Showing Posts For aikatara.3462:
One should not buy GW1 for the HoM alone, it is simply too much work to aquire those points. But it is worth considering buying GW1 for the sake of the story and the lore. But maybe not as a newbie at GW2. I’d first play GW2 for a bit and if you love the lore and want to know where it all began, you should consider it again. I bought GW1 to play the story and I do not regret it. The Prophecies-Story is epic. I bought Prophecies, Factions, Nightfall and Eye of the North to get the whole experience. Now I understand why the Cantha-thread keeps reappearing ;-).
Maybe if a solution to the motion-sickness problem is implemented it could be some feature that can be turned on and off in the options, so that those who suffer from motion-sickness or other related effects can use it if they want.
I don’t suffer from motion sickness or anything related and I actually thought that the camera work with the mounts was cool since it feels like I am actually riding on a living animal.
But for those who suffer from motion sickness this is of course awful and a solution that can be turned on at wish would be awesome for those affected.
F11 >> options >> general options. Scroll down to Combat/Movement: Ground targeting. Did you mean that? “Instant” turns off the range indicator (which is the visual effect that indicates the radius of a ground traget skill). It only turns off the range indicator for you, not for enemies. With “instant” a skill’s effect will appear where your cursor is on the map the instant you press the skill. You don’t have to click to use the skill.
Well, it appears that tanky gear does not work very well for me. I experienced that on other classes too. I discovered that the raid training area is a good place to pracise rotations. You can create a one-person-squad and go in and practise. Weirdly enough the other situation that made me learn my skills (not on ele though) was to solo an ascalon path (story mode). It took forever but I never thought that long and hard which skill to use in what situation before :-D.
I just started to play a level 80 ele recently and for me too going full damage gear-wise worked best. I play full berserk, but would I want to play a condi ele I would go full viper and would buy rampager’s as long as I work on my viper’s armor. I feel that every point I spend in vitality or toughness is a point lost in damage. Kill it before it kills you ;-). I decided on berserker because I couldn’t find enough condition damage skills on a staff ele to justify the expensive viper’s gear. But I may be wrong.
I also die a lot in larger mops but I feel that my solution to that problem is to use the appropriate skills to keep them in bay (or attack them) and use them FAST. Throw everything at them as soon as I approach the enemy. Have a good rotation and know it very well. To really, really know which skill does what. And to be FAST to avoid attacks.
Yes, summoning an elemental (elite skill) is something I do a lot too ;-).
I only play PVE btw.
Same here (Europe). Cannot start repair client either.
Event still bugged. The event stucks at “1 chak left”. I too killed any chak in the area I could find but nothing helps. This is the second or third time this happens to me. I haven’t been able to finish the Outpost: Teku Nuhoch event chain because of this and I haven’t been able to Defeat Potoni because of this. Could somebody from Anet maybe fix this?
Or you do what I did: Just build several characters, you will figure out what class you like the most eventually :-).
Welcome to Tyria. The above given advice is very good IMO. Just take your time to learn the game’s mechanics with a new character one by one. Doing the personal quest and generally exploring the world is a good way to start.
Concerning the gear: The boost gives you an exotic gear set, if I remember correctly, which is already the second highest type of gear in the game. There is only one other type of gear above that, which are the ascended armor amd weapons, but those take some time to aquire and you need a high crafting skill. So I wouldn’t worry about those for now. The Legendaries have stats equal to the ascended equipment. Guild Wars doesn’t have much of a gear treadmill.
So you do not need to worry about better type of gear than exotic at the moment, but you may want to choose other stats than what the boost provides you. I suggest take your time to learn about the different stats and if you know what you want you can get yourself a new armor/weapon set.
A good way to aquire affordable exotic armor is the so called Temple armor which you can buy from certain karma merchants in Orr. There are six different merchants spread through all three Orr maps who sell each a different type (stat-wise). Refer to the wiki for the merchants locations. They are only availible if the quests related to their locations are successfully executed though. I would not start looking for them before you have reached level 80 in your personal story though, at least not with a new character.
Crafting is a good way to level. I would suggest to pick a crafting discipline that allows you to craft the equipment relevant for your class. You can use the wiki do research about what the various crafting disciplines can do. You can choose two crafting disciplines per character, so you can pick one for crafting armor and one for crafting weapons, for example. Or the jeweler to craft your accessories etc.
Good luck and have fun.
(edited by aikatara.3462)
Longbow on a condi-ranger is unfortunately not just about meta or no meta, it does not make a lot of sense, since the longbow does not make any condition damage (as above mentioned).
But to make an ascended shortbow is a lot less troublesome than making a legendary, IMO. Especially since you can craft a weapon of any stat that is easier to optain (aka cheap to buy inscription) and change the stats in the mystic forge with the Anthology of Heroes. But you will have to craft some of the sprititwood/elonian leather square stuff I am afraid (I forgot what precisely).
If you want to raid with a condi ranger you will want to have a viper’s armor I am afraid. I don’t raid myself though, that’s just what other people told me.
The easiest way to optain it is playing the HoT Story (last chapter) with several characters ;-).
I’d suggest enjoy your Legendary at the power ranger and take your take your time to optain a set for a condi ranger if you want to try that. You could also buy a rampager’s armor at the karma vendor to try how the condi works and replace it bit by bit with viper’s gear.
I have a complete power and condi set on my druid and switch between them as I like. Both versions are fun to play IMO.
Priory Historical Tassets
Whisper’s Secret Tassets (more or less)
Aetherblade Heavy (Gemstore)
“Your mother nearly died, you had to murder your older brother to save the world. Let’s have a funeral for someone totally different you barely even knew HYUK HYUK!!!!”
+ another new map. Nice :-). And a very athomspheric one. It projects the icy climate very well.
+ The Aurene part of the story was cute and fun to play.
+ Interesting lore of Kodan and Quaggan (although I do not like Quaggan. Too cutsey).
+ Braham:
To me his character development is on the pro side. It makes the story interesting and it feels more realistic that not everything works perfectly all the time, especially within a group of people.
And sometimes people behave irrationally. I feel reminded of Destiny’s Edge. I am curious how this will continue.
- the daily reset of the thaw elixir and the fact that you can only buy one firestone
per account per day.
- I start to dislike the repeatable hearts. It feels frustrating. You put time and efford into completing a heart
and when you come back, all the progress is gone. And stuff is locked behind hearts you have to repeat yet again (thaw elixir).
- a lot of new items cluttering my inventory. Like Svanir armor parts, ingredients of the elixir and so on.
Unsure about:
- Quite a lot of the story takes place in the open world and involves some kind of grinding, very few instances. Instances are usually a lot more insteresting while the open world parts feel a little bit like “padding”.
- Major minus: Still nothing about Trahearne’s death
I am still waiting that somebody else besides Taimi (I love you, Taimi) mentions Trahearne’s death. Come on, he was pact marshall, close friend to the PC, who had to kill
him, and if you play a Sylvari he was kind of family. We get a memorial ceremony for Eir but nothing to remember Trahearne at all? Despite his dramatic death he was basically kicked out of the story. It still annoys me.
I made the mistake of working on magical characters which simply aren’t very strong solo.
I am not very good in playing an Elementalist but the Ele is still among the classes with the highest dps, or even the class with the highest dps, but it is not very easy to play and not very beginner friendly (IMO).
The mesmer is not very easy to play as well, at least it is not for me, but it can be a lot of fun once you know how to play it.
I play a Necro a lot recently and I have a lot of fun. My Necro has no trouble in the HoT areas.
I like that idea.
Hardened Leather Section 30 silver? Wha???
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: aikatara.3462
Yes, of course you are right, Obtena, there are a lot of possibilities to “unintentionally” grind gold and have fun at the same time. Maybe I have done the things I like a little bit too often and suddenly it feels like a chore. I should take Seera’s the advice to stop doing things the moment I am bored to heart ;-).
Hardened Leather Section 30 silver? Wha???
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: aikatara.3462
No, most it is most likely not possible to “bully” Anet into putting more T6 leather in the game, but for a casual player who is not rich almost 1 gold per hardened leather square is an insanely high price and the drop rate is terribly, terribly low. And this is is annoying and frustrating. Hence the posts.
I remember a time when even casual players could affort to craft something. When I actually crafted exotic armor for a new character when he/she reached level 80. Now I mostly use the WvW vendor or buy karma armor. And I really, really wished I would have pushed my remaining two crafting skills to 500 as well when it still was affordable. Financially it will be a pain in the kitten to level them up the remaining 50 points.
When it finally regulates itself the market will hopefully remember that there are players who do not have much time at hand to play and who don’t want to spend their precious playtime solely on grinding money.
I just now realised that one of the slots is now constantly blocked by a totally useless seasonal item. What kitten is that? Why on earth should I ever be motivated to buy BL-keys (which I never was anyway), if the number of slots who have the chance to contain something remotely useful or even a skin is effectively reduced by one?
And by the way: I already buy skins in the store regularely. I feel a little bit annoyed that maybe in the future skins will be hidden behind the BL-chest. Anet, I will most definitely will not buy your BL-keys to gamble to get a skin. If you want my money sell the things in the regular store. You will not get it otherwise.
Oh, I did not see that this was part of the change. Great, now one of the three slots is always blocked by something, that will most certainly give you rubbish. Which effectively reduces the available slots for the chance of getting a ticket scrap. What a kitten.
I have the same bug. All BL-chest I got over the time show the “Halloween Chest Preview” and the key gives a Halloween bag listed as the first item. I would appreciate a fix for that as well.
Amalgamated Gemstones, Blade Shards, Doubloons, Vision Crystals, Icy Runestones, Milling Basins, Philosopher Stones, Mystic Forge Stones, Bottle of Elonian Wine, guild hall decorations items, Scribe Craft Mats, Augur’s stone
Not sure if they count as crafting item or as currency:
Reclaimed Metal Plates, Chak Eggs, Unidentified fossilized insects
Wallet Items/Currencies/etc.:
Bloodstone Rubies, Petrified Wood, Baubles and Bauble Bubbles
Those sit in my bank forever, I would love to see them stored somewhere:
Continue Coins, Festival Tokens, Bounties, Agony Infusions, Boosters, Legendary Gifts, Exploration Gifts, Fractal Research Pages, Tomes of Knowledge, Writs of Experience, WvW Blueprints, BL Chests, Ugly Woll Socks
What I would love to see:
A way to store lore books like the journals from the Bloodstone fen
Unused Skins: Maybe there is a way to add them to the wardrobe?
I am no economist so I don’t know anything about the science behind all of this market stuff. All I know is that I am a casual player with only time to play on the evenings or on the weekends and that crafting a full exotic armor set of any kind requires 60 cured hardened leather squares. To farm them takes forever and to buy them would costs way too much to afford it regularly. Because as a casual player who plays the game for fun and does not like grinding (be it maps (SW, AB) or nodes) I am rather poor.
There was a time were a player like myself could afford to craft exotic armor for several characters. These times are gone apparently. Nowadays casual players should stick to karma armor or play WvW. And don’t even think of making a viper’s armor for more than one character. I am curious how long it will take for the market to regulate itself (or whatever the plan of Anet is). I only hope that this trend to make necessary crafting material so inaccessible for normal players does not expand to other materials. Otherweise I might not be around to see the market regulate itself.
Oh, yes and I am most definitely hoarding every material I cannot farm easily. You never know when you need it and who much it will cost then. But do not worry, it is not much anyway.
(edited by aikatara.3462)
A friend of mine and I just encountered some trouble with the “My greatest fear” storyline. Both of our characters were created this year. We played the personal storyline together. Sometimes my friend started the story, sometimes I did. Today we played “Forging the Pact” (my friend started it). Then the story skipped to the “Battle of Fort Trinity” , which I started. The orb and the mesmer were there and Trahearne talked about Apatia at the end. The next in our list to play now is “Liberating Apatia”. But we never played “Striking Off the Chains” nor “Wet Work” nor “Willing Captives / Intercepting the Orb” or any other “greatest fear” story parts. We had to consult the wiki to remember who Apatia actually is, since we could not remember it propperly. We both have played “A Light in the Darkness” together, but unfortunately I cannot remember who started the story and what we chose as our greatest fear.
I wonder what caused this. Is it because we switched in starting the story parts? It is very unfortunate because I was looking forward to play the “My greatest fear” storyline, and I have done so successfully since the restoration update. I really, really hope this was an exeption, but now I hesitate to play the story together with another person, because in the cases I successfully got the “My greatest fear”-story I played it alone. Both characters played the “Shell shocked” storyline, but I don’t know unfortunately if this because of my choice or because of the above mentioned bug, since the story journal does not say what greatest fear you chose.
I have another character who just started the “The battle of claw island”-chapter. I will pay close attention this time what I choose in “A light of darkness” and if I actually get what I chose. And I will play the story alone. I really, really hope I will get the full Apatia/Orb/Wet Work storyline this time, because I would love to play it again.
(edited by aikatara.3462)
Yeah, another thread about the buggy Heart and Mind. Maybe somebody will go and fix this fight after all. What I would love to see addressed as well, although I know it is a feature, not a bug, is the “penalty cage”. It is so annoying. Please never include a feature like that in a fight ever again, Anet.
I would love to see numerous bugs removed from the final mordremoth fight as well. I seriously cannot understand how they can leave this buggy fight unfixed. It is annoying. Therefore bump.
Sometimes I have a certain character in mind, but find myself unable to create it because of the lack of armor. Therefore I would love to see this:
1) A heavy armor (male/female) that is similar to the medium armors, that does not include steel or chainmail, but includes pants (without skirts!, and not skimpy). With such it would be possible to create warrior type characters similar to Cloud Strife or Geralt of Rivia. I know that a none-steel heavy armor may be not very realistic, but there are so many unrealistic armors in the game, one more would not be so bad ;-). Or at least include a leg armor pant that does not have a skirt included or strange bulky things at the side.
2) A human female light armor with actual, propper pants. An armor that is not a shirt or a dress or a skimpy leggins thingy or both combined together. Once again something along the line of medium armors. I had the crazy idea to make a human female ele with a trench coat military style look or something along the line of the jungle explorer outfit. Not possible. I will have wait for the actual jungle explorer outfit to hit the gem store once again to make this character :-(.
3) Another medium armor without a trench coat, something similar to the gemstore viper’s armor would be nice. The viper’s armor is actually a medium armor without a trench coat. Took me ages to realise that.
(edited by aikatara.3462)
Waited at VB. Suddenly the message: Wyvern sighted. I got the sighting ach. But I did not see the Wyvern…. Hastily I searched the map but could not see it. I was confused and vaguely happy. Then I checked the device. Wyvern still showed. Went to TB. Suddelny Wyvern up. Was on the wrong side. When I arrived Wyvern dead. This event is going to kill me…
(edited by aikatara.3462)
I think this the worst event I have ever done in GW2. Am I supposed to wait around on locations without having something to do besides killing mop just to wait for a creature to spawn that might finally spawn somewhere else? I wonder why someone found it a good idea to design an event that basically consists of a lot of waiting and one hell of a lot of luck!
And this device: It seems to shows different things depending on what map/instance/server (or whatever) you are: A creature shows. Oh, its gone. Changing map. Oh there it is again. Oh no, gone again… what the kitten?
And this time rotation: I think I am too stupid to understand when the creatures will spawn. The anomaly thing at least shows me a hard to miss text message when the boss appears somewhere. But with the Levvi device I just have to try not to forget to click on it from time to time or how is this supposed to work?
I have a real life and can only play in the evenings and on the weekends. I wanted to play GW2 this evening. But I ended up wasting my time with waiting around in VB, in Snowden Drifts or TD… And since this is certainly not the way I want to spend my precious GW2-playing time I think I will not get this achievement (skin) any time soon.
I agree with Dulfy on this one: I as well like the idea of Anet trying new types of events, but this one needs a lot of tweaking…
Oh wait – YES. The pact commander mastery!!! That’s it!!!! OMG. I am so stupid. Thank you!! :-)
I cannot open world boss chests any more as it seems. And no, I haven’t done any of the affected bosses chests in the last 24 hours with any character. In fact I haven’t done them in the last week or even weeks.
I cannot click on the chest and therefore the yellow/orange label saying “Open” (with the key behind it) does not appear any longer. There is a bunch of loot dropping immediately after the boss is defeated and the event bonus, but I cannot open the chest itself.
I am a little bit confused. I should be able to open it shouldn’t I? Or was something changed? I haven’t done any World bosses in a while…. But I did one a few days ago and I wasn’t able to open the boss chest as well, but at first I wasn’t that concerned. But today I did the Fireelemental (with one chara), the Shatterer and the Jungle Worm (both with another chara) and it was every time the same.
Does anybody know something about this? It is a bug, isn’kitten Or did I miss something?
(edited by aikatara.3462)
Non Raiders blocked from XP bar spirit shards
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: aikatara.3462
Would it be an issue to have a way to unlock the raid mastery either by paying a small fee or just entering forsaken thicket?
In the beginning it locked access to Dessa but since the aerodrome everybody can exchange magnetite shards.
On top of that people who are not raiding but intend to do in the future will already have the rift travel to join any encounter (e.g. Trio) or Waters and turrets for escort and will be able to collect shards again.
Hey, that’s exactly my problem with the new story. All the more as I play a Sylvari toon:
After defeating the dragon I rush of to a “dear friend’s” (really? when the kitten did that happen; seen her like 5 times? and not that she was much help…) funeral, not caring at all about someone I’ve known practically all my life, who helped me many times and who died by my hand (pun, although cynical, intended). Oh, and by the way Eir was probably dearer to me than Mother Tree, seeing how I don’t even find time to go check on her in the Grove.So basically we just say that yeah, Trahearne sacrificed himself, let’s move on. And then, the longest thing said about the “held in high regard” person who made the Pact start, is “he screwed up, take his place and get buried in a safe office”. Listening to Almorra made me cringe inside.
So, for Mordremoth’s bloody roots, at least give me a gravestone/statue/anything to my home instance!
(Sorry if my rant is a little confused.)
I play a Sylvari main character as well and I wholeheartedly agree to the above said. Furthermore I really liked Trahearne, Trahearne-jokes and all incluced. His death affected me a lot more than Eir’s (I barely knew her). Please Anet have his sacrifice honored somehow in the upcoming LS3 chapters…
(edited by aikatara.3462)
I have the Enrichment Slot problem as well. And since I can get a new trinket (ring, amulet, whatever) of course to fit the infusion in I still lost Laurels since I bought the amulet specifically to hold a agony infusion. I would be happy to have my Laurels back to buy a new amulet or – even better – to have that fixed so that the amulets (or other trinkets) affected can hold the old infusion’s as well. I do not have Laurels in abundance.
Is it just me or did the prices for thick leather go up again? Four sections to craft one square and you need so much of it (for bow precursors at least). And with the abysmal drop rate and that prices … this is getting ridiculous. There is a desperate need for an additional method to acquire thick leather, IMO.
As someone who has no time to play for several hours every day I seriously do not know how to accumulate so much of it. And I refuse to only grind money or only do Silverwaste when I play. Hell you cannot even farm that stuff properly. Not compared to wood at least. It appears that I will not see my leaf of kudzu any time soon (sigh).
Oh I remember the days when my inventory was flooded with that stuff. Had I only known…
A praise to Anet for the HoT's story mode.
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: aikatara.3462
Well I must confess I liked Trahearne. And I did not mind not being the commander. But my first character was indeed a Sylvari.
But otherwise I agree – I like the personal story of HoT as well. Especially the way it is tied to the maps. (But they should remove the “penalty box” of the end fight – or is this fixed by now?)
Nice to see that some people appreciate something about HoT for a change. The way some still call for nerfs I am afraid Anet will thumb down HoT until it is another Orr :-(. Then I will feel cheated…!
Could you include an option to assign a different key for gliding or – even better – an option to toggle the gliding off? Pretty please? It would resolve the issue of accidentially opening the glider in jumping puzzles without hurting anybody.
I have this bug as well. It is really annoying. Also tried talking to her but nothing works. But there is no reason for my character to talk to her anyway since I have completed the personal story as well as Living World season 2. Only the HoT story is not completed.
After reading parts of this huge thread I want to add my humble optionion to the matter as well. I play since two years now. Core Tyria is a piece of cake, even Orr IMO. Silverwaste and Dry Top are fun maps and require more of your attention. I don’t raid, I don’t do fractals a lot, I do very little WvW and PvP. I am mostly a PvE roaming player. I like maps with huge meta events, like Auric Basin or Silverwaste. Especially the latter works very well. If I want to eat my dinner while running around in Tyria a little bit
I visit the core maps. If I want to actually play I go to Silverwaste, Drytop or HoT.
HoT is a challenge and as a level 80 zone it is meant to be that. If Anet finally gives in
and nerfs HoT to the point that it resembles Orr I will feel cheated and a little bit annoyed. To me HoT is perfectly survivable as a solo player. You cannot do the events alone, that is true, but you are not supposed to be. You are not supposed to do the Silverwaste map alone as well. I still fondly remember when I entered the HoT maps first at launch, got lost all the time, was killed instantly by a waste number of opponents and was impressed. I was wondering about the people who complained after 3 days that they did not get everything immediately, but everyone is different. I am always happy if game content lasts for some time. I am almost finished with my masteries and already askying myself: So soon? And now? Now my experience points for my level 80 charas will once again be worthless…
Sometimes I wonder if the HoT discussion is a problem of not enough map reward and the question of getting maps full (=meta sever problem?). If quite a many people trying to find a DS-Map to play at the start of the map and if you need to join several taxis to find one that actually has people on it and many other people are doing the same there is some problem.
Silverwaste on the other hand works perfectly. You actually need to pay attention when playing the map, there are always people who do it and the reward is nice. Or maybe it is a problem of the fixed times of the meta events? In Silverwaste you can basically “start” a map with very few people. If you play long enough the bar will fill up and if it reaches a third or so people will start joining in. After about 1/2 until 2/3 the map will fill rapidly, most likely because of taxis. But if you decide that you want to play Auric Basin you have to consult your favorite event timer website…
I would like to see a game that offers both easy maps and really challenging maps so that everyone can play what and how they want. I would very much like to see a solution that makes everyone happy, the players who love the current challenge of HoT and the players who feel overwhelmed by HoT. But I wonder if that is possible. I do hope though that Anet will manage to find such a solution.
This happens to me to on a regular basis :-(. It would be awesome have the opportunity to reassign the gliding to a different key (at least while in jumping puzzles) or, as Zoltar said, to be able to disable the gliding in the options, but so far Anet did not react to suggestions like that :-(. It is a little bit frustrating. I just got the hang of JPs and no I feel like I took a huge step back – ability-wise :-(
Sometimes I wonder if it is due to my keyboard. Maybe it has a slower reaction time or something like that. But I do not have any problems with it at all otherwise so I really do not want to buy a new one just because Anet cannot or don’t want to implement a “switch of gliding”-option :-(
No it is just disabled in very few selected No-Fly-Zones (, as far as I understood. The vast majority of JPs is not included.
And if I understood correctly you cannot separate the jumping and gliding, for their are assigned to the same key. If I change the jumping key, I change the gliding as well. I think. (If I am wrong, I’d love to be corrected ).
I like the trenchcoats too, but would be very nice to have at least one chest piece added that is not a trenchcoat – for male and female characters please – so that you can actually make an assassin type character (for example). Maybe something comparable to the bandit sniper outift.
Oh, and concerning the male heavy armor leg choices: Some pants without a roman legionnaire style shirt or huge strange metal pieces attached to the legs would be nice, too. One little piece for all of those who do not want to build a knight or a legionnaire or a fighter with a dramatic long robe
I enjoy Gliding in Central Tyria very much, but please:
The Gliding jumping puzzles seems problematic to me for it makes the jumping either too easy or unnecessary difficult.
a) It can mess up jumps when the Glider activates accidentally, since it is assigned to the same key as jumping.
b) Well, I might be stupid but I would like to have the opportunity to actually try the jumping puzzles I have not tried so far without any gliding. And since the Gliding and the Jumping seems to be assigned to the same key it is hard to avoid accidentally gliding.
So please, if it is technically possible it would be very great to have the opportunity
to assign the Gliding to a different key or the option to deactivate it in the options menu. I know that there are no-fly-zones but they are just a very few compared to all the jumping puzzles.
I do not believe it is connected to a cap as well. I did several events in Brisban Wildlands, approximatly up until 20 the last days and while I too cannot see the map bonus reward of Brisban Wildlands, it does not show in case of several other maps as well, for example Queensdale. And I haven’t been in Queensdale for ages besides doing Behemoth.
The bonus rewards in case of Brisban Wildlands are still coming in though, but I have the feeling it skipped the much desired silver doubloon. Maybe that is my imagination though… (Although I am still pretty convinced I counted correctly…). This silver doubloon crap is so kitten … I don’t see a Juggernaut happen for some time :-(
I have three level 80 characters, one of the is a ranger. I love all of them, the ranger included. I haven’t tried the the druid specialisation of HoT so far but my recommendation to your question – as it is to everything concerning rangers really – is: Try for yourself, make up your own mind.
In my experience it is especially hard to get some useful information about the ranger class since there are people who will answer you “Ranger sucks” to everything you ask. Some of the criticised points related to the class are maybe true or at least partly, some not so much, some are just wrong (at least in my experience).
So my recommendation: Play your character, familiarise yourself with the finer aspects of your class and your pets, try different ways of playing the class and different situations if you have not done so already. If you encounter any major obstacles/weaknesses you will realise it yourself. And if your conclusion is that you like playing your ranger, if the class works for you then it is just fine and totally worth it ..
But besides the fact whether you like playing a ranger or not it is absolutely worth it to have several primary characters with different classes in my opinion, even if it takes time to level them, since it is a lot of fun to play different classes with different mechanics…
You people have mistaken precursor crafting.
It’s not meant to be easier,cheaper and faster way. (…)
I think so as well. Crafting a precursor was not supposed to be easy or fast. I think the only reason for Anet to introduce it like that was to provide a way of acquiring them besides the “pure kitten luck” and “spent a ridiculous amount of money” options. And the option they provided consists of a lot of time and patience… Since you can actually farm the required materials, you do not need to buy them…
(edited by aikatara.3462)
As a member of a Mini-Guild (Level 4, PvE-focussed, 4 persons, only 2 usually active) I hope that Anet will rethink the changes concerning the guilds. I do not mind if it takes small guilds a long time to accomplish something (that’s the price you pay if you are a tiny guild ), but due to the “3 players minimum in general / Level 10 minimum (all?many?) at PvE-Missions” issues around the guild missions it is actually impossible for tiny guilds to expand. Different methods to accquire favor or making guild missions accessible to 2 players would be really helpful.
Previously individuals were able to contribute by playing the game. Even if they played solo or with other people. This has been taken away. It doesn’t matter what I do for my guild, at least not at this stage, I cannot earn favor for my guild. It wouldn’t matter if the guild was 40 players, 2 players or 500 players..
True. Solving this could maybe solve the problems of tiny guilds in earning favor as well.
I do not consider it easy. I as well actually die constantly. But I do not mind. Maybe it is a difference in what people consider to be enjoyable or what frustrates them. Of course it is frustrating if you buy a game addon for a lot (in this case really a lot) of money and it frustrates you to no end. But I think the new maps are not as easy accessible as the other onces, they are more comparable to Silverwaste. It takes time to get familiar with the mechanics of the HoT maps and guides to the new maps that help you understand are just appearing in the internet (Dulfy now has great once apparently). And organisation helps. I for my part like the idea of the mentor tag because it provides more people the opportunity to indicate: “Here is an event where people are. Come here to us.”
- In core Tyria, i can complete the same map on two different accounts at the same time (one hand on the keyboard of my laptop and the other on the keyboard of my tower). It’s just tedious for some heart, like the one with hungry rabbits.
- In HoT, with one hand, it’s really hard but using two hands, it’s fine.
LOL – thought something similar. You actually need both hands in HoT all the time
Don’t discourage yourself. Something may be hard so try to figure why you fail and how to avoid that.
That’s the way I do it. Try – die – try -die – try … oh wait, that worked!!!
I love modrem snipers and all the HoT Maguuma
in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns
Posted by: aikatara.3462
Don’t downscale the damage.
Don’t change, specially don’t change snipers, because they are how every mob should be, they shoot arrows that matter, they dodge, they reposition with stealth and they defend themselves in melee range.
Don’t change anything.
Let them people stop the afk habit.
Let them force to dodge, move around and think.
Let them think what builds they bring.
Let them be forced to help others to succeed.
This is challenging group content that requires you to think.
So many people complain because they cannot slack, and that’s.
This is not by any mean a troll post, i’m serious because i see so many kids renting about content that should hit changes to entire Tyria.Welcome to content where your actions matter.
I personally think, that GW2 did start a new chapter of quality with HoT!
I like HoT the way it is as well. Difficulties and all I don’t want it to be changed…
(edited by aikatara.3462)