(edited by Zygil.1276)
Showing Posts For Zygil.1276:
I have had some thoughts on making unique and more worthwhile improvements to the Rage skills and Traits for Berserker at least. I really would like to see making trait choices more competitive as in, make a player decide since any trait is in a good position to be beneficial. Rage skills I feel need to be quicker to use at least so mostly cool down reductions (with exception of Outrage gaining cool down due to a trait change suggestion).
One twist I add in is making the Berserker, crave being burned. Giving it a special kind of twist.
Fatal Frenzy – Add a 3 second Resistance Boon upon activation of Berserk Mode. Leave Quickness as is. Increase swiftness to 5 seconds and add Fury to the list for 5 seconds.
Blood Reaction – Overhaul this trait. Pure Passive Stat bonuses are just boring and only taken if other traits just outright don’t do any build benefit. New trait effect: Gain adrenaline when taking damage from Bleeding and Burning conditions (If you are taking damage from Bleeding and Burning, that’s 2 adrenaline per second gained, 1 from each condition). Reduces incoming damage (not duration) of Bleeding and Burn by 20%.
Savage Instinct – Removes 2 conditions in addition to making Berserk Mode a stun break.
Heat the Soul – Auto trigger “Flames of War” when a warrior critical hits a target with 3 or more stacks of burning. The logic behind this is they are invoking the flames from their opponent onto themselves. Shares cool down reduction benefit. You do not need to equip Torch to auto trigger “Flames of War”. (Similar to Guardian’s Torch Trait)
Last Blaze – In addition to its current effect: Add 20% Cool down Reduction for Rage skills. 33% cool down reduction if the Berserker has the Burning Condition active on them when the skill goes on cool down.
Smash Brawler – Remove berserk mode recharge and make it baseline of 10 seconds. Primal Burst Skills now remove 1 boon upon hit and reduce their recharge by 33%.
Bloody Roar – Add 5 seconds of weakness for every inflicted target in addition to the Taunt and Bleeding conditions. Increase range to 600. Honestly give it shout like range to be desirable and weaken foes in that the Berserker is doing an intimidating roar.
King of Fires – Add in this effect in addition to its current effect: Any incoming Burning Condition applied to the Berserker is increased by 20% in duration. Burning while in Berserk Mode keeps adrenaline at maximum (you are only limited to Primal Burst cool downs). Each stack of burning that is removed from a Berserker reduces the Berserk Mode cool down by 1 second.
Rage Skill Adjustments
Increase Outrage’s Cool down to 15 seconds. It will still be good especially when traited with Last Blaze (You can get the original 10 second cd with burning active).
Reduce Wild Blow’s cool down to 25 seconds. Add 10 stacks of Vulnerability for 10 seconds for each target that is affected by Wild Blow (the first target and any targets that collide with the initial target).
Reduce Sundering Leap to 20 seconds.
Actually tacking on a Blind Immunity would suit it perfectly. This is a very good idea, and gave me some thoughts on it myself. After all it is “Burst Precision”, which by Precision we are making a precise attack. It fits the theme well.
So the idea I had come to mind is something like this:
Burst Precision
Burst skills always critically hit. Burst Skills are unaffected by Blind when you have Fury. Gain Berserker’s Perception after a successful Burst skill attack based on Adrenaline Level.
Berserker’s Perception: Your attacks are unaffected by Blind while under Fury.
Adrenaline Level 1: 3 seconds
Adrenaline Level 2: 5 seconds
Adrenaline Level 3: 7 seconds
This is grand master material. Getting Fury is not difficult for Warriors, however gives some form of counter play that if we don’t have Fury, we don’t get the anti-blind bonus. Fury is the converted Boon to Blind, therefore if we can get outplayed if our Fury gets converted into Blind, or turn the tables by having said Blind converted to Fury.
This gives Fury some use even with critical chances being maxed out as well. By having the Boon, we are more accurate. Note that Arcing Slice for example grants fury after hitting targets, so it still can be countered by Blind if there is no fury already present.
(edited by Zygil.1276)
Swiftness, Crippled, and Chill pretty much had their merits for impacting movement skills. The change honestly just feels dumbed down more than anything. It gave a unique form of play, both positive and negative, to non-shadowstep movement skills.
Being Crippled/Chilled yet escaping like they aren’t there just feels weird, as well swiftness doing nothing just feels weak. I would hope they consider reverting this change. It made sense to me how they affected movement skills in the first place, whereas the change doesn’t. Shadowsteps/Teleports being unaffected by either however did make sense.
Corruptions in general are just lackluster. None are a stun breaker, and only BiP and Epidemic have some use. I was hoping Consume Conditions would become Spectral…but instead got the Corruption gimmick which is a heavy nerf. I rather it just stay baseless then like Shelter. Plague being a Well would of been a great option too.
Traited version is just outright terrible. How in the world are you supposed to transfer a BLIND if it’s just going to miss? To heck if it lowers the recharge time.
It’s a thought but couldn’t all accounts be “de-linked” from GW1, then wipe all associated Titles and Achievement Points gained? Afterwards, players would just need to re link their account to unlock everything they actually had and pick up where they left off.
The only thing that would need to be prevented is doubling up on achievement point chests if the points drop below a earned reward value. I say just make sure the chest doesn’t unlock again if they acquired it prematurely.
This will still take time to get done, but it’s one method I could see happening so it’s easy for those who properly earned their HoM, get them back easily without much issue.
The wardrobe is great but the transmutation charges still fall through. Especially if you are using ascended equipment to share gear between characters. It gets worse when you waste extra charges because you want to share ascended gear between two different race characters.
I would be happy if using a charge on a skin would unlock it for re-use without cost. The real issue I have is having to pay a charge again to switch back to gear already used and unlocked. This still would require thousands of charges to unlock all skins over time. But for those of us who switch between a few skins or appearances, especially for ascended, would be much more enjoyable.
All this results in is making universal appearance gear for all my characters and never changing weapon skins around. So much for appearance enjoyment especially after working on ascended equipment for the account bound benefit.
I’d like them to remove all the essence of luck rewards from daily log in and replace with transmutation charges. Essence of luck will eventually cap and getting 3 charges for an entire month’s worth feels so little.
The social aspect is what drives most to play a MMO. Whether you play with others or by yourself, you wish to immerse yourself in a social setting. I like to observe how other players interact while I play.
I often play alone unless I “need” a group. If I see anyone nearby that asks for help or a question, I am more than happy to be of assistance if able. Map completion is far more enjoyable if you even have just one person to adventure with. My perfect setting is to team up with one other and duo a much content as possible. Sometimes trios too.
Even the most loner of wolves seek a pack at some point. I am picky with who I party with as I do like my game play to be fun and easygoing, but I like skilled allies when it comes to the challenges. I do appreciate when I can assist with one on one mentoring though.
I would like Mending to be favorable, it’s just still missing something. One of the following improvements would be a great help.
1. Cool down reduced to 15 seconds
2. Base Heal Amount Increased
3. Turned into a Physical type skill. Physical Training trait then could either improve the heal AND reduce the cooldown.
4. Gain a certain amount of Adrenaline for each condition removed.
Personally I would like option 3 the most. But I’ll take option 1 because the heal is so low, the recharge should be faster.
The 100% projectile finisher is gone from having the trait Stronger Bowstrings. Unless I missed it, I cannot find a patch note mentioning this. I really dislike stealth nerfs, as this reminds me to what happened with Mesmer’s Phantasm Duelist. Projectile finishers are already heavily punished enough by only being 20% chance.
Just curious as to when and why this happened. Dual Shot is slow, thus I never thought anyone had issues with it becoming a 100% Projectile Finisher when traited. Smoldering Arrow doesn’t get double damage anymore which was another perk to the trait. The only fix is that the 10% damage increase is now finally applied to Stronger Bowstrings version of Dual Shot.
Stronger Bowstrings already had little reason to take pre-nerf, now it has no reason to take. Longbow is a hybrid-melee weapon more than anything, functioning better the closer a Warrior is to his or her target due to its slow attack speeds on skills. Stronger Bowstrings has gotten to the point it doesn’t even need to exist anymore, just give the Longbow a base 1200 range rate like Rifle.
In my strongest suggestion:
Combine Stronger Bowstrings and Burning Arrows and move the new trait to the Arms Trait line Adept. Or simply have Stronger Bowstrings removed, and apply the 1200 range by default to the weapon skills. I feel Longbow traits are far better suited in the Arms Trait Line, as the trait line focuses on weapon fortify, giving Tactics little reason to have such traits and could use something more ideal.
At least it has been attended too. So yep, thank you from this owner.
I like that Bladetrail and other projectiles include both sunrise and twilight when thrown out.
The bolded is the primary stat bonus focus. Most really are just variants of Knight’s, Rampager’s, and Cleric’s. They are favorable stat combinations I would like to hybrid mix more.
Power/Toughness/Healing Power
Power/Precision/Condition Damage
Power/Precision/Condition Damage
The part that interested me most was the first thing mentioned on the TP description: “Quick Travel to All Cities”. Not exactly true. I didn’t see a way to go to another city from the Airship. When you leave the airship, you go to the refugee camp outside Vigil Keep, and can then run to the Asura Gates. (About as far as it was from the old LA bank to the gate plaza.) Still better than using WvW as a cheap way back to civilization from out in the boonies. But when they said “Quick Travel” I was expecting that I would be able to travel to other cities directly from the ship. No such luck.
You need to talk to the sylvari near the ship’s steering wheel who gives you the option to travel to the other cities. The option is there which will drop you off at any of the racial cities. The airship is extremely convenient.
Also The Royal Terrance did have a Trait Retrainer added. Look slightly to the east upon entering.
I made personal wallpaper using the light and dark legendary greatsword after series of rapid screen captures. Hundred Blades has cool frames when making backgrounds and wallpapers.
I see your problem: no stunbreaker.
Just another thief who allowed themselves to be a free kill. Lets move along folks.
Great concept designs.
The correct way to go is simply to allow Eternity to retain the original Sunrise and Twilight forms by the players choice, but bring forth a unique third form that is unlocked upon merging the two swords.
This way, players are not giving up two legendary weapons for one. Owners will be able to swap between the original two great sword appearances and enjoy a new third appearance whenever they want. Similar to how legendary weapons can stat swap, Eternity would be able to skin swap.
Then we could move on making other fusion legendary weapons for the others.
I have a Warrior, Elementalist, and Thief that all wear unique mixed outfits. I enjoy taking time to discover 6 unique pieces of armor that hold strong synergy once mixed together. It is fun to help players seeking unique designs to define their own characters in a more personal enjoyment sense.
It was nice seeing the outfit mixes people have shown in this thread.
Yes the Transmutation Splitter is a safe viable way to move a legendary around between characters on an account. I did test it out when they gave away free ones upon the release of splitters.
I only would do it if I planned to retire my character from play for a good amount of time. It takes both a Transmutation Crystal and Splitter each time you want to move a single legendary. I want them to become more account bound friendly.
Thank you Arenanet for the card. For everything the team hasbrought forth, and I wish all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!
Looking forward to 2014 for Guild Wars 2. Even when changes don’t seem better, I always enjoy seeing what comes next.
Profession Switching – The ability for a single character to level up and manage the ability to play as any profession.
This feature would be managed by the multiple profession retainers that currently only serve to reset a specific profession’s trait points. Now all profession trainers would be allowed to enable a main lv80 character to swap and undergo training under a new profession.
Unlike race, a profession is something learned by skill and not bound by birth. A character upon reaching level 80 would be able to visit another profession trait retainer and undergo the ability of profession swapping. A Lv80 Warrior can switch to a Lv1 Necromancer. Leveled professions are saved and players could make profession swap with a reasonable cost of skill point and coin trade in.
This type of thing is met with mixed feelings. I personally feel it might actually fit somewhat well with the GW universe(considering NPC’s have been swapping professions since the days of GW1), but I know that there’s quite a bit of players that might be kitten ed off about it(due to leveling all their alts to 80 so they could have those professions at max level) and some might even go as far as to say that it would be the final peg needed to prove how alt friendly this game can/could be.
I believe you got this idea from FFXIV, since that’s how that game works currently. Its a neat feature, but they have bonus’ in that game if you do hit level cap for alt’s. It’s a confusing a new term to those that have played regular mmo’s. It would be nice but I feel that the population would be a few on board, a bit more than the few liking it not liking it at all, and the rest on the fence; eventually forgetting about the idea.
It would fit with the game, but does that mean it should be in the game?
Thanks for the personal input. I did not get idea from FFXIV for I have not played that game series, only Guild Wars MMO wise. I am simply trying to consider a concept idea form of how Guild Wars 1 had its dual profession mechanic without necessarily bringing the complexity of it (as cool it would be, it would lead to deeper balance challenges).
Those who raised alts would not lose out on anything. As I mentioned before, having multiple level 80s over a single character has its benefits. Those benefits will remain regardless. Even if profession-specific achievements were say created, whether you leveled a new character or retrained a current character would yield the same progress. There is no reason to be discouraged to having leveled multiple characters to 80 if so, they will still bring a better benefit to having.
Many who level those alts just for professions do not “fully” complete their characters. That is gaining all the dream equipment, complete map exploration, ascended/legendary gear, dungeon unlocks, personal story, etc. Really only one character will ever earn all the best things. Partly why I do find this idea should somewhat take form into the game to promote more horizontal progression ideas.
Making alts still bring forth map completion benefits, treasure chests, less crafting profession switching. Retrained professions option is for those who want to simply collect various types of armor set types, weapon types, and be able to enjoy them all on a single character. The other main option is to enjoy the perspective of another class without completely overhauling a character’s race and personal story, while keeping the same name. I have multiple level 80’s myself and would not oppose this idea. I want whatever it will take to help people explore more professions while keeping a sense of progression. It also comes as the most viable way to bring forth what we could consider “profession change”, giving those who discard characters because of their current profession (but do not delete because of progress made) another sense of life.
On the side note, race change could simply be done by giving us more racial tonics that work like watch knight tonics. Allows us to fight whatever the tonic transforms us into.
I feel many players have mentioned the similar desires I hold: Changing many soulbound items to account bound, especially ascended/legendary items. More functionality for mini pets. More weapon skins, and armors. New weapon skills, utility skills, elite skills, racial skills. Tons of nicely heard ideas!
Now to share one idea I haven’t seen mentioned, at least from what I’ve seen. A feature I feel should be an in game mechanic instead of becoming a gem shop item only.
Profession Switching – The ability for a single character to level up and manage the ability to play as any profession.
This feature would be managed by the multiple profession retainers that currently only serve to reset a specific profession’s trait points. Now all profession trainers would be allowed to enable a main lv80 character to swap and undergo training under a new profession.
Unlike race, a profession is something learned by skill and not bound by birth. A character upon reaching level 80 would be able to visit another profession trait retainer and undergo the ability of profession swapping. A Lv80 Warrior can switch to a Lv1 Necromancer. Leveled professions are saved and players could make profession swap with a reasonable cost of skill point and coin trade in.
Not all players like to manage multiple characters and this gives a benefit of managing soul bound equipment and items. There will still be benefits of managing separate alt characters over a single one, namely being multiple rewards like jumping puzzle or meta event chests. Guild Wars 1 had dual profession mechanics which perhaps would be seen difficult to manage in Guild Wars 2, but a way to swap professions as they’re unlocked and levels are earned would greatly improve the longevity of enjoying a single character.
Leveling up multiple professions on a single character would come across similar as to leveling up multiple crafting professions. Those who haven’t finished map exploration would be given options to continue exploration as another profession while keeping current map progression.
Personal story rewards and all would still remain tailored to the original chosen profession of a character. Changing back to the main profession would also always be free of charge. Players could also enjoy creating multiple armor appearances and going for more weapon skins to further incite the drive of enjoying horizontal progression this way.
With the introduction of Tomes of Knowledge more frequently, players will have multiple ways to earn their swapped professions to lv80 again. This would also give a great use for those with Experience Scrolls to lv20 yet do not care to maintain multiple characters.
This kind of horizontal progression, is something of great asset for it brings new choice and eliminates regret such as when a current profession may suffer from balance update changes unfavorable to them. It gives more desires for completionists to pursue. New achievement and title ideas can be born from this. It also helps eliminate profession selection which I feel is one of the greatest mistakes MMOs make by enforcing it and expecting a player to completely start over when all they want to do is enjoy a change of fighting style and abilities. This can also be a good start to making ascended and legendary items more desirable for collections.
Anyways this idea is pretty rough sketch here, but I could flush out and elaborate more on how the overall system would work.
(edited by Zygil.1276)
Falunel and I were having fun experimenting the various mini deaths. Cruel fun it was burning my collected minis.
All minis can “die” this way (and instantly be re-spawned upon re-summoning them from inventory). Anyone interested simply go check it out yourself, Fire Shaman is commonly active on a server. Quite a few special minis like the spooky ghost have unique “death” animations. I won’t spoil the fun of discovery!
My hunch is this all relates to the possible future mini battles. At some point, minis will be able to fight against each other and be affected by conditions.
Indeed. Thank you Arena net. Thank you. Good move.
Thank you for the Eternity update, but!
in Super Adventure Box: Back to School
Posted by: Zygil.1276
Indeed! Thank you very much for the effects added to Eternity. The only remaining issue is how the great sword doesn’t apply to particle effects as stated by OP. Personally, I would love it if the blade’s hilt was mixed as it appears in the weapon’s icon.
But I’m sure this isn’t the end to improvements to legendary, in addition to new ones coming in the future. We can be a bit more patient for future adjustments and fixes.
I’ve known about the issues with Stronger Bowstring’s skill tool tip being very off. Also giving alert to players who didn’t even know the hidden benefits Stronger Bowstrings brought 5 months ago.
However over time these tool tips keep changing. I wasn’t aware of Stronger Bowstrings Arcing Arrow appearing to be lower damage recently. I remember when Stronger Bowstrings stated Arcing Arrow applied Burning to its targets in addition to its damage (however was never meant to be the case sadly, would of been awesome) but it was removed from the tool tip.
Really though, why must Longbow have two separate beneficial traits in the same trait line. The only other weapons being greatsword and axe but are spread between two trait lines that benefit each other.
Stronger Bowstrings really strikes me as just being the standard for longbow anyways.
(edited by Zygil.1276)
EDIT: Restructuring my post for I was in a hurry at the time.
In regards to the Stronger Bowstrings trait, I have already known the 10% damage increase to Dual Shot was never applied since the Longbow update past year. Current concern simply was upon having Arcing Arrow actually do lesser damage as stated in the misinformed tool tip.
Not sure which patch update made it so Arcing Arrow “appeared” to be lesser damage. Luckily it is not however. At least, after I re logged and reset my traits.
I’ve known all the hidden benefits that aren’t mentioned on how the trait upgrades Longbow’s abilities for Warrior. I’m an avid Longbow user myself.
Personally I simply wanted to question however why we have two separate longbow traits when clearly they should be merged or Stronger Bowstrings made the default skill set. Also how the tool tips seem to change unknowingly during updates.
(edited by Zygil.1276)
Are they transmuted onto former exotic stat weapons? If so, they can be forged but will become a random exotic weapon (so don’t do it). My legendary weapons which aren’t transmuted still do not appear for forging.
Just checked myself, and I’ve noticed a few things with this patch:
WvW Exotics cannot be put in forge anymore. I transmuted some of my weapon skins and now they do not appear available for forging. I assume this includes karma exotics as well. Dungeon exotics still work.
If you preview your transmuted skin while it is in your inventory, it will appear as the stat weapon used for the transmutation. So the game is still taking priority of gear stat > gear skin.
I would really appreciate if Fast Hands is fixed so the weapon-swap cool down does not trigger when interacting with environmental objects. This Fast Hands bug is extremely annoying when dealing with mechanics like Liadri or using the warrior’s own banner.
It is the major issue I have with the Fast Hands trait at this time. I can understand how others would like to see it lower in the trait line. It would be nice, but not sure if it will ever change soon.
The biggest issue is dealing with crystals not vanishing. The time limit on how long they last and grabbing them is very infuriating at times for it is extremely short.
You have to pull off a “stacking” technique where sometimes you can get 2-3 crystals from one light portal by luring shadow clones that are very close to each other. If done right you will get multiple crystals from one portal. Pray you can grab them all and toss quickly before risk getting yourself nuked. Liadri will continue to aggro you so when you grab crystals, just toss them immediately for she should often get herself within range of being detected.
I like the challenge, but the one thing that drives me nuts is how short the crystals last once they’re spawned. It boils down to getting lucky that you can grab them safely AND quickly.
I see you have a warrior so I would like to point out this:
Warrior Trait Bug Issue: Picking up crystals puts you on weapon swap cool down for warriors using Fast Hands trait repeatedly. Drop that trait for it can be a major hindrance in switching weapons when you really need to.
Thank you for the replies! Although I’m afraid I wish to have a guild that keeps it home on TC mostly as picky that may sound. daibaby I have sent you a message in efforts to start communication. To Great Architect I wish you guys the best of luck in enjoyment.
A guild that involves RP and PvP/WvW is perfectly fine, but PvE must be the main core of enjoyment. I like watching others RP or discussing about PvP/WvW, but the biggest thing I seek is to find a group of players who love to play PvE the best they can, achieve the shinies, and have good laughs and fun while doing it.
I want to achieve things such as reaching top level of fractals with a group that takes pride in accomplishment as a team. I want to be able to log on and know that, someone else has something they want to get done PvE wise.
I really want to find a lasting guild to call home, to represent near all times except for when Guild Commendation [GC] runs its guild missions. Therefore having guild missions is not an importance to me.
My game play mindset is hardcore when I want to get something done, no whines or buts, I just do it. I would love to be around people of similar ambition yet hold good positive nature overall. I know there are players who may “play strongly or hardcore” but “speak like a casual respectfully towards all”. If you are one, you’ll know what I mean. Now I wish to find a guild with such like-minded players.
I hope to hear from that one Tarnished Coast guild that, with strong spirit to enjoy the game, has players with characters they love every effort spent put into them.
With that said, send me a message or leave a post and I’ll be sure to check out any offers.
(edited by Zygil.1276)
Well I’ll share what facts I have learned about transmuting:
So the basics first. When transmuting, there are three sections: The Skin, The Stats, and The Sigil/Rune slot.
Read on to learn more why transmuted legendary weapons are NOT legendary despite how they appear in chat links.
The skin section maintains the visual and name rarity only. Certain weapons like legendary weapons or high-end exotics retain their name without adopting the equipped sigil suffix. In chat links and player, inventory the equipment rarity appears as the original skin’s rarity. The skin section is nothing but visual flavor.
The actual equipment data is recorded in the stat section. The transmuted stats are always linked to the original equipment piece they came from. This can be revealed by viewing the transmuted weapon by NPC vendor which will display the original stat’s weapon skin and rarity which overrides the transmuted skin’s rarity. The icon in vendors also reflects the stat section over the skin section.
So in regard to legendary weapons being transmuted onto exotic stats at this time:
The real rarity is based on the stat section that is kept in the transmutation. The skin section does not present the true rarity or weapon data. Legendary weapons become that of the stat weapon used in terms of real rarity.
This is why Sunrise or Twilight transmuted cannot be used to make Eternity anymore. A Sunrise with a Berserker’s Pearl Broadsword stats is a Berserker’s Pearl Broadsword to the game.
UNTESTED Theory: An Iron Greatsword skin with the stats of Twilight, is still seen as Twilight to the game, therefore this “legendary iron greatsword” would be able to make Eternity. This won’t really ever happen because people desire the skin, not the stats.
Real legendary weapons require name input upon being destroyed or salvaged, in addition are not able to be used in Mystic Forge or sold to vendor. This is determined by the stat quality, not the skin appearance. A crafted exotic stats transmuted onto a legendary skin is treated just the same as that crafted exotic.
If you care about the additional benefits of a legendary, do not transmute it. If you have transmuted your legendary weapon and want to revert it, all is not lost. Contact support and be clear and constructive about your desire, for you can get the weapon back non-soulbound should you want to change it to a different character even. Just choose wisely and wait for future improvements to the legendary weapons.
Totally agree.
All the gifts required to create a legendary are account bound. There items like the Karka Shell which are account and are able to be shared.
Transmuting to White/Blue equipment shouldn’t be a viable reason which also ruins the real quality of the weapon. Sunrise/Twilight owners cannot consider Eternity later on should that weapon be improved.
Rifle with Crack Shot trait is a great choice for the fight against Ginva. You can position yourself behind the protection totem (the only one you really want to destroy) and inflict damage both to Ginva and the protection totem.
This fight is also pretty useful to have Signet of Might for unblockable attacks. You can hit Ginva with Brutal Shot, Kill Shot, then Aimed Shot during his Whirling Defense without fear of it being reflected. This will allow you to constantly keep attacking Ginva even when he uses Whirling Defense and everyone else ceases fire.
Regardless what you choose, you’re better off taking a ranged weapon for this fight. I say Rifle is the best choice for the above tactics I’ve given.
I feel the real issue is PvE mobs being stupid and predictable in design, and the warrior class seems to only cater around to that. The npcs in heart of the mists are a better direction in how mobs in PvE should behave.
Mobs focus on the following: Aggro and spam high damage attacks to kill. PvE mobs pretty much fight like how warriors are being labeled as! They do not attempt to dodge, very few attempt to damage sustain, and always attempt to face tank players. This is why having high dps shines above all else. Mobs are also HP sponges and only one thing will reduce that sponge faster: More damage.
Warrior can afford to take a damage cut, but it deserves the damage migration and recovery sustain abilities other classes have beyond just spamming the Heal 6 skill. Regeneration and toughness are clearly far weaker and barely delay the inevitable.
PvE Mobs need smarter AI management. This does NOT mean give them more HP and more damage via scaling. The ability to dodge, retreat and avoid combat, call reinforcements, save abilities for certain situations, etc. Skills like Hundred Blades won’t blow enemies up because the Warrior won the DPS race. Reduce the vast amount of HP sponges so having all that extra DPS isn’t desirable.
As said in the main class description for Warrior:
“—the longer warriors stay in a fight, the more dangerous they become.”
Clearly not the case when maxing DPS is the most efficient way to go. For now the longer the fight is, the more pressure is put on the Warrior (and everyone else). Our current skills and traits basically tell us “End this fight quickly, or else.”
Thieves steal boons, Necromancers corrupt boons, Mesmers can do a little mix of them all. Warrior should focus on outright destroying them.
Destruction of the Empowered would have been much more versatile to use on any burst skill (even Arcing Slice) if it worked like this:
Burst skills remove 1 boon per 10 strikes of Adrenaline. Burst skills do an additional 3% damage per boon removed from a target.
Using a burst skill with 30 strikes of Adrenaline on a target with only two active boons will grant 6% additional damage. Warriors would then be able to remove up to 3 boons and have their burst skills do 9% additional damage. This bonus would only apply to the first successful hit, so Combustive Shot would not repeatedly remove boons after the first damage hit.
Warriors would have a good grandmaster choice to consider: Faster burst skill usage (great for general use) or total boon punishment focus which would shine during PvE/PvP moments of boon heavy usage. The goal for this all is to promote useful play of warrior’s core class mechanic.
Regardless, I thank Anet for the other improvements they have given so far! But I will only use Burst Mastery for now.
Remove Kick and give us a form of “Magnet” like on the Engineer’s Tool Kit.
I really want more reel-in abilities as one of our main defenses against ranged and retreating targets. Only our Spear Skill 3 has it done right when underwater.
I roll with Inquest Dagger (from Crucible of Eternity) and Mystic Spike. Very fitting for a Elementalist in my eyes. They’re elegant and yet show a sense of magical force with the lightning effect.
There really is no point in fusing Sunrise and Twilight at this time. That being said, I’m keeping my two swords separate unless they bring a design or effect overhaul for Eternity.
It’s more enjoyable to change between the two by choice than to let the time of day do it.
It has come to my attention the Master Chaos Trait: Chaotic Dampening, Tridents for Mesmers is not working properly at all. There are no benefits of notice, the trident when traited is weakened.
The trait does not reduce the cool downs by 20% for trident skills 2 through 5. The trait changes Siren’s Call to a version that is about 67% weaker in damage when compared.
Spear Skill Feigned Surge’s cool down is not being reduced by 20% with the Dueling Adept Trait: Blade Training.
When you can afford it I suggest: Carry two weapons that serve the sole purpose of getting Bloodlust/Perception/Corruption stacks. Then switch to your main weapon which holds a more useful non-stack sigil.
With that you can enjoy using Fire Sigil in your longbow.
If you can spare trait points for Stronger Bowstrings, it actually does more than just increase Longbow to 1200 range on the main skills.
Dual Shot – Becomes a 100% projectile combo finisher. However loses the 10% damage bonus that was only applied to the non-Stronger Bowstrings version. I feel Anet forgot to apply the damage increase to the secondary skill set that Stronger Bowstrings gives.
Fan of Fire – Becomes a 100% projectile combo finisher. Best to use the skill when in melee range which it does good burning and damage when stacked up.
Arcing Arrow – Apparently it is supposed to inflict a 3 second Burning in addition to all targets hit by the aoe, but alas it does not. Have reported this with hopes of it being fixed (More aoe Burning = Awesome).
Smoldering Arrow -Increases damage by 100%. Tool tip states also it should cause burning too, but might be a typo.
Pin Down – Skill will now PIERCE targets. This can be very useful against a group of targets that happen to be lined up.
Now if only the trait reduced the cool downs by 20% and moved to the Arms trait line…
I enjoy both great swords. The concept of Eternity to me is alluring to make, but unless it can represent both great swords better…I’m holding off.
Both are awesome, I enjoy light and darkness kind of things. The radiance of Sunrise and nightly space of Twilight are both appealing. I pretty much use the two for fun in reflecting my character’s mood.
I did not go through with the forging, but I will confirm Gift of Light is the requirement for the recipe that uses Superior Sigil of Nullification. The attached image will show that 20 of those sigils are required as well.
I had Gift of Light for I was making myself Azureflame. If someone else would like to create and use a Gift of Light to discover the resulting item (which I bet highly being Feathers of Dwayna) the recipe is confirmed as I shared in a screen capture. Afraid I’m done with gathering Charged Lodestones anymore though.
Consider investing 20 points in tactics and take the quick breathing trait for war horn. I find war horn with trait bonus far more useful than a shield during that fight. It not only helps you, it helps everyone. Many times will party members suffer from burning, which a traited warhorn turns burning into Aegis. That aegis alone will migrate a lot of potential damage for the group when dodge won’t be enough or available.
It also helps when the lava elementals spawn and break the immobilize spam. Warhorn is also a more group friendly tool than shield. It also gives you access to a reliable amount of vigor for dodging.
You can also invest in Inspiring Banners and run Banner of Discipline. That alone will help boost group DPS.
As a warrior, and to be a great one, you should carry all the weapons for specific moments and aim to get used to them. We can’t main just one weapon to handle every situation perfectly.
(edited by Zygil.1276)
Yeah waiting for someone to confirm this is safe to do before transmuting mine…
If they actually do expand the level cap along with trait points, chances are it’ll involve adding a new trait tier to the classes as well. Adding 20 points would allow for 40/40/10, although if they’re very powerful traits the skill points may be less (might be only 10 points for 80 trait point cap).
I actually would like to see a trait-line expansion which would be the best reason for getting more trait points to spend. But before that I want a lot of traits reworked and improved on for all the classes.
I feel Eternity would be far more desirable if it showed a ideal unity between Sunrise and Twilight. If I could suggest more ideal differences:
-The Hilt is a mixture of Sunrise and Twilight; Half Angelic and Half Demonic. The hilt core transitions between gold and red. Similar to Eternity’s item icon in inventories.
-During the Day does Eternity appear similar to Sunrise. During the night it appears as Twilight. The major difference is when the sword is used during attacks it transitions between Sunrise/Twilight.
-Footsteps transition between Sunrise style and Twilight style as the player walks, despite time of day.
-The player is wrapped in a light & darkness aura when Eternity is drawn.
-Add in some additional effects neither Sunrise or Twilight currently have.
I’ve finished Sunrise and working on Twilight (if I ever get a Dusk). I plan on keeping the two blades separate unless Eternity is improved. Just having it supposedly changed based on the time of day seems too shallow, whereas the sword should be rapidly transitioning to show it’s light and darkness nature.
Gonna update since I am searching still:
I almost prefer a small to midsize guild that aims to involve everyone in a fair and balanced manner. I would also like to overtime make close relations with a few fellow guild mates to which we work together to achieve goals and enjoy the game.
I’ve tried a large guild but being overlooked is far too easily done even though greater numbers grow the guild influence faster.
…Or perhaps there are others out there that feel like I do, we can aim to start a guild of our own.
Greetings all:
Currently I reside on the server Tarnished Coast, which I seek a guild that strives to enjoy the game in various ways possible. I wish to meet and enjoy the game with a fun goal-driven group who knows when its good to have fun, and good to play the game at their best. Acquiring a legendary weapon is one such ideal goal I don’t want to achieve only for myself, but for my trusted guild which brings more meaning in playing GW2 longer. I seek Greatsword Sunrise for myself, but will gladly aid others in achieving the legendary weapons they desire.
Current main is Lv80 Warrior, set up in exotic weapons and armor. My playstyle focus is Greatsword/Rifle with Shout support. I melee “tank” using self-regeneration and long boon power based on my gear setup. It is my favored build which focuses on a good mix of offense and defense. I am able to switch to banner support if they’re really desired.
My experience is low in dungeons and WvWvW, which I have purposely saved for the moment I join a guild with a group that seeks to share tactics and knowledge among each other to succeed in these areas. This was done to enrich my experience into new grounds after reaching Lv80 itself.
With Tarnished Coast being the self-claimed RP server, I have not personally engaged in RP though am not against being influenced by this as long it leads to enjoyable game progression.
Any guilds that seek a player such as myself. Simply post information here or in-game via mail/guild invite. I also hold two other friends who share like-minded desires as myself.
Thanks for reading!