues.
(edited by Zero.6592)
This guy is still going at it :‘D
I thought there’d be a restriction on how many times a person can write the exact same blabbering on the the forums. But if there was, I am sure Device would have hit it a long time ago.
Waste of time to talk about this. It would mean every single profession has to be completely reworked for a questionable feature. This would take AT LEAST a year to get the professions in the fairly balanced state again that we currently have.
There is a big difference between people saying they won a 2v1, and you saying you didn’t lose any.
For example, lets say someone arrives at mid a bit late, and an enemy thief just made a kill there. He just used up all utilities, health is low, and he didn’t see you yet. An enemy warrior is just walking onto the node as well, as he fled from a 2v1 he was going to lose at his close and also used utilities, but the someone doesn’t know what. He downs the thief because the thief was low on endurance and skills he needs to survive. The other starts to res, but the someone cleaves too hard. The thief dies and the warrior is already at a disadvantage due to the risk he took. His endure pain was already used in the fight at close and the someone wins the rest of the fight:
What is everyone thinking:
Thief: “I am so happy that I was able to kill a DH 1v1 for the first time, I am so good. But my teammate helped me too late, and he played the res terribly. My teammates are useless”
Warrior: “Thieves are the most useless teammates ever, they just die instantly and cause me to waste time ressing them and then I die because of them. But I managed to hold out very long 2v1 at close, I am really strong and helped our team a lot”
Someone: “I am super awesome and just won a 2v1. But somehow we are still losing, my teammates are terrible.”
Maybe he was just lagging really hard but in all seriousness you shood report hem
How? There is no in-game report system for hackers.
My teammate was shouting a whole bunch of nastiness towards a hacker in the opposing team. We were totally dominating the match, so obviously I was a bit sceptical and told my teammate that if it was a hacker he probably wouldn’t be losing so hard.
To my big surprise a few seconds later I found that I was wrong, there really was a hacker. A bunker ranger was constantly shadowstepping across the map. He was using it to kite with his longbow mostly. When a thief shadowsteps there is an animation, but not for this ranger. Mostly he was just shadowstepping like 300-500 range, like he was stuttering. But obviously not even thieves could keep up with this bunker ranger.
I have his account name, should I do something with it? And did you guys encounter something like this before?
Big words in the title. OP is just frustrated by his own incompetence.
So your saying just play DH and win? Ha, you know the trap trick only works the first time. If you don’t learn then its natural selection…
The funny thing is people keep saying that but none of them must play necromancers.
CC + tRAps is death to any necromancer. The highest most precious comodity in this game right now is stability and necromancers have the least
Actually I just want to remind everyone what necromancers lack
- The least Stability in the game
- The least (zero) blocks in the game
- The least (zero) invulnerability in the game
- The least mobility in the game
- The least hard cc in the game
- The least healing in the gameI’m pretty sure I can go on. So maybe you’re right. Just don’t play necromancers this season is maybe what Anet is trying to tell everyone huh?
Oh and you’re comment means nothing when talking about objectives like Chieftain / Svanir and Lords.
EDIT: and another thing.
ITs funny that you bring up the exact same retort every other person brings up when talking about DH. I’m tier 7 Diamond and there are STILL full teams of DH. I’m sure when and if I get to legendary it will be even worse. 4+ DH a game. about 6 on average. This is not amber.
So what you’re saying is NOBODY has figured out how to not die by DH. Not even in Legendary. lol
Dude why do you even play the profession you seem to hate so much? You must have made 200+ posts about the inferiority of Necromancers by now. If it really is that bad, why don’t you just delete it and leave the weak profession to other people?
So your saying just play DH and win? Ha, you know the trap trick only works the first time. If you don’t learn then its natural selection…
There are so many ways to counter traps it’s not even funny, But if people fail then it is just natural selection.
Agreed. I main thief and even I don’t have a problem with DH’s.
I want a map with no beast no lord no trebs just give me 3 points to cap tired of losing do to 150 point lord kill cant take that out but u cab lower what u get. I want it so u cant get a extra boost to do 1 thing to give a load of team points
The additional map mechanics are actually crucial for balancing professions. Also, no pvp-strategy is more boring than just bunkering on point if you ask me.
Yea it is so annoying! I wish there should be a “Skip to the end and compleate it all” button, becouse it is so frustraiting going from point A to B and I have to fight, stop and talk or other stupid things that are just boring.
/sWise up and realize this is a specific issue, not a generalized one that deserves a toddlers response like this. Troll somewhere else.
It may have been a bit immature way of response but still for me it was a way to express myself to why I do not agree with you.
The sloweffect is a good way to keep players stay and fight at some places and to make it a little risky to run through alot of mobs. You are (in my opinion) not supposed to just run through a battlefield from destination A to B.
While fighting I mostly always plan to keep having sprint enabled.
Exactly. What is exciting about a dangerous area if it isn’t actually dangerous to travel through it? imo most areas should be MORE challenging, not less.
This problem doesnt just exist in this game , but its in every game Ive played that has instanced content.
Could be something to do with limitations in the game engines related to the creation of instances at log in time , ie you cant put a player into an instance when they log in.
You are probably right. But if I remember correctly, in GW1 there were checkpoints during the quests. I just can’t really imagine checkpoints being so hard to implement, but then again I never worked on something like that myself. If it is possible though, I am sure it would make a lot of players happy.
Was there even a single DH in the ESL? I don’t remember seeing any.
Disconnections are not always the fault of Anet as people often say. Usually it is your own internet that is the cause of the problem.
The point is that disconnects are not always a solvable problem, and that redoing a long story instance just isn’t fun. Especially if you have to always worry about that happening again.
I hate that too. You can’t reconnect to the last control point in a long story instance.
Can you join the group of your girlfriend like we all do to get back to our open world district after a disconnect?
To get back to our open world district after disconnect? It sounds like you are asking if we can regroup out of the instance. Of course we can, but we want to continue inside the instance right? I am probably misunderstanding your question.
I play the entire story with my girlfriend, and we both suffer from the occasional disconnect. But some quests are quite long, and if either one of us suffers a disconnect we have to start over. It has gotten to the point where we can’t finish the final quest in Arah. Doing it over and over and over again to no avail is simply not fun.
Dear developer,
If you are reading this please do something about this problem! The simple anticipation that we are going to get disconnected is taking over every single quest we do at the moment.
Well I would love to be able to take it not that seriously as you guys mentioned. But when that guy offends your mum as w*ore and wishes me cancer I cannot take it that funny.It really angers me and will keep me away from guild wars 2 now. I know I had a incredible bad match as my rev and I can only play engi,druid,dh and ele on legend level, but I practiced a lot in hj and unranked and won everything so I thought I was ready for competitive gameplay which I wasnt. Anet writes in their terms of use that offending in that manner is forbidden but do they do actually sth against it? I cannot say for sure but I dont notice anything. The funny thing is they would never have the guts to tell that right in front of you, im a semi-professional boxer I would never let me offend like that if he would have told that right in front of me, but what can I do now? I can only call your attention that this behaviour is the lowest and everytime u see such do sth against it !
I do understand. I am an MMA fighter myself, and I also get that impulse sometimes of “come fight me in real life then mr big mouth”. But the truth is that all this rage is only a part of their world, it isn’t something that has the slightest thing to do with you. People have their perceptions, which are generally insane in a sense when you look at them clearly.
The only part that is real for you is your perception of what happens there. If you perceive someone threatening you and your environment, it makes sense that your instincts tell you to fight. This could be favorable for your loved ones in a “survival of the fittest” sort of way. But if you perceive something else that is much more real in this case, namely someone who treats his perception of the world extremely poorly and is suffering a lot from his own creations, there isn’t much left but a sort of imbecile who punches itself in the face repeatedly. Your experience may completely turn into pity for some random creature. But as you come to accept that it is a simple truth that there is suffering in the world, even that sense of pity evaporates. Something beautiful takes a place, but I guess it is too much to talk about that here.
if you get soo many salty players you are the problem
Not if you play thief class – majority would prefer not to have one on their team it seems. I probably have half of the pvp community from EU on my block list by now. Worst part, even if you block players it doesn’t stop them from afking.
Season 1 (almost every match):
Team (before match even started): thief reroll. Thief, uninstall, kill yourself, <insert a lot of swearing words here, sometimes including various actions related to my mother>. Thief if you don’t reroll i am afk.
Me: report
Customer support? apparently doesn’t exist. I keep seeing same offenders every match every day.Season 2: see season 1.
Season 3 (every 3rd-5th match):
Team (before match): thief reroll.
Me: No.
Team: ok, gg, afk.
Customer support? see above.Season 4:
Team (when we lose): thief, you garbage, you lost us game, useless <insert a lot of swearing words here>, uninstall, kill yourself.
Customer support? see above.Team(when we win): hey thief GJ! Wanna team up? Let’s duo! You are good!
Enemy team: well done thief. Nice carry thief, wish you were on my team, wanna team up?
Me <looking at list of stalkers and feeling more and more salty as it keeps increasing>.When i did play my necro or rev on occasion, nobody ever said anything bad to me, even though my performance in some matches was abysmally bad on those classes.
P.S. inb4 i can’t claim (according to my forum messagebox)) that i got harassed for playing the class. I got screenshots. Should i lie that issue is not there? But but but but it is against the rules to spread false information~
Dude you are just waaaay too serious. I actually love it when people are going nuts because I play thief. Yesterday I had a guy going particularly insane that I didn’t change my profession when we were facing 3 Dragonhunters. I just laughed at him, and said “wanna 1v1 me after? you DH, me thief”. Especially after that I could just feel his hatred through the screen haha :p. After raging on me he was like “okay I surrender the match, this is pointless waste of time we will lose for sure”.
We completely dominated the other team. It’s all some random guy’s mental projections after all. It isn’t something that warrants blocking half the community. People are just crazy. See the humor in that :p
Shadow protector is OK (crap in pvp) but (…)
Isn’t Shadow Protector complete junk? 3 seconds of regen to allies on something very situational, how does that even make any contribution at all?
You have to login during each “Chapter” of the Living Story Season. So during LS2, you would have had to login during each Chapter of that Season to unlock it.
We are currently in Chapter 1 of LS3 so if you have logged in, you have unlocked it. If you haven’t logged in and don’t login until after Chapter 2 is released, you will have missed unlocking Chapter 1.
Once the Chapter is unlocked, it will remain available for you to complete. You don’t have to hurry to complete it.
Perfect, all is clear now!
I actually like the video. Cool music, and putting some character behind your thief definitely adds something. No headaches for me. It isn’t the kind of video that a younger thief could really learn much from, but it doesn’t pretend to be.
Trust me, you are NOT the only one.
Even so, I actually found a way to make the trait useful, but play style must be changed entirely. Anyway that trait isn’t even the main problem, the main problem is the lack of other good Major Master trait options.
But yea, with D/D you are practically locked out of taking that trait.
I know it may seem weird, but at the moment I am more bothered by the way Concealed Defeat works in SA line:
I really believe that while the trait warrants removal this can not happen without SE being moved to the slot where Meld with shadows is and meld with shadows made baseline or some such adjustment . People going the SA line generally need the SE for condition cleanse 9 times out of ten.
This likely one reason there not so many complaints about it.
Good point. It signifies even more that the SA trait line is just weird. Most thieves would sooner complain about the lousy choice of Major Master traits (with Hidden Thief completely ruining the most popular steal combos).
So possibly Concealed Defeat is not being fixed because for Minor trait they will just take Shadow’s Embrace and other problems in the specialization. That’s pretty messed up if you ask me.
I’d be happy if they just changed it to blinding powder on down, or smokescreen at 25%. Or something else entirely, like stealth gives protection for three seconds for you and nearby allies.
There’s an important note, though:
The journal, which is called the Living Story, is unlocked for free when you log, but only if it’s the most recent chapter. If it’s not, then it becomes gem store property. Just by logging in during that period you unlock the chapter in your Living Story Journal.the Living World is something else, though, the Living World includes Current Events, Wintersday, Festival of the Mad King, and various similar events. Some of these have remained permanently, some last 2-4 weeks, this is important to look up before deciding ‘oh, i’ll do that later’
Thanks for your contribution, that does indeed sound like an important note! But I am a little bit confused. Are you simply saying that by logging in, the active season will be unlocked for me? For example, anyone who has logged in between July 2014- Jan 2015 should have season 2 unlocked completely?
I am not certain that would be true, because I started playing in 2014 (Lion’s Arch had just turned into a ruin). I don’t remember when exactly I had breaks, but for me only the first and last chapter of season 2 are unlocked. So maybe that is why you refer to “the most recent chapter”? My girlfriend started playing recently, and she said that for her season two was locked entirely.
In that case, the season doesn’t get unlocked at all because there are plenty of chapters between the first and the last. So this would be bad, and Garambola’s comment would seem inaccurate. Also, it would still mean that I must hurry with the story.
You also mention that Living World is different from Living Story. That makes sense. So Living Story is not changing now, but Living World is? So that is why for now I have nothing to worry about?
Actually what it looks like you are asking is do you need living world 2 to continue Living World 3. The answer is no they make it so its assumed that you have already done it. They will do that with all LW seasons. So even though u may skip over stuff or not there are no worries.
Now I would suggest if you have not done the first episode of LW3 then yes you may need that done before the second episode comes. Ya get to buy gliding attack skills also you will want your gliding maxed out so may wanna work on that part too especially for the second episode it seems. But the first episode it will help too.
Hope that helps ya some.
Also thanks to you for your contribution. To clear things up, what you suggest was not my question. I simply want to know if I have to hurry with what is available on the season 3 story so far.
In your post I assume that LW3 is actually NOT different from the living story, as otherwise I’d be even more confused. So you say I need to be underway with Living Story season 3, otherwise the content will still be locked in a few days?
Okay great, thanks!
I don’t really understand what you guys are talking about, but if a deer gives me a weird look I consider it my prerogative to go slaughter it in a rampage. Those jerks have it coming.
Will there be story content unavailable as the living world progresses on the 20th of September and I haven’t started yet? I want to take my time with the story and follow what is going on, so it really bothers me that season 2 is locked behind gems. But it would be worse players are forced to hurry up due to a coming update.
I haven’t had a chance to finish the Maguuma story yet, and after me and my gf will start with living world season 3. I am wondering if there will be issues starting if we don’t hurry.
If you are lagging that badly, you would probably do yourself a favor by just playing a different profession unfortunately. But autocasting even more would ruin a lot for everyone who has a decent connection.
I think what we ended up with is better.
Hahaha thank god!
Actually I like the current system. The only thing that seems to frustrate players, is that players think they can’t progress to a higher pip-tier due to their MMR.
So how can this issue be solved?
In principal it is easy, but metrically it can be a bit of a challenge. I would suggest putting the following mechanic in place:
1) The most important part is too tie MMR to a certain pip tier. People with high MMR would that way have a much easier time climbing to a high tier. Players who still need to prove themselves should naturally need to spend more time on their rise. This can be done in one of two ways imo, and I clearly favor one of them (the latter I will mention):
- Technically, a way to implement this is by giving people with MMR that belongs in legendary for example, slightly beneficial matches (in MMR terms) until they actually arrive there. However, this still doesn’t really show the impact of their MMR. Also, this could make things a bit too hard for newer players.
- A much better way to do this, would be to still tie MMR to some respective tier, and if players win while they are below their respective tier, they will get a MMR-bonus. The bigger the distance between the pip-tier that the MMR assigns to player to and their actual tier, the bigger the actual bonus. So for example, a player who according to MMR belongs in Legendary, will get like 8 bonus pips for a win in Emerald. There should be a clear indication that they get this bonus for being skilled! But a player Whose MMR says the player belongs in Sapphire would get maybe 1 bonus pip for a win in Emerald, conditional on that the win must be made with 200-250 points difference. This way people will actually feel super rewarded for having high MMR, and people with low MMR will still be able to progress normally.
There is one more thing that should be added to this system. Because what if MMR is low and the match-up is more likely to lead to a loss (lets say odds are 40-60 against), but the player manages to get a win anyway. It would now be silly to give bonus pips for that too, as bonus pips are given to HIGH MMR not to LOW MMR. Instead, they could get an “Impressive victory!!” Award. This could be something that for example gives some sort of chest, or reward track progression. Also, the player will know that there may have been only slight pip progression, but significant MMR progression.
Let me know what you think.
Oh please. A bit more caviar while we are at it? I can’t believe I’m reading this.
If you are good, show it and let the results speak for themselves. Do not expect free rides because of a metric that is inherently worthless on an individual scale. You are good because you play well at that game, not because you have a high MMR. Whether you like it or not, there is a difference between being on a winning team and being good.
I am not sure what you are getting at. I am simply trying to find a system that caters to the complaints I read here. Also, since I am a metrics guy myself, finding a solution interests me. This entire problem of not progressing due to high MMR isn’t even something I encounter myself. Probably because my MMR isn’t that high.
Actually I like the current system. The only thing that seems to frustrate players, is that players think they can’t progress to a higher pip-tier due to their MMR.
So how can this issue be solved?
In principal it is easy, but metrically it can be a bit of a challenge. I would suggest putting the following mechanic in place:
1) The most important part is too tie MMR to a certain pip tier. People with high MMR would that way have a much easier time climbing to a high tier. Players who still need to prove themselves should naturally need to spend more time on their rise. This can be done in one of two ways imo, and I clearly favor one of them (the latter I will mention):
- Technically, a way to implement this is by giving people with MMR that belongs in legendary for example, slightly beneficial matches (in MMR terms) until they actually arrive there. However, this still doesn’t really show the impact of their MMR. Also, this could make things a bit too hard for newer players.
- A much better way to do this, would be to still tie MMR to some respective tier, and if players win while they are below their respective tier, they will get a MMR-bonus. The bigger the distance between the pip-tier that the MMR assigns to player to and their actual tier, the bigger the actual bonus. So for example, a player who according to MMR belongs in Legendary, will get like 8 bonus pips for a win in Emerald. There should be a clear indication that they get this bonus for being skilled! But a player Whose MMR says the player belongs in Sapphire would get maybe 1 bonus pip for a win in Emerald, conditional on that the win must be made with 200-250 points difference. This way people will actually feel super rewarded for having high MMR, and people with low MMR will still be able to progress normally.
There is one more thing that should be added to this system. Because what if MMR is low and the match-up is more likely to lead to a loss (lets say odds are 40-60 against), but the player manages to get a win anyway. It would now be silly to give bonus pips for that too, as bonus pips are given to HIGH MMR not to LOW MMR. Instead, they could get an “Impressive victory!!” Award. This could be something that for example gives some sort of chest, or reward track progression. Also, the player will know that there may have been only slight pip progression, but significant MMR progression.
Let me know what you think.
If it takes that much then I udnerstand your problem haha. Try yolomouse, maybe it solves it.
Btw, you can use or
I prefer last one because it is not disappear on RMC, though it’s a bit crude.
Great suggestion guys, this is perfect thanks!
Hahaha this guy just keeps saying the same kitten, but it is cool how he presents it differently each time. Clearly he has a thing for necros.
try hitting tab. I find this faster than clicking anyway when I remember to do it.
Ever tried that when facing 2 minion masters? Now imagine that actually I intended to target the mesmer running in between. I finally targeted him with tab after hitting it 15 times, and then he stealths. I’m sorry, but this just won’t do for me.
It reappears quite fast to me
For me it can take like 3-4 seconds. This can be the difference between winning or losing a fight.
Pls, make customizable cursors: size, colour, stays visible on RMC, etc.
I love this idea!
Maybe my mind is in the gutter, but the title of this thread has me laughing pretty hard
Ahww, they changed the title. Cracked me up too earlier :’D
Why don’t you try to do what he did, see if you have an unfair advantage.
Of course when you turn by holding the right mouse button the pointer disappears, but sometimes releasing doesn’t give it back immediately. This makes targeting players fairly hard. Especially when I have to somehow target one of two necromancers grouped together with an insane crowd of minions. Or during any group fight with lots of possible targets, group fights including mesmers for example.
So who else encountered this problem? And did someone find a solution, or should I go to bug report?
ps I posted this in the PvP section because PvP is the only mode where it bothers me, and if others have the same issue PvP’ers are the ones most likely to have come up with a solution.